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Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm

Transformers News: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm

Monday, January 14th, 2008 11:03AM CST

Categories: Toy News, Rumors, Company News, Collectables, Store News
Posted by: Tigertrack   Views: 55,242

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In a continuation of a previous story here we now have pictures of the back of the boxes showing the robot modes, and some very different than possibly expected colors for these.

You can further discuss these exclusives in bran10's original thread in the Toys Forum.

We'll let you know when there is more information on these new repaint/exclusives. Keep checking here, the Toy News!
Credit(s): BigPhill, Cybertron.CA

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Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (603742)
Posted by tech348 on January 14th, 2008 @ 11:16am CST
I never got the Cybertron version of these but I might get these IF I can beat the scalpers.
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (603781)
Posted by Nekoman on January 14th, 2008 @ 11:52am CST
tech348 wrote:I never got the Cybertron version of these but I might get these IF I can beat the scalpers.

Just try, I’ve already got all my evil scalper troopers secretly hired at TRUs around the nation, they aren’t going to miss a single one!
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (603793)
Posted by imotron on January 14th, 2008 @ 11:58am CST
Wow... repaints... good deal (for some) B-)
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (603796)
Posted by DeathNoble on January 14th, 2008 @ 11:59am CST
Oh yeah. Definately getting these guys now. Fo' sho.'
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (603809)
Posted by Overcracker on January 14th, 2008 @ 12:07pm CST
They look interesting. Jetstrom in particular I like the color scheme.

I'm not sure the neon green there works on Wingblade. Still I never really liked the fact that he doesn't have fists, or hands, but machine guns for fingers.

However there is no indication on the back of the box that he can combine with Cyb Prime even though we know he can.

I wonder if they are thinking of re-releasing Cyb Prime as a movie character just so he can combine with Wingblade. Or have avoided any indication of the combiner feature to avoid having to release Prime.

If they do, perhaps he could be Movie Ultra Magnus? I find it Interesting. Hey one can dream can't one?
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (603830)
Posted by Nekoman on January 14th, 2008 @ 12:23pm CST
Overcracker wrote:They look interesting. Jetstrom in particular I like the color scheme.

I'm not sure the neon green there works on Wingblade. Still I never really liked the fact that he doesn't have fists, or hands, but machine guns for fingers.

However there is no indication on the back of the box that he can combine with Cyb Prime even though we know he can.

I wonder if they are thinking of re-releasing Cyb Prime as a movie character just so he can combine with Wingblade. Or have avoided any indication of the combiner feature to avoid having to release Prime.

If they do, perhaps he could be Movie Ultra Magnus? I find it Interesting. Hey one can dream can't one?

I was thinking something similar, you do notice they left Wingblade an Autobot while making Jetstorm an Decpticon. I’m trying to think what they could call a green Prime and the only thing that goes through my mind is Toxitron who was a Decepticon but who knows what Hasbro may do.

Regardless, I hope very much that they release Cyb. Prime to go along with this guy, since I missed out on him the first time around.
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (603831)
Posted by Prime Evil on January 14th, 2008 @ 12:25pm CST
Hmmm, I never picked up that WingSaber mold before, and my bots could use a boost in troops reinforcements. Sure, I'll get that guy if I see him. I like the colors on him as well. As for Jetstorm goes, already have the GF version and the US Skyshadow, so I'm gonna have to pass on that.
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (603871)
Posted by Solrac333 on January 14th, 2008 @ 12:54pm CST
Are these out now? If not, when?
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (603918)
Posted by tech348 on January 14th, 2008 @ 1:42pm CST
Nekoman wrote:
tech348 wrote:I never got the Cybertron version of these but I might get these IF I can beat the scalpers.

Just try, I’ve already got all my evil scalper troopers secretly hired at TRUs around the nation, they aren’t going to miss a single one!

Somehow I believe you :P
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (603937)
Posted by UltraPrimal on January 14th, 2008 @ 2:23pm CST
Jetstorm actually looks like Octane this time around. If there wasn't already a Classics 2.0/Universe Octane on the way, I'd pick him up. Wing Saber reminds me of Springer in robot mode. Too bad his alt mode is totally different.
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (604099)
Posted by Agent 007 on January 14th, 2008 @ 4:19pm CST
Not bad I don't like the green much on wingsaber much though.
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (604103)
Posted by Overcracker on January 14th, 2008 @ 4:22pm CST
omega666 wrote:Are these out now? If not, when?

Nope, this is the first look we've gotten of them. no release dates thus far that we know.

But probably not very long.
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (604110)
Posted by toxicity on January 14th, 2008 @ 4:27pm CST
IMO the blue on jetstorm looks kind of out of place, but i will reserve my judgement until OOP pictures are revealed.
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (604122)
Posted by Mandamus on January 14th, 2008 @ 4:34pm CST
How much were these when they were first released in the Cyb line?

The boxes look bigger than a Voyager but smaller than Leader, so splitting the difference would make them $29.99. Does that sound right?
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (604149)
Posted by Overcracker on January 14th, 2008 @ 4:57pm CST
Prime vs Wild wrote:How much were these when they were first released in the Cyb line?

The boxes look bigger than a Voyager but smaller than Leader, so splitting the difference would make them $29.99. Does that sound right?

Their size class is officially "Ultra" which lies between Voyager and Leader. But their price was actually 24.99. ... t_id=17443
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (604152)
Posted by Sportimus Prime on January 14th, 2008 @ 4:59pm CST
I so want at least one of those. Pretty neat. :)
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (604161)
Posted by Down_Shift on January 14th, 2008 @ 5:04pm CST
I loved both moulds the first time around and I really dig these repaints. Jetstorm more so.
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (604181)
Posted by Mandamus on January 14th, 2008 @ 5:16pm CST
Overcracker wrote:
Prime vs Wild wrote:How much were these when they were first released in the Cyb line?

The boxes look bigger than a Voyager but smaller than Leader, so splitting the difference would make them $29.99. Does that sound right?

Their size class is officially "Ultra" which lies between Voyager and Leader. But their price was actually 24.99. ... t_id=17443

Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (604232)
Posted by i_amtrunks on January 14th, 2008 @ 6:22pm CST
I'll stick with my originals, but both look far better than I was expecting.

Guess Hasbro keeping my expectations so low has paid off!
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (604246)
Posted by Starscreams bad comedy on January 14th, 2008 @ 6:42pm CST

Enough with the movie line already, stop prolongng its death with horrible repaints.

Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (604276)
Posted by zemper on January 14th, 2008 @ 7:12pm CST
Starscreams bad comedy wrote:DO NOT WANT.

Enough with the movie line already, stop prolongng its death with horrible repaints.



Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (604352)
Posted by Darth Screamer on January 14th, 2008 @ 7:58pm CST
Why prey tell are they releasing these now?
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (604383)
Posted by Sportimus Prime on January 14th, 2008 @ 8:16pm CST
Oh, I am glad they are making these because I missed most of the Cybertron line, and evilBay scalpers are greedy little imps. So, this at least sparks some chance at getting them at reasonable prices.

I don't know which one I want to get, Wing Saber or Jetstorm? Which is better? And, no, I do not have Cybertron Prime.
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (604544)
Posted by SnapTrap on January 14th, 2008 @ 10:18pm CST
While I liked the Cybertron versions, I think I am going to wait and see if I can find these on clearance.
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (604551)
Posted by Liege Evilmus on January 14th, 2008 @ 10:22pm CST
I think I'm gonna maybe get the Jetfire redeco(that's saying alot for a pointless repaint)

However the green on the Wing Saber redeco is enough to turn me off to it.

Still, if you missed him first time around, I realy do recomend him.
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (605777)
Posted by imotron on January 16th, 2008 @ 8:33am CST
Starscreams bad comedy wrote:DO NOT WANT.

Enough with the movie line already, stop prolongng its death with horrible repaints.


Indeed let's see what's next, Can't wait to see Classics/Universe toys!
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (605785)
Posted by Counterpunch on January 16th, 2008 @ 8:44am CST
SnapTrap wrote:While I liked the Cybertron versions, I think I am going to wait and see if I can find these on clearance.

Dude, you can be assured that that will not happen. No exclusive or limited repaint has gone to clearance in a while... :-(
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (605794)
Posted by zemper on January 16th, 2008 @ 9:07am CST
i took the liberty of Photoshopping an old picture of my Sonic Wing to illustrate (theoretically) what would the WIngblade recolor look like Powerlinked to Cybertron Optimus

comparison shot.jpg

at least that's how i think it would look like, you be the judge.

Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (605795)
Posted by zemper on January 16th, 2008 @ 9:09am CST
(double post)
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (606715)
Posted by zemper on January 17th, 2008 @ 9:46am CST
oh, and yeah, before you start, i forgot to open the chest of Wing Saber to its proper configuration. :P :wink:

Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (606761)
Posted by Sowndwave76 on January 17th, 2008 @ 10:42am CST
Between the two I like Wingblade, but not sure I'll get him.

I take it all back...
I just noticed he doesn't have hands... That's stupid (imo).

I'll pass on both for sure.
More $$$ for the Animated line!!!!
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (608106)
Posted by T-Macksimus on January 18th, 2008 @ 7:43pm CST
Even though it has meant cleaning up extra messes, I haven't let the family dog out in 3 weeks for fear that she'll be snatched up by Hasbro, repainted and released in the new movie line. They seem to be doing it to everything else that isn't nailed down.
Re: Robot Mode Pictures Of TRU Exclusive Wing Saber and Jetstorm (608274)
Posted by DISCHARGE on January 18th, 2008 @ 11:43pm CST

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