Official Images of Transformers: Age of Extinction Optimus Prime
Thursday, October 10th, 2013 3:56AM CDT
Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News, Event News, Press ReleasesPosted by: Autobot032 Views: 99,284
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(Ages: 4 & up /Approx. Retail Price: $44.99/Available: May 2014)
The Leader Scale OPTIMUS PRIME figure from Hasbro is part of the TRANSFORMERS brand’s popular GENERATIONS action figure line and is inspired by the upcoming TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION movie from Paramount Pictures. This impressive figure is the first to be revealed from the highly anticipated 2014 TRANSFORMERS line. This extraordinary OPTIMUS PRIME figure features an all new deco, converts from robot to vehicle and is styled in the character’s new look as he will appear in TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION. Additional features and accessories including an impressive new sword and shield let fans relive the action of the blockbuster movie series. The TRANSFORMERS GENERATIONS OPTIMUS PRIME LEADER SCALE FIGURE will become available at major retailers beginning in May, 2014 in advance of TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION coming to theaters on June 27, 2014.

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Posted by njb902 on October 10th, 2013 @ 4:12am CDT
Posted by gavinfuzzy on October 10th, 2013 @ 4:15am CDT
Though I'll probably pick it up on clearence. Might look better in hand. (I'm someone who actually likes DOTM Voyager prime.)
Posted by njb902 on October 10th, 2013 @ 4:48am CDT
gavinfuzzy wrote:InB4 a better mold. If its the only prime there is, I'm sure it will sell. But if there is a voyager or deluxe, this thing's gonna shelfwarm forever.
Though I'll probably pick it up on clearence. Might look better in hand. (I'm someone who actually likes DOTM Voyager prime.)
I liked his gun, hell I think I bought him just for the BFG.
Posted by SKYWARPED_128 on October 10th, 2013 @ 5:26am CDT
Still waiting for the actual CGI model for comparison, though.
Posted by MNsor on October 10th, 2013 @ 5:41am CDT
HOWEVER, considering this figure as part of the movie universe and movie toyline:
1)Seeing the samurai/cartoony look of it I'm really worried that this could be a hint of Michael Bay yet again exagerating in giving TFs human characteristics (oh well, we already had bearded robots, sexual harassment, cigar smoking, what else?)
2)Why everytime a new TF movie comes out do they have to change the scale? Ok ok, because then scale-freaks like me wouldn't buy the latest version of barricade or sideswipe to make it fit in the latest movie toyline...

Posted by Ravage XK on October 10th, 2013 @ 5:50am CDT
Posted by KnightStrike on October 10th, 2013 @ 6:16am CDT
Posted by Mindmaster on October 10th, 2013 @ 6:22am CDT
This? As a preview figure in the Generations line? Nope, unacceptable, completely unacceptable. If they want to do a "preview" figure, put it in the actual line, not Generations.
Posted by guarayakha on October 10th, 2013 @ 7:06am CDT

Posted by Megatron Wolf on October 10th, 2013 @ 7:22am CDT
Posted by reluctantyouth on October 10th, 2013 @ 7:26am CDT

This is the leader calss treatment we have to look forward to from Bayverse? This figure screams simplistic deluxe at best. You have a rear axle backpack and the entire friggin truck cabin is hanging off the back legs. Here is what I see happening...
Leader= smaller, now deluxe configuration transformation
Deluxe= smaller, now legend class configuration/limited movement and detail
Legends= smaller yet, arm rotation eliminated, might as well be a POS pvc figure at this point
Are we really reverting to G1 simplicity for economic reasons?


Posted by DEANO85 on October 10th, 2013 @ 7:55am CDT
Posted by Ravage XK on October 10th, 2013 @ 7:56am CDT
Posted by Trikeboy on October 10th, 2013 @ 8:04am CDT
Posted by Flakmaster on October 10th, 2013 @ 8:17am CDT
I hope the Deluxes and Voyagers are not equally simple, nor simpler.
As Trikeboy above me said, ROTF Optimus really set the bar for ideal Movie Leader Class figures, and anything that's so dramatically simpler by comparison leaves me with a feel of it lacking something.
Who's willing to bet that this thing's brick of a torso is filled with gimmicks?
ROTF Optimus had them, too, but for that figure the designers were able to get their acts together and combine gimmicks with a decent transformation, without sacrificing one for the other.
Ah, well, all the more money to get my MP Soundwave a new shelf buddy. (Assuming that Hasbro releases any during the exploitation of TF:AOE audiences)
Posted by Metroplex79 on October 10th, 2013 @ 8:27am CDT
reluctantyouth wrote:......Are we really reverting to G1 simplicity for economic reasons?![]()
I'm a G1er, and I would rather these new figures go back to the best of the Unicron Trilogy figure's simplicity.
This is getting rediculous. I'm not asking for super advanced and articulated figures, but with the Iron Man 3 "action-less" figures, and the more recent "early 80s template" Star Wars figures, it's getting harder to justify buying stuff from Hasbro. They really deserved to lose to Lego from that recent article.
It's kind of sad that I'm buying 2013 TFs for their weapons more than their figures. I weep for the future of TFs.
Posted by GuyIncognito on October 10th, 2013 @ 8:31am CDT
Posted by MagnetarPrime on October 10th, 2013 @ 8:37am CDT

Posted by Rated X on October 10th, 2013 @ 8:38am CDT
Posted by Homerjay14522 on October 10th, 2013 @ 8:41am CDT
Posted by MagnetarPrime on October 10th, 2013 @ 8:41am CDT
Mindmaster wrote:Looks much better than originally thought. I'm still not attracted, though.
This? As a preview figure in the Generations line? Nope, unacceptable, completely unacceptable. If they want to do a "preview" figure, put it in the actual line, not Generations.

Posted by Flakmaster on October 10th, 2013 @ 8:44am CDT
Metroplex79 wrote:reluctantyouth wrote:......Are we really reverting to G1 simplicity for economic reasons?![]()
I'm a G1er, and I would rather these new figures go back to the best of the Unicron Trilogy figure's simplicity.
How I miss the Energon/Cybertron Unicron trilogy figures.
Most figures had decent poseability and decent gimmicks. They also didn't look overly detailed in comparison to their transformations; they looked somewhat blocky, and they transformed in a somewhat blocky manner (I'm mainly thinking of my Constructicon Maximus torso figure whose name escapes me) unlike today's film figures, whose overly detailed aesthetics do not go well with their simple transformations at all.
Posted by Noideaforaname on October 10th, 2013 @ 8:56am CDT
I can see a lot of people dropping this line with how "kiddie" they seem to be going.
Sabrblade wrote:Also, what's this people keep saying about a fake chest? There aren't any window on this chest, so what's fake about it?
It's still not formed out of anything from the alt mode, and Movieverse designs generally don't fake in torsos or anything -- every bit of a Transformer is a bit of the vehicle.
Posted by Kibble on October 10th, 2013 @ 9:44am CDT
guarayakha wrote:Still a tad too simple for a Leader Class figure. Looks like I'll have to wait till the 5th movie to see if they pull another ROTF Prime thing, because the was the pinnacle of Bayformer toys
You're not going to see that again in movie toys as long as their focus is dumbed down, kid friendly toys. If you want a return to ROTF engineering, your only hope is these toys don't sell and Hasbro concludes that it's due to releasing shitty toys for 5 year olds and they'd be better off going back to super complex, super screen accurate figures.
Posted by Sabrblade on October 10th, 2013 @ 10:01am CDT
If the upcoming Beast Hunters toys for 2014 are any indication, Deluxes and Voyagers may become nothing more than enlarged Legions and Commanders.Flakmaster wrote:I hope the Deluxes and Voyagers are not equally simple, nor simpler.
Well, what is it that makes a Generations be a Generations toy when the Generations line has thus far had at least three or four different aesthetics? Generations began as a War for Cybertron toyline, evolved into another Classics-style line, shifted into a Fall of Cybertron line, has now converted into an IDW toyline, and will likely change up things again later on. So what if it has a figure from one more aesthetic?MagnetarPrime wrote::HEADHURTS: I don't see why he would be released as a generations figure when he is clearly not, he is a movie line toy figure not a generations figure, Hasbro is very sneaky on putting TF figures from one toy line into another so next thing you know you have this guy from 'another' TF toy line and then you want to get the rest,,, like,,, Generations Soundwave being actually a FOC figure and then boom,,, what did we get ? the FOC line with a bigger soundwave figure wtf.... so this is clearly a strategy for them to mix up the toy lines up a bit and get us all on board... I'm not happy that he will be released in the generations line because I feel 100% sure they will also use him on the TF movie 4 line... however I may end up getting him at some point down the road once he goes on clearance. LOL
You should open that thing, stat! It is amazing. Between the 2007 Leader toy and the ROTF Leader toy, the ROTF one is pretty much exactly what we see onscreen in the movies put into plastic form.Rated X wrote:No more Leader Primes for me. I bought the original 2007 mold and it's blue repaint. Then I bought the ROTF version on sale for 35 bucks and to this day haven't opened it.

Whereas the 2007 toy is but a blocky imitation by comparison.

Maybe this movie will have Optimus transforming into a robot mode whose chest is formed from parts hidden deep inside the altmode exterior.Noideaforaname wrote:Sabrblade wrote:Also, what's this people keep saying about a fake chest? There aren't any window on this chest, so what's fake about it?
It's still not formed out of anything from the alt mode, and Movieverse designs generally don't fake in torsos or anything -- every bit of a Transformer is a bit of the vehicle.

Posted by SJ21 on October 10th, 2013 @ 10:23am CDT
That guys does look fairly simplistic for a Leader class toy. I understand that Hasbro wants to keep these toys more simplistic for the kids. I can only hope that they do more figures like Leader Starscream. I believe they called him a Masterpiece in the Takara line. Maybe they are going to do the same thing here. Make the more accurate Leaders MP's.
Posted by Actar on October 10th, 2013 @ 10:37am CDT
Yes, the CGI model hasn't been made public yet, but I cannot believe for a single solitary second that it will have that god-awful backpack that consists of the 4 rear wheels. Mis-transformation? A more complex figure waiting in the wings? We can only hope.
Posted by rdrunr89 on October 10th, 2013 @ 10:38am CDT
Just want continuity.

Posted by QBKiller94 on October 10th, 2013 @ 10:52am CDT
1) Sweet looking weapons. There were two sets of weapons, one each for the robot and alternate modes. One set had chrome and the other was made of gray/silver plastic. That's troubling. What are the chances we actually get chrome from Hasbro?
2) Vehicle mode. The alt mode had nice lines and looked pretty good despite the missing headlights. I like the new exhaust pipes.
3) Chrome. The chrome looked great on him. Again, I'm skeptical about getting chrome on the finished product.
4) Spring release date. A PR rep said he'll hit the shelves in early May. The movie hits theaters at the end of June.
1) "Leader Class" in name only. This Prime is about 15-20 percent smaller than ROTF Leader Class Prime. No price point was given.
2) Giant back pack. There's way too much kibble on his back.
3) Head Sclupt. I don't like the way his face looks. Too alien for my tastes.
Posted by OptimusPrime273 on October 10th, 2013 @ 11:10am CDT

Posted by hinomars19 on October 10th, 2013 @ 11:57am CDT
Manterax Prime wrote:Just an update for those not following over on TFW, it seems the story is that this figure is part of the Generations line as a "preview figure".
They choose this as a preview of things to come?? They really have no idea how to sell products.
To those who defend Hasbro-I really don't now how you do sometimes. Due respect to you all, but truly I can't see how or why you do it with a case like this. Somebody somewhere in this company has no idea what they are doing and can't admit it. I don't think it is our job to play along.
This thing is silly. Not kid friendly, silly. There's a big difference, and this is not doing the job. Not every toy has to be collector focused awesome like Generations Springer or Rhinox to be better and have more respect than this.
Posted by ILL-Star on October 10th, 2013 @ 12:12pm CDT
I welcome simplicity as long as its a good figure, screen accurate, and has decent to very good articulation. It's not that I can't transform complex figures. It's just a pain in the butt.
Posted by TheCyclonus on October 10th, 2013 @ 12:22pm CDT

Galvatron... please? I still have hopes that he's gunna be in AOE. XD
Posted by jamesbenjamin on October 10th, 2013 @ 12:38pm CDT
If this really is "Generations" than its part of an assortment. Leaders usually get 3 molds per assortment. If its "Generations" that means what, IDW Prime and Megs as the other two?
Posted by Seibertron on October 10th, 2013 @ 12:41pm CDT
Posted by Seibertron on October 10th, 2013 @ 12:44pm CDT
Posted by kirbenvost on October 10th, 2013 @ 12:44pm CDT
reluctantyouth wrote:Are we really reverting to G1 simplicity for economic reasons?![]()
That, and also Hasbro thinks kids can't handle complex transformations. I can see it if they're going for the 5-7 age group, but I always thought mainline TFs were geared toward a slightly older crowd than that. I guess these days all older kids care about is video games and iPhones.
MagnetarPrime wrote::HEADHURTS: I don't see why he would be released as a generations figure when he is clearly not, he is a movie line toy figure not a generations figure, Hasbro is very sneaky on putting TF figures from one toy line into another so next thing you know you have this guy from 'another' TF toy line and then you want to get the rest,,, like,,, Generations Soundwave being actually a FOC figure and then boom,,, what did we get ? the FOC line with a bigger soundwave figure wtf.... so this is clearly a strategy for them to mix up the toy lines up a bit and get us all on board... I'm not happy that he will be released in the generations line because I feel 100% sure they will also use him on the TF movie 4 line... however I may end up getting him at some point down the road once he goes on clearance. LOL
Everyone freaking out about it being released under Generations needs to remember that the whole point of that line (and Universe) was originally to showcase characters from different generations of Transformers. Hence why we've seen FoC, Beast Wars, G2 and Armada so far. We've just been lucky that the majority were G1. I personally don't care if this guy is released under Generations as long as Bayverse doesn't completely take over the line. If they still have characters from other continuities, I'm all for it, especially if Hasbro's intentionally keeping them on board for the 30th Anniversary.
Posted by Seibertron on October 10th, 2013 @ 12:48pm CDT
Evil_the_Nub wrote:Manterax Prime wrote:Some people over on TFW2005 are speculating that this is actually the voyager class. They could be right. W/ that much kibble for no reason, I wouldn't be surprised.
That's what I'm thinking too. Things like the chest, the open slots above the elbows and knees where they swivel, the hollow smokestacks, the ton of back kibble, and the giant screw in the elbow are the kind of things you see on smaller figures.
It's too big to be a Voyager figure. The woman from Hunter PR that I talked to specifically said that it was the Leader Class figure and that retail would be $44.99. It's smaller than previous movie Leader figures, but bigger than Voyager. Looked like an Ultra Class figure to me.
Posted by Sabrblade on October 10th, 2013 @ 12:54pm CDT
Of all the pics in that gallery, this one has me the most excited:Seibertron wrote:More pictures have been added of Optimus Prime in our new gallery from last night's Hasbro party. Check out the pictures here:

Posted by JackStraw on October 10th, 2013 @ 1:10pm CDT
Posted by gothsaurus on October 10th, 2013 @ 1:19pm CDT
Either way, it leaves me with the feeling like I've just bought some generic super hero action figure with a truck on its back. Much less fun. I can't understand how Hasbro could lose their play-pattern formula. Puzzling.
That said, I do think this truck looks amazing. If I get this, it will be for the truck alone. Somehow the robot mode seems out of proportion for Prime. It looks like a small child in a suit or something. Maybe it's the head being a little big, legs a little short? Doesn't look bulky or epic or like something that would be towering over you.
So yeah. More money for Masterpieces.
Posted by President-prime on October 10th, 2013 @ 1:28pm CDT
Posted by El Duque on October 10th, 2013 @ 1:29pm CDT
Products from Hasbro's other lines were also on display; Star Wars, Angry Birds, Kre-O Dungeons & Dragons, Marvel, and more.
Check out the full gallery by clicking here or any of the images below.

Posted by gothsaurus on October 10th, 2013 @ 1:34pm CDT
Posted by Noideaforaname on October 10th, 2013 @ 1:45pm CDT

Whoa, wait, when did this happen?
Posted by rdrunr89 on October 10th, 2013 @ 1:48pm CDT
Noideaforaname wrote:
Whoa, wait, when did this happen?
I think that was a deleted scene from Ep 3 when he was trying on the armor in case something happened on Mustafar. Sidious didn't want to do any tailoring.

Posted by gothsaurus on October 10th, 2013 @ 1:55pm CDT
Ah well, at least they haven't done anything like ret-con all the Stormtroopers into identical clones of some Australian guy. That would really kill my suspension-of-disbelief.
Posted by Tyrannacon on October 10th, 2013 @ 2:00pm CDT
Posted by GuyIncognito on October 10th, 2013 @ 2:02pm CDT
Noideaforaname wrote:
Whoa, wait, when did this happen?
When George Lucas lost his mind.
Anyway, I think OP looks even worse now that we can see what he looks like from the back.
On the other hand, that pop-up book looks cool!
Posted by autobotOG on October 10th, 2013 @ 2:11pm CDT