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More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More

Transformers News: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More

Friday, February 15th, 2019 7:47AM CST

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 27,108

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We have an update to the images posted yesterday which show us the other modes for each toy, which were found through some more digging on the Walmart website.

Thanks to Walmart/Brickseek, we have confirmation of four upcoming Transformers Studio Series. We have SS 44 Leader Class Dark of the Moon Optimus Prime who is, as we guessed, the same voyager Optimus Prime we already got with a retooled abdominal area and a jetwing backpack. The trailer can be converted into the weapons platform we see in DOTM. We then have a new SS 45 Deluxe Class Age of Extinction Drift which while having the distinctive Bugatti details, turns into a helicopter. It shares some parts with SS Helicopter Drokick but is very much it's own mold all the same. There is also SS 47 Deluxe Class Revenge of the Fallen Constructicon Hightower, a new mold, who can transform to be part of Devastator. Lastly we have SS 43 Voyager KSI Boss, another goon from Age of Extinction, which we now know is a straight redeco of the Nitro Zeus mold, head and all, making it innacurate to his look in the film. You can see the images and the links to the pages below, and be sure to check back tomorrow and the rest of the week-end for all our 2019 Toy Fair news.

You can view the Brickseek links here:

Optimus: ... =517176157
Drift: ... =916451523
Hightower: ... =487042684
KSI Boss: ... =488371648

Transformers News: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More

Transformers News: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More

Transformers News: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More

Transformers News: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More

Transformers News: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More

Transformers News: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More

Transformers News: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More

Transformers News: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More

Transformers News: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More

Transformers News: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More
Credit(s): Walmart

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Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010418)
Posted by Dragma Kerp on February 15th, 2019 @ 8:01am CST
Is it weird that I want both the voyager and the leader Optimus?
Mostly because Voyager will probably appear on shelves in my area while the leader not... but who knows..
Sigh, I guess my wallet needs to start saving for a hard hit!
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010419)
Posted by no-one on February 15th, 2019 @ 8:03am CST
Shame you can't get just that sweet trailer, SS38 could use one, the wheels are a pretty good match, just saying. :-?

Drift looks surprisingly good and I love the deco for KSI Boss. I might have to double dip on the Nitro mold.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010421)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on February 15th, 2019 @ 8:10am CST
carytheone wrote:I might have to double dip on the Nitro mold.

Me too, well, er, sextuple-dip? I have 2 Nitros and 3 Thundercrackers making up my "Thunder-Seekers" using the Thunderwing, Scopronock, Overboard, Fangry and Apeface TR heads. Looks like Horri-bull and/or Crashbash might be in line for a body soon.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010424)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 15th, 2019 @ 8:27am CST
They retooled DOTM Optimus's ribs, but left them red instead of gray/silver.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010425)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on February 15th, 2019 @ 8:30am CST
Sabrblade wrote:The retooled DOTM Optimus's ribs, but left them red instead of gray/silver.

Silver paint on the new ab piece is an easy fix. They still haven't painted his robot mode flames. :P
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010430)
Posted by Nathaniel Prime on February 15th, 2019 @ 8:34am CST
Carnivius_Prime wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:The retooled DOTM Optimus's ribs, but left them red instead of gray/silver.

Silver paint on the new ab piece is an easy fix. They still haven't painted his robot mode flames. :P

I'd much rather have the proper looking truck mode flames than robot mode honestly, as robot mode doesn't look like it's missing anything to me.

And yeah, silver Sharpie for the abs is an easy fix
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010432)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on February 15th, 2019 @ 8:38am CST
Nathaniel Prime wrote:
I'd much rather have the proper looking truck mode flames than robot mode honestly, as robot mode doesn't look like it's missing anything to me.

It always looks like it's missing to me. It's frustrating as heck. Been that way with AoE, TLK, SS05, SS32 and now this one. For each of those I've had to pay out for Toyhax stickers (not SS32 yet cos they haven't done those) cos the robot mode flames are essential to me and I can't paint them myself cos I suck at that sort of detailed and symmetric line work. :(
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010436)
Posted by Nathaniel Prime on February 15th, 2019 @ 8:47am CST
Carnivius_Prime wrote:
Nathaniel Prime wrote:
I'd much rather have the proper looking truck mode flames than robot mode honestly, as robot mode doesn't look like it's missing anything to me.

It always looks like it's missing to me. It's frustrating as heck. Been that way with AoE, TLK, SS05, SS32 and now this one. For each of those I've had to pay out for Toyhax stickers (not SS32 yet cos they haven't done those) cos the robot mode flames are essential to me and I can't paint them myself cos I suck at that sort of detailed and symmetric line work. :(

I feel you, that would probably bother me more on my ROTF Leader. I guess sacrifices have to be made if the chest is faux parts.

Now here's an interesting question: would you rather trade in the silver paint apps on the wheels for the robot mode flames? :-?
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010437)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on February 15th, 2019 @ 8:50am CST
Nathaniel Prime wrote:
Now here's an interesting question: would you rather trade in the silver paint apps on the wheels for the robot mode flames? :-?

Yep. I can paint the wheels like I have done on some other figures (SS32 has it already done by Habsro but SS05 did not so I had to have a go). Not always the most cleanly but still better than I can paint the flames. :P

The flames are missing on the chest, shoulder pads and the lower inner legs. And sort of on the outer legs which is a tricky thing cos they're supposed to be made from the front wheel sections which do have flames but on this figure are made from the back which doesn't have flames on the truck mode but I used the Toyhax stickers that added them cos robot mode gets priority for me. :P So it's quite a lot of missing flames that bug me. Still, that's what Toyhax is for so again I'll add on the extra cost of stickers to the price of this Prime too like I have done for the last four or five figures. :P
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010458)
Posted by What's Crackin'? on February 15th, 2019 @ 9:26am CST
I think Drift reuses the original Dropkick's lower legs.

Anyway I missed out on the original Nitro Zues mold so I may have to get this one. It looks pretty good.

Helicopter Drift looks really cool, but I'm gonna hold off on this guy for a while.

I don't know why no one is talking about HighTower but he's so freaking awesome. He looks so strange and it looks so cool. I love both modes, and I love what they did with his neck. Yeah, he's not 100% accurate to the concept art but this change was for the better. I wanted a proper figure of this guy for so long, and seeing it is just so awesome. He's a must buy for me.

The new leader DoTM Optimus looks way cooler than I previously thought. I love the fact that they gave him a trailer and that weapons ring thing. Also, FINALLY THE RIGHT PAINT SCHEME! That is awesome. He just looks like a fun figure overall. I'll most likely get this guy.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010464)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on February 15th, 2019 @ 9:30am CST
Nathaniel Prime wrote:
Carnivius_Prime wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:The retooled DOTM Optimus's ribs, but left them red instead of gray/silver.

Silver paint on the new ab piece is an easy fix. They still haven't painted his robot mode flames. :P

I'd much rather have the proper looking truck mode flames than robot mode honestly, as robot mode doesn't look like it's missing anything to me.

And yeah, silver Sharpie for the abs is an easy fix

Exactly. I can paint the silver on the abs super easily, but I can’t paint that orange fade on the front of the truck, so I’m super happy with the paint apps he has.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010470)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on February 15th, 2019 @ 9:39am CST
What's Crackin'? wrote:Anyway I missed out on the original Nitro Zues mold so I may have to get this one. It looks pretty good.

Don't miss out on the mold if you can get one. By far one of my favorite transformations across all the lines. Headmaster compatibility with Cogman and Titans Return is a sweet bonus.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010471)
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on February 15th, 2019 @ 9:39am CST
I hate how Hightower looks, always have. They really just gave up when designing him. We could’ve gotten a dude with a hook for a hand but they made that instead.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010485)
Posted by What's Crackin'? on February 15th, 2019 @ 9:48am CST
TF-fan kev777 wrote:
What's Crackin'? wrote:Anyway I missed out on the original Nitro Zues mold so I may have to get this one. It looks pretty good.

Don't miss out on the mold if you can get one. By far one of my favorite transformations across all the lines. Headmaster compatibility with Cogman and Titans Return is a sweet bonus.

Thanks for the heads up. I'm liking this guy the more I look at him.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010487)
Posted by What's Crackin'? on February 15th, 2019 @ 9:50am CST
Nemesis Maximo wrote:I hate how Hightower looks, always have. They really just gave up when designing him. We could’ve gotten a dude with a hook for a hand but they made that instead.

I wouldn't say they gave up. He's honestly one of the more unique looking constructicons. I personally love the look.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010500)
Posted by -Crossfire- on February 15th, 2019 @ 10:08am CST
I can't believe they actually gave us T-Rex Hightower, definite buy. Drift looks like a G.I. Joe vehicle, which I'm perfectly alright with. Prime and KSI Boss are cool too. :D
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010501)
Posted by ZeroWolf on February 15th, 2019 @ 10:08am CST
What's Crackin'? wrote:
Nemesis Maximo wrote:I hate how Hightower looks, always have. They really just gave up when designing him. We could’ve gotten a dude with a hook for a hand but they made that instead.

I wouldn't say they gave up. He's honestly one of the more unique looking constructicons. I personally love the look.

Agreed, I love the design, if I want a hook for a hand I go to Lockdown anyway ;)
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010519)
Posted by What's Crackin'? on February 15th, 2019 @ 10:41am CST
ZeroWolf wrote:
What's Crackin'? wrote:
Nemesis Maximo wrote:I hate how Hightower looks, always have. They really just gave up when designing him. We could’ve gotten a dude with a hook for a hand but they made that instead.

I wouldn't say they gave up. He's honestly one of the more unique looking constructicons. I personally love the look.

Agreed, I love the design, if I want a hook for a hand I go to Lockdown anyway ;)


You know what other constructicon was really cool? Mixmaster! I can't wait to see how they handle that guy!
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010565)
Posted by SGMLordMirage on February 15th, 2019 @ 11:57am CST
Interesting on OPs Trailer, seems to look good, cant wait for additional photos. I am liking the helicopter version of Drift.
Would be neat if they did DOTM Wreckers, one can only dream!
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010571)
Posted by I_AM... MEGATRON! on February 15th, 2019 @ 12:06pm CST
DOTM Prime is everything I wanted him to be. They even gave him the shield that he used for all of two seconds.

Here's hoping we get a Sentinel Prime soon.

SGMLordMirage wrote:Interesting on OPs Trailer, seems to look good, cant wait for additional photos. I am liking the helicopter version of Drift.
Would be neat if they did DOTM Wreckers, one can only dream!

Leadfoot is gonna be a problem just like he was when DotM came out.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010577)
Posted by william-james88 on February 15th, 2019 @ 12:17pm CST
I_AM... MEGATRON! wrote:Leadfoot is gonna be a problem just like he was when DotM came out.

Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010581)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on February 15th, 2019 @ 12:22pm CST
william-james88 wrote:
I_AM... MEGATRON! wrote:Leadfoot is gonna be a problem just like he was when DotM came out.


The Target logo would be my guess, they would pretty much have to make him a target exclusive, at least in the US.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010583)
Posted by SGMLordMirage on February 15th, 2019 @ 12:30pm CST
I can see that in regards to “Target”. I know there is that issue with license and marketing. In addition, there is also the issue with “LOWE’s”, they no longer sponsor Jimmie Johnson in NASCAR. So at this point, would they allow it as well.
Again, without customizing or whatever, from their original release would have been nice in the same scale. Deliuxe versus Human Alliance.
Sorry, kind of went off topic.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010584)
Posted by william-james88 on February 15th, 2019 @ 12:31pm CST
TF-fan kev777 wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
I_AM... MEGATRON! wrote:Leadfoot is gonna be a problem just like he was when DotM came out.


The Target logo would be my guess, they would pretty much have to make him a target exclusive, at least in the US.

I see, but I dont think we should jump to conclusions so quickly. They released a bunch of Leadfeet without it before, so there's no reason they wouldnt now. The red cross logo cant be used and we have had a bunch of rachets since.



This is the most in demand Leadfoot figure, and it doestn even have a target logo:

Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010608)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on February 15th, 2019 @ 1:40pm CST
Wreckers definitely benefit from Toyhax stickers cos there's no way Hasbro would/could get rights to even half the sponsors on those cars anyways. :P
Here's pic of their Human Alliance Leadfoot stickers. LOTS of sponsor logos.

I had the Legends figures and had the Toyhax stickers for them. Damn, some of them were fiddly as hell being so tiny but they added some lovely detail to the lil guys. :)


So yeah this be a case where I would understand if Hasbro released them without major sponsor decals (even blank) and just left it up to Toyhax to finish them up as annoying as that may be for some people (since obviously it increases the cost of each figure to get it more accurate).
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010609)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on February 15th, 2019 @ 1:47pm CST
Maybe Leadfoot could be an exclusive like Drift, have him at Target to get the logo and then throw in mini figures of wheelie and brains since those 3 were together for a little bit in Chicago.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010610)
Posted by o.supreme on February 15th, 2019 @ 1:47pm CST
Yeah, in the case of the DotM wreckers and the sponsor logos, I think this is one time the fans can give Hasbro a pass for not getting them 100% *movie-appearance accurate*
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010611)
Posted by william-james88 on February 15th, 2019 @ 2:05pm CST
EvasionModeBumblebee wrote:Maybe Leadfoot could be an exclusive like Drift, have him at Target to get the logo and then throw in mini figures of wheelie and brains since those 3 were together for a little bit in Chicago.

No please, no. That assumes the whole world has Target, which isnt the case.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010615)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on February 15th, 2019 @ 2:27pm CST
william-james88 wrote:
EvasionModeBumblebee wrote:Maybe Leadfoot could be an exclusive like Drift, have him at Target to get the logo and then throw in mini figures of wheelie and brains since those 3 were together for a little bit in Chicago.

No please, no. That assumes the whole world has Target, which isnt the case.

Ah, right. Last thing we need is another deluxe leadfoot who never makes it to retail :lol:
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010620)
Posted by Spider5800 on February 15th, 2019 @ 2:43pm CST
Optimus looks great, although I'm a little concerned that none of the images show his triple-barreled blaster from DotM. Looks like there's an empty spot on the right side of the weapon trailer where it could fit in, though, so maybe its just not in these pics for some reason?

Really digging that Drift, although I hope the changes to the Dropkick mold make it more stable. Mine was a fiddly mess, especially the arms.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010626)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on February 15th, 2019 @ 2:56pm CST
william-james88 wrote:
EvasionModeBumblebee wrote:Maybe Leadfoot could be an exclusive like Drift, have him at Target to get the logo and then throw in mini figures of wheelie and brains since those 3 were together for a little bit in Chicago.

No please, no. That assumes the whole world has Target, which isnt the case.

Please don't remind me. :(


And then:

Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010633)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on February 15th, 2019 @ 3:16pm CST
Ok after some initial annoyance with these two figures (they've both got slightly fiddly bits but you get used to it) and using some nail polish on the joints that keep Barricade's chest connected to his waist better I really like these two. Two very nice additions to my SS collection. :)



Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010676)
Posted by FrankTheJohnson on February 15th, 2019 @ 5:37pm CST
I love them. Will be getting Optimus, Drift, and definitely getting all the Construction bots. As for the Ksi boss, I'm on the fence about.
Optimus an his trailer...iconic and great representation of him in dark of the moon version. Of course the paint job isn't perfect, but this collector has paint ready for all movie figures to detail once I'm done collecting all I'm gonna collect. Drift looks great jus wish we got a triple changer of him but I recognize it's harder to do with a deluxe class figure than with a voyager or leader class figure so I'm satisfied.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010742)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on February 16th, 2019 @ 1:53am CST
FrankTheJohnson wrote:Drift looks great jus wish we got a triple changer of him but I recognize it's harder to do with a deluxe class figure than with a voyager or leader class figure so I'm satisfied.

I think even voyager or leader size would struggle to have two realistic vehicle alt-modes without some compromise (and scale issues). Hard to get one alt-mode correct sometimes never mind two. :P
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010759)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on February 16th, 2019 @ 5:44am CST
Odd thing... I thought SS05 Optimus' value should have decreased significantly since SS32 and now the DotM version of it coming out but I've seen a few 2nd hand ones sell on eBay for a nice amount. One just now sold for £26 (brand new RRP is £32.99). Am curious as to why. Maybe people confused about which one they're buying (doubtful cos the photos show it very clearly as the first version), are people buying it for the swords (the only realy draw to the figure now but probably not worth that much?) or some other reason? Eh, if you have that figure and want to sell it then maybe it's worth a try?


I won the bidding for Crowbar from same seller for £7.50 which I think is a good price for me. Means I finally finish Wave 1 (well, if you count Black Mamba Grimlock as SS Grimlock it's made from and I did have the official SS Grim before I sold it so IT STILL COUNTS! I think :michaelbay: )

Here be my current Studio Series collection... including several figures that technically aren't but either just fit and are cool or are placeholders for eventual SS figures. :P
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010803)
Posted by Nathaniel Prime on February 16th, 2019 @ 10:41am CST
Carnivius_Prime wrote:Odd thing... I thought SS05 Optimus' value should have decreased significantly since SS32 and now the DotM version of it coming out but I've seen a few 2nd hand ones sell on eBay for a nice amount. One just now sold for £26 (brand new RRP is £32.99). Am curious as to why. Maybe people confused about which one they're buying (doubtful cos the photos show it very clearly as the first version), are people buying it for the swords (the only realy draw to the figure now but probably not worth that much?) or some other reason? Eh, if you have that figure and want to sell it then maybe it's worth a try?


I won the bidding for Crowbar from same seller for £7.50 which I think is a good price for me. Means I finally finish Wave 1 (well, if you count Black Mamba Grimlock as SS Grimlock it's made from and I did have the official SS Grim before I sold it so IT STILL COUNTS! I think :michaelbay: )

Here be my current Studio Series collection... including several figures that technically aren't but either just fit and are cool or are placeholders for eventual SS figures. :P

That KO OS Grimlock works way better in scale with Studio Series. That's cool.

I wonder if they every make a Masterpiece scale version though :twisted: (wrong forum, sorry)
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010894)
Posted by notsoalex on February 16th, 2019 @ 3:21pm CST
Toy Fair 2019 at New York City is taking place right now. Directly from the floor at New York Toy Fair 2019, news staff megatronus is sending us images of the Hasbro display showroom as we prepare the galleries for the site. Here is what you will find in the images below for the Studio Series display:

Drift (Age of Extinction Helicopter)
Dropkick (Bumblebee Car)
Shatter (Bumblebee Car)
Constructicon Hightower (Revenge of the Fallen)
Constructicon Scrapmetal (Revenge of the Fallen)
Barricade (2007)
Clunker Bumblebee (2007)
Sideswipe (Dark of the Moon)
WWII Bumblebee (The Last Knight)
Cogman (The Last Knight)

KSI Boss (Age of Extinction)
Optimus Prime (Bumblebee)
Optimus Prime (2007)
Bonecrusher (2007)

Optimus Prime (Dark of the Moon Jetwing)
Jetfire (Revenge of the Fallen)
Megatron (Dark of the Moon)

Check out the images below and stay tuned to Seibertron for all the latest Toy Fair New York 2019 coverage!

























Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010896)
Posted by Ironhidensh on February 16th, 2019 @ 3:24pm CST
The legs on drift are not good at all. That mold is just a total loss.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010898)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on February 16th, 2019 @ 3:28pm CST
Oh, now I see. For DOTF Leader Optimus, the trailer split in parts. One is the ring-O-guns, and the rest of the pieces make the Jetpack. Clever.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010918)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on February 16th, 2019 @ 4:09pm CST
Always a bit weird when I see toys I already have (SS32 Prime, Barricade, Jetfire, Sideswipe etc) being shown off at a Toyfair but yeah I neeeed that DotM Prime with that trailer. It's awesomeness. I dunno about Dropkick and Shatter. Might pass on those like I'll pass on SS38 Prime (and have sold Gold VW Bee and I'm tempted to sell the yellow too). Drift(kick) is still neat even though it looks like they haven't fitted his lower leg sections properly on that display model. KSI Boss looks more tempting. I like his colours. But yeah mostly want DotM Prime. :D
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010926)
Posted by Cyberpath on February 16th, 2019 @ 4:25pm CST
Is SS-38 out yet? Some fans already have him, but I found only a pre-order on BBTS for April.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010941)
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on February 16th, 2019 @ 5:19pm CST
I still hate Howtower, but I will admit that his face is sweet.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010950)
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on February 16th, 2019 @ 6:37pm CST
That Leader Prime is definitely worth the money to me. It's the ultimate movie Prime. Comes with the trailer, wingpack, ring of weapons, and it still has the compatability with Jetfire. Glad I didn't pick up the new voyager until we saw how this Prime would turn out
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010952)
Posted by Wireless_Phantom on February 16th, 2019 @ 6:44pm CST
I think I might actually go for that Drift.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010956)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on February 16th, 2019 @ 7:11pm CST
That's interesting, Prime's windows (both the vehicle mode ones and the faux ones in robot mode) are painted in silver instead of transparent like the previous releases. I kinda dig it, I think I would've preferred a darker color but it's still pretty cool.

Can't wait to get this figure, I'm thinking about preordering him from Pulse :-?
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010958)
Posted by Ig89ninja on February 16th, 2019 @ 7:25pm CST
So we have 2 normal Constructicons (Long Haul and Scrapmetal), and 2 unique ones (Hightower and Rampage), I wonder what the ratio of normal and unique constructicons will be. We know Scavenger is a unique while Mixmaster is somewhere in between unique and normal
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010970)
Posted by notsoalex on February 16th, 2019 @ 8:44pm CST
NY Toy Fair 2019 had many awesome displays for their toylines, one obviously being Studio Series. Stock renders were revealed a day earlier, most likely on accident.

Our site owner, Seibertron, along with megatronus, were there to take some great images of the figures shown off at Hasbro's booth. As is tradition, a video was also taken, which you can view below. These pictures and the video give us a great look at these upcoming figures for 2019.

While not all the figures are new, we can see:
Drift (Age of Extinction Helicopter)
Dropkick (Bumblebee Car)
Shatter (Bumblebee Car)
Constructicon Hightower (Revenge of the Fallen)
Constructicon Scrapmetal (Revenge of the Fallen)
Barricade (2007)
Clunker Bumblebee (2007)
Sideswipe (Dark of the Moon)
WWII Bumblebee (The Last Knight)
Cogman (The Last Knight)

KSI Boss (Age of Extinction)
Optimus Prime (Bumblebee)
Optimus Prime (2007)
Bonecrusher (2007)

Optimus Prime (Dark of the Moon Jetwing)
Jetfire (Revenge of the Fallen)
Megatron (Dark of the Moon)

Click on any of the images below to view the gallery, or click here

You can view all of our galleries from the 2019 New York Toy Fair by clicking here and you can see all the videos from the 2019 New York Toy Fair by clicking here.





Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010973)
Posted by Ironhidensh on February 16th, 2019 @ 8:57pm CST
notirishman wrote:While not all the figures are new

None of the figures are new. There was not one single new reveal in the whole presentation. >:oP

Anyway, on to happy news.......


I broke down and picked this guy up at Target today. I hate myself a little for paying full redcard price, but I was tired of walking past him every day. Really great figure, does a horrible design amazing justice. I highly recommend.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010974)
Posted by william-james88 on February 16th, 2019 @ 9:04pm CST
Ironhidensh wrote:
notirishman wrote:While not all the figures are new

None of the figures are new. There was not one single new reveal in the whole presentation. >:oP

Anyway, on to happy news.......
I broke down and picked this guy up at Target today. I hate myself a little for paying full redcard price, but I was tired of walking past him every day. Really great figure, does a horrible design amazing justice. I highly recommend.

Come on, give the guy a break, if not for Walmart jumping the gun and internet savy people unearthing stuff, a lot of stuff would have been new today. Plus, this is the first time we see those figures outside of renders (after 1 day of them having been leaked).

Anyways, your taste keeps surprising me, I would have thought that you'd hate that megatron for being a small leader and having the truck cab visibly hollow.
Re: More Official Images of Studio Series Leader DOTM Prime with Weapons Base, Helicopter Drift and More (2010978)
Posted by Nathaniel Prime on February 16th, 2019 @ 9:30pm CST
Ironhidensh wrote:The legs on drift are not good at all. That mold is just a total loss.

The legs here are mistransformed, that's why they look terrible, otherwise Drift makes this mold shine better than Dropkick

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