PowerCore Combiners 5-Packs on Sale at Toys R Us
Monday, August 9th, 2010 7:36PM CDT
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Posted by: RodimusConvoy13 Views: 35,110
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Seibertron.com member noodles2go let us know about a Toys R US sale on PowerCore Combiner 5-Packs.
noodles2go wrote:I went to Toys R Us today to see that they have the 5 pack Power Core Combiners for sale today. It's not much, but it's 2 dollars off, so $17.99. Their
website mirrors the same sale, and ends on the 12th I believe. If you had any inclination to buy them anytime soon, this would be a better week than next. I bought the Combaticons, but am going to work for the Aerial Bots / Searchlight Combo.
here to see the online listing.
Credit(s): God Magnus, noodles2go
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Re: PowerCore Combiners 5-Packs on Sale at Toys R Us (1111048)
Posted by
DevastaTTor on August 9th, 2010 @ 7:43pm CDT
This line appears to be DOA. The only set I even vaguely considered getting is the just announced Dinobot team but it seems more and more unlikely as these appear to flounder.
Re: PowerCore Combiners 5-Packs on Sale at Toys R Us (1111054)
Posted by
physucks on August 9th, 2010 @ 7:53pm CDT
I got the Combaticon set when I first saw them as an impulse buy. I thought they were cool at first, but they have cooled off a lot now. I'm completely unimpressed with the drones. They took an interesting, yet poorly implemented idea from Energon OPs and rehashed it just a slight bit better with PCC. If they were true gestalts, they would have been great!
Re: PowerCore Combiners 5-Packs on Sale at Toys R Us (1111056)
Posted by
noodles2go on August 9th, 2010 @ 7:59pm CDT
I hope not... I just picked up Huffer and the combaticons. Still haven't opened up the combaticons, but Huffer seems really fun, not perfect, but there is a lot to do with such a simple toy. I have a feeling Smolder will be a lot cooler when I get him. The minicon gimmick is what sold me. I remember them back in the Armada line and felt them to be less than stellar. But here they can be armor or weapons, which brings a bit more usefulness to them, and im kinda digging the transparent look. With the animated line killed, I'm only interested in the WFC toys and these. I for one hope this line brings in a few more toys. I personally can't stand the movie toys, but thats just my preference... too busy and insecty.
Re: PowerCore Combiners 5-Packs on Sale at Toys R Us (1111060)
Posted by
physucks on August 9th, 2010 @ 8:04pm CDT
I don't have any with minicons, and never really have been a fan of them. I get the gimmick, but I'd rather just have one really good bot, than one and a half mediocre ones. I picked up Drift and WFC Bumblebee today. Drift is great! Kick ass robot mode and decent alt mode. I'm a sucker for a robot with swords, however. BB is ok. He's a hollow body bot, and I didn't realize it before I bought him.
Re: PowerCore Combiners 5-Packs on Sale at Toys R Us (1111071)
Posted by
Crystal Rodimus on August 9th, 2010 @ 8:26pm CDT
They'd probably do better at a lower price point. Considering it's essentially a scout figure plus four otherwise-useless drones, $20 is a bit much. $15 would've been perfect. That said, I have both sets (I was bored), and the Combaticons aren't that bad really. The Aerialbots, though, are crap - at least mine is. Because of how the legs of the torso bend, he falls over in combined mode if someone blows on him. Lightly. Maybe mine just has really loose joints there....but I have doubts tighter ones would help any.
I'd say get the Combaticons on sale to use with the other (better) figures like Huffer and Smolder and leave the Aerialbots until they hit clearance.
Re: PowerCore Combiners 5-Packs on Sale at Toys R Us (1111082)
Posted by
noodles2go on August 9th, 2010 @ 8:51pm CDT
$15 would be considered a GREAT price. I think the $20 is fair, considering they stand as tall as a typical voyager figure. I agree the drone thing kinda sucks, however, the fact you can combine mix and match them with any general makes up for some of that. I combined the combaticons on Huffer and it looked pretty good. And you can use the excuse that, well they are mindless drones, so Autobots and Decipticons can use any of the drones. I only wish the 5 combined where a bit more posable, but then again, I haven't really ever seen super posable gestalts before anyway.
Re: PowerCore Combiners 5-Packs on Sale at Toys R Us (1111106)
Posted by
Gauntlet101010 on August 9th, 2010 @ 9:47pm CDT
I bought Huffer today and have Smoulder. I dunno if I'll get any of the PCC sets, but the main leader bots are actually pretty nice little guys.
I said it before and I'll say it again: I could get over the drones if only they transformed into proper limbs with elbows and hands.
The Dinobot gestalt looks interesting, though.
Re: PowerCore Combiners 5-Packs on Sale at Toys R Us (1111111)
Posted by
adamassc on August 9th, 2010 @ 10:05pm CDT
I own everybody from wave 1, and I have to say the 5-packs suck.
the drones are acceptable at best, failures more commonly. The leaders from the 5 packs are the worst of the Commanders, far less solid than the 2 pack ones.
If you wish to judge this line, do it by it's 2 pack. Searchlight, Smolder, and Huffer outclass Bombsuck and Failperion by leagues.
on a side, my Combaticons can't fuse properly, as Bombshock's knee connectors are too small
Re: PowerCore Combiners 5-Packs on Sale at Toys R Us (1111112)
Posted by
rpetras on August 9th, 2010 @ 10:09pm CDT
That sale is OK, but they were buy one get one 1/2 off when they were released (all TF stuff was) and I skipped on them then.
I like a lot of the single "Commander" guys, but the drones don't do it for me.
I may get them on sale to mix 'n match later if I can find them cheap enough.
Re: PowerCore Combiners 5-Packs on Sale at Toys R Us (1111114)
Posted by
Joker'sRequiem on August 9th, 2010 @ 10:18pm CDT
When I first saw this line, I considered buying it. But I've heard some mixed things about the 5-packs since their release, and I'm not too big on the Scout figure with 4 drones design scheme. For the money though, getting a combiner for $20 isn't too bad. I might consider picking up a set this week. Otherwise I'll probably focus on getting the Scout PCC figures, HFTD and Generations figs.
Re: PowerCore Combiners 5-Packs on Sale at Toys R Us (1111189)
Posted by
Pretender Skywarp on August 10th, 2010 @ 4:31am CDT
As the risk of sounding like a whiny
Geewuner, these just don't "feel" like Combiners to me, it's hard to explain bu they just don't sit right.
I would really like to know how these have gone down with actual kids/parents as the play value of these things (on face value) seems immense.
Re: PowerCore Combiners 5-Packs on Sale at Toys R Us (1111233)
Posted by
--B-- on August 10th, 2010 @ 6:23am CDT
Re: PowerCore Combiners 5-Packs on Sale at Toys R Us (1111243)
Posted by
whacko on August 10th, 2010 @ 6:55am CDT
I saw these in TRU and briefly considered buying the combaticon set. I already have Huffer and even though I wasn't impressed I thought.. Hey Combaticons!
But after looking at the toys in package for a while I decided against it. The robot modes have no personality and the vehicle modes look more like Knock-offs than an official Hasbro product. It is especially noticeable in the poorly fitted wheels which look right off a $5 KO Devastator set.
It is a nice try, but instead of being made of Scouts and sold in a set, they should have been full-sized quality deluxe molds and sold separately.
Re: PowerCore Combiners 5-Packs on Sale at Toys R Us (1111274)
Posted by
dragons on August 10th, 2010 @ 8:30am CDT
i was planning on buying these moment we saw 1st images of these things but they wore off on me before there releasae date i like dinobot combiner but i may not even get that set im combiner fan and as combiner fan im very disapointed like automorpgh on libs but if the limbs looked more like they suppose legs and arms i buy them but im very unimpressed by these sets.
im not to surpriesd to see this happen everyhting sells but these sets when i stop buy and maybe someone bought comabticons combiner i ddint bother looking for it airalbots are still there thoug leader class bee gone.
Re: PowerCore Combiners 5-Packs on Sale at Toys R Us (1111300)
Posted by
Pretender Skywarp on August 10th, 2010 @ 9:29am CDT
These should have been in the same vein as the Energon Gestalts, Deluxes and Basics, either carded or box sets and with a truck load of repaints to recoup the cost.
Scramble city me-up!
Edited for duff spelling.