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Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus)

Transformers News: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus)

Monday, June 19th, 2017 9:43PM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News
Posted by: Mindmaster   Views: 38,040

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Remember those slightly blurry images of the first leak of The Last Knight's Infernocus combiner set? Courtesy of Toys "R" Us Singapore, we now have official stock images of the Infernocons and Quintessa! These images give us our first good look at the individual Infernocons that make up the beastly Infernocus. As a reminder, the limbs of Infernocus (Rupture, Thrash, Gorge, and Glug) are redecoes of the Prime: Beast Hunters Abominus limbs (Windrazor, Twinstrike, Blot, and Rippersnapper, respectively), while Hun-Gurr is replaced by the set's sole new mold, Skulk.

Transformers News: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus)

Transformers News: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus)

Transformers News: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus)

Transformers News: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus)

Additionally, we have new images of Cybertron (a luminescent redeco of Cybertron Primus that gives Generation 2 a run for it's money) as well from the same source, which can be viewed below.

Transformers News: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus)

Transformers News: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus)

Transformers News: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus)

Transformers News: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus)
Credit(s): Toys "R" Us Singapore

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Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890665)
Posted by Terrsolpix on June 19th, 2017 @ 10:11pm CDT
Infernocus: looks amazing, instant buy on sight.

Primus: since when is a split in half planner with guns on the back a starship mode?
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890674)
Posted by Prime Target on June 19th, 2017 @ 10:25pm CDT
Dear God That set looks cool I love how they all look that were forged from the depths of a Volcano and look like Fire Demi-Gods the deco really reflects that it's so nice to see a good some good legion repaints after the flop that was TLK legion wave 1 :D not to discount Skulk in any way though. Skulk looks freaking awesome he looks like the Grim Reaper cross RID Twinferno cross Fire God But it does kinda suck he's got no alt mode :-x
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890680)
Posted by Grahf_ on June 19th, 2017 @ 10:30pm CDT
Terrsolpix wrote:Infernocus: looks amazing, instant buy on sight.

Primus: since when is a split in half planner with guns on the back a starship mode?

Infernocus: Indeed.

Primus: Since 2006.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890686)
Posted by william-james88 on June 19th, 2017 @ 10:41pm CDT
Prime Target wrote:Skulk looks freaking awesome he looks like the Grim Reaper cross RID Twinferno cross Fire God But it does kinda suck he's got no alt mode :-x

He does, the torso. Its enough of an alt mode for most Power Ranger or Voltron toys. He just so happens not to be a triple changer unlike the others. But yeah I know what you mean.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890694)
Posted by bacem on June 19th, 2017 @ 11:06pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Prime Target wrote:Skulk looks freaking awesome he looks like the Grim Reaper cross RID Twinferno cross Fire God But it does kinda suck he's got no alt mode :-x

He does, the torso. Its enough of an alt mode for most Power Ranger or Voltron toys. He just so happens not to be a triple changer unlike the others. But yeah I know what you mean.

in transformers fandom, a torso mdoe isn't considered as a real alt mode.
i honestly not too big on infernocus. i get the appeal and why many people would love him, just that it doesn't work that well on me. this combiner finally has a coherent color throughout, compared to the other variants, which is a good thing, and the fact that they give him new mold for the torso bot. but the fact that the torso bot don't have actual alt mode bummed me, especially when all the limb guys did. it just feels incomplete. therefore, i don't think i will pick him up.

but then again, i've been wrong many times before, and ended up picking up things that i said i won't, so, who knows.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890714)
Posted by Rated X on June 20th, 2017 @ 12:31am CDT
Hasbro forgot to show the new torso bot´s alt mode...

Primus looks great in those colors. But the price blows. Nobody buy one so TRU puts him on clearance...
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890717)
Posted by bacem on June 20th, 2017 @ 12:47am CDT
Rated X wrote:Hasbro forgot to show the new torso bot´s alt mode...

they don't he don't have alt mode to begin with, other than the torso mode.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890721)
Posted by beastwarsbrah on June 20th, 2017 @ 1:30am CDT
just picked up berserker and he is awesome in robot mode. Mine appears to have stress marks on the shoulders right out of the box. I could be wrong and I'll try to get a pic up in the morning just wondering if this has happened with anyone else's copy.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890726)
Posted by Albatross250 on June 20th, 2017 @ 3:16am CDT

Damn, the Throwback hit me in Unicron Triology :x
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890732)
Posted by MGrotusque on June 20th, 2017 @ 5:16am CDT
Overcracker wrote:
MGrotusque wrote:Oh my lord Skullitron has the worst paint apps I've seen. It looks like he explosively vomited all over himself..... :SICK:
Not to mention all those blatant hack job brush strokes all over the armor. It's a total garbage paint job. It's shockingly bad actually.


I think that's the point.

He's supposed to be old, rusted, and decayed. The entire point is he looks damaged. Its intentional. This is also an extreme closeup. In reality the paint on the face should probably look fine to naked eye, disfigured sure, but that's the point.

It gets across the disfigurement he's suffered. He's not supposed to have a nice pristine face.

You can suspend disbelief and pretend all day long about anything you want it to be but nothing changes the fact that its a terrible paint job. Not just on the face but on the armor as well.That sloppy mess of a ham handed attempt at paint application destroys any of the details designed into the head sculpt with big fat blobs of green paint. At the price they're asking these days for these figures i'd expect a lot more effort into the details. It looks more like cheap dollar store knock off garbage.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890742)
Posted by william-james88 on June 20th, 2017 @ 7:29am CDT
Rated X wrote:Hasbro forgot to show the new torso bot´s alt mode...

Primus looks great in those colors. But the price blows. Nobody buy one so TRU puts him on clearance...

He doesnt have an alt mode aside from becoming a torso.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890747)
Posted by Bumblebee21 on June 20th, 2017 @ 8:21am CDT
What if the infernocus torso doesn't have an alt mode in the movie.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890750)
Posted by Giant Purple Griffin on June 20th, 2017 @ 8:29am CDT
Bumblebee21 wrote:What if the infernocus torso doesn't have an alt mode in the movie.

I'm guessing none of the Infernocus members have alt-modes in the movie and that the toy's limbs only have them because they are just re-using the Prime: Beast Hunters Abominus limb molds. Just a guess though :-?
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890754)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 20th, 2017 @ 8:40am CDT
Giant Purple Griffin wrote:
Bumblebee21 wrote:What if the infernocus torso doesn't have an alt mode in the movie.

I'm guessing none of the Infernocus members have alt-modes in the movie and that the toy's limbs only have them because they are just re-using the Prime: Beast Hunters Abominus limb molds. Just a guess though :-?
One of the trailers shows Optimus fighting one big Infernocus whom Prime slices apart with his sword, and the five components then attack him together, but each of them just looks like a smaller-sized Infernocus.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890763)
Posted by Rated X on June 20th, 2017 @ 9:25am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Rated X wrote:Hasbro forgot to show the new torso bot´s alt mode...

Primus looks great in those colors. But the price blows. Nobody buy one so TRU puts him on clearance...

He doesnt have an alt mode aside from becoming a torso.

Wow? No alt mode?

They repurposed the limbs and made an action master for a torso?

Just another example of how they will do anything to cut costs and increase profits.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890780)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 20th, 2017 @ 9:53am CDT
Rated X wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
Rated X wrote:Hasbro forgot to show the new torso bot´s alt mode...

Primus looks great in those colors. But the price blows. Nobody buy one so TRU puts him on clearance...

He doesnt have an alt mode aside from becoming a torso.

Wow? No alt mode?

They repurposed the limbs and made an action master for a torso?
Action Masters don't transform at all. Skulk at least transforms from robot to torso, with separate heads and configurations for each.

Granted, that doesn't make it GOOD, but he at least can do what Action Masters wish they could do. :P
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890783)
Posted by RAR on June 20th, 2017 @ 10:05am CDT
The Torso mode is as much a mode as the Inner robot of a Pretender is when stored in the shell - technically it is one - but is usually overlooked as being one.

You know what would be nice - to sell Legion Hungrr on his own as one of the Legion single packs - or put him in a gift set so people can make an all black original design combined body too if they want too.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890795)
Posted by beastwarsbrah on June 20th, 2017 @ 10:32am CDT
I attached a pic of berserkers shoulder. The left and right are both like that. It looks like stress mark to me but it appears to be on the inside of the joint and can only be seen at certain angles due to the semi transperancy of the plastic. Is anyone else's like this or did I just get a bad copy?
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890845)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on June 20th, 2017 @ 1:02pm CDT
beastwarsbrah wrote:I attached a pic of berserkers shoulder. The left and right are both like that. It looks like stress mark to me but it appears to be on the inside of the joint and can only be seen at certain angles due to the semi transperancy of the plastic. Is anyone else's like this or did I just get a bad copy?

I've played extensively with Berserker and I don't have those marks. They may also just be molding imperfections and not stress marks, I can't really tell.

also, I am really liking Skulk because Infernocus' head is in his rib cage. It is properly creepy and awesome
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890938)
Posted by robotcaveman on June 20th, 2017 @ 4:09pm CDT
Are Dragonicus and Stormreign voyager, or deluxe size?
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890939)
Posted by robotcaveman on June 20th, 2017 @ 4:10pm CDT
Plus, is there any hope that RID warrior class Thundercracker will come to existence?
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890949)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on June 20th, 2017 @ 4:40pm CDT
robotcaveman wrote:Plus, is there any hope that RID warrior class Thundercracker will come to existence?

Probably not in this thread either (TLK) :-D
Perhaps try the RID thread?
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890952)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on June 20th, 2017 @ 4:46pm CDT
robotcaveman wrote:Are Dragonicus and Stormreign voyager, or deluxe size?

They should be roughly Voyager Class-sized. The set they come in, Dragonstorm, is Leader Class.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890980)
Posted by Darth-Badguy on June 20th, 2017 @ 5:48pm CDT
Kotori_Sonoda wrote:
I think this guy got the really short end of the stick:


Yeah, that all blue legion Optimus is really bad. It does look they enlarged the peg that keeps his legs together. Legion Bumblebee's unpainted windows are pretty awful but I feel like that's a tradition that goes back to both Jazz from the 2007 movie and 2008 Universe. The reused one steps from AoE somehow have less paint operations than the same toy three years ago.

I wonder if Hasbro has seen that the movie stuff sells no matter what so they don't put as much effort into it as stuff like Titans Return. Or maybe they get the movie designs so late that they can't make them as well. I don't know how it works behind the scene.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890981)
Posted by Kurona on June 20th, 2017 @ 5:52pm CDT
I wouldn't be surprised if the larger toy-buying crowds attracted by the movie hype played into Hasbro's decisions this line concerning money. It would explain the higher prices and the reduced paint apps -- they're more willing to take risks like that because they can be assured more people will buy them regardless.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1890989)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on June 20th, 2017 @ 6:20pm CDT
Have a review of the TrU exclusive MTC Optimus 2 pack:

Both figures are excellent, but dat price...
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891014)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on June 20th, 2017 @ 8:54pm CDT
Stopped in my local TRU today, probably first time in over a year, and was surprised to see the entire TF section was half a shelf. That's RID, TR, and TLK all on half a shelf.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891017)
Posted by Jason5billion on June 20th, 2017 @ 9:33pm CDT
Darth-Badguy wrote:
Kotori_Sonoda wrote:
I think this guy got the really short end of the stick:


Yeah, that all blue legion Optimus is really bad. It does look they enlarged the peg that keeps his legs together. Legion Bumblebee's unpainted windows are pretty awful but I feel like that's a tradition that goes back to both Jazz from the 2007 movie and 2008 Universe. The reused one steps from AoE somehow have less paint operations than the same toy three years ago.

I wonder if Hasbro has seen that the movie stuff sells no matter what so they don't put as much effort into it as stuff like Titans Return. Or maybe they get the movie designs so late that they can't make them as well. I don't know how it works behind the scene.

That's the Optimus Prime I had that broke after having it for a while, except that it was the traditional colors that Optimus Prime has. What series is he from, Transformers Prime?
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891030)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on June 20th, 2017 @ 10:22pm CDT
Kurona wrote:reduced paint apps

I am still struggling to see how paint apps are an issue. The 4 figures I have actually have lots of paint, on par or greater than the TR counterparts standing right next to them
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891037)
Posted by william-james88 on June 20th, 2017 @ 10:35pm CDT
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:
Kurona wrote:reduced paint apps

I am still struggling to see how paint apps are an issue. The 4 figures I have actually have lots of paint, on par or greater than the TR counterparts standing right next to them

Agreed. I dont get it either. The only one so far which I felt lacked paint was deluxe drift in alt mode. The rest have good paint. And that voyager megs use paint so well to give you a gorgeous subtle pallet of different armour pieces.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891072)
Posted by Darth-Badguy on June 21st, 2017 @ 3:20am CDT

Jason5billion wrote:That's the Optimus Prime I had that broke after having it for a while, except that it was the traditional colors that Optimus Prime has. What series is he from, Transformers Prime?

It's originally from Revenge of the Fallen.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891074)
Posted by Va'al on June 21st, 2017 @ 3:34am CDT
Via fellow Seibertronian and yours truly, we have confirmed sightings of the Transformers: The Last Knight first waves of One-Step, Knight Armour, Legion, Voyager, and Deluxe class toys in Italy! Found at LeClerc-Conad and Coop supermarkets across the country, the prices seem to range as follows:

Warrior class: 9,90 Euros (11 USD)
Deluxe: 27,90 Euros (31 USD)
Voyager: 29,90 Euros (33 USD)
One step: 16,90 Euros (19 USD)
Knight Armor 27,90 Euros (31 USD)

As always, make sure to use our updated Sightings Database to help out other fans, and happy hunting!






Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891098)
Posted by Kurona on June 21st, 2017 @ 6:21am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:
Kurona wrote:reduced paint apps

I am still struggling to see how paint apps are an issue. The 4 figures I have actually have lots of paint, on par or greater than the TR counterparts standing right next to them

Agreed. I dont get it either. The only one so far which I felt lacked paint was deluxe drift in alt mode. The rest have good paint. And that voyager megs use paint so well to give you a gorgeous subtle pallet of different armour pieces.

Oh I wasn't referring to the whole line; just a few choice figures like the re-used AOE Bumblebee and that Legion Optimus. Not to mention figures like Skullitron which might not be low on paint apps, but are pretty bad and have been criticised by others.

It's not all of the figures certainly, might even be a majority of the line that's good with paint; but there's a very noticeable amount of figures with terrible and/or few paint apps.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891220)
Posted by Rogue-Primal on June 21st, 2017 @ 3:17pm CDT
One question about the movie optimus prime i bought :BOT: Are there any detailed instructions for how to disassaemble him and display the vehicle kibble separately? i cant find it in the manual.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891225)
Posted by william-james88 on June 21st, 2017 @ 3:37pm CDT
Rogue-Primal wrote:One question about the movie optimus prime i bought :BOT: Are there any detailed instructions for how to disassaemble him and display the vehicle kibble separately? i cant find it in the manual.

no, there are not. You technically are not supposed to and I would not recomend it since it is attached by pins.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891282)
Posted by Bumblebee21 on June 21st, 2017 @ 7:37pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Rogue-Primal wrote:One question about the movie optimus prime i bought :BOT: Are there any detailed instructions for how to disassaemble him and display the vehicle kibble separately? i cant find it in the manual.

no, there are not. You technically are not supposed to and I would not recomend it since it is attached by pins.

I didn't have to remove any pins. Just a couple screws to get the roof part out and the screws went right back in.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891406)
Posted by RAR on June 22nd, 2017 @ 5:43am CDT
As I have said before - I'd actually not mind that Proto-form Optimus if he was another colour - also the Optimus might have been nice in something similar to Laser Prime colours.

They are to much money to be so similar as they are - they are like one of those endless ROTF Sideways slight repaints that got made.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891542)
Posted by kinggrimlock02 on June 22nd, 2017 @ 1:46pm CDT
future waves and playsets i think that would really improve this toyline and it wouldnt be costly

wave 3:
ww2 bumblebee (remold)
galvatron (optimus remold)
slug (new sculpt)
scorn (new sculpt)
strafe (new sculpt)
drift (aoe remold)
stinger (bumblebee remold)
onslaught (new sculpt)
daytrader (new sculpt)
dreadbot (new sculpt)
nitro zeus (shockwave remold)
sentinel prime (new sculpt)

wave 4:
mowhawk (new sculpt)
topspin (leadfoot remold)
roadbuster (new sculpt)
bonecrusher (new sculpt)
jetfire (megatron remold)
dino (remold)
ironhide (new sculpt)
ratchet (new sculpt)
the fallen (new sculpt)
ravage (new sculpt)
brawl ( new sculpt)

Lockdown's ship storage: storage ship for all the tiny turbo changers. comes with Lockdown and Optimus Prime

Battle of chicago: stackable buildings with a battle terrain background. Comes with Optimus Prime, Sentinel Prime, bumblebee and Soundwave
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891719)
Posted by Va'al on June 23rd, 2017 @ 5:33am CDT
Via an email notification from a fellow Transformers fan, we have confirmation that the second wave of Transformers: The Last Knight toys are current available over on! The wave, we'll remind readers, includes voyagers Megatron and Hound, and Deluxe Drift, Sqweeks, Steelbane, and Slug.

Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891721)
Posted by bacem on June 23rd, 2017 @ 5:41am CDT
Found on facebook page planet iacon, stock images of deluxe class cogman.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891728)
Posted by Rainmaker on June 23rd, 2017 @ 6:08am CDT
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891736)
Posted by Tyrannacon on June 23rd, 2017 @ 7:58am CDT
Hopefully Voyager Megatron will be in stock around the time I get paid next month. I really, really, have A MIGHTY NEED for this figure.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891738)
Posted by william-james88 on June 23rd, 2017 @ 8:03am CDT
Seibertronian Bacem has found some cool images online coming from 淘宝店变形金刚改造工厂 on Weibo. These feature final product images of deluxe Cogman from Transformers The Last Knight. Unlike the previous renders, these new stock images give us a better idea of the finished product since they aren't photoshopped and are usually taken in a less flaterring light, giving us an idea of the product we will really get. Of course, we now know that this toy is very innacurate and completely off scale to the character in the film but hopefully the toy still has many fans. Let us know if you will still be picking up this toy!



Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891739)
Posted by Kurona on June 23rd, 2017 @ 8:06am CDT
That sword looks absolutely pathetic. The package art set up my expectations for something awesome and it was dropped so far :-(

Otherwise he looks a decent carformer. I wonder if the Titan Master is retooled from any pre-existing one?
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891750)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on June 23rd, 2017 @ 8:23am CDT
Definitely liking this toy and can't wait to get it to paint some more silver on the robot parts that lack it.

To me this is Cogman as he is using his own larger body that we didn't really see in the film or perhaps having converted a car to be a restyled larger version of his normal human-like sized form. A fun looking toy either way
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891751)
Posted by reluctantyouth on June 23rd, 2017 @ 8:28am CDT
Stupid Hasblo...SOLD OUT already. has a pre-order for Megatron/Hound at $59.99 ... ails/55296
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891754)
Posted by Cobotron on June 23rd, 2017 @ 8:36am CDT
Kurona wrote: I wonder if the Titan Master is retooled from any pre-existing one?
I kinda don't think so. the shoulders, shins, and head look like they're sculpted to resemble the bigger bot, but the thighs and torso could definitely be reused from a TR TM.
This fig definitely has my interest. Might depend how well that "weathered" deco turns out. Would be fun to have him rolling around the TR shelf though.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891756)
Posted by DeathReviews on June 23rd, 2017 @ 8:56am CDT
I'm still not convinced that swords are of any use against robots. Robots are practically MADE of armor - they're metal. Yet in the Bayverse, swords, hooks and other melee weapons seem to rip through them like wet tissue paper. Sure, it makes for a neat visual, but it's not realistic. The whole reason why swords became obsolete was the advent of the firearm. Suits of armor, which beforehand had been reliable and vital protection against swords and arrows, became useless almost overnight.

If I were fighting a giant robot and had my choice of weapons? I'd go with the fusion cannon, not a toothpick.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891757)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on June 23rd, 2017 @ 9:01am CDT
DeathReviews wrote:I'm still not convinced that swords are of any use against robots. Robots are practically MADE of armor - they're metal. Yet in the Bayverse, swords, hooks and other melee weapons seem to rip through them like wet tissue paper. Sure, it makes for a neat visual, but it's not realistic. The whole reason why swords became obsolete was the advent of the firearm. Suits of armor, which beforehand had been reliable and vital protection against swords and arrows, became useless almost overnight.

If I were fighting a giant robot and had my choice of weapons? I'd go with the fusion cannon, not a toothpick.

Tell that to other franchises like Ninja Turtles and Wolverine who are often using bladed weapons to fight robots. Armour's only gonna protect you for so long against something really, really sharp (like Wolvie's claws) and often the TF blades are enhanced with energy or fire or vibrations or some stuff.

Are suits of armour not bullet proof to some degree? I'm not actually sure.
Re: Stock Images of The Last Knight: Mission to Cybertron Infernocus and Cybertron (Primus) (1891762)
Posted by Cobotron on June 23rd, 2017 @ 9:10am CDT
Swords are a gentleman's weapon. They take skill, training, courage, and respect to wield. Any fool can pull a trigger. Where's the romance in that?
Fantasy world calls for fantasy weapons. ;)

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Visit to buy "GI JOE vs TRANSFORMERS #6 Cvr A Image Comics 2003 6A (CA) Norton 240607A"
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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #354 - Identity Crisis
Twincast / Podcast #354:
"Identity Crisis"
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Posted: Saturday, July 13th, 2024

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