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Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Friday, May 20th, 2022 11:17PM CDT

Category: Toy News
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 44,137

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With the previous images of Nitro Convoy/Override from the Velocitron line, fans were asking which other toys would be in this Walmart exclusive line. Would it all be characters from the Speed Planet in the Cybertron show? Well no, it's going to be a mix of lots of various continuities, just like they are doing with the Wreckers line and the Legacy line proper. And many of these toys won't even be about characters known for speed, like this one we are showing you now. Thanks to a review by prime vs Prime, we have images of the upcoming big ticket item from this Velocitron line: leader class Black Convoy. This uses the mold of leader glass G2 Optimus Prime from Legacy and while you'd think this meant this toy was Scourge, well it doesn't have that deco. It has the more commonly seen deco of Nemesis Prime which is mostly black instead of mostly grey and has a red chest instead of the chest design we usually see with Scourge. A digibash at the end will show you why fans are mixed on this reveal. The consensus is that it looks really good, but it's not correct. And some feel it's a missed opportunity to have a Scourge deco when we finally have a full on remake of the original toy's mold.

The toy does have the Scourge faction symbols, which are upside down G2 Autobot symbols, so that adds to the identity crisis a bit. You'll let us know what you think.

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

On the Left we have what the actual Scourge deco would look like applied to this toy while on the right you have the toy we are getting, which is in typical Nemesis Prime colours.

Transformers News: New Images of Upcoming Leader Class Black Convoy Reveal a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body

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Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134122)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on May 20th, 2022 @ 11:35pm CDT
Looks awesome, I think this might be hasbro trying to consolidate all the black rededco prime figures into one character for less confusion, and I don't think there's anything we can do about it.

Does it suck? yeah, kinda, but at the end of the day they really were all just black and teal redeco's for the sake of sales. I think the only reason people are u[set is that one happened to get character development in a cartoon, I have no problem retconning rid scourge as nemesis prime they're basically the same thing >:oP

(To clarify, yes not doing the scourge deco is lame, but maybe they're holding him back for the selects line and we're all gonna end up double dipping on him)
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134123)
Posted by Sabrblade on May 20th, 2022 @ 11:44pm CDT
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134127)
Posted by Flashwave on May 21st, 2022 @ 12:45am CDT
I.. I don't hate it, on its own, but that is not the ultimate RID Scourge that I was holding out on this mold for. The truck mode is gorgeous, I am glad they got the trailer as shiny silver as they could. Chrome would been better but this is fine. And I am excited for this molds base mode atleast.i hope someone does comparison shots of this guy with UW Baldigus soon
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134128)
Posted by SpaceEagle on May 21st, 2022 @ 12:55am CDT
...I'll be honest I was expecting a Toxitron redeco...I still hope we're getting a Toxitron redeco...
(I don't mind evil Primes at all, just figured it'd be something different than yet another 'black repaint'.)
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134129)
Posted by Kamex on May 21st, 2022 @ 12:56am CDT
The reviewer got it wrong, Hasbro/Takara didn't. That was never meant to be RID Scourge, it's Car Robots Black Convoy.

Scourge > Clear Red windows, flat grey stickers, decepticon faction symbol.
Black Convoy > Clear Pink windows, metallic stickers, upside down G2 autobot faction symbol.

That's before we even get into sonokong black convoy...

Nemesis prime is pretty much a catch all term at this point, but those two have always been distinct characters and toys, at least in their original incarnation. Different shows, different characters, different decos.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134130)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on May 21st, 2022 @ 1:18am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
My thought exactly. At the same time, I also agree that he will be released either in Legacy or Selects in correct colors. Hasbro has been doing it with Galvatron and Magnus lately, so why not this leader as well?

It also wouldn't surprise me if we got both a Toxitron and a G2 Magnus deco.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134134)
Posted by sol magnus on May 21st, 2022 @ 7:23am CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
My thought exactly. At the same time, I also agree that he will be released either in Legacy or Selects in correct colors. Hasbro has been doing it with Galvatron and Magnus lately, so why not this leader as well?

It also wouldn't surprise me if we got both a Toxitron and a G2 Magnus deco.

The you could have this mold in whatever flavor you want!

At this point Black Convoy =/= Nemesis Prime, so I do understand both aspects - what is upsetting and what is necessary for business / clarity. I don't need every single release to comport to a past deco to be happy with it, but I do get it. But - I would actually welcome a Generations Selects repaint in toy colors - use silver paint rather than chrome for safety, but yes. Do that.

I don't have any attachment to Toxitron, and well, if they do a Magnus with this mold....It's Ultra Magnus. That's three they'd be getting out of me and that's if I don't cave on Laser Optimus before wave 3.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134137)
Posted by Emerje on May 21st, 2022 @ 9:14am CDT
I wonder how they got the pink and black parts on the shoulders? On Optimus I would have thought all that gray was on a single sprue, but on Nemesis the parts that would have been gray like his legs are black and clear pink.


I guess that means the abs are the same as the shoulder flaps. But what about the clear part, I can't find any other part that became clear as a result of making that clear. Even stranger that part didn't have to be clear as the missiles are a different part.


Only thing I can think of is they originally based the shoulders on Legends Black Convoy who had a lot of exposed clear pink in the shoulders (unlike the Timelines version that painted over much of that).


This whole figure is kinda mysterious.

Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134138)
Posted by primalxconvoy on May 21st, 2022 @ 9:24am CDT
The shoulders look like @rse. Why would they go to the trouble of making them appear as unpainted clear pink plastic? It looks like a cheap KO of an official release or a test sample, which is impossible, because CrimevsCrime only reviews legit TFs that are sold from official toy stockists...
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134139)
Posted by grimdragon2001 on May 21st, 2022 @ 9:27am CDT
Emerje wrote:I wonder how they got the pink and black parts on the shoulders? On Optimus I would have thought all that gray was on a single sprue, but on Nemesis the parts that would have been gray like his legs are black and clear pink.


I guess that means the abs are the same as the shoulder flaps. But what about the clear part, I can't find any other part that became clear as a result of making that clear. Even stranger that part didn't have to be clear as the missiles are a different part.


Only thing I can think of is they originally based the shoulders on Legends Black Convoy who had a lot of exposed clear pink in the shoulders (unlike the Timelines version that painted over much of that).


This whole figure is kinda mysterious.


Its much easier than you think, the grey parts on Laser Prime's shoulders chest and crotch are all painted grey, the Nemesis deco leaves those parts unpainted so you can get an idea of what the plastic colors are on LP for those parts now. Makes me feel like Hasbro cheaped out on the paint for Scourge now.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134140)
Posted by Munkky on May 21st, 2022 @ 9:52am CDT
Black Convoy is one of the Velocitron toys I was most excited to see, and it does look good, but it looks like more of a Nemesis Prime than a Scourge, too much teal and pinky red for my liking, so I'm not sure if I'll get one.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134142)
Posted by Sabrblade on May 21st, 2022 @ 10:16am CDT
The use of the Combatron symbols on this figure reads to me like the designers really wanted this to specifically be an update to Car Robots Black Convoy/RiD 2001 Scourge, but then some corporate executive who thinks they know better (when they don't) might have stepped in and given an order from on high that the deco should look more Nemesis Prime-y, either unaware of or not caring about how the original deco looked and only concerned that "All Nemesis Prime decos should look consistent! Nemesis Prime is BLACK, not GRAY!" >:oP

And yes, in this day and age, Nemesis Prime's Japanese name is "Black Convoy".
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134149)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on May 21st, 2022 @ 10:54am CDT
I have to admit the new colors are somewhat offputting. Maybe it's just not what I was expecting? I don't get why they'd make an accurately decoed G2 Prime, but change it up so much for BC.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134151)
Posted by RodimusPrimeUkraine1 on May 21st, 2022 @ 11:34am CDT
Very nice, I was hoping they'd do this redeco!:) :PREDACON:
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134154)
Posted by ZeroWolf on May 21st, 2022 @ 11:45am CDT
Looks like Black Convoy here is shaping up to be the decisive figure of 2022 :lol: I like him though and I can understand why people aren't happy mind.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134170)
Posted by SpikeyTigertron on May 21st, 2022 @ 2:54pm CDT
At this point, I almost feel we need a comparison to *all* the figures. Throw in the SDCC/Tokyo Toy Show Exclusives and get it all next to each other lol. Sadly most of mine are in storage atm. There's the OG Scourge and Black Convoy, the Titan's Return, which I think was a Japanese exclusive, The HTD that was just shown (and technically Bay Verse). I think there was a Japanese Exclusive Earthrise Nemesis Prime (but that's not the G2 body). Besides the Nucleon Quest (Ginrai) and the Universe Nemesis Mammoth... am I missing anything?

I like this current paint job, even if it is a bit of a mish-mash. Though some of you bring up a good point of, will we get a 'properly painted Selects version' and... that worries me.

That's what I thought, the Expo 'Black Convoy' was actually done up as RiD Scourge... so... I guess this is just returning the favor lol
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134171)
Posted by sol magnus on May 21st, 2022 @ 3:31pm CDT
SpikeyTigertron wrote:

That's what I thought, the Expo 'Black Convoy' was actually done up as RiD Scourge... so... I guess this is just returning the favor lol

I think you have it backwards. RiD Scourge has Decepticon Logos. Black Convoy has upside down G2 Autobot logos. The colors of the reds are a little different, but that's because the American versions were cheap knockoffs of the Japanese versions...I never saw it as a 'deco difference', just a choice in materials having owned both simultaneously.

The new Black Convoy is made up more like MP-10B Black Convoy, a primarily black robot, but is still performing the same function as this one is. The confusing part isn't the deco per se, but the choice to go with that deco (as well as the choice NOT to have Laser Optimus have the Autobot G2 equivalent).
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134172)
Posted by primalxconvoy on May 21st, 2022 @ 4:05pm CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:Looks like Black Convoy here is shaping up to be the decisive figure of 2022 :lol: I like him though and I can understand why people aren't happy mind.

Er, "The"? Have you forgotten about Legacy Blitzwing, Wreckers Springer (and the shoehorning of Fossilizers), etc?

Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134173)
Posted by o.supreme on May 21st, 2022 @ 4:23pm CDT
primalxconvoy wrote:
ZeroWolf wrote:Looks like Black Convoy here is shaping up to be the decisive figure of 2022 :lol: I like him though and I can understand why people aren't happy mind.

Er, "The"? Have you forgotten about Legacy Blitzwing, Wreckers Springer (and the shoehorning of Fossilizers), etc?


Who besides you pvc has said anything negative about the upcoming Fossilizers? They aren't even close to divisive. Also I did notice the misspelling of the word by the OP, but am giving them a pass, it's one of those "Nobody calls Soundwave 'uncruzimatic"" moments ;)
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134179)
Posted by ZeroWolf on May 21st, 2022 @ 5:27pm CDT
o.supreme wrote:
primalxconvoy wrote:
ZeroWolf wrote:Looks like Black Convoy here is shaping up to be the decisive figure of 2022 :lol: I like him though and I can understand why people aren't happy mind.

Er, "The"? Have you forgotten about Legacy Blitzwing, Wreckers Springer (and the shoehorning of Fossilizers), etc?


Who besides you pvc has said anything negative about the upcoming Fossilizers? They aren't even close to divisive. Also I did notice the misspelling of the word by the OP, but am giving them a pass, it's one of those "Nobody calls Soundwave 'uncruzimatic"" moments ;)

It's another autocorrect moment, made worse this time as my mind went blank on the spelling so I looked at the list it recommended, and thought that looked right :lol:
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134180)
Posted by primalxconvoy on May 21st, 2022 @ 5:29pm CDT
o.supreme wrote:
primalxconvoy wrote:
ZeroWolf wrote:Looks like Black Convoy here is shaping up to be the decisive figure of 2022 :lol: I like him though and I can understand why people aren't happy mind.

Er, "The"? Have you forgotten about Legacy Blitzwing, Wreckers Springer (and the shoehorning of Fossilizers), etc?


Who besides you pvc has said anything negative about the upcoming Fossilizers? They aren't even close to divisive. Also I did notice the misspelling of the word by the OP, but am giving them a pass, it's one of those "Nobody calls Soundwave 'uncruzimatic"" moments ;)

From what I've read online, quite a few people have issues with the fossilizers, hence my comment,l; thus they ARE devisive.

As for "The" it was not the spelling that I highlighted but the use of the definite article over indefinite to denote only "one example of importance", when clearly this isn't the case.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134182)
Posted by william-james88 on May 21st, 2022 @ 6:05pm CDT
Emerje wrote:I wonder how they got the pink and black parts on the shoulders? On Optimus I would have thought all that gray was on a single sprue, but on Nemesis the parts that would have been gray like his legs are black and clear pink.


I guess that means the abs are the same as the shoulder flaps. But what about the clear part, I can't find any other part that became clear as a result of making that clear. Even stranger that part didn't have to be clear as the missiles are a different part.


Only thing I can think of is they originally based the shoulders on Legends Black Convoy who had a lot of exposed clear pink in the shoulders (unlike the Timelines version that painted over much of that).


This whole figure is kinda mysterious.


Isn't the clear pink uses because that same piece under the hood makes the front headlight and thus is needed to be clear?
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134183)
Posted by Sabrblade on May 21st, 2022 @ 6:07pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Isn't the clear pink uses because that same piece under the hood makes the front headlight and thus is needed to be clear?
Optimus has clear headlights too, yet his shoulders are opaque.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134188)
Posted by william-james88 on May 21st, 2022 @ 10:30pm CDT
Kamex wrote:The reviewer got it wrong, Hasbro/Takara didn't. That was never meant to be RID Scourge, it's Car Robots Black Convoy.

Ok, so then why does he not look anything like Car Robots Black Convoy?
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134190)
Posted by Sabrblade on May 21st, 2022 @ 11:03pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Kamex wrote:The reviewer got it wrong, Hasbro/Takara didn't. That was never meant to be RID Scourge, it's Car Robots Black Convoy.

Ok, so then why does he not look anything like Car Robots Black Convoy?

Honestly, the decos he most resembles are those of the Takara-exclusives Siege Nemesis Prime, Q-Transformers Black Convoy, and United Darkside Optimus Prime, what with the robot mode's solid black upper-body, red/pink chest windows, and teal torso stripes (a color combination found on the robot modes of no other dual-window-chested Nemesis Prime toys besides those three, two of which are incredibly obscure):


Of the many many many other Nemesis Prime/Black Convoy/Scourge/Darkside Optimus Prime toys (or toys of the good Optimus/Convoy simply wearing black), all of them use different color combinations for their robot modes, the most common of which consisting of a black upper body, red/pink chest windows, and either gray/silver torso stripes instead or no stripes at all with just teal designs throughout the body.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134192)
Posted by Emerje on May 22nd, 2022 @ 1:40am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
william-james88 wrote:Isn't the clear pink uses because that same piece under the hood makes the front headlight and thus is needed to be clear?
Optimus has clear headlights too, yet his shoulders are opaque.

Exactly. I'm fine with the clear missiles, it's not covering it up outside of the shoulder covers that I don't understand. I don't have G2 Prime yet (waiting on my Gamestop pre-order to be filled, still says July) so I was under the impression that the clear part was layered under the gray part, but now I'm hearing it's actually one piece covered in gray paint? Starting to feel like they really cheapened out on the paint apps, I guess the bulk of it went to the trailer. :-?

Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134198)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on May 22nd, 2022 @ 2:43am CDT
I'm pretty sure Toyhax will release a Reprolabels set to "fix" that Scourge. It will most likely be a 25$US or more set though.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134199)
Posted by primalxconvoy on May 22nd, 2022 @ 2:50am CDT
Emerje wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
william-james88 wrote:Isn't the clear pink uses because that same piece under the hood makes the front headlight and thus is needed to be clear?
Optimus has clear headlights too, yet his shoulders are opaque.

Exactly. I'm fine with the clear missiles, it's not covering it up outside of the shoulder covers that I don't understand. I don't have G2 Prime yet (waiting on my Gamestop pre-order to be filled, still says July) so I was under the impression that the clear part was layered under the gray part, but now I'm hearing it's actually one piece covered in gray paint? Starting to feel like they really cheapened out on the paint apps, I guess the bulk of it went to the trailer. :-?


Yup, that's what is my issue with this. It seems Hasblo managed to make either a bad-looking Nemesis Prime and/or Scourge and ended up almost pleasing nobody...
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134201)
Posted by Emerje on May 22nd, 2022 @ 3:07am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:I'm pretty sure Toyhax will release a Reprolabels set to "fix" that Scourge. It will most likely be a 25$US or more set though.

There's so much sculpted detail I'm not actually sure how they would do that. Only thing they could really do is the chest windows and maybe some of the pink leaking out around the shoulders, but not much more. It might take a third party to make properly colored replacement parts to do it right, but I'm guessing that would require knocking out some pins.

Has anyone been complaining about the newly designed teal lines in truck mode? I like the way they look, but I imagine some people prefer the originals which are rarely changed on the various versions of Scourge. I guess ToyHax can "fix" that, too.

Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134204)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on May 22nd, 2022 @ 4:58am CDT
I like how this could have been an easy opportunity to give some recognition to Car Robots/RiD. Considering they completely ignored the anniversary of both iterations. Yet they couldn't even do that right... #-o
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134208)
Posted by ZeroWolf on May 22nd, 2022 @ 6:20am CDT
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:I like how this could have been an easy opportunity to give some recognition to Car Robots/RiD. Considering they completely ignored the anniversary of both iterations. Yet they couldn't even do that right... #-o

Nah, hasbro only care about two anniversaries really (only recently adding Beast Wars reluctantly) that being G1 and the G1 movie ;)
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134210)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on May 22nd, 2022 @ 6:34am CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:I like how this could have been an easy opportunity to give some recognition to Car Robots/RiD. Considering they completely ignored the anniversary of both iterations. Yet they couldn't even do that right... #-o

Nah, hasbro only care about two anniversaries really (only recently adding Beast Wars reluctantly) that being G1 and the G1 movie ;)

Too true. As the Prime fans have realised with the Legacy Line releases.. :lol:
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134219)
Posted by Cheetron on May 22nd, 2022 @ 11:53am CDT
I don't know why but I keep checking for a preorder for him. Whoever he may be in the end.

I squealed when I saw him. I think my meds are off lmao
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134221)
Posted by LordBludgeon on May 22nd, 2022 @ 12:28pm CDT
Still hoping for a Toxitron redeco! :PRAY:
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134223)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on May 22nd, 2022 @ 1:46pm CDT
Black Convoy looks pretty good. I do like the colors on the mold, and I will get him. After I get him, I only need a UW Baldigus to complete the Car Robots/RiD2001 con crew.

I do respect those that wanted this to be accurate in terms of paint scheme. I can see the problem very clearly. While it doesn't upset me that much, I understand the annoyance. That's how I felt with Legacy Prime figures, and Car Robots fans are allowed to be frustrated here too
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134229)
Posted by Sabrblade on May 22nd, 2022 @ 2:19pm CDT
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I do respect those that wanted this to be accurate in terms of paint scheme. I can see the problem very clearly. While it doesn't upset me that much, I understand the annoyance. That's how I felt with Legacy Prime figures, and Car Robots fans are allowed to be frustrated here too
Indeed. It's really frustrating how pick-and-choose-y this Legacy line is being with what gets faithful designs (G1, G2, Beast Wars, and Cybertron) and what doesn't (TF: Prime and now Car Robots/RiD 2001).
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134232)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on May 22nd, 2022 @ 2:28pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I do respect those that wanted this to be accurate in terms of paint scheme. I can see the problem very clearly. While it doesn't upset me that much, I understand the annoyance. That's how I felt with Legacy Prime figures, and Car Robots fans are allowed to be frustrated here too
Indeed. It's really frustrating how pick-and-choose-y this Legacy line is being with what gets faithful designs (G1, G2, Beast Wars, and Cybertron) and what doesn't (TF: Prime and now Car Robots/RiD 2001).

I've seen this comment on here and on Twitter multiple times, and even once on Facebook. It is quite odd who is getting nigh perfect focus, and those that aren't. Something just feels weird there
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134235)
Posted by ZeroWolf on May 22nd, 2022 @ 2:43pm CDT
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I do respect those that wanted this to be accurate in terms of paint scheme. I can see the problem very clearly. While it doesn't upset me that much, I understand the annoyance. That's how I felt with Legacy Prime figures, and Car Robots fans are allowed to be frustrated here too
Indeed. It's really frustrating how pick-and-choose-y this Legacy line is being with what gets faithful designs (G1, G2, Beast Wars, and Cybertron) and what doesn't (TF: Prime and now Car Robots/RiD 2001).

I've seen this comment on here and on Twitter multiple times, and even once on Facebook. It is quite odd who is getting nigh perfect focus, and those that aren't. Something just feels weird there

It's a bit like someone behind the scenes is playing favourites
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134240)
Posted by william-james88 on May 22nd, 2022 @ 3:07pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
william-james88 wrote:Isn't the clear pink uses because that same piece under the hood makes the front headlight and thus is needed to be clear?
Optimus has clear headlights too, yet his shoulders are opaque.

That's cause the shoulders are painted. They didn't paint them on Nemesis, maybe cause the pink was too bright and wouldn't have worked with the paint to create a good colour. Or cause they used the paint budget elsewhere . But in any case, we do know why a clear part is used in the shoulders
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134242)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on May 22nd, 2022 @ 5:20pm CDT
I think they're looking at more recent G1 Nemesis Prime decos and applied it to this. Maybe for consistency? Because Nemesis Prime has had a consistent deco lately ... mainly since it's just been G1 Prime in black and grey.

I don't think I like it based on it's own merits. If the more accurate deco is sold sometime I guess I'll get that, but at these prices it's gonna have to be a pass.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134247)
Posted by sol magnus on May 22nd, 2022 @ 6:34pm CDT
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Black Convoy looks pretty good. I do like the colors on the mold, and I will get him. After I get him, I only need a UW Baldigus to complete the Car Robots/RiD2001 con crew.

I do respect those that wanted this to be accurate in terms of paint scheme. I can see the problem very clearly. While it doesn't upset me that much, I understand the annoyance. That's how I felt with Legacy Prime figures, and Car Robots fans are allowed to be frustrated here too

I'm a Car Robots fan, and I'm not upset at all.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134256)
Posted by First-Aid on May 22nd, 2022 @ 8:31pm CDT
I showed my wife the pictures. She thinks there is way too much pink. I agree. If this were REDit would be more appealing. Not saying it's that bad, but blood red would be much cooler.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134259)
Posted by Sabrblade on May 22nd, 2022 @ 9:41pm CDT
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134261)
Posted by sol magnus on May 22nd, 2022 @ 10:57pm CDT
He may have a point.

And he'll be right because I'll definitely by it. They already got me with Galvatron.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134275)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on May 23rd, 2022 @ 6:49am CDT
I'm pretty sure TJ Omega is right all the way about the recolors release pattern.
Still, I much prefer Black Convoy over Scourge. I won't go out of my way to buy it, but if I come across it in store, I'll buy it.
However, for a TOXITRON repaint....
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134279)
Posted by william-james88 on May 23rd, 2022 @ 8:23am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:I'm pretty sure TJ Omega is right all the way about the recolors release pattern.
Still, I much prefer Black Convoy over Scourge. I won't go out of my way to buy it, but if I come across it in store, I'll buy it.
However, for a TOXITRON repaint....

While I don't mind either way about the deco itself in general, I would preffer the Scourge deco over nenesis prime on this specific mold because ot has that cool effect of having new colours in robot mode and loses the pretense that the chest is the front if the cab like a G1 Optimus. It makes this design far more unique.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134281)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on May 23rd, 2022 @ 8:26am CDT
Meanwhile, from a media standpoint. At least Scourge/Black Convoy has been an actual character onscreen. You would have thought that extra recognition would have worked in his favour. Which it likely would have, if he were G1.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134284)
Posted by AcademyofDrX on May 23rd, 2022 @ 8:52am CDT
My plan is to pick this up and then get the inevitable Toyhax label sheet. I love the grey/teal of Scourge but also really like the bright clear pink, including on the shoulders.

I probably won't actually apply the Toyhax stickers, so this might be a bad plan, but I think labels for the chest and shoulders are all he really needs.
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134285)
Posted by optimeow on May 23rd, 2022 @ 8:59am CDT
This is what I have been waiting for.
Skipped on G2 colors for this :)
Re: Images of Upcoming Velocitron Black Convoy show a Nemesis Prime Deco on a Scourge Body (2134298)
Posted by joevill on May 23rd, 2022 @ 11:22am CDT
Amazing redec too bad the toy sucks.

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