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Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada

Transformers News: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada

Monday, April 16th, 2018 10:53AM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News, Sightings
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 21,360

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Walmart Canada now has the entirety of the first wave of Transformers Studio Series available in their stores, including the leader class toys Grimlock and Blackout. The voyagers and deluxes are also present and those two classes can also be purchased on their website. The prices are the new MSRP based on the price jump from the Pemier Edition Transformers: The Last Knight toys, where deluxes are $29.97, voyagers are $39.97 and leaders are $69.97.

These toys are trickling across North America right now, at various retail outlets (Target in the US now has the leaders for instance) and opinions have been mixed but generally more positive than negative. Many wonder if this line will continue and Hasbro already did confirm more toys coming, such as the toys for characters from the upcoming Bumblebee movie that have been pushed to a later release in an attempt to be on shelves closer to the film's release.

Transformers News: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada

Transformers News: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada

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Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953335)
Posted by Rated X on April 16th, 2018 @ 11:12am CDT
Ouch. Are they serious about those prices? Does it really cost them that much extra per unit to get them on the shelves in mass quanity? Or is that just using the economy as an excuse to f**k the general public? Oh least the free health insurance helps build up some extra spending money.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953337)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 16th, 2018 @ 11:18am CDT
Rated X wrote:Ouch. Are they serious about those prices? Does it really cost them that much extra per unit to get them on the shelves in mass quanity? Or is that just using the economy as an excuse to f**k the general public? Oh least the free health insurance helps build up some extra spending money.
Those are Canadian Dollars, which are a little higher in value than American Dollars.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953339)
Posted by william-james88 on April 16th, 2018 @ 11:20am CDT
Rated X wrote:Ouch. Are they serious about those prices? Does it really cost them that much extra per unit to get them on the shelves in mass quanity? Or is that just using the economy as an excuse to f**k the general public?

None of it, its just BS. Because the Power of the Primes right next to them are 19.99 for deluxe, 29.99 for voyager and 54.99 for leader. I highly doubt the added production cost of th Studio Series line is 30% more than the cost of the POTP figures. Its just them looking at what they can get away with as a premium price for figures percieved to be premium.

Sabrblade wrote:
Rated X wrote:Ouch. Are they serious about those prices? Does it really cost them that much extra per unit to get them on the shelves in mass quanity? Or is that just using the economy as an excuse to f**k the general public? Oh least the free health insurance helps build up some extra spending money.
Those are Canadian Dollars, which are a little higher in value than American Dollars.

But as you can see with what i describe above, there is still a gap between two lines. The US has that too, I think, but not to this extent. And plus, even though our dollar is worth less, its not like we make more. In nominal value, similar jobs result in similar take home pay between the US and Canada (maybe less in Canada due to added taxes). And we both have dollar stores that sell similar stuff for a dollar or two. Our prices are generally the same, at a nominal level, hence why Americans feel like millionaires when they come here. My dollar may be worth less but I am also paid in this crappy ass dollar, so its not like raising the price to cover change in currency makes any sense when that is all someone has to pay for it. These toys are becoming simply unafordable.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953350)
Posted by Brokebot on April 16th, 2018 @ 12:10pm CDT
Several of these future peg warmers have shown up in a Walmart in Hardeeville, SC. as well.

Yay. >:oP
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953353)
Posted by william-james88 on April 16th, 2018 @ 12:38pm CDT
So yeah, that grimlock is pretty cool. I find the articulation a little more limited than I would expect but th deco is nice. I dont get how that tail works though and what I am supposed to do since its made up of 5 pieces and nothing tabs together.

One cool thing though is that in all the images of this toy even in hand images from fellow fans, I never ever realized that his robot hand (and in fact the entire arm) is right there in beast mode for all to see. But I never did. Pretty cool how it just blends in there and is hidden in plain sight. Helps limit the excess kibble. Dont know if this is toy of the year material though.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953361)
Posted by Sunstar on April 16th, 2018 @ 1:02pm CDT
I found my Starscream at E.B. for 35 dollars.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953440)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 16th, 2018 @ 7:05pm CDT
SFXPrime wrote:I'm hoping the Studio Series will keep going. I would love to have a Leader Class Demolisher from Revenge of the Fallen.

Yes please.

I am so stoked for a movie generations line, and there are many good things that could come from the line. I want a new Bonecrusher so bad, and a large Demolishor would be awesome too. Imagine, since he doesn't really need to content with feet and he's a small body with wheels and arms, how tall they could make him at leader scale. He could have 1 wheel folded down inside the box if they went that route.

Also just figured out that the AoE Dinobots are not much smaller than Devastator (please give us a toy of him with proper transforming components please!) and Demolishor would be about Grimlock sized at the tops of his wheels
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953477)
Posted by william-james88 on April 16th, 2018 @ 10:41pm CDT
Regarding Grimlock's long soft back flaps (which quite frankly, I dont think were necessary and dont add that much to robot mode), I transformed him according to instructions and they settle just fine even being against gravity.


I do really like how everything is hidden in plain sight.




As for blackout, I expected worse for the panels, ala Sentinel Prime or ROTF Jetfire. This is fine. Its not perfect though, here is what I end up with:




Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953487)
Posted by Bucky on April 17th, 2018 @ 12:53am CDT
For the most part, my Blackout fits together well. The side panels may take some messing with to tab properly, but once they’re in, they’re pretty much in. There’s only two spots that bug me panel-wise, but I can overlook them, because I’m honestly in love with the bot and alt mode.


There’s a gap here, which is apparently common. It seems that’s just how it is. The right and left joining pieces, for me, fit together terribly. I don’t know if the connectors just suck, but the mechanism keeps separating them. Takes some trying. I did obviously get them together though.


It bugged me, at first, that this panel doesn’t go flush with the side of the body, but I think I can overlook it now. Not sure if there’s no clearance for it on the inside, or what.

So it’s not without its issues, but Blackout is definitely my favorite so far from this line. It may actually be my personal favorite figure from the over the last few years.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953629)
Posted by william-james88 on April 17th, 2018 @ 2:07pm CDT
Since the SS series is quite young ad wont get a top 5 list for a while, I am thinking of doing an article showing their rank. Like Wave 1 from best to worst. But you know what, its kinda tricky. BB is at the end, Grimlock, Starscream and Barricade are in top 3 and the rest is all kind of muddied. Like not really sure who is better between Stinger, Ratchet, Crowbar and Optimus. They are all ok but not phenominal and all have really obvious flaws.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953632)
Posted by william-james88 on April 17th, 2018 @ 2:28pm CDT
The TFCN Facebook page had a listing for an upcoming Bonecrucher toy but since it was using a placeholder shadow image of the older deluxe toy, we waited until further proof before newsing. Well, it only took one day and now we have proof of an upcoming voyager Bonecrusher as part of the Transformers Studio Series line. Funny enough, he comes to us as one in a pair of new listings with the other new listing being none other than the bot who destroyed him, Optimus Prime. The code is different from the voyager Optimus Prime from wave 1 so it is most probably him in a new body (probably his Transformers The Last Knight body). Or it might just be a redeco of the wave 1 voyager, just as the upcoming Sarscream toy is simply a redeco of the wave 1 voyager.

The info comes to us from Mr Chaos who provided many early codes and listings in the past. This is what he shared on the TFW2005 boards:

UPC 63050976995
PRICE: $29.99

He is listed with a new Optimus listing:

UPC: 63050976996
PRICE $29.99

Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953635)
Posted by Bucky on April 17th, 2018 @ 2:42pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Since the SS series is quite young ad wont get a top 5 list for a while, I am thinking of doing an article showing their rank. Like Wave 1 from best to worst. But you know what, its kinda tricky. BB is at the end, Grimlock, Starscream and Barricade are in top 3 and the rest is all kind of muddied. Like not really sure who is better between Stinger, Ratchet, Crowbar and Optimus. They are all ok but not phenominal and all have really obvious flaws.

That’s a really accurate assessment, but I’d say OP is better than just “okay.” Out of all of them, its Blackout, Starscream, and Prime that I keep going back to. He’s a lot of fun to mess with. I’d put his balance and playability above Ratchet, Stinger, and Crowbar. Although Crowbar is definitely a lot of fun.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953638)
Posted by Wolfman Jake on April 17th, 2018 @ 2:44pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:The TFCN Facebook page had a listing for an upcoming Bonecrucher toy but since it was using a placeholder shadow image of the older deluxe toy, we waited until further proof before newsing. Well, it only took one day and now we have proof of an upcoming voyager Bonecrusher as part of the Transformers Studio Series line. Funny enough, he comes to us as one in a pair of new listings with the other new listing being none other than the bot who destroyed him, Optimus Prime. The code is different from the voyager Optimus Prime from wave 1 so it is most probably him in a new body (probably his Transformers The Last Knight body). Or it might just be a redeco of the wave 1 voyager, just as the upcoming Sarscream toy is simply a redeco of the wave 1 voyager.

The info comes to us from Mr Chaos who provided many early codes and listings in the past. This is what he shared on the TFW2005 boards:

UPC 63050976995
PRICE: $29.99

He is listed with a new Optimus listing:

UPC: 63050976996
PRICE $29.99


If they're smart, Hasbro/Takara should just release Battle Blades Optimus Prime again with a premium, screen accurate paint job. That would rock my world. If that were the case, I'd probably bite and start collecting the Studio Series line. Right now, though, the current Studio Series Voyager Optimus is just a complete disappointment. :(
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953639)
Posted by william-james88 on April 17th, 2018 @ 2:49pm CDT
Wolfman Jake wrote:If they're smart, Hasbro/Takara should just release Battle Blades Optimus Prime again with a premium, screen accurate paint job. That would rock my world. If that were the case, I'd probably bite and start collecting the Studio Series line. Right now, though, the current Studio Series Voyager Optimus is just a complete disappointment. :(

Is he even the right colours? I have lots of problems with this toy (why fake parts on a character full of obvious kibble?!) but the part I find so weird are the colours. I keep having the impression that the red is bright on screen (similar to the ROTF toy) and yet this toy has the red be burgundy. Where does that come from? He looks much much darker, almost as if they are tryingto simulate the lighting filter they use on the character models for a night scene.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953641)
Posted by Agent 53 on April 17th, 2018 @ 2:53pm CDT
Considering things I'd guess the new optimus is a remould of the SS one for the DOTM design (aka 2007/ROTF with new abs)
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953647)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on April 17th, 2018 @ 3:39pm CDT
Please please please please let it be a DOTM Optimus.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953649)
Posted by DedicatedGhostArt on April 17th, 2018 @ 3:53pm CDT
I hope this Optimus is either the AoE design, or a recolor of the first Optimus into his DotM color scheme with the yellow and dark blue.

Edit: Seems some others agree with DotM Optimus, lol. I hope he would have the trailer as well, but I think that would only make sense as an exclusive box set or something.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953662)
Posted by ZeroWolf on April 17th, 2018 @ 4:19pm CDT
They could put the trailer in but price him as a leader but as it stands I think it's going to be a redco, now the question would be if its display could link with bonecrushers
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953670)
Posted by LordBludgeon on April 17th, 2018 @ 4:57pm CDT
Question... who is Sarscream? :)
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953675)
Posted by Spider5800 on April 17th, 2018 @ 5:13pm CDT
Sweet! I hope Bonecrusher is a bigger (or at least wider) voyager like Starscream, OP was too small IMO.

Guessing the OP is the same mold with the abs from DotM, and possibly different accessories (his three-barreled gun would make sense).
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953680)
Posted by Ig89ninja on April 17th, 2018 @ 6:01pm CDT
:shock: BONECRUSHER!?!?

:KREMZEEK: :DANCE: :michaelbay: FINALLY!!!!! :michaelbay: :DANCE: :KREMZEEK:
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953687)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on April 17th, 2018 @ 6:16pm CDT
:michaelbay: A VOYAGER BONECRUSHER! :michaelbay:

Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953691)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 17th, 2018 @ 6:28pm CDT
william-james88 wrote: news blah blah voyager Bonecrusher blah blah news

william-james88 wrote: blah voyager Bonecrusher blah

william-james88 wrote:voyager Bonecrusher

william-james88 wrote:voyager Bonecrusher


Also, totally calling it right now: that Prime is DotM Prime complete with axe and new abs, and that is what the new background was for, not Megs or Sentinel.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953692)
Posted by transformers_va on April 17th, 2018 @ 6:28pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Since the SS series is quite young ad wont get a top 5 list for a while, I am thinking of doing an article showing their rank. Like Wave 1 from best to worst. But you know what, its kinda tricky. BB is at the end, Grimlock, Starscream and Barricade are in top 3 and the rest is all kind of muddied. Like not really sure who is better between Stinger, Ratchet, Crowbar and Optimus. They are all ok but not phenominal and all have really obvious flaws.

My best to worst vote would be for:
1. Blackout (wicked cool helicopter)
2. Grimlock (weak tail section)
3. Starscream
4. Ratchet (terrible color, but not the toys fault)
5. Stinger
6. Optimus Prime
7. Crowbar (the "hair" gimmick is awful)
8. Bumblebee
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953695)
Posted by Ironhidensh on April 17th, 2018 @ 6:44pm CDT
So here is my fix for Grimlock:


Wow, lots of hate for the bee.... here is how I would rate the figures.

1) Starscream
2) Blackout
3) Bumblebee
4) Optimus
5) Stinger
6) Ratchet
7) Grimlock
8) Crowbar
999) Thundercracker
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953696)
Posted by william-james88 on April 17th, 2018 @ 6:53pm CDT
Woah Ironhidensh, I can't make heads or tails of that. How is Bb so much better thanGrimlock and why do you hate thundetcracker so much?
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953698)
Posted by shajaki on April 17th, 2018 @ 6:56pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:The TFCN Facebook page had a listing for an upcoming Bonecrucher toy but since it was using a placeholder shadow image of the older deluxe toy, we waited until further proof before newsing. Well, it only took one day and now we have proof of an upcoming voyager Bonecrusher as part of the Transformers Studio Series line. Funny enough, he comes to us as one in a pair of new listings with the other new listing being none other than the bot who destroyed him, Optimus Prime. The code is different from the voyager Optimus Prime from wave 1 so it is most probably him in a new body (probably his Transformers The Last Knight body). Or it might just be a redeco of the wave 1 voyager, just as the upcoming Sarscream toy is simply a redeco of the wave 1 voyager.

The info comes to us from Mr Chaos who provided many early codes and listings in the past. This is what he shared on the TFW2005 boards:

UPC 63050976995
PRICE: $29.99

He is listed with a new Optimus listing:

UPC: 63050976996
PRICE $29.99

Wait... there's a Starscream redeco coming? I missed that apparently... :-?
Probably just a tat'd up DOTM thing I guess. Saw to replace the missile thingy?
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953726)
Posted by Wolfman Jake on April 17th, 2018 @ 10:23pm CDT
shajaki wrote:
william-james88 wrote:The TFCN Facebook page had a listing for an upcoming Bonecrucher toy but since it was using a placeholder shadow image of the older deluxe toy, we waited until further proof before newsing. Well, it only took one day and now we have proof of an upcoming voyager Bonecrusher as part of the Transformers Studio Series line. Funny enough, he comes to us as one in a pair of new listings with the other new listing being none other than the bot who destroyed him, Optimus Prime. The code is different from the voyager Optimus Prime from wave 1 so it is most probably him in a new body (probably his Transformers The Last Knight body). Or it might just be a redeco of the wave 1 voyager, just as the upcoming Sarscream toy is simply a redeco of the wave 1 voyager.

The info comes to us from Mr Chaos who provided many early codes and listings in the past. This is what he shared on the TFW2005 boards:

UPC 63050976995
PRICE: $29.99

He is listed with a new Optimus listing:

UPC: 63050976996
PRICE $29.99

Wait... there's a Starscream redeco coming? I missed that apparently... :-?
Probably just a tat'd up DOTM thing I guess. Saw to replace the missile thingy?

It'll probably have his awful Cybertronian "tribal tattoos" from RotF and DotM. Yuck. I'm so tempted to grab Wave 1 Studio Series Starscream. He's the Starscream I always wanted when I was collecting movie figures. Voyager sized, good mold, and in the first movie colors. I sold off my movie collection a few years ago...and I don't really want to start collecting them again...but then again, I kinda do >.<
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953731)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 17th, 2018 @ 10:35pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Since the SS series is quite young ad wont get a top 5 list for a while, I am thinking of doing an article showing their rank. Like Wave 1 from best to worst. But you know what, its kinda tricky. BB is at the end, Grimlock, Starscream and Barricade are in top 3 and the rest is all kind of muddied. Like not really sure who is better between Stinger, Ratchet, Crowbar and Optimus. They are all ok but not phenominal and all have really obvious flaws.
There's a Studio Series Barricade?
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953738)
Posted by Emerje on April 17th, 2018 @ 10:51pm CDT
Why hasn't anyone noticed this yet?

UPC 63050976995
PRICE: $29.99

He is listed with a new Optimus listing:

UPC: 63050976996
PRICE $29.99

TRA MV6 as in Transformers Movie 6, AKA the Bumblebee Movie. Don't get too excited until you see them, they'll likely be based on '80s alt modes.

Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953753)
Posted by Wolfman Jake on April 17th, 2018 @ 11:55pm CDT
Emerje wrote:Why hasn't anyone noticed this yet?

UPC 63050976995
PRICE: $29.99

He is listed with a new Optimus listing:

UPC: 63050976996
PRICE $29.99

TRA MV6 as in Transformers Movie 6, AKA the Bumblebee Movie. Don't get too excited until you see them, they'll likely be based on '80s alt modes.


Oh, damn! It was right there the whole time. I have a bad feeling you're right, Emerje, and these two will turn out to be versions from the upcoming Bumblebee movie. There's a chance, though, that they're just being grouped with "MV6" if they're coming out in the same wave or waves as the new Bumblebee toys that are going to be based on the new spin-off movie. We can only hope, I suppose, because I really want a much better "Studio Series" option for a voyager sized Optimus Prime resembling his appearance from the first three movies. Oh, and a voyager sized Movie 1 Bonecrusher too.

Do we have any idea how far Hasbro and Takara intend to support the Studio Series line? Dare we hope for releases for at the very least all of the (major) on-screen characters for movies 1 through 5?
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953754)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on April 18th, 2018 @ 12:00am CDT
Wolfman Jake wrote:
Emerje wrote:Why hasn't anyone noticed this yet?

UPC 63050976995
PRICE: $29.99

He is listed with a new Optimus listing:

UPC: 63050976996
PRICE $29.99

TRA MV6 as in Transformers Movie 6, AKA the Bumblebee Movie. Don't get too excited until you see them, they'll likely be based on '80s alt modes.


Oh, damn! It was right there the whole time. I have a bad feeling you're right, Emerje, and these two will turn out to be versions from the upcoming Bumblebee movie. There's a chance, though, that they're just being grouped with "MV6" if they're coming out in the same wave or waves as the new Bumblebee toys that are going to be based on the new spin-off movie. We can only hope, I suppose, because I really want a much better "Studio Series" option for a voyager sized Optimus Prime resembling his appearance from the first three movies. Oh, and a voyager sized Movie 1 Bonecrusher too.

Do we have any idea how far Hasbro and Takara intend to support the Studio Series line? Dare we hope for releases for at the very least all of the (major) on-screen characters for movies 1 through 5?

The Bumblebee Movie aka MV6 toys will all be released under the Studio Series, there will be no dedicated line as far as we know. The fact "MV6" comes before "Studio Series" indicates that officially the latter is part of the former, not the other way around.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953757)
Posted by Emerje on April 18th, 2018 @ 12:24am CDT
There will be a dedicated BB Movie toy line, but it's going to be kid stuff. The collector stuff will be in SS, replacing the Premier Edition line.

Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953758)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on April 18th, 2018 @ 12:32am CDT
Emerje wrote:There will be a dedicated BB Movie toy line, but it's going to be kid stuff. The collector stuff will be in SS, replacing the Premier Edition line.


So in a sense right now the MV6 toys are already a thing ;)
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953761)
Posted by Emerje on April 18th, 2018 @ 1:15am CDT
I'm sure there's a warehouse full of MV6 stuff sitting around somewhere waiting for the fall.

I'll be surprised if MV6 Optimus Prime doesn't look like AOE Evasion Mode Optimus Prime, but cleaner. The original was a pretty nice figure so I'd like to see how they pull of a presumed smaller version.

Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953763)
Posted by Wolfman Jake on April 18th, 2018 @ 1:20am CDT
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:
Wolfman Jake wrote:
Emerje wrote:Why hasn't anyone noticed this yet?

UPC 63050976995
PRICE: $29.99

He is listed with a new Optimus listing:

UPC: 63050976996
PRICE $29.99

TRA MV6 as in Transformers Movie 6, AKA the Bumblebee Movie. Don't get too excited until you see them, they'll likely be based on '80s alt modes.


Oh, damn! It was right there the whole time. I have a bad feeling you're right, Emerje, and these two will turn out to be versions from the upcoming Bumblebee movie. There's a chance, though, that they're just being grouped with "MV6" if they're coming out in the same wave or waves as the new Bumblebee toys that are going to be based on the new spin-off movie. We can only hope, I suppose, because I really want a much better "Studio Series" option for a voyager sized Optimus Prime resembling his appearance from the first three movies. Oh, and a voyager sized Movie 1 Bonecrusher too.

Do we have any idea how far Hasbro and Takara intend to support the Studio Series line? Dare we hope for releases for at the very least all of the (major) on-screen characters for movies 1 through 5?

The Bumblebee Movie aka MV6 toys will all be released under the Studio Series, there will be no dedicated line as far as we know. The fact "MV6" comes before "Studio Series" indicates that officially the latter is part of the former, not the other way around.

I don't think you understood what I was suggesting at all. I know that the Studio Series will have toys specifically for the new Bumblebee movie. That's been known for months. What I'm suggesting is that the "MV6" addition to the product code doesn't necessarily indicate that the product is a direct tie-in to the Bumblebee movie, though of course some are. For instance, a later wave that starts putting out Bumblebee Movie specific molds might not fill the entire wave with those molds, but include other characters from earlier movies too, for the sake of variety and collector appeal (which is what the Studio Series is allegedly all about). The assortment is just labeled "MV6" because it's easier that way, because someone screwed up, or perhaps because it's a way for Hasbro to fool retailers into thinking it's a new line by "refreshing" the name or subline imprint. It's kind of like how they stretched Robots in Disguise into three years by first rebranding it as "Mini-Con Weaponizers" and then "Combiner Force," despite not all toys in the line having anything to do with the titular gimmick of the year.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953772)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on April 18th, 2018 @ 2:04am CDT
I caved and ordered Optimus Prime, and just hoping it ain't long before Toyhax finish his sticker sheets set and make it available for purchase. Figure was £24.99 plus £2.90 postage. I wasn't gonna get it yet but i been feeling crappy this past week since my lovely rat Cookie passed away and felt like i needed to treat myself. Can't afford those Leaders and wanted another voyager. And he looks pretty damn fun in some of the nice photos I've seen and those twin orangey swords always look awesome. Anyways he should be here in next day or two.

Out of the other three I own so far:

Bumblebee - I love it, especially since 'fixing' the roof. Fun to play and pose and glad they got the gun arm attaching better this time. Along with TLK Bee one of my fave ever deluxe figures. I never really cared for his 70's camaro parts in robot mode until this figure. The edges and chunkier lil bit are a nice contrast to his TLK figure's smooth curves. I just wish the TLK figure came with a nice backdrop piece too cos I'm loving the display I'm forming with all these Studio series figures and their backdrops.

Starscream - my almost perfect figure and size for Starscream. Transformation somehow even more enjoyable than the original deluxe perhaps due to the bigger chunkier size. Only thing I miss are the neat tattoos so will certainly buy the RotF version too.

Ratchet - my least fave so far but still a great toy, just really needing extra paint apps to bring out more of the sculpt details. Size is perfect being between deluxe and voyager. Painted windows rather than transparent cheapen the vehicle mode look a bit though.

Also, yay voyager Bonecrusher as I had so requested. :) :michaelbay:
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953783)
Posted by Emerje on April 18th, 2018 @ 4:44am CDT
Wolfman Jake wrote:I don't think you understood what I was suggesting at all. I know that the Studio Series will have toys specifically for the new Bumblebee movie. That's been known for months. What I'm suggesting is that the "MV6" addition to the product code doesn't necessarily indicate that the product is a direct tie-in to the Bumblebee movie, though of course some are. For instance, a later wave that starts putting out Bumblebee Movie specific molds might not fill the entire wave with those molds, but include other characters from earlier movies too, for the sake of variety and collector appeal (which is what the Studio Series is allegedly all about). The assortment is just labeled "MV6" because it's easier that way, because someone screwed up, or perhaps because it's a way for Hasbro to fool retailers into thinking it's a new line by "refreshing" the name or subline imprint. It's kind of like how they stretched Robots in Disguise into three years by first rebranding it as "Mini-Con Weaponizers" and then "Combiner Force," despite not all toys in the line having anything to do with the titular gimmick of the year.

Problem with that theory is twofold. None of the waves are based on specific movies, in fact wave one includes figures from the first four movies. Then there's the problem with how the VW Bee from movie 6 was supposed to be in wave 1 but was swapped out for the one we got at the last minute when the movie was pushed back to December. The plan of spreading out movie 6 figures rather than lumping them into a wave was there from the start. We know Optimus is in the movie and the Transformer count in the movie is very low so there really isn't enough to add a subtitle to the line. I'd be surprised if they did more than four figures total for the movie.

Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953787)
Posted by ZeroWolf on April 18th, 2018 @ 5:04am CDT
Do we know prime is in the movie on earth though? I figured it would be at the beginning where he sends bee to earth.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953793)
Posted by william-james88 on April 18th, 2018 @ 5:57am CDT
Guys, ALL listings for Studio Series (and tiny turbo changersseries 3) use Movie 6 (or Bumblebee Movie) as part of their listing. Even if not related. It's just to identify at the retail level which films this line coincides with this year but not an indication of the content.

And Sabr, I meant Blackout.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953805)
Posted by Ironhidensh on April 18th, 2018 @ 7:09am CDT
william-james88 wrote:Woah Ironhidensh, I can't make heads or tails of that. How is Bb so much better thanGrimlock and why do you hate thundetcracker so much?

Thundercracker isn't a real Studio Series figures. It's a crappy movie 5 figure. I had, and sold, Nitro Zues and I just don't understand why so many like it. :???:

Grimlock is horribly simple for a leader class figure. He is barely more than a one step changer. He looks great, I'll admit, and has great size, but I've never been fond of this character or design.

Bumblebee is amazing. This is the figure we should have gotten in 2007 for his '77 Camero mode. I don't seem to have the floppy issues others have, so I love him.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953816)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on April 18th, 2018 @ 8:06am CDT
Turns out my Prime arrived today when my order email said it would be this coming Friday. Not complaining, just surprised. :)

My thoughts about the figure. More fun than I thought it would be. Transformation was reasonably easy without using the instructions. Took me a lil time to figure out how the arms properly fold in for truck mode but was pleased when I did it. :) Love the swords as I've not actually had a Voyager Prime with those (missed out on the battle blades one from years ago). It's generally a fun posable figure and I'm glad I bought it even if it hadn't originally been a priority.

Things I don't like? Short smoke stacks. Was hoping they'd be some kinda retractable thing at least. Truck mode is a lil junky on the sides in places but overall not bad. My biggest issue is the LACK OF ROBOT FLAMES. So yes looking forward to Toyhax producing a sticker sheet as you can see in one of my photos below where I have him posed with my TLK and AoE Primes which have had paint and Toyhax stickers added. Even the truck mode could use new flames with a pinstripe around them. Only after then will I decide which of my three I like the most. :)

Issues with my figure? Nothing wrong with the figure itself but was a lil gutted that my box was damaged enough in the bottom left corner that it had also damaged the display stand a bit (you can see it in the pics). Not hugely noticable and not serious enough to prevent any stability but still a lil annoying.







Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953821)
Posted by ZeroWolf on April 18th, 2018 @ 8:41am CDT
Nice pics carni! I wouldn't say no to prime, looks leagues above the very first voyager prime and I missed out on battle blades as well
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953824)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on April 18th, 2018 @ 8:47am CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:Nice pics carni! I wouldn't say no to prime, looks leagues above the very first voyager prime and I missed out on battle blades as well

Thanks. :) Yeah I like it a lot better than I thought I would. As I said above, just looking forward to treating it to a Toyhax set of stickers when they release them. That and a bit of paint here and there will really make the figure stand out more but even as is I'm pretty happy with it and I always did love those swords. They're ready to do some slicing and dicing (can't wait for Voyager Bonecrusher :D ) :michaelbay:
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953825)
Posted by Munkky on April 18th, 2018 @ 8:53am CDT
The news of Voyager Optimus and Bonecrusher makes me wonder if we're still getting the Voyager Ironhide mentioned in the leaks, and if it will come out before or after Optimus and Bonecrusher.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953848)
Posted by YRQRM0 on April 18th, 2018 @ 11:00am CDT
I have high hopes for Bonecrusher!

Man, I can't believe it's already to the point that they're taking advantage of my nostalgia for the 2007 film..
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953883)
Posted by william-james88 on April 18th, 2018 @ 1:36pm CDT
Jut wanted to show proof that the entire studio series line is labeled as Movie 6 in store database listings:

So it doesnt mean anthing more than it being scheduled to be out the same time frame as the film.

Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953897)
Posted by Wolfman Jake on April 18th, 2018 @ 2:21pm CDT
Anyone got some good group shots so we can see this amazing robot mode scaling Hasbro has been allegedly paying special attention too for the Studio Series line? I'd like to see how Bumblebee and Ratchet compare to one another. I'd also like to see Starscream next to Battle Blades Optimus Prime from 2010. That's still the best voyager Optimus Prime mold in my honest opinion.
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953902)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on April 18th, 2018 @ 2:27pm CDT
Wolfman Jake wrote:Anyone got some good group shots so we can see this amazing robot mode scaling Hasbro has been allegedly paying special attention too for the Studio Series line? I'd like to see how Bumblebee and Ratchet compare to one another. I'd also like to see Starscream next to Battle Blades Optimus Prime from 2010. That's still the best voyager Optimus Prime mold in my honest opinion.

Despite that snark I took a pic of the four figures I have which are all major characters with notable attempts at scaling. :) I don't have the Battle Blades Prime, sorry. That's a costly figure these days.


Y'see that's some nice scaling for two Deluxes and two Voyagers. And I presume Blackout and moreso Grimlock make these look like tiny children.

There's probably pics of the full range that someone will post but i thought i'd do this anyways. :)
Re: Transformers Studio Series Leader Class Grimlock and Blackout and all Wave 1 Found at Walmart Canada (1953908)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on April 18th, 2018 @ 2:45pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Guys, ALL listings for Studio Series (and tiny turbo changersseries 3) use Movie 6 (or Bumblebee Movie) as part of their listing. Even if not related. It's just to identify at the retail level which films this line coincides with this year but not an indication of the content.

william-james88 wrote:Jut wanted to show proof that the entire studio series line is labeled as Movie 6 in store database listings:

So it doesnt mean anthing more than it being scheduled to be out the same time frame as the film.


Thank you :)

I finally spotted the Studio Series Deluxes at my local Walmart, and good golly Bumblebee looked small. Maybe the it's the size of the box, maybe it's the PotP Deluxes hanging right above, but gosh :shock:

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