RotB Studio Series Core Freezer's Alt Modes Shown in Detail in Takara Tomy Stock Photos
Sunday, February 12th, 2023 11:11PM CST
Categories: Movie Related News, Toy NewsPosted by: Emerje Views: 65,415
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Do you find these different alt modes convincing? Will you be displaying him next to your Beast Wars Optimus Minor? Let us now in the Energon Pub forums!
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Posted by First-Aid on February 12th, 2023 @ 11:27pm CST
Posted by Solrac333 on February 12th, 2023 @ 11:36pm CST
Posted by william-james88 on February 13th, 2023 @ 1:33am CST
Solrac333 wrote:I see. His alt mode is garbage. Someone designed that.
The character doesn't transform in the film, so it's like with other Bayverse designs we've seen in the past where Hasbro makes up an alt mode from contorting a non transforming bot.
Posted by ZeroWolf on February 13th, 2023 @ 2:56am CST
Posted by -Kanrabat- on February 13th, 2023 @ 7:54am CST
Posted by Emerje on February 13th, 2023 @ 9:43am CST

As an alt mode I think it's neat, but his legs are the issue, they're just floating there untabbed to anything. His legs don't peg together in any way, for the other two modes they depend on the arms to keep them in place, but for this mode they're just there. That may not necessarily be a bad thing because it gives you some freedom to try other things with those legs if you want to change up his look, but I'd rather he pegged together at the ankles like we've seen so many other figures do.
Posted by First-Aid on February 13th, 2023 @ 11:02am CST
Emerje wrote:My one issue is this:
As an alt mode I think it's neat, but his legs are the issue, they're just floating there untabbed to anything. His legs don't peg together in any way, for the other two modes they depend on the arms to keep them in place, but for this mode they're just there. That may not necessarily be a bad thing because it gives you some freedom to try other things with those legs if you want to change up his look, but I'd rather he pegged together at the ankles like we've seen so many other figures do.
You could counter that by saying that the legs are handles and can spread, allowing for multiple size bots to use the tripod. I'm thinking like in the Millenium Falcon, how Luke and han both had separate handles to control the turret guns, but adjustable for bigger people/bots.
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on February 13th, 2023 @ 12:18pm CST
Posted by -Kanrabat- on February 13th, 2023 @ 12:53pm CST
Plus, that a freaking LICENSECD PORSHE.
G1 MP Jazz when?
Posted by First-Aid on February 13th, 2023 @ 1:06pm CST
Posted by william-james88 on February 13th, 2023 @ 1:54pm CST

Posted by Perceptor1996 on February 13th, 2023 @ 2:12pm CST
Posted by Overcracker on February 13th, 2023 @ 2:14pm CST
His feet look really awkward. Lots of car parts hanging off of him in robot mode.
He gets the lower front bumper sections with the turn signals for a chest, which means they are not trying to pass him off as a "You can use him as Jazz" toy but he's not really Jazz, at all.
I love the car mode.
Interesting... Is all I can say. Don't know if I really want to to pick him up. Maybe just for the Porsche mode. Since we probably won't see a licensed Porsche 911 Turbo ever again.
Posted by Stormshot_Prime on February 13th, 2023 @ 2:29pm CST
I’m might be beating a dead horse here, but WHY is this character not Jazz? This figure furthers the similarities of this Mirage to G1 Jazz, he even has a visor. And of course the alt-mode speaks for itself.
Posted by Immortal Starscream on February 13th, 2023 @ 2:44pm CST
Posted by 84everfan on February 13th, 2023 @ 2:48pm CST
Posted by G1OptimusPAX on February 13th, 2023 @ 2:49pm CST
They fooled me with Bumblebee... I thought we were going in a good direction at first,but have to wait an see... hopefully the Porsche, is a Mirage
Posted by 84everfan on February 13th, 2023 @ 2:50pm CST
Overcracker wrote:He looks... interesting.
Why can't you just say "bad"? Whose feelings are you sparing?
Posted by Nemesis Primal on February 13th, 2023 @ 3:03pm CST
He does not have a visor. He has a blue panel/browline right above his blue eyes, so if you aren't looking closely enough it looks like a visor.Stormshot_Prime wrote:he even has a visor.
Posted by Gearslide on February 13th, 2023 @ 3:06pm CST
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on February 13th, 2023 @ 3:08pm CST
Posted by ZeroWolf on February 13th, 2023 @ 3:31pm CST
I also love how people are reacting like this is the first name slap in the franchise when that boat sailed back in G2 (and then again in Machine Wars/beast wars). Nameslaps are tradition now.
Posted by First-Aid on February 13th, 2023 @ 3:36pm CST
ZeroWolf wrote:I like it, the name issue is a nonstater for me, this is movieverse Mirage...that's it. Besides which, we already had movieverse Jazz complete with visor.
I also love how people are reacting like this is the first name slap in the franchise when that boat sailed back in G2 (and then again in Machine Wars/beast wars). Nameslaps are tradition now.
I hear much useless wailing and gnashing of teeth and temper tantrums. Trying to decide if Star Wars fans or Transformers fans are more whiny...
...running neck and neck right now....
Posted by Till-all-R1 on February 13th, 2023 @ 3:49pm CST
Overcracker wrote:He looks... interesting.
His feet look really awkward. Lots of car parts hanging off of him in robot mode.
He gets the lower front bumper sections with the turn signals for a chest, which means they are not trying to pass him off as a "You can use him as Jazz" toy but he's not really Jazz, at all.
I love the car mode.
Interesting... Is all I can say. Don't know if I really want to to pick him up. Maybe just for the Porsche mode. Since we probably won't see a licensed Porsche 911 Turbo ever again.
Pretty much my sentiments. I am curious if they might be able to repaint/retool in the future for an actual jazz figure but it's not like he transforms the same as Jazz does anyways. G1 at least. it's kind of tough to get a real sense of things due to the digital render that often looks different in toy form, but the Bot mode isn't anything special to look at and appears IDK odd.
Not understanding licensing issues they seem to run up against I don't see why they didn't just call him Jazz and change a few things, if in fact they couldn't secure the license for Mirage's alt mode.
Heck, for that matter why even bother with them when you've got dozens of other characters to use. I guess they are in need of Mirage's hologram projection technology for some reason and is why they went with him.
Posted by Overcracker on February 13th, 2023 @ 4:37pm CST
84everfan wrote:Overcracker wrote:He looks... interesting.
Why can't you just say "bad"? Whose feelings are you sparing?
I'm not sparing anyone's feelings. I just don't think he qualifies as bad. He's just not very good, or really appealing, but I would not say he's bad. He's just average looking, a bit too much kibble, not Jazz, and yet still a Porsche.
There's been terrible, terrible things in the Movie lines in the past, this is just ...meh.
We did get movie 1 Demolishor, movie 3 Scalpel? Those are bad. This is just meh. Saved by the Porsche mode.
Posted by william-james88 on February 13th, 2023 @ 4:46pm CST
First-Aid wrote:ZeroWolf wrote:I like it, the name issue is a nonstater for me, this is movieverse Mirage...that's it. Besides which, we already had movieverse Jazz complete with visor.
I also love how people are reacting like this is the first name slap in the franchise when that boat sailed back in G2 (and then again in Machine Wars/beast wars). Nameslaps are tradition now.
I hear much useless wailing and gnashing of teeth and temper tantrums. Trying to decide if Star Wars fans or Transformers fans are more whiny...
...running neck and neck right now....
The vitriol towards Kathleen Kennedy dwarfs any hard feelings this community had for Bay.
Posted by Fires_Of_Inferno on February 13th, 2023 @ 5:26pm CST
I don't know if I like the design, but then I wasn't really wild about the design that appears in the movie either. I really want to like this movie so maybe seeing it will change my mind about the figure. I mean that's what happened with the Bumblebee movie. Wasn't going to see it because I hated Bumblebee and the movie franchise. Then I saw it and loved it and immediately bought the Bumblebee toy. Maybe the same will happen here? Maybe the toy's engineering is excellent. Maybe the visible car kibble is actually parts of the vehicle mode instead of fakeout parts like what usually happens these days.
Posted by Deadput on February 13th, 2023 @ 5:37pm CST
Nemesis Primal wrote:He does not have a visor. He has a blue panel/browline right above his blue eyes, so if you aren't looking closely enough it looks like a visor.Stormshot_Prime wrote:he even has a visor.
Yup, this isn't a Visor guys just a bad angle that makes that part look like one.
If anything Mirage seems to be a live-action attempt at a Transformers Prime Smokescreen character from attitude to color-scheme.
Posted by -Kanrabat- on February 13th, 2023 @ 5:52pm CST
william-james88 wrote:First-Aid wrote:ZeroWolf wrote:I like it, the name issue is a nonstater for me, this is movieverse Mirage...that's it. Besides which, we already had movieverse Jazz complete with visor.
I also love how people are reacting like this is the first name slap in the franchise when that boat sailed back in G2 (and then again in Machine Wars/beast wars). Nameslaps are tradition now.
I hear much useless wailing and gnashing of teeth and temper tantrums. Trying to decide if Star Wars fans or Transformers fans are more whiny...
...running neck and neck right now....
The vitriol towards Kathleen Kennedy dwarfs any hard feelings this community had for Bay.
Bay was far from perfect, but he did brought something FRESH to transformers. I could even daresay a renaissance.
But Kennedy? She downright sabotaged Star Wars and it will take a looooooong time for the franchise to recover.
Posted by Rtron on February 13th, 2023 @ 5:59pm CST
No sure yet about Mirage, save for the alt mode which is excelent. don't get the whining about the name. He makes mirages and goes fast, so he's called Mirage. Simple and effective as that. He's the same colors and everything.
Posted by morganprime on February 13th, 2023 @ 6:00pm CST
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on February 13th, 2023 @ 6:04pm CST
First-Aid wrote:Emerje wrote:My one issue is this:
As an alt mode I think it's neat, but his legs are the issue, they're just floating there untabbed to anything. His legs don't peg together in any way, for the other two modes they depend on the arms to keep them in place, but for this mode they're just there. That may not necessarily be a bad thing because it gives you some freedom to try other things with those legs if you want to change up his look, but I'd rather he pegged together at the ankles like we've seen so many other figures do.
You could counter that by saying that the legs are handles and can spread, allowing for multiple size bots to use the tripod. I'm thinking like in the Millenium Falcon, how Luke and han both had separate handles to control the turret guns, but adjustable for bigger people/bots.
Maybe the pegs on the feet are for when it combines with Scourge and that's how the legs are secured?
Posted by SpaceEagle on February 13th, 2023 @ 6:04pm CST
I think the only two cents I'll throw in about the whole name thing is that it's weird, but I couldn't care less. I've played a lot of racing games so I mostly see the Porche 911 as a racing machine which still fits most other Mirages, and him being an open wheel racer might've stuck out too much from the regular Autobot crew in the film. It does feel Jazzy, but this is also from the Bayverse where Jazz was never a Porsche on screen so I'm fine with Mirage having it.
Posted by M. Spector on February 13th, 2023 @ 6:09pm CST
Posted by Sabrblade on February 13th, 2023 @ 6:12pm CST
A character that many people whined about stealing Hot Rod's role and personality?Deadput wrote:Nemesis Primal wrote:He does not have a visor. He has a blue panel/browline right above his blue eyes, so if you aren't looking closely enough it looks like a visor.Stormshot_Prime wrote:he even has a visor.
Yup, this isn't a Visor guys just a bad angle that makes that part look like one.
If anything Mirage seems to be a live-action attempt at a Transformers Prime Smokescreen character from attitude to color-scheme.
Posted by Brokebot on February 13th, 2023 @ 6:33pm CST
Easy pass.
Posted by Starshriek on February 13th, 2023 @ 6:52pm CST
Anyway, I feel like maybe they could've introduced Jazz later as like a Shelby cobra or something. While other characters have been porches, none have had that specific color scene, with the blue stripe. :

... still going to see rotb though...

Posted by -Kanrabat- on February 13th, 2023 @ 6:54pm CST
And no, for once it's not PvP, but Baltmatrix!
Posted by Tuned Agent on February 13th, 2023 @ 7:13pm CST
This might be a hot take, but the level of hate Mirage's design is getting has really illustrated to me just how superficially we as a fandom think of these characters.
I've seen relatively little talk about how Mirage's personality seems to be very Hot Rod-esque in this movie and overall very different from G1; the vast majority of the discussion is about how simply having a different alt mode from G1 Mirage has completely ruined the character in many's eyes, and how this should be Jazz instead just because he has a similar alt mode to G1 (not the same alt mode mind you, only the same automaker).
Like, guys, this is a franchise about transforming robots that can scan almost any object they want and reformat their bodies accordingly, and can do it on a whim. Why do they have to be the same vehicles every time? How does that somehow ruin the character? A Porsche is honestly a more fitting alt mode for the formerly wealthy, high-society G1 Mirage than an F1 racecar ever was.
Also, a bit of a side tangent, but I've never liked the term "nameslap". I've always thought of it similarly to people names, since there are presumably millions, if not billions of cybertronians (depending on the continuity and timeframe the story takes place), multiple bots with the same name is inevitable.
Posted by SpaceEagle on February 13th, 2023 @ 7:20pm CST
Posted by Emerje on February 13th, 2023 @ 8:45pm CST
G1 Jazz Porsche 935:

Movie Mirage Porsche 911:

They aren't even that similar side by side.
As for the figure, it's probably fine as a transforming toy, but the bot likeness is no good.
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on February 13th, 2023 @ 8:51pm CST
Posted by KeelanPlays on February 13th, 2023 @ 9:03pm CST
Posted by SpaceEagle on February 13th, 2023 @ 9:10pm CST
Where Jazz never was a Porsche on screen...
I'm getting flashbacks to fan complaints about Bumblebee not being a Beetle all over again!
Posted by Ig89ninja on February 13th, 2023 @ 9:44pm CST
Posted by Till-all-R1 on February 13th, 2023 @ 10:23pm CST
I don't hate this take, in fact I'm really indifferent because I haven't like very many of the TF movies at all, the very first one was fine and I really like Bumblebee. Not that I care to collect any of the figure because I simply don't care for the designs. As for ROTB I have almost zero interest in seeing it other than a slight curiosity how they integrate beasts into the story and live action mythos, I still don't much care for the bot designs. Some are decent others not as much. I simply asked why they chose to go with Mirage as a Porche instead of an F1 or maybe even something cooler like a Ford GT. I could definitely see that as Mirage.
Posted by william-james88 on February 13th, 2023 @ 10:44pm CST
If this is a toy you'd like to own, he is still available from amazon now for $34.99 USD: ... 125&sr=8-2?tag=seibertron07-20&
Posted by cloudballoon on February 13th, 2023 @ 10:44pm CST
However, this design shouldn't belong to the Studio Series if what we saw in the trailer is close to what we'll get in the movie, as it makes the chance of getting an even more screen-accurate figure (using engineering similar to Hot Rod to get the lean & mean body proportion) in the future unlikely, which sucks and is the biggest sin IMO of this decent figure.
Posted by Dr. Caelus on February 13th, 2023 @ 10:56pm CST
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:I feel like the only reason this isn't called Jazz is because they had to renew the copyright for Mirage. There's no other reason this couldn't be Jazz really.
Movie first, toys second. The hologram shellgame looks good on screen, and Mirage is a cooler name for an illusionist spy robot in disguise.
"Jazz" is unfortunately one typo away from offensive, so not a great choice for lead bot.
And also, Jazz was a 932 in G1, not a 911. Yes it's the same manufacturer, but that's like confusing Ratchet and Ironhide's altmodes in the 07 movie because the Topkick and Hummer were both made by GM.
Posted by william-james88 on February 14th, 2023 @ 1:19am CST
Dr. Caelus wrote:Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:I feel like the only reason this isn't called Jazz is because they had to renew the copyright for Mirage. There's no other reason this couldn't be Jazz really.
Movie first, toys second. The hologram shellgame looks good on screen, and Mirage is a cooler name for an illusionist spy robot in disguise.
"Jazz" is unfortunately one typo away from offensive, so not a great choice for lead bot.
And also, Jazz was a 932 in G1, not a 911. Yes it's the same manufacturer, but that's like confusing Ratchet and Ironhide's altmodes in the 07 movie because the Topkick and Hummer were both made by GM.
Jazz was a 935 in G1