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Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon?

Transformers News: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon?

Friday, February 18th, 2011 10:08PM CST

Categories: Movie Related News, Rumors
Posted by: DevastaTTor   Views: 80,710

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Thanks for member whipslash for letting us know about a very interesting picture that's surfaced over at the Transformers Live Action Movie Blog site. According to their latest post, the new image, supposedly captured from a scene in Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon, reveals what could be a very exciting new Decepticon cast member: the triple changer Blitzwing. In the picture, we see what appears to be a robot similar in style to the other movie characters visible parts from both a jet fighter and a tank. Of course, this news is completely unconfirmed so it's definitely one for the rumor mill. But with Michael Bay promising to go out big with this film, this could definitely be true. When we know more, we'll let you know.

The image is mirrored below. To see the original post, click HERE.

Credit(s): whipslash, Transformers Live Action Movie Blog

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Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1183967)
Posted by frenzyXprime on February 18th, 2011 @ 10:13pm CST
Mixmaster was a triple changer, was he not? Robot mode, truck mode, and cannon mode.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1183969)
Posted by Jazz-1982 on February 18th, 2011 @ 10:15pm CST
Hope this rumour is true!
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1183976)
Posted by Noideaforaname on February 18th, 2011 @ 10:24pm CST
Oh lord, not a desert again...

Bits and pieces look kinda familiar. Like the upper arms are very similar to the recent Hailstorm/Mindset toy. The lower arms, head, and even the wings particularly look 'borrowed', but I can't remember from who.

While I'm not getting my hopes up, I REALLY would like to see some more new Decepticon characters in this movie.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1183982)
Posted by DevastaTTor on February 18th, 2011 @ 10:30pm CST
frenzyXprime wrote:Mixmaster was a triple changer, was he not? Robot mode, truck mode, and cannon mode.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that cannon thing. I stand corrected.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1183990)
Posted by Optillamanus on February 18th, 2011 @ 10:40pm CST
I don't buy it. Way too skinny to be both a tank and a jet. Remember that really convincing Wheeljack that turned up a while back?
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1183991)
Posted by Mindmaster on February 18th, 2011 @ 10:44pm CST
Is it Blitzwing? No. As a matter of fact, looks like it's a fake to me. I wanna believe it's the real deal, and we're taking a glimpse at Movie Blitzwing, but it's gonna take more than this to make me believe in fairies... did I say that out loud? I meant Blitzwing. Not that I believe in Tinker Bell... :-s :lol:
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1183995)
Posted by SlyTF1 on February 18th, 2011 @ 10:51pm CST
Noideaforaname wrote:Oh lord, not a desert again...

What do you have against deserts? :evil:
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184005)
Posted by juxtapose519 on February 18th, 2011 @ 11:05pm CST
Who cares which triple-changer it is? Michael Bay will find a way to screw it up anyways. He had his chance to appeal to the average Transformer's fan's sensibilities, and RotF still sucked. Way to go Mike, you can't even revamp an already popular franchise properly. Just give up now.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184007)
Posted by T-Macksimus on February 18th, 2011 @ 11:11pm CST
IF this picture turns out to be legit, and that is still a big IF regardless of it's source at this point, don't expect much beyond a single scene with this guy in it. They may have had a bigger budget and more time to work within for TF3 but there is also a lot more stuff to pack into the final installment so don't get your hopes up for anything beyond a 5 second cameo from any of the peripheral characters. It sucks because I want for this to be something more than just a rumor. I almost had a nerdgasm at the thought of Blitzwing having appreciable screen time but we have to be realistic in our expectations.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184015)
Posted by guarayakha on February 18th, 2011 @ 11:26pm CST
Looks great, but at the same time too polygonal and simplistic to be a Bayformer. Probably character from the DOTM game though.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184021)
Posted by Megatron Wolf on February 18th, 2011 @ 11:42pm CST
was only a matter of time until they added a triple changer, as bayformers go it doesnt look to bad from that angle. There need to be more triple changers, every toy line and show should have at least 1 or 2 and have them be real triple changers not that half/miss-transformed crap they try and pass off with straxus and ROTF soundwave a real triple changer like classics astrotrain.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184026)
Posted by Ultra Markus on February 19th, 2011 @ 12:40am CST
That's great but it would be greater to have springer also
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184027)
Posted by FflawSuperior on February 19th, 2011 @ 12:44am CST
Looks a lot more like Hailstorm without his rocket thingies defeating a jet - Those jet wings do not really look attached to the robot, but looks like he's "breaking through" a jet, and it's passing over his back.

I'd like to see either bot really.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184034)
Posted by Dr. Caelus on February 19th, 2011 @ 12:57am CST
Honestly, what makes me most skeptical is how much he looks like his G1 self. The tracks and wings are in the right place and the wings have the same silhouette as G1 Blitzwing's MiG-25 alternate mode.

Unfortunate that it's probably fake, since he'd work really well in the movie. He'd make a good bit of muscle to back up Shockwave's appearance, and his air-to-ground-to-air would not only look good on screen, it would counter Optimus's own abilities neatly.

DevastaTTor wrote:
frenzyXprime wrote:Mixmaster was a triple changer, was he not? Robot mode, truck mode, and cannon mode.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that cannon thing. I stand corrected.

Also, ROTF Megatron was kind of a spaceship/tank triple-changer, although we never got a clear enough look at him in either form to tell if there was actually any distinction.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184035)
Posted by rpetras on February 19th, 2011 @ 1:01am CST
Caelus wrote:Honestly, what makes me most skeptical is how much he looks like his G1 self. The tracks and wings are in the right place and the wings have the same silhouette as G1 Blitzwing's MiG-25 alternate mode.

Totally agree!

If it IS from the bay film, and it is a triple changer that looks like that, he'll be called "Bruticus" :roll:
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184042)
Posted by synthetik on February 19th, 2011 @ 1:23am CST
This is amazing news BUT hopefully it's not going to be a two minute cameo.

BUT, who am I kidding? Bayformers, ahahaha...
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184046)
Posted by Fires_Of_Inferno on February 19th, 2011 @ 1:28am CST
I love the idea, trust me, but I'm a little hesitant to believe that he'd be cool enough to give us something like this. For all we know that's a jet-bot ripping up a tank or a tank-bot ripping up a jet, or just jet or tank parts flying by as debris. Still though, that would be so effing awesome! :KREMZEEK: :CON:
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184050)
Posted by Joshua Vallse on February 19th, 2011 @ 1:34am CST
I call hoax. A rather good one mind you, but still a hoax.

The Bot just doesn't seem to follow the same design pattern that all the bots over the previous two films seem to follow. Even Jetfire, whom turned out to be a Nursing Home Bot, had more meat on him..and he had a bloody cane.

Unless it is just a two second shot, then it wouldn't really matter. Figure he's on the ground, fire cannon, jumps in the air, shoot rocket, blows up...use explosion and scrap shower to X-disolve to the next shot of Optimus cutting something in half.

End Scene
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184074)
Posted by whipslash on February 19th, 2011 @ 5:10am CST
Good shout 5150 Cruiser, looks to be the 'Typhoon' euro fighter, man them things can manouver in the air.

If this indeed genuine, i think he may be mid transformation.

Now if it is fake, why such an obscure view of a bot, the wheeljack fake someone mentioned gives you a clear frontal view, this pic makes me feel like hes standing/landing on top of me, oblivious to the insignificant fleshling hes about to squish.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184075)
Posted by DMSL on February 19th, 2011 @ 5:10am CST
Sweet Blitzwing!

Hasbro better not fuck up the toy by making it a deluxe or a voyager.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184078)
Posted by Albershide on February 19th, 2011 @ 5:29am CST
Great find about the alt mode 5150 Cruiser. :)
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184082)
Posted by Mykltron on February 19th, 2011 @ 5:58am CST
I bet the toy's gonna suck.

Unless they give us a leader class!
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184094)
Posted by GetRightRobot on February 19th, 2011 @ 6:39am CST
I have talked too much trash about this film for it to started leaking coolness!!!

:sad: I don't wanna eat my words!!! I don't wanna... :sad:
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184095)
Posted by MINDVVIPE on February 19th, 2011 @ 6:44am CST
sucha hoax.... I can see a wing and treads...thats a little too obvious for bay's tastes.... i'm sure if it really was blitzwing, a picture screenshot like this wouldn't really let you who it was at all even the slightest. Coz lets be honest, if most of you were showed bonecrusher's original movie concept before you were told who it was, I doubt many would have guessed right.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184096)
Posted by dirk2243 on February 19th, 2011 @ 7:03am CST
Now, I'm not saying this is for the movie....but....

if either a fake, or from the game, or whatnot, it's more than likely "A" blitzwing. Maybe not for the movie maybe so. But no way is he a robot ripping up a jet or a robot ripping up a tank. You can see the rest of the fuselage tucked under his chest, just above his waist. The jets missles or external fuel tanks on it's thigh.

Unless it's a robot that just picks up a plane or a tank and wears it as a backpack it's more than likely Blitz. Now.....if it's for the movie or not, I'll wait and see. And he does look a bit scrawny to be Blitzwing.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184108)
Posted by Lord Onixprime on February 19th, 2011 @ 7:42am CST
Looks fake, like a fanboy's best attempt at rendering a movie styled character. It is far too simple looking and not broken up enough for the movie style. It looks fake.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184110)
Posted by Stormrider on February 19th, 2011 @ 7:59am CST
What's the purpose of having a triple changer in the movie (other than a character appearance) since the robots can turn into anything they want at anytime?
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184113)
Posted by G1 Smoketreader on February 19th, 2011 @ 8:25am CST
Well, the Eurofighter and the word Blitz are both European, so if Shockwave is related to Russia in this film, it could be one of his boys.

The background strikes me as too Rotf to let my brain register Dotm for the time being.
If it's Dotm related, there'll be more sightings.

Blitzwing, as one of a group of named triple changers trashing Abots and Cons alike in the name of Shockwave...that I'd like to see.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184117)
Posted by Rated X on February 19th, 2011 @ 8:45am CST
Just hope the toy is deluxe size and G1 colors so I can put in my classics collection next to Astrotrain and Octane.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184130)
Posted by Blackstreak on February 19th, 2011 @ 9:24am CST
Nice, very nice.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184144)
Posted by dirk2243 on February 19th, 2011 @ 10:07am CST
I'd also like to question how (if real) has been revieled so late compared to some of the others? It would seem to me that Megs new look, Shockwave and Primes Trailer would be more secretive than this guy?

I'm a blitzwing fan, but I just think some of the other TF's would have been harder to come across than this? And even his appearance looks too homage to his G-1 to be movie verse?

If he is in the movie though....awesomesauce.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184147)
Posted by Alex Jones on February 19th, 2011 @ 10:13am CST
My thoughts for what its worth...

1. It is most likely not a fake. I have seen some "leaked" photos of transformers in the past, particular the wheeljack one and this does not look like there was any photoshopping errors, particularly if you look at the edges of the bot and the background. Usually you would see some misalignment but the lighting, the shadows, etc. just look too perfect.

2. Like others have said I am wondering how they are going to pull off a realistic triple changer that has two earth modes. Mixmaster had an earth mode and cybertonian canon mode. There's a possibility that it could be Duocon where two alt modes merge to one robot.

3. This character "Blitzwing" may play a minor background role where he is shown for 5 minutes and then blown apart or something.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184153)
Posted by NatsumeRyu on February 19th, 2011 @ 10:38am CST
guarayakha wrote:Looks great, but at the same time too polygonal and simplistic to be a Bayformer. Probably character from the DOTM game though.


While Bay can make anything canon that he wants to with Habro's permission, (ie a movie blitz) this model and especially it's design aesthetics lack many points that make up the transformers in the film. I agree that it might make the game - who knows - maybe it started in the game and they're just throwing the mold in for a shot in the film as cannon fodder, or a small nod to something that happens in the game/comics/etc.

But this bot is VERY simplistic, which is my main case against it.

One other thing I'd like to bring up is does a triple changing movie bot have to have visual cues to both modes in bot mode? Only if the designer wanted it to be so. The tank treads could easily disassemble, ESPECIALLY in that upper arm - which is one of the easiest places to see the simplicity of this design - It's got that horrid long crack down the middle that doesn't have anything disturbing it (ie blocking the crack, wheter it be a wire, piston, or more kibble). It would constitute laziness on part of the designer to just say, "well, just stick the treads, and that's the upper arm." I would hope the art director would have made them redesign that to keep all the bot's sufficiently different in bot mode versus moving larger chunks around. Bayformers is all about stuff operating on a smaller level. :D

Detail is easy to fake. That's why I don't think this is, or was at least initially meant to be, in the film. Somebody with a computer that can't render a million poly mech in reasonable time along with compositing effects that would lengthen the rendering time considerably....

But for all my opinion is worth, I return to an original thought...Bay can make anything canon...If he wants this bot in there, it'll be in reghardless of whether I think it fits with the existing aesthetic of movie bots or not. XD
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184162)
Posted by DJLazer on February 19th, 2011 @ 10:52am CST
Jazz-1982 wrote:Hope this rumour is true!

If not F YOU BAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184163)
Posted by Alex Jones on February 19th, 2011 @ 10:54am CST
I read somewhere the guy that is sliced in half in the superbowl may be blitzwing.

edit: saw the screenshot .. hard to tell :oops:
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184189)
Posted by Red 50 on February 19th, 2011 @ 12:13pm CST
rpetras wrote:
Caelus wrote:Honestly, what makes me most skeptical is how much he looks like his G1 self. The tracks and wings are in the right place and the wings have the same silhouette as G1 Blitzwing's MiG-25 alternate mode.

Totally agree!

If it IS from the bay film, and it is a triple changer that looks like that, he'll be called "Bruticus" :roll:

Wouldn't "Octane" sound cooler? That's kinda the reason Optimus got those flames and Brawl in the 2007 movie was named "Devastator": they were cooler.

Although, which do you think is cooler name:

a) Blitzwing, b) Bruticus or c) Octane?
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184213)
Posted by autobotPRIME14 on February 19th, 2011 @ 1:58pm CST
I don't think this is TRANSFORMERS material at all, probably just a leaked screenshot from asylums ripoff TRANSMPORPHERS
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184300)
Posted by 5150 Cruiser on February 19th, 2011 @ 5:19pm CST
NatsumeRyu wrote:
guarayakha wrote:Looks great, but at the same time too polygonal and simplistic to be a Bayformer. Probably character from the DOTM game though.


While Bay can make anything canon that he wants to with Habro's permission, (ie a movie blitz) this model and especially it's design aesthetics lack many points that make up the transformers in the film. I agree that it might make the game - who knows - maybe it started in the game and they're just throwing the mold in for a shot in the film as cannon fodder, or a small nod to something that happens in the game/comics/etc.

But this bot is VERY simplistic, which is my main case against it.

I don't get how so many can write this off as being overly simplistic based off one screen shot that doesn't even show the entire bot. For me, this look nothing like a game rendering and looks more on par with movie still. A game shot would be more pixeled, this is fairly clear with more distinct lines.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184320)
Posted by Godzillabot Primal on February 19th, 2011 @ 6:40pm CST
Well this afternoon I was at the library watching youtube videos and somebody had made a knock-off TF commercial for the third TF movie, it seemed to have video meshed with it from some other movie I’m not sure what the movie was called but I can remember a seen from it, it showed a jumbo jet transforming into some sort of robot, what does this have to do with the image, I kind of think its from the movie mentioned previously

P.S. if anybody knows the name of this movie please tell me
P.S. by the way it is not transmorphers =;
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184365)
Posted by Autobot Megatron on February 19th, 2011 @ 8:09pm CST
godzillabot wrote:Well this afternoon I was at the library watching youtube videos and somebody had made a knock-off TF commercial for the third TF movie, it seemed to have video meshed with it from some other movie I’m not sure what the movie was called but I can remember a seen from it, it showed a jumbo jet transforming into some sort of robot, what does this have to do with the image, I kind of think its from the movie mentioned previously

P.S. if anybody knows the name of this movie please tell me
P.S. by the way it is not transmorphers =;

It actually seems like I might have saw this too. Guess it's time to watch some fake trailers...

EDIT: It wasn't Terminator: Salvation, right? Just asking because I haven't seen it and it seems like it's a fairly popular movie to get fake TF bits from.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184374)
Posted by SlyTF1 on February 19th, 2011 @ 8:17pm CST
Random question: Wasn't the movie "I am number 4" supposed to have a trailer for DOTM!?
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184395)
Posted by Godzillabot Primal on February 19th, 2011 @ 9:01pm CST
Autobot Megatron wrote:
godzillabot wrote:Well this afternoon I was at the library watching youtube videos and somebody had made a knock-off TF commercial for the third TF movie, it seemed to have video meshed with it from some other movie I’m not sure what the movie was called but I can remember a seen from it, it showed a jumbo jet transforming into some sort of robot, what does this have to do with the image, I kind of think its from the movie mentioned previously

P.S. if anybody knows the name of this movie please tell me
P.S. by the way it is not transmorphers =;

It actually seems like I might have saw this too. Guess it's time to watch some fake trailers...

EDIT: It wasn't Terminator: Salvation, right? Just asking because I haven't seen it and it seems like it's a fairly popular movie to get fake TF bits from.

Well I think it had robots that turned into a copying machine, and a space shuttle :???: also I think it came out sometime dering 2000-2007
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184421)
Posted by 5150 Cruiser on February 19th, 2011 @ 10:01pm CST
SlyTF1 wrote:Random question: Wasn't the movie "I am number 4" supposed to have a trailer for DOTM!?

Thats what i thought too. I know it was anounced somewhere here... But if it indeed was a trailer, chances are we would have seen it by now.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184443)
Posted by Noideaforaname on February 19th, 2011 @ 11:05pm CST
Lousy_Autobot_Lover wrote:I read somewhere the guy that is sliced in half in the superbowl may be blitzwing.

This guy?

This guy?
I have no clue.

This guy? (a still just won't cut it)
I'd have to say Brawl. Or maybe a mini-Blackout.

There's also Long Haul and Desert Brawl, but they aren't stabbed, sliced, shot, or otherwise killed on screen, I think.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184513)
Posted by G1 Smoketreader on February 20th, 2011 @ 3:05am CST
Red 50 wrote:
rpetras wrote:
Caelus wrote:Honestly, what makes me most skeptical is how much he looks like his G1 self. The tracks and wings are in the right place and the wings have the same silhouette as G1 Blitzwing's MiG-25 alternate mode.

Totally agree!

If it IS from the bay film, and it is a triple changer that looks like that, he'll be called "Bruticus" :roll:

Wouldn't "Octane" sound cooler? That's kinda the reason Optimus got those flames and Brawl in the 2007 movie was named "Devastator": they were cooler.

Although, which do you think is cooler name:

a) Blitzwing, b) Bruticus or c) Octane?

Blitzwing is definitely the most inspired, even tho almost everything from the Budiansky period is inspired anyway. The other two, for their original toy, are only a nudge behind in inspiration and cool.(at least in my view).
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184518)
Posted by LeL on February 20th, 2011 @ 3:45am CST
This would make a better Voyager Class or Leader Class (look at Starscream's kibble), and those wings have to go somewhere in tank mode. I love to see a Leader Class Astrotrain, but I don't think he'd fit where the story is going.
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184521)
Posted by Giant Purple Griffin on February 20th, 2011 @ 5:25am CST
Noideaforaname wrote:There's also Long Haul and Desert Brawl, but they aren't stabbed, sliced, shot, or otherwise killed on screen, I think.

I don't think its Deep Desert Brawl--I'm pretty sure this is him on the ground right when Prime lands:

Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184534)
Posted by Searchlight on February 20th, 2011 @ 7:21am CST
godzillabot wrote:Well this afternoon I was at the library watching youtube videos and somebody had made a knock-off TF commercial for the third TF movie, it seemed to have video meshed with it from some other movie I’m not sure what the movie was called but I can remember a seen from it, it showed a jumbo jet transforming into some sort of robot, what does this have to do with the image, I kind of think its from the movie mentioned previously

P.S. if anybody knows the name of this movie please tell me
P.S. by the way it is not transmorphers =;

There's a scene in a film I own on dvd that has this. It's a Japanese movie called Returner. In this film it's actually an alien ship and not a robot, also there was nothing in this film that relates to the image.

Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184559)
Posted by Godzillabot Primal on February 20th, 2011 @ 9:52am CST
Searchlight wrote:
godzillabot wrote:Well this afternoon I was at the library watching youtube videos and somebody had made a knock-off TF commercial for the third TF movie, it seemed to have video meshed with it from some other movie I’m not sure what the movie was called but I can remember a seen from it, it showed a jumbo jet transforming into some sort of robot, what does this have to do with the image, I kind of think its from the movie mentioned previously

P.S. if anybody knows the name of this movie please tell me
P.S. by the way it is not transmorphers =;

There's a scene in a film I own on dvd that has this. It's a Japanese movie called Returner. In this film it's actually an alien ship and not a robot, also there was nothing in this film that relates to the image.

P.S. does it have any other transforming thingy's
Re: Is A Familiar Triple Changer Appearing In TF3: Dark of the Moon? (1184566)
Posted by Optimus1138 on February 20th, 2011 @ 10:10am CST
If Blitzwing is indeed in DOTM, this would definitely make up for some of the disappointing (to some) figures we've seen so far. Hopefully his figure would be Voyager class, seeing as the figures will be smaller in this line. If we do get Blitzwing, I hope he (well, his figure) wouldn't be too movie-styled so he could fit in with Classics. I would also hope that he would have his German accent.

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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #354 - Identity Crisis
Twincast / Podcast #354:
"Identity Crisis"
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Posted: Saturday, July 13th, 2024

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