JRS Toyworld Canceling ALL MP-05 Megatron Preorders.
Sunday, February 25th, 2007 9:05PM CST
Categories: Toy News, Store NewsPosted by: Air Commander Starscream Views: 29,914
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Here is the e-mail he recieved.
I'm sorry to say that I've cancelled your preorder for Masterpiece Megatron.
Below is a copy of what my vendor sent to me regarding recent news on the
"Hi Bill,
I am afraid the decision has been made that in order to comply with US Federal
Law all US-bound shipments of Megatron will have the plugs installed. Even
though he will be in robot mode, we have learned there will likely be pics of
him in gun mode on the box, which could cause problems at customs resulting
in a shipment being impounded if there is not a plug. Also, Takara has
apparently decided to do a "US safe" release through Hasbro. This could well
mean that they and/or Hasbro will alert US Customs to be on the lookout for
"counterfeit" merchandise.
So, sorry to say it, but all Megatrons to the US will get plugs. Boxes will not
be in "unopened" condition."
I think its better to cut my losses now and not even attempt to import the
figure due to the potential problems.
I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Bill Egerstaffer
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Posted by Anonymous on February 25th, 2007 @ 9:24pm CST
Posted by MaikeruSama on February 25th, 2007 @ 9:25pm CST
Posted by Liege Evilmus on February 25th, 2007 @ 9:36pm CST
I'm have to check with my import guy and see what he can do for me on this. For imports, I recomend finding a private Ebay sellers as they don't have to follow any store standards.
Posted by Liege Evilmus on February 25th, 2007 @ 9:40pm CST
I mean, won't that still be a picture of a gun?
Posted by Maximus Prime on February 25th, 2007 @ 9:41pm CST
Just kidding, just kidding. I wouldn't scalp fellow fans.
Posted by Bot Marley on February 25th, 2007 @ 9:48pm CST
apparently decided to do a "US safe" release through Hasbro."
I can't wait to see this one!
Posted by Immortal Starscream on February 25th, 2007 @ 9:58pm CST
so possibly a hasbrotoyshop online exclusive (yuck not that again)
or another SDCC exclusive (oh please god no)
or perhaps...botcon maybe? only time will tell
personaly its not about wether or not he has an orange cap to me. he still looks sexy reguardless. its the fact that i dont want someone else ripping open my toy and skrewing with it b4 i get it.
Posted by Dclone Soundwave on February 25th, 2007 @ 9:59pm CST
Posted by Anonymous on February 25th, 2007 @ 10:06pm CST
Posted by WhiteRabbit on February 25th, 2007 @ 10:06pm CST
Posted by Air Commander Starscream on February 25th, 2007 @ 10:23pm CST
I am aware of the problem and have reported it to Glyph and Ryan. There is some coding messed up right now when a news item is posted. The news item shows up on the main page, but the actual thread is not created (or is hidden) in the respected forum. This should be cleared up soon hopefully. Sorry about that guys, for now you can only add a comment for the News Item...no editing.
Thanks for the heads up though.
EDIT: THe problem is fixed now.
Posted by Gutter Bunny on February 25th, 2007 @ 10:35pm CST
Posted by Head Shot on February 25th, 2007 @ 10:37pm CST
And no, the "cut the cap off" suggestion is not going to be valid for me. Why should i have to pay $90+ on something that I have to modify to get the desired result? I hope someone repro's the barrels and makes an absolute killing on selling them.
Posted by Nemesis Cyberplex on February 25th, 2007 @ 10:45pm CST
It's causing such a problem because of how sought after this figure is.Gutter Bunny wrote:i cant understand why this is creating such an issue when it is very simple to get a TFC#06 into the USA. While it doesnt have a large gun printed on the box, i do not see why this makes any sort of difference
& as far as the cap goes, sure we can all paint over them/take them off, but putting them on keeps the stores' arses out of a legal bind when it either:
a: dosen't pass customs & a lot of customers are screwed over
b: causes them to have a lawsuit brought against them for selling products that go against US toy gun safety laws brought on by somebody trying to transport one via ariline or some dumbass kid pulling one on a cop.
It does kinda suck, but then again rules is rules, & afterwards could be easily remedied.
Besides, anyone that wants to keep a TF MISB is kinda missing the point of having transformers: to transform them. Not to mention anyone that did wouldn't have to worry about the orange cap either.
Posted by Autobot032 on February 25th, 2007 @ 11:17pm CST
Head Shot wrote:Ugh... I'm begining to detest bigbadtoystore for scaring everyone into this. (I'm also hating the U.S.'s toy laws.)
And no, the "cut the cap off" suggestion is not going to be valid for me. Why should i have to pay $90+ on something that I have to modify to get the desired result? I hope someone repro's the barrels and makes an absolute killing on selling them.
What the hell? How does BBTS fit into this? Are you serious? Come on. You must be kidding. It's not BBTS's fault, it's the law.
If the companies so choose to modify it so you can finally have the item without it being confiscated and you get your money's worth, then so be it.
BBTS didn't do it. ...damn.
Posted by Liege Evilmus on February 25th, 2007 @ 11:35pm CST
Autobot032 wrote:Head Shot wrote:Ugh... I'm begining to detest bigbadtoystore for scaring everyone into this. (I'm also hating the U.S.'s toy laws.)
And no, the "cut the cap off" suggestion is not going to be valid for me. Why should i have to pay $90+ on something that I have to modify to get the desired result? I hope someone repro's the barrels and makes an absolute killing on selling them.
What the hell? How does BBTS fit into this? Are you serious? Come on. You must be kidding. It's not BBTS's fault, it's the law.
If the companies so choose to modify it so you can finally have the item without it being confiscated and you get your money's worth, then so be it.
BBTS didn't do it. ...damn.
I see what he's saying. Once it was released that he'd be a gun BBTS said they wouldn't carry it due to customs.
This was befor there was even a picture.
Then a week after they furuted that saying that they would sell it, but with a cap.
That made fans happy because if Joel put it on, then you could take it off.
However all that right there is I think what AOUTBOT032 ment by bringing them into this. But, realy I shouldn't speak for others.
What upsets me about Takara doing this is that it will now be something more permanent and harder to remove or alter.
Posted by Quaternion on February 25th, 2007 @ 11:37pm CST
What if I just took it out of the box? I mean, I was going to do that anyway.
Posted by 009* on February 26th, 2007 @ 12:03am CST
Geez, all this ruckus over a little plastic add-on.
Posted by Autobot Skids on February 26th, 2007 @ 12:38am CST
America is in many ways wierd...
Happily - none of these problems are mine - HLJ will ship a non-plug version to me in Poland where no such wierd laws exist...
Posted by Immortal Starscream on February 26th, 2007 @ 1:36am CST
009* wrote:Glad I'm waiting for Megatron to actually get in stock somewhere before buying him.
Geez, all this ruckus over a little plastic add-on.
its not about the plastic add on for a lot of people. most of us dont want someone else opening and screwing around with our toys.
im an out of box collecter myself, but i cant stand the thought of other hands playing with my plaything. (leave the dirty thoughts behind there fellas)
and there are some who collect mint in box only, and now they cant get that coveted prize.
as ive said b4 i could give 2 shits less if its got an orange cap or not, its still sexy, but i want to be the one to open MY toy first.
Posted by Gutter Bunny on February 26th, 2007 @ 4:02am CST
Immortal Starscream wrote:009* wrote:Glad I'm waiting for Megatron to actually get in stock somewhere before buying him.
Geez, all this ruckus over a little plastic add-on.
its not about the plastic add on for a lot of people. most of us dont want someone else opening and screwing around with our toys.
im an out of box collecter myself, but i cant stand the thought of other hands playing with my plaything. (leave the dirty thoughts behind there fellas)
and there are some who collect mint in box only, and now they cant get that coveted prize.
as ive said b4 i could give 2 shits less if its got an orange cap or not, its still sexy, but i want to be the one to open MY toy first.
I on the other hand care a great deal about the "plastic add-on." My humble opinion is that placing of the orange cap will destroy said sexiness of the figure. I collect both mib and misb so that for me is not an issue. However, i want to be the one to make the choice as to wheter or not its open.
Posted by Shinju-chan on February 26th, 2007 @ 4:12am CST
Immortal Starscream wrote:but i want to be the one to open MY toy first.
Bing bong!
Posted by Noisemaze on February 26th, 2007 @ 4:37am CST
Posted by Stormrider on February 26th, 2007 @ 4:39am CST
Posted by Stormrider on February 26th, 2007 @ 4:41am CST
scythafixion wrote:Good! They should have made him a tank anyway! Gun Megatron is lame! Any alt mode that relies on another character to use is friggin stupid!
why is it that Shockwave can fly around in alt mode and shoot people wihtout assistance, but Megs can't? It's Teletran's fault isn't it?
Posted by Anonymous on February 26th, 2007 @ 6:49am CST
Thank god i live in Canada, no stupid pussy US toy gun laws here.
I find it funny how the States loves to give everyone guns to "protect" themselves. But when it comes to a toy gun they start putting stupid rules up. Lame
Posted by thunder-clubhouse on February 26th, 2007 @ 7:45am CST
Posted by First-Aid on February 26th, 2007 @ 7:47am CST
You know, these are Transformers. How difficult would it be to engineer and orange thing that extends in gun mode and disappears in robot mode? The orange in bot mode is my primary concern...
Posted by Counterpunch on February 26th, 2007 @ 8:02am CST
kary wrote:LOL you suck JRS Toyworld. The thing is a damn toy... just import the thing...
Thank god i live in Canada, no stupid pussy US toy gun laws here.
God gave Canada ice and the French. Congrats.
All we have here in the U.S. is...oh, everything.
Side note: I had always though most Canadians to be pleasant people with better manners than most of the U.S.
You are a very bad Canadian.
Posted by Fang Wolf on February 26th, 2007 @ 8:11am CST
Posted by Crumplezone on February 26th, 2007 @ 8:56am CST
The MP line is aimed at Transformers collectors not children, and as such most collectors are (usually) of an age to be responcible enough not to wave around something that could be thought of as a gun in the presence of the police. (And/or other authoraties).
How comes BBTS can sell a six inch replica of a Final Fantasie gun with no orange cap, that to me looks more realistic to a real gun than MP megs, (its large size makes megs look rediculous as a real gun unless you are a seven foot tall wrestler).
The only good news in all this is if it is put on at the factories then you will still have a MISB MP Megs. As for people not handling it before you get an item, you will find that most things you buy from anywhere could have been handled by up to a dozen people before it even goes in a box to be sealed.
Posted by Down_Shift on February 26th, 2007 @ 10:31am CST
Posted by City Commander on February 26th, 2007 @ 10:42am CST
LEt's hope ebay pulls through. I have noticed an improvement in the service over there for some time now.
Posted by Kimmer on February 26th, 2007 @ 10:43am CST
Posted by jgilkinson on February 26th, 2007 @ 11:08am CST
Posted by Gutter Bunny on February 26th, 2007 @ 11:26am CST
kary wrote:LOL you suck JRS Toyworld. The thing is a damn toy... just import the thing...
Thank god i live in Canada, no stupid pussy US toy gun laws here.
I find it funny how the States loves to give everyone guns to "protect" themselves. But when it comes to a toy gun they start putting stupid rules up. Lame
wait...where was i when they started handing out guns?
or we could not turn this into a country bashing thread...that works too.
Posted by Sideshow Sideswipe on February 26th, 2007 @ 11:46am CST
Posted by General Magnus on February 26th, 2007 @ 11:53am CST
Sideshow Sideswipe wrote:Is this the only country where it's easier to buy a real gun than a toy gun that looks slightly like a real one?
kinda of ironic isnt´?
Posted by Kronos on February 26th, 2007 @ 12:17pm CST
Posted by Down_Shift on February 26th, 2007 @ 12:34pm CST
Gutter Bunny wrote:kary wrote:LOL you suck JRS Toyworld. The thing is a damn toy... just import the thing...
Thank god i live in Canada, no stupid pussy US toy gun laws here.
I find it funny how the States loves to give everyone guns to "protect" themselves. But when it comes to a toy gun they start putting stupid rules up. Lame
wait...where was i when they started handing out guns?
or we could not turn this into a country bashing thread...that works too.
I'm not sure that Kary knows that 99% of all imported items to Canada go through a US customs check. Like I said before, not a big deal if it does happen.
Posted by Megatron Wolf on February 26th, 2007 @ 12:56pm CST
Posted by Megatron Wolf on February 26th, 2007 @ 12:59pm CST
Posted by Megatron Wolf on February 26th, 2007 @ 1:03pm CST
thunder-clubhouse wrote:Here's your solution to this dilema: Get a couple thousand of un-orangified megs and sell them at gun shows. Or even better at, wal-mart in the rifle department...y'know this country is okay for the most part but dammit, it's really, really, really, really, really f-ing stupid sometimes.
walmart would put the orange on. When they still sold airsoft guns they were either clear or had the orange tip on them. and i think walmart stop selling toy guns anyway. i cant even find a classics megs there.
Posted by Down_Shift on February 26th, 2007 @ 1:38pm CST
Megatron_Wolf wrote:When is this figure coming out? on all the sites i looked at it just says March 2007
It's slated for the end of March in Japan. So early April for anyone that has ordered it.
Posted by Megatron Wolf on February 26th, 2007 @ 1:43pm CST
Down_Shift wrote:Megatron_Wolf wrote:When is this figure coming out? on all the sites i looked at it just says March 2007
It's slated for the end of March in Japan. So early April for anyone that has ordered it.
so if i order it now i'll get it around the middle of april
Posted by Down_Shift on February 26th, 2007 @ 2:00pm CST
Megatron_Wolf wrote:Down_Shift wrote:Megatron_Wolf wrote:When is this figure coming out? on all the sites i looked at it just says March 2007
It's slated for the end of March in Japan. So early April for anyone that has ordered it.
so if i order it now i'll get it around the middle of april
I would think so. Depends on how much your willing to pay to get it to where you are. (shipping)
Posted by Head Shot on February 26th, 2007 @ 2:56pm CST
nope, you hit exactly what I meant right on the head! Thank youLiege Evilmus wrote:Autobot032 wrote:Head Shot wrote:Ugh... I'm begining to detest bigbadtoystore for scaring everyone into this. (I'm also hating the U.S.'s toy laws.)
And no, the "cut the cap off" suggestion is not going to be valid for me. Why should i have to pay $90+ on something that I have to modify to get the desired result? I hope someone repro's the barrels and makes an absolute killing on selling them.
What the hell? How does BBTS fit into this? Are you serious? Come on. You must be kidding. It's not BBTS's fault, it's the law.
If the companies so choose to modify it so you can finally have the item without it being confiscated and you get your money's worth, then so be it.
BBTS didn't do it. ...damn.
I see what he's saying. Once it was released that he'd be a gun BBTS said they wouldn't carry it due to customs.
This was befor there was even a picture.
Then a week after they furuted that saying that they would sell it, but with a cap.
That made fans happy because if Joel put it on, then you could take it off.
However all that right there is I think what AOUTBOT032 ment by bringing them into this. But, realy I shouldn't speak for others.
Posted by 009* on February 26th, 2007 @ 4:41pm CST
Down_Shift wrote:Megatron_Wolf wrote:When is this figure coming out? on all the sites i looked at it just says March 2007
It's slated for the end of March in Japan. So early April for anyone that has ordered it.
Well I was planning to buy Revoltech Megatron, so I guess I'll get both at once then.
Posted by MaikeruSama on February 26th, 2007 @ 5:20pm CST
Immortal Starscream wrote:that means a us release is immenent. and probably for cheaper. but not a widespread release for sure. an exclusive somewere
so possibly a hasbrotoyshop online exclusive (yuck not that again)
or another SDCC exclusive (oh please god no)
or perhaps...botcon maybe? only time will tell
personaly its not about wether or not he has an orange cap to me. he still looks sexy reguardless. its the fact that i dont want someone else ripping open my toy and skrewing with it b4 i get it.
Cheaper that tip takes it to about 10 dolars
Posted by Powermaster Jazz on February 26th, 2007 @ 5:32pm CST
And yes it is Bad Toy Store's fault.