TF2: Report from an actual casting call
Sunday, June 1st, 2008 6:29PM CDT
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Posted by: First Gen Views: 15,889
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Transformers fans the world over are waiting patiently for the sequel to the hit movie. Some of those fans are actually trying to be
part of the movie, like's own Delicon and Prime Evil. Delicon has been nice enough to give his fellow Seibertronian's a look at what it was like for the TF2 casting call that was held in recently.
Hey guys, just wanted to pass this along. My wife and I along with fellow Seibertron member "Prime Evil" attended the Tf2 casting call at the Wachovia Spectrum in Philadelphia yesterday.
The rules were as follows, they took SAG members from 10-11 and non-union "actors" (pretty much anyone else) from 11 to 3.
We got in line about 10:40 am or so. There was already a massive line at that time. They had us fill out info sheets, mainly asking us questions like height/weight and clothing sizes, whether we were students and a few other things. The student question was likely because they had put emphasis on needing college aged actors.....
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We here at are pulling for you guys, and remember to let us know what's going on when you guys make it into the film. Good luck fellas.
Credit(s): Delicon
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Re: TF2: Report from an actual casting call (713198)
Posted by
commander shockwav on June 1st, 2008 @ 7:15pm CDT
I was there too. Didn't get sent inside.
They took my pic and form, put it in a box, and told me I was done.
Not sure what it all meant.
-Commander Shockwav
Re: TF2: Report from an actual casting call (713208)
Posted by
Delicon on June 1st, 2008 @ 7:26pm CDT
commander shockwav wrote: was there too. Didn't get sent inside.
They took my pic and form, put it in a box, and told me I was done.
Not sure what it all meant.
-Commander Shockwav
What time did you go? That's pretty much what was happening to everyone at the time that we were there.
Did you notice what letteers, if any they wrote on your form? I'd really like to see ANY Seibertron member make the movie somehow.
Re: TF2: Report from an actual casting call (713307)
Posted by
Repair Bay on June 1st, 2008 @ 9:16pm CDT
Unfortunately, I was unable to make it, but a friend of mine was. She told me that she wouldn't know if they were going to use her until the time that they were going to start filming, and she didn't know anything beyond that. Here's hoping she and whoever here gets in the movie!
Re: TF2: Report from an actual casting call (713313)
Posted by
Nymph on June 1st, 2008 @ 9:22pm CDT
best of luck to those who went!! I hope you get to be in the movie

Re: TF2: Report from an actual casting call (713493)
Posted by
Brazilian on June 2nd, 2008 @ 12:48am CDT
I was there too. Got there 11:15 thanks to my GPS that sent me to N. Broad street - other side of town.
The line was huge but walking fast. I was wearing a Decepticon symbol t-shirt. Got 2 pictures w/ me, filled the sheet, got rain and... The short asian guy told me: "you are done".

The guy behind me got inside the Bullies Bar and got out a short while after. So... Nobody knows whos in or out, I believe they are still selecting.
Interesting they asked us what kind of car we have. They must use the actors own cars. Luckly, my mom has a Chevy Malibu, I wrote down that.
Good luck to all of us!
Re: TF2: Report from an actual casting call (713656)
Posted by
leday on June 2nd, 2008 @ 7:31am CDT
My daughter and I both went. We got to the door and they took my pics/form and said I was done, but they let her inside. I went inside to wait for her, and they had a spot for people to take their measurements (if they didn't remember what they were...that question was on the form). and a couple of tables that they passed people in front of, where they took your form/pics there and then let you go (they had stations to take your picture/head shot if you didn't bring one with you already). That was it. I have no idea what the difference was between taking your forms at the door and taking them at the table inside. Go figure. Oh, once you got inside they had some fellow handing out printed flyers on "Background actors dos and don't's" (i.e how they call people and what to do if you're can read it on the heery casting website info for background actors). Don't know if that is significant or not...
But, we'll see....
Re: TF2: Report from an actual casting call (714369)
Posted by
Delicon on June 2nd, 2008 @ 7:55pm CDT
It's nice to know that more than 2 Seibertronians were able to make this. I'm definitely pulling for one of us to get this.
Also thanks to First Gen for FP'ing this, you my friend have been working your tail off lately, especially with the movie news!
Re: TF2: Report from an actual casting call (714940)
Posted by
Liokaiser29 on June 3rd, 2008 @ 9:59am CDT
I was able to go also. But mine's was not "PE" like my friend that was with me. Mine's was "ND".