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Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave

Transformers News: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave

Saturday, November 19th, 2022 10:36PM CST

Categories: Toy News, Reviews
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 32,458

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Fans got their hands on Shattered Glass Soundwave recently and we have two video reviews to share with you from our very own community.

chuckdawg1999 wrote:Let's be honest, most people are going to buy SG Soundwave because right now it's the cheapest, and easiest way to get the Earthrise Soundwave mold, the retool of Siege Soundwave into an 80s-style Micro Cassette player. Don't sell SG Soundwave short though, with a new head and a minimalist but sharp paint scheme there's a lot this figure has to offer those of us who already have the elusive Walmart exclusive Soundwave. While the price is a little high, it's still cheaper than what the other Soundwave goes for on eBay.

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Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2149558)
Posted by Sabrblade on November 19th, 2022 @ 11:47pm CST
Nemesis Destron wrote:Interesting, anyone else care to comment?


When the original Shattered Glass continuity started up by Fun Publications, it began properly with the BotCon 2008 comic story, in which the G1 Cliffjumper of the Classics universe accidentally arrived in the world of Shattered Glass. He first met the SG Autobots and was both confused and outraged by their sheer cruelty. Then he met the SG Decepticons, whom he couldn't believe were as good-natured as they appeared to be. Only after conversing with SG Sideswipe, who had defected to the SG Decepticons, and after witnessing SG Megatron take a bullet for him, was Cliffjumper finally convinced that this truly was a backwards world of heroic Decepticons and evil Autobots.

Following that story, Cliffjumper continued to work with the SG Decepticons throughout the proceeding prose stories that eventually led them all to have some adventures on SG Earth, where everything was just as backwards as on SG Cybertron.

Fast forward a few years to the BotCon 2012 comic story "Invasion", wherein SG Ultra Magnus led an invasion on Cliffjumper's home dimension, the Classicsverse. G1 Autobots and SG Decepticons united to oppose the SG Autobots, who were initially backed up by the G1 Decepticons until they too were convinced of the threat SG Ultra Magnus posed and had to turn on him and side with the good guys to stop him. They failed.

SG Ultra Magnus used the power of an ancient relic known as the Terminus Blade to destroy the entire Classicsverse, leaving only Classics Earth intact and shifted into the SG universe. The only survivors of this cataclysmic disaster were those who were still on Classics Earth at the time. Everyone on Classics Cybertron or anywhere else in that universe met a tragic and untimely end. Once in the SG universe, the G1 Autobots worked with the SG Decepticons in order to adjust this new world that was now their new home.

A small number of SG Autobots were also eventually reformatted by SG Unicron into the heroic Knights of Unicron, who also worked with the G1 Autobots and SG Decepticons. The remaining G1 Decepticons and SG Autobots, however, continued to work independently to scheme and plot their own nefarious plans, ones that the united G1 Autobots/SG Decepticons/SG Knights of Unicron would forever continue to work together to stop.

Basically, :BOT: / :SG-CONS: / :WRECKERS: are united as one (I'm using the Wreckers symbol as a stand-in for the SG Knights of Unicron since it's blue, their symbol is just a blue Autobrand), while the :CON: and :SG-BOTS: do whatever they want.

There's also some bits of SG Alpha Trion having his own band of loyalists comprising of other SG Autobots and some Beast Wars: Uprising Maximals and Predacons that he recruited in the TransTech universe when he was banished there, as well as some GoBot Guardians and Renegades who crossed over into the Classicsverse, wound up in the SG world during the crisis of "Invasion", and then teamed up with the G1 Autobots and SG Decepticons, but a lot of that is too confusing to go into any further.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2149584)
Posted by Hero Alpha on November 20th, 2022 @ 2:30pm CST
Nemesis Destron wrote:
Nemesis Primal wrote:
Nemesis Destron wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
Nemesis Destron wrote:Okay stupid question, being someone who doesn't read the books (comics) have the :BOT: :CON: crossed paths with :SG-BOTS: :SG-CONS: and if yes have all factions teamed up.... :BOT: :SG-CONS: / :CON: :SG-BOTS: ...? :VEHI:

The original FunPub story had Cliffjumper meeting the evil Autobots. This version of SG hasn't so far crossed over into "G1".

So does anyone pair up their :CON: :SG-BOTS: or :BOT: :SG-CONS: figures....would that be craziness? :VEHI:
I absolutely do this, especially since 3/5 of this years' SG releases are pretty obviously intended to be repurposed (Slicer, Flamewar, Delta Magnus/Magna Convoy). I just use those as their intended reuses and have come up with alternate names (or taken names from other minor/non-updated TF characters) for everyone else so they can coexist with their positive-universe counterparts.
-SG Optimus is Nova Prime
-SG Ratchet is Transplant
-SG Blurr is Speedtrap
-SG Goldbug is Goldfire
-SG Megs is Landquake
-SG Screamer is Contrail
-SG Soundwave is Mixtape
-The Deseeus Drone that I use as an SG Ironhide is Stockade

Interesting, anyone else care to comment?



Well, in my fanfiction/headcanon, Sunbow G1 season 4(no Rebirth) continuation stories, Galvatron goes into the ice(like in TF: Headmasters). Later Starscream, who has a change of heart seeing the Decepticons in shambles, again, among other things, pulls him out of the ice with the help of Tarn and Flamewar(SG figure as G1 character use #1). Shockwave and Knock-Out then rebuild Galvatron into Selects Ultra Megatron. Then later, Selects Galvatron 2 and TFCC Universe Ramjet are from a dimension where they and Unicron won(like in Marvel Uk), then Jhiaxus, working in secret with Unicron's head, now out of Cybertrons sight/orbit, pulls them to G1 Sunbow dimension. At that point they start to kick everyone's afts, defeat and nearly kill Blaster( w/Eject inside) and Ultra Magnus. They take them back to Unicron and he reformats them to the SG versions in service to Unicron. Knowing that they are a couple of heart and soul of the team kinda types, fighting them will demoralize the Autobots.

EDIT: Also I forgot; SG Blurr is my regular Blurr after being captured and interrogated by Scorponok and the Hive Council. Yeah theys pulled one of his eyes out, killed Haywire and Blurr is a bit slower now. I discount Rebirth and have my own Nebulans(Mandalorian Lego mini-figures. Zarak is all white coloured Lego Marvel Vision[in a Nebulan steel mechanical body])also about Headmasters; Autobots use Japan G1 transtector(made from dead Fortress Maximus) rules and Decepticons Rebirth, ie. Decepticons are all animal bots with titanmaster heads.

If anyone is interested and since u asked :D
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2149636)
Posted by Nemesis Reformatted on November 21st, 2022 @ 9:54am CST
Review it all you want. I'm not paying Almost $70 for a voyager. They have him listed at the same price as Delta Magnus. I don't care if he comes with 2 cassettes, that's a BS price!

And unfortunately, Soundwave was the one I wanted the most. F HASBRO!!!
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2149640)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on November 21st, 2022 @ 11:08am CST
Nemesis Reformatted wrote:Review it all you want. I'm not paying Almost $70 for a voyager. They have him listed at the same price as Delta Magnus. I don't care if he comes with 2 cassettes, that's a BS price!

And unfortunately, Soundwave was the one I wanted the most. F HASBRO!!!

Add 30$US for shipping to Canada....
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2149641)
Posted by sol magnus on November 21st, 2022 @ 11:14am CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Nemesis Reformatted wrote:Review it all you want. I'm not paying Almost $70 for a voyager. They have him listed at the same price as Delta Magnus. I don't care if he comes with 2 cassettes, that's a BS price!

And unfortunately, Soundwave was the one I wanted the most. F HASBRO!!!

Add 30$US for shipping to Canada....

I have a feeling all these will be around for the inevitable 40% off sale at some point in 2023...
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2149644)
Posted by Sabrblade on November 21st, 2022 @ 12:03pm CST
sol magnus wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Nemesis Reformatted wrote:Review it all you want. I'm not paying Almost $70 for a voyager. They have him listed at the same price as Delta Magnus. I don't care if he comes with 2 cassettes, that's a BS price!

And unfortunately, Soundwave was the one I wanted the most. F HASBRO!!!

Add 30$US for shipping to Canada....

I have a feeling all these will be around for the inevitable 40% off sale at some point in 2023...
I dunno. A number of these Hasbro Pulse SG releases have sold out within not-too-long of time.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2149645)
Posted by sol magnus on November 21st, 2022 @ 12:11pm CST
Sabrblade wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Nemesis Reformatted wrote:Review it all you want. I'm not paying Almost $70 for a voyager. They have him listed at the same price as Delta Magnus. I don't care if he comes with 2 cassettes, that's a BS price!

And unfortunately, Soundwave was the one I wanted the most. F HASBRO!!!

Add 30$US for shipping to Canada....

I have a feeling all these will be around for the inevitable 40% off sale at some point in 2023...
I dunno. A number of these Hasbro Pulse SG releases have sold out within not-too-long of time.

Yeah. There's a cloud over things for sure. SG is kind of topsy turvy that way. As long as Flamewar and Slicer last until after Christmas, I'll be fine on a personal level. But, we'll see at some point.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2149753)
Posted by Nemesis Destron on November 22nd, 2022 @ 5:40pm CST
Interesting stuff Hero Alpha....thanks Sabrblade! ;)^ :VEHI:
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2149827)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on November 23rd, 2022 @ 10:17am CST
Shattered Glass Wave 2. A pretty decent wave, and I honestly think it was stronger than Wave 1.

I'd rank Slicer as my favorite, that mold owns those colors, and the exo-suit was a great addition. He is a lot of fun, lots of options, and lots of fun.

Magnus is a closer 2nd. I am surprised at how much i like this mold as him, considering I didn't think it would work. It's ironic too, since i am not a fan of the Laser Prime mold I wanted him to use anyways. I love the sword, that added that extra bit with the color scheme to really push him up.

I'd rank soundwave 3rd, the colors on him are really sharp, and the headband headsculpt is really cool. It's a nice package, even if the price is stupid for him.

Flamewar comes in 4th, she is a good mold, and the paint work is awesome, but that just doesn't push her past the other 3 cause they were so much fun.

Blaster is last, mostly because he just doesn't have much going for him compared to the others. He's good, but the others just outshine him

Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2149840)
Posted by sol magnus on November 23rd, 2022 @ 1:11pm CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Shattered Glass Wave 2. A pretty decent wave, and I honestly think it was stronger than Wave 1.

I'd rank Slicer as my favorite, that mold owns those colors, and the exo-suit was a great addition. He is a lot of fun, lots of options, and lots of fun.

Magnus is a closer 2nd. I am surprised at how much i like this mold as him, considering I didn't think it would work. It's ironic too, since i am not a fan of the Laser Prime mold I wanted him to use anyways. I love the sword, that added that extra bit with the color scheme to really push him up.

I'd rank soundwave 3rd, the colors on him are really sharp, and the headband headsculpt is really cool. It's a nice package, even if the price is stupid for him.

Flamewar comes in 4th, she is a good mold, and the paint work is awesome, but that just doesn't push her past the other 3 cause they were so much fun.

Blaster is last, mostly because he just doesn't have much going for him compared to the others. He's good, but the others just outshine him


I'd probably switch Magnus and Slicer, but I'm right there with you on the rest.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2149886)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on November 23rd, 2022 @ 8:17pm CST
sol magnus wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Shattered Glass Wave 2. A pretty decent wave, and I honestly think it was stronger than Wave 1.

I'd rank Slicer as my favorite, that mold owns those colors, and the exo-suit was a great addition. He is a lot of fun, lots of options, and lots of fun.

Magnus is a closer 2nd. I am surprised at how much i like this mold as him, considering I didn't think it would work. It's ironic too, since i am not a fan of the Laser Prime mold I wanted him to use anyways. I love the sword, that added that extra bit with the color scheme to really push him up.

I'd rank soundwave 3rd, the colors on him are really sharp, and the headband headsculpt is really cool. It's a nice package, even if the price is stupid for him.

Flamewar comes in 4th, she is a good mold, and the paint work is awesome, but that just doesn't push her past the other 3 cause they were so much fun.

Blaster is last, mostly because he just doesn't have much going for him compared to the others. He's good, but the others just outshine him


I'd probably switch Magnus and Slicer, but I'm right there with you on the rest.

Magnus and Slicer are really close. They're truly neck and neck as my favorites
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2149974)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on November 25th, 2022 @ 11:00am CST
A full line picture from the SG collection. Prime and Ratchet are in moving totes and count as Selects, so that's my excuse for them to be absent. The collection ended up pretty good, and ironically, the Autobots are the ones that mostly ended up being the boring releases. Blaster and Goldbug are definitely the least interesting releases, and Blurr suffered the most from loose joints. But Magnus ended up being a favorite, and Slicer too. The Decepticons look nice as a team too.


Also, I find it really funny that I never got the original Blaster or soundwave releases, but I got the repaints, and greatly enjoyed all 3 of them

Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2149994)
Posted by william-james88 on November 25th, 2022 @ 3:02pm CST
I really like Megatron, probable my favourite release of the ones I have
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2149995)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on November 25th, 2022 @ 3:04pm CST
william-james88 wrote:I really like Megatron, probable my favourite release of the ones I have

My only complaint on that Megs is that the "shield/nosecone" accessory should have been a bit thicker with 5mm holes added. This way, we could have plugged in the wings on it to create some flying drone to accompany the tank mode instead of being just loose parts.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2149996)
Posted by sol magnus on November 25th, 2022 @ 3:06pm CST
william-james88 wrote:I really like Megatron, probable my favourite release of the ones I have

While he's talking about Series 2, Megatron is pretty good. I would probably agree he's the best...mmm except there's Jetfire. LOL. He's the best.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2149998)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on November 25th, 2022 @ 4:50pm CST
sol magnus wrote:
william-james88 wrote:I really like Megatron, probable my favourite release of the ones I have

While he's talking about Series 2, Megatron is pretty good. I would probably agree he's the best...mmm except there's Jetfire. LOL. He's the best.

It's all a matter of opinions, but IMO, a straight repaint can't ever be a "best". To earn that title, some remolding and/or extra parts are a necessity. Like for Megatron, Blurr, Ultra Magnus, Starscream, and that's it I think.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150000)
Posted by sol magnus on November 25th, 2022 @ 4:59pm CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
william-james88 wrote:I really like Megatron, probable my favourite release of the ones I have

While he's talking about Series 2, Megatron is pretty good. I would probably agree he's the best...mmm except there's Jetfire. LOL. He's the best.

It's all a matter of opinions, but IMO, a straight repaint can't ever be a "best". To earn that title, some remolding and/or extra parts are a necessity. Like for Megatron, Blurr, Ultra Magnus, Starscream, and that's it I think.

I agree with that in general, but what in Shattered Glass would not be that?
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150001)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on November 25th, 2022 @ 5:35pm CST
sol magnus wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
william-james88 wrote:I really like Megatron, probable my favourite release of the ones I have

While he's talking about Series 2, Megatron is pretty good. I would probably agree he's the best...mmm except there's Jetfire. LOL. He's the best.

It's all a matter of opinions, but IMO, a straight repaint can't ever be a "best". To earn that title, some remolding and/or extra parts are a necessity. Like for Megatron, Blurr, Ultra Magnus, Starscream, and that's it I think.

I agree with that in general, but what in Shattered Glass would not be that?

Well, Jetfire is a straight repaint, as well as Goldbug... Unless that new head appeared for the first time there. Also, Soundwave and Blaster are straight repaints.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150002)
Posted by sol magnus on November 25th, 2022 @ 5:44pm CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
william-james88 wrote:I really like Megatron, probable my favourite release of the ones I have

While he's talking about Series 2, Megatron is pretty good. I would probably agree he's the best...mmm except there's Jetfire. LOL. He's the best.

It's all a matter of opinions, but IMO, a straight repaint can't ever be a "best". To earn that title, some remolding and/or extra parts are a necessity. Like for Megatron, Blurr, Ultra Magnus, Starscream, and that's it I think.

I agree with that in general, but what in Shattered Glass would not be that?

Well, Jetfire is a straight repaint, as well as Goldbug... Unless that new head appeared for the first time there. Also, Soundwave and Blaster are straight repaints.

Other than heads, they're all straight repaints. Soundwave has a new head. When talking about an all repaint line (with maybe a new Goldbug and Blurr) in SG 1 I think we're all talking about overall aesthetic. In my case with Jetfire, of SG 1 I subjectively like him a tad better than Megatron. Starscream is also pretty awesome although I still fear he'll yellow.

We're all acknowledging they're repaints and saying the best of those. I'm (we're) not comparing them to non-SG counterparts. Unless we are. LOL
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150003)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on November 25th, 2022 @ 5:55pm CST
Speaking of that Starscream, some yellowing has already been reported. #-o
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150004)
Posted by sol magnus on November 25th, 2022 @ 6:00pm CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:Speaking of that Starscream, some yellowing has already been reported. #-o

Yes, I even know some guys with yellowed ones. Neither my Starscream or Soundwave have yellowed. Yet.

I think it's temperature based. Not enough data to prove it, though.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150005)
Posted by Razorbeast88 on November 25th, 2022 @ 6:05pm CST
sol magnus wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:Speaking of that Starscream, some yellowing has already been reported. #-o

Yes, I even know some guys with yellowed ones. Neither my Starscream or Soundwave have yellowed. Yet.

I think it's temperature based. Not enough data to prove it, though.

I've been wondering if it's temperature based as well
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150007)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on November 25th, 2022 @ 7:05pm CST
Razorbeast88 wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:Speaking of that Starscream, some yellowing has already been reported. #-o

Yes, I even know some guys with yellowed ones. Neither my Starscream or Soundwave have yellowed. Yet.

I think it's temperature based. Not enough data to prove it, though.

I've been wondering if it's temperature based as well

To clarify some things for the newcomers: the "traditional" yellowing occurs on the hard ABS plastic, supposedly mainly after long term exposure to UV light, typically years. The yellowing we're seeing now isn't that, rather it occurs on the softer POM and PA parts found in joints and other moving parts.

I wouldn't think temperature plays that much of a role here, unless we're seeing a significant large amount of cases in the warmer climates like the Mediterranean and the South of the US, but rather I dare say it's similar to Gold Plastic Syndrome in that a change in the composition (like adding metal flake in the case of GPS) has unexpected negative outcomes.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150024)
Posted by Emerje on November 26th, 2022 @ 12:21am CST
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:
Razorbeast88 wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:Speaking of that Starscream, some yellowing has already been reported. #-o

Yes, I even know some guys with yellowed ones. Neither my Starscream or Soundwave have yellowed. Yet.

I think it's temperature based. Not enough data to prove it, though.

I've been wondering if it's temperature based as well

To clarify some things for the newcomers: the "traditional" yellowing occurs on the hard ABS plastic, supposedly mainly after long term exposure to UV light, typically years. The yellowing we're seeing now isn't that, rather it occurs on the softer POM and PA parts found in joints and other moving parts.

I wouldn't think temperature plays that much of a role here, unless we're seeing a significant large amount of cases in the warmer climates like the Mediterranean and the South of the US, but rather I dare say it's similar to Gold Plastic Syndrome in that a change in the composition (like adding metal flake in the case of GPS) has unexpected negative outcomes.

In that recent Q&A Hasbro claimed they haven't made any changes to their plastic. I think it has more to do with the current factory, feels like we started noticing quicker yellowing since the last time they changed locations.

Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150035)
Posted by Hero Alpha on November 26th, 2022 @ 12:59pm CST
Emerje wrote:
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:
Razorbeast88 wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:Speaking of that Starscream, some yellowing has already been reported. #-o

Yes, I even know some guys with yellowed ones. Neither my Starscream or Soundwave have yellowed. Yet.

I think it's temperature based. Not enough data to prove it, though.

I've been wondering if it's temperature based as well

To clarify some things for the newcomers: the "traditional" yellowing occurs on the hard ABS plastic, supposedly mainly after long term exposure to UV light, typically years. The yellowing we're seeing now isn't that, rather it occurs on the softer POM and PA parts found in joints and other moving parts.

I wouldn't think temperature plays that much of a role here, unless we're seeing a significant large amount of cases in the warmer climates like the Mediterranean and the South of the US, but rather I dare say it's similar to Gold Plastic Syndrome in that a change in the composition (like adding metal flake in the case of GPS) has unexpected negative outcomes.

In that recent Q&A Hasbro claimed they haven't made any changes to their plastic. I think it has more to do with the current factory, feels like we started noticing quicker yellowing since the last time they changed locations.


Whether they admit, or even know, something has changed. I'm not sure if its a new factory and their mix or conditions or what. This yellowing has happened on way too many figures recently to be coincidence. Cyclonus, Soundwave, SG Starscream and Motormaster all have had significant yellowing right out of the box in many cases. It is bad enough that :HASBRO: :TAKARATOMY: need to look into it, quickly. I just hope that Victory Saber doesnt have this problem.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150099)
Posted by o.supreme on November 28th, 2022 @ 2:07pm CST
Greetings All, I've added the Fireglide Battle Master (from SG Flamewar) to my want list. Even at 20% off with "Seasons Savings", it would still be over $40 after shipping. No Deluxe+BM is worth that.

However, if any of you who own Flamewar are wanting to recoup a bit of the cost and part with Fireglide, please PM me. Thank you.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150119)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on November 28th, 2022 @ 7:23pm CST
Since there was some more SG collection discussion, I think I am going to rank the 10 figures from the collection.

1) Slicer - For one thing, his colors totally own his base mold. For another, Exo-suit was a fantastic addition, and there is a ton of good play features with that. He is just very fun and a great package. It also helps that ultimately he was the best character in the SG comics, a great character. I got a 2nd one of him today for the standard con shelf, he's worth getting 2 of.

2) Ultra Magnus - This one surprised me, he is exceptional in the color scheme he uses, and the skeleton head is fantastic. He just rules, and the sword weapon adds a lot for him. His character in the comics was also real good, if in need of more actual fiction dedicated to him. Really good figure, there is a reason I am glad I got 2.

3) Jetfire - This one rules because of the color scheme. That black, purple, and green just shines on him so much. He makes standard Jetfire look so bland. Add how big he is with the colors and color distribution, and you have a real winner there. And he was also great in the comic, maybe the 2nd best after Slicer.

4) Megatron - the new parts added to this figure adds a new silhouette and makes him a lot of fun with all the play features. The colors are also really nice, and rounds out a nice package.

5) Starscream - Again, a great mold, and the colors shine so brightly on this mold. The new sword weapons are also great additions, make him feel like a totally new dude. Well done there.

6) Soundwave - This is another great package, if overpriced. The colors are sharp, the minions are cool, and that headband is a great look for him. They managed to make that work out real well with him. Well done.

7) Flamewar - They did good on her with the paint work, and the addition of Fireglide was nice too. She is a good package. I think she ranks behind the others just because of how much more their colors shine and the new tooling most of them used as well.

8,) Blaster - One where he is a solid mold, as is Rewind, but he's just boring. He doesn't bring a lot to the table. So he's good, but not necessarily cool.

9) Blurr - as much as I love the head sculpt on this guy, his QC really lets him down. The leg joints, the arm sleeves, they just make him not a very fun figure to handle in comparison to the rest. The headsculpt is killer though.

10) Goldbug - This one ranks the lowest simply because he was the most boring release. He really should have used a different mold, like the Runamuck mold if we wanted size, or SS86 Hot Rod to homage his original form more. There was more he should have been compared to what he was.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150152)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on November 29th, 2022 @ 11:44am CST
I think Goldbug got the mold he got so Hasbro can get as much use out of the body as possible. But I suppose the same can be said for the Battlechargers mold. That only got 2 uses, while the SG GB mold was used 5 times, I think? 2 versions of Cliffy and 3 versions of Bee/Bug.

As for using SS86 Hot Rod, his transformation is so screen- and character-specific, it wouldn't have been worth it to alter the mold and the engineering to make him different enough. Unless you would have been fine with Goldbug having the same transformation.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150161)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on November 29th, 2022 @ 1:42pm CST
Rodimus Prime wrote:while the SG GB mold was used 5 times, I think? 2 versions of Cliffy and 3 versions of Bee/Bug.
At this point we're up to 8 total uses of the mold:
-ER Cliff
-Selects Hubcap
-Selects Bugbite
-Netflix Bee
-SG Goldbug
-Buzzworthy Worlds Collide Bee
-Buzzworthy SS86 Cliff
-Buzzworthy Creatures Collide Goldbug

Rodimus Prime wrote:As for using SS86 Hot Rod, his transformation is so screen- and character-specific, it wouldn't have been worth it to alter the mold and the engineering to make him different enough. Unless you would have been fine with Goldbug having the same transformation.
Maybe they also didn't use Hot Rod for Goldbug to keep the mold open to use for an SG Rodimus? He should use the Hot Rod mold rather than the Rodimus mold if he does get made, since SG Rod needs the saw and typically hasn't had the Rodimus trailer.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150167)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on November 29th, 2022 @ 2:25pm CST
Nemesis Primal wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:while the SG GB mold was used 5 times, I think? 2 versions of Cliffy and 3 versions of Bee/Bug.
At this point we're up to 8 total uses of the mold:
-ER Cliff
-Selects Hubcap
-Selects Bugbite
-Netflix Bee
-SG Goldbug
-Buzzworthy Worlds Collide Bee
-Buzzworthy SS86 Cliff
-Buzzworthy Creatures Collide Goldbug
I didn't count the figures that use the VW body, just the other ones. Technically, they're not the same. [-( :-P

Rodimus Prime wrote:As for using SS86 Hot Rod, his transformation is so screen- and character-specific, it wouldn't have been worth it to alter the mold and the engineering to make him different enough. Unless you would have been fine with Goldbug having the same transformation.
Maybe they also didn't use Hot Rod for Goldbug to keep the mold open to use for an SG Rodimus? He should use the Hot Rod mold rather than the Rodimus mold if he does get made, since SG Rod needs the saw and typically hasn't had the Rodimus trailer.
SG Rodimus is a good point. If I had my choice, I would want LL Rodimus, though. I love that black/teal combo. Also, we're getting that mold in toy colors as well, so maybe Hasbro didn't think most people would buy that mold a 3rd time, especially at voyager price.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150381)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on December 1st, 2022 @ 7:29pm CST
I think I have to agree with Slicer at number one. The color and accessories really make that mold feel fresh.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150391)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on December 1st, 2022 @ 7:56pm CST
Rodimus Prime wrote:I think Goldbug got the mold he got so Hasbro can get as much use out of the body as possible. But I suppose the same can be said for the Battlechargers mold. That only got 2 uses, while the SG GB mold was used 5 times, I think? 2 versions of Cliffy and 3 versions of Bee/Bug.

As for using SS86 Hot Rod, his transformation is so screen- and character-specific, it wouldn't have been worth it to alter the mold and the engineering to make him different enough. Unless you would have been fine with Goldbug having the same transformation.

Considering how many uses of that mold there have been between original mold and retools, I think they got their money's worth.

And Goldbug was originally based on Cybertron Hot Shot, who was based on G1 Hot Rod, and the SS86 toy pretty much uses the same Cybertron transformation scheme down to the fake chest, so i really don't see why they could not have used that mold. I'd prefer the Kingdom leader for SG Rodimus anyways
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150701)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on December 5th, 2022 @ 6:30pm CST
Took advantage of the Pulse sale, got a 2nd Slicer. This one will be for the G1 con group. This release was so good, I have no problem owning it twice.

Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150713)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on December 5th, 2022 @ 9:54pm CST
That car mode wears those colors really well. Wheeljack is crouched in the corner crying with shame.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2150879)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on December 6th, 2022 @ 7:24pm CST
Rodimus Prime wrote:That car mode wears those colors really well. Wheeljack is crouched in the corner crying with shame.

He is, Slicer is so much better.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2151605)
Posted by sol magnus on December 13th, 2022 @ 12:47pm CST
I forgot -

Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2152363)
Posted by Gearslide on December 24th, 2022 @ 8:10am CST
Surprised no one has mentioned that SG Leader Grimlock is supposedly in that group of recently leaked ID Numbers.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2152364)
Posted by sol magnus on December 24th, 2022 @ 8:13am CST
Gearslide wrote:Surprised no one has mentioned that SG Leader Grimlock is supposedly in that group of recently leaked ID Numbers.

Oh, it's been mentioned, just not in here.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2152368)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on December 24th, 2022 @ 11:46am CST
I ordered SG Magnus from AliExpress. It's too soon for them to be K.O'd yet so I know it will be authentic. By ordering from them I save at the very least 20$CAN instead of ordering from Pulse.

While I was at it, I also ordered the filler parts and the Reprolabels. The thing will be glorious once fully customised!
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2152647)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on December 30th, 2022 @ 10:24am CST
sol magnus wrote:
Gearslide wrote:Surprised no one has mentioned that SG Leader Grimlock is supposedly in that group of recently leaked ID Numbers.

Oh, it's been mentioned, just not in here.

I will be interested to see those SG colors on the SS86 one, just hope it has a new fiercer looking head and maybe actually a sword too
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2152649)
Posted by sol magnus on December 30th, 2022 @ 10:26am CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
Gearslide wrote:Surprised no one has mentioned that SG Leader Grimlock is supposedly in that group of recently leaked ID Numbers.

Oh, it's been mentioned, just not in here.

I will be interested to see those SG colors on the SS86 one, just hope it has a new fiercer looking head and maybe actually a sword too

It's the possibility of a sword that interests me the most.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2152652)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on December 30th, 2022 @ 10:32am CST
sol magnus wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
Gearslide wrote:Surprised no one has mentioned that SG Leader Grimlock is supposedly in that group of recently leaked ID Numbers.

Oh, it's been mentioned, just not in here.

I will be interested to see those SG colors on the SS86 one, just hope it has a new fiercer looking head and maybe actually a sword too

It's the possibility of a sword that interests me the most.

Not adding a sword accessory would disappoint me, especially after they did it with Magnus. Extra accessories seem to be on the table for any SG release.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2152665)
Posted by ZeroWolf on December 30th, 2022 @ 10:51am CST
I'd be surprised if they didn't add one, though are they going to throw an sg wheelie into the mix, or was that a completely separate mold :-?
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2152667)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on December 30th, 2022 @ 10:57am CST
ZeroWolf wrote:I'd be surprised if they didn't add one, though are they going to throw an sg wheelie into the mix, or was that a completely separate mold :-?

They had better get rid of that Wheelie mold forever, that was miserable
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2152668)
Posted by ZeroWolf on December 30th, 2022 @ 10:59am CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:
ZeroWolf wrote:I'd be surprised if they didn't add one, though are they going to throw an sg wheelie into the mix, or was that a completely separate mold :-?

They had better get rid of that Wheelie mold forever, that was miserable

While agreed, I do wonder if one Sword will be enough to offset the unused wheelie plastic (imagine if they included 6 Swords here just to get the people wanting them for the other Dinobots :lol: )
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2153192)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on January 6th, 2023 @ 7:57pm CST
Having the stellar Siege Ultra Magnus, I thought getting the Kingdom version would have been redundant. But then came along SG Magnus. Man, what a beauty! And by buying it from AliExpress instead of Pulse, I saved over 30$can, factoring taxes and shipping.

I didn't needed the Delta Magnus head and I don't get the Matrix. Both remain boxed. I also bought the Reprolabels and the filler parts. I had to sand down the pegs of the missile pods who were painted along the rest. Now they can fit.

My SG Magnus looks really EVIL! :twisted:




The total cost was still expensive as balls, but we'll worth it. ;)^
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2156526)
Posted by Bounti76 on February 21st, 2023 @ 1:50pm CST
Thanks to an interview with Hasbro designer Evan Brooks on, we have another reveal for Transformers Tuesday, Shattered Glass Grimlock! A recolor of SS86 Leader Class Grimlock, we can see SG Grimlock in all his glory. His coloring takes inspiration from Trypticon; many Shattered Glass figures take their color schemes from their regular universe counterparts.

Transformers Generations Shattered Glass Grimlock

(Ages 8 and Up | Approx. Retail Price: $54.99 | Available: Summer 2023)

The Transformers Generations Shattered Glass Collection shatters everything fans know about the Transformers robots in an alternate universe where the heroic Decepticons battle the evil Autobots. The Transformers Generations Shattered Glass Grimlock is a leader class action figure that stands at 8.5″ tall and can convert from robot to T.rex mode in 23 steps. The toy’s Shattered Glass universe-inspired design includes the iconic purple Autobot logo that make it great for both an adult collectible or toy for boys and girls. The action figure also includes a dual-barreled blaster that attaches in both modes. The new Transformers Generations Shattered Glass Grimlock will be available for pre-order in April at Hasbro Pulse and other major retailers.”





So when this figure goes up for pre-order in April, will he be added to your collection? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2156527)
Posted by SpaceEagle on February 21st, 2023 @ 1:53pm CST
Oooo, that deco looks really snazzy on him.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2156530)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on February 21st, 2023 @ 2:06pm CST
That looks sharp. They don't mention a comic, so I guess we're not getting Shattered Glass III.
Re: Video Review for Transformers Shattered Glass Soundwave (2156531)
Posted by Gearslide on February 21st, 2023 @ 2:10pm CST
Rodimus Prime wrote:That looks sharp. They don't mention a comic, so I guess we're not getting Shattered Glass III.

Makes sense to not have a Comic. IDW isn't writing the series anymore, and the final issue of Shattered Glass II was left simultaneously open ended and final note.

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