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Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys

Saturday, January 9th, 2016 9:25AM CST

Categories: Site Articles, Editorials, Top Lists
Posted by: shajaki   Views: 157,365

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Every two weeks, brings you a Top 5 list related to all things Transformers and for this special occasion, we have a guest columnist, Shajaki, who is a Masterpiece Completionist. These are his opinions (just like movie or game reviews hosted by sites are still just the opinion of one person) so what matters most is what you guys think of the topic or list, and we hope to see your own lists or comments on omissions and ranking. Let's have fun! All previous lists can be found here. Take it away Shajaki!

Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys

With more than 60 Transformers Masterpiece Toys to choose from between Hasbro/TakaraTomy and exclusives from each, it's no simple task to widdle it down to a top 5. But I tackled it head first and made (what I'm sure will be) some controversial choices. Agree or disagree, let us know in the discussion forum! Now without further ado, let's get rollin!

#5 MP-03 Starscream

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys

Am I crazy? I don't think so. Everyone is surely saying "Y U no MP11?" and I'll tell you why: it's more functional. After handling every version of MP11 thus far, and while aesthetically superior I find it very fiddly. I've also handled every version of MP03 aside from the Ghost, and they are all solid as a rock.

The MP03 Starscream is something truly unique with cartoon accuracy being totally set aside for real world aesthetics. MP03's jet mode is incredibly sleek, and fits together like a puzzle. And while his bot mode is not what we wanted (or were teased with) is functional and appealing. Also, consider this: with the obvious shift in priorities for the MP line since #10, we may never see an addition like this again. Your move fandom!

#4 MP-08X King Grimlock

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys

If MP Grimlock gets an update (ala size correction to MP10) ask yourself: what could actually be improved? He has quite the luxury not having to conform to an officially licensed product like a Lamborghini, because both modes are perfect. Take a G1 Grimlock and give him modern engineering, and you've got MP08.

King Grimlock here is like the Rolls-Royce of Grimlock's. Forget the comic homage (or don't since it's amazing) as that head to tail silver paint is phenomenal. Not to mention that EVEN richer gold chrome, orange/clear bladed sword, and crown (at the time only available with the X variant). Anyone who is a fan of the mold or Marvel Comics, should snatch up the reissue of X while it's still available because you won't regret it!

#3 Hasbro MP-02 Soundwave

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys

While the red eyed TakaraTomy Soundwave is more accurate and enough of a reason to import based on such (for me anyways since I have issues), Hasbro's simply can't be beat for the sheer fact that he came with EVERY cassette. And yes I'm ignoring you Ratbat cause you were late to the party. Also, those yellow toy accurate eyes are actually quite fetching.

Soundwave has a huge cult following, so getting the MP treatment was long overdue. And boy did they ever knock it out of the park. His bot mode feels like it was one of the most un-hindered in the line, having the an incredible range of motion and posability. Though I guess it helps that all he has to do it transform into a rectangle, but MAN what a rectangle! If he weren't so expensive I bet people would use MP Soundwaves to build their houses with instead of bricks. It's a solid figure, and that would be one solid house.

This is Soundwave's moment, but did I mention the cassettes? They're terrific.

#2 MP-21 G2 Bumblebee

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys

Boy was this spot hard to decide on. It was between Bee here and G2 Sideswipe, and ultimately Bee won simply because I think the figure (in both modes) was executed better. Anyways, how long were fans waiting for a newer than G1 Volkswagen Bumblebee? Forever? Give or take. Either way, I think we can all agree that the wait was worth it. And to be treated to another helping of G2 makes me ecstatic and hopeful for future re-purposing of MP figures (perhaps this was the true intent of the Amazon face plate?).

Now I've heard every complaint under the sun for this figure. He's to small, car mode isn't "chibi" cartoon accurate, he costs to much, why is Daniel/Spike/jetpack there, ect. What I haven't heard however, are many complaints from people who have him in hand because once you have him in your grubby paws you just can't put him down. His transformation is S-L-I-C-K. Car mode is solid, faithful to the real deal and impressive. His bot mode is shockingly expressive. He is able to pull of almost any pose you can imagine. Trust me when I say pictures don't do him just, you gotta play with one. Put aside your scale issues and enjoy this toy!

#1 MP-18B Bluestreak

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys

It's an exciting time to be a part of this hobby. Is anyone aware of the fact that a Blue Bluestreak has never officially existed in Transformers cannon? Sure there's been a Binaltech and Kreon's, but not much else outside of that. Even E-Hobby who's known for throwing the Diaclone love around never gave us a blue Bluestreak. Many fans have seen the blue fella in catalogs, box art, and old time Diaclone pics. But this is the first time that the blue Datsun has been recognized by Hasbro/TakaraTomy.

Blue is the most perfect and prettiest color there is. Scientific fact.
I'm being cheeky of course, but can you argue that this figure doesn't look stunning in these colors? The figure itself is a marvel. Alt mode is a perfect Datsun, and bot mode is inspiring. Many people even think he is the quintessential Autobot (what with his noggin being the Autobot symbol) cause when you think Transformers, it's hard not to picture one of those Datsun brothers. The only negative thing I can say is that his arms are a little hindered by the hood chest. But it's hardly a complaint since everything looks exactly how it should. Posability is a dream, especially those legs and feet. If you look at other recent attempts (Classics/Henkei) the rear of the car becomes the feet, but cheating while doing so by having an actual foot underneath. This MP uses the bottom of the car as a foot, just like the G1 toy and cartoon model. And not only that, they have an INCREDIBLE range of motion.

Perfect modes + Posability + Blue = Winner.
It's just math folks. But wait a sec... this list doesn't end here?!

#1 MP-24 StarSaber

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys

That's right folks. Two number ones, it's a tie!
StarSaber's awesomeness shocked me and I would be remiss if he were not included. But he's not simply included, he shares the #1 spot because he is an engineering marvel. So much so, that it's difficult to even describe as I know I'll miss something.

In the interest of total transparency, I'll tell you that I have no emotional attachment to this character and know next to nothing about him as I've seen very little of the Japanese G1 cartoons. Hopefully this demonstrates how much this figure impressed me. But I assume many of you are like me but not an MP completionist and passed on him, which is a shame. This big guy has two robot modes, two jet modes, a "base" mode, and an adorably tiny Brainmaster. I would have been impressed if the figure was simply Saber (the smaller bot) with the Brain of Courage, because that Brainmaster gimmick is outstanding. Then you add the super robot mode to the mix and with that he takes the cake. So folks, I implore you: even if you just have a passing fancy in this figure, take the plunge. The fan service and attention to detail TakaraTomy provided for this figure is unprecedented. If this is the incredible result of fan polls, hopefully we see more of them in the future!

Honorable Mentions:

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys

MP10 Convoy- He doesn't make the list... because he pretty much IS the list. Besides it's only a top five (or six) and I need room!
MP20 Wheeljack- He receives so much praise, but I have a huge point of contention. MP's are supposed to be as close to "anime" accurate as can be, and I'm betting that was all sacrificed for vehicle realism to satisfy Lancia. If there were a MP20A, he'd make my list!
MP22 Ultra Magnus- Amazing figure that I personally love, but has limitations. Not to mention, I can't deal with that now.

In closing, the Masterpiece line (especially post MP10) is a force to reckoned with. Absolutely amazing figures have been produced, and there's been a tonne of fan service as well. Money is the name of the game and we all know that more variants means more money to fuel the machine, but I feel they've really gone above and beyond. From Headmasters Soundblaster, to Marvel Comics Grimlock, to Diaclone Tigertracks, to G1 cartoon one-timer Acid Storm, how can anyone not be happy? I'll say it again, it's a great time to be a part of the hobby. Enjoy your toys folks!

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Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753697)
Posted by fenrir72 on January 9th, 2016 @ 9:37am CST
Top#1 choice of SS. That I agree. :BOWDOWN: He'd be the greatest thing since sliced bread if TT inclued a separate non transformable "Battle Up" helmet/cockpit for Jean or even included Jean.'s the waist. Agreed.

SW? Any SW is awesome.

I'd still choose WJ over any of the Lancia guys..........maybe close

Convoy? Maybe he should be a separate class for himself. :lol:

BB? Deserves it. So many underestimated him.

Grimlock? I have a thing for French Maids so I lean on the TT version :oops:

Weakest would be the Corvette releases because of the lack of neck "locks"

The Lambo guys are just as bad@ss!

Megs and Rodimus would be the buttom heap because of: cosmic rust, fragile and too intricate parts but then, it TT forced the designer to churn him in like a month or so. For Rody, those fragile parts again.......
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753701)
Posted by Ironhidensh on January 9th, 2016 @ 9:51am CST
1) Bumblebee, and for every reason you mentioned. In my mind, it's the best transformer ever made.

2)Soundwave, because only Bee tops him in awesome.

3)Ultra Magnus, bevuse he is big, heavy, fully trqnsformable into a massive armored bot. Most of all, because h isn't a stupid white Prime repaint.

4)MP-10 Prime. Simply the best Prime ever made or ever will be.

5)MP-11 Starscream, because MP-3 is a fancy piece of plastic shit that falls over if a mouse farts. Seriously, I like you Willy Shajaki (figured I better fix my error, even though Burn tells me you news guys are all the same :-P. ), but putting MP-3 on your list makes me question your sanity. :lol: 1

Wheeljack may actually tie for fifth. G2 'swipe only works for me with 3rd party add on kit.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753702)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on January 9th, 2016 @ 9:57am CST
I agree with the list except for #1. For me, MP-10 should be #1 all the way. Optimus is perfect in every ways, with a perfect vehicle mode and bot mode. Also came with the trailer and everything.

Bublebee, I personally overpaid for it, but I still not regret it. He's a perfect little guy plus he's an OFFICIAL Volks Bug!

Also, MP-03 Strarscream is the BEST seeker mold. Sure, the bot of MP-11 is more cartoon accurate, but it have lots of issues with an un-clipping chest, it feel cheap to the touch, and he cost TWICE as much than the original MP-03 price! At least, I still have my MP-03G. Now, if only the original greenish MP-03 wasnt that expensive...


BTW, Will, I would like to suggest another top 5 list. Best legion sized TF. The list would include all SMALL legends, Cyberverse Legions, normal Gobots, G1 minibots, and minicons. Design, transformation, looks, and fun factor would play a role. Waddaya say?
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753703)
Posted by Evil Eye on January 9th, 2016 @ 9:58am CST
Sweet list! Funny you should mention MP-03, because if/when I have the space and money for an MP collection I'm planning on using the MP-03 based Seekers instead of the MP-11 based ones. For one thing I prefer them aesthetically and for another I have heard from multiple sources (including your good self) that they are far more solid.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753704)
Posted by william-james88 on January 9th, 2016 @ 9:58am CST
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753705)
Posted by william-james88 on January 9th, 2016 @ 10:07am CST
Ironhidensh wrote:
5)MP-11 Starscream, because MP-3 is a fancy piece of plastic SHIZZLESNIT that falls over if a mouse farts. Seriously, I like you Willy, but putting MP-3 on your list makes me question your sanity. :lol:

Wheeljack may actually tie for fifth. G2 'swipe only works for me with 3rd party add on kit.

I like you too Ironhidensh, but I didnt write this list, Shajaki did. Its written in the intro. I wrote my list a little below yours and I think you will see that we are on the same page with MP 11 :D
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753707)
Posted by william-james88 on January 9th, 2016 @ 10:15am CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:
BTW, Will, I would like to suggest another top 5 list. Best legion sized TF. The list would include all SMALL legends, Cyberverse Legions, normal Gobots, G1 minibots, and minicons. Design, transformation, looks, and fun factor would play a role. Waddaya say?

Oh hell yeah, those lists are on the way. But we split them to make more lists. One would be for the G1 mininots, another for micromasters, andother for minicons and another for legions/legends.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753711)
Posted by Ironhidensh on January 9th, 2016 @ 10:48am CST
william-james88 wrote:
Ironhidensh wrote:
5)MP-11 Starscream, because MP-3 is a fancy piece of plastic SHIZZLESNIT that falls over if a mouse farts. Seriously, I like you Willy, but putting MP-3 on your list makes me question your sanity. :lol:

Wheeljack may actually tie for fifth. G2 'swipe only works for me with 3rd party add on kit.

I like you too Ironhidensh, but I didnt write this list, Shajaki did. Its written in the intro. I wrote my list a little below yours and I think you will see that we are on the same page with MP 11 :D

Oops. :oops:

I skipped the intro and went straight to the list. My bad, your sanity is restored to you. :-D
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753713)
Posted by CombaticonsCombine? on January 9th, 2016 @ 10:51am CST
I think Bluestreak looks amazing, to be sure.
Your list seems pretty good, and I agree with most of your choices. Mine looks a bit like this.

CC's Top 5 Masterpiece List:

5. Bumblebee (G2) - Awesome mold with some nice articulation. I'm a bit put off by the hollow-ish side-chest, but it works for the vehicle mode so I can't complain. But this particular instance of the mold gets props for color. Seriously, this thing looks even better in person. The metal-flake gold is gorgeous, and the smooth silver of the mask with that bright blue...I get chills just looking at it.

4. Bluestreak - BB looks pretty great, but Bluestreak looks freaking AMAZING. The mold itself is 99.87% perfect, with nice articulation and molded detail. The paint on it is even more perfect, with a nice, beautiful blue on top of some very appropriate silver. The little head crests are a cute little shade of yellow, as well. But where this particular version of the mold shines is the vehicle mode. Seriously. The paint apps on the vehicle mode are RIDICULOUSLY detailed and crisp.

3. Star Saber - In terms of looks, I'd place it on par with BB back on place 5. But Saber wins through pure engineering genius. I can't even really explain it here. You need to transform him to believe him.

2. Soundwave - I don't even know where to start with this guy. He's big, he's bulky, he's solid. Soundwave is an EXTREMELY fun figure and an excellent-looking display piece. Every version of this mold is great, with the yellow-eyed version being my favorite. The cassettes that come with this mold are all very-well made, despite some small QC issues with the Rumble/Frenzy mold. I'd honestly say he was worth the money spent, especially with those awesome die-cast feet.

1. Octus - ;)
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753717)
Posted by Andrius on January 9th, 2016 @ 11:08am CST
I just can't get behind King Grimlock. Except for the crown, what's the love for this guy over the original MP release?

The blue is hideous and while I acknowledge that it's an attempt to reflect the inky blue/black of the comic, it just looks like a dollar-store knock-off to me.

The biggest failing, however, is the omission of Grimmy's apron/serving tray, probably the best accessories of ANY Masterpiece release.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753728)
Posted by Deathsanras on January 9th, 2016 @ 11:44am CST
william-james88 wrote:a Blue Bluestreak has never officially existed in Transformers cannon?

This is cannon.

william-james88 wrote:Sure there's been a Binaltech and Kreon's, but not much else outside of that.

Which would be something completely different to "never".
Also, Kreon's what?

Lastly, why does almost every description of MP-18B describe it as a redeco/remold of MP-18, when it's clearly MP-17 Prowl with the lightbar omitted?
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753737)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on January 9th, 2016 @ 12:25pm CST
Andrius wrote:The biggest failing, however, is the omission of Grimmy's apron/serving tray, probably the best accessories of ANY Masterpiece release.

Not for me. Anything that reminds me of how terrible Grimlock was written in Season 3 of the cartoon is a definite no from me. From badass to Barney. The Grimlock figure in whatever release though is by far my fave figure from the range but I'm just not fond of the Masterpiece line in general and it's probably because he's one of the ones where he's a major update of the well-detailed toy rather than trying to look too much like the simplified cartoon model. Was stung by a faulty MP-01 way back then and a Megatron I won (niether of those figures I had could even stand up well) and I just find them too costly and too flawed to be worth that cost and I'm not the target audience for G1 'accurate' stuff. Also really dislike the Star Saber just aesthetically (that goofy superhero-ish japanese look never worked for me... The more military-esque Macross/Jetfire type of look was much more my thing when it comes to all that).

The upcoming Shockwave looks decent (I have a fondness for him because of how he was written in the Marvel comics, not the cartoon) but I'd be looking forward to it a lot more if it was a much more affordable figure I wouldn't worry about breaking so easily.

If I ever stop being poor then I'd like a King Grimlock. Marvel Grimlock IS king, no doubt!
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753739)
Posted by shajaki on January 9th, 2016 @ 12:27pm CST
CombaticonsCombine? wrote:But Saber wins through pure engineering genius. I can't even really explain it here. You need to transform him to believe him.

Andrius wrote:I just can't get behind King Grimlock.
The blue is hideous and while I acknowledge that it's an attempt to reflect the inky blue/black of the comic, it just looks like a dollar-store knock-off to me.

The biggest failing, however, is the omission of Grimmy's apron/serving tray, probably the best accessories of ANY Masterpiece release.
I was no fan of the blue/black replacement, but that incredibly rich gold chrome was the draw for me. The blue just grew on me. However the apron/serving tray was omitted because of they weren't a part of MP-08X's release. Not to mention how ridiculous Grimlock was in season 3... :SICK:

Deathsanras wrote:Which would be something completely different to "never".
Also, Kreon's what?
I said almost never. Not sure why that would stick in anyone's craw. And Kreon's what? I said Kreon's, you pictured one, I'm not seeing the complaint here.

Deathsanras wrote:Lastly, why does almost every description of MP-18B describe it as a redeco/remold of MP-18, when it's clearly MP-17 Prowl with the lightbar omitted?
Not sure what this is about since I didn't describe the specific mold details. Personally I wouldn't lose sleep on it.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753744)
Posted by BERSEKAEL on January 9th, 2016 @ 12:43pm CST
how about optimus and smokescreen?
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753747)
Posted by megatronus on January 9th, 2016 @ 12:57pm CST
Y U NO MP11?
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753750)
Posted by shajaki on January 9th, 2016 @ 1:00pm CST
megatronus wrote:Y U NO MP11?

:lol: :lol: ;)
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753751)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on January 9th, 2016 @ 1:02pm CST
megatronus wrote:Y U NO MP11?

Bkz MP-11 suck. [-(
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753753)
Posted by megatronus on January 9th, 2016 @ 1:05pm CST
shajaki wrote:Though I guess it helps that all he has to do it transform into a rectangle, but MAN what a rectangle!

Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753756)
Posted by Fox Thiagarajan on January 9th, 2016 @ 1:10pm CST
My list changes from time to time but as of now it's:
1. Sideswipe - The poseeability and sleek alt mode. I love the color combo as well. His head sculpt is just on point. Especially how it opens to make way for transformation into the low sitting Lambo mode.

2. Prowl - Prowl is capable of holding some striking poses and everything comes together well in car mode.

3. Bumblebee - A true gem. Enough said.

4. Star Saber - Evokes a true leader and commander. He currently stands on my night stand on my side of the bed and I never tire of seeing him holding sway over my other MPs on the same platform.

5. Grimlock - I own the US TRU version and he is a definitive MP for me. Sturdy, looks terrific, and lots of accessories. I tend to keep him in Dino mode.

Def going to have to update this list mid year 2016 w all the pending releases of Ironhide, Hot Rod, Shockwave, and Ratchet.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753757)
Posted by megatronus on January 9th, 2016 @ 1:12pm CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:
megatronus wrote:Y U NO MP11?

Bkz MP-11 suck. [-(

Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753758)
Posted by Cobotron on January 9th, 2016 @ 1:17pm CST
You'll get no complaint from me about blue Blue for #1. Even if he is sitting on Star Saber's lap. :lol:

Great list! Fun read. Nice job Jak! :APPLAUSE:
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753767)
Posted by RiddlerJ on January 9th, 2016 @ 2:02pm CST
I don't have him personally so I couldn't say but weren't there reports of the MP-03 Starscream being quite fragile? The grade of plastic made him snap very easily?
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753774)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on January 9th, 2016 @ 2:34pm CST
RiddlerJ wrote:I don't have him personally so I couldn't say but weren't there reports of the MP-03 Starscream being quite fragile? The grade of plastic made him snap very easily?

MP-03 is NOT fragile. It's actually pretty solid.
However, it does NOT have the security features normal TFs have. Meaning parts that pop off and snap back on easy if you are not careful.

Many people transformed him incorrectly or forced things when they shouldnt, resulting in broken tabs and wing joints. I used to own MP-03 in G1 colors and I still own MP-03G, which is made of clear plastics. I transformed them often and nothing ever, ever broke. Because I paid attention when transforming.

MP-11 can be transformed with less care. I can give it that.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753785)
Posted by Starsaber468 on January 9th, 2016 @ 3:54pm CST
Great choices for a list thumbs up definitely to who made this I agree definitely with the list But I have an suggestion whichould be a Top 10 Transformer "Master" type Toys :)
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753791)
Posted by shajaki on January 9th, 2016 @ 4:46pm CST
Oswald Cobopot wrote:You'll get no complaint from me about blue Blue for #1. Even if he is sitting on Star Saber's lap. :lol:

Great list! Fun read. Nice job Jak! :APPLAUSE:
Naw naw. They're walking hand in hand towards the sunset :x

And thanks ;)
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753796)
Posted by SJ21 on January 9th, 2016 @ 5:37pm CST
I love these top 5 lists! I love getting other people's favorites.

I do have one issue. Blue Grimlock over correct, black Grimlock? No.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753809)
Posted by Microraptor on January 9th, 2016 @ 6:49pm CST
Deathsanras wrote:
Lastly, why does almost every description of MP-18B describe it as a redeco/remold of MP-18, when it's clearly MP-17 Prowl with the lightbar omitted?

Because MP-18 has a different crotch and head then Prowl.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753814)
Posted by william-james88 on January 9th, 2016 @ 6:59pm CST
Microraptor wrote:
Deathsanras wrote:
Lastly, why does almost every description of MP-18B describe it as a redeco/remold of MP-18, when it's clearly MP-17 Prowl with the lightbar omitted?

Because MP-18 has a different crotch and head then Prowl.

And plus, it's what his name/number insinuates.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753833)
Posted by Emerje on January 9th, 2016 @ 7:45pm CST
My only complaints from the list are that I struggle with Grimlock's size now that bot scale is such an important thing in MP. I really want them to give him a second shot that's less like the original toy and more like the animation version and closer to UM or Star Saber's size. I doubt we'll see that anytime soon. Other spot where we differ is I don't think Bee really compares to other MPs. Don't get me wrong, I have both the regular and G2 versions, it's a great figure in its own right, but for me not one of the greatest MPs. I don't really care for his backpack or the way the bumper interferes with the transformation and how it should be removed to close it all the way. I also don't like the kibble on his forearms. Sure, they could only do so much with a realistic Beetle, but there are better MPs out there that didn't need to make compromises.

Personally I think Prowl is the best of the cars. He's a perfect blend of the original figure and the animation style with a great looking alt mode and one of the best bot modes we've seen. He folds up flawlessly in both molds and doesn't suffer from leftover parts stuck to his arms or legs like Wheeljack and Bumblebee. Honestly I'd place him as a contender for number one on my own list, but I think Shockwave is going to snag that one in a few months.

I do agree that Star Saber is one of the top figures. He is so well made that he doesn't even look like he should be able to transform. My one complaint is the odd arm joints, but even that isn't so bad. Every fan of giant robots should own one, not just Transformers fans.

Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753835)
Posted by Optimutt on January 9th, 2016 @ 7:49pm CST
I think the coolest thing about this list is how far we've come since MP1 first came out. Back in the day, there was Prime, White Prime, Dead Prime, Magnus Prime, Nemesis Prime, 5 different Starscreams (Can anyone name all 5?), and Megatron.

Then Came Grimlock, who started us all off on a whole different route, and basically restarted the whole thing. I mean, sure, MP 2.0 officially started with MP 11 - Prime redux, but really, it was Big Grim that set us the new size. And since then, we've gotten some absolutely amazing toys. Repaints and some minor remolds just come with the equation, but the point is just how much incredible stuff we've been getting.

While I am not a completionist, I do have at least one of each mold. Each one has its strengths (yes, even Rodimus), whether it be an amazing leg transformation (Corvettes, Fairladies), a brilliant arm change (Magnus), a stack of great accessories (G2 Sideswipe, Exhaust, Blue-streak, Star Saber), a beautiful paint job (G2 Bee, BlueStreak, Tracks), a wonderfully authentic manga adaptation (everyone!), or some subtly beautiful remods (Road Rage, Exhaust, MP 11 molds), we've been getting just wonderful toys.

All told, I don't envy having to make this list, because in all honesty, I personally am totally unable to make this list. I really do love every single one, and from day to day, my interests change, forcing me to love each for different reasons, and to rank this one over the others. The best part of it all is that tomorrow, I get to pick a new one to love and heap my attention on.

Masterpiece forever!
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753849)
Posted by DedicatedGhostArt on January 9th, 2016 @ 8:37pm CST
Is it intentional that there are 2 figures in #1??? :???:
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753866)
Posted by fenrir72 on January 9th, 2016 @ 9:41pm CST
SillySpringer wrote:Is it intentional that there are 2 figures in #1??? :???:

The source couldn't make up his mind. Happens all the time. But if this was a Highlander slam bang finish.....there can be only ONE! :lol:
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753875)
Posted by Deathsaurus1 on January 9th, 2016 @ 11:03pm CST
Odd. After seeing this. My brother messages me and tells me a guy he works with a a shop has this very same starscream.
Needless too say I am happy with my purchase (:

I personally don't see the mp-3 mold being outdated(same with mp-1)
The Grey colors really work with the realistic jet mode. I have m mp-11 and mp-3 being displayed together!!
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753888)
Posted by guarayakha on January 10th, 2016 @ 1:35am CST
Deathsanras wrote:
Lastly, why does almost every description of MP-18B describe it as a redeco/remold of MP-18, when it's clearly MP-17 Prowl with the lightbar omitted?

Because he is MP-18 Streak with Prowl's head?
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753897)
Posted by DMSL on January 10th, 2016 @ 4:34am CST
What's the point of making a top 5 if you are going to put two items as the winner?

You might as well make it a top 6 then. There is no point in making a top 5 if you can't choose the superior toy.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753898)
Posted by Burn on January 10th, 2016 @ 4:42am CST
DMSL wrote:What's the point of making a top 5 if you are going to put two items as the winner?

You might as well make it a top 6 then. There is no point in making a top 5 if you can't choose the superior toy.

Would you care to list your Top 5 then?
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753984)
Posted by shajaki on January 10th, 2016 @ 2:38pm CST
DMSL wrote:What's the point of making a top 5 if you are going to put two items as the winner?

You might as well make it a top 6 then. There is no point in making a top 5 if you can't choose the superior toy.
My reasoning for #1 being a tie, is I was trying to make it relatable. StarSaber is a marvel to behold, but due to his obscurity to us westerners many have not experienced him. As others have said, you need to handle one to fully appreciate it. But putting giving the #1 spot to something that very few of my audience owns might cause some discourse. So outside of that, the Datsun's (and more specifically blue Blue) I find are the most impressive MP's, and there's even been two of them released stateside.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753985)
Posted by shajaki on January 10th, 2016 @ 2:38pm CST
Optimutt wrote:I think the coolest thing about this list is how far we've come since MP1 first came out.
Ain't that the truth. I recall when the MP line started we were lucky to get 1 each year, and you're right it was usually something like a white Magnus Prime. We still get things like that, but they're more supplements and don't intrude on the release of new molds for the most part.

Optimutt wrote:Then Came Grimlock, who started us all off on a whole different route, and basically restarted the whole thing. I mean, sure, MP 2.0 officially started with MP 11 - Prime redux,
Hate to break your balls, but redux Prime was MP10. And while Grim did start us down the road to smaller MP's, he doesn't fit the current scale started with MP10 (or you could argue MP09).

Optimutt wrote:All told, I don't envy having to make this list, because in all honesty, I personally am totally unable to make this list.
To be honest, I'm surprised how I'm not getting any flack for leaving out for leaving out Wheeljack :lol:
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1753992)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on January 10th, 2016 @ 2:55pm CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:I agree with the list except for #1. For me, MP-10 should be #1 all the way. Optimus is perfect in every ways, with a perfect vehicle mode and bot mode. Also came with the trailer and everything.
You're welcome. :-P

As for this thread, perhaps the title should be amended with "so far" added on the end, as this line is nowhere near over, and seems to be only getting better.

That said, my top 5, so far, in no particular order:

Soundwave (perfection)
MP-01 Optimus Prime (yes, I like it better than MP-10, the robot mode is superior IMO, which is how I display them)
Grimlock (I prefer MP-08X, but either version is good)
MP-11 (another near-, if not perfect mold)
MP-09 (yes, everyone hates him but me. I got lucky with mine, he's still in 1 piece after multiple transformations)
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1754024)
Posted by TimothyR on January 10th, 2016 @ 5:30pm CST
it's funny.. this list almost totally defies the entire point of the masterpiece line.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1754030)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on January 10th, 2016 @ 5:46pm CST
TimothyR wrote:it's funny.. this list almost totally defies the entire point of the masterpiece line.

What do you mean?
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1754033)
Posted by shajaki on January 10th, 2016 @ 5:57pm CST
TimothyR wrote:it's funny.. this list almost totally defies the entire point of the masterpiece line.

Rodimus Prime wrote:MP-09 (yes, everyone hates him but me. I got lucky with mine, he's still in 1 piece after multiple transformations)
Sometimes I wonder. If Roddy was free of QC problems, would there be so much hate? Design wise I've always loved him.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1754046)
Posted by butcher31 on January 10th, 2016 @ 7:53pm CST
If you completely reversed the order of the list and the honourable mentions then I'd be on board. Ultra Magnus has such a brilliant design. Similarly Wheeljack and MP-10 are amazing.

I don't understand all the love for Star Saber. He does look cool and I'm glad I've got him but the transformation is simplistic. They could've done a lot more with Saber's big solid back and I'm not a fan of how you've got to pull bits off and put them back on in different places.

We obviously value very different aspects of a Masterpiece figure.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1754049)
Posted by padfoo on January 10th, 2016 @ 8:12pm CST
MP 10 all the way, for re energizing the line even before anyone realized it needed a boost!
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1754051)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on January 10th, 2016 @ 8:33pm CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:
TimothyR wrote:it's funny.. this list almost totally defies the entire point of the masterpiece line.
What do you mean?
He means that this being the "Masterpiece" line, they should all be equally as good. Hence the "Masterpiece" title.

However, I believe that in this line, the pieces are only the best versions of themselves, so if the animation design on which they were based sucked to begin with, then the figure will suck as well, masterpiece or not.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1754053)
Posted by william-james88 on January 10th, 2016 @ 8:40pm CST
Rodimus Prime wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
TimothyR wrote:it's funny.. this list almost totally defies the entire point of the masterpiece line.
What do you mean?
He means that this being the "Masterpiece" line, they should all be equally as good. Hence the "Masterpiece" title.

However, I believe that in this line, the pieces are only the best versions of themselves, so if the animation design on which they were based sucked to begin with, then the figure will suck as well, masterpiece or not.

Well there's that, but there's also this:

Transformers Masterpiece Megatron (MP-05) Gallery


Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1754055)
Posted by fenrir72 on January 10th, 2016 @ 8:43pm CST
shajaki wrote:
Optimutt wrote:I think the coolest thing about this list is how far we've come since MP1 first came out.
Ain't that the truth. I recall when the MP line started we were lucky to get 1 each year, and you're right it was usually something like a white Magnus Prime. We still get things like that, but they're more supplements and don't intrude on the release of new molds for the most part.

Optimutt wrote:Then Came Grimlock, who started us all off on a whole different route, and basically restarted the whole thing. I mean, sure, MP 2.0 officially started with MP 11 - Prime redux,
Hate to break your balls, but redux Prime was MP10. And while Grim did start us down the road to smaller MP's, he doesn't fit the current scale started with MP10 (or you could argue MP09).

Optimutt wrote:All told, I don't envy having to make this list, because in all honesty, I personally am totally unable to make this list.
To be honest, I'm surprised how I'm not getting any flack for leaving out for leaving out Wheeljack :lol:

I took offense for WJs non inclusion :-P
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1754057)
Posted by fenrir72 on January 10th, 2016 @ 8:48pm CST
william-james88 wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
TimothyR wrote:it's funny.. this list almost totally defies the entire point of the masterpiece line.
What do you mean?
He means that this being the "Masterpiece" line, they should all be equally as good. Hence the "Masterpiece" title.

However, I believe that in this line, the pieces are only the best versions of themselves, so if the animation design on which they were based sucked to begin with, then the figure will suck as well, masterpiece or not.

Well there's that, but there's also this:

Transformers Masterpiece Megatron (MP-05) Gallery



To be fair, Takara ordered the designer (same dude who did MP Star Saber (pardon the double entendre)) just about a month or so to design him. Emphasis on the same dude who also designed MP Starsaber.

Same mind different result.'cause the corporate slugs were high on "green energon" and forced MP-05 too early.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1754066)
Posted by shajaki on January 10th, 2016 @ 9:22pm CST
*knows MP05 has issues, takes no issues with it* >:oP
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Masterpiece Toys (1754118)
Posted by fenrir72 on January 11th, 2016 @ 12:36am CST
shajaki wrote:*knows MP05 has issues, takes no issues with it* >:oP

And I love it just the same.....Cosmic Rust and all. :lol: Seriously, haven't transformed him.....EVER! And won't even sell him come h#ll and high water....won't sell my MP-05 Megs! Heck, I even got myself the "Reflector" accessory ....and try to do the "Killing Joke" pose.

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