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Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener

Transformers News: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener

Wednesday, December 26th, 2007 9:36AM CST

Categories: Movie Related News, Digital Media News
Posted by: Raymond T.   Views: 134,727

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A woman by the name of Alia Madden has sued the DreamWorks production team of the Transformers Blockbuster hit movie of 2007, as reported by the New York Post. According to her lawyer, Daniel Abraham, the papers filed against the movie state that Madden designed and copyrighted the design, from which for movie purposes, the copyrights of the freshener were removed.

The air freshener was hanging from Bumblebee's rear view mirror during scenes of the movie. People think that Madden copied the design from the movie, while she licenced the design back in 2002. According to Madden, DreamWorks bought several air fresheners from her, but never asked permission to sell their own version of it and didn't tell her the item was to be used in the movie. The movie is being sued for $850,000.

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Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (584940)
Posted by Sherade on December 26th, 2007 @ 9:43am CST
People will sue for anything, won't they?
It's an air freshener for goodness sakes.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (584941)
Posted by Liege Evilmus on December 26th, 2007 @ 9:44am CST
I can see her suit, but she'll never get that much, and granted she could have made that much off the design without the movie's bump...

but, that's pretty much like me saying I could walk across the country. Possible, but it just aint gonna happen :P
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (584945)
Posted by -Barricade- on December 26th, 2007 @ 9:47am CST
I can see why she would sue if it was her idea, but I bet it will just settle out of court.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (584948)
Posted by Raymond T. on December 26th, 2007 @ 9:50am CST
Sherade wrote:People will sue for anything, won't they?
It's an air freshener for goodness sakes.
Well, it is her design... But what strikes me is that sales of her air freshener prob. only went up after it was prominently featured in the movie. And it is not like the movie has undermined her business.

Not to mention, that there is no better time to sue someone than during the christmas season... :roll:
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (584957)
Posted by First Gen on December 26th, 2007 @ 10:01am CST
She'll sue and if what she claims is true IS in fact true, then she'll win easy.

Of all companies, Dreamworks should know about copyright laws. If the bought an item from her, altered it without her permission, and did not give any credit to her, than she has a case.

Sales of her air freshener may have went up, but imagine the number if she was getting credit for it and she could sell them as authentics.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (584959)
Posted by Zeds on December 26th, 2007 @ 10:04am CST
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585006)
Posted by Seibertron on December 26th, 2007 @ 11:34am CST
Sherade wrote:People will sue for anything, won't they?
It's an air freshener for goodness sakes.

I hope that you would sue as well if your idea was stolen and prominently featured in a major blockbuster movie and sold as an official product without getting any credit or funds for an idea that you created. If her story is true, then by all means she deserves something for it.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585012)
Posted by T-Macksimus on December 26th, 2007 @ 11:44am CST
So does this mean that it is only a matter of time before the company that manufactured the mini-disco ball hanging below the air freshener jumps in and starts a lawsuit too?! What a load of Crap! I had seen that air freshener long before the movie. That lady should have kept her mouth shut and enjoyed the increased profits. If anyone gave her a hard time about stealing the design, all she needed to do was show them the airfreshener which should have a copyright stamp and date on the bottom edge and that would shut them up.
If Dreamworks was, in fact, dumb enough to sell this as an official TF related product(which I have not seen one sold as such) then they deserve to get bent over for more than $850K!
Honestly, stupidity SHOULD be painful, and everything about this whole suit stinks of stupid choices on the parts of everyone involved.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585028)
Posted by Nemesis_Apoc on December 26th, 2007 @ 12:06pm CST
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585032)
Posted by Sunstar on December 26th, 2007 @ 12:11pm CST
She sounds a bit like a bee-otch
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585033)
Posted by Raymond T. on December 26th, 2007 @ 12:11pm CST
Nemesis_Apoc wrote:bitch
No,... It's "Bee-otch"... :-B
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585040)
Posted by muswp1 on December 26th, 2007 @ 12:24pm CST
If she licensed and copyrighted the design five years ago, then Dreamworks deserves to get sued. Especially if they are selling their own version of her copyrighted product. A corporation like that should have known better.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585047)
Posted by Bombus distinguendus on December 26th, 2007 @ 12:32pm CST
this will settel out of court with prob a written apology. 850k isnt alot for dreamworks...thats like pocket change, i feel bad for her cuz if this is true her reputation has since suffered cuz ppl think she copyed from the movie and no one belives her that she didnt. that would irritate me enough to sue oh well. the story gave me a good laugh.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585050)
Posted by Uniprimus on December 26th, 2007 @ 12:33pm CST
Lol, give me a break.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585055)
Posted by PrimulArchangel on December 26th, 2007 @ 12:41pm CST
She's just trying to cash in.. If the movie was a flop she would have never done this , Typical .. Got to love america we can sue for anything we want ,, WTF she think dreamworks was going to use them for ?? Got to be a dumb ass to have a movie studio buy stuff from you and not know it will be used in a movie.. What did she think they woud be handed out to actors to keep there trailers smelling nice ? LOL .. She knew exactly what was up and then someone probably put the idea into her head that " hey ya know , you can sue them and say you didnt give permission cause nothing was in writing !!!"
You got to be completely stupid to be upset about being part of a movie like this, she's making a nice chunk of change because of this .
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585066)
Posted by DesalationReborn on December 26th, 2007 @ 12:53pm CST
If what she says is true, than it's a done deal. If I were her, though, I'd ask for 50% of the profit from each freshener sold by Dreamworks and related businesses. Sounds a bit more legitimate, and recognizes the part Dreamworks played in their production, advertising, and sale.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585070)
Posted by ZarakZone on December 26th, 2007 @ 1:00pm CST
While they shouldn't have done what they did it's completely ridiculous to do this!
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585076)
Posted by Autobot032 on December 26th, 2007 @ 1:23pm CST
I don't think there was any malice intended on either side. I think this is an unfortunate result of miscommunication (we'll find out somewhere down the line) and if she's telling the truth (which is possible)...she deserves to be compensated.

How do we know that the 850K isn't 50% of the sales? It's not like everyone went out and bought one of these after the movie came out, if that were the case, I'd have one hanging from my rearview mirror as we speak.

If she truly does have a legal claim to it since 2002 and now she's being called a fraud, then yes....she deserves to be compensated for it.

This is why they make contracts and both parties should sign them.

$850,000.00 won't kill them. She could've asked for loss of income (or however it's put), pain and anguish, etc, etc, etc. (Numbering in the millions...)
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585125)
Posted by Creature SH on December 26th, 2007 @ 2:27pm CST
I don't get why some people seem to be spewing hate at that woman right away here.

She had an idea, she made a product.
Dreamworks took that idea and sold it as their own.

It's her goddamn right to take back the money they made with HER idea. It would be stupid not to do so.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585133)
Posted by Megatron Wolf on December 26th, 2007 @ 2:37pm CST
They'll settle out of court. She'll get a few grand and the movie studio will add her name on the credits on the next DVD release of the movie. I agree and disagree with the person. They should have told her and gave her credit but then again movies do this all the time and most people are just happy to see their crap on the big screen. I just find it stupid that this was an article in a major newspaper.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585146)
Posted by BlackOut2K8 on December 26th, 2007 @ 3:01pm CST
It took her this long to notice something this small? People today are always looking for something to sue over, it ain't like Dreamworks is making replicas of the freaken air freshener and selling them under their own name. The case mat be thrown out due to lack of evidence towards damages or she may get way less because Dreamworks aren't claiming its their design. In any case it's something stupid and how the legal system is having all these loopholes people are suing for all types of stupid $h!t for @$$ loads of money and in the end they don't even get 1/3 of the so called damages. Someone please swat this b!tch upside her fat head. :HEADHURTS: :BOOM:
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585175)
Posted by NuclearConvoy on December 26th, 2007 @ 3:39pm CST
Interesting, but will it stand up in court?
At least she's not sueing over being offended by the air freshener, I was worried it'd be about that when I read the headline!
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585198)
Posted by real_Angel on December 26th, 2007 @ 4:07pm CST
What is it with you Americans and sueing?
When somebody smells money, the are going to sue... no matter what reason they have to come up with. And the amounts of money that are concerned are even way more out there...
I love your country and the way people think big is better but that sueing is one thing I can do without...
Sometimes they are right, but most of the time it is just bogus!
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585216)
Posted by bluedrgnMethy on December 26th, 2007 @ 4:39pm CST
Copyright suits don't really hold that much wieght--sure it's important to her, but the court doesn't think so....
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585247)
Posted by Powermaster Jazz on December 26th, 2007 @ 5:37pm CST
She should continue to sell the air fresheners, but add the Transformers logo on the packaging. She'll definitely sell more. Turnabout is fair play after all. :grin: If she really created it in 2002, I think she deserves to be paid for its use in the movie.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585438)
Posted by dragons on December 26th, 2007 @ 9:26pm CST
how sad poeple are idiotic they will do anything to try to get free money even lower them shelves as something stupid lawsuits like this one to try and get money poeple are sue happy i read somewhere some guy is suing mtv for the rights of the jacka$$ name stating the mtv used his name which is jacka$$ for the title of the show and the movies without his permission you need to be called a jacka$$ for suing something dumb like that.

it took her this long to file a lawsuit for this airfreshiner lawsuit probably would not have happend if transformers sucked at the boxoffice but with the popularity the film has made she decides to sue since the movie made that much money in the first place.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585464)
Posted by CInemastique on December 26th, 2007 @ 10:05pm CST
Dragons, I think you're thinking of the Chili Peppers suing for the use of "Californication" as the name of a show. No one's sure exactly what the rules are in that case, either.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585514)
Posted by Phenotype on December 26th, 2007 @ 11:49pm CST
You people make me sick. What the hell is wrong with you lot? Someone created something, the movie studio used it without her permission, repackaged it and sold it as their own, and now she's suing and you are all attacking her? How dumb could you possibly be?

Some of you said her sales have increased so she shouldn't complain. What about all of the air fresheners Dreamworks sold that she didn't get a penny from?

Some of you said she should have known what the movie studio was using them for. It's not like they called her up and said, "This is Dreamworks, we need a bunch of these for a movie". I'm sure she probably didn't even realize who had bought them until she went about researching her lawsuit.

Some of you really need to check yourselves, if you create something and someone else steals it and sells it as their own it's pretty freaking obvious that you are entitled to sue them over it.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585515)
Posted by ShGarland_1383 on December 26th, 2007 @ 11:52pm CST
Sherade wrote:People will sue for anything, won't they?
It's an air freshener for goodness sakes.

Not only that, but it's happening now: not only after the DVD has been out a while, it's today is still the day after Christmas where I am. Some clever idea of Christmas spirit, eh?

This thing's got bunk written all over it.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585543)
Posted by AbsumZer0 on December 27th, 2007 @ 12:31am CST
BlackOut2K8 wrote:People today are always looking for something to sue over, it ain't like Dreamworks is making replicas of the freaken air freshener and selling them under their own name. The case mat be thrown out due to lack of evidence towards damages or she may get way less because Dreamworks aren't claiming its their design.

Uhhhh... ... 4896.topic . Notice the 'Hasbro' and 'Dreamworks' on the package? This is what's referred to in the OP article where it states: "DreamWorks bought several air fresheners from her, but never asked permission to sell their own version of it."

I think the thing is tacky as all hell, but it's basic copyright law. It's IP theft and she's entitled to damages. I don't see why the hell so many posters have difficulty understanding this.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585793)
Posted by Sherade on December 27th, 2007 @ 9:31am CST
Seibertron wrote:I hope that you would sue as well if your idea was stolen and prominently featured in a major blockbuster movie and sold as an official product without getting any credit or funds for an idea that you created. If her story is true, then by all means she deserves something for it.

Not like something as trivial as an air freshener. How many people actually buy those?
Now, if I built something important, like a toaster that butters bread for you, I'd sue the hell out of someone.
But not an air freshener.
That's a waste of time.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585893)
Posted by TaiPoh on December 27th, 2007 @ 11:55am CST
As far as I'm concerned if they stole her design and used it to make money without her permission or even crediting her, she's got every right to sue them. I'm an art student and I don't take art theft lightly.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585923)
Posted by Gutter Bunny on December 27th, 2007 @ 1:12pm CST
TaiPoh wrote:As far as I'm concerned if they stole her design and used it to make money without her permission or even crediting her, she's got every right to sue them. I'm an art student and I don't take art theft lightly.

well...i'm not an art student and i completely agree with you.

If her claims are legit, she has every right to sue them. Big companies know better.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (585978)
Posted by Phenotype on December 27th, 2007 @ 2:39pm CST
Sherade wrote:Not like something as trivial as an air freshener. How many people actually buy those?
Now, if I built something important, like a toaster that butters bread for you, I'd sue the hell out of someone.
But not an air freshener.
That's a waste of time.

Are you kidding? You're actually this stupid are you? It doesn't matter how many people buy them, that's irrelevent. She created something which Dreamworks stole and sold as their own without giving her anything for it. This is pretty freakin' simple to understand.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (586173)
Posted by burn0u7 on December 27th, 2007 @ 8:08pm CST
Phenotype wrote:
Sherade wrote:Not like something as trivial as an air freshener. How many people actually buy those?
Now, if I built something important, like a toaster that butters bread for you, I'd sue the hell out of someone.
But not an air freshener.
That's a waste of time.

Are you kidding? You're actually this stupid are you? It doesn't matter how many people buy them, that's irrelevent. She created something which Dreamworks stole and sold as their own without giving her anything for it. This is pretty freakin' simple to understand.

Awww jesus tits guys. go do something constructive with your lives like clean up the environment, go help a neighbor, go volunteer at some homeless shelter. stop bickering and bitching about some stupid lady that is sueing dreamworks cause she SAYS they didnt ask her permission or any of that. yeah if this is true, they should say "Yeah, you know what? we screwed up so we owe you some jack. here's your non inflated check." it's not cool to take stuff and not pay for it but we have bigger things in life to bitch about and start making differences out there.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (586175)
Posted by ***Galvatron*** on December 27th, 2007 @ 8:14pm CST
Sherade wrote:
Seibertron wrote:I hope that you would sue as well if your idea was stolen and prominently featured in a major blockbuster movie and sold as an official product without getting any credit or funds for an idea that you created. If her story is true, then by all means she deserves something for it.

Not like something as trivial as an air freshener. How many people actually buy those?
Now, if I built something important, like a toaster that butters bread for you, I'd sue the hell out of someone.
But not an air freshener.
That's a waste of time

The point of the lawsuit if she has legal merit is not the overall importance to the benefit of mankind but someones creation or intellectual property was stolen or used in a manner where the contents owner or creator was not fairly compensated.
When you create that toaster that butters everyones bread let me know and I'll take it and claim it was my idea and take in all the profits, it's the exact same thing regardless. :P
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (586179)
Posted by ***Galvatron*** on December 27th, 2007 @ 8:18pm CST
burn0u7 wrote:
Phenotype wrote:
Sherade wrote:Not like something as trivial as an air freshener. How many people actually buy those?
Now, if I built something important, like a toaster that butters bread for you, I'd sue the hell out of someone.
But not an air freshener.
That's a waste of time.

Are you kidding? You're actually this stupid are you? It doesn't matter how many people buy them, that's irrelevent. She created something which Dreamworks stole and sold as their own without giving her anything for it. This is pretty freakin' simple to understand.

Awww jesus tits guys. go do something constructive with your lives like clean up the environment, go help a neighbor, go volunteer at some homeless shelter. stop bickering and bitching about some stupid lady that is sueing dreamworks cause she SAYS they didnt ask her permission or any of that. yeah if this is true, they should say "Yeah, you know what? we screwed up so we owe you some jack. here's your non inflated check." it's not cool to take stuff and not pay for it but we have bigger things in life to bitch about and start making differences out there.

I don't think you are qualified to tell people what they should do with their lives nor do you know what people do, I DO volunteer in a lot of activities not to mention this is a general topic forum so it's fair game.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (586260)
Posted by Cyber Bishop on December 27th, 2007 @ 9:59pm CST
She'll sue and they will offer a settlement so the whole situation disappears.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (586296)
Posted by NuclearConvoy on December 27th, 2007 @ 10:58pm CST
Cyber Bishop wrote:She'll sue and they will offer a settlement so the whole situation disappears.


And, CyBishop, I love your sig. Damn funny, Undead Terrorist!
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (586318)
Posted by Snowtron on December 27th, 2007 @ 11:54pm CST
Raymond t. wrote:
bitchNo,... It's "Bee-otch"...

You said it what a Bee-otch.

See just doing it to make some money and get some atention I'm so pissed off with her she's being such a @!*#&
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (586328)
Posted by Burn on December 28th, 2007 @ 12:12am CST
Snowtron wrote:See just doing it to make some money and get some atention I'm so pissed off with her she's being such a @!*#&

Why are you angry at her?

Has she done something that has caused you grief? Made you lose sleep? Made you lose money?

Oh wait, that's what Dreamworks have done to her.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (586569)
Posted by Sherade on December 28th, 2007 @ 10:17am CST
I'm gonna reply to some comments sprouted from my above statement:
Phenoype: You are in no position to call mw stupid. I don't want to stoop to your level, but if you want to startr a flame war I'll have to oblige. Because that's apparently what you want.
What Galvatron realy don't know what we do.
But your point remains the same.
Galvatron: (and your random assortment of ****)
I caree little for law or the government. Just like I'll care little for speed limits when I get my car.

BTW, don't get your hopes up on that toaster. :P

Anyhow, my point stands.
It's an air freshener.
And you all say "but it's her propperty...", so here's what I think. If I was desinging air fresheners to start, I should:
1. Rethink my life plans.
2. Hope I'm working for a larger company who exports to smaller companies or just happens to be the biggest Air Freshener company in the world.
3. There's a slight chance that I'd be happy with my job, taking what I get.

Sorry to sound jerky, but our friend Phenotype didn't really set the mood.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (586705)
Posted by Robinson on December 28th, 2007 @ 12:36pm CST

This is her version. With a copyright of '04. The version that someone linked to earlier was indeed a promotional one and not sold. I dont think I've seen any of them sold in stores under the transformers banner, and a quick search online brings up her version.

Whether or not she's got a legit case is to be determined. Most likely she will have to go after the company that produced the item for the actual infringement.

Edit: After doing a little digging I have found what I looks like this ladies livejournal and looking at the different posts I found one regarding the merchandising show she attended in june of 2005. All she could talk about was the WWE guys that were there, nothing about Transformers. This either happened in 05 or 06 and she's done nothing until now after seeing the money the movie made and want's some of it.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (586820)
Posted by Burn on December 28th, 2007 @ 3:18pm CST
Sherade wrote:If I was desinging air fresheners to start, I should:
1. Rethink my life plans.

Remind me again who you are to go around judging people like this?

Maybe her hobby is collecting air-freshners (not so weird sounding when you look at some of the other things people collect, like those adults who collect children's toys that transform from one thing to another) and she's trying to earn a little money from her hobby.

Why the hell would someone who's turning their hobby into a money making venture want to rethink their life plans?

Honestly, some of the childish and ignorant comments in this thread (no Sherade, i'm not singling you out with this so don't get your goat up) seem to stem from the "OH NOES!111!! THEYS THREATENINGS MY PRECIOUS TRANSFORMERS!11!!111 I MUST DEFENDS IT LIKES THE GREATZ FANBOY THAT I IZ!!11!!" mentality.

Some people really need to try to look at the bigger picture ...
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (586841)
Posted by Robinson on December 28th, 2007 @ 3:57pm CST
Also she doesnt just design air fresheners. She is an artist that has many designs of things sold at hot topic and a few other places, some of wich you may already own.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (586965)
Posted by ***Galvatron*** on December 28th, 2007 @ 7:25pm CST
Sherade wrote:I'm gonna reply to some comments sprouted from my above statement:
Phenoype: You are in no position to call mw stupid. I don't want to stoop to your level, but if you want to startr a flame war I'll have to oblige. Because that's apparently what you want.
What Galvatron realy don't know what we do.
But your point remains the same.
Galvatron: (and your random assortment of ****)
I caree little for law or the government. Just like I'll care little for speed limits when I get my car.

BTW, don't get your hopes up on that toaster.

Anyhow, my point stands.
It's an air freshener.
And you all say "but it's her propperty...", so here's what I think. If I was desinging air fresheners to start, I should:
1. Rethink my life plans.
2. Hope I'm working for a larger company who exports to smaller companies or just happens to be the biggest Air Freshener company in the world.
3. There's a slight chance that I'd be happy with my job, taking what I get.

Sorry to sound jerky, but our friend Phenotype didn't really set the mood.

Random Sh*t ? please, you whine of flaming against yourself from other members yet turn around and do the same thing to everyone else so your a hypocrite as well as naive.

As far as ignoring the traffic laws go for it and when you make it into the cuffs of the local authorities or wind up with speeding tickets because you think you can thumb your nose at society then I say go for it, you'll see where that attitude gets you in life.

As far as me getting my hopes up on the toaster obviously that flew right over your head as I was using it as an example and not thinking you were going to build one, not that I even think you are capable of any such "talent". :roll:

The ignore feature of this site is a handy feature to say the least and I will be utilizing it starting with you.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (587058)
Posted by Cyber Bishop on December 28th, 2007 @ 9:28pm CST
Enough of the flames and insults or the thread gets locked and warnings get handed out.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (587066)
Posted by Sherade on December 28th, 2007 @ 9:32pm CST
***Galvatron*** wrote:
Sherade wrote:I'm gonna reply to some comments sprouted from my above statement:
Phenoype: You are in no position to call mw stupid. I don't want to stoop to your level, but if you want to startr a flame war I'll have to oblige. Because that's apparently what you want.
What Galvatron realy don't know what we do.
But your point remains the same.
Galvatron: (and your random assortment of ****)
I caree little for law or the government. Just like I'll care little for speed limits when I get my car.

BTW, don't get your hopes up on that toaster.

Anyhow, my point stands.
It's an air freshener.
And you all say "but it's her propperty...", so here's what I think. If I was desinging air fresheners to start, I should:
1. Rethink my life plans.
2. Hope I'm working for a larger company who exports to smaller companies or just happens to be the biggest Air Freshener company in the world.
3. There's a slight chance that I'd be happy with my job, taking what I get.

Sorry to sound jerky, but our friend Phenotype didn't really set the mood.

Random Sh*t ? please, you whine of flaming against yourself from other members yet turn around and do the same thing to everyone else so your a hypocrite as well as naive.

As far as ignoring the traffic laws go for it and when you make it into the cuffs of the local authorities or wind up with speeding tickets because you think you can thumb your nose at society then I say go for it, you'll see where that attitude gets you in life.

As far as me getting my hopes up on the toaster obviously that flew right over your head as I was using it as an example and not thinking you were going to build one, not that I even think you are capable of any such "talent". :roll:

The ignore feature of this site is a handy feature to say the least and I will be utilizing it starting with you.

I was talking about the "*" in your name. I didn't mean that.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (587078)
Posted by Sherade on December 28th, 2007 @ 9:42pm CST
Burn wrote:
Sherade wrote:If I was desinging air fresheners to start, I should:
1. Rethink my life plans.

Remind me again who you are to go around judging people like this?

Maybe her hobby is collecting air-freshners [size=50](not so weird sounding when you look at some of the other things

Honestly, some of the childish and ignorant comments in this thread (no Sherade, i'm not singling you out with this so don't get your goat up) seem to stem from the "OH NOES!111!! THEYS THREATENINGS MY PRECIOUS TRANSFORMERS!11!!111 I MUST DEFENDS IT LIKES THE GREATZ FANBOY THAT I IZ!!11!!" mentality.

Some people really need to try to look at the bigger picture ...

(I tried to delete what I wasn't responding to, but it takes too long on the Wii)
Now, I can understand the hobby thing, but I think suing is just over the line. You made me think about my earlier comment, but still, point taken.
Re: Transformers Movie Sued over "Bee-otch" Air Freshener (587214)
Posted by Auto Bot on December 29th, 2007 @ 3:01am CST
She ought to get something.

It's enough that she was not approached for permission. What added to the injury is that the public thought she was the one who copied the design from the movie.

More than the cash she deserves, she should also be awarded the recognition of designing that air-freshener.

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