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More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide

Transformers News: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide

Tuesday, January 9th, 2018 12:55PM CST

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News, Event News
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 34,108

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Fans have been adding more images to Hobbymizer's Facebook page regarding the Transformers toys shown at the private press event organized by Hasbro for Hong Kong toy media representatives. We have taken several from that page to share them with you below. We have Ironhide compared to MPM Bumblebee in both modes and compared to MPM Optimus Prime as well. You can also see more of Barricade and Bumblebee below along with this new MPM Ironhide comapred to he original voyager class toy, showing that his height is closer to the Mega class of old. Join the discussion in the Energon Pub to us know what you think of this big reveal.

Transformers News: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide

Transformers News: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide

Transformers News: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide

Transformers News: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide

Transformers News: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide

Transformers News: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide

Transformers News: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide

Transformers News: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide

Transformers News: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide

Transformers News: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide

Transformers News: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide

Transformers News: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide

Transformers News: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide

Transformers News: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide
Credit(s): Hobbymizer

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Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930617)
Posted by wilcosu35 on January 9th, 2018 @ 1:00pm CST
Having seen some official pics, he's definitely mistransformed at the show.
What i would like to see is a picture of him next to Optimus, both in vehicle mode, to see how well they scale. Since the Topkick is quite a large vehicle, even next to Optimus's truck mode. the picture next to Bee makes him seem a bit small.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930619)
Posted by Hydrargyrus on January 9th, 2018 @ 1:05pm CST
Maybe ‘Masterpiece Ironhide’ products are cursed. :P
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930625)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on January 9th, 2018 @ 1:30pm CST
Yeah I'm hoping that torso is mistransformed cos it doesn't really work as it is there. There's parts of the figure I like a lot and the vehicle mode is nice but yeah I wanna see more pics first. Maybe it was transformed by someone not all that familiar with the CGI model. Cos those hood sections really gotta fold inwards diagonally towards the center.

william-james88 wrote:but it turned out true for Prime, where the previous Leader toy (ROTF) turned out to be better in my opinion than MPM.

I prefer the MPM in many ways. Not least cos it managed to get rid of most of the backpack. And also doesn't keep telling you who he is when you're transforming it.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930630)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on January 9th, 2018 @ 1:47pm CST
*looks a close look at the vehicle mode and robot mode images, especially the pieces that form the hood*


I got it! They're the same pieces, but the grill pieces have been flipped around. I faintly spot something that looks like a metal rod on his right (image's left) side, plus panel lines are somewhat evident:

Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930631)
Posted by Va'al on January 9th, 2018 @ 1:49pm CST
Just like the previous year, we have some more news directly from Hasbro regarding their recent reveal of Transformers Movie Masterpiece MPM-06 Ironhide, as seen at the private event at Royal Pacific Hotel for Hong Kong Toys media, taking place alongside (but not part of) the Hong Kong Toys and Games Fair 2018 (see here for our coverage), and to accompany the initial first official image of the figure.

Sporting his 2007 live-action Paramount movie look, the Autobot weapons specialist now also has a bio, a description of the toy, images of the articulation points, and a release date of Fall 2018 - but no price point at the time of writing. Check it all out below!

Transformers Masterpiece Movie Series Ironhide MPM-6

(Ages 8 and up/ Approx. Retail Price: $XX.XX/Available: Fall ‘18)

The Masterpiece Movie Series IRONHIDE MPM-6 figure is perfect for fans and collectors alike, with features inspired by the explosive 2007 Transformers live action movie. The figure showcases the practical AUTOBOT Weapons Specialist with impressive attention to detail. Imagine unleashing IRONHIDE action with die cast detailing, articulated hands, posable neck, movable faceplate and two cannon accessories. Converts from robot to GMC Heavy Duty Topkick 6500 4x4 Crew Cab Edition mode in 45 steps. Available at most major retailers and on










Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930632)
Posted by steals_your_goats on January 9th, 2018 @ 1:49pm CST
I will say the official images look better but I'm still not sold.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930634)
Posted by Sigma Magnus on January 9th, 2018 @ 1:52pm CST
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930635)
Posted by william-james88 on January 9th, 2018 @ 1:56pm CST
Interesting news, this is not an exclusive!?!
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930637)
Posted by TheMuffin on January 9th, 2018 @ 2:00pm CST
He looks a bit better when not doubling over in pain. Severe lack of paint on him though. Those dull gray rotors are... Ew. I know he's got a disfiguring scar across his right eye, but it really doesn't come across on the toy. Looks more like he was left in the sun too long. Kind of wish they'd just given him his concept art head instead.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930641)
Posted by LevelRage on January 9th, 2018 @ 2:03pm CST
This might be enough to replace my customized leader Ironhide figure from dotm. The overall accuracy over gimmicks make this look much nicer and the cannons look good to. Truck mode suffers a lot from the cannons though it seems with how the cannons attach. Still seems that under-carriage will be the same regardless but hopefully not as bad as dotm.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930642)
Posted by Agent 53 on January 9th, 2018 @ 2:12pm CST
I hope those cannons detach. Otherwise he now looks pretty okay in my book, we'll
have to wait and see.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930643)
Posted by steals_your_goats on January 9th, 2018 @ 2:16pm CST
william-james88 wrote:Interesting news, this is not an exclusive!?!

They're probably going under the assumption that toys r us won't be around by the time this guy drops. Or they're just hoping to make more money off of it. Either way it's good news for fans.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930644)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on January 9th, 2018 @ 2:21pm CST
steals_your_goats wrote:
william-james88 wrote:Interesting news, this is not an exclusive!?!

They're probably going under the assumption that toys r us won't be around by the time this guy drops. Or they're just hoping to make more money off of it. Either way it's good news for fans.

TRU's future is pretty uncertain for sure, so they're probably avoiding making claims that may hurt them should the worst come to pass. Plus, it prevents sudden uncertainty that would make any fan's hair stand upright.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930645)
Posted by SpaceKaseJase on January 9th, 2018 @ 2:22pm CST
I'm sold. Pics show a prototype with a rush-job on the painting (prob to get ready for the exhibition). Finished product will look much better.

Gripes: lack of visible shoulder articulation (not to say there isn't any, just none that I can see with the wheel in the way); bumper-toes (bot kibble in alt mode); jaw movement looks muppet-like

Plusses: real close to cg model, esp the guns; cannons look removable (not sure though); clever use of door panel hinge integrated with cannon in bot mode; metal feet for stability; apparently, there is a grill gimmick that splits the GMC in half in bot mode, but remains a single piece in alt mode; little/no back kibble (alt mode parts fit in well with bot mode).

My poor wallet! :-(
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930647)
Posted by Mykltron on January 9th, 2018 @ 2:26pm CST
So it looks like his shoulder joints allow outward and backwards motion but not forwards. Wow, that's a piss-poor effort.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930650)
Posted by DeathReviews on January 9th, 2018 @ 2:35pm CST
No matter how many times I look at that 'face' on Ironhide (or Ratchet, or many of the others), I'm never sure exactly what it is I'm supposed to be seeing. It's like Ironhide has the power to make every photo of his face go out of focus on purpose. I've never been a big fan of the bayverse look, especially with the toys. For all the detail and complexity, they still somehow convey the impression that the designers gave up half way through the design process.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930652)
Posted by LordPrime99 on January 9th, 2018 @ 2:41pm CST
Hopefully those absolutely miniscule hip joints will be able to support his frickin tree trucks called legs
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930661)
Posted by KVO Prime on January 9th, 2018 @ 3:18pm CST
Michael Bay and his bayverse toys get no more money from me... [-(
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930684)
Posted by butcher31 on January 9th, 2018 @ 4:56pm CST
It looks like on the close up shots of his arms that those door panels on his forearms have disappeared. Have they been photo-shopped out? Or am I missing something?
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930713)
Posted by william-james88 on January 9th, 2018 @ 9:30pm CST
DeathReviews wrote: It's like Ironhide has the power to make every photo of his face go out of focus on purpose.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930715)
Posted by Emerje on January 9th, 2018 @ 9:49pm CST
butcher31 wrote:It looks like on the close up shots of his arms that those door panels on his forearms have disappeared. Have they been photo-shopped out? Or am I missing something?

Looks like it, you can see part of the door at the back of his arm near his elbow, but the part that should be at his hand is missing, probably to make it easier to see the hand.

His shoulders being on his back is very hard for me to overlook, it's a terrible place for his arms to stick out of. I'm fine with them being angled backwards, but this is too far. But I guess he doesn't need to do much more than point his big guns so maybe it isn't that bad. Really need to mull this one over.

Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930724)
Posted by dragons on January 9th, 2018 @ 11:39pm CST
Hard to say by pictures looks like canons may be detachable in truck mode
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930725)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on January 10th, 2018 @ 12:51am CST
Ah now these pictures look MUCH better. I like it a hell of a lot now! :D
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930774)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on January 10th, 2018 @ 10:01am CST
Va'al wrote:Image

I wanted to wait to comment until we got a better Ironhide than that in the display images, and this is so good. I am thrilled for this, and a dream of having the 2007 movie cast in MP form is coming true!! It's also nice to see they are planning to go farther with the MPM line.

Also showed my sister the story, as she loves movie Ironhide over most everything else, even if she isn't really a TF fan. She said she wants one too. Thank goodness this is going up on HTS, makes it much more likely I won't need to place a TFsource pre-order
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930796)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on January 10th, 2018 @ 11:46am CST
This thing looks so terrible, for a 'masterpiece' to have so limited arm articulation it may as well not be there is an honest crime :HEADHURTS:
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930813)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on January 10th, 2018 @ 1:03pm CST
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:
Va'al wrote:Image

I wanted to wait to comment until we got a better Ironhide than that in the display images, and this is so good. I am thrilled for this, and a dream of having the 2007 movie cast in MP form is coming true!! It's also nice to see they are planning to go farther with the MPM line.

Also showed my sister the story, as she loves movie Ironhide over most everything else, even if she isn't really a TF fan. She said she wants one too. Thank goodness this is going up on HTS, makes it much more likely I won't need to place a TFsource pre-order

I've looked at this photo so many times in the past day. After feeling very disappointed with the first few photos with the mistransformation I'm so relieved the figure actually looks great when done properly. Movie Ironhide is one of my all time fave Transformer designs ever (ironic since G1 Ironhide is one of my least, he's so boring and bricky) and while most of his toys have been good there's often been something that annoys me about them (the Voyagers often have fiddly chest bits, the Leader is far too big, the Deluxe too small). Ok the price is the issue with this one being a Masterpiece so it's going on my list of TFs I will buy if I ever start getting some proper money like winning the lottery or something. :P I wonder who's next? If autobot then probably Ratchet (Jazz another possibility but I would be surprised if he comes before Ratchet), if Decepticon... hm... Not sure...Megatron?
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930817)
Posted by william-james88 on January 10th, 2018 @ 1:25pm CST
Carnivius_Prime wrote: I wonder who's next?

The latest rumours indicate that Starscream is next.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930830)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on January 10th, 2018 @ 2:09pm CST
Carnivius_Prime wrote:I've looked at this photo so many times in the past day. After feeling very disappointed with the first few photos with the mistransformation I'm so relieved the figure actually looks great when done properly. Movie Ironhide is one of my all time fave Transformer designs ever (ironic since G1 Ironhide is one of my least, he's so boring and bricky) and while most of his toys have been good there's often been something that annoys me about them (the Voyagers often have fiddly chest bits, the Leader is far too big, the Deluxe too small). Ok the price is the issue with this one being a Masterpiece so it's going on my list of TFs I will buy if I ever start getting some proper money like winning the lottery or something. :P I wonder who's next? If autobot then probably Ratchet (Jazz another possibility but I would be surprised if he comes before Ratchet), if Decepticon... hm... Not sure...Megatron?

I agree, I spent some time last night checking out the images closely. Is he perfect? No. Does he look to have some issues, yes. But it still looks the part, and the fact that they got the bot mode that close to the CG model is awesome. I will agree that Prime needed some extra work, but Bee was great and I have high hopes for Barricade. I am loving the movie MPs and the ideas behind them a lot, despite my criticisms.

As for future MPs, I really don't know if they'd do Jazz or Ratchet next, but it would be funny if a movie MP Jazz came out before a G1 MP Jazz :lol: and I really am interested to see how Ratchet will come out. I also look forward to an eventual Sideswipe, he was my favorite movie Autobot (and funny enough, my 2nd/3rd favorite G1 guy).

As for cons, I think they are gonna go the MP36 route and wait out doing a good proper Megatron for a bit, probably stick to the guys who went more than 1 movie, like Starscream. I'm really hoping for a MP Bonecrusher though, love that guy.

Also, as a final note for this post: I actually like the head. And I find it kind of funny that all the new movie MPs have some sort of facial moving feature: the masks or the mouths.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930915)
Posted by Spider5800 on January 11th, 2018 @ 1:06am CST
I'm digging it. I get some of the complaints, the toes showing in vehicle mode are a little annoying, and hopefully the cannons are removable, but overall it's a huge improvement over any of the movie voyagers, and its a better scale than the DotM leader (and you don't need to buy proper cannons from a 3rd party, LOL). I'll wait for a price confirmation, but unless the price is insane I'll definitely pick it up, and FINALLY replace my movie 1 voyager.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930924)
Posted by Va'al on January 11th, 2018 @ 3:00am CST
Also thanks to Hobbymizer administrator Stanley Cheung, we have some equally nice, clean, high-definition shots of the latest reveal from the Hasbro - Takara Tomy collaboration on the Transformers Movie Masterpiece live, with MPM-6 Ironhide - which you can check out below!

The shots were taken at the private press event during the Hong Kong Toys and Games Fair 2018, as first reported here, and include the figure in robot and vehicle mode, plus comparisons with the Bumblebee Movie Masterpiece toy, and close-ups from a number of angles in both robot and vehicle modes. You can compare the photos below with the official images we received from Hasbro here!













Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1930941)
Posted by Evil Eye on January 11th, 2018 @ 6:12am CST
The more I see of him, the more I like him. He's not perfect but he looks good, and the fact he's essentially Voyager sized is nice too.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931052)
Posted by Quantum Surge on January 11th, 2018 @ 6:19pm CST
KVO Prime wrote:Michael Bay and his bayverse toys get no more money from me... [-(

And why are you here?
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931058)
Posted by Ultra Markus on January 11th, 2018 @ 7:47pm CST
DeathReviews wrote:No matter how many times I look at that 'face' on Ironhide (or Ratchet, or many of the others), I'm never sure exactly what it is I'm supposed to be seeing. It's like Ironhide has the power to make every photo of his face go out of focus on purpose. I've never been a big fan of the bayverse look, especially with the toys. For all the detail and complexity, they still somehow convey the impression that the designers gave up half way through the design process.

to me he looks like a robot pig wearing a helmet winking
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931060)
Posted by Quantum Surge on January 11th, 2018 @ 8:05pm CST
DeathReviews wrote:No matter how many times I look at that 'face' on Ironhide (or Ratchet, or many of the others), I'm never sure exactly what it is I'm supposed to be seeing.

If you remove the last three sentences, I would have mistaken you for talking about...whatever these are supposed to be.

Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931079)
Posted by President-prime on January 12th, 2018 @ 12:27am CST
Seriously, you would not think twice about this figure if you have the leader class one. Leader ironhide makes this mpm ironhide, looks like a waste of money. I️ prob won’t even buy it fir a voyager price. Sheeshhh. Get this garbage out of here. Stop calling it a masterpiece.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931080)
Posted by President-prime on January 12th, 2018 @ 12:30am CST
@quantum surge. It’s called a transformer (from the 80s). And it was retailed for about $8.00, not like mom at minimum st $100.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931082)
Posted by PrymeStriker on January 12th, 2018 @ 12:38am CST
President-prime wrote:Seriously, you would not think twice about this figure if you have the leader class one. Leader ironhide makes this mpm ironhide, looks like a waste of money. I️ prob won’t even buy it fir a voyager price. Sheeshhh. Get this garbage out of here. Stop calling it a masterpiece.

But DOTM Leader Class Ironhide looks like absolute trash.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931084)
Posted by Quantum Surge on January 12th, 2018 @ 12:48am CST
PrymeStriker wrote:
President-prime wrote:Seriously, you would not think twice about this figure if you have the leader class one. Leader ironhide makes this mpm ironhide, looks like a waste of money. I️ prob won’t even buy it fir a voyager price. Sheeshhh. Get this garbage out of here. Stop calling it a masterpiece.

But DOTM Leader Class Ironhide looks like absolute trash.

I find DOTM Leader Ironhide frustrating, and I looked forward to him the most at the time. The weapons are too puny, the hip's ratchet joints aren't like other ratchet joints on Leader figures, the feet make it hard to stand on, and most copies have a joint at the neck; it's glued in place.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931090)
Posted by on January 12th, 2018 @ 2:49am CST
I've the Leader Class Ironhide from RTF: the ultimate Ironhide in my opinion.

I hate the cannons to stay clearly visible on the arms, specially in the alt mode: the leader class ROTF could retract them in the forearms and eject even in the alt mode.

ROTF toy line was the best ever for Movie series... maybe too difficult for kids to convert but they were all masterpieces.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931137)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on January 12th, 2018 @ 10:02am CST
My sister owns the DotM Leader Ironhide, and I've messed around with it some, and I can agree that while the mold is good, this looks better. The colors are off on the leader, I don' really like how the arms work with them being so big and the cannons flipping out, and the legs are difficult in bot mode. He's good, but he needed to be smaller. And I am satisfied with how this guy is going to turn out
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931152)
Posted by President-prime on January 12th, 2018 @ 10:40am CST
@Prymstriker. Leader dotm looks awesome. Personally, I️ think that’s one of the best looking toy in the series. Looks badass. Sorry I️ like my toys bulky and intimidating.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931203)
Posted by PrymeStriker on January 12th, 2018 @ 12:50pm CST
President-prime wrote:@Prymstriker. Leader dotm looks awesome. Personally, I️ think that’s one of the best looking toy in the series. Looks badass. Sorry I️ like my toys bulky and intimidating.

Yeah, no. His colors are way off, too much ugly factory blue, the weapons are small and look like they were molded in Minecraft, he's far too long proportionally making him look way thinner than his onscreen counterpart...basically everything everyone else complained about above. This looks far more screen accurate, it's not even comparable.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931215)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on January 12th, 2018 @ 1:17pm CST
Here's a comparison with the MPM and the DOTM leader next to the CGI model. I think this Ironhide MPM looks freaking incredible, can't wait to get it.

Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931222)
Posted by President-prime on January 12th, 2018 @ 2:14pm CST
You can spend $100 on the thing. I’m cool. I️ like my toys leader class.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931235)
Posted by PrymeStriker on January 12th, 2018 @ 3:46pm CST
President-prime wrote:You can spend $100 on the thing. I’m cool. I️ like my toys leader class.

Nah, I'm not gonna dump $100 on a design I'm not even that crazy about. I'm just saying this is screen accurate and DOTM Leader Ironhide is a miserable piece of work.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931238)
Posted by President-prime on January 12th, 2018 @ 4:07pm CST
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931266)
Posted by Michael Alex Kawa on January 12th, 2018 @ 10:45pm CST
I think he looks awesome, but yeah I also agree with the opinion that is he really not up to Masterpiece standards. But in the defense of the figure, it can't be easy making a CGI design into a plastic model that has to also transform. I do wish that the feet was hidden on vehicle mode, that would be my biggest gripe with the figure, that and the cannons...I really hope they are removable.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931392)
Posted by Prowl4 on January 13th, 2018 @ 6:26pm CST
Some of the criticisms of this masterpiece are mind boggling. The only criticism should be the height as he should be much taller compared to bumblebee. Whether hastak made a mess of the scale of Ironhide or Bee and barricade remains to be seen especially considering that mpm Prime is pretty much leader sized so bee and barricade should've been deluxe sized.

I can't understand the opinion that the leader is better. It's not. I'm a huge fan of Ironhide and although the leader is a great scale in truck and bot mode that's where the superiority stops. The arm canons are terrible that are saved by a third party company. The blue on him is inaccurate as is the mouth plate that never appeared in the movies. The leader simply has many limitations whereas this does not.

I will buy the Hasbro and takara version because I think takara will fill in some smaller paint details like his chin cylinders being black iirc.

For everyone wondering what Ironhide's head is based on it's based on a bull face wearing a cowboy hat.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1931466)
Posted by Spider5800 on January 14th, 2018 @ 10:10am CST
Yeah, I don't get where this love for the leader is coming from. He's too thin, his cannons are too small, he has gimmicks that don't make any sense like that stupid faceplate, and he's out of scale with the other figures from the movie lines (WAY too tall, although he might work with something like the Human Alliance figures that are also bigger).


He looks better with the FWI-2 3rd party cannons you could get, but that doesn't fix all his other problems, or those blue legs. He shouldn't be as tall as OP and Megatron.

This looks like a much more screen-accurate release, and it's in-scale with RotF Leader OP and the MPM OP. We don't have a price-point yet, but Leader Ironhide is going for $80 used on Ebay at this point anyway (WITHOUT the 3rd part stuff), I doubt it will be THAT expensive.
Re: More Images of Newly Revealed Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide (1932135)
Posted by william-james88 on January 17th, 2018 @ 11:16pm CST
Robot Kingdom seems to be the first site offering a preorder for Transformers Movie Masterpiece MPM-6 Ironhide. We do get new details from this listing including a more specific release date and a price.

The release date given is July 1st, 2018. This does fit with the Fall release given by Hasbro since Hasbro usually refers to when we would see a product on the shelves. Robot Kingdom has the toy at $109, but as the title of this article states, this clues us in more on the price point, and is not necessarily the price the toy will be on shelves in America.

This is the same price MPM Optimus Prime goes for on the same site, meaning that MPM Ironhide would probably be sold at the same $100 price Optimus Prime was at Toysrus. Unlike previous MPM releases, Ironhide has not been said to be retailer exclusive and will also be available on Hasbro Toy Shop.


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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #354 - Identity Crisis
Twincast / Podcast #354:
"Identity Crisis"
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Posted: Saturday, July 13th, 2024

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