Toy Fair 2009: More New ROTF Toys at
Saturday, February 14th, 2009 10:29PM CST
Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News, Event News, Collector's Club NewsPosted by: Skowl Views: 60,865
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Be sure to click on the "Transformers Main Movie line" or "Products for Younger Fans" to see the first images of some new ROTF toys in-packaging (including Demolisher & Rampage) as well as all-new Robot Heroes (including voice-changers, gravity-bots, and a "Battle for the Allspark" Multipack, showcasing the climactic action sequence from the end of the first film)
See them all by clicking here.
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Posted by Firebird on February 14th, 2009 @ 10:39pm CST
Arcee - Awesome! I need her
Soundblaster - Awesome! Black repaint = Cool
Ratbat - Keytarriffic!!!
Devastator - meh, I thought these new angles would make it look better. But all I see is an upside down Powershovel with a cement mixer on top facing backwards, with 4 deluxe figures for limbs. He may look awesome in the movie but I don't think he will be in my collection. (2 Voyagers + 4 Deluxes =/= $100)
Posted by Omega Charge on February 14th, 2009 @ 10:46pm CST
Seibertron's > all.
Posted by Kibble on February 14th, 2009 @ 10:58pm CST
JayDee wrote:I'm not jumping on the Devastator bashing wagon -yet. I will be disappointed if this is the only Devastator set, but I have not seen the rest of the Constructicons in their Voyager or Deluxe version, other than Demolishor and Rampage... and those two have the possibility to turn into parts of Devastator. I remember seeing one of the first Demolishor pics and the tracks can be placed at the shoulders, similar to what this vehicle-only Devastator counterpart does. And if you look closely to Deluxe Rampage, he has enough joints to easily be transformed into Devastator's left leg (and I think he has proper feet, just mistransformed.)
If that were the case it would render the set displayed rather pointless, no? What I don't understand is why Demolishor's "bot" mode blows so majorly when it's not even a compromise for the sake of forming Devastator...
Posted by ShGarland_1383 on February 14th, 2009 @ 11:15pm CST
Thoughts based on what I see in the movie gallery there:
- Demolishor: Likely pass for me. Great vehicle mode, but right now I'm pretty much "WTF?" about that robot mode. The problem I'm having is that he's pretty much going to stand on what should be his arms in robot mode, if I wanted to display him that way. Don't really like that much.
- Breakaway: Pass only if this mold doesn't get a repaint somewhere down the line (which, knowing Hasbro, is likely). One of those figures where a good, solid-looking mold gets murdered by it's own deco to begin with, but gets fixed simply by falling victim to Hasbro's tendency to repaint.
- Sideswipe: The difference between this figure and Breakaway is that while Sideswipe really should have been red to begin with, the deco isn't so god awful that I'd pass in the hope of the repaint I'd bet will come anyway.
- Soundwave: Reminds me a bit of movie Megatron. Happy he's a triple-changer for the movie: not a big fan of him just having the satellite alt mode.
- Rollbar: This is what Payload should have been.
Posted by Kuribohfett on February 14th, 2009 @ 11:30pm CST
I think everything shown today is freaking awesome, especially Rampage and Sideswipe. Those two designs rock. I mean, sure, there are a few things I won't buy, and there are quite a few things I don't really care for, but nothing sucked to me.
And BumbleSpud makes me rejoice.
Posted by D-340 on February 14th, 2009 @ 11:38pm CST
Breakaway rules, likin' all the deluxes really. A shame about Skids and Mudflap though, bot modes=win, faces=supermegafail.
Gonna grab some of those Gravity Bots for my son, he'll love those. And I love the new Robot Heroes.
Why do those crappy Robot Replicas still exist? They're hideous, and they were shelfwarmers the last go around. Big ol' pass for me.
Animated Arcee and Soundblaster=MEGAWIN!
Gonna be an expensive summer.
Posted by Kuribohfett on February 14th, 2009 @ 11:44pm CST
Posted by Cyber Bishop on February 14th, 2009 @ 11:46pm CST
Sledge wrote:Please, stop. You're just throwing out unsupported assertions here. I'll point you at RID Landfill and Rail Racer as examples of better combiners. Not that complex, but they stil managed individual robot modes.
People can have their own opinions.
This is the second time tonight I have been alerted to you and the disrespect of others opinions.
Posted by Seibertron on February 14th, 2009 @ 11:48pm CST
Posted by what0080 on February 14th, 2009 @ 11:50pm CST
Upon further viewing of the Voyager-class Rampage/Bonecrusher, the front part of the dozer can split into 3 parts not unlike the Devastator figure. Is it possible that the other Voyager-class Constructicons can merge into their own Devastator? Or has that been answered?
Posted by DavidT on February 14th, 2009 @ 11:52pm CST
I'm concerned about Devastator's knee joints. It appears that there is quite a bit of upperbody mass. I wonder if you can make him stand straight up????
... and I guess Fortress Maximus is still the biggest Transformer figure...
Posted by Roadbuster on February 14th, 2009 @ 11:54pm CST
Kuribohfett wrote:So, let me get this straight, Devestator looks 100 percent cooler then he was in G1, and yet everyone hates it. Well, go figure.
I think everything shown today is freaking awesome, especially Rampage and Sideswipe. Those two designs rock. I mean, sure, there are a few things I won't buy, and there are quite a few things I don't really care for, but nothing sucked to me.
And BumbleSpud makes me rejoice.
Actually, everyone hates the figure not because of the way it looks, but because of the news that the individual components will not be sporting bot modes aside vehicle modes. Really doesn't justify the $100 price tag without the bot modes.
Posted by Crossfire on February 14th, 2009 @ 11:57pm CST
Posted by Kuribohfett on February 14th, 2009 @ 11:59pm CST
Roadbuster wrote:Kuribohfett wrote:So, let me get this straight, Devestator looks 100 percent cooler then he was in G1, and yet everyone hates it. Well, go figure.
I think everything shown today is freaking awesome, especially Rampage and Sideswipe. Those two designs rock. I mean, sure, there are a few things I won't buy, and there are quite a few things I don't really care for, but nothing sucked to me.
And BumbleSpud makes me rejoice.
Actually, everyone hates the figure not because of the way it looks, but because of the news that the individual components will not be sporting bot modes aside vehicle modes. Really doesn't justify the $100 price tag without the bot modes.
That's a good point. I can understand that some people might feel a little gypped at no bot modes, and it is steep, but I guess I'd rather have two sets of Constructicons than have Hasbro cram everything into only one set. This way I can display them both ways, having my cake and eating it too. And maybe it's more expensive because of size, electronics, something like that. Only time will tell for sure.
Posted by Kibble on February 15th, 2009 @ 12:06am CST
Posted by Gandalf on February 15th, 2009 @ 12:07am CST
Everything else is pretty underwhelming.
And Devastator.....
Devastator or not, that is one of the the ugliest, biggest wastes of plastic I've ever seen.
Posted by Megatron Wolf on February 15th, 2009 @ 12:08am CST
Posted by Giant Purple Griffin on February 15th, 2009 @ 12:25am CST
For 100 bucks you can get three real voyagers and 4 real deluxes. Shoot, even with the new prices you can ger more than 2 real voyagers and 4 real deluxes...
The individual vehicles look more like FABs too--maybe this is FAB Devastator!
Sigh...I guess there is still the smallest smidgeon of hope that's not it, but oh well...
Posted by Kuribohfett on February 15th, 2009 @ 12:44am CST
Posted by Supreme Convoy on February 15th, 2009 @ 12:50am CST
Posted by Omega Charge on February 15th, 2009 @ 12:53am CST
Supreme Convoy wrote:You know, Devastator is slowly winning me over.
Me too...
How awesome would it be to have this guy set up with the rest of your movie toys? I think the toy looks very cool, but I just can't visualize paying 100 dollars for it. But if the price drops, it's probably mine.
Can't wait for these toys to hit shelves.
Posted by DavidT on February 15th, 2009 @ 12:58am CST
I think movie Devastators popularity will increase after everyone sees him in the movie. You know he's gonna be badass on screen.
Posted by Kibble on February 15th, 2009 @ 1:05am CST
DavidT wrote:.
I think movie Devastators popularity will increase after everyone sees him in the movie. You know he's gonna be badass on screen.
Wouldn't be shocked to see him become the Ultimate Bumblebee type fig...shelf warmer until x-mas time hits, then suddenly the hot holiday toy. But I wouldn't be shocked to see him sitting on the clearance rack either.
Posted by cheeser82 on February 15th, 2009 @ 1:19am CST
Animated Soundwave w/Ratbat- Probably going to get. I like the black repaint they gave him, and the keytar Ratbat just looks too cool to pass up.
Animated Arcee- I need this. Looks like the best Arcee figure yet, in my opinion, and I've passed up every other Arcee figure that's been released in my lifetime.
Movie Devastator- Pass. That thing doesn't look too good. Maybe if it's on clearance later on in the year? But I'm probably just going to buy the individual pieces, even if they don't combine.
Movie Retools/Remolds (Optimus Prime, Starscream, Ironhide, ETC)- Pass on all. I got them from the first movie, why would I need another one that looks a little different? Although the Starscream with hands looks nice...
Movie Sideswipe- REALLY nice figure, the only Movie figure I KNOW I must get.
Move Skids/Mudflap- I think their faces are funny, but I still think the figures are great.
Movie Scouts- Awesome alt ideas! A forklift is something that definately perks my interests.
Universe Legends- Need them all. Just depends if I can ever find them. Never had too much luck with the popular Legends figures.
Bumble Spud- I can't believe they're making another one. Still, if they had to pick another character, makes sense for it to be Bumblebee. And awesome name choice.
Posted by DeadPool69 on February 15th, 2009 @ 1:20am CST
That said, I have high hopes for the transforming Cons to be able to combine....somehow...even as I admit that that would make No sense. It does please me that theres no mold cloning going on...and I'm Very curious about Mixmaster. Does Dev's mouth open up as a cannon?
Posted by travicon on February 15th, 2009 @ 1:29am CST
that being said here's my 2 cents...
im really dissipointed with most all the movie figs...
but im really happy (like a lot of you) that i'll be saving quite a chunk of change. however i would have been happy to shell out $$$ for AWESOME movie toys... i still think the movie will ROCK and i think it might even make it more enjoyable without having to worry about tracking down all the toys.
but who knows, in the end i might cave and end up collecting the whole set, only time will tell. but as for my first impressions of the movie line... Hey where the smilie of the guy throwing up?
Posted by Stormrider on February 15th, 2009 @ 3:05am CST
DavidT wrote:
Electro-Static Soundwave w/ Ratbat....
Arcee looks tiny. Is she a scout class? What's up with the two hill-billy Transformers? I thought it was a joke when someone mentioned "hill-billy robots" last month. But now I see that it's no joke.
The Devastator fiasco doesn't surprise me. Hasbro probably chose to go this route just to make more money. There will be folks who will buy the Gestalt version and then spend extra money to buy the non-gestalt version just to obtain the robot modes. It's all about the all mighty dollar.
Posted by Stormrider on February 15th, 2009 @ 3:39am CST
NotEnoughKibble wrote:JayDee wrote:I'm not jumping on the Devastator bashing wagon -yet. I will be disappointed if this is the only Devastator set, but I have not seen the rest of the Constructicons in their Voyager or Deluxe version, other than Demolishor and Rampage... and those two have the possibility to turn into parts of Devastator. I remember seeing one of the first Demolishor pics and the tracks can be placed at the shoulders, similar to what this vehicle-only Devastator counterpart does. And if you look closely to Deluxe Rampage, he has enough joints to easily be transformed into Devastator's left leg (and I think he has proper feet, just mistransformed.)
If that were the case it would render the set displayed rather pointless, no? What I don't understand is why Demolishor's "bot" mode blows so majorly when it's not even a compromise for the sake of forming Devastator...
I agree - if the individual robot Constructicon toys were capable of merging together, then why wouldn't Hasbro display that during the Toy Fair event? In addition, the packages don't mention gestalt on them.
The Demolishor bot mode is very silly. I can only imagine that they are trying to make the toy true to the movie.
Posted by An_de on February 15th, 2009 @ 3:57am CST
Posted by Dead Metal on February 15th, 2009 @ 4:01am CST
I will be waiting for a G1 redeco of that Devastator.
Why is Bonecrusher and Jazz included in that "Devastator final showdown" car set?
Posted by rwalsh17 on February 15th, 2009 @ 4:08am CST
Stormrider wrote: The Devastator fiasco doesn't surprise me. Hasbro probably chose to go this route just to make more money. There will be folks who will buy the Gestalt version and then spend extra money to buy the non-gestalt version just to obtain the robot modes. It's all about the all mighty dollar.
Finally! Someone gets it! This wasn't a mistake or a 'lack of engineering technology' as some have suggested -- it's just old fashioned greed. Hasbro has played us for 25 years now, and they're getting craftier at separating us from our money with each successive toyline. The only reason for Hasbro to make two versions of Devastator is a sneaky attempt to make more money.
C'mon, let's be honest, we justify buying the same piece of plastic THREE TIMES simply because the toy is colored differently (i.e. Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker). That doesn't sound like good judgment to me, but I fall for it nevertheless. Hasbro is at the top of its game when it comes to doubling (or tripling) their money off of one product.
Frankly, this Devastator business is a little bit too far for me, though. Once they start selling us non-transforming figures from a toyline called 'Transformers,' you gotta take a step back and look at what they're handing us. As someone mentioned before, 'Robot Replicas' were shelfwarmers last time around, and I have a feeling that history will repeat itself there. Remember the last time Hasbro 'jumped the shark' with non-transforming bots? We witnessed the end of the G1 era with Action Masters! It took years for the line to recover!
I actually like the new Devastator mold, but I sure as hell won't spend $100 on a gestalt without individual robot modes, especially since it's highly likely that Hasbro will release an 'ultimate' Devastator edition sometime in the near future with fully transforming bots that combine, too. Look, if Hasbro could make fully converting gestalts happen in 1985, why can't they make it happen now? (and on a bigger scale to work with, no less...) I love the look of the new movie figs (Sideswipe and revamped Starscream are bitchin'!), but I'm not gonna fall for Hasbro's hocus pocus with the Devastator thing this time.
On that note, I truly hope that everybody who partakes in the Devy giftset is happy with their purchase and doesn't regret spending the money, but I have a distinct feeling that I'll be much more satisfied spending $12.99 on Sideswipe than $100.00 on an alt-mode only Devastator.
Let's hope ROTF kicks some butt!!!
Posted by Trikeboy on February 15th, 2009 @ 4:15am CST
Posted by decepticon legion on February 15th, 2009 @ 4:30am CST
Posted by shadowtyger00 on February 15th, 2009 @ 4:32am CST
Kids bought a combiner instead of a power ranger megazord or voltron robot because they wanted more than just 1 big figure. The movie devastator is such a letdown. Dudes come on. It looks nice but wnat the heck is going on? Kids might buy devastator but for its size I think its gonna be pricy anyway. If its a question of articulation, I don't think this figure is anymore flexible than a normal combiner. Is someone gonna pose him like he's doin a sommersalt or handstand? Look at the RID,beastwars and energon combiners.Were they that difficult to make?
What's up with the twins? When they reformated to earth vehicles they happened to see picasso's art and decided to look like it? Or like bumblebee lost his voice fighting meatron in the prequel comic did megatron knock their heads together or with a shovle for them to look like that?Or did hasbro hire people who were severely myopic to design the heads?
Overall I think that What are the guys in hasbro doing? Are they trying to do bad designs so that we would save money over the economical crisis?I guess this is what you get from a company doing coporate restructing before an economical crisis.Minimum manpower + maximum hours = alot of nothing.
Posted by astig on February 15th, 2009 @ 4:41am CST
Posted by DMSL on February 15th, 2009 @ 5:15am CST
Posted by DMSL on February 15th, 2009 @ 5:21am CST
Posted by Loose on February 15th, 2009 @ 5:54am CST
good poseability,no loose joint or connection whatsoever than I might get it..
Posted by Sur_G on February 15th, 2009 @ 6:01am CST
Posted by Fananga on February 15th, 2009 @ 7:13am CST
Posted by Soundwave__Superior on February 15th, 2009 @ 7:15am CST
Posted by Forgotten on February 15th, 2009 @ 7:23am CST
That said, i'm really excited about all the new releases this year, not just ROTF I must have that Electrostatic Soundwave/Ratbat deal, I'll call him Soundblaster. And I wonder why so many toy designs from ROTF that we have already seen leaked are missing from their display. No Megatron in any form. I saw no Ravage figure, no Fallen, and that biplane figure(barnburner or whatever it was), and the ship figure were missing. Hasbro's toying with me.
Posted by Oilspill on February 15th, 2009 @ 7:32am CST
I don't get all the uproar over Devastator... we knew he was going to have a combining version with no robot modes months ago. Granted the price is crazy considering there are no bot modes. I wonder if he can stand with his legs bent like they are in the display. Seems like a lot of weight that those knee joints have to support.
Anyway, Arcee looks so fricking awesome. And I'm so getting another Soundwave with that crazy looking keytar Ratbat.
Posted by Diem on February 15th, 2009 @ 7:45am CST
MegatronTheGreat wrote:I will be buying the "Electorstatic Soundwave" no matter what. I guess Hasbro couldn't get the trademark for Soundblaster.
Either that or they want the name recognition for the younger audience that Animated is hypothetically aimed at. I don't think many of the kids saw "The Headmasters".
Posted by Sur_G on February 15th, 2009 @ 8:16am CST
Posted by TFBuyer on February 15th, 2009 @ 8:37am CST
Ratbat is win, too!
The movie line doesn't look bad...just not what I want to spend money on. I'll certainly enjoy the movie, though!
Posted by Skowl on February 15th, 2009 @ 8:56am CST
Posted by SoundGearsShock on February 15th, 2009 @ 9:02am CST
Posted by dragons on February 15th, 2009 @ 9:03am CST
look closly at the joint connecting to rampage in this image & compare that leg with the top 2 some may actually transform into bot modes others may not like the head
i was toysrus one day i over heard mother talking to her 6 year old how about transformer he said no i dont want trasnfomrer there to hard to transform & the package clearly states ages 5+up