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New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined!

Transformers News: New ROTF Jetfire Pics.  Combined!

Saturday, May 16th, 2009 12:30PM CDT

Category: Toy News
Posted by: Down_Shift   Views: 49,168

Topic Options: View Discussion · Sign in or Join to reply have new images of Leader Class Jetfire from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

These new pictures show off some good detail, size and articulation to the figure. Not to mention our first look at the combined form of Optimus Prime and Jetfire!

New ROTF Jetfire Pics.  Combined!

New ROTF Jetfire Pics.  Combined!

New ROTF Jetfire Pics.  Combined!

New ROTF Jetfire Pics.  Combined!

To see all the images at the original source, click here
Credit(s): s250,

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Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922200)
Posted by Down_Shift on May 16th, 2009 @ 12:35pm CDT
s250 wrote:

You beat me to the post by like 30 seconds :P

FP'd & C'd
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922201)
Posted by Doubledealer93 on May 16th, 2009 @ 12:36pm CDT
SOLD! imma buyin mah TFs! holy crap1 that is awesome!
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922202)
Posted by 1337W422102 on May 16th, 2009 @ 12:37pm CDT
Amazing! Ugly shoulderpads and huge backpack kibble!
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922204)
Posted by Chaoslock on May 16th, 2009 @ 12:40pm CDT
Ugh, the combined mode is bad (it will make me feel better to not buy Prime), but the blackbird mode sells it.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922207)
Posted by Trikeboy on May 16th, 2009 @ 12:46pm CDT
Seeing Jetfire properly posed he doesn't look as bad as I thought he would. Not too sure about the combined mode but I will be getting both and displaying them separately.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922209)
Posted by First Gen on May 16th, 2009 @ 12:50pm CDT
Ok, I'm really motivated to buy a Transformers with a cane. yeah, real menacing there standing with your cane and mini gun. And the combined mode is a backpack? C'mon.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922212)
Posted by Mkall on May 16th, 2009 @ 12:53pm CDT
I'm still wondering what the rasoning is having wheels attached to the bottom of a cane are. The second one puts any weight on them, they slide right out and boom; straight to the hospital
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922213)
Posted by YRQRM0 on May 16th, 2009 @ 12:54pm CDT
I was already sold on Prime,and this just might have sold me Jetfire. Dependin hs role and action in the movie, his articulation, and everything else, I might get him.

As usual, I'll wait for a video review.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922214)
Posted by syphonn on May 16th, 2009 @ 12:55pm CDT
I'm not particularly impressed with the combined mode, and Jetfire's alt mode is equally unimpressive. Pass on Jetfire, maybe Prime if the movie is decent.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922216)
Posted by Ravage XK on May 16th, 2009 @ 1:00pm CDT
Not so much combined as mashed together but I do like the look of Jetfire. I will probably end up getting Prime too even though I have the leader from the first film.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922217)
Posted by Covenant on May 16th, 2009 @ 1:02pm CDT
:lol: :APPLAUSE: :lol:


That's it? That's the kewlz nu 'combined feature' on those two forty+ dollar toys??

Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922221)
Posted by Primus C-00 on May 16th, 2009 @ 1:07pm CDT
The BFG in combined mode is very Armada!

Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922228)
Posted by Blurrz on May 16th, 2009 @ 1:30pm CDT
Primus C-00 wrote:The BFG in combined mode is very Armada!


No way. If it was Armada then Jetfire would clearly be the pants.

I'm actually liking the fact that Jetfire is a backpack instead of actually "Powerlinking". I knew Leader Optimus Prime was just too poseable to form some sort of Gestalt with Jetfire, seeing as he doesn't have a hidden head.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922237)
Posted by Solrac333 on May 16th, 2009 @ 1:39pm CDT
First thing I'm going to do with mine is get rid of that stupid cane. As for the combined mode, MEH. I'm sure it will look better on screen and on the key chain.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922245)
Posted by OptimusShr on May 16th, 2009 @ 1:50pm CDT
I don;t think you can get rid of the cane. Judging by the wheels it could be his landing gear in vehicle mode.

Anyway I love the look of the figure and will pick him up. The combined form doesn't look that great but I hope the nose pieces can be folded downward and out of the way.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922248)
Posted by rpetras on May 16th, 2009 @ 2:02pm CDT
I really like the Leader class stuff this time around.

I'm all over these.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922257)
Posted by Archanubis on May 16th, 2009 @ 2:09pm CDT
First Gen wrote:Ok, I'm really motivated to buy a Transformers with a cane. yeah, real menacing there standing with your cane and mini gun. And the combined mode is a backpack? C'mon.

I dunno about that man. I mean, have you ever seen an old curmudgeon defending his lawn from pesky kids? Scary stuff. :P
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922259)
Posted by Megatron Wolf on May 16th, 2009 @ 2:11pm CDT
So jetfire turns into a backpack so Prime can have some thing to carry his spare parts in? Yeah im passing on jetfire. The figure sucks and this combination (if you can even call it that) is worthless. Prime looks good at least. Thats $50 saved.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922268)
Posted by typh0id on May 16th, 2009 @ 2:32pm CDT
Megatron_Wolf wrote:So jetfire turns into a backpack so Prime can have some thing to carry his spare parts in? Yeah im passing on jetfire.

I'm really not sure what all the fuss is about or why everyone seems to have been expecting the two to combine into some completely new form like Devestator...

It seems fairly apparent that Jetfire becomes Prime's jetPACK to allow him to fly...What more in that does there need to be?
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922272)
Posted by 1337W422102 on May 16th, 2009 @ 2:36pm CDT
typh0id wrote:
Megatron_Wolf wrote:So jetfire turns into a backpack so Prime can have some thing to carry his spare parts in? Yeah im passing on jetfire.

I'm really not sure what all the fuss is about or why everyone seems to have been expecting the two to combine into some completely new form like Devestator...

It seems fairly apparent that Jetfire becomes Prime's jetPACK to allow him to fly...What more in that does there need to be?

Perhaps people simply expect the combined mode to not look as awful/lazy/etc.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922282)
Posted by Immortal Starscream on May 16th, 2009 @ 3:05pm CDT
dont care much for, nor surprised by the combined form. Still want jetfire reguardless. hes got to be the single most off the wall transformer ever.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922288)
Posted by Zeds on May 16th, 2009 @ 3:16pm CDT
Nothing will beat the Galaxy Force combo of Sonic Convoy. This train wreck looks horrid next to Sonic.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922295)
Posted by robofreak on May 16th, 2009 @ 3:34pm CDT
Personally, I was hoping for a combination more along the lines of Armada, but after seeing this combination it makes perfect sense.

Think for a moment. Jetfire is a Decepticaon gon Autobot who's been sleeping for who know how many years. Prime may be old, but his body is up to date. It's safe to assume that They needed to figure out how to get Prime airborne quickly so the fact that Jetfire was able to modify himself into a jetpack seems perfectly logical. It's nothing too fancy, but it will get the job done.

So far, I'm very impressed with everything I've seen for the movie. I'm glad I didn't buy very many Animated figures.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922303)
Posted by Hip-Hoptimus Rime on May 16th, 2009 @ 3:48pm CDT
That's, uh... unique. Combined mode isn't for me, their scales are just too far off for that. Jetfire is now a must-buy, tho, that Blackbird mode is teetses, and his robot mode looks really mechanical and alien. There goes another $45.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922304)
Posted by Anonymous on May 16th, 2009 @ 3:49pm CDT
i'm sold on Jetfire. i think he looks good as a stand alone character! i like the fact that he turns into a jetpack on Prime(even if the toys combined look pretty weak). with the ability to fly it gives Prime a whole new dimension in combat!
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922322)
Posted by DevastaTTor on May 16th, 2009 @ 4:12pm CDT
Prime is really nice although I just don't need another movie leader Prime in my collection. The combined mode will probably look cool onscreen but doesn't translate well to plastic-was to be expected though.

I just hope that leader Starscream looks good.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922326)
Posted by Overcrusher on May 16th, 2009 @ 4:19pm CDT
Why so serious guys? It could be a jetpack for all we know!
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922331)
Posted by Autoclot on May 16th, 2009 @ 4:24pm CDT
Mkall wrote:I'm still wondering what the rasoning is having wheels attached to the bottom of a cane are. The second one puts any weight on them, they slide right out and boom; straight to the hospital

Isn't it supposed to be his landing gear? With that in mind... landing gear tends to have a handbreak :)

Either way, these will be mine... I love how these look :D
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922334)
Posted by Blurrz on May 16th, 2009 @ 4:28pm CDT
Overcrusher wrote:Why so serious guys? It could be a jetpack for all we know!

Well without a doubt Jetfire will be his Jetpack.

However look at Optimus Prime itself. He's one of the best figures released in recent times. While he's freaking amazing, he's pretty bulky with most of his body. Now add Jetfire, another Leader Class. Their combination is not only channeling Armada Optimus Prime + Jetfire, but it's channeling their toy form too. From the looks of it it's going to be another Jet Chunkimus. And I love it. :)
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922341)
Posted by capellamusic on May 16th, 2009 @ 4:36pm CDT
I don't know... but the combined mode looks more like Jetfire is doing something to Optimus from... er... behind.

Anyway, I have to say that I like both figures. That picture with Jetfire on his cane holding a chaingun is priceless. What a great 'scary' pose! LOL
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922368)
Posted by WolfDawg on May 16th, 2009 @ 5:25pm CDT
Prime looks awesome (as usual)
Jetfire is growing on me. He doesn't look as bad as I thought and even the cane is starting to look kinda cool. However, I'm not sure if I can forgive all the kibble under the Blackbird mode. I'll have to see it in person...
The combined mode isn't all that great. I really was expecting something awesome. The backpack just seems lazy, especially when you compare him to another Prime combination known as Omega Prime.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922398)
Posted by typh0id on May 16th, 2009 @ 6:21pm CDT
robofreak wrote:Personally, I was hoping for a combination more along the lines of Armada, but after seeing this combination it makes perfect sense.

Think for a moment. Jetfire is a Decepticaon gon Autobot who's been sleeping for who know how many years. Prime may be old, but his body is up to date. It's safe to assume that They needed to figure out how to get Prime airborne quickly so the fact that Jetfire was able to modify himself into a jetpack seems perfectly logical. It's nothing too fancy, but it will get the job done.

Exactly! That's exactly what I've been saying all along...

I don't see anything unreasonable about this combination at all..They're not combining into some epic new Uber-Robot or anything like that and nobody ever said they would...It's just a utilitarian joining and probably a quick one at that...
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922400)
Posted by Bouncy X on May 16th, 2009 @ 6:22pm CDT
wow...thats craptcular.

they dont look combined at all, just like jetfire's attached to his back. i'm sure it'll look cool in the actual movie but yeah.

but cool looking toys on their own though.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922430)
Posted by DMan304 on May 16th, 2009 @ 7:29pm CDT ... ychain.jpg

The toy doesn't look very good, but if the keychain is anything to go by, it will look infinitely better in the movie.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922443)
Posted by Blurrz on May 16th, 2009 @ 8:02pm CDT
From the keychain picture, My entrepreneurial eye suggests that Hasbro will somehow release another mold of Leader Optimus Prime + Jetfire combined. As they would say, more 'movie accurate'.

My physics eye suggests that it's not freaking possible. That keychain suggests that Optimus Prime is pretty much covered with Jetfire armor. Looks like lots of Jetfire's parts need to be split up into different pieces. There's no way for it to happen unless Jetfire's armor parts are an add-on of some sort and don't combine to make a Jetfire toy.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922446)
Posted by Ironhide63 on May 16th, 2009 @ 8:07pm CDT
Ok...ill be buying both Jetfire and Optimus (leaders) but they wont be doing much combining. that combined mode looks more like optimus with a jetpack, and in size comparison, the jet is much larger then the it should be more of jetfire. i hope this isn't all the combination does...i heard the wings turn into guns...or something, hopefully if the twins combine (figures) theirs will look better. :?
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922448)
Posted by Diem on May 16th, 2009 @ 8:16pm CDT

Shattered Glass meets the movie. Sweet.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922458)
Posted by Vega on May 16th, 2009 @ 8:50pm CDT
Not to keen on the combined mode, but the individual figures are pretty nice, especially the new Prime.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922463)
Posted by YRQRM0 on May 16th, 2009 @ 9:03pm CDT
After another look at the keychain, I've come up with a theory:
I'm geussing they have some kind of fusion" in the movie. I'm thinking something like allspark energy breaks Jetfire apart and welds him onto optimus or something. I just don't see how Jetfire could break into so many parts and seperate so much realisticly. Especially while having to be able to turn into a Jet as well.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922479)
Posted by same138 on May 16th, 2009 @ 9:40pm CDT
I can't wait to get Jetfire and stick him on the shelf waving his cane at the Youngbots! "Kids these days!"

The Prime is really nice but I'm going to try and avoid buying returning characters 'cept the Voyager Bumblebee, for me that's a must. Mind you if money improves by the time he goes on clearance...
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922484)
Posted by Knock Out on May 16th, 2009 @ 9:56pm CDT
Don't discount a character because he has a cane. The last movie character I remember with a cane was Yoda, and he kicked serious ass.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922495)
Posted by HighPrime on May 16th, 2009 @ 10:25pm CDT
Combined mode.. meh. I'll be passing on prime. Already have the Takara Premium version, and Hasbro Nightwatch version, making him largely unnecessary for me. Jetfire, I'll pick up, but will hold off until Takara releases a vacuum-metal premium version (crossing fingers) :grin:
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922509)
Posted by Hip-Hoptimus Rime on May 16th, 2009 @ 11:42pm CDT
WolfDawg wrote:Prime looks awesome (as usual)
Jetfire is growing on me. He doesn't look as bad as I thought and even the cane is starting to look kinda cool. However, I'm not sure if I can forgive all the kibble under the Blackbird mode. I'll have to see it in person...

This is true. I'll prob display him in robot mode anyway, but in jet mode, I may stand him up on his tail so all you see is the top of the jet mode.

Blackbirds rule.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922517)
Posted by warwik311 on May 17th, 2009 @ 12:20am CDT
Is it just me or does it look like this a little more articulation in the "shoulder pad" part of the combined mode? Maybe it's a bit misformed? either way the combined mode is kinda growing on me and Jetfire's bot mode is friggin' awesome!
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922518)
Posted by Autobot Firestorm on May 17th, 2009 @ 12:22am CDT
Looks great! But I'm not buying anything until I see the Premium Series.
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922553)
Posted by Primus C-00 on May 17th, 2009 @ 3:04am CDT
Looking at the toys and the keyring, I hate to say it...


There really isn't much difference. The extra armour being imagined is just metallic bits of both bots that have been given a metallic drybrush.

The only main difference is the BFG.

Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922586)
Posted by starscreamprime1010 on May 17th, 2009 @ 8:50am CDT
Both of these figures look great! But the only thing is that Jetfire is black and grey, not red and white. Same with Starscream, he is tan and black,not red, white, and blue! But Optimus looks even better than he did originally, I love the flames! So, I guess it all evens out! :D
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922594)
Posted by syphonn on May 17th, 2009 @ 9:58am CDT
YRQRM0 wrote:After another look at the keychain, I've come up with a theory:
I'm geussing they have some kind of fusion" in the movie. I'm thinking something like allspark energy breaks Jetfire apart and welds him onto optimus or something. I just don't see how Jetfire could break into so many parts and seperate so much realisticly. Especially while having to be able to turn into a Jet as well.

But that's the way how they all transform in the movie, stuff moving all over the place
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922633)
Posted by leobreaker1977 on May 17th, 2009 @ 12:17pm CDT
why does jetfire have decepticon insgnia's all over him? I don't get it. I think this line will only be good to buy for customs and repaints, I'll focus the rest my money on buyin Gen1 toys
Re: New ROTF Jetfire Pics. Combined! (922649)
Posted by Ultra Magnus on May 17th, 2009 @ 1:03pm CDT
Hm. :-? That's gonna look... Interesting on the Big Screen. Still, I'm grabbin them both! This is gonna be an expensive summer...

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