Transmetal 2: Second Arrival
Monday, March 1st, 1999 3:28AM CST
Category: Site ArticlesPosted by: Seibertron Views: 370,894
Transmetals II (or is it 2) are now in stores! You may have noticed the slight difference in the logo which has changed the roman numeral II to the numeric "2". Why you ask??? The last-minute (or slightly thereafter) change was made to make sure that all of the younger fans, that haven't quite learned Roman numerals, would be able to recognize the new figures as the second generation of Transmetals. And it just looks a little better!
Hasbro recently announced six more toys for the Transmetal II line. Mega Blackarachnia, Mega Cybershark (due out in February), a deluxe owl, a deluxe grasshopper, a basic Spittor (shown below) and Stinkbomb (a skunk with a serrated razor tail). All are tentatively scheduled to be released in June.
These six Transmetal 2 Transformers will feature the Spark Crystal Maximal or Predacon badge. This set will be in addition to the six that have already been released. Deluxe Cheetor, Deluxe Ramulus, Deluxe Dinobot II, Basic Sonar, Basic Optimus Minor, and Basic Scarem are all available at most toy stores such as Toys R' Us, Wal Mart, K-Mart, Kay Bee Toys, and Target.
Rumor has it that the Beast Wars 3rd season (now airing) will end the current story line. Supposedly, the Beast Wars Transformers are rescued by Cybertron in the episode titled "Nemesis (Part Two)" written by none other than Simon Furman (Transformers, Transformers Generation 2 - Marvel Comics Entertainment Group). What will the Beast Wars bring for the toy, the cartoon, and the comic in the year 2000? Beast Wars: Generation 2? Maybe...
This article was originally published in TRANS-FORUM #9 (March 1999) by the owner of
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