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Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime)

Transformers News: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime)

Thursday, April 29th, 2010 7:31PM CDT

Category: Unlicensed Products News
Posted by: Nekoman   Views: 37,420

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A video review has surfaced on YouTube of third-party company Igear's Faith Leader, a downsized version of Hasbro's and Takara's Masterpiece Optimus Prime. The review show's off the figure in all it's detail, to view the video, click here. As stated, Igear is a unofficial company, and thus these products are not approved by Hasbro or Takara Tomy.

Credit(s): Peaugh, cannonfodder4000

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Re: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) (1069265)
Posted by Convotron on April 29th, 2010 @ 8:15pm CDT
I commend the accomplishment of making a small KO of MP OP that looks sturdy but it's still a KO and I just can't stand behind that kind of product.

I do admit that I prefer the "Faith Leader" figure's size over the MP OP I have(20th Anniversary Edition), which is too large for me to display indefinitely as I have fairly limited free space in my home.
Re: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) (1069266)
Posted by Darkclyde on April 29th, 2010 @ 8:18pm CDT
a KO with a premium price heh? certainly I like it, but regarding usually the price of this kind of fanbased products already on premium price and even skyrocketed, I prefer going to the hasbro/takara official release (in full size).
Re: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) (1069267)
Posted by LiKwid on April 29th, 2010 @ 8:20pm CDT
Peaugh has a such a subtle way of making me want to buy the stuff he reviews..It's like a subliminal message I swear..

I never got into the MP line, a bit too pricey for my taste but this version does pique my intrest..
Re: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) (1069399)
Posted by SLUGSLINGER81 on April 30th, 2010 @ 7:05am CDT
WHAT A BUNCH OF WHINERS! "it's a KO" ish*, how many of us would give our left kidney for a G1 accurate Classics/Universe Optimus Prime (or any other unreleased TF) from Hasbro/Takara or any other 3rd party for that matter, yes it is a retool of the masterpiece OP, but I know many who would happily pay a pretty penny for a decent custom Wheeljack made from a Swideswipe by some kid in a garage with a paint brush, it is not sanctioned by Has/Tak, but if it will fit with my other Classics figures then heck, I will buy that KO Wheeljack or any other custom for that matter ("but is still an actual Hasbro mold") yeah but does it matter if Taco bell decided to make a G1 accurate universe Omega Supreme?...hell I know I would be the first in line to get my gordita with an extra side of Omega...the point is, if it walks like a Duck and talks like a Duck then it is a Voyager/Ultra size Classics Universe Optimus Prime...heck I know if Igear decided to make a retool of the Alternators Jazz (whether the released or unreleased mold) some would be eagerlyselling their souls LMAO...these comments are not intended to any members of this board, but just the other comments that I have read in the past by others regarding this and other 3rd party figures so please dont take my comments to the heart...I'm just a poor little TF fanatic expressing his 84 cents :BOOM:
Re: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) (1069402)
Posted by Counterpunch on April 30th, 2010 @ 7:11am CDT
SLUGSLINGER81 wrote:WHAT A BUNCH OF WHINERS! "it's a KO" ish*, how many of us would give our left kidney for a G1 accurate Classics/Universe Optimus Prime (or any other unreleased TF) from Hasbro/Takara, yes it is a retool of the masterpiece OP, but I know many who would happily pay a pretty penny for a decent custom Wheeljack made from a Swideswipe by some kid in a garage with a paint brush, it is not sanctioned by Has/Tak, but if it will fit with my other Classics figures then heck, I will buy that KO Wheeljack or any other custom for that matter ("but is still an actual Hasbro mold") yeah but does it matter if Taco bell decided to make a G1 accurate universe Omega Supreme?...hell I know I would be the first in line to get my gordita with an extra side of Omega...the point is, if it walks like a Duck and talks like a Duck then it is a Voyager/Ultra size Classics Universe Optimus Prime...heck I know if Igear decided to make a retool of the Alternators Jazz (whether the released or unreleased mold) some would be eagerlyselling their souls LMAO...and please dont take my post to the heart...I'm just a poor little TF fanatic expressing his 84 cents :BOOM:

In this instance, it isn't an idea that was referenced, it isn't an original product that was added value to an older existing product, it IS theft of the purest intellectual kind.

iSteal did not do anything other than take someone else's work and reproduce it.
Re: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) (1069412)
Posted by SLUGSLINGER81 on April 30th, 2010 @ 7:49am CDT
Counterpunch wrote:
SLUGSLINGER81 wrote:WHAT A BUNCH OF WHINERS! "it's a KO" ish*, how many of us would give our left kidney for a G1 accurate Classics/Universe Optimus Prime (or any other unreleased TF) from Hasbro/Takara, yes it is a retool of the masterpiece OP, but I know many who would happily pay a pretty penny for a decent custom Wheeljack made from a Swideswipe by some kid in a garage with a paint brush, it is not sanctioned by Has/Tak, but if it will fit with my other Classics figures then heck, I will buy that KO Wheeljack or any other custom for that matter ("but is still an actual Hasbro mold") yeah but does it matter if Taco bell decided to make a G1 accurate universe Omega Supreme?...hell I know I would be the first in line to get my gordita with an extra side of Omega...the point is, if it walks like a Duck and talks like a Duck then it is a Voyager/Ultra size Classics Universe Optimus Prime...heck I know if Igear decided to make a retool of the Alternators Jazz (whether the released or unreleased mold) some would be eagerlyselling their souls LMAO...and please dont take my post to the heart...I'm just a poor little TF fanatic expressing his 84 cents :BOOM:

In this instance, it isn't an idea that was referenced, it isn't an original product that was added value to an older existing product, it IS theft of the purest intellectual kind.

iSteal did not do anything other than take someone else's work and reproduce it.

=; Counter I most definately agree with you, but the point I'm trying to make is that aren't customs/kitbashes made by fans someone else's work just as much(or Intellectual Property to be precise) & when once the decision is made to sell these Kitbashes/customs...aren't they capitalizing on someone else's IP, just saying...on the other hand, I am patiently waiting for a Igear version or MP Megatron...aren't you :D :CON:
Re: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) (1069455)
Posted by Kibble on April 30th, 2010 @ 10:24am CDT
SLUGSLINGER81 wrote: =; Counter I most definately agree with you, but the point I'm trying to make is that aren't customs/kitbashes made by fans someone else's work just as much(or Intellectual Property to be precise) & when once the decision is made to sell these Kitbashes/customs...aren't they capitalizing on someone else's IP, just saying...on the other hand, I am patiently waiting for a Igear version or MP Megatron...aren't you :D :CON:

I think you already kinda answered this to some extent in your rant, but here's the thing...with a custom, someone is buying a Hasbro product. If someone buys 1000 figures and customizes them all and resells them, Hasbro just sold 1000 figures. When whoever made this KO sells 1000 of them, Hasbro (or TT) just sold 0 product and probably lost who knows how many MP Convoy sales. See the difference?
Re: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) (1069471)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on April 30th, 2010 @ 11:03am CDT
Not this discussion again... :BANG_HEAD:

This may look good and all, but if I wanted a smaller MP Convoy, I'd go for the THS-02 one, that one even comes with a trailer and Roller. I happen to have set my eyes on the black one.
Re: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) (1069540)
Posted by Convotron on April 30th, 2010 @ 2:23pm CDT
SLUGSLINGER81 wrote:WHAT A BUNCH OF WHINERS! "it's a KO" ish*, how many of us would give our left kidney for a G1 accurate Classics/Universe Optimus Prime (or any other unreleased TF) from Hasbro/Takara or any other 3rd party for that matter, yes it is a retool of the masterpiece OP, but I know many who would happily pay a pretty penny for a decent custom Wheeljack made from a Swideswipe by some kid in a garage with a paint brush, it is not sanctioned by Has/Tak, but if it will fit with my other Classics figures then heck, I will buy that KO Wheeljack or any other custom for that matter ("but is still an actual Hasbro mold") yeah but does it matter if Taco bell decided to make a G1 accurate universe Omega Supreme?...hell I know I would be the first in line to get my gordita with an extra side of Omega...the point is, if it walks like a Duck and talks like a Duck then it is a Voyager/Ultra size Classics Universe Optimus Prime...heck I know if Igear decided to make a retool of the Alternators Jazz (whether the released or unreleased mold) some would be eagerlyselling their souls LMAO...these comments are not intended to any members of this board, but just the other comments that I have read in the past by others regarding this and other 3rd party figures so please dont take my comments to the heart...I'm just a poor little TF fanatic expressing his 84 cents :BOOM:

Basically, you're saying KOs/unlicensed product replication is somehow acceptable simply because people really want something...

SLUGSLINGER81 wrote: =; Counter I most definately agree with you, but the point I'm trying to make is that aren't customs/kitbashes made by fans someone else's work just as much(or Intellectual Property to be precise) & when once the decision is made to sell these Kitbashes/customs...aren't they capitalizing on someone else's IP, just saying...on the other hand, I am patiently waiting for a Igear version or MP Megatron...aren't you :D :CON:

CP and Kibble are spot on. As CP said, this Faith Leader product is a reproduction of an existing product. As Kibble said, custom and kitbash products usually use components from legitimate figures so they do require the purchase of legal products whereas KOs are manufactured by the manufacturer who does not contribute to a legal company's sales at all.

People can buy what they want, I don't care, but let's be honest and not get into trying to rationalize and justify KO products. IP infringement is debatable since there's a wide spectrum of possibilities but reproduction of existing products? Especially Faith Leader where it's a recast of an existing product, seemingly part for part.
Re: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) (1071421)
Posted by Kibble on May 5th, 2010 @ 8:53pm CDT
Sounds like most reviews outside of Peaugh's so far lean toward the unfavorable...not being worth the price tag and has a lot of, well, KO characteristics. They say it's better than a KO, but then their complaints seem to be consistent w/ KOs. Some joints loose, others overly tight, rampant QC issues, stressing, and noticeably light in weight. Any here have first-hand impressions?
Re: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) (1071690)
Posted by Metallo on May 6th, 2010 @ 12:30pm CDT
Man I'd love to get this if it were more affordable. Even if it were $70 I'd buy it but I just can't justify paying $100 for it. I wish Hasbro/Takara would produce one in this size but I can understand why they wouldn't.

I just think this Prime would display nice with a lot of figures I own.

Anyone here have this figure yet? I've got some pic requests.
Re: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) (1074296)
Posted by DTR69 on May 14th, 2010 @ 7:39am CDT
Just got mine to day. Haven't taken it out of the box yet, but it looks so F**KIN amazin, the chest lines up perfectly and the scale is perfect, it looks so much better, the original looked clumsy for some reason, this looks so much more tighter and the detail is more condnsed so it just looks perfect I really can't say how much better it is, and the scale wwith the rest of the mps and BT/ALTs is now sorted, before the leaders were giants compared to the rest, now they are in perect scale and look right. This is how it should of been from the get go.
Re: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) (1074300)
Posted by Prime Riblet on May 14th, 2010 @ 8:10am CDT
Convotron wrote:
SLUGSLINGER81 wrote:WHAT A BUNCH OF WHINERS! "it's a KO" ish*, how many of us would give our left kidney for a G1 accurate Classics/Universe Optimus Prime (or any other unreleased TF) from Hasbro/Takara or any other 3rd party for that matter, yes it is a retool of the masterpiece OP, but I know many who would happily pay a pretty penny for a decent custom Wheeljack made from a Swideswipe by some kid in a garage with a paint brush, it is not sanctioned by Has/Tak, but if it will fit with my other Classics figures then heck, I will buy that KO Wheeljack or any other custom for that matter ("but is still an actual Hasbro mold") yeah but does it matter if Taco bell decided to make a G1 accurate universe Omega Supreme?...hell I know I would be the first in line to get my gordita with an extra side of Omega...the point is, if it walks like a Duck and talks like a Duck then it is a Voyager/Ultra size Classics Universe Optimus Prime...heck I know if Igear decided to make a retool of the Alternators Jazz (whether the released or unreleased mold) some would be eagerlyselling their souls LMAO...these comments are not intended to any members of this board, but just the other comments that I have read in the past by others regarding this and other 3rd party figures so please dont take my comments to the heart...I'm just a poor little TF fanatic expressing his 84 cents :BOOM:

Basically, you're saying KOs/unlicensed product replication is somehow acceptable simply because people really want something...

SLUGSLINGER81 wrote: =; Counter I most definately agree with you, but the point I'm trying to make is that aren't customs/kitbashes made by fans someone else's work just as much(or Intellectual Property to be precise) & when once the decision is made to sell these Kitbashes/customs...aren't they capitalizing on someone else's IP, just saying...on the other hand, I am patiently waiting for a Igear version or MP Megatron...aren't you :D :CON:

CP and Kibble are spot on. As CP said, this Faith Leader product is a reproduction of an existing product. As Kibble said, custom and kitbash products usually use components from legitimate figures so they do require the purchase of legal products whereas KOs are manufactured by the manufacturer who does not contribute to a legal company's sales at all.

People can buy what they want, I don't care, but let's be honest and not get into trying to rationalize and justify KO products. IP infringement is debatable since there's a wide spectrum of possibilities but reproduction of existing products? Especially Faith Leader where it's a recast of an existing product, seemingly part for part.

CP and Kibble and Convotron are ALL right on the money. It is very simple: What SS81 is trying to say is very much incorrect. This is not a matter of opinion. I can buy an automobile, add some accessories, and then turn around and sell it for a profit. That is completely acceptable. However, if I convert a warehouse into a small factory and start making new cars that are COPIES of another company's product (or if I copy a process that is proprietary to only that company)....well, I am then doing something illegal. Its why Hasbro is not allowed to sell a toy that transforms into a Hummer or GMC Top Kick without GM liscencing it.
Re: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) (1076220)
Posted by DevastaTTor on May 19th, 2010 @ 7:26pm CDT
I'll add my two cents on this. I caved and bought it and it arrived the other day. It's officially the one and only KO I own. It's light weight as Peaugh describes but mine is in really good shape. It has a great scale with the classics line and looks good in my display.

I will say though that it's a miracle it arrived in such good shape. It came from Singapore in a box that is exactly the size of the box iGear packages the figure in-meaning absolutely 0, zip, no packing material to protect it during transit half way around the world.
Re: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) (1076303)
Posted by Kibble on May 19th, 2010 @ 10:19pm CDT
DevastaTTor wrote:I'll add my two cents on this. I caved and bought it and it arrived the other day. It's officially the one and only KO I own. It's light weight as Peaugh describes but mine is in really good shape. It has a great scale with the classics line and looks good in my display.

I will say though that it's a miracle it arrived in such good shape. It came from Singapore in a box that is exactly the size of the box iGear packages the figure in-meaning absolutely 0, zip, no packing material to protect it during transit half way around the world.

So it looks good, which we pretty much already knew, but did you find it to be "worth" the money?
Re: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) (1078434)
Posted by DTR69 on May 25th, 2010 @ 7:50am CDT
Kibble wrote:
DevastaTTor wrote:I'll add my two cents on this. I caved and bought it and it arrived the other day. It's officially the one and only KO I own. It's light weight as Peaugh describes but mine is in really good shape. It has a great scale with the classics line and looks good in my display.

I will say though that it's a miracle it arrived in such good shape. It came from Singapore in a box that is exactly the size of the box iGear packages the figure in-meaning absolutely 0, zip, no packing material to protect it during transit half way around the world.

So it looks good, which we pretty much already knew, but did you find it to be "worth" the money?

I definently think it's worth the money, they really have put alot of extra effort in, just the engineering of the extra hands, which are not as bad as people have said, maybe I been lucky, they still pop off now and then, but usualy the same finger, even though they could be better I still have to give them props for the effort. The fact they have even bothered with the extra gun which I didn't know about till I opened it or what it's extra purpose was, is another extra mile they have gone. Yes they have taken something, but I feel it was an improvement or altereation, that had to be done, I was so unhappy with the scale of my MP convoy to the rest of the MPs and alts. Why6 should I not be able to display my figures and feel they belong together. And he does look kool with the rest of the MPs, infact I feel he looks better than the original, just for the scale alone, it just looks amazing at the size it has been scaled to. Yes it does feel light and yes, I do feel it is on the delicate side, but this isn't a toy. The only other moan is the packaging should of been placed ina larger box with padding, as mine got dente dup.
Re: Video Review of Igear "PP01 Faith Leader" (Mini MP Optimus Prime) (1078648)
Posted by rpetras on May 25th, 2010 @ 7:41pm CDT
I've got mine!

I love it and I can't wait for the Black Prime, and the eventual rescaled MP Megatron.

Sadly, Has/Tak screwed the proverbial pooch with the MP line by mucking up their sizes. They also dropped the Alternators line which, for my dollars, was a supporting line to the MP stuff.

I still feel my original MP Prime is better, but it just doesn't fit in with my ever growing classics/neo-G1 collection, and this does. So, as a collector I have to make the decision of what to keep and display, and what to box up and store, and my MP and Alt lines are getting axed.

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