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Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is...

Transformers News: Rumor:  The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is...

Monday, January 4th, 2010 10:05AM CST

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News, Rumors
Posted by: Counterpunch   Views: 67,126

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Energon Pub member S250 has provided a picture of a possible 5th Leader Class toy for the Revenge of the Fallen toy line.

Is this to be the last Leader Class figure for the line? Please post your comments on the matter in the discussion section.


Stay tuned to Seibertron if you wish to get first hand information on this possible figure.
Credit(s): s250, Anon :D

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Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033260)
Posted by Counterpunch on January 4th, 2010 @ 10:06am CST
Posted as a rumor.

Prove it wrong, or don't.

Get to work fans.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033265)
Posted by GuyIncognito on January 4th, 2010 @ 10:12am CST
Counterpunch wrote:Posted as a rumor.

Prove it wrong, or don't.

Get to work fans.

No, you have it backwards. It's up to the rumor-poster to prove it RIGHT. Until then, it's presumed false.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033269)
Posted by Dead Metal on January 4th, 2010 @ 10:14am CST
[quote="CP"]Posted as a rumor.

Prove it wrong, or don't.

Get to work fans.
Damn slow internet just a second too slow!

I don't know what it is, it looks like it has elements from both the deluxe and Human Alliance figures with a bit of unique stuff in it, odd indeed.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033271)
Posted by Mykltron on January 4th, 2010 @ 10:15am CST
Looks too much like a digitally edited and/or kitbashed HABB to me. Too many similarities. Also, if this were real, surely the first pic we see would be a grey prototype.

I call shinanigans.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033273)
Posted by f-primus-unicron on January 4th, 2010 @ 10:16am CST
only one word
if you look it has parts from human alliance bumbeblee
and ultimate bumblebee
i guess de left hand its from human alliance mudflap
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033275)
Posted by Counterpunch on January 4th, 2010 @ 10:17am CST
GuyIncognito wrote:
Counterpunch wrote:Posted as a rumor.

Prove it wrong, or don't.

Get to work fans.

No, you have it backwards. It's up to the rumor-poster to prove it RIGHT. Until then, it's presumed false.

Yea, well s250 gets a good amount of leadway. When you've brought back as many new pics as he has then you too get a presumption of correctness.

Edit: for the record, it does look shopped, but that doesn't necessarily discount the rumor.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033277)
Posted by Sabrblade on January 4th, 2010 @ 10:23am CST
If it turns out to be true, DO. NOT. WANT.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033278)
Posted by DevastaTTor on January 4th, 2010 @ 10:28am CST
Doubtful with BB already getting about 6-7 deluxe releases, a HA release, and two supreme releases. However, could happen for TF3.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033279)
Posted by Counterpunch on January 4th, 2010 @ 10:28am CST
Sabrblade wrote:If it turns out to be true, DO. NOT. WANT.

Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033281)
Posted by First-Aid on January 4th, 2010 @ 10:29am CST
ANd now...the 488th Bumblebee mold from the movie line!

I think that's a custom job. Hasbro's leader class figs usually have only one color of blinking light. This one looks to have two. I just don't see it...if anything the next Leader mold should be an American version of Buster Prime.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033285)
Posted by Nekoman on January 4th, 2010 @ 10:42am CST
It looks an awful lot like Ultimate Bumblebee.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033286)
Posted by Counterpunch on January 4th, 2010 @ 10:49am CST
Nekoman wrote:It looks an awful lot like Ultimate Bumblebee.

It looks like a digital mock up where they take pictures of various toys or modes and assemble them prior to the engineering.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033288)
Posted by RK_Striker_JK_5 on January 4th, 2010 @ 10:49am CST
Looks faked, and even if it's true, there's too many Bumblebees already. And I didn't even get any of the ROTF deluxes.

Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033289)
Posted by Chaoslock on January 4th, 2010 @ 10:50am CST
I'd bet there's a whole division of Hasbro designers that live only to make another yellow butterfly every two months... For Primus' sake I hope Megatron will shoot Bee to pieces in TF3.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033290)
Posted by Lord Onixprime on January 4th, 2010 @ 10:52am CST
Its a fake, a clear mash up of human alliance bumblebee and ultimate bumblebee. Even I don't believe that Hasbro would be as stupid as to release another new Bumblebee mold in the same line. There are already 3.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033291)
Posted by Dead Metal on January 4th, 2010 @ 10:54am CST
Head and upper body from HA Bumblebee with extra gatling shoulder gun,
Arms from Deluxe Cannon BB
cannon arm from deluxe preview Bumblebee
belly and upper legs from deluxe BB
lower legs from Ultimate BB with new feet? 8-}
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033295)
Posted by PhunkJunkion on January 4th, 2010 @ 11:05am CST
If it is true, I just saved myself 50 bucks.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033296)
Posted by Stockade on January 4th, 2010 @ 11:06am CST
I really hope this is fake, cause I dont think i can deal with another BB from Hasbro!!!
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033297)
Posted by kirbenvost on January 4th, 2010 @ 11:07am CST
I call 'shop job. There's too many parts in there that look an awful lot like other BB molds. And it just doesn't look right, as if someone copied and pasted a whole bunch of things into one image. On top of that, Hasbro normally also use characters that make sense for the Leader size class. Bumblebee does not. At all.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033299)
Posted by PhunkJunkion on January 4th, 2010 @ 11:10am CST
kirbenvost wrote:Hasbro normally also use characters that make sense for the Leader size class. Bumblebee does not. At all.

Which means no Leader class Wheelie? Thank God.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033300)
Posted by Nekoman on January 4th, 2010 @ 11:12am CST
Counterpunch wrote:
Nekoman wrote:It looks an awful lot like Ultimate Bumblebee.

It looks like a digital mock up where they take pictures of various toys or modes and assemble them prior to the engineering.

Which if the case would explain this toy, it's for TF3. I'm guessing Hasbro is already starting work on that toy line, plus we know Bumblebee will be in it (just cause of how major his role is in the films).

Also, if it were for TF3, that would explain the anonymity of the source. Someone doesn't want to get caught.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033301)
Posted by Blackstreak on January 4th, 2010 @ 11:15am CST
As many others have said, I also doubt they will make a leader class BB. If they do release one I'm gonna pass on it. My vote is for a Bonecrusher Leader class. Been wanting one of those since they did a Brawl (aka Devastator) Leader class.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033302)
Posted by First Gen on January 4th, 2010 @ 11:32am CST
My guess is its a digital mock up for TF3 that was "leaked" to see if it would garner an interest and by this thread i'd guess a big no. Seriously people, its not like we havent seen this kind of thing before.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033308)
Posted by gantzrunner on January 4th, 2010 @ 11:45am CST
Please don't let it be true! I'd rather see a leader class ironhide or long haul or grindor. Leave bb alone already!!!
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033309)
Posted by decepticonblitz77 on January 4th, 2010 @ 11:51am CST
gosh thats dumb. if there is going to be another leader class it should be the fallen or something. i've never liked movie bumblebee
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033310)
Posted by leokearon on January 4th, 2010 @ 11:58am CST
I hope it is fake last thing we need is another oversized bumblebee
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033313)
Posted by Alex Jones on January 4th, 2010 @ 12:07pm CST
For the love of God not ANOTHER Bumblebee figure. Out of all the possible characters (Fallen, Bonecrusher, and most of all Blackout/Grindor) they are still hooked on Bumblebee???? Please let it be a rumor!
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033314)
Posted by starfish on January 4th, 2010 @ 12:10pm CST
Yeah, definitely fake. And I also doubt it's some kind of TF3 test-shot, either.

First of all, it can't possibly be leader-class. For a start, all Leader-class toys have to have a 'try me' button on the chest. This dude has the same chest as HABB, so there's no button or switch there.

And where would the batteries go? Again, it's the same upper body as HABB, which pretty much fills up every conceivable space inside that car.

And a light in the gun arm? There's no way you can run a load of wires down the inside of the arm unless you seriously impair the articulation.

I wouldn't actually mind a good, solid leader-class version of Bumblebee. Human Alliance and even the Gravity Bots have shown me there's still scope for more BB toys yet.

But there's no way this pic is real - I'm calling shenanigans.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033319)
Posted by Ramscreamer on January 4th, 2010 @ 12:43pm CST

looks 'shopped.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033320)
Posted by TheMuffin on January 4th, 2010 @ 12:51pm CST
Technically you don't have to run a wire down the arm. You can place an LED in the gun as well as the button cells to power it. Regardless, I have HABB and that's the only one I need. If this were to turn out true, I would pass on him as it makes no sense to have a BB that large.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033322)
Posted by Savage on January 4th, 2010 @ 12:53pm CST
Smells like a fake to me.

If it is real, PASS.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033331)
Posted by big bumblebee on January 4th, 2010 @ 1:25pm CST
obviously it's just a mod of human alliance, no way is it a new fig. and this is just logic but why would they make a leader class figure of a very small bot? (:|
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033332)
Posted by SLUGSLINGER81 on January 4th, 2010 @ 1:27pm CST
ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!, why is Barricade getting a HA figure...Bumblebee gets 10+ repaints...WHERE'S MY LEADER BONECRUSHER!!!...sorry had a lot of frustration w/ Hasbro (mainly cuz I live next door to them and haven't found a way to sneak in undetected LOL) but on a serious note this is clearly a fake it has HA BB's chest and torso, Ultimate BB's legs and arms...(long time fan of, first time poster) :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033333)
Posted by Sabrblade on January 4th, 2010 @ 1:32pm CST
SLUGSLINGER81 wrote:ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!, why is Barricade getting a HA figure...Bumblebee gets 10+ repaints...WHERE'S MY LEADER BONECRUSHER!!!
The answer to that is very simple, my friend... THEY'RE NOT GONNA MAKE ONE!!! :-P

They've stated time and time again that becasue Bonecrusher was such minor character that they won't make him any larger than his Deluxe figure. They only make bigger figures of more major/popular characters.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033335)
Posted by Blastwave on January 4th, 2010 @ 1:40pm CST
God that's so fake. @_@

If they're going to make anymore Leader class toys, make Blackout, Ironhide, or Bonecrusher.

Oh yeah, and whoever it was who said something about them only having one color of lights? Not on my Leader Brawl... he's got green lights on his shoulder cannons, and a red light on his long cannon.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033344)
Posted by starfish on January 4th, 2010 @ 1:59pm CST
Sabrblade wrote:
SLUGSLINGER81 wrote:ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!, why is Barricade getting a HA figure...Bumblebee gets 10+ repaints...WHERE'S MY LEADER BONECRUSHER!!!
The answer to that is very simple, my friend... THEY'RE NOT GONNA MAKE ONE!!! :-P

They've stated time and time again that becasue Bonecrusher was such minor character that they won't make him any larger than his Deluxe figure. They only make bigger figures of more major/popular characters.

Well, Brawl was hardly a major player in the first movie.

I agree though, that Bonecrusher would seem unlikely.

For the third movie, we'll most likely have Prime & Megs again, plus one or two others, possibly new characters.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033349)
Posted by 80sgeek on January 4th, 2010 @ 2:16pm CST
The focal points are all mismatched, the edges are too sharp at certain points and too blurry at others.

The head and chest are from Human Alliance (head re-tooled a bit).
Arms are from Deluxe Class Cannon.
Shins are partially from Ultimate (again, re-tooled a bit).
I know I've seen those cannons on a BB before, but can't figure out which ones. Those are the movie accurate ones thou.
The waist-to-knees appears to be an amalgamation of HA and Deluxe. Not sure where the calves and feet come from thou.

I doubt that it will be a leader class (scale would be WAY off, more so then HA). The only thing I can think of when looking at this is a possible re-tool of HA to be more movie accurate.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033351)
Posted by Blurrz on January 4th, 2010 @ 2:17pm CST
Aww... fuck this toyline.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033352)
Posted by blobatron on January 4th, 2010 @ 2:19pm CST
I've been customizing my blackout/grindow figure, so he looks better now, but I wish they'd make Blackout/Grindor into a leader class figure. As people have mentioned, there are way too many BB variants. They should remold the larger transformers into Leader Class figures, since Blackout looks ridiculously off scale when standing next to other voyagers.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033353)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on January 4th, 2010 @ 2:23pm CST
blobatron wrote:I've been customizing my blackout/grindow figure, so he looks better now, but I wish they'd make Blackout/Grindor into a leader class figure. As people have mentioned, there are way too many BB variants. They should remold the larger transformers into Leader Class figures, since Blackout looks ridiculously off scale when standing next to other voyagers.

Since when has Hasbro even cared about scale?

Another nail in the coffin is this: we already have a ridiculously huge Bumblebee: Ultimate Bumblebee. Making one a size smaller wouldn't really make sense.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033359)
Posted by fowlowl2626 on January 4th, 2010 @ 2:42pm CST
i doubt it is real but honestly i wouldnt be FLABERGASTED if it was true. :?

skip B-)
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033362)
Posted by hippymule on January 4th, 2010 @ 2:45pm CST
Im sorry but thats just gay I wanted long hual!
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033363)
Posted by Varia31 on January 4th, 2010 @ 2:46pm CST
I'm pretty sure that this IS photoshopped, but still, doesn't Bumblebee have quite enough figures already?........ :|
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033367)
Posted by Doubledealer93 on January 4th, 2010 @ 3:00pm CST, NO!!!! im crying! no! NO! for gods sake no!!!!!!! why couldn't have been bonecrusher? or Blackout! no! i really did cry when i saw this terrible news. i hope it is just a rumor. no. no. no. please dont be the new leader!!!!!! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033372)
Posted by Rycher Prime on January 4th, 2010 @ 3:16pm CST
WTF?!?! A leader Class Bumblebee?? Really?? Are you serious Hasbro??? Now a Leader Class THE FALLEN would have made more sense.Or hell,even a better mold of Leader Class Magatron would have been better that a Leader Class Bumblebee.Do they really need a 50th mold of Bumblebee???I thought HA was the best mold of BB. :evil:
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033377)
Posted by BATTLEMASTER IIC on January 4th, 2010 @ 3:33pm CST

Boy I really wish :grin:
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033380)
Posted by [JRX] on January 4th, 2010 @ 3:54pm CST
You're all wrong! This is the new iSlate thing from Apple! :-B
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033381)
Posted by DevastaTTor on January 4th, 2010 @ 4:02pm CST
Blurrz wrote:Aww... **** this toyline.

Is it any wonder you're losing interest. The rare Bludgeons aside, it's just repaint and repetition from Hasbro. So little creativity.
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033383)
Posted by tfrotf101 on January 4th, 2010 @ 4:21pm CST
this cant be bumblebee is smaller commpare to optimus prime it would never come out :MAD:
Re: Rumor: The 5th ROTF Leader Class Mold is... (1033387)
Posted by oldskooltf on January 4th, 2010 @ 4:38pm CST
I don't want/need a leader class Bumblebee. Yes, very major character, but not leader-class worthy in my humble opinion.

I, like others, would love a leader class Blackout, but I doubt I'll get one since his look-a-like, Grindor, didn't last too long in RotF (although neither did Brawl in TF1). Blackout was pretty significant in TF1 (opening character and in the final fight too), so he would have been more appropriate for a leader class figure than Brawl was. Don't understand why Hasbro chose Brawl over Blackout for leader class in TF1's toyline.

Sorry... went off on a blackout tangent there.

This BB pic does look photoshopped, but S250 has been very reliable on other rumors (like Season 3 of TFA being its last). Maybe the rumor is true (like for TF3 as others have said here) despite the likelyhood of the pic being fake... maybe.

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