New Video of a "Non Biological Entity" at Stop Sector Seven!
Thursday, June 28th, 2007 11:17AM CDT
Categories: Movie Related News, Digital Media NewsPosted by: TheMuffin Views: 20,180
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Check out this new home recording of an F-15 Non Biological Entity...Or as we like to call him. Starscream.
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Posted by Black Arachnis on June 28th, 2007 @ 11:20am CDT
Posted by Archanubis on June 28th, 2007 @ 11:22am CDT
Black Arachnis wrote:hey sweet, that`s the Masterpiece Starscream model.
Definately looks like it.
Posted by 1337W422102 on June 28th, 2007 @ 11:28am CDT
Posted by kendragon on June 28th, 2007 @ 11:54am CDT
Posted by Anonymous on June 28th, 2007 @ 11:59am CDT
Yup. But instead we got...1337W422102 wrote:See, that looked good.
Posted by Vavavivian on June 28th, 2007 @ 12:15pm CDT
All you guys that live to bash this movie because of the designs, I'll now agree with you (on this one point only).
It would have been totally sweet for Starscream to look like this in the movie. (Sorry for the 1995-98 pop language reference, I get mentally stuck there on occasion).
Posted by Phenotype on June 28th, 2007 @ 12:18pm CDT
Posted by Night Raid on June 28th, 2007 @ 12:27pm CDT
Posted by Creature SH on June 28th, 2007 @ 2:17pm CDT
Posted by Nemescream on June 28th, 2007 @ 2:24pm CDT
Posted by ShGarland_1383 on June 28th, 2007 @ 3:15pm CDT
Nemescream wrote:So awesome, and makes an excellent avatar.
I agree.
Anyway, this is the video from Agent X's most recent podcast I was talking about here.
Posted by omegaprimussupermode on June 28th, 2007 @ 3:28pm CDT
Posted by Prowl_83 on June 28th, 2007 @ 5:09pm CDT
Would make an awesome animation style for a TV series or whatever, but there is no sense of awe to that. Just looks like a big toy.
Posted by D-340 on June 28th, 2007 @ 6:21pm CDT
Prowl_83 wrote:Hmm.. much as I love the old designs, that looks like a bag of ass in terms of suspension of disbelief.
Would make an awesome animation style for a TV series or whatever, but there is no sense of awe to that. Just looks like a big toy.
That's my thought exactly. As cool as that looked, if we got that on the big screen, I'd be insulted. I wanna realistic robots duking it out, not giant toys.
Posted by Creature SH on June 28th, 2007 @ 6:29pm CDT
Posted by D-340 on June 28th, 2007 @ 6:40pm CDT
Creature SH wrote:wooooooo boy, look at the brainwash patrol hating what they once loved.
I'm no where near brainwashed, I actually appritiate change. I'm not some nostalgia fanatic who whines at the first site of change.
And so you know, I've been a fan since '84. My first TFs where G1 Optimus Prime and Megatron, which I still have and think they're 2 of best TFs ever made. So get your facts straight before you insult someone.
Posted by Creature SH on June 28th, 2007 @ 6:43pm CDT
Posted by D-340 on June 28th, 2007 @ 6:48pm CDT
Creature SH wrote:What does that prove ?
That you're flaming.
Posted by Creature SH on June 28th, 2007 @ 6:50pm CDT
I'm just disgusted by all the people who seem to forget the truth in favor of clinging to something they so desperately want to be good that they'd except anything with its name attached.
Posted by Spooner on June 28th, 2007 @ 7:00pm CDT
Posted by D-340 on June 28th, 2007 @ 7:07pm CDT
Creature SH wrote:Flaming... silly word, that.
I'm just disgusted by all the people who seem to forget the truth in favor of clinging to something they so desperately want to be good that they'd except anything with its name attached.
What truth? Have you seen it? Will you see it? If not, you loose all right to complain because you have no facts backing it up. In 4 days I'm going. If it sucks, I'll gladly eat my words. But everything I've seen I liked, which I'm intitled to. You come into a movie discussion, and say the same thing over and over. And then you insult other people when they disagree, it's kinda ridiculous.
On that note, I'm done. I'm not gonna fuel this fire anymore.
Posted by Creature SH on June 28th, 2007 @ 8:09pm CDT
D-340 wrote:What truth? Have you seen it? Will you see it? If not, you loose all right to complain because you have no facts backing it up. In 4 days I'm going. If it sucks, I'll gladly eat my words. But everything I've seen I liked, which I'm intitled to. You come into a movie discussion, and say the same thing over and over. And then you insult other people when they disagree, it's kinda ridiculous.
On that note, I'm done. I'm not gonna fuel this fire anymore.
You say that you liked everything you saw, I say that I hated everything. I know all that needs to be known about this movie. I know the storyline and I know the visual approach. Both are abhorrent. There is no way it could get better by staring at it two hours in a row.
Posted by TheMuffin on June 28th, 2007 @ 10:04pm CDT
Creature SH wrote:D-340 wrote:What truth? Have you seen it? Will you see it? If not, you loose all right to complain because you have no facts backing it up. In 4 days I'm going. If it sucks, I'll gladly eat my words. But everything I've seen I liked, which I'm intitled to. You come into a movie discussion, and say the same thing over and over. And then you insult other people when they disagree, it's kinda ridiculous.
On that note, I'm done. I'm not gonna fuel this fire anymore.
You say that you liked everything you saw, I say that I hated everything. I know all that needs to be known about this movie. I know the storyline and I know the visual approach. Both are abhorrent. There is no way it could get better by staring at it two hours in a row.
Sigh. I really thought we were past this type of stuff. For a good month people had either excepted and embraced what was given or they realized it wasn't their movie and they just stopped visiting this area of the forums. Then you have to come and start it all up again. Ah well.
Posted by Flashback on June 29th, 2007 @ 12:53am CDT
Creature SH wrote:D-340 wrote:What truth? Have you seen it? Will you see it? If not, you loose all right to complain because you have no facts backing it up. In 4 days I'm going. If it sucks, I'll gladly eat my words. But everything I've seen I liked, which I'm intitled to. You come into a movie discussion, and say the same thing over and over. And then you insult other people when they disagree, it's kinda ridiculous.
On that note, I'm done. I'm not gonna fuel this fire anymore.
You say that you liked everything you saw, I say that I hated everything. I know all that needs to be known about this movie. I know the storyline and I know the visual approach. Both are abhorrent. There is no way it could get better by staring at it two hours in a row.
I am a huge G1 fan.
I hated all of the preliminary designs, I hated the leaked scripts, I dreaded the movie.
Saw it yesterday, loved it. It was fun. It was exciting. It was Transformers.
The difference between you and I is that you seem hell bent on spilling your bile everywhere, you're so completely invested in your own opinion that you would never ALLOW yourself to enjoy the movie. Seriously, 'abhorrent'? 'Disgusted'? Where's your achievement beyond attacking people who enjoy themselves? You're sanctimonius, a flamer, and a waste of space.
Posted by Zombie Starscream on June 29th, 2007 @ 2:36pm CDT
Posted by Creature SH on June 29th, 2007 @ 4:01pm CDT
Flashback wrote:I am a huge G1 fan.
I hated all of the preliminary designs, I hated the leaked scripts, I dreaded the movie.
Saw it yesterday, loved it. It was fun. It was exciting. It was Transformers.
This only gives you away as easy to impress. "oooh, big screen ! Ooooh, flashy effects ! Ooooh, loud noise !"
You know what ? Forget about the designs. They're secondary. Tertiary, even. What really matters is the story. And this movie really has none. The only genre where that could be tolerated would be comedy. Is that what Transformers is to you ? A big joke ? Why even waste time on a joke ?
Flashback wrote:The difference between you and I is that you seem hell bent on spilling your bile everywhere, you're so completely invested in your own opinion that you would never ALLOW yourself to enjoy the movie. Seriously, 'abhorrent'? 'Disgusted'? Where's your achievement beyond attacking people who enjoy themselves? You're sanctimonius, a flamer, and a waste of space.
Achievement ? I didn't know that this was supposed to be a contest. What's yours ?
And you are clearly not understanding me. There is nothing to be enjoyed here. Am I supposed to abandon what I know to be true just because it would be easier to be silent ? Am I supposed to stop fighting just because I can't win ? Should I start lying to myself just so I fit the marketing ?
Posted by Sentinel Pax on June 29th, 2007 @ 4:18pm CDT
Creature SH wrote:This only gives you away as easy to impress. "oooh, big screen ! Ooooh, flashy effects ! Ooooh, loud noise !"
You know what ? Forget about the designs. They're secondary. Tertiary, even. What really matters is the story. And this movie really has none. The only genre where that could be tolerated would be comedy. Is that what Transformers is to you ? A big joke ? Why even waste time on a joke ?
Well, jokes are fun, so that's all you really need in a movie about giant robots fighting. Creature SH, seriously, just pull the stick out of your ass and lighten up. Stop bashing people just because they have different expectations from this movie than you do. Seriously, saying Flashback is "easy to impress" because he enjoyed the movie? I think you need to come down of your pedestal a little bit, and while you're at it, take Transformers off the high one you've set it on, as well. This is Transformers, man, not the freaking Ark of the Covenant.
Posted by Creature SH on June 29th, 2007 @ 4:31pm CDT
Apex Convoy wrote:Well, jokes are fun, so that's all you really need in a movie about giant robots fighting.
So that's all there is to it, eh ?
For all these years, for all these fans, for all the time invested, the stories written, the art, the work... It's all to be summed up in three words. "Giant robots fighting". I guess Transformers is not worth a second thought, then. It's empty, it's soulless, it's flat, it's cheap, it's crap.
This website is pointless. It should just be a gallery of pictures of giant robots fighting. Silly Seibertron.
Posted by on June 29th, 2007 @ 5:30pm CDT
Posted by Creature SH on June 29th, 2007 @ 5:36pm CDT
And I certainly won't break my boycott just so I can find out what I know already.
Posted by on June 29th, 2007 @ 5:41pm CDT
Creature SH wrote:I don't recall ever using the word fanboy. My goal certainly isn't to belittle anyone, either. I just find all this praise of a very bad thing revolting and unbelievable.
Cool. Well at least calling people blind. Which is kind of what fanboys are. I'm no fan of fanboys either.
Creature SH wrote:And I certainly won't break my boycott just so I can find out what I know already.
I know we've been over this before, but that still doesn't make you an expert on the movie, or that your opinion is more informed. Would you review the movie of To Kill a Mockingbird based on pictures of Gregory Peck and reading the novel? All you can legitimately critique is the script, designs and your attitude towards hollywood popcorn flicks. Sorry, but that's not enough to actually attack the film as a whole.
Posted by Creature SH on June 29th, 2007 @ 5:49pm CDT
Stalinglad wrote:Cool. Well at least calling people blind. Which is kind of what fanboys are. I'm no fan of fanboys either.
Blind ? When one gives me reason to think so. "Look at the green sky" situations.
Stalinglad wrote: Would you review the movie of To Kill a Mockingbird based on pictures of Gregory Peck and reading the novel?
No. But if I had the script and a few sources to confirm that the movie sticks to it, I could form an opinion about whether or not there is enough potential to make it worth seeing.
Posted by on June 29th, 2007 @ 5:51pm CDT
Creature SH wrote:Stalinglad wrote: Would you review the movie of To Kill a Mockingbird based on pictures of Gregory Peck and reading the novel?
No. But if I had the script and a few sources to confirm that the movie sticks to it, I could form an opinion about whether or not there is enough potential to make it worth seeing.
Absolutely. I agree with that completely.
Posted by Creature SH on June 29th, 2007 @ 5:53pm CDT
Posted by on June 29th, 2007 @ 6:13pm CDT
Creature SH wrote:So what's the problem again ?
*sigh* You have several times evaluated the movie as a whole and belittled anyone who likes the movie. Yet you just recently admitted your understanding of the movie entitles you to chose not to see it (which is your right). But you cannot review the movie.
Look, this is seriously becoming a chore running in circles with you over the movie. We all get that you don't like certain aspects yet you refuse to see it. Perhaps you can stop posting in here and leave those of us who have seen the movie to discuss it with informed opinions? Otherwise you're just repeating yourself.
Posted by Sentinel Pax on June 29th, 2007 @ 6:40pm CDT
Creature SH wrote:Apex Convoy wrote:Well, jokes are fun, so that's all you really need in a movie about giant robots fighting.
So that's all there is to it, eh ?
For all these years, for all these fans, for all the time invested, the stories written, the art, the work... It's all to be summed up in three words. "Giant robots fighting". I guess Transformers is not worth a second thought, then. It's empty, it's soulless, it's flat, it's cheap, it's crap.
This website is pointless. It should just be a gallery of pictures of giant robots fighting. Silly Seibertron.
For a franchise's introductory movie for the masses, yes, all you really need is the basics of Transformers. Sentient robots fighting each other. Sequels are for fleshing out the mythos.
Posted by Creature SH on June 29th, 2007 @ 6:59pm CDT
Stalinglad wrote:(...) Otherwise you're just repeating yourself.
I know... do you have any idea how sick I am of it ? It's not like it was fun to argue about this everyday.
But nobody seems to get my point (That this movie is bad for Transformers as a whole, that it will do more damage than good and that it will bury the past and thus all potential for the future), so I keep re-iterating over and over and over and over...
I can't just stop now. That would make me nothing but a traitor who doesn't even try to fight.
Posted by Flashback on June 29th, 2007 @ 11:51pm CDT
Creature SH wrote:
This only gives you away as easy to impress. "oooh, big screen ! Ooooh, flashy effects ! Ooooh, loud noise !"
You know what ? Forget about the designs. They're secondary. Tertiary, even. What really matters is the story. And this movie really has none. The only genre where that could be tolerated would be comedy. Is that what Transformers is to you ? A big joke ? Why even waste time on a joke ?
What? Story not important in Comedy? WHAT?! I don't.. you don't... what?? Ohhh... I get it... 'All this shows is that you don't have a sense of humour'. seriously. sorry to provoke you, you can go back to analysing Transformers as a cutting commentary of the times or whatever the hell you think it is beyond a commercial for toys that every now and again a talented writer drifts into and we get a good story (Beast Wars, Superlink etc).
Story is VERY important in comedy. Easily more important than in an action movie. And the idea that this movie, that appeals to nontransformers fans and deposits a lovely little pile of cash in the laps of those responsible for developing and distributing Transformers products, will hurt the franchise is dense. The shallow plot in this movie will not send the plots of all future transformers series into a backwards motion, any more than Micron densetsu 'ruined' superlink.
Posted by on June 30th, 2007 @ 1:07am CDT
Creature SH wrote:But nobody seems to get my point (That this movie is bad for Transformers as a whole, that it will do more damage than good and that it will bury the past and thus all potential for the future), so I keep re-iterating over and over and over and over...
We get your point: Michael Bay raped something more important than life and you're here on a crusade to stop people watching a dumb movie. You've made it again and again but you wont simply shut up. But we don't care. If you are not going to see the movie, please leave this part of the forum.
Posted by Creature SH on June 30th, 2007 @ 9:42am CDT
And to think that Hasbro won't go and change things about Transformers until it's exactly like the movie is foolish. It's standard practice in pop culture properties.
A live-action movie should've unleashed the full potential of the franchise. Instead, it drags it down to the realm of piss jokes framed with t&a. I just don't understand how you can tolerate that.
Posted by D-340 on June 30th, 2007 @ 11:20am CDT
Creature SH wrote: this movie is bad for Transformers as a whole, that it will do more damage than good and that it will bury the past and thus all potential for the future
Making all kinds of money and bringing world wide attention is bad? Last I checked it's a good thing. Your opinion and argument are fine, it's your logic I don't get. Again, just cuz a few fans don't like what's going on, doesn't mean it'll kill the franchise. The more money it makes, liking what's going on or not, is gonna guarantee that it's gonna be around for a very long time.
Posted by Creature SH on June 30th, 2007 @ 1:33pm CDT
Posted by TheMuffin on June 30th, 2007 @ 1:51pm CDT
Creature SH wrote:The bad part is that Bay's boomsplosionpoopyboobsmwaha approach is going to replace any semblance of character and depth.
Dude. Have you actually watched G1 lately? The show had almost no character and/or depth. All characterization is done in the first damn episode and everything after that was just a bunch of episodes with laserbeams and bad plot devices....So at the very least, I'd say the movie is on par with what G1/RID/Armada/Energon/Cybertron set up.
Posted by Creature SH on June 30th, 2007 @ 2:33pm CDT
Posted by TheMuffin on June 30th, 2007 @ 3:56pm CDT
Creature SH wrote:"G1" was more than the TV show.
To some. But to most who didn't even know there was a comic it wasn't.
Posted by on June 30th, 2007 @ 5:19pm CDT
Creature SH wrote:The bad part is that Bay's boomsplosionpoopyboobsmwaha approach is going to replace any semblance of character and depth.
Characters? Check. Bay's explosions didn't replace them.
Depth? Okay, it wasn't the most deep movie, but then again neither were the cartoons, 80s movie or the comics. But Bay didn't write the movie, and neither is the script bad.
A question, Creature: Are you aware that more people than Bay made the movie? It seems you think he's responsible for everything.
Posted by Creature SH on June 30th, 2007 @ 7:13pm CDT
But you can view the name as a collective term. It's just easier to write.