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Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2

Transformers News: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2

Monday, October 3rd, 2016 8:42PM CDT

Categories: Cartoon News, Digital Media News
Posted by: D-Maximal_Primal   Views: 40,336

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Fellow Fansite Transformers At The Moon has put up their second video highlighting deleted dialogue from the original Transformers Sunbow Cartoon. This new recording follows the Autobots and Decepticons as they leave Cybertron and head into the asteroid field. You can check out the video below, and you can let us know what you think in the comments section below!

Credit(s): Transformers At The Moon

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Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1830379)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 3rd, 2016 @ 10:22pm CDT
A few more moments of character that add some nice additional touches to each scene. Shame these couldn't make it in, but with a cast of at least 30 characters and a 22-minute runtime, it's no wonder some things had to get excised.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1830405)
Posted by luks0r on October 4th, 2016 @ 12:56am CDT
I was waiting for this. It ALWAYS hit a subliminal nerve for me every time I watched this ep, when Prowl says "We ARE being followed", as if it were confirmation of a previous moment where he was uncertain. That moment was cut from the show! "Prime. I think we're being followed". Beautiful.

It's the little things.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1830413)
Posted by jamarmiller on October 4th, 2016 @ 2:51am CDT
Okay , so , I'm going to do a fan extended edition edit on this, since I have not heard of anyone putting the episode together , if someone is doing one please tell me so I'm not waistling my time please
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1830420)
Posted by Cyberpath on October 4th, 2016 @ 3:50am CDT
The way Cullen and Welker switch between Prime/Ironhide and Megatron/Mirage/Trailbreaker respectively..

And Latta's Starscream, often imitated but never duplicated.

I re-watched MTMTE today, I think it was well edited/cut, but it's nice to listen to these resurrected extended dialogues anyway! Thanks Moonbug & Dave!
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1830425)
Posted by Coptur on October 4th, 2016 @ 4:55am CDT
Cyberpath wrote:And Latta's Starscream, often imitated but never duplicated.

So very true.

I for years have tried to do a G1 Latta Starscream.

I also wanted to audition for Machinimas Combiners Wars but never heard anything back, tbh I did assume it would only be for youtube boys club only :BANG_HEAD: :michaelbay: :michaelbay:

Trouble I find is getting the whines and shrieks correct.

Not to discredit Steve Blum but for modern Starscreams I much preferred Tom Kenny's Animated Starscream. Isaying that i hated the overly cowardly and weak Prime Starscream the updated form in RID15 is much more fitting for the character.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1830452)
Posted by Moonbug on October 4th, 2016 @ 10:30am CDT
Just a heads up, the third video is going to go up in about 90 minutes time. This one has around 4 minutes of dialogue in a 5 minute video and features 2 new scenes, an extended scene and 3 increase dialogue scenes (i.e little pieces of extra dialogue).

Some notes. Skywarp is still the first to be revived and not Soundwave (unlike in the Ron Friedman script) and "thanks" from Prime was added later.

Oh and yes it includes the frisbee scene.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1830455)
Posted by 1984forever on October 4th, 2016 @ 10:50am CDT
Even the edited parts are good, although I am glad Welker changed Rumble's voice.

The voice actors, the world building, a cast of more than 5-6 mechs on either side... stuff like this is why more than 30 years later G1 is still the greatest. It's sad that we can never have this again because of reasons like-

"The voice actors are all almost dead and the director is sick"

"The cast of G1 was too big, there can only be 6 'bots in an army or we won't be able to tell a good story"

"There would be too many toys to sell"

"We can't draw like that anymore"

"G1 had too many standalone stories. We need an ENTIRE SEASON to tell a story now"
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1830482)
Posted by Moonbug on October 4th, 2016 @ 1:48pm CDT
The third part is up on YouTube -
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1830499)
Posted by Cyberpath on October 4th, 2016 @ 2:54pm CDT
1984forever wrote:Even the edited parts are good, although I am glad Welker changed Rumble's voice.



And I think they made the right calls regarding the final product.

1984forever wrote:***

It's sad that we can never have this again because of reasons like-


"G1 had too many standalone stories. We need an ENTIRE SEASON to tell a story now"


Don't get me started. In comics, too (at least when I was still reading.) What writers & pencilers used to do in a single 17-page issue now takes months!

I don't even want a continuation of the original series, it's complete as far as I'm concerned. Just something good. And hand-drawn (they still do that sometimes, Young Justice comes to mind.)

Moonbug wrote:The third part is up on YouTube -

Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1830501)
Posted by Bumblebee21 on October 4th, 2016 @ 2:56pm CDT
i wish i could see these too
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1830504)
Posted by Va'al on October 4th, 2016 @ 3:23pm CDT
The Mapes twins, behind the Transformers @ The Moon site, have uploaded the third of five currently planned parts of the More Than Meets the Eye deleted audio recovery, featuring some more cut material from the episode of the Generation 1 cartoon. Check it out in the embedded video below!

Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1830520)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 4th, 2016 @ 6:01pm CDT
So, there was a scene cut that had Optimus order the Autobots to switch from driving in vehicle mode to flying in robot mode. Helps make that bit of them flying to the offshore oil platform make a b it more sense... at least until you consider the later point in the series in which the show made it clear that robot mode flight was only an ubiquitous trait for the Decepticons, with only a select few Autobots capable of the same kind of flight in robot mode.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1830543)
Posted by Ultra Markus on October 4th, 2016 @ 9:26pm CDT
so there's even more belittlement by megatron towards thundercracker and starscream! very interesting ;)
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1830546)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 4th, 2016 @ 9:40pm CDT
Ultra Markus wrote:so there's even more belittlement by megatron towards thundercracker and starscream! very interesting ;)
The scene where he yells at Starscream and Skywarp is a scene where the two were tossing a frisbee at each another and Megatron thought they were playing around. :lol:
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1830550)
Posted by Ultra Markus on October 4th, 2016 @ 10:40pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Ultra Markus wrote:so there's even more belittlement by megatron towards thundercracker and starscream! very interesting ;)
The scene where he yells at Starscream and Skywarp is a scene where the two were tossing a frisbee at each another and Megatron thought they were playing around. :lol:

was the frisbe named scrounge :lol:
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1830586)
Posted by fenrir72 on October 5th, 2016 @ 6:46am CDT
So many lost treasures. Btw, was there ever a corrected copy (DVD/BD) with the Victory actually launching? It was shown in the bumper ads but not the actual episode.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1831361)
Posted by Moonbug on October 7th, 2016 @ 6:57am CDT
The 5th and final part of MTMTE Pt1 is now up. This video continues on from the previous one where Megatron and Optimus Prime are battling it out on the oil rig. The following exchange of dialogue has just taken place:

PRIME: "Give it up, Megatron! Leave these people alone."
MEGATRON: "Not until the power of the universe is mine to command!"

Within the original script it is Soundwave who interferes within the fight and not Laserbeak. This is where we re-join the action.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1831363)
Posted by Cyberpath on October 7th, 2016 @ 7:11am CDT
Moonbug wrote:The 5th and final part of MTMTE Pt1 is now up. This video continues on from the previous one where Megatron and Optimus Prime are battling it out on the oil rig. The following exchange of dialogue has just taken place:

PRIME: "Give it up, Megatron! Leave these people alone."
MEGATRON: "Not until the power of the universe is mine to command!"

Within the original script it is Soundwave who interferes within the fight and not Laserbeak. This is where we re-join the action.

With this dialogue cut out, Windcharger didn't speak his first line till episode #6, Divide and Conquer.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1831366)
Posted by jamarmiller on October 7th, 2016 @ 7:37am CDT
Okay, so here is the first part with animation added. Will start working on part two soon.

The voices have not been altered, so there is a bit of echo in there and no effects have been added to their voices. I am working on that , but no promises

ALL THE THANKS TO THE TRANSFORMERS AT THE MOON GUYS ! ( I have placed links in the description to their youtube page )

Also, if you haven't already, MAKE SURE TO check out our G1 continuation fan series

We have done 6 , ten minute episodes so far !

Anyways, here is the video TRANSFORMERS MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE PART 1, THE EXTENDED CUT Part 1 of ........ 4 or 5 LOL.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1831607)
Posted by Va'al on October 8th, 2016 @ 3:07am CDT
We finally have the final two parts of the recovered audio from the deleted scenes in the original Transformers animated series episode 'More Than Meets the Eye, part 1'. Courtesy of Transformers @ The Moon, the two clips embedded below see the Autobots and Decepticons engaging in battle on the oil rig, with some added stage directions from Wally Burr - check them out!

Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1831622)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 8th, 2016 @ 8:07am CDT
Parts of these two videos call to mind the first chorus of a certain Weird Al song. :P
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1832049)
Posted by Whifflefire on October 9th, 2016 @ 4:26pm CDT
If only Starscream had kept that "Ehh, I don't want it. You keep it." attitude. Could have spared himself a whole lot of trouble later on...

And Rumble on helium :lol:
Glad they didn't stick with that decision.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1832054)
Posted by jamarmiller on October 9th, 2016 @ 4:49pm CDT
almost finished with part 2 of episode 1 !

Will post hopefully soon, one scene's music is being difficult to patch together
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1832585)
Posted by Sunstar on October 11th, 2016 @ 8:17pm CDT
I laughed. I laughed so hard... it sort of sounded like Starscream getting it on... >.>
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1834159)
Posted by Tyrannacon on October 17th, 2016 @ 9:09am CDT
Definitely a nice peek behind the curtain.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1834218)
Posted by Va'al on October 17th, 2016 @ 4:12pm CDT
Some more news and clips from the recovered tapes of Sunbow's The Transformers animated series, courtesy of Transformers @ The Moon, reveal further cut scenes and additional dialogue for the More Than Meets the Eye part 2 and 3 episodes of the cartoon - check them out embedded below!

HOUND: was quiet and peaceful.
SPIKE WITWICKY: You miss it?
HOUND: Sometimes. Hold tight!
*NEW* SPIKE WITWICKY: Yahoo!! Yippee!! Waaooww!
*NEW* SPIKE WITWICKY: Woah, thanks Hound that was the greatest ride I have ever had
*NEW* HOUND: My pleasure Spike. See you later, I ... better go check my coil springs
*NEW* SPIKE WITWICKY: Oh, you didn't see a cassette player laying around here did you?
*NEW* HOUND: Nope. Sorry
*NEW* SPIKE WITWICKY: That's okay. I must have left it in the ship. See'ya
SPIKE WITWICKY: Hey! what's going on here?
SPIKE WITWICKY: Who... who are you?
[Ravage snarls before being ejected, this is corrected in the final version]
RAVAGE: *snarl*
SOUNDWAVE: Ravage! Eject! Eject!
*NEW* SPIKE: *coming around*
OPTIMUS PRIME: A Decepticon! Get him!


[The Decepticons start a tidal wave which is noticed back at the Ark]
[NOTE: In the Ron Friedman script there is additional dialogue between Jazz and Spike which was not recorded during the session that this tape was used.]

JAZZ: Could be the Decepticons, all right. I'll tell Prime!
*NEW* PRIME: Autobots ready! To the Air!
*NEW* WORKER: Run! They're coming!
*NEW* WORKER 2: Get back!
MEGATRON: I am Megatron - leader of the Decepticons! you will do exactly as I say!

[Act 2 starts]
MEGATRON: Perfect. The electrical output is at its peak. Exactly where I want it. Starscream, activate the null ray.
*NEW* MEGATRON: Skywarp! Thundercracker! Transfer the electrical power
MEGATRON: Soundwave, prepare the energon cubes.
MEGATRON: Quickly, quickly!

[NOTE: In the scripts Wheeljack is with Bumblebee and it's Ironhide who is with Trailbreaker. During the recording session that this tape is from the characters have been changed]

IRONHIDE: Stop talkin', tighten your shock absorbers, and get in! We're gonna make a new river!
BUMBLEBEE: Let's go!
*NEW* CIVILIAN: Help! Somebody help us!
*NEW* IRONHIDE: Ready the laser, Bumblebee - I think we're gonna make it!
MAN ON ROOFTOP: Thanks, neighbours!
OPTIMUS PRIME: Autobots, to the power plant!
*NEW* SUNSTREAKER: If I can just shoot some protoglue into the cracks - maybe we can save it
*NEW* TRAILBREAKER: Seems like the Decepticons want to shoot something else! Go ahead, Sunstreaker .. I'll cover you
*NEW* SUNSTREAKER: Sure hope this works, Trailbreaker
OPTIMUS PRIME: Autobots - To the power plant!

CLIFFJUMPER: For someone who doesn't like to fight, heh, you're not bad, Mirage.
*NEW* MEGATRON: It's a long way down Prime!
MEGATRON: Any last words??
OPTIMUS PRIME: None you'd wanna hear, Megatron!

NOTE: Shortly after the previous dialogue Megatron say the following lines.
MEGATRON: You fool, Starscream! Help save the Energon cubes! Get them out of here! Follow me!
NOTE: On the tape we own the line "Follow me!" is missing from this exchange.

NOTE: The tape of the recording session we own has slightly reorderd dialogue from Spike as Rumble emerges from the water. The dialogue is spaced out so that it could be cut and edited together and so we have decided not to include it within this video
SPIKE WITWICKY: Hound! Hound! You all right down there?
*Line order swapped* SPIKE WITWICKY: Whoa!
*Line order swapped* SPIKE WITWICKY: Where's Hound?
SPIKE WITWICKY: Heelp! Heeelp!

NOTE: As Act 2 closes Megatron says the following line
MEGATRON: Who's the scrap metal now, Prime? You'll never stop me! (Laughs)
NOTE: On the tape this is then followed by the "Follow me!" cry that was missing earlier.

SPIKE: Hound! Are you down there?? *takes breath*
*NEW* HOUND: Thanks!
SPIKE: *spluttering*
HOUND: Easy, Spike. You almost flooded your engine.

[Megatron and Soundwave talk whilst a shot is fired]
MEGATRON: What was that?
MEGATRON: Starscream! What in the universe are you doing?
STARSCREAM: Testing the Energon cubes ..

SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: You know something? I like bein' a spy a lot better than workin' the oil rigs.
*NEW* TRAILBREAKER: As long as you're on the right side
SPIKE WITWICKY: Look, Dad, no hands.
TRAILBREAKER: Heheh, big deal. I'm driving!
SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: we've got company!
*NEW* TRAILBREAKER: Decepticons!
SPIKE WITWICKY: Can't you go any faster, Trailbreaker?
TRAILBREAKER: Sorry, this is it! I'm not built for speed!

TRAILBREAKER: It's Sunstreaker and Sideswipe!
*NEW* SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: Go get 'em Autobots!
SUNSTREAKER: Hey! That's a new paint job!

SOUNDWAVE: Enough here to power the entire planet of Cybertron.
[WALLY BURR]: Alternate for scene at 450 Soundwave
SOUNDWAVE: Enough here to power the entire planet of Cybertron.

SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: There won't be any problem, Prime. This one's for Cybertron and Earth. Let's go, Bumblebee!
*NEW* SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: Looks like they mean business
*NEW* GUARD #1: STOP! Don't come any closer
*NEW* SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: Sorry to bother you - ah - but I think I'm lost. I was looking for an animal reserve - thought it was around where somewhere.
*NEW* GUARD #2: Who are you?
*NEW* GUARD #1: Blast him!
*NEW* SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: Thanks. That was close.
BUMBLEBEE: Come on. Let's go inside.

[Having entered the mine and explained about the ruby crystals]
BUMBLEBEE: What's that?
THUNDERCRACKER: You know what Skywarp ..

SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: We have to do it now!
BUMBLEBEE:It's done.
*NEW* MEGATRON: Autobots!
*NEW* BUMBLEBEE: Run Sparkplug!
JAZZ: They ought-ta be outta there by now.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1834229)
Posted by jamarmiller on October 17th, 2016 @ 5:17pm CDT
touched the video up,

part two of episode 1 is coming soon !
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1834273)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 17th, 2016 @ 9:01pm CDT
So the cut off line of "There's nothing we can --" was always intentional? Weird. That line being cut off mid-sentence always struck me as seeming like an error.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1834324)
Posted by MGrotusque on October 18th, 2016 @ 5:21am CDT
After listening i think these audio samples are awesome. I had a friend who recently purchased a vintage vocoder which was used to make Soundwaves voice. It's an amazing tool to use when synthesizing voices. I've noticed in certain G1 episodes where Soundwave is very monotone but in other episodes his voice is inflective and almost sing song.

It's neat to hear how crisp and clean these sound bites are.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1834523)
Posted by Ryrynz on October 18th, 2016 @ 6:07pm CDT
Now if they'd only release the freaking G1 soundtrack...
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1836108)
Posted by jamarmiller on October 24th, 2016 @ 2:10am CDT
Part 3 of episode 1 is up ! This one took me a lot of time but just love seeing this audio put to animation !

Well Enjoy
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1838404)
Posted by Va'al on November 2nd, 2016 @ 5:48am CDT
We have some more material from the twins at Transformers @ the Moon, as they keep recovering audio from the tapes of the original generation 1 Sunbow animated series of The Transformers. This time, we look at (well, listen) to the episode Transport to Oblivion, and some extended and deleted audio in the embedded clip below - plus full transcript!

Wally Burr: Intro

*NEW* IRONHIDE: Optimus! Optimus Prime!
*NEW* IRONHIDE: All systems ready for tomorrow's launch to Cybertron!
*NEW* OPTIMUS PRIME: At last we can return home!
CLIFFJUMPER: Look out! Decepticons!

WORKER NO. 1: Hey, Ed! Turn your tape player down, will ya?
WORKER NO. 2: That's not -- huh?
SOUNDWAVE: Laserbeak, prepare for flight. Operation: destruction.
*NEW* WORKER: Take cover!
*NEW* WORKER: run for it!
*NEW* WORKER: look out!
*NEW* WORKER: it's firing at us!
SOLAR WORKER: What is it?

WALLY BURR: That's fine now everybody go over the base floor of this place and ...

*NEW* SOLAR POWER STATION WORKER: 's coming through!

SOUNDWAVE: Generators under Decepticon control

OPTIMUS PRIME: .. Roll out for the power station!

MEGATRON: Ahh, soon I will have a shipment large enough to send to Cybertron.

*NEW* OPTIMUS PRIME: Affix power packs and transform!
*NEW* IRONHIDE: Get your pig-iron crankshafts moving and follow!
SKYWARP: Autobots!

*NEW* WALLY: 84 Megatron's miscellaneous wild material for the fight, go!
*NEW* MEGATRON: [Fight dialogue]
*NEW* WALLY: Beautiful
*NEW* WALLY: Cut for cycle, oh not that far
*NEW* WALLY: Ok, for 84 an assortment of hits and strikes for Prime for b-dialogue, take one and go!
*NEW* PRIME: [strikes]
MEGATRON: Thanks for the power boost Prime!

MEGATRON: (Laughs) Prime is target, Soundwave! Fire!
IRONHIDE: Optimus!
*NEW* IRONHIDE: Hit the deck!
IRONHIDE:Uhhhhh! Uhhh...
OPTIMUS PRIME: Ratchet! Prowl!

MEGATRON: We have what we came for. Let's go! Until next time, Prime!
*NEW* SOUNDWAVE: Lazerbeak return!
OPTIMUS PRIME: Take Ironhide. He's hurt.
RATCHET: But Megatron's getting away!

[In the final version Bumblebee and Spike's comments take place after Megatron's]
STARSCREAM: Your spacebridge is worthless.
BUMBLEBEE: We'd better get back to headquarters.
STARSCREAM: I will find a way to transport the cubes.
MEGATRON: You will do nothing! The vehicle just needs guidance over the spacebridge.
MEGATRON: I want a volunteer
*NEW* MEGATRON: a volunteer
MEGATRON: to guide the vehicle over the bridge to Cybertron

SPIKE WITWICKY: We're free!!
*NEW* STARSCREAM: The captives!
STARSCREAM: They're escaping!
SOUNDWAVE: Ravage, eject! Operation: capture!
SPIKE WITWICKY: Don't worry about me, Bumblebee! Wheel out! Go!!
MEGATRON:Destroy the Autobot!
*NEW* SOUNDWAVE: Ravage! Return!
*NEW* STARSCREAM: We only need one volunteer
*NEW* MEGATRON: Nethertheless, if that Autobot reports to his headquarters ... Prime will come to destroy the bridge!
*NEW* STARSCREAM: Then we will destroy the Autobot first!
*NEW* MEGATRON: No! I have a better plan ...
BUMBLEBEE: Decepticons! Too close for comfort. Hope Spike's okay. New, I shouldn't have left him alone.

BUMBLEBEE: Maybe there's another way out of here.
*NEW* BUMBLEBEE: Gotta hurry!
BUMBLEBEE: Looks big enough. Uh-oh.

MEGATRON: And we'll have a surprise waiting for them when they arrive!
*NEW* MEGATRON: Decepticons .. to the air!!
OPTIMUS PRIME: Strange. No guards.

MEGATRON: And I insist that you stay .. FOREVER!!
*NEW* GEARS: I knew it was a trap!
STARSCREAM: Say your prayers, Autobot!

[Megatron fires on the cave causing it to collapse in on the Autobots]
*NEW* SPARKPLUG: Thanks you protecting me Ironhide!
*NEW* IRONHIDE: To quote the boss, don't mention it!
RATCHET: Hey Bumblebee. Looks like you could use a little repair

BUMBLEBEE: I remember now! The riverbed in the desert!
*NEW* PRIME: Let's get there before Megatron ships the Energon cubes
OPTIMUS PRIME: Autobots! Concentrate firepower!

[After the Autobots break free and before the scene shifts to Shockwave Prime has an additional line]
*NEW* PRIME: The spacebridge must be destroyed!

MEGATRON: I must get those cubes over the bridge before it closes!
*NEW* PRIME: Fire!
*NEW* MEGATRON: Shockwave! Deactivate the ...
STARSCREAM: Return to base.
*NEW* SKYWARP: But Megatron ...
STARSCREAM: Megatron is dead. I'm the leader now! Follow me!
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1838448)
Posted by Sabrblade on November 2nd, 2016 @ 9:44am CDT
Looks like they took out the one remaining reference to the "getting ready to launch back to Cybertron in a new ship" subplot that was itself cut out from the end of MTMTE Part 3. Though, it does make sense to cut it out here since the rest of the episode never so much as mentions the launch ever again, let alone even mentions the fact that they can't just leave the Decepticons behind on Earth to do as they please with the planet. So it was probably for the better that the launch dialogue got removed.

Megatron's unmodulated voice makes him sound little like Jim Cummings.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1838491)
Posted by gothsaurus on November 2nd, 2016 @ 11:55am CDT
I wonder what exact settings and FX they used for each character's modulation. Hmmm. Wish someone could quiz the old Sunbow sound engineer.

Hearing this makes me wish someone would assemble the unused lines — plus a collection of clean (no music) / applicable lines from each actor's other endeavors like GI Joe (Latta), Hong Kong Phooey (Cruthers), Scooby Doo (Welker, Kasem) — and create a new storyline around them and a new G1 cartoon.

I know. Quite a pipe dream, but there are some crazy fans out there with more time on their hands than sense. :-D
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1838632)
Posted by Ultra Markus on November 2nd, 2016 @ 9:47pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Looks like they took out the one remaining reference to the "getting ready to launch back to Cybertron in a new ship" subplot that was itself cut out from the end of MTMTE Part 3. Though, it does make sense to cut it out here since the rest of the episode never so much as mentions the launch ever again, let alone even mentions the fact that they can't just leave the Decepticons behind on Earth to do as they please with the planet. So it was probably for the better that the launch dialogue got removed.

Megatron's unmodulated voice makes him sound little like Jim Cummings.

funny, Jim could of had some potential as voicing megatron
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1838645)
Posted by Sabrblade on November 2nd, 2016 @ 10:27pm CDT
Ultra Markus wrote:funny, Jim could of had some potential as voicing megatron
He sure has done some great villain voices over the years (SatAM Robotnik FTW!).

At the very least, he's gotten to voice G1 Afterburner, G1 Rippersnapper, one G1 Sharkticon, RB Colonel Quint Quarry, RB Q-Drones, RB Lord Thurston Chumley, RID 2015 Clampdown, and RID 2015 Thermidor.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1838704)
Posted by BumbleDouche on November 3rd, 2016 @ 1:57am CDT
It's so bizarre to hear this stuff out of context. I bet the whole cast felt like a gang of nuts uttering this stuff without first seeing the animation lol.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1839645)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on November 7th, 2016 @ 5:43pm CST
Transformers At The Moon are at it again, this time uploading extended and deleted audio from the Generation 1 Episode "Roll For It", the 5th episode of the series. This new video includes some deleted dialogue to add to the pile that is slowly beginning to accumulate. A transcript of the whole video was found at the following link ( and a copy can be found below the video. Check it out!

Full Episode Script (earlier draft to studio session)- ... VoxWWlPQ1E

[Wally Burr Intro]

STARSCREAM: Thundercracker, Soundwave, follow me!
*NEW* THUNDERCRACKER: Since when do you give the orders, Starscream?
*NEW* STARSCREAM: Since Megatron deserted us in our hour of need, Thundercracker. I am the new leader of the Decepticons.
POWER PLANT WORKER NO. 1: Those jets sound like they're gonna land in our laps.

CLIFFJUMPER: One bash comin' up!
*NEW* BRAWN: Atta bo, Cliffjumper! You've got him right where you want him
*NEW* CLIFFJUMPER: I'll be back!!
BRAWN: Okay, little buddy! You feel tough enough for another go-round?
CLIFFJUMPER: Sure thing, Brawn. Let me at 'em!
*NEW* BRAWN: I love your attitude
*NEW* PROWL: Way to go Cliffjumper
*NEW* BRAWN: I told ya the little piston pusher was tougher than the looked!
*NEW* CLIFFJUMP: [laughter]
OPTIMUS PRIME: Cliffjumper! Above you!

OPTIMUS PRIME: Try picking on a mechanism your own size!
*NEW* THUNDERCRACKER: I will, Prime! Bigger mechanisms make bigger targets!
*NEW* BRAWN: And bigger bozos, Thundercracker!

[Dan Gilvezan was not present for the recording so some dialogue is missing but this takes place after the securityi guard welcomes]
*NEW* CHIP: My pleasure ... say cheese!
*NEW* SPIKE: Cheese!
REFLECTOR: There. That was the last bit of info I needed.

*NEW* STARSCREAM: Hurry! We've got to rendezvous with Megatron in less than a billon astro seconds.
STARSCREAM: I don't like the idea of Megatron getting the anti-matter formula! He can't be trusted!

MEGATRON: Unlimited energy is almost mine!!
*NEW* MEGATRON: No. If they hear us coming they'll destroy the anti-matter formula
MEGATRON: This way we'll grab it before they know what hit them.

*NEW* CHIP CHASE: Come on, Dr. Alkazar, acknowledge!
*NEW* PRIME: Shove it into overdrive, if Megatron gets the formula, the Decepticons will be unbeatable
CHIP CHASE: Come on, Dr. Alkazar, acknowledge!

BLUESTREAK: (Strains and pants)
PROWL: [panting ]Stay clear, Bluestreak!
PROWL: Ohh! My battle computer's down! I'm... (strains) helpless! Uh!
*NEW* BLUESTREAK: Get out of here Prowl! I'll cover ya!
PROWL: Uhhh! I must link up with another on-line computer.

CHIP CHASE: I just hope this works.
PROWL: Why are you directing me to take this action?

MEGATRON: Finally, I've located the anti-matter formula! Starscream, an outside computer now holds the formula we seek. I will transmit the coordinates. Get the formula -- bring it here immediately!
*NEW* THUNDERCRACKER: I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same computer that helped Prowl clobber us
*NEW* STARSCREAM: In that case pulverising it will be a pleasure!
[NOTE: The tape skips which may be why the lines were cut]
SOUNDWAVE: Ravage, eject. Operation: retrieval.

*NEW* SPIKE: Prime! We can't desert chip now!
*NEW* PRIME: Wo's deserting? We're just following Rumble's advice .. to not do anything stupid
OPTIMUS PRIME: Autobots, transform for action!

RUMBLE: Hey... I don't remember seein' that
*NEW* RUMBLE: boulder there before?
*NEW* SPIKE: Ok Bumblebee, go!
RUMBLE: now what's that?
MIRAGE: Good question!

MIRAGE: Hold it right there!
MEGATRON: Who said that?
HOUND: We did!
HOUND: We did!
HOUND: We did!
*NEW* HOUND: We did!
*NEW* HOUND: We did!
*NEW* HOUND: We did!
MEGATRON: Blast them!

VARIOUS: *Coughs*

RATCHET: You guys are in pathetic shape!
SUNSTREAKER: Oohh! That's a very sensitive junction!
*NEW* BRAWN: Quit complaining, Sunstreaker! It could be a lot worse! It could be me!
*NEW* VARIOUS: [groans]
CHIP CHASE: Ah, this is my fault!

VARIOUS AUTOBOTS: (extended chatter)
RATCHET: Hey, everybody, listen up!

SIDESWIPE: All right, bro, let's go!
*NEW* PRIME: Autobots! Roll for freedom!
SUNSTREAKER: Okay, big noise! Let's see how tough you are!

SUNSTREAKER: Hey, I get the feeling our jet judo needs a little more work!
SIDESWIPE:Oh? What makes you say that?
*NEW* WINCHARGER: I dare you to try that again!
*NEW* STARSCREAM: With pleasure! What's happening????
*NEW* WINCHARGER: I've just got a magnetic personality!
*NEW* SKYWARP: Ha! You won't catch me, Windcharger!
*NEW* PRIME: He doesn't need to!
MEGATRON: Thundercracker! The anti-matter! Quickly!

BRAWN: Okay, Prime, let's hit it!
STARSCREAM: Skywarp, help! Get the anti-matter gun!

SKYWARP:You little fool! You're no match for Skywarp!
*NEW* SKYWARP: You .. you microbe!
SKYWARP: For that I'll blast you first!

**EXTENDED ** AUTOBOTS: [Cheering]
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1839797)
Posted by Moonbug on November 8th, 2016 @ 1:17pm CST
Thanks for the share :)

I've actually just posted the next video with the missing scenes from Divide and Conquer as well :)
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1839855)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on November 8th, 2016 @ 8:04pm CST
Transformers at the Moon have uploaded yet another Sunbow based video for us to enjoy, this time in the form of some original dialogue for the G1 episode "Divide and Conquer." So far, this is the episode with the least amount of cut dialogue. The dialogue includes parts from Optimus Prime's initial wounding, Laserbeak's attack, and the Autobots on Cybertron. You can find a whole Transcript of the episode HERE courtesy of Jim Sorenson and Chris McFeely.

Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1851167)
Posted by Moonbug on January 8th, 2017 @ 11:59am CST
We're back with the next episode in our series looking at missing and altered scenes from the Transformers Generation One cartoon series.

This video primarily covers Episode 8 - S.O.S Dinobots and is taken from an unslugged tape of a recording where both Ken Samson and Casey Kasem were not present. However it starts with a single quote from a slugged tape of Fire in the Sky where you shall hear Starscream, voiced by Chris Latta, refer to Skyfire as Jetfire! Your ears are not deceiving you, the tape that we own is from a session that was recorded before Jetfire was renamed as Skyfire. We do not, at the time of this videos publication, own and unslugged audio from this episode and so we shall not be producing a dedicated video for that episode.

You can view the transcript of the video at as it is too long for YouTube's description section.

You can also download the full episode script thanks to Jim Sorenson and Chris McFeely
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1851182)
Posted by Sabrblade on January 8th, 2017 @ 2:51pm CST
"Not funny, Skywarp!" is probably the funniest line Soundwave never said. :P
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1851183)
Posted by jamarmiller on January 8th, 2017 @ 3:13pm CST
thak you as always
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1851253)
Posted by Va'al on January 9th, 2017 @ 2:22am CST
Thanks to fellow Seibertronian Moonbug, part of the dynamic duo behind Transformers @ the Moon, we have another addition to the growing series of deleted and recovered audio from the original G1 cartoon of the Transformers! Check out their latest below, from episode 6, S.O.S. Dinobots.

We're back with the next episode in our series looking at missing and altered scenes from the Transformers Generation One cartoon series.

This video primarily covers Episode 8 - S.O.S Dinobots and is taken from an unslugged tape of a recording where both Ken Samson and Casey Kasem were not present. However it starts with a single quote from a slugged tape of Fire in the Sky where you shall hear Starscream, voiced by Chris Latta, refer to Skyfire as Jetfire! Your ears are not deceiving you, the tape that we own is from a session that was recorded before Jetfire was renamed as Skyfire. We do not, at the time of this videos publication, own and unslugged audio from this episode and so we shall not be producing a dedicated video for that episode.

You can view the transcript of the video at as it is too long for YouTube's description section.

You can also download the full episode script thanks to Jim Sorenson and Chris McFeely

Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1851323)
Posted by gothsaurus on January 9th, 2017 @ 1:30pm CST
Some talented people need to assemble all of these unused lines, assemble them into a coherent storyline, and animate a new episode of G1... or at least a cool radio show.

Maybe one of the old G1 crew could help provide some new lines to help tie it all together into a good plot.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1851325)
Posted by jamarmiller on January 9th, 2017 @ 1:36pm CST
these guys are putting them back into the actual episodes ... w1zyO7bWdA
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1851380)
Posted by gothsaurus on January 9th, 2017 @ 4:08pm CST
Ok. That's really a wonderful labor of love. Props to these guys.

They're also doing some fun re-stitch jobs (with new audio) for a G1 continuation. Very fun for old G1 fans like me.

Thanks for the link! Looking forward to more.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1852138)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on January 12th, 2017 @ 4:39pm CST
Transformers at the Moon are at it again with the recovering of old audio from the original G1 Sunbow cartoon, this time in the form of audio from episode 7 'Fire in the Sky!' This is a little bit of a unique situation, as the original audio was actually sent to the animators and just never used. Moonbug can explain below:
The audio is from an original slugged cassette and if from the sessions when Skyfire was still referred to as Jetfire. This audio was never used in the final released version.

From what we have been told by those in the industry, slugged tapes mean that the animation was done and thus any missing scene we find on those tapes means that there should (90% likelihood) have been animation produced that may still exist on a tape somewhere.

You can check out the video embedded below, along with a transcript of the missing dialogue. Enjoy!

#### Extended Scene ####
SKYWARP: We... we found something!
MEGATRON: So you did. Starscream, I want a clearer look.
STARSCREAM: You shall have it, leader.
MEGATRON: It appears to be a robot of unknown classification.

*NEW* RUMBLE: Look out -- You'll damage him! Let me do it ..
*NEW* STARSCREAM: Stay back! I've had enough of your bungling today! Wha---?!
*NEW* MEGATRON: Rumble's right -- I don't want the creature damaged. We may be able to revive him!
MEGATRON: With his size and probable strength, he will make an excellent Decepticon!

#### Extended Scene with switched audio ####
THUNDERCRACKER: Whatever it is, being on ice kept it fresh.
SKYWARP: But not perfect. Info center's down.
SOUNDWAVE: Also, cybermotor relays are useless **MOVED IN FINAL VERSION**
STARSCREAM: Then give him 50.000 volts to activate his memory monitor!
MEGATRON: Starscream, why are you so concerned about this creature?
STARSCREAM: Because I knew him once, a long time ago on Cybertron. Again! This time a million volts!

*NEW* THUNDERCRACKER: Converting wrist unit to nuclear-fusion cannon ... and ... firing!

STARSCREAM: Memory monitor activating!
MEGATRON: You knew him?
STARSCREAM: His name is Jetfire.

#### Extended Scene ####
STARSCREAM: Jetfire and I were both explorers from Cybertron.
MEGATRON:That must have been shortly before our final falling-out with the Autobots.

*NEW* MEGATRON: They refused to join us in our conquest of the universe so we declared war on them and all their weakling breed.

STARSCREAM: Yes. Skyfire and I were exploring what was an uncharted planet at that time. This one. Earth.

#### Extended Scene ####
JETFIRE: Aaahh... aahh... What happened? Starscream... it's you. You have... rescued me. But where am I? This is not Cybertron.
STARSCREAM: No. This is Earth, where you crashed many years ago.

*NEW* JETFIRE: How long have I been ... dysfunctional?
*NEW* STARSCREAM: Too long! Much has changed Jetfire.
*NEW* JETFIRE: But I will soon be operational again and we will resume our scientific explorations!

MEGATRON: I am Megatron, Jetfire.

#### Extended Scene ####
SKYFIRE: Destruction to all Autobots!

*NEW* IRONHIDE: He's a Decepticon!
*NEW* PRIME: Seek cover and return fire!
*NEW* IRONHIDE: You can dish it out, big fellah, but can you take it?!

SPARKPLUG WITWICKY: Hit the ice, Spike! He's gonna fire again!

#### Extended Scene ####
OPTIMUS PRIME:Possibly. There are hundreds of tunnels down here!
SPIKE WITWICKY: Please, help!

*NEW* SPARKPLUG: Can you hear us!

CLIFFJUMPER: Spike and Sparkplug!
OPTIMUS PRIME: Cliffjumper, be cautious!
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1852209)
Posted by Insurgent on January 13th, 2017 @ 5:00am CST
This is worth listening to just to hear the characters using the name Jetfire.
Re: Sunbow Transformers 'More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1' - Deleted Scene Audio: Part 2 (1872141)
Posted by fenrir72 on April 5th, 2017 @ 11:19pm CDT

More Fire in the Mountain. Seems like even reflector was part of the mix and TC had more exchanges with Skyfire and giving us more exposure to his somewhat wavering commitment to the decepticon cause.

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