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More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Friday, March 8th, 2019 9:41PM CST

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 39,785

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The reaction to the previous image posted regarding MPM Megatron got mixed results. Some thought it was the perfect example to all that was wrong with the Bay aesthetic, and inserting Jurassic Park gifs of Dr Malcolm looking at a big pile, while others had the following response:
-Kanrabat- wrote:He's pretty impressive so far. But I want to see more angles of the in-hand product

Well, Kanrabat, the gods heard your prayers and delivered. A few users sent these images in and since the source would rather remain anonymous we will simply post the images below. They include images of the robot mode compared to the CG model, shots of the accessories being wielded, and images of the space jet mode. The person who received the toy said that it was very well articulated and felt very hefty. There is indeed die cast in select areas, such as the feet. As always, feel free to let us know what you think!

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

Transformers News: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08

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Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014022)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 8th, 2019 @ 10:07pm CST
william-james88 wrote:Image

Holy :shock:

That is MASSIVE!

And i really don't think they could have got him any more perfect. I love him. That right there is exactly what i wanted in an update to my first ever Transformer
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014023)
Posted by william-james88 on March 8th, 2019 @ 10:10pm CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:That is MASSIVE!

And i really don't think they could have got him any more perfect. I love him. That right there is exactly what i wanted in an update to my first ever Transformer

I am very happy for you. They updated my first ever Transformer a few years ago and it is such a poor update that I wouldnt call it an update at all and more of an homage.

Transformers Generations Dreadwing Gallery
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014024)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 8th, 2019 @ 10:21pm CST
Man oh man is Movie Masterpiece Megatron getting some love tonight!

After getting several rounds of in hand images and size comparison, we have a new advertisement for the figure licensed by Hasbro. This advertisement is a stop motion video, and over the course of this short video, we get some awesome stop motion shots of Megatron breaking free from the cryogenic ice and transforming to escape the Hoover Dam, as seen in the original Transformers 2007 Live Action Movie.

This video came to us from the 變形金剛同樂會 Facebook page, and you can view the video in all its glory below! Let us know what you think of the next Movie Masterpiece figure, which will be due out in August of this year, below!

Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014026)
Posted by Sarahthecutevixen on March 8th, 2019 @ 10:29pm CST
How curious it appears the allspark cube isnt the same as the previously released die-cast one, none of the glyph's match the positions

Ignore the sketch of Mad Mew Mew from Undertale
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014029)
Posted by transformers_va on March 8th, 2019 @ 10:46pm CST
This figure looks really good, given what they had to work with. However I can't stop thinking that he looks like he has the Cybertronian version of Epidermodysplasia verruciformis :-?
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014031)
Posted by TulioDude on March 8th, 2019 @ 11:18pm CST
I probably said this before,but this Masterpiece reaffirms what I tought for a long time.
Movie Megatron design is one of most imposing out there.When its said he controls the Decepticon faction through tyranny,you can feel it.

The eyes of the toy look better in thee pics than the the stock photos.

An excellent by HasTak! :APPLAUSE: :BOWDOWN:

The Transformers game intro shows thiis design in a brief,but in a menacing way.

Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014041)
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on March 9th, 2019 @ 1:41am CST
Man, he looks sooo good. I’m tempted to just say “fuck it” and get all the MPMs instead of sticking with just Movie Autobots.

Ah, fuck it. I’m probably gonna cave. GOD knows I have weak will when it comes to toys.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014044)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on March 9th, 2019 @ 2:53am CST
jeebus that is a chunky Megatron! :O
If I had the money to collect MPM's I would so be doing it right now.
I'm hoping the eventual Studio Series version of this Megatron will be a sufficently acceptable scaled down copy as much possible. :)

And I love Jazz more everytime I see him (transformed correctly). :)
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014051)
Posted by Emerje on March 9th, 2019 @ 7:03am CST
Man, the size to price ratio on Megatron is pretty outstanding. To see them say how tall he is is one thing, but seeing how tall and bulky he is compared to other MPs really is impressive. For $160 I feel like we're getting our money's worth. What I really want to see is him next to Beast Megatron because I think they're probably very close in size. Who'd have thought we'd get a group of MP Megatrons and MP-36 is the little one?

Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014052)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 9th, 2019 @ 8:27am CST
Okay, now I think I'm sold. Not only this Megs is ridiculously detailed and painted, the backpack is amazingly compact for what it will become in spaceship mode.

And for once, the 2007 Megs is getting love, not the redundant ROTF one.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014062)
Posted by Evil Eye on March 9th, 2019 @ 11:47am CST
Good grief, he's HUGE!

He looks awesome- the robot mode is more or less spot on and the vehicle mode is as good as a physical transforming Knifejet is ever going to look. I wish he had a nice "grimy steel" paintjob like his movie model but at the same time it would probably scratch to hell and back if they did that. He looks a phenomenal toy at any rate.

One thing that would have been nice is some clip-on ice pieces so you could display him in "stasis".
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014063)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 9th, 2019 @ 11:50am CST
Black Hat wrote:One thing that would have been nice is some clip-on ice pieces so you could display him in "stasis".

I'm pretty sure some 3P guy is already on it.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014065)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on March 9th, 2019 @ 12:44pm CST
Is he shorter than the first G1 Masterpiece Megatron though? The tall skinny one before they revised the MP scale to a more consistent size?

Damn I love this one. The figure looks better than the old promo pic it's recreating the pose of.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014066)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 9th, 2019 @ 12:53pm CST
Carnivius_Prime wrote:Is he shorter than the first G1 Masterpiece Megatron though? The tall skinny one before they revised the MP scale to a more consistent size?

I have both MP Megs on display together and based on the picture posted previously, I guess this MPM '07 Megatron is a smidge taller than the top of the gun barrel on the bot mode's back of the original MP Megs. Plus he's way more massive.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014072)
Posted by Ironhidensh on March 9th, 2019 @ 1:50pm CST
That is a hell of a backpack though.....

Also, the pricing on this guy really calls out the complete bullshit on mainline MP pricing.

Other than that, yeah, he looks good for those who like this design. Hopefully he doesn't follow in the footsteps of the other two large MPM figures and be a qc nightmare.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014073)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 9th, 2019 @ 2:05pm CST
Ironhidensh wrote:That is a hell of a backpack though.....

Also, the pricing on this guy really calls out the complete bullshit on mainline MP pricing.

Other than that, yeah, he looks good for those who like this design. Hopefully he doesn't follow in the footsteps of the other two large MPM figures and be a qc nightmare.

That backpack of his is pretty compact though, compared to so many transformers out there.

But yeah, his price is VERY reasonable compared to the current "Geewun" Takara MP.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014079)
Posted by Emerje on March 9th, 2019 @ 2:45pm CST
It's really Hasbro's BS. Takara Tomy's prices have always been on the high side at MSRP, but you could get instant discounts to make the prices more reasonable. Hasbro used to do their own versions of MPs at much lower prices, but around the time they released Prowl they started using the Japanese MSRP prices on repackaged figures and now just release the exact same figure without even changing the boxes. There's really no reason why they couldn't do the same as they used to, they just chose not to. The MPM line is the only exception because Hasbro actually helps fund those so they get a better price worldwide. If Hasbro helped fund the other MPs or did their own variants again we'd have better domestic prices again.

Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014091)
Posted by Ironhidensh on March 9th, 2019 @ 4:57pm CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:
That backpack of his is pretty compact though, compared to so many transformers out there.


I mean, different strokes and all of that, but there is nothing compact about this. I'm sure it could be much worse, but I just find it quite jarring, on an otherwise amazing piece of artwork. Sure, I hate the Movie Megs design, but this figure is such an amazing representation that it quite takes your breath away.

But yeah, his price is VERY reasonable compared to the current "Geewun" Takara MP.

This figure is bigger than both BW Megatron, and Prime 44, yet less than half the price. Something does smell.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014094)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 9th, 2019 @ 5:29pm CST
To me, this is perfection. You cannot possibly do any better than this.

This is my MP boy.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014096)
Posted by durroth on March 9th, 2019 @ 5:37pm CST
I mean, I hate the first few megatrons and galvatron for the sole reason that they had one job and they couldn't design a megatron with an arm mounted cannon, but I'll admit hes pretty amazing.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014111)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 9th, 2019 @ 9:20pm CST
After yesterday's Stop motion video for MPM-8 Megatron, we have yet another Stop Motion to share with you today sponsored by Hasbro, this time advertising both MPM-8 Megatron and MPM-9 Jazz!

The new video does include some overlap to yesterday's video, but features a ton of new Megatron footage, a bunch of new Jazz footage, and some soundbites taken from the 2007 movie and other sources such as the 1986 movie! It showcases some of the articulation, the weapons, the transformation, and even Jazz's split in half to recreate his death moment. This once more comes to us from the 變形金剛同樂會 Facebook page, which you can check out by following this link.

Check out the video below, and let us know what you think of this latest Stop Motion video for the upcoming Masterpiece Movie figures!

Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014112)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 9th, 2019 @ 9:25pm CST
From the side it does look big for a backpack. But I've seen much, much worse.

I'm also glad to see that I'm not alone in seeing how "normal" is the price of that Megatron.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014115)
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on March 10th, 2019 @ 12:02am CST
Whoa, that second video is rather violent for a stop motion ad for a toy.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014119)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on March 10th, 2019 @ 1:04am CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:

This is awesome. Also Jazz, is fine, he starts the video by being in two pieces anyways. :)
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014124)
Posted by DMSL on March 10th, 2019 @ 3:24am CDT
I see way too much grey in this figure, it should be silver instead. I need to see him next to MPM Prime. I hope he isn't towering over him because if that is the case i won't be getting him. HasTak needs to stop making Megatron bigger than Prime, it is not accurate.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014125)
Posted by Emerje on March 10th, 2019 @ 3:43am CDT
DMSL wrote:I see way too much grey in this figure, it should be silver instead. I need to see him next to MPM Prime. I hope he isn't towering over him because if that is the case i won't be getting him. HasTak needs to stop making Megatron bigger than Prime, it is not accurate.

Exactly which movies were you watching?


And I'm pretty sure he's dark silver plastic instead of gray, there's a bit of a sheen to it that doesn't show up great on camera.


Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014127)
Posted by Agent 53 on March 10th, 2019 @ 4:04am CDT
Does anyone know where the dialouge came from, sounds like one of the games.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014133)
Posted by DMSL on March 10th, 2019 @ 8:34am CDT
Emerje wrote:
DMSL wrote:I see way too much grey in this figure, it should be silver instead. I need to see him next to MPM Prime. I hope he isn't towering over him because if that is the case i won't be getting him. HasTak needs to stop making Megatron bigger than Prime, it is not accurate.

Exactly which movies were you watching?


And I'm pretty sure he's dark silver plastic instead of gray, there's a bit of a sheen to it that doesn't show up great on camera.



In the movie Megatron isn't that big compared to Prime. That scale picture is not accurate. Megatron is bulkier than Prime, but he is not towering over him. Just look at the forest battle in ROTF.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014137)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 10th, 2019 @ 9:53am CDT
DMSL wrote:
Emerje wrote:
DMSL wrote:I see way too much grey in this figure, it should be silver instead. I need to see him next to MPM Prime. I hope he isn't towering over him because if that is the case i won't be getting him. HasTak needs to stop making Megatron bigger than Prime, it is not accurate.

Exactly which movies were you watching?


And I'm pretty sure he's dark silver plastic instead of gray, there's a bit of a sheen to it that doesn't show up great on camera.



In the movie Megatron isn't that big compared to Prime. That scale picture is not accurate. Megatron is bulkier than Prime, but he is not towering over him. Just look at the forest battle in ROTF.

Overquoting because mobile posting. You said it. ROTF. This here is '07 Megs. A different form.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014139)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on March 10th, 2019 @ 10:15am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Overquoting because mobile posting. You said it. ROTF. This here is '07 Megs. A different form.

RotF scale chart says Megatron is 35 feet tall in that too. It's really difficult to find suitable pics in the films cos there's no point where Prime and Megatron just peacefully stand next to each other. :P

Closest thing I could find in RotF after Megs has killed Prime on his sword/cannon before Prime flops dead to the ground. Megatron doesn't look hugely bigger.
Transformers 2 - Revenge of the Fallen.mp4_snapshot_01.02.30.426.jpg

Yet in this close up shot from the 2007 film, Megatron's head looks way bigger than Prime's.

2007 promo pic shows Megs quite a big bigger though this picture shows slightly earlier character models than the ones used in the film and have some notable differences.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014157)
Posted by SpikeyTigertron on March 10th, 2019 @ 2:14pm CDT
Keep in mind though.... that in the first movie Megs isn’t chicken legged like he ends up in the other movies. Like the toys, that height starts to vary based on how extended his legs are.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014271)
Posted by Springer1517 on March 11th, 2019 @ 7:53pm CDT
Even though I was never a fan of Megatron's design in the first move, I have to say this figure looks amazing.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014343)
Posted by Seibertron on March 12th, 2019 @ 10:07am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:That is MASSIVE!

And i really don't think they could have got him any more perfect. I love him. That right there is exactly what i wanted in an update to my first ever Transformer

I am very happy for you. They updated my first ever Transformer a few years ago and it is such a poor update that I wouldnt call it an update at all and more of an homage.

Transformers Generations Dreadwing Gallery

I 100% agree. G2 Dreadwing and Smokescreen are 2 of my all-time favorites as well (man I really need to do their galleries one day soon). They had a very unique look and were my very first "poseable" Transformers, alongside G2 Hero Optimus Prime, all 3 of which I got for Christmas 1994. The Dreadwing set was my last Transformers toy that my Grandma bought me. I don't even think most action figures were that poseable back then, so it was pretty amazing to me to see Transformers that had that many joints, like they walked off the cartoon screen!
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2014354)
Posted by B.A. Duggins on March 12th, 2019 @ 12:17pm CDT
I would love to have him. So accurate. But if there is a Studio Series of Megatron from 2007, I wouldn’t worry about him being expensive.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2015273)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 19th, 2019 @ 6:12pm CDT
Thanks to a heads up from Seibertronians Riley Hoffman and What's Crackin', we have word that tonton reviews has uploaded a new video review, this time in the form of Movie Masterpiece MPM-8 Megatron! The video review shows off Megatron in both modes, his transformation both ways, as well as accessory storage and size comparisons.

What is really interesting about the transformation is that it appears as though, despite how complex he was made out to be, most of Megatron's transformation steps appear to be involving his wings and front jet cannon, as well as moving all his soft plastic pointy bits into place.

It is also interesting to note that Megatron has a lot of softer plastic for all his sharp parts. He is also just dang HUGE, towering a full head and then some taller than MPM-4 Optimus Prime and even his 2009 Revenge of the Fallen Leader class toy. Heck, MPM-7 Bumblebee only comes up to his crotch, showing us how big this massive new MPM is going to be.

Check out the video review below, and let us know what you think in the comments section below!

Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2015274)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 19th, 2019 @ 6:14pm CDT
Just saying, he is going to be well worth the money. He is huge, and he looks really good. And the quality appears to be good as well, in contrast to the previous larger MPMs
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2015286)
Posted by Ironhidensh on March 19th, 2019 @ 7:02pm CDT
I need some info on Jazz...…..
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2015288)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 19th, 2019 @ 7:07pm CDT
I'm sold.

I must have that Megs! :x
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2015340)
Posted by Emerje on March 20th, 2019 @ 6:21am CDT
Still images really don't do justice to how shiny he is. There have been a lot of complaints about him being gray plastic, but when you see him in motion he appears to be mostly silver plastic with a few gray accent parts. I usually don't like that sort of contrast, but it works on a giant, monstrous alien robot. ;)^

Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2015343)
Posted by What's Crackin'? on March 20th, 2019 @ 6:56am CDT
That's cool, and all but I need more info on the MPM Jazz. I really want to get that guy.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2015605)
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on March 22nd, 2019 @ 9:35am CDT
Anyone else find it odd that there’s a video review for this Megatron when we still don’t have one for BW Megatron, and he’s the one releasing in about a week?
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2015609)
Posted by william-james88 on March 22nd, 2019 @ 10:15am CDT
Nemesis Maximo wrote:Anyone else find it odd that there’s a video review for this Megatron when we still don’t have one for BW Megatron, and he’s the one releasing in about a week?

Not at all. Hasbro doesnt have fixed schedules and serves the entire world while takara has strict schedules and only deals with Japan. We always get early reviews for Hasbro products while we get to experience Takara stuff the same time as the reviewers.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2015615)
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on March 22nd, 2019 @ 12:06pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Nemesis Maximo wrote:Anyone else find it odd that there’s a video review for this Megatron when we still don’t have one for BW Megatron, and he’s the one releasing in about a week?

Not at all. Hasbro doesnt have fixed schedules and serves the entire world while takara has strict schedules and only deals with Japan. We always get early reviews for Hasbro products while we get to experience Takara stuff the same time as the reviewers.

Is Hasbro more involved with Takara for MPM stuff than with other MPs? I thought MPs were part of the Brand Unification.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2015616)
Posted by william-james88 on March 22nd, 2019 @ 12:11pm CDT
Nemesis Maximo wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
Nemesis Maximo wrote:Anyone else find it odd that there’s a video review for this Megatron when we still don’t have one for BW Megatron, and he’s the one releasing in about a week?

Not at all. Hasbro doesnt have fixed schedules and serves the entire world while takara has strict schedules and only deals with Japan. We always get early reviews for Hasbro products while we get to experience Takara stuff the same time as the reviewers.

Is Hasbro more involved with Takara for MPM stuff than with other MPs? I thought MPs were part of the Brand Unification.

Yes, 100%. Hasbro is not involved with the other MPs. Hence why there is such a difference in prices.
Brand unifiction just means that there will only be 1 version of a toy regardless of who sells it.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2015618)
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on March 22nd, 2019 @ 12:26pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Nemesis Maximo wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
Nemesis Maximo wrote:Anyone else find it odd that there’s a video review for this Megatron when we still don’t have one for BW Megatron, and he’s the one releasing in about a week?

Not at all. Hasbro doesnt have fixed schedules and serves the entire world while takara has strict schedules and only deals with Japan. We always get early reviews for Hasbro products while we get to experience Takara stuff the same time as the reviewers.

Is Hasbro more involved with Takara for MPM stuff than with other MPs? I thought MPs were part of the Brand Unification.

Yes, 100%. Hasbro is not involved with the other MPs. Hence why there is such a difference in prices.
Brand unifiction just means that there will only be 1 version of a toy regardless of who sells it.

Right on. I genuinely didn’t think Hasbro was any more involved with the MPMs.

But isn’t the Brand Unification also making it easier for Western consumers to get their hands on the other MPs? We’ve always had BBTS, TFS, and other Site Sponsors, but now Entertainment Earth and GameStop are getting MPs. Has that just always been the case, or is it more an effect of TRU going away?
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2015620)
Posted by william-james88 on March 22nd, 2019 @ 1:07pm CDT
Nemesis Maximo wrote:Has that just always been the case, or is it more an effect of TRU going away?

Definitely that part, since Entertainment earth grabbed many hasbro exclusives which would have been TRU exclusives had TRU still been around.

But brand unification did also mean that Hasbro from here on out will just sell the same MPs takara makes by importing them.

With the MPMs, it's different. It seems MPMs (well their continuation) are a Hasbro initiative, from what I read and they partner with takara for design, parts count, all that. They control the budget more which explains why Megatron who is bigger than any other MP of late is still 160 instead of 300. They also deal with the marketting aspect and they do pay takara to develop those toys (they don't for the other MPs that's all by Takara from begining to end). They are not simply importing them.

MPMs and MPs are entirely different toylines and Hasbro is involved directly with one and not with the other.
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2015626)
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on March 22nd, 2019 @ 2:33pm CDT
Gotcha, that all makes sense. Thanks WJ! Always nice to have a constructive conversation, especially when I learn something new!
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2017512)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 1st, 2019 @ 7:17pm CDT
Thanks to a heads up from Seibertronian Bucky, we have word that Hasbro Pulse, the new Hasbro Website, has opened up another new Pre-order, and this time it is for the upcoming Movie Masterpiece MPM-9 Jazz!

MPM-9 Jazz is a brand new Masterpiece figure that tackles the smallest member of the original 2007 Live-Action film's Autobot crew. Jazz is the 4th member of the 5 strong Autobot team from that movie, and transforms from robot to Pontiac Solstice GXP. Jazz has been rendered in incredible detail that sees even his back replicate his on-screen appearance. He comes with his crescent shaped cannon, a Sam Witwicky figure running with the Allspark, and a spinal piece so he can re-create his death scene from the movie at the hands of Megatron.

Jazz's pre-order price is $89.99, which is right around the same price as both Bumblebees and Barricade, and he is due out November 1st of this year, only about 3 months after the mighty Megatron. You can follow the link HERE to go place your pre-order, or you can click any of the images below.

Hasbro Pulse charges pre-order cost up front, so know that you will be paying for Jazz right now if you choose to place your pre-order here. The pre-orders will run through May 17 for Hasbro Pulse.








Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2017518)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on April 1st, 2019 @ 8:16pm CDT
So far so good, but the question remain.
How is Jazz's back?
Re: More In Hand Images of Movie Masterpiece Megatron MPM-08 (2017521)
Posted by DeathReviews on April 1st, 2019 @ 8:38pm CDT
Thank goodness they're making MP figures in which I have no interest! Thanks Hasbro - this is saving me a bundle!

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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #354 - Identity Crisis
Twincast / Podcast #354:
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Posted: Saturday, July 13th, 2024

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