Review of IDW Optimus Prime #6
Wednesday, April 26th, 2017 3:33AM CDT
Categories: Comic Book News, Reviews, Site ArticlesPosted by: Va'al Views: 33,492
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(Spoiler free-ish)
“NEW CYBERTRON”—CONCLUSION! As the Junkions reveal their ultimate plan, Optimus Prime makes a decision that will define the relationship between Earth and Cybertron for all time... but will Arcee be able to live with the fallout?
The first arc of Optimus Prime, the big core book at the heart of the Hasbro Universe (take that, Crown Jewel), comes to a close in this sixth issue, and we get some closure indeed on the multiple threads dangling through the story - and some more are left to unravel for the future...
We know John Barber's propensity for the caption technique, to aid with the narration and provide some 'behind the scenes' commentary for what is actually happening in the gutters between panels - but this time, despite the very good writing, it's perhaps the very first time I've found it clash a little with the story itself. Having Optimus Prime narrate his own arc just felt, at times.
The other stories, the other faces, the other characters around which the issue and the arc revolve, on the other hand, are still really quite pleasing. There is a lot happening all in one place (if you want a hand in catching up on the roles, our database entry might help!), both in the past and in the present, and it's all satisfyingly tantalising for more story threads from here.
The way in which Optimus is perceived on the many sides of the issues, from the colonist recruits to Aileron and Pyra Magna, to Soundwave and Jetfire's past and present outlook and opinions, to how Earth sees him as coloniser and invader - the story is in no way at its end, if anything we have a new fraught beginning of a much bigger story to be told. And then there's that last page...
Kei Zama is still so much joy to follow through the pages, be it for organic, Cybertronian, Cybertrorganic, landscapes, battles, dialogue or face-offs - be they blasting or verbal, in the present or past - and I'm extremely pleased to see the variations across the Sharkticon ranks as well and variety in humans, who do not obviously have designs as distinctive as the robot protagonists.
The issue also relies a lot on heavy visual cues for resolutions - as well as the trademark time shifts and parallels - allowing for more of Josh Burcham's effective colouring to blend with Zama's linework. The lighter moments, not necessarily in tone, are impressive where the writing may not reach, and any lingering shadow is that much darker for it.
As for the lettering, I am still in awe at how Tom B. Long manages to juggle so many things at once in pages that can be extremely busy, between visuals and text. Never mind some of the fight scenes, the ink work and dynamism - we still follow narration; top marks. And cover wise, while the veteran roster of Zama/Burcham (SkyLynx rider), Coller/Bove (face-off), Griffith/Perez (Sharkpile) is a wonder to behold, I'd like to congratulate Jin Kim on some really solid output with IDW covers this month - see thumbnail for proof.
Spoilerish ahead
I was somehow expecting more from a conclusion, at this stage. Not that what we got wasn't a good one, mind you, but something felt a little underplayed - which might be beneficial for the wider game in the long run, and future stories, but leaves a little anticlimactic here. Soundwave's role, the explanation of his presence by Megatron's side, Jetfire's role in particular, feel well rounded enough to allow it, sure, but Optimus' actions are a bit.. whelming.
Things I am looking forwards to, nonetheless: Jazz and the exploration of his 'getting to know Earth' storyline, so very much. More Thundercracker in an active role. More challenges to Optimus, even - in spite of - apparent changes of heart/mind. Ramifications of his role in the eye of the new recruits. THAT ENDING PAGE.
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Posted by Bronzewolf on April 26th, 2017 @ 5:26am CDT
Just a bot, with a bot's courage...
A+ referencing you got there.
I love the colouring in this. It's SO ink-heavy and way saturated and shadowed that it screams vintage comic to me. I can't pin point exactly to What it reminds me of, though. But it's so cool. Very different from the gundam-looking style we normally see.
Posted by Rainmaker on April 26th, 2017 @ 5:40am CDT
Nexus Knight wrote:WreckerJack wrote:I need sub cover B! How do I get it specifically? Gotta have my sharkies
Is cover a homage to something? It looks familiar...
Is this post sarcastic? If not, it's a homage to Sharknado probably.
Posted by Kurona on April 26th, 2017 @ 6:13am CDT
This was an excellent issue and arc that really proves OP isn't just that other comic that's happening alongside LL; it's a fantastic story with fantastic characters in its own right. God I love being a Transformers fan right now
I also really like that little colony at the end. Seems like that's making sure they can do crossovers with the rest of the Hasbro universe without having to interfere with Optimus. Sure there's no major characters there yet but we'll see...
Posted by Big Grim on April 26th, 2017 @ 7:51am CDT
Kurona wrote:God I love being a Transformers fan right now
It's something of a golden age I feel. Three quality comics, fantastic toyline (though I no longer collect main lines, even MPS are slowing down for me) and thanks to Takara and 3P, excellent Masterpiece figures. Dunno about cartoons though.
Posted by ScottyP on April 26th, 2017 @ 8:26am CDT
While it hasn't been verbally stated to be PA, 2 (or maybe 3) has a short scene with them taking off the faceplates, and that made it seem pretty apparent that PA is what's up! I like it, indeed.Kurona wrote:I'm somehow only just noticing since Roulette's toy had a very different face, but do all the colonists have a faceplate and eyes and hence Primus Apothesis? That's a pretty sweet touch.
Posted by Va'al on April 26th, 2017 @ 1:18pm CDT
With the Junkion invasion resolved peacefully, Optimus Prime takes a moment to plan the Autobot's next move on earth.
Posted by Kurona on April 26th, 2017 @ 1:31pm CDT
Posted by Randomhero on April 26th, 2017 @ 1:46pm CDT
Posted by DeadCaL on April 26th, 2017 @ 4:19pm CDT
Posted by Va'al on April 26th, 2017 @ 4:24pm CDT
DeadCaL wrote:I like the beach cover, but eeesh, is that pain or joy on her face?
I like Andrew Griffith. I really do. I have more art by him than anyone else in my collection.
But his human faces sometimes are just.... off.
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 26th, 2017 @ 4:54pm CDT
Posted by Va'al on April 27th, 2017 @ 3:12pm CDT
Burcham playing with colours.
Posted by william-james88 on May 12th, 2017 @ 11:42pm CDT
Here is a description followed by the preview, enjoy!
With the Junkion invasion resolved peacefully, Optimus Prime takes a moment to plan the Autobot's next move on Earth.
Posted by WreckerJack on May 16th, 2017 @ 11:32pm CDT
The summary tells us that Jazz will have a leading role in this issue:
“Jazz confronts his past-and the Autobot’s future-in front of millions of television viewers. But will he make the people of Earth understand Optimus Prime’s mission… or turn against it?”
The incentive cover has Optimus Prime and the Subscription cover features Jetfire. these comics will be available on June 14th, 2017.
Posted by Kurona on May 17th, 2017 @ 5:34am CDT
God I love that Jetfire cover.
Posted by Va'al on May 17th, 2017 @ 3:06pm CDT ... -zama.html
Zama deploys some of those tools mentioned to work within the tight spaces of the page, to create tension and demonstrate space or a lack thereof. I want to break down two of my favourite pages from issue two. The interrogation of Jetfire by Prowl, two pages, one room.
Posted by Va'al on May 20th, 2017 @ 5:34am CDT
Optimus Prime #7
John Barber (w) • Priscilla Tramontano (a) • Kei Zama (c)
With the Junkion invasion resolved peacefully, Optimus Prime takes a moment to plan the Autobot's next move on Earth.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Posted by Va'al on May 20th, 2017 @ 1:10pm CDT
(W) John Barber (A) Casey W. Coller (CA) Kei Zama
Jazz confronts his past-and the Autobot's future-in front of millions of television viewers. But will he make the people of Earth understand Optimus Prime's mission... or turn against it?
Posted by steve2275 on May 20th, 2017 @ 5:20pm CDT
Posted by budmaloney on May 20th, 2017 @ 6:33pm CDT
Posted by Kurona on May 20th, 2017 @ 6:40pm CDT
Posted by budmaloney on May 20th, 2017 @ 6:48pm CDT
Posted by Kurona on May 20th, 2017 @ 6:56pm CDT
budmaloney wrote:The very last comic I read other than Lost Light, was the Titans Return Sentinel Prime and Optimus Raising Metroplex from the ground. So if I wanted to jump in, should I go with TAO since you recommend it? Then go Optimus? But won't I be lost with the whole ROM , Micronauts thing? Or will there be a trade coming out that consolidates the important connections.
Right now the Hasbro Universe has been done how a shared universe should in theory be done best - you don't need to read ROM or GI Joe or whatever to follow what's going on in the one comic you actually want to read. They will provide extra details and context on what's going on in other places in the world; but thankfully, all the comics - including Optimus Prime - can act independently of each other. Essentially all you need to know is that G.I. Joe has replaced EDC - and even then the team seen interacting with Prime's team is largely made up of characters that were in ex-RiD; Spike, Talon etc.
So yeah, you can jump right in. You could read Revolution for a bit of extra context if you want, but to be honest it's not a very good story and I'd recommend just looking at a wikipedia article summary instead.
Come to think of it, your concerns aren't exactly uncommon - I'm not surprised that Revolution would make you hesitant to jump in, nor can I blame you; shared universe deals are always a bit iffy especially when a lot of people have grown tired and fatigued of constant events in a lot of comics. Maybe I should write up an article on this...
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on May 23rd, 2017 @ 7:39pm CDT
I think those 6 go well together, and I'm glad the technobots are actually going to be in a comic again.
Posted by Kurona on May 23rd, 2017 @ 7:46pm CDT
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:This comic has made me really like Jetfire. I love what they did with his background, and this is where he and the Technobot's relationship starts! Yay!
I think those 6 go well together, and I'm glad the technobots are actually going to be in a comic again.
It's also kind of nice that they're continuing the theme of use-the-dead-guys in flashbacks. First Outback, then Horri-Bull, and now Nosecone. It's like Skids' flashbacks in MTMTE #48 and #49 where all those dead Predators and such showed up - I'm not sure if I should look into any deeper meaning here or if it's just kind of a cool thing.
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on May 23rd, 2017 @ 7:51pm CDT
Kurona wrote:D-Maximus_Prime wrote:This comic has made me really like Jetfire. I love what they did with his background, and this is where he and the Technobot's relationship starts! Yay!
I think those 6 go well together, and I'm glad the technobots are actually going to be in a comic again.
It's also kind of nice that they're continuing the theme of use-the-dead-guys in flashbacks. First Outback, then Horri-Bull, and now Nosecone. It's like Skids' flashbacks in MTMTE #48 and #49 where all those dead Predators and such showed up - I'm not sure if I should look into any deeper meaning here or if it's just kind of a cool thing.
we'll say cool thing. Cool things are cool
Posted by Va'al on May 24th, 2017 @ 2:47pm CDT
(Spoiler free-ish)
With the Junkion invasion resolved peacefully, Optimus Prime takes a moment to plan the Autobot's next move on Earth.
As we saw last month, the first arc of the new ongoing series focusing on Optimus Prime - but really on Earth after Optimus annexed it to the Council of Worlds (yay space neocolonialism) - and the rebuilding phase is starting. Quite literally. But is everything as it seems in the newtopia of Little Cybertron?
The usual John Barber device of captions to help the narration along is foregone here, in favour of the established parallels with flashbacks, and actual breathing space in character interactions, starting with Optimus and the President of the US, and Jazz's role in the next issue (but also the past). A change of pace, for sure, and a welcome one given the themes addressed in the book.
Not only do we have parallels drawn between violence, guns and ostracism (in particular between Jetfire of the past and Optimus of the present), there are some less than subtle political commentaries on discrimination based on appearance or 'build', if you will - without ever getting preachy or entirely overt. More on this below.
In terms of plot advancement, then, there is A LOT happening in the book too. A very nice balance achieved in using the characters and their actions/words to seed where the story might be going from here, with Arcee, the colonist recruits, Jazz - and most of all, of course, Pyra Magna.
Taking the reins from Zama, Priscilla Tramontano shines as the artist on the book - and working on both lineart and colouring for the issue - especially in one specific case I want to address: the faceplateless Optimus. That, right there, is part of visual storytelling: Optimus at his non-warring, non-fighting, but coming face-to-face with his realisation from last issue, and as he speaks to humanity on a more common level.
Not the sole point to highlight about the art, of course, but one I wanted to reiterate nonetheless. Colour-wise, I found it fascinating how Tramontano was able to mimic Burcham's take so far, with the grainier texture, and add some extra light for the superficially lighter tone of the book, like a vibrant comma in the long sentence that is the ongoing series.
The lack of that many captions, though still some snarky name tags float around, means that we don't have as much from the hands of Tom B. Long - though there is a very good KRUNG if you wait for it. As for covers, we've seen all of them previously, bar Tramontano's own (in the thumbnail), featuring the Junkion-Optimus monument by Casey Coller and JP Bove, and its parody by Andrew Griffith and Josh Perez, plus of course the regular cover by Zama and Burcham. All can be seen in our database listing here!
Spoilerish ahead
There is a lot more that can be said about this issue, for which I have very little time and space - but some of my thoughts on it are bounced off the Twincast in episode 175 of the podcast, due soon. In the meantime, I wanted to point out that of the many interactions we see in the book, I was glad to have something dealing with Arcee, and Aileron's role is still one that I'm intrigued about.
Pyra Magna is still, however, the biggest presence outside of the titular character, even by just looking at the covers. There is a lot of talk not only about politics but also about faith (again, more thoughts in the podcast episode) in how her and OP interact and confront each other, and there is a lot - a lot - more to come out of this series.
Posted by Randomhero on May 24th, 2017 @ 7:44pm CDT
Posted by ScottyP on May 25th, 2017 @ 5:50pm CDT
That aside, really darn good issue and the direction Pyra Magna is going in is fantastic fun to behold.
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on May 25th, 2017 @ 6:34pm CDT
Also, Sideswipe. I know he comes back in 2 issues, but I love what they have done with him and Arcee. I feel like she will be crucial in his "recovery" (based on the cover if you can call it that) too, using her experience coupled with with Aileron's words
Posted by Kurona on May 25th, 2017 @ 6:46pm CDT
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:hear her voice (if you call it that, since we now have a voice actor for her)
Wait, what? Who?!
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on May 25th, 2017 @ 6:49pm CDT
Kurona wrote:D-Maximus_Prime wrote:hear her voice (if you call it that, since we now have a voice actor for her)
Wait, what? Who?!
Marissa mentioned that Pyra sounds like Elizabeth Taylor
Posted by Kurona on May 25th, 2017 @ 6:51pm CDT
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:Kurona wrote:D-Maximus_Prime wrote:hear her voice (if you call it that, since we now have a voice actor for her)
Wait, what? Who?!
Marissa mentioned that Pyra sounds like Elizabeth Taylor
Oooh right, durr. That's fun~
Posted by ScottyP on May 25th, 2017 @ 11:12pm CDT
It's all fun and games until the pungent scent of White Diamonds perfume hits your noseKurona wrote:D-Maximus_Prime wrote:Kurona wrote:D-Maximus_Prime wrote:hear her voice (if you call it that, since we now have a voice actor for her)
Wait, what? Who?!
Marissa mentioned that Pyra sounds like Elizabeth Taylor
Oooh right, durr. That's fun~
Posted by Va'al on May 26th, 2017 @ 3:34am CDT
ScottyP wrote:I despised the crosshatching texture, or at least my eyes did. Dizzying in a weird sort of way.
I can see how that might affect some readers, actually, now that you mention it.
I thought it was a very good way of blending Tramontano's glossier colouring style with Burcham's texture.
Posted by ScottyP on May 26th, 2017 @ 4:38pm CDT
I appreciated the intent and it kind of worked for the Cybertron scenes, but when it carried over to the Earth stuff I got a bit disoriented. No big deal, went and picked up my last few weeks of pulls and it isn't as bad on ink and paper as on a screen.Va'al wrote:ScottyP wrote:I despised the crosshatching texture, or at least my eyes did. Dizzying in a weird sort of way.
I can see how that might affect some readers, actually, now that you mention it.
I thought it was a very good way of blending Tramontano's glossier colouring style with Burcham's texture.
Posted by Kurona on May 26th, 2017 @ 4:58pm CDT
Posted by Va'al on May 27th, 2017 @ 3:46am CDT
Kurona wrote:Crosshatching?
Square pixel grains in the backgrounds, across the whole issue.
Posted by Va'al on June 1st, 2017 @ 5:23pm CDT
Jazz confronts his past—and the Autobot’s future—in front of millions of television viewers. But will he make the people of Earth understand Optimus Prime's mission... or turn against it?
Posted by Randomhero on June 1st, 2017 @ 5:32pm CDT
Posted by Kurona on June 1st, 2017 @ 5:42pm CDT
Posted by Randomhero on June 1st, 2017 @ 7:17pm CDT
It's nice to see John doing some more coloring though it's very flat
Posted by ScottyP on June 1st, 2017 @ 10:24pm CDT
Please put Casey Coller on an ongoing.
That is all,
Posted by Bounti76 on June 1st, 2017 @ 11:51pm CDT
Posted by Nexus Knight on June 2nd, 2017 @ 1:32am CDT
Bounti76 wrote:Can we please get rid of the damn captions? Anyone reading this book knows who everyone is.
Uh, no? Considering some monthly readers may not be as into Transformers as others and have to live a life, it's not hard to see how they could forget the names of some of these lesser known bots.
Posted by Bounti76 on June 2nd, 2017 @ 3:20am CDT
Nexus Knight wrote:Bounti76 wrote:Can we please get rid of the damn captions? Anyone reading this book knows who everyone is.
Uh, no? Considering some monthly readers may not be as into Transformers as others and have to live a life, it's not hard to see how they could forget the names of some of these lesser known bots.
How about, yeah? If it's a book you subscribe to every month, regardless of how fanatical you are about Transformers, wouldn't you care enough about your monetary investment to follow along with the narrative and learn the names of the characters in the book you're paying for? Lost Light doesn't caption every single issue. Till All Are One doesn't. I genuinely don't understand why OP has to do it all the time, considering all three are books with relatively large casts (TAAO's being the smallest).
Posted by Nexus Knight on June 2nd, 2017 @ 10:36am CDT
Bounti76 wrote:Nexus Knight wrote:Bounti76 wrote:Can we please get rid of the damn captions? Anyone reading this book knows who everyone is.
Uh, no? Considering some monthly readers may not be as into Transformers as others and have to live a life, it's not hard to see how they could forget the names of some of these lesser known bots.
How about, yeah? If it's a book you subscribe to every month, regardless of how fanatical you are about Transformers, wouldn't you care enough about your monetary investment to follow along with the narrative and learn the names of the characters in the book you're paying for? Lost Light doesn't caption every single issue. Till All Are One doesn't. I genuinely don't understand why OP has to do it all the time, considering all three are books with relatively large casts (TAAO's being the smallest).
Not everyone has a good memory. Paying for something doesn't mean you instantly remember everything you read/watched. I know people who care a lot about their stories, but sometimes have to be remind even what the heck is going on.
Posted by Kurona on June 2nd, 2017 @ 10:41am CDT
Like, for instance...
Posted by Va'al on June 10th, 2017 @ 2:22pm CDT
Jazz confronts his past—and the Autobot’s future—in front of millions of television viewers. But will he make the people of Earth understand Optimus Prime’s mission… or turn against it?
Posted by Randomhero on June 10th, 2017 @ 3:05pm CDT