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Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022

Transformers News: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021 9:14PM CDT

Categories: Toy News, Rumors
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 68,190

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We have been sent a list of upcoming toys for 2022 and we are breaking them down per line. Of course, since we only have listed names from ordering sheets and no actual listings, you should take these with a grain of salt.

This list below is for the Shaterred Glass line. As we've seen so far, all the toys are redecos of molds from the same non SG character, even though a different mold would look closer to the original source material.

While the amount per case adds to the validity of this post, it doesn't really help most people as these are online only figures packed in solid cases.

Tra Gen SG Dlx Wheeljack x8
Tra Gen SG Voy Soundwave x6
Tra Gen SG Voy Blaster x6
Tra Gen SG Ldr Ultra Magnus x2

If you want an idea of the deco for Soundwave and Blaster, check out the original release below.

Transformers News: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022

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Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2116523)
Posted by sol magnus on September 22nd, 2021 @ 9:46pm CDT
Magnus is definitely going to be a Siege/Kingdom repaint (as he appears in issue#1). Hopefully he'll have a face ripped off somewhere, but I might have to get two to turn one into Delta Magnus/Powered Convoy.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2116526)
Posted by Decepticon Stryker on September 22nd, 2021 @ 9:56pm CDT
sol magnus wrote:Magnus is definitely going to be a Siege/Kingdom repaint (as he appears in issue#1). Hopefully he'll have a face ripped off somewhere, but I might have to get two to turn one into Delta Magnus/Powered Convoy.

There is a rumored Laser Optimus Prime so it's equally likely he could use that mold too.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2116527)
Posted by sol magnus on September 22nd, 2021 @ 9:58pm CDT
Decepticon Stryker wrote:
sol magnus wrote:Magnus is definitely going to be a Siege/Kingdom repaint (as he appears in issue#1). Hopefully he'll have a face ripped off somewhere, but I might have to get two to turn one into Delta Magnus/Powered Convoy.

There is a rumored Laser Optimus Prime so it's equally likely he could use that mold too.

Possibly, but I'm going to stick with what's on the printed page.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2116561)
Posted by Stormshot_Prime on September 23rd, 2021 @ 8:06am CDT
THANK YOU Hasbro for answering my prayers for more Shattered Glass. I was going to be really upset and confused if they left out Soundwave, given his particular iconic status in the SG Mythos.

If this is any indication that the subline is doing well (the first comic issue was phenomenal), let’s hope we start seeing more and more non-mainstream characters getting the ol’ universe flip. I would love to see a SG Shockwave, the other Seekers, etc
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2116565)
Posted by william-james88 on September 23rd, 2021 @ 8:25am CDT
Decepticon Stryker wrote:
sol magnus wrote:Magnus is definitely going to be a Siege/Kingdom repaint (as he appears in issue#1). Hopefully he'll have a face ripped off somewhere, but I might have to get two to turn one into Delta Magnus/Powered Convoy.

There is a rumored Laser Optimus Prime so it's equally likely he could use that mold too.

They are not equally likely.

Shaterred Glass magnus with his Siege body already appeared in the Shaterred glass comic made to accompany these new toys.

So the odds skew in one's favour.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2116569)
Posted by Sabrblade on September 23rd, 2021 @ 9:19am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Decepticon Stryker wrote:
sol magnus wrote:Magnus is definitely going to be a Siege/Kingdom repaint (as he appears in issue#1). Hopefully he'll have a face ripped off somewhere, but I might have to get two to turn one into Delta Magnus/Powered Convoy.

There is a rumored Laser Optimus Prime so it's equally likely he could use that mold too.

They are not equally likely.

Shaterred Glass magnus with his Siege body already appeared in the Shaterred glass comic made to accompany these new toys.

So the odds skew in one's favour.
I don't disagree, but to play Devil's advocate, there does remain the possibility that, between Blurr's story and a later one, SG Magnus could be involved in some kind of incident that sees his Siege/Kingdom body damaged and rebuilt into his Laser one, just in time for his toy release.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2116615)
Posted by Autobot N on September 23rd, 2021 @ 1:48pm CDT
If they didn't do the more obviously accurate mold for Megatron, they're not gonna do it for Ultra Magnus
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2116617)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on September 23rd, 2021 @ 1:51pm CDT
Autobot N wrote:If they didn't do the more obviously accurate mold for Megatron, they're not gonna do it for Ultra Magnus

Plus, looking just at the logistics of everything, using a mold they are currently done with is a hell of a lot easier than one they still need to use for the main intended release that already has a second use planned.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2116621)
Posted by sol magnus on September 23rd, 2021 @ 2:22pm CDT
TF-fan kev777 wrote:
Autobot N wrote:If they didn't do the more obviously accurate mold for Megatron, they're not gonna do it for Ultra Magnus

Plus, looking just at the logistics of everything, using a mold they are currently done with is a hell of a lot easier than one they still need to use for the main intended release that already has a second use planned.

That's what I think.

I have no attachment to SG Magnus as a Laser Optimus repaint. None. Laser Optimus and Black Convoy, though, are a different story. The reason SG Ultra Magnus was a repaint of Laser Optimus back then is because that's what the then recent Optimus was. Just like Blurr is nothing like his 'old' SG self, Magnus doesn't need to be his old SG self. I would prefer that he isn't, personally. None of the SG figures released with WFC molds are, yet we're battling against logic for Ultra Magnus to be and he's been 'seen', even if only in shadow to this point in the comic. We all know whatever IDW is doing with this is coordinated heavily with whatever Hasbro is doing. We know Hasbro / Takara needs to get the most mileage out of these molds. If SG UM is the Kingdom version of the mold, that will be the second use of that mold which hasn't been repainted for any reason as yet.

Seems like a lay up to me. :/
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2116625)
Posted by Sabrblade on September 23rd, 2021 @ 2:37pm CDT
sol magnus wrote:The reason SG Ultra Magnus was a repaint of Laser Optimus back then is because that's what the then recent Optimus was.
Not to mention that mold's Hasbro-pretooled skull head that had yet to be used for anything at the time.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2116781)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on September 26th, 2021 @ 9:42am CDT
Considering I never got a version of the Magnus or Soundwave mold, and I don't intend to get Blaster, the SG repaints work out for me here. I hope wheeljack ends up looking nice to justify the 3rd use of that mold for my shelves
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2116823)
Posted by Emerje on September 27th, 2021 @ 1:56am CDT
Keep in mind that Laser OP is supposed to be a wave 1 release so he should be on the production line right now to hit early 2022. If the Velocitron line is replacing Netflix then it'll probably be a spring line and also entering production soon. Neither of these sound like they would prevent the Laser mold from being used by Ultra Magnus.

Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2116825)
Posted by ZeroWolf on September 27th, 2021 @ 3:43am CDT
At this point I'd say it can go either way regarding choice of mold. We'll find out soon enough though, no doubt a leaker will get eyes on them, then we'll have more information to go on.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2116830)
Posted by AcademyofDrX on September 27th, 2021 @ 8:16am CDT
An SG Kingdom Ultra Magnus can double as Delta Magnus in a way that a Laser Prime redeco can't. Given Hasbro's current obsession with Diaclone redecoes, I feel like that has to be part of the equation.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2116831)
Posted by Sabrblade on September 27th, 2021 @ 9:15am CDT
They'll surprise us by making it a Delta Magnus-colored Siege/Kingdom Ultra Magnus whose cab robot, when his armor is removed, is revealed to also be a skull-faced Delta Magnus-colored Laser OP underneath the armor. They'll make the Laser OP mold backwards-compatible with the Magnus Armor. Everyone wins! :-D
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2116834)
Posted by ZeroWolf on September 27th, 2021 @ 10:00am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:They'll surprise us by making it a Delta Magnus-colored Siege/Kingdom Ultra Magnus whose cab robot, when his armor is removed, is revealed to also be a skull-faced Delta Magnus-colored Laser OP underneath the armor. They'll make the Laser OP mold backwards-compatible with the Magnus Armor. Everyone wins! :-D

I know you're joking, but if that actually would have many eating their hats :lol:
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2116899)
Posted by Emerje on September 27th, 2021 @ 4:50pm CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:They'll surprise us by making it a Delta Magnus-colored Siege/Kingdom Ultra Magnus whose cab robot, when his armor is removed, is revealed to also be a skull-faced Delta Magnus-colored Laser OP underneath the armor. They'll make the Laser OP mold backwards-compatible with the Magnus Armor. Everyone wins! :-D

I know you're joking, but if that actually would have many eating their hats :lol:

All but the people complaining about Delta Magnus having the wrong type of truck form. ;)

Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118439)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on October 13th, 2021 @ 12:21pm CDT
Just got a Pulse email saying that Goldbug's shipping date is getting moved up, although it hasn't changed on my order or Goldbug's Pulse listing yet.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118440)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on October 13th, 2021 @ 12:25pm CDT
Nemesis Primal wrote:Just got a Pulse email saying that Goldbug's shipping date is getting moved up, although it hasn't changed on my order or Goldbug's Pulse listing yet.

Pretty much the same email they sent on Transmutate. Same thing happened on the order and Pulse Listing, no changes for a couple days until they actually started shipping. My guess is they ship out Friday/Saturday.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118445)
Posted by Hero Alpha on October 13th, 2021 @ 2:06pm CDT
Yeps, I got the same Goldbug email today. I am pretty excited as Goldbug is one of my figures needed for my headcanon season 4. Now I just need to find a way to gets the head off and put it on Netflix Bee without damaging either figure. This has been my plan all along as I didnt think we were going to get a true Goldbug with the VW bug alt mode. Now with the leaks for the next year coming out it seems I was correct. Has anyone seen/heard anything of an upcoming Goldbug?
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118447)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on October 13th, 2021 @ 2:32pm CDT
Moonshot wrote:Has anyone seen/heard anything of an upcoming Goldbug?
One of the credible leakers (the one that first leaked the line this thread is about, actually) said there's a rumored 4 pack for next year of Goldbug, Ransack (which Ransack was unspecified, people are assuming G1 Ransack from Kickback's mold), Toy Colors Scorponok, and a white Waspinator repaint (presumably the Botcon Waruder repaint), but it doesn't have a listing that's been found yet and they have no idea how/where it's releasing. I posted about it on the Legacy thread on the 25th, as I'm assuming it'd be a Legacy release unless the Buzzworthy line keeps going or something.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118448)
Posted by Flashwave on October 13th, 2021 @ 2:37pm CDT
Nemesis Primal wrote:Just got a Pulse email saying that Goldbug's shipping date is getting moved up, although it hasn't changed on my order or Goldbug's Pulse listing yet.

I just got the same email, I thought Goldbug wasshipping after Megs and Screamer? Did he skip the line?
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118449)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on October 13th, 2021 @ 3:22pm CDT
Flashwave wrote:
Nemesis Primal wrote:Just got a Pulse email saying that Goldbug's shipping date is getting moved up, although it hasn't changed on my order or Goldbug's Pulse listing yet.

I just got the same email, I thought Goldbug wasshipping after Megs and Screamer? Did he skip the line?

He didn't, in fact some Japanese fans have him in. More than likely it's shipping being affected all over the world, and they're taking longer than expected to work off the backlog of stranded container ships.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118452)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on October 13th, 2021 @ 4:48pm CDT
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:
Flashwave wrote:
Nemesis Primal wrote:Just got a Pulse email saying that Goldbug's shipping date is getting moved up, although it hasn't changed on my order or Goldbug's Pulse listing yet.

I just got the same email, I thought Goldbug wasshipping after Megs and Screamer? Did he skip the line?

He didn't, in fact some Japanese fans have him in. More than likely it's shipping being affected all over the world, and they're taking longer than expected to work off the backlog of stranded container ships.

No, Goldbug did skip the line. He was revealed 4th and had an orignial ship date of December 1st along with Starscream who was revealed 3rd. Megs was second, due November 1st.

This is kind of like the Earthrise Galactic Odyssey sets last year that shipped out of order of the original plans. I do suspect the shipping backlogs could be a part of the problem. Goldbug, or rather his container ship, might have just gotten lucky and been offloaded while the others are still stuck waiting.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118457)
Posted by Hero Alpha on October 13th, 2021 @ 8:30pm CDT
Nemesis Primal wrote:
Moonshot wrote:Has anyone seen/heard anything of an upcoming Goldbug?
One of the credible leakers (the one that first leaked the line this thread is about, actually) said there's a rumored 4 pack for next year of Goldbug, Ransack (which Ransack was unspecified, people are assuming G1 Ransack from Kickback's mold), Toy Colors Scorponok, and a white Waspinator repaint (presumably the Botcon Waruder repaint), but it doesn't have a listing that's been found yet and they have no idea how/where it's releasing. I posted about it on the Legacy thread on the 25th, as I'm assuming it'd be a Legacy release unless the Buzzworthy line keeps going or something.

Anything on whether Goldbug would use the VW beetle mould or the SG/ER Cliffjumper? It feels like it wouldnt be VW one being in a multi-pack, but I dont know.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118461)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on October 13th, 2021 @ 9:49pm CDT
Moonshot wrote:
Nemesis Primal wrote:
Moonshot wrote:Has anyone seen/heard anything of an upcoming Goldbug?
One of the credible leakers (the one that first leaked the line this thread is about, actually) said there's a rumored 4 pack for next year of Goldbug, Ransack (which Ransack was unspecified, people are assuming G1 Ransack from Kickback's mold), Toy Colors Scorponok, and a white Waspinator repaint (presumably the Botcon Waruder repaint), but it doesn't have a listing that's been found yet and they have no idea how/where it's releasing. I posted about it on the Legacy thread on the 25th, as I'm assuming it'd be a Legacy release unless the Buzzworthy line keeps going or something.

Anything on whether Goldbug would use the VW beetle mould or the SG/ER Cliffjumper? It feels like it wouldnt be VW one being in a multi-pack, but I dont know.
No molds have been specified, no.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118463)
Posted by Emerje on October 13th, 2021 @ 11:39pm CDT
Nemesis Primal wrote:
Moonshot wrote:Has anyone seen/heard anything of an upcoming Goldbug?
One of the credible leakers (the one that first leaked the line this thread is about, actually) said there's a rumored 4 pack for next year of Goldbug, Ransack (which Ransack was unspecified, people are assuming G1 Ransack from Kickback's mold), Toy Colors Scorponok, and a white Waspinator repaint (presumably the Botcon Waruder repaint), but it doesn't have a listing that's been found yet and they have no idea how/where it's releasing. I posted about it on the Legacy thread on the 25th, as I'm assuming it'd be a Legacy release unless the Buzzworthy line keeps going or something.

I can only hope that if this is true it means the more obvious repaint, Buzzsaw, will get a Selects or Amazon release with his correct "bot" head.

Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118467)
Posted by Munkky on October 14th, 2021 @ 6:02am CDT
Megatron arrived last week, and I like him a lot. The extra parts they've added really build upon the mould in a good way, and while his aircraft mode does look a bit doofy, it's good that he's unofficially a Triple-Changer and you can still convert him into the original version's tank mode.
I have him next to some Studio Series Autobots at the moment, the beginnings of a "Multiverse" shelf for characters outside of the Generation 1 continuity, which will of course be fleshed out more once my other Shattered Glass toys come through and Legacy starts.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118468)
Posted by Autobot N on October 14th, 2021 @ 7:11am CDT
Emerje wrote:
Nemesis Primal wrote:
Moonshot wrote:Has anyone seen/heard anything of an upcoming Goldbug?
One of the credible leakers (the one that first leaked the line this thread is about, actually) said there's a rumored 4 pack for next year of Goldbug, Ransack (which Ransack was unspecified, people are assuming G1 Ransack from Kickback's mold), Toy Colors Scorponok, and a white Waspinator repaint (presumably the Botcon Waruder repaint), but it doesn't have a listing that's been found yet and they have no idea how/where it's releasing. I posted about it on the Legacy thread on the 25th, as I'm assuming it'd be a Legacy release unless the Buzzworthy line keeps going or something.

I can only hope that if this is true it means the more obvious repaint, Buzzsaw, will get a Selects or Amazon release with his correct "bot" head.

Pretty sure it was said that Buzzsaw was coming in Selects
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118470)
Posted by william-james88 on October 14th, 2021 @ 7:25am CDT
Autobot N wrote:
Emerje wrote:
Nemesis Primal wrote:
Moonshot wrote:Has anyone seen/heard anything of an upcoming Goldbug?
One of the credible leakers (the one that first leaked the line this thread is about, actually) said there's a rumored 4 pack for next year of Goldbug, Ransack (which Ransack was unspecified, people are assuming G1 Ransack from Kickback's mold), Toy Colors Scorponok, and a white Waspinator repaint (presumably the Botcon Waruder repaint), but it doesn't have a listing that's been found yet and they have no idea how/where it's releasing. I posted about it on the Legacy thread on the 25th, as I'm assuming it'd be a Legacy release unless the Buzzworthy line keeps going or something.

I can only hope that if this is true it means the more obvious repaint, Buzzsaw, will get a Selects or Amazon release with his correct "bot" head.

Pretty sure it was said that Buzzsaw was coming in Selects

Not in the order forms yet. So far, 2022 is all G1/diaclone stuff
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118480)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on October 14th, 2021 @ 11:39am CDT
So with Goldbug getting released out of order, that made me realize that issues 3 and 4 (and possibly 5 too) of the Shattered Glass comic have to also be produced and ready to go since Goldbug will be coming with issue 4.

If Goldbug ships this weekend, then fans will have issue 4 in hand before issue 3 is released in 2 weeks.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118481)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on October 14th, 2021 @ 12:31pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Autobot N wrote:
Emerje wrote:
Nemesis Primal wrote:
Moonshot wrote:Has anyone seen/heard anything of an upcoming Goldbug?
One of the credible leakers (the one that first leaked the line this thread is about, actually) said there's a rumored 4 pack for next year of Goldbug, Ransack (which Ransack was unspecified, people are assuming G1 Ransack from Kickback's mold), Toy Colors Scorponok, and a white Waspinator repaint (presumably the Botcon Waruder repaint), but it doesn't have a listing that's been found yet and they have no idea how/where it's releasing. I posted about it on the Legacy thread on the 25th, as I'm assuming it'd be a Legacy release unless the Buzzworthy line keeps going or something.

I can only hope that if this is true it means the more obvious repaint, Buzzsaw, will get a Selects or Amazon release with his correct "bot" head.

Pretty sure it was said that Buzzsaw was coming in Selects

Not in the order forms yet. So far, 2022 is all G1/diaclone stuff
Maybe not in the order forms, but JTPrime confirmed BW Buzzsaw and Sandstorm in our Selects thread shortly after the order form listings leaked, and another leaker agreed on a different site when this whole 4-pack situation was brought up.

Munkky wrote:Megatron arrived last week, and I like him a lot. The extra parts they've added really build upon the mould in a good way, and while his aircraft mode does look a bit doofy, it's good that he's unofficially a Triple-Changer and you can still convert him into the original version's tank mode.
I have him next to some Studio Series Autobots at the moment, the beginnings of a "Multiverse" shelf for characters outside of the Generation 1 continuity, which will of course be fleshed out more once my other Shattered Glass toys come through and Legacy starts.
Wait, where'd you order Megatron from? I though Pulse pushed him back to November?
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118484)
Posted by Munkky on October 14th, 2021 @ 1:41pm CDT
Nemesis Primal wrote: Wait, where'd you order Megatron from? I though Pulse pushed him back to November?

I got him from Pulse UK. They must have been doing OK for Megatron stock because they sent mine out with no issues, but Starscream has been pushed back to December.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118491)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on October 14th, 2021 @ 4:03pm CDT
Munkky wrote:
Nemesis Primal wrote: Wait, where'd you order Megatron from? I though Pulse pushed him back to November?

I got him from Pulse UK. They must have been doing OK for Megatron stock because they sent mine out with no issues, but Starscream has been pushed back to December.
Interesting that the different branches of Pulse are having different dates for these. Out of curiosity, when was your Starscream supposed to release? Pulse US always said December.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118494)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on October 14th, 2021 @ 5:09pm CDT
Nemesis Primal wrote:
Moonshot wrote:
Nemesis Primal wrote:
Moonshot wrote:Has anyone seen/heard anything of an upcoming Goldbug?
One of the credible leakers (the one that first leaked the line this thread is about, actually) said there's a rumored 4 pack for next year of Goldbug, Ransack (which Ransack was unspecified, people are assuming G1 Ransack from Kickback's mold), Toy Colors Scorponok, and a white Waspinator repaint (presumably the Botcon Waruder repaint), but it doesn't have a listing that's been found yet and they have no idea how/where it's releasing. I posted about it on the Legacy thread on the 25th, as I'm assuming it'd be a Legacy release unless the Buzzworthy line keeps going or something.

Anything on whether Goldbug would use the VW beetle mould or the SG/ER Cliffjumper? It feels like it wouldnt be VW one being in a multi-pack, but I dont know.
No molds have been specified, no.

At this rate, it's 50/50, depending on the status of VW's license.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118501)
Posted by Autobot N on October 14th, 2021 @ 6:28pm CDT
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:
Nemesis Primal wrote:
Moonshot wrote:
Nemesis Primal wrote:
Moonshot wrote:Has anyone seen/heard anything of an upcoming Goldbug?
One of the credible leakers (the one that first leaked the line this thread is about, actually) said there's a rumored 4 pack for next year of Goldbug, Ransack (which Ransack was unspecified, people are assuming G1 Ransack from Kickback's mold), Toy Colors Scorponok, and a white Waspinator repaint (presumably the Botcon Waruder repaint), but it doesn't have a listing that's been found yet and they have no idea how/where it's releasing. I posted about it on the Legacy thread on the 25th, as I'm assuming it'd be a Legacy release unless the Buzzworthy line keeps going or something.

Anything on whether Goldbug would use the VW beetle mould or the SG/ER Cliffjumper? It feels like it wouldnt be VW one being in a multi-pack, but I dont know.
No molds have been specified, no.

At this rate, it's 50/50, depending on the status of VW's license.
I'm gonna say 0% since that one Bumblebee in the Buzzworthy pack ended up being Cliffjumper
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118502)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on October 14th, 2021 @ 6:43pm CDT
I also got notice Goldbug was getting ready to ship. Disapppointed in the shipping out of order, I was excited to get Megs next
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118529)
Posted by Munkky on October 15th, 2021 @ 2:52am CDT
Nemesis Primal wrote:
Munkky wrote:
Nemesis Primal wrote: Wait, where'd you order Megatron from? I though Pulse pushed him back to November?

I got him from Pulse UK. They must have been doing OK for Megatron stock because they sent mine out with no issues, but Starscream has been pushed back to December.
Interesting that the different branches of Pulse are having different dates for these. Out of curiosity, when was your Starscream supposed to release? Pulse US always said December.

It was originally November for both Megatron and Starscream. While Starscream was pushed back, they must've got Megatron in earlier than planned. I've been getting a few e-mails from Pulse saying my pre-orders are shipping out earlier because they've managed to get the stock ahead of the original date, this is the case for the Kingdom Waspinator and Studio Series Jolt I have on pre-order too, they're supposedly coming as early as next week.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2118532)
Posted by Autobot N on October 15th, 2021 @ 6:42am CDT
It's just my luck that the only 2 SG figures I wanted are the ones getting delayed
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2119111)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on October 21st, 2021 @ 10:00pm CDT
Okay, so this is weird. Has Pulse used UPS for anyone before?

I got a shipping notice from Pulse on Goldbug. Pulse has always used Fedex in the past for anything I've ordered, and my order says they shipped it Fedex, but the tracking number is clearly a UPS number (with a Z for the second digit). The link for the tracking number leads to Fedex's site and comes up as invalid.

I went to UPS's site and the tracking number works, it should be here Sunday, with label created as the current status.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2119456)
Posted by ZeroWolf on October 24th, 2021 @ 5:49pm CDT
Greetings Seibertronians! Did you catch all the reveals from Pulsecon? Annoyed/upset that those figures won't be in your hands till sometime next year? Well let's focus on a toy that some of you are receiving right now! That being Shattered Glass Deluxe Class Goldbug!

Fellow Seibertron users, Chuckdawg1999, and Thundertron have done video reviews for this figure, and fellow Seibertron user, D-Maximal_Primal, has furnished us with pictures of this evil Autobot!

Chuckdawg1999's video review

This is what Chuckdawg1999 had to say about this figure:

chuckdawg1999 wrote:For the sixth use of the mold, Goldbug feels like a first or second release. Other than that how desirable the figure is to you depends on how you feel about the Shattered Glass concept and if you like how the figure looks. Transformation is the same, articulation is the same, the accessories are the same, everything is the same as we saw before. By this point, everything just feels flat, but your experience might be different.

Thundertron's Video Review

Here's what Thundertron had to say about it:

In Hand Pictures

Courtesy of D-Maximal_Primal, we have these fantastic images of the figure! These pictures were shared on D-Maximal_Primal's twitter account and feature the Target Exclusive Origins Bumblebee and the World's Collide Bumblebee.





Do you have this figure? Do you plan on getting him?

Shout out in the Energon Pub and stay tuned to Seibertron for all the latest news and reviews!
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2119460)
Posted by Black Bumblebee on October 24th, 2021 @ 7:35pm CDT
We were supposed to get Megatron first, so the comics are out of order (Megs has issue 3, Goldbug issue 4).

Looking at my recent orders, it appears that the release date of Artfire is being changed to--it was November, but now says January.

Hurray for shipping delays... ugh.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2119462)
Posted by Mistaken_Table on October 24th, 2021 @ 7:48pm CDT
When you mention delays, does that include Ravage? I didn't think it was a pre-order.

Also, how garbage does the Buzzworthy Bumblebee look next to the Cliffjumper mold? :lol:

Another also, when is UK getting that Buzzworthy 4-Pack with the Nemesis Primal and Boxart Blackarachnia?
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2119463)
Posted by sol magnus on October 24th, 2021 @ 7:49pm CDT
Black Bumblebee wrote:We were supposed to get Megatron first, so the comics are out of order (Megs has issue 3, Goldbug issue 4).

Looking at my recent orders, it appears that the release date of Artfire is being changed to--it was November, but now says January.

Hurray for shipping delays... ugh.

Since I'm getting the regular comics, I'm good...but yeah. Even I'll have to sit on issue 4 as issue 3 isn't out yet.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2119475)
Posted by cruizerdave on October 25th, 2021 @ 8:48am CDT
Wouldn't it be nice if we got an actual Goldbug out of the Netflix Bumblebee mold with that head? I'm sure in a couple of years someone will think of it.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2119476)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on October 25th, 2021 @ 8:55am CDT
cruizerdave wrote:Wouldn't it be nice if we got an actual Goldbug out of the Netflix Bumblebee mold with that head? I'm sure in a couple of years someone will think of it.

I'm sure it has already been thought of multiple times. VW and licensing is the problem with that mold apparently. I'm not sure we'll see it again unless something changes on VW's end.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2119482)
Posted by ZeroWolf on October 25th, 2021 @ 11:20am CDT
TF-fan kev777 wrote:
cruizerdave wrote:Wouldn't it be nice if we got an actual Goldbug out of the Netflix Bumblebee mold with that head? I'm sure in a couple of years someone will think of it.

I'm sure it has already been thought of multiple times. VW and licensing is the problem with that mold apparently. I'm not sure we'll see it again unless something changes on VW's end.

This ^, a VW Beetle Bee is not something that we're likely to get often and may also be a one and done deal.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2119493)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on October 25th, 2021 @ 12:53pm CDT
Okay so this is weird, someone on this site posted a sighting at Target for SG Blurr, at 2 different stores yesterday. I had no idea Target was going to carry them and this definitely has me intrigued. If they will end up carrying the SG line, I would love to be able to find SG Jetfire at Target during one of their sales.
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2119555)
Posted by Nemesis Destron on October 25th, 2021 @ 6:24pm CDT
I think :HASBRO: / :TAKARATOMY: should have armed Goldbug with some different weapons rather than the same one's this mold has been stuck with...'nuff said! :VEHI:
Re: Shattered Glass Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, Blaster and Soundwave Coming in 2022 (2119646)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on October 26th, 2021 @ 6:16pm CDT
TF-fan kev777 wrote:Okay, so this is weird. Has Pulse used UPS for anyone before?

I got a shipping notice from Pulse on Goldbug. Pulse has always used Fedex in the past for anything I've ordered, and my order says they shipped it Fedex, but the tracking number is clearly a UPS number (with a Z for the second digit). The link for the tracking number leads to Fedex's site and comes up as invalid.

I went to UPS's site and the tracking number works, it should be here Sunday, with label created as the current status.

My Ravage is shipping UPS too. Might have something to do with all the shipping issues.

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