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Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on

Transformers News: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on

Thursday, October 19th, 2017 11:33PM CDT

Category: Toy News
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 17,640

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Thanks to several Seibertronian users who contacted us, we now know of a placeholder listing of the Walgreens Exclusive Clone Set from Titans Return. You cannot order this item yet but this is the first sign of life from Walgreens that they will be getting this product ever since we first found out. This could mean that they could also be found in stores shortly so let us know if you spot them in stores as well or when the listing lets you order the product. For those unaware, this two-pack includes Titans Return Wingspan and Cloudracker who round out the Transformers Clones. Below is the image of the listing along with the product description.

Transformers News: Placeholder ListinTransformers Titans Return

Transformers News: Placeholder ListinTransformers Titans Return

Transformers News: Placeholder ListinTransformers Titans Return

Prepare to see double in this Transformers Generations Clones 2-figure pack, featuring 2 special edition Clone figures in Legends Class scale. This Clone pack includes 2 clone character figures, Wingspan and Cloudraker, available for the first time since 1987.

Transformers Generations Clones 2-figure Pack
Comes with 2 Legends scale figures
Includes 2 special edition Clone characters -- Wingspan and Cloudraker
Winspan figure converts to cyber-falcon; Cloudraker figure converts to jet
Wingspan figure converts in 7 steps; Cloudraker figure converts in 9 steps
Made in China

©2017 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved

Manufactured under license from TOMY Company, Ltd.

Warnings for self serve
Ages 8 and up.

Ingredients for self serve
No ingredient and nutrition facts information available for the SKU
Credit(s): walgreens

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Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917562)
Posted by WreckerJack on October 20th, 2017 @ 12:12am CDT
No ingredients listed? But how am I supposed to know if they are gluten free or not?
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917565)
Posted by daoist on October 20th, 2017 @ 12:53am CDT
inventory says 2-5 in stock at a nearby Walgreens! Will check it out in the a.m.!
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917568)
Posted by Qwan on October 20th, 2017 @ 1:11am CDT
With any luck, that means they'll be turning up commonly soon! And if that's the case, it's (hopefully) only a matter of time before the website-that-shan't-be-named gets my copy to me. Now if only my Siege on Cybertron would arrive and I could find a good way to get a hold of the Velocitron set... looks like my clone collection is still far from complete after all.

WreckerJack wrote:No ingredients listed? But how am I supposed to know if they are gluten free or not?
Dude, come on.

...Of course they're not gluten-free, they'd be advertising the fact if they were! :-P
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917570)
Posted by Rysquad on October 20th, 2017 @ 1:42am CDT
daoist wrote:inventory says 2-5 in stock at a nearby Walgreens! Will check it out in the a.m.!

Same here. Walgreen's before work tomorrow!
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917571)
Posted by william-james88 on October 20th, 2017 @ 1:58am CDT
daoist wrote:inventory says 2-5 in stock at a nearby Walgreens! Will check it out in the a.m.!

DONT, as the news says, its a placeholder listing, it doesnt even have the right name of the product. So the inventory you see is for all Titans Return toys. You go there tomorrow, you will see 2 chromedomes.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917587)
Posted by mordhelm on October 20th, 2017 @ 7:50am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
daoist wrote:inventory says 2-5 in stock at a nearby Walgreens! Will check it out in the a.m.!

DONT, as the news says, its a placeholder listing, it doesnt even have the right name of the product. So the inventory you see is for all Titans Return toys. You go there tomorrow, you will see 2 chromedomes.

Correct. This is the exactly same as when Brainstorm came out. If you looked at the inventory it said the same thing. Basically when they revitalize their toy section for Christmas, those numbers will change and you will have a greater likelihood of finding the two pack. However, once the "Find In Stores" button was live for Brainstorm, I think it took me 2 weeks to actually find one in the stores, and by that time I could have purchased online as well.

What you should look for is the inventory increasing, that is your best indicator that you might find it. So if it goes from 2-5 to 4-7, then it's worth investigating, but I wouldn't go out of my way otherwise.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917589)
Posted by daoist on October 20th, 2017 @ 8:34am CDT
I dunno man. They've got a separate listing for brainstorm and other TFs.

But to your point, there isn't an online listing for the TF deluxe assortment. They do have a listing for rescue bots asst.

I do agree it's highly likely that the 2-5 inventory is on a truck headed to this walgreens.

I'll report back
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917593)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on October 20th, 2017 @ 9:15am CDT
daoist wrote:I dunno man. They've got a separate listing for brainstorm and other TFs.

But to your point, there isn't an online listing for the TF deluxe assortment. They do have a listing for rescue bots asst.

I do agree it's highly likely that the 2-5 inventory is on a truck headed to this walgreens.

I'll report back

The do have a separate listing for generations, it uses Mirage from CW as the photo. From previous experience with brainstorm, their indicated counts on the stores are not accurate. There were plenty of stores that said they had 2-5 brainstorms last year, only to go there and find 2-5 wave 1 or 2 TR instead. Even when I did find brainstorm last year, the counts were still not accurate.

I believe their counts are going to indicate their current stock of generations deluxes, not the clone sets, at least not yet.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917597)
Posted by Relic0037 on October 20th, 2017 @ 9:45am CDT
I was almost ready to break down & just preorder the Takara sets at this point. The clones just would have had some oddly painted cousins.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917598)
Posted by o.supreme on October 20th, 2017 @ 9:56am CDT
Yeah Walgreens inventory system is awful. I had a guy tell me yesterday "it was a short time thing" as if I missed out or something :roll: . Brainstorm is still available online I see. Hopefully this will be also in time if it doesn't turn up in stores eventually. But I have like 20 Walgreens in my area. 3 I pass by just on my daily work commute.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917601)
Posted by daoist on October 20th, 2017 @ 10:11am CDT
TF-fan kev777 wrote:
daoist wrote:I dunno man. They've got a separate listing for brainstorm and other TFs.

But to your point, there isn't an online listing for the TF deluxe assortment. They do have a listing for rescue bots asst.

I do agree it's highly likely that the 2-5 inventory is on a truck headed to this walgreens.

I'll report back

The do have a separate listing for generations, it uses Mirage from CW as the photo. From previous experience with brainstorm, their indicated counts on the stores are not accurate. There were plenty of stores that said they had 2-5 brainstorms last year, only to go there and find 2-5 wave 1 or 2 TR instead. Even when I did find brainstorm last year, the counts were still not accurate.

I believe their counts are going to indicate their current stock of generations deluxes, not the clone sets, at least not yet.

A couple deluxes, some movie trash and a few 1-steps, and those new simplified aligned continuity figures. No twins.

"check back later" Yeah Walgreens dude, that's the plan :-)
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917602)
Posted by Hydrargyrus on October 20th, 2017 @ 10:17am CDT
I have been holding on to Fastlane to sell with this guy for SO LONG. Hopefully I can get rid of him soon. :D
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917603)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on October 20th, 2017 @ 10:19am CDT
daoist wrote:"check back later" Yeah Walgreens dude, that's the plan :-)

Honestly, I wouldn't going out of my way looking again until someone here posts a sighting. Unless you need/want to be that someone. They will typically show up in the wast coast first like the simplified figures did and the rest of the country should follow pretty quickly. I'm in the Chicago area and the simplified figures appeared here about 3-4 days after the first sightings on the west coast.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917617)
Posted by o.supreme on October 20th, 2017 @ 10:58am CDT
TF-fan kev777 wrote:the first sightings on the west coast. Walgreens distributes things the opposite of every other major company? I didn't think the west coast got anything first... :-?
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917629)
Posted by Rysquad on October 20th, 2017 @ 12:13pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
daoist wrote:inventory says 2-5 in stock at a nearby Walgreens! Will check it out in the a.m.!

DONT, as the news says, its a placeholder listing, it doesnt even have the right name of the product. So the inventory you see is for all Titans Return toys. You go there tomorrow, you will see 2 chromedomes.

I only saw 1 Chromedome. (There were 5 Hot Rods though).

I'll go back to checking Wednesdays (or Thursdays). I forgot which day of the week they get their truck in.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917630)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on October 20th, 2017 @ 12:18pm CDT
o.supreme wrote:
TF-fan kev777 wrote:the first sightings on the west coast. Walgreens distributes things the opposite of every other major company? I didn't think the west coast got anything first... :-?

I'm not sure how exactly they work, I know that they break up the cases in a warehouse and the stores get individual products instead of cases.

I'm just going by the most recent example for a walgreens only item, the simplified series (don't recall the name). They showed up on the west coast a few days before the midwest.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917647)
Posted by william-james88 on October 20th, 2017 @ 1:50pm CDT
Most first sightings are on the west coast (specifically California) since the ports for ships travelling from asia are located there.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917652)
Posted by o.supreme on October 20th, 2017 @ 2:25pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Most first sightings are on the west coast (specifically California) since the ports for ships travelling from asia are located there.

you are talking specifically about Walgreens yes? because most toy sightings I see start on the East Coast. The Hasbro toys ship out of Rhode Island , even though they are manufactured in Vietnam.

Although this is unrelated, I purchased an Item from China on eBay within the last year. You'd think because I live in Califronia, it would naturally go through San Francisco's port...nope, went over my head, and to NY first, then back across the country before being delivered to my home. :HEADHURTS:
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917653)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on October 20th, 2017 @ 2:28pm CDT
o.supreme wrote:The Hasbro toys ship out of Rhode Island , even though they are manufactured in Vietnam.

From HasbroToyShop, yes, their warehouse is located in RI. For Hasbro toys out of Walmart/Target/TRU? No, each has their own warehouse system and receives the toys directly from Vietnam, not RI. Just take a look at most of the figures in the sightings forum/section. Most of them show up in the west coast first.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917657)
Posted by o.supreme on October 20th, 2017 @ 2:59pm CDT
TF-fan kev777 wrote:Just take a look at most of the figures in the sightings forum/section. Most of them show up in the west coast first.

Slugslinger - 15 sightings, 2 on the west coast
Overlord - 11 sightings, 1 on the west coast
Misfire- 5 sightings, 0 on the west coast
TwinTwist- 7 sightings, 0 on the west coast...

need I go on?
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917659)
Posted by RodimusConvoy13 on October 20th, 2017 @ 3:04pm CDT
o.supreme wrote:
TF-fan kev777 wrote:Just take a look at most of the figures in the sightings forum/section. Most of them show up in the west coast first.

Slugslinger - 15 sightings, 2 on the west coast
Overlord - 11 sightings, 1 on the west coast
Misfire- 5 sightings, 0 on the west coast
TwinTwist- 7 sightings, 0 on the west coast...

need I go on?

Could just be no one is reporting it.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917668)
Posted by zatara1701 on October 20th, 2017 @ 3:35pm CDT
Each one has it's own item # listed. I called my Walgreen's this morning, the guy said they should have two in stock... If they were crossed referenced to the deluxe there would be more, because I was just there and they have way more than that in stock of the deluxe.

It would make sense that Brainstorm was mixed it with the other deluxe... Like most stores those are listed as the same item # with different UPC's... although Brainstorm seems to have a unique item # now. The Clones are obviously a different item all together, being a two pack of Legends, so I would be hard pressed to think they would be cross listed against the Deluxe from CW/ TR / Movie.

The gentleman I spoke with this morning obviously knew it was something different... Told me more than likely it is on the truck coming in today, but there are only two...thankfully I have 4-5 Walgreens around here to hunt from.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917671)
Posted by o.supreme on October 20th, 2017 @ 3:52pm CDT
I don't think it's tied to TR deluxe necassarily, but it is tied to something, seeing as how every store in my area says they have "#2-5 in stock" but none actually have them.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917697)
Posted by william-james88 on October 20th, 2017 @ 8:09pm CDT
o.supreme wrote:
TF-fan kev777 wrote:Just take a look at most of the figures in the sightings forum/section. Most of them show up in the west coast first.

Slugslinger - 15 sightings, 2 on the west coast
Overlord - 11 sightings, 1 on the west coast
Misfire- 5 sightings, 0 on the west coast
TwinTwist- 7 sightings, 0 on the west coast...

need I go on?

You are assuming that everyone posts their findings on our site? And your data has no info on the date.
Its better to go on google and look up first sightings for whatever toys you care for.

I just typed "the last knight found US retail" on google and found the following:

Leader Dragonstorm first found in Cerritos, California
Wave 3 Deluxes first found in San Jose, California
Exclusive TLK Reveal the Shield Optimus Prime first found at Mission Viejo, California

Need I go on?

I have never found a toy whos first sighting is Rhode Island. All toys distributed to TRU, Walmart, ect, are sent to their local distribution centers after the ships land in the west coast.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917709)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on October 20th, 2017 @ 10:00pm CDT
The only figures I still need are:

Voyager Broadside
TM Ramhorn
Leader Overlord
Clone set

Broadside I can get for under $25 on Amazon and the other two I find eventually. The only real need is for Overlord because I'm getting the Takara version.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917716)
Posted by bodrock on October 20th, 2017 @ 11:17pm CDT
Hailing from tha West Coast, I always report in after a hunt!

Still no Misfire. ;_;
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917723)
Posted by Burn on October 21st, 2017 @ 3:49am CDT
bodrock wrote:Still no Misfire. ;_;

Seriously? Even I have them locally, and that's a bloody miracle!
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917740)
Posted by bodrock on October 21st, 2017 @ 1:45pm CDT
Burn wrote:
bodrock wrote:Still no Misfire. ;_;

Seriously? Even I have them locally, and that's a bloody miracle!

No joking, Burn -- we get TLK in Oregon, and if wave5 appeared, it must've been for the one week I couldn't go on the hunt months ago.

We are just getting Seaspray and Cosmos in the past two weeks. As far as deluxes and voyagers go, it's all previous waves, besides Blitzwing & Octane. No new Leaders, except for TLK.

It saves me money, if I'm never given the option to impulse buy at b&m -- I'm still hoping before this month is up they appear. Same with those Walgreens exclusives.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917754)
Posted by william-james88 on October 21st, 2017 @ 3:27pm CDT
bodrock wrote:
Burn wrote:
bodrock wrote:Still no Misfire. ;_;

Seriously? Even I have them locally, and that's a bloody miracle!

We are just getting Seaspray and Cosmos in the past two weeks.

So is Canada, those legends have not reached saturation yet I believe. And you are lucky to have those octones and blitzwings, I have yet to see one.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917759)
Posted by bodrock on October 21st, 2017 @ 4:02pm CDT
It seems distribution is all over the place, then, Will! No surprise, considering TLK and TR are directly competing for the same, small shelf-space we alot them in OR.

I know other States and countries have better selection and variety -- but it seems there isn't the same love here.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917786)
Posted by Rainmaker on October 21st, 2017 @ 10:24pm CDT
Distribution does seem all over the place, I don't understand it one bit. I've seen every single Deluxe class but have yet to sight any of wave 5.

Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917792)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on October 21st, 2017 @ 10:52pm CDT
I just transformed both Octone and Blitzwing and I'm happy to report they have no QC issues! AT LAST!

However, Blitzwing's legs require a LOT of force to tab into position for the vehicle modes. Scary and annoying. Other than that, he's WAY superior to the Megatron simply because he's not drab looking.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917803)
Posted by Burn on October 22nd, 2017 @ 1:19am CDT
bodrock wrote:We are just getting Seaspray and Cosmos in the past two weeks. As far as deluxes and voyagers go, it's all previous waves, besides Blitzwing & Octane. No new Leaders, except for TLK.

I can't recall Seaspray and Cosmos being spotted in Australia, I know I haven't seen them (got Seaspray off E-Bay). As for the likes of Blitzwing and Octane, they've been few and far between, I'm just going the Takara Tomy route with them.

I did snare Sixshot from TRU a while back, apparently he was few and far between out here, no Overlord though. Dunno if anyone else in Australia has seen him or not.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917811)
Posted by Qwan on October 22nd, 2017 @ 3:55am CDT
Burn wrote:
bodrock wrote:We are just getting Seaspray and Cosmos in the past two weeks. As far as deluxes and voyagers go, it's all previous waves, besides Blitzwing & Octane. No new Leaders, except for TLK.

I can't recall Seaspray and Cosmos being spotted in Australia, I know I haven't seen them (got Seaspray off E-Bay). As for the likes of Blitzwing and Octane, they've been few and far between, I'm just going the Takara Tomy route with them.

I did snare Sixshot from TRU a while back, apparently he was few and far between out here, no Overlord though. Dunno if anyone else in Australia has seen him or not.

Haven't seen Overlord out here anywhere (but the only Leaders near me are two long-standing CW Skywarps and a few TLK Leaders that promptly disappeared from Big W's shelves after the sale was over); I did find Sixshot at a TRU in Sydney along with probably another 8 or so of his kind, but again no Overlord; haven't yet seen Cosmos or Seaspray, probably because Legends Wave 4 has been having a fair bit of trouble moving after the first couple cases.

Same story with Titan Master class as well: two of my local stores have exactly one Wave 3-4 TM each that I assume are holding up newer restocks, while the third store is still overflowing with Wave 3 to the point that I'm not even sure if they'll be willing to stock Prime Masters when PotP starts. I haven't resorted to online for any of those Legends/TM guys yet, but I'm starting to get dang close to it. I want my new plastic dammit :BANG_HEAD:
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917829)
Posted by william-james88 on October 22nd, 2017 @ 7:52am CDT
bodrock wrote:It seems distribution is all over the place, then, Will! No surprise, considering TLK and TR are directly competing for the same, small shelf-space we alot them in OR.

Yeah, its all over the place alright but at least that means we both get some good stuff while waiting for the rest. And its not like these are skipped waves, its recent waves taking the time to be stocked in certain areas.

Not sure about the competing shelf space though, the stores just see them as product. If they have it, they will put it up. Like this pic of walmart here. Not a ton of place for TFs, but they have all that is needed for 3 lines:


These distribution woes you discuss have been happening for as long as I have been collecting and even when it was just generations and prime, distribution werent great. In the end, stores which had a healthy selection still did, and those that sucked still sucked.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917832)
Posted by RodimusConvoy13 on October 22nd, 2017 @ 8:07am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
bodrock wrote:It seems distribution is all over the place, then, Will! No surprise, considering TLK and TR are directly competing for the same, small shelf-space we alot them in OR.

Yeah, its all over the place alright but at least that means we both get some good stuff while waiting for the rest. And its not like these are skipped waves, its recent waves taking the time to be stocked in certain areas.

Not sure about the competing shelf space though, the stores just see them as product. If they have it, they will put it up. Like this pic of walmart here. Not a ton of place for TFs, but they have all that is needed for 3 lines:


These distribution woes you discuss have been happening for as long as I have been collecting and even when it was just generations and prime, distribution werent great. In the end, stores which had a healthy selection still did, and those that sucked still sucked.

That is the cleanest and most organized toy section I’ve ever seen at a Walmart. Usually shit is just thrown everywhere.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917838)
Posted by Wolfman Jake on October 22nd, 2017 @ 10:07am CDT
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
bodrock wrote:It seems distribution is all over the place, then, Will! No surprise, considering TLK and TR are directly competing for the same, small shelf-space we alot them in OR.

Yeah, its all over the place alright but at least that means we both get some good stuff while waiting for the rest. And its not like these are skipped waves, its recent waves taking the time to be stocked in certain areas.

Not sure about the competing shelf space though, the stores just see them as product. If they have it, they will put it up. Like this pic of walmart here. Not a ton of place for TFs, but they have all that is needed for 3 lines:


These distribution woes you discuss have been happening for as long as I have been collecting and even when it was just generations and prime, distribution werent great. In the end, stores which had a healthy selection still did, and those that sucked still sucked.

That is the cleanest and most organized toy section I’ve ever seen at a Walmart. Usually **** is just thrown everywhere.

I think the difference is 1) it's in Canada and 2) it's in Quebec at that. I have a hunch Canadians and the Quebecois don't trash their Walmarts like many Americans do. By the way, when looking through a Transformers section that seems to be ransacked, am I the only one who takes a bit of time to put things back in the right places?
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917839)
Posted by Sigma Magnus on October 22nd, 2017 @ 10:18am CDT
Wolfman Jake wrote:By the way, when looking through a Transformers section that seems to be ransacked, am I the only one who takes a bit of time to put things back in the right places?

Nope, I do to! Not even when it's trashed either, I just rearrange things to look nice.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917844)
Posted by o.supreme on October 22nd, 2017 @ 10:55am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
o.supreme wrote:
TF-fan kev777 wrote:Just take a look at most of the figures in the sightings forum/section. Most of them show up in the west coast first.

Slugslinger - 15 sightings, 2 on the west coast
Overlord - 11 sightings, 1 on the west coast
Misfire- 5 sightings, 0 on the west coast
TwinTwist- 7 sightings, 0 on the west coast...

need I go on?

You are assuming that everyone posts their findings on our site? And your data has no info on the date.
Its better to go on google and look up first sightings for whatever toys you care for.

I just typed "the last knight found US retail" on google and found the following:

Leader Dragonstorm first found in Cerritos, California
Wave 3 Deluxes first found in San Jose, California
Exclusive TLK Reveal the Shield Optimus Prime first found at Mission Viejo, California

Need I go on?

I have never found a toy whos first sighting is Rhode Island. All toys distributed to TRU, Walmart, ect, are sent to their local distribution centers after the ships land in the west coast.

I was just going by personal experience being in a large market on the West Coast, and often (not always however) seemingly the last area to get new toys. Someone asked me to check sightings on this site, which I did, and it supported my hypothesis. Your stats are mostly for TLK. EVERY major chain has those toys oversaturated, (and I've vacationed in 5 states this summer/fall all pretty much the same) unlike Generations which, while always present, are not nearly as plentiful. Now that's not to say I NEVER score anything. I did score a Sixshot a few months back that while was not the first, was probably fairly early on.

And I did manage to find Overlord yesterday. It was quite a shock. I did my part and reported it on the sightings section, which I have done for a while now. But also there was this....I'm just ahppy to report I saw something unique, which rarely if ever happens.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917845)
Posted by bodrock on October 22nd, 2017 @ 10:57am CDT
That Walmart selection is nice, Will -- my TF sections are half that size, even though there are more b&m's to choose from.

But you're absolutely right -- distro is always all over. I just hope the wave5ers appear in a decent number, as wave 4 did -- even though Kup and the others can't be found now, they were readily available for awhile at least.

The Voyagers appear more frequently, and could still be purchased at the discount outlets with a little energon...and a lot of luck.

And wow, o. supreme -- someone is gonna be sad if they really wanted Overlord and got his mold mate instead for their b-day.
Regardless of how cool 'Shadow is. ;)
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917850)
Posted by william-james88 on October 22nd, 2017 @ 11:21am CDT
o.supreme wrote:But also there was this....I'm just ahppy to report I saw something unique, which rarely if ever happens.

That is explained by a fan swapping out their skyshadow for an ovelord and returning it to walmart in the overlord box because they no longer have their Skyshadow receipt (or something along those lines). That is really easy to do with boxes compared to cards. I see this quite often for different figures.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917855)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on October 22nd, 2017 @ 11:33am CDT
Sigma Magnus wrote:
Wolfman Jake wrote:By the way, when looking through a Transformers section that seems to be ransacked, am I the only one who takes a bit of time to put things back in the right places?

Nope, I do to! Not even when it's trashed either, I just rearrange things to look nice.

Maybe that's why high collectibles are exclusive to Walmart's online store such as box sets, Platinums, and titan class figures.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917872)
Posted by bodrock on October 22nd, 2017 @ 2:13pm CDT
Still no wave5+ at Walmart I settled for TLK Crosshairs.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917889)
Posted by daoist on October 22nd, 2017 @ 5:57pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:I just transformed both Octone and Blitzwing and I'm happy to report they have no QC issues! AT LAST!

My Octone had trouble holding the aircraft nose together. I sanded down the excess paint on the edges that fit together to make it work better.

To get Blitzwing's turret to tab in correctly I found that rotating it backwards before trying to tab it in allows it to sit correctly. Having it face forward while trying to tab it down doesn't seat the tab fully and as a result the main gun droops.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917891)
Posted by Qwan on October 22nd, 2017 @ 6:05pm CDT
daoist wrote:To get Blitzwing's turret to tab in correctly I found that rotating it backwards before trying to tab it in allows it to sit correctly. Having it face forward while trying to tab it down doesn't seat the tab fully and as a result the main gun droops.

Interesting! I just kind of assumed that the droopy turret was an unavoidable problem with the toy (and is close to my only complaint with Blitz/Megs, stickers aside). I'll have to try this when I get the chance!
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1917966)
Posted by KVO Prime on October 23rd, 2017 @ 2:52am CDT
Just to let you all know... TAKARA LEGENDS better deco SLUGSLINGER back up for preorder on BBTS. not sure if some people cancelled but I got one in so SCORE!!

Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1918013)
Posted by o.supreme on October 23rd, 2017 @ 10:30am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
o.supreme wrote:But also there was this....I'm just ahppy to report I saw something unique, which rarely if ever happens.

That is explained by a fan swapping out their skyshadow for an ovelord and returning it to walmart in the overlord box because they no longer have their Skyshadow receipt (or something along those lines). That is really easy to do with boxes compared to cards. I see this quite often for different figures.

I'm not saying its totally out of the question, but there are some things at play here that make me think it may be a factory error.

While lack of tie-downs may support that someone just repackaged it, the tape appears to be factory sealed, no evidence of tampering (I know there are tricks to remove tape expertly, but this didn't seem to be the case...) This appears to have been a brand new shipment. If leaders come in cases of 2, there were 4 Overlords, (well 3 and 1 Sky Shadow in wrong packaging) and I appear to have purchased the first one, doesn't seem like there was enough time for someone to have bought and returned one. All the boxes appeared to be case fresh, no real dings or damage, and believe me, I have seen some doozies, especially with voyager figures for some reason, looks like the cases got manhandled on occasion.

Also why would someone, (collector, or child, or just some random jerk), go to all the effort to replace just the toy? The collector card, at least was in tact.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1918016)
Posted by Kurona on October 23rd, 2017 @ 10:38am CDT
o.supreme wrote:Also why would someone, (collector, or child, or just some random jerk), go to all the effort to replace just the toy? The collector card, at least was in tact.

It's unfortunately a bit of a trend. Basically, the person buys a toy, then later puts an old or unwanted one in the packaging so they can take it back to Walmart/TRU/wherever and get a refund -- essentially meaning they get a 'free' toy and a kid gets a ruined birthday. It's pretty scummy.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1918022)
Posted by william-james88 on October 23rd, 2017 @ 10:49am CDT
o.supreme wrote:While lack of tie-downs may support that someone just repackaged it

Lack of tie downs means without a doubt that this is done by a scummy fan and not the factory. This is done too often for it to be anything else.
Re: Placeholder Listing for Transformers Titans Return Cloudraker and Wingspan Set on (1918032)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on October 23rd, 2017 @ 11:14am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:However, Blitzwing's legs require a LOT of force to tab into position for the vehicle modes. Scary and annoying. Other than that, he's WAY superior to the Megatron simply because he's not drab looking.

THAT is my major concern with the mold. with Megatron, it took a half hour of trying to tab in before he finally did the first time, and it still isn't easy, and his knees are stressed from tabbing attempts. Blitzwing was the same, about a half hour of attempting to get him tabbed in, and it hasn't gotten any easier. I fear those figures with repeated transformations.

Another issue I have is with the arms. Neither figure has arms that tab in in jet mode. They flop around and will not stay put.

On a sunnier side note, Overlord is fantastic. the weekend was dedicated to MPM4 Prime, but Overlord will get some love this week. He is the best of the 3 figures I got last week, and he is a blast, though I think Sky Shadow is marginally better. Overlord has the better jet mode, but Sky has the better colors and head. Overlord's head is really is weakest point.

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