Transformers Collectors' Club Subscription Service First Ship Delayed Until April / May
Monday, January 28th, 2013 8:26PM CST
Categories: Toy News, Collector's Club NewsPosted by: LOST Cybertronian Views: 33,473
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We apologize that it has taken so long to get back to all of you concerning the first ship date, but we have been waiting on our confirmation. There was an internal issue at Hasbro that has caused the figures' ship date to slip a fair amount. As of this week, Hasbro is telling us to expect the figures in late April/early May. We are sorry for the delay. Please know that we are pushing as hard as we can to get them here.
We will keep you updated and appreciate your patience!
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Posted by RAcast on January 28th, 2013 @ 8:29pm CST
LiKwid wrote:At least their consistent...right?....right? LOL
My first thought as well.
Posted by Bumblevivisector on January 28th, 2013 @ 8:35pm CST
...UNLESS the issue with Hasbro involves them having to scrap a character's likeness or something, though I don't see what that could be. I remained as active a fan as I could throughout the '90s and therefore know GREAT patience, so as long as we get 'em eventually...
Posted by UltraPrimal on January 28th, 2013 @ 8:36pm CST
Posted by Mkall on January 28th, 2013 @ 8:53pm CST
Posted by Counterpunch on January 28th, 2013 @ 9:17pm CST
I mean, you know...
Posted by Micronautsdeep on January 28th, 2013 @ 9:34pm CST
Posted by joevill on January 28th, 2013 @ 10:06pm CST
Posted by xyl360 on January 28th, 2013 @ 10:09pm CST
Just kidding .
It's no biggie, I can wait .
Posted by STngAR on January 28th, 2013 @ 10:20pm CST
Posted by Mkall on January 28th, 2013 @ 10:53pm CST
Legit issue, or FunPub passing the buck?
Posted by Nutimus Prime on January 29th, 2013 @ 12:00am CST
I am NOT paying the crazy stupid prices for these figures on BBTS, ebay, etc. Eff that lol.
Posted by Burn on January 29th, 2013 @ 2:13am CST
Mkall wrote:I'm now extremely curious as to what this "internal issue" is with Hasbro.
Legit issue, or FunPub passing the buck?
Knowing FunPub, passing the buck.
That being said ... "internal issue" = Hasbro debating whether or not to cut the licensing agreement with them sooner rather than later.
Posted by Henry921 on January 29th, 2013 @ 4:22am CST
Posted by Micronautsdeep on January 29th, 2013 @ 6:30am CST
Not to mention the prices were already off the chart. Most of them are pretty cool, but not cool enough to justify the club prices, much less the BBTS prices.
Until this issue yesterday I was somewhat regretting not buying them with the subscription. Now, with all the 3d Party awesomeness in the last few weeks I am really glad that I didn't bother with them.
Posted by osubreeze on January 29th, 2013 @ 8:08am CST
Posted by AutobotMR2 on January 29th, 2013 @ 8:20am CST
My mind can't comprehend this, they are so trustworthy. LOL good thing I didn't pre-order any of these, and I feel bad for the people that did because now the slippery slope starts.
Posted by alldarker on January 29th, 2013 @ 8:57am CST
Seems pretty much par for the course for TFCC, as far as I'm concerned.
Posted by GuyIncognito on January 29th, 2013 @ 10:21am CST
Posted by mooncake623 on January 29th, 2013 @ 10:24am CST
Posted by datguy86 on January 29th, 2013 @ 10:32am CST
Burn wrote:Mkall wrote:I'm now extremely curious as to what this "internal issue" is with Hasbro.
Legit issue, or FunPub passing the buck?
Knowing FunPub, passing the buck.
That being said ... "internal issue" = Hasbro debating whether or not to cut the licensing agreement with them sooner rather than later.
That's... really bad. We will not see a refund for a long time (if ever), and there's no telling what would happen to the yet unreceived Blaster/Soundwave SG set that is already paid in full.
If Hasbro does cancel the contract, then getting us refunds/toys damn well better be part of the settlement agreement.
Posted by QBKiller94 on January 29th, 2013 @ 12:56pm CST
Posted by Micronautsdeep on January 29th, 2013 @ 1:31pm CST
Never again.
Posted by Burn on January 29th, 2013 @ 2:03pm CST
Micronautsdeep wrote:I got a club subscription for the first time....only to realize once the ridiculously priced redeco's came out that it was a total waste of money. The comics are nice, but obviously not worth the price. I basically paid for an opportunity to pay ridiculous prices for decent but not great figures that I might not have even gotten at retail. Then, as it turns out, thank goodness I didn't because now they are behind schedule anyway.
Never again.
Hey FunPub! See this? This is an all too common feeling amongst your members! Start paying attention!
Posted by NTESHFT on January 29th, 2013 @ 2:14pm CST
Posted by AutobotMR2 on January 29th, 2013 @ 7:17pm CST
Micronautsdeep wrote:I got a club subscription for the first time....only to realize once the ridiculously priced redeco's came out that it was a total waste of money. The comics are nice, but obviously not worth the price. I basically paid for an opportunity to pay ridiculous prices for decent but not great figures that I might not have even gotten at retail. Then, as it turns out, thank goodness I didn't because now they are behind schedule anyway.
Never again.
The thoughts of most of the people who cancelled their subscription.
And as far as FunPub caring about what we think... yeah right. All they see is $$$ and nothing else. I can only hope their replacements are quickly forthcoming and ALOT better than the schmucks at the current establishment.
Posted by Rated X on January 29th, 2013 @ 10:32pm CST
Posted by xyl360 on January 29th, 2013 @ 10:35pm CST
AutobotMR2 wrote:Micronautsdeep wrote:I got a club subscription for the first time....only to realize once the ridiculously priced redeco's came out that it was a total waste of money. The comics are nice, but obviously not worth the price. I basically paid for an opportunity to pay ridiculous prices for decent but not great figures that I might not have even gotten at retail. Then, as it turns out, thank goodness I didn't because now they are behind schedule anyway.
Never again.
The thoughts of most of the people who cancelled their subscription.
And as far as FunPub caring about what we think... yeah right. All they see is $$$ and nothing else. I can only hope their replacements are quickly forthcoming and ALOT better than the schmucks at the current establishment.
Hell, I'd rather they brought back 3H. At least those guys made repaints into ORIGINAL CHARACTERS instead of constantly attempting (and failing miserably) to do fanservice to everyone by trying to 'homage' (or SG) every G1/G2 character in existence 642 times.
Q: "What's the theme for this year's toys?"
A (Funpub): "Shattered Glass."
Q: "Ah, you mean yet ANOTHER sad excuse for repainting molds into the SAME character they already are but in a reverse color scheme and trying to pass it off as something unique?"
A (Funpub): "Yeah, that one."
Q: "What's next year's theme going to be?"
A (Funpub): "It won't be Shattered Glass, but it will be yet another chance to repaint one figure into an obscure character from G1 or G2 instead of creating somebody new."
OK, yeah, I'm just poking fun so hopefully no hardcore Funpub fans are gonna jump down my throat, but it gets a bit old.
I keep wishing for something that will never happen, which is either A)Funpub comes up with their own characters or B)Hasbro actually breaks down and gives them their own set of molds instead of forcing them to do repaints and repaints with new heads. The former is obviously much more likely (even though I've not seen them do it yet).
Of course, all that said, I'm a subscription member and I don't regret it. I've seen the repaints I'm getting this year and I'm rather happy with at least a few of them .
Posted by Delicon on January 29th, 2013 @ 11:26pm CST
Posted by fenrir72 on January 29th, 2013 @ 11:40pm CST
Posted by Bullycon on January 30th, 2013 @ 8:07am CST
xyl360 wrote:I keep wishing for something that will never happen, which is either A)Funpub comes up with their own characters or B)Hasbro actually breaks down and gives them their own set of molds instead of forcing them to do repaints and repaints with new heads. The former is obviously much more likely (even though I've not seen them do it yet).
Yeah, B will never happen.
Your best chance for A would be asking for it on the BotCon survey. My guess is that most people filling that thing out are asking for the homages that you are sick of.
While I do agree Shattered Glass has run its course, I like most of the homages they've done. Dion, Side Burn, Punch, Runabout, Runamuck, Scourge. We wouldn't be getting these guys if FunPub wasn't doing them. So I'm happy.
I think I'd like a combination of new characters and homages. Or maybe give old characters their first toys. G1 Devcon from Universe Cyclonus?
If you consider Wings Magnum to be a new character, I think Reveal the Shield Perceptor would work great for him!
Posted by Micronautsdeep on January 30th, 2013 @ 8:32am CST
Posted by Blurrz on January 30th, 2013 @ 4:26pm CST
Posted by Seibertron on April 30th, 2013 @ 1:20pm CDT
Here is a new update from Brian Savage from Fun Publications regarding the Transformers Collectors' Club figure subscription service which was due to start earlier this year.
Transformers Collectors' Club wrote:Hello all Figure Subscription Subscribers,
A couple of quick notes:
The figures have shipped from the factory to the packaging company! Yea! We have been waiting just like you since January for this to FINALLY happen.
According to the current schedule, it looks like the first figures will ship after BotCon. We know you are anxious to get this program kick started as are we, since we sent the complete files to the factory back in October....ugh. Hopefully the process has been fixed on their side so that in future versions, they will make the agreed upon ship dates.
If your Club Membership has not been renewed and has lapsed, you will need to email to make any address changes. We will notify you of when all addresses need to be current so that the first shipment goes to the correct location. This will happen a few weeks before we schedule the actual shipping date.
For those of you who paid by installment, once the figures are here, we will schedule when the next two installments will be billed. You will also need to contact Admin (phone 817-448-9863) to make any CC changes if your Club Membership has lapsed. Please do not send Credit Card information by email as that creates a security issue.
We apologize for the delay, but please note that the lag in shipping has been an ongoing factory issue. We met all of the deadlines that were given to us in order to meet the original January ship date. We also apologize for the lack of communication on our part. It has been very difficult for us to get information to pass on.
Thanks for your patience and continued support,
Posted by dedcat on April 30th, 2013 @ 1:33pm CDT
Posted by GuyIncognito on April 30th, 2013 @ 2:05pm CDT
In other words, "Later in 2013. Or maybe 2014. Or whenever we get around to it. We'll see."
dedcat wrote:Any chance we subscribers are to be offered any sort of incentive or compensation for our patience with this massive lapse in customer service? (much like mattel/digital river has done with their MOTUC line)
Ha! The best you can hope for is that your credit card info doesn't get stolen. Anything beyond that from TFCC is just icing on the cake.
And they're still trying to blame the factory. One thing I've learned about customer service is you NEVER pass the buck. Your customers don't care if one of your vendors didn't deliver on time; that's YOUR problem, not theirs. TFCC doesn't understand customer service, though.
Posted by gothsaurus on April 30th, 2013 @ 2:23pm CDT
Regarding the discussion, I know it's been a mixed bag with Botcon/TFCC exclusives. It is an odd set of circumstances... TFCC is in many ways like a 3rd party company, only they have to bow to Hasbro's wishes and rules. (In the sense that they have their own design team, sculpts, bios, comics... independent of the Hasbro universe.) It seems like they have one hand tied behind their backs in a lot of ways (cost, Hasbro supervision, limitations on molds and character choice), but still come through with some good stuff. I'm guessing they don't have a lot of monetary support or discount from Hasbro on manufacturing or such to help drive down prices, if any. Hmm.
As I've said before, I don't envy them being caught between the fans and Hasbro.
But pondering their exclusives, I think the SG storyline and set has been fantastic. Glad it's kept going. Some great looking toys and a rich plot. The SG cassettes are worth the price of entry. Hilarious.
I also loved Runabout/Runamuck, Punch, G2 Ramjet, Sideburn, Scourge, Slipstream, Nightbeat, Dion... As said above, there are a lot of characters we'd not be seeing otherwise. I hope we see more of that. The Animated box set was brilliant, too.
Of the ones I've liked less, I think they got of to a slow start with that red combiner. Also was less of a fan of the Wings box set. (Not sure why. Might just be due to character development in the comic, who knows.)
But I digress. We're going to get the six exclusives eventually. A delay isn't a big deal, as long as the quality is up to par. No worries here.
Posted by D-340 on April 30th, 2013 @ 4:08pm CDT
gothsaurus wrote:The factory not meeting deadlines isn't their fault. I can't fault them any on this.
Yeah, were it not a regular occurrence. Every year it's the same song and dance, "Problems with the factory, figures after Botcon". Happens with the club figure(which I just got the email on that today, SURPRISE SURPRISE ), why would it be any different with the FSS. Hell, if he's having so many problems with the factory, why not try and find a different one? I'm sure if he did some searching, he my find one with better rates. All it takes is a little work to keep your customers happy, not regurgitating the same excuse year in, year out(been a member for 3 years now, same thing every year, club figure after Botcon).
Posted by Seibertron on April 30th, 2013 @ 4:13pm CDT
D-340 wrote:gothsaurus wrote:The factory not meeting deadlines isn't their fault. I can't fault them any on this.
Yeah, were it not a regular occurrence. Every year it's the same song and dance, "Problems with the factory, figures after Botcon". Happens with the club figure(which I just got the email on that today, SURPRISE SURPRISE ), why would it be any different with the FSS. Hell, if he's having so many problems with the factory, why not try and find a different one? I'm sure if he did some searching, he my find one with better rates. All it takes is a little work to keep your customers happy, not regurgitating the same excuse year in, year out(been a member for 3 years now, same thing every year, club figure after Botcon).
It just seems like the figures ship with the BotCon exclusives. The pattern is there ... anyone else see it or is it just me? If this is the case, just wish they'd say it instead of all of the variations of the same story every year.
Posted by gothsaurus on April 30th, 2013 @ 4:23pm CDT
I heard at a Botcon panel that the metal for each mold stores at about the size of a tractor trailer rig. (Think Prime's trailer). I'm sure that's not something to easily (or cheap) move around.
I also know they are able to save money by tag-teaming their run with another reissue/repaint. If somethings going to hit the shelves with the same mold, they can run the exclusives while the mold is on the press. That can cause a delay as well.
Guessing the factory has a calendar full of various products scheduled out for months working around movie launches, etc.. Wugh.
Like it or not, dealing with the official toys and molds adds a lot of issues. It's too bad.
Again... not making excuses, because it still sucks... but hopefully enlightening some people what goes on behind the scenes to help understand what a mess it is.
Posted by Banjo-Tron on April 30th, 2013 @ 4:55pm CDT
Posted by gothsaurus on April 30th, 2013 @ 5:01pm CDT
Beast Wars
RID/Car Robots
A little bit for every type of fan. No leaning toward any specific group. Pretty diplomatic, but no group is going to be super excited... only fans of the entire franchise who collect all the eras.
Posted by bvzxa on April 30th, 2013 @ 10:02pm CDT
Posted by mooncake623 on April 30th, 2013 @ 11:37pm CDT
Seibertron wrote:D-340 wrote:gothsaurus wrote:The factory not meeting deadlines isn't their fault. I can't fault them any on this.
Yeah, were it not a regular occurrence. Every year it's the same song and dance, "Problems with the factory, figures after Botcon". Happens with the club figure(which I just got the email on that today, SURPRISE SURPRISE ), why would it be any different with the FSS. Hell, if he's having so many problems with the factory, why not try and find a different one? I'm sure if he did some searching, he my find one with better rates. All it takes is a little work to keep your customers happy, not regurgitating the same excuse year in, year out(been a member for 3 years now, same thing every year, club figure after Botcon).
It just seems like the figures ship with the BotCon exclusives. The pattern is there ... anyone else see it or is it just me? If this is the case, just wish they'd say it instead of all of the variations of the same story every year.
This probably saves them money on shipping cost? or larger runs on the same modes that might show up at botcon with different decos? It won't surprise me if this is all planned from the beginning and they want our money from the subscription service in November to keep their business a float.... (of course its pure speculation)
Posted by Skullcrunchberries on May 1st, 2013 @ 1:55am CDT
Y'know, with all these "factory issues" they seem to have on a fairly constant basis, I'm amazed they manage to get the Botcon figures on time. How long do you guys think it'll be before we have a con that's preceded by an email saying "oops, factory screwed up, no toys for Botcon this year! But it's totally not our fault so don't worry!"
I understand there are difficulties in running a business that I don't fully comprehend, but the way Funpub has been handling these situations has stripped them of all credibility. Like I said, I won't believe they've actually made and shipped figures until I have it in hand. But that's just me.
Posted by Sodan-1 on May 1st, 2013 @ 2:23pm CDT
Keep dropping those balls, TFCC.
Posted by gothsaurus on May 1st, 2013 @ 2:34pm CDT
I'm surprised they don't ship more than the first pair of figures... maybe ship them in two packages instead of three to save a bit of shipping.
I think the fun/exciting notion of the "subscription" service was the spread-out nature of... well, a "subscription." Kinda like getting a magazine or comic each month or two.
Having lost that aspect of it, I think they should just drop the robots in the mail asap to try to save face a bit. Try for the bi-monthly thing next year.
Posted by D-340 on May 1st, 2013 @ 4:16pm CDT
Seibertron wrote:D-340 wrote:gothsaurus wrote:The factory not meeting deadlines isn't their fault. I can't fault them any on this.
Yeah, were it not a regular occurrence. Every year it's the same song and dance, "Problems with the factory, figures after Botcon". Happens with the club figure(which I just got the email on that today, SURPRISE SURPRISE ), why would it be any different with the FSS. Hell, if he's having so many problems with the factory, why not try and find a different one? I'm sure if he did some searching, he my find one with better rates. All it takes is a little work to keep your customers happy, not regurgitating the same excuse year in, year out(been a member for 3 years now, same thing every year, club figure after Botcon).
It just seems like the figures ship with the BotCon exclusives. The pattern is there ... anyone else see it or is it just me? If this is the case, just wish they'd say it instead of all of the variations of the same story every year.
"And the truth shall set you FREE!" But in all seriousness, yeah, just say everything ships with the Botcon stuff to save costs and cut the crap.
Posted by gothsaurus on May 1st, 2013 @ 4:23pm CDT
Posted by xyl360 on May 2nd, 2013 @ 1:47am CDT
gothsaurus wrote:Yeah, truth be told... them saving money comes out better for us. Doing things in a smart way behind the scenes just comes out better for everyone.
It would if their prices per figure were actually decreasing so that we, the consumers, reaped some of the benefits. Instead, in addition to constant delays, we get a hefty price increase each year, at least that's how it's been for the Botcon exclusives. I haven't worked out how the pricing for the subscription service breaks down per figure, but I suspect it's more than the usual $40 that they charge for the normal subscription+club exclusive.
I wish Hasbro could bring back 3H. Their figures were better and more unique/original in my opinion. It seems like everything Funpub does is meant to be or homage an already existing character or figure. Eventually (already, actually) it's going to get old and unless you're a truly die-hard fan of the whole Shattered Glass concept, evil repaints of Autobots and good repaints of Decepticons is going to get old as well (as though it hadn't already).
Posted by gothsaurus on May 2nd, 2013 @ 9:42am CDT
I do agree that I like them to mix things up with the exclusives. I think homages go over really well with the fans, but every once in a while you need to throw in a new character or such. Also thinking a year where almost ALL the characters are new is a bad idea, as well. (Though when we were getting just one or two exclusives, getting two new characters was amazing.)
Looking back, I have liked them throwing in a rare UK or Japan character (or actionmaster), as well as the odd "new" characters like Autotroopers, Toxitron, Flak, Landshark and Elita 1. I'm forgetting them, but they've actually been in there occasionally. I guess Flak and Landshark were the last "original" characters we've gotten? (anyone able to confirm or deny?)
Funny that the old set with Deathsaurus somehow seems to not stand out, but analyzing it... it had G1 homages, new femmebots, new jet, a Japanese character, and... if they were able to get a different insect mold, I think that one would have left a better impression. It had a good mix. Heh.
Okay. Someone else's turn to get nostalgic and pick everything apart...