Update Worlds Smallest Transformer Grimlock, Slag Alternators and more!
Thursday, November 9th, 2006 5:09PM CST
Categories: Toy News, Store NewsPosted by: Air Commander Starscream Views: 28,248
We have 5 great new TF sets for you to see:
1) Powermaster Optimus Prime, faithfully reproduced by Justin Goguen. This is
one surprisingly huge set.
Powermaster Optimus Prime
2) Alternators Optimus Prime. Our newest designer, Justin Neese (aka Decoy13),
flexes his graphic design muscle with his g1-inspired sticker set for
Alternators Optimus / KP Ginrai.
Alternator Optimus Prime
3) Alternators Camshaft. Another piece of eye candy from Mr. Neese. His style
is unlike anything we've seen around here, and absolutely worth a look. There's
even an alternate version for use with BT Blue Prowl!
Alternator Camshaft
4) WST Slag: Adapted by yours truly for the Just-I-Toys version of Slag, this
set greatly improves on the set included with the toy, giving you cut lines that
were cut all the way through and an all-around better fit. You also get the
tiny stickers you need to give Slag some optics in Dino mode.
WST Slag
5) WST Grimlock: Sporting all the improved look and color of the WST Slag set,
this set also comes with alternate stickers to make WST Grimlock look more like
his cartoon counterpart.
WST Grimlock
That's it for this time - Thanks again for your support!
Delta Star
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