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James Roberts talks IDW More Than Meets The Eye #50

Transformers News: James Roberts talks IDW More Than Meets The Eye #50
Date: Wednesday, March 9th 2016 12:58pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News, People News, Interviews
Posted by: D-Maximal_Primal | Credit(s): io9

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Number 50 is a huge milestone for any comic, but given that the original plan included only 12 issues in case of failure, More Than Meets the Eye has proven to be a great success. James Roberts was kind enough to sit down with IO9 and talk about the many things that has happened, is happening and will happen in the comic. He also talks about his feelings towards the comic, what it has been like to write the series, how he feels about the characters and the plot, and what his plans are for the remainder of the comic as well as his potential future in writing and transformers.

We have mirrored some of the interview below, but you can always check out the whole article by clicking on the IO9 link above. Beware though: potential spoilers are present!

io9: What’s the journey for you as a writer been like on More Than Meets The Eye over the last 50 issues?

Roberts: Obviously it’s great to be given an opportunity to tell stories featuring characters that you loved growing up, and to add new layers to the mythos. When I think about MTMTE reaching issue 50, it’s not so much that I’m amazed that I’m writing a Transformers comic that’s lasted that long... it’s more that I’m writing an ongoing comic book that’s racked up that many issues. In 2016, that’s a rarity.


io9: You’ve said in the past that you’ve written the final line of MTMTE already. Where do you see yourself going as a writer after this comes to a close?

Roberts: After MTMTE, who knows? I don’t think I’d move on to more Transformers stories right away—in fact I may find I’ve used up all my best ideas and it’s time to move on. (All of this presumes, of course, that IDW wants me to stick around!) The Transformers script I’m working on right now is the75th, if you count the issues I co-write with Nick Roche and John Barber, and the last thing I want is to find myself running on empty in a few years’ time.


io9: Finally, looking back at your 50 issues so far, what’s been your favorite part of the process working on an ongoing series like this?

Roberts: Watching the MTMTE fandom grow and take shape, I think. No-one knew if the book was going to be successful—the first story arc was tailored to 12 issues just in case the whole thing tanked. But I like to think that pretty early on the book found its voice, and that it was a voice that resonated with people who were ready to get very invested in a bunch of sarcastic, mopey, affable, ridiculous and relatable losers. Interviews John-Paul Bove, Writer of FunPub / IDW's 'Dawn Of The Predacus'

Transformers News: Interviews John-Paul Bove, Writer of FunPub / IDW's 'Dawn Of The Predacus'
Date: Tuesday, March 8th 2016 12:10pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News, Site Articles, People News, Interviews, Collector's Club News
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): JP Bove, Dr Va'al

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As we get closer to BotCon 2016, and with the IDW/FunPub collaboration on this year's comic - Dawn of the Predacus - recently confirmed, we thought we'd reach out to one of the creators behind it, to get a little further into the process and the story: colourist turned writer, and fellow partial Italian, John-Paul Bove!


Va'al - Hi John-Paul! It's great to hear you'll be working on the insides of another Transformers comic, though this time you're actually at a keyboard rather than with a palette! How did you get the gig?

JP - The short answer? Lots and LOTS of death threats.

Transformers News: Interviews John-Paul Bove, Writer of FunPub/IDW's 'Dawn Of The Predacus'
Probably how the talks went down at IDW

The longer answer is that outside of Transformers and IDW I had been writing for some time on creator owned stories and writing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles here in the UK. I had been pitching some ideas for Transformers stories for some years, but with the amazing IDWverse books they're planned a long way in advance so there's not much space for any additional tales in there. I'd nailed my colours to the mast regarding working on a G1 cartoon continuation comic and I'd also approached IDW with an idea for a Beast Wars book to celebrate the 20th anniversary. Interestingly these two ideas had the potential to dovetail together and connect if necessary. When FunPub looked to partner with IDW to produce the comic, John approached me to pitch and the rest is (future) history!

Va'al - Perseverance seems to be the way to go, then - a tip to keep in mind. So when Barber approached you, did you get a guideline or directive, or were you given free rein as to what the story might do (other than include this year's toys, of course)?

JP - My main guideline was that it had to be in continuity (which any BW fan will know is an interesting and muddy one) and it had to feature the toys. I had already pitched a mini series that would bridge the gap between G1 and Beast Wars so the story was always going to live in that time frame. A lot of the characters that the toys represent were already baked into the story so the main challenge or restriction was getting as much of what I planned into just one issue. I had to take my original outline and focus in on a very specific part and specific time and place from it.

It is a very full issue and the goals I set myself were that it should be a Beast Wars and G1 story that matters, with moments that shape and add to your understanding of the mythology in ways that are both inevitable AND surprising. I really wanted to see what some G1 characters had become and what some Beast Wars characters were like before they had become the characters we knew.

Transformers News: Interviews John-Paul Bove, Writer of FunPub/IDW's 'Dawn Of The Predacus'

If I ever get the chance to expand on this it has been built in such a way that it is the middle part of a trilogy. The first part would be very G1 centric and the third part more BW centric with this issue functioning as a bridge. There's a really, really incredible moment, a scene between two important characters that I would love to one day tell. What starts Dawn of the Predacus off is the consequences of an act of sacrifice that make the Great War anyone's to win or lose.

DotP is a complete one shot but we know it isn't the end, we know some of these characters continue into BW and we know that some G1 characters don't make it through the Great War. There's still a lot of time between here and the Beast Wars (and here and The Rebirth) that I had planned out and hope to one day tell you all about.

Va'al - That sounds like you really planned the events out quite a lot already before getting the brief, definitely! You mention a number of characters that you wanted to include: was anyone forcibly or inevitably left out?

Transformers News: Interviews John-Paul Bove, Writer of FunPub/IDW's 'Dawn Of The Predacus'

JP - Oh yeah, I'd been planning these stories out a long time before the opportunity came up. I can't say too much as there are still other characters getting toys to be revealed, but there's a lot of G1 characters I wanted to touch on. Again, if the book does well maybe we will see them yet! Mainly there are characters I'd like to have had more time to play with, especially Tarantulas.

Va'al - We are seeing a very different Tarantulas in IDW's version of events, of course, but that's another story... So we are to find something bridging a gap, which feeds from established work and feeding into other established work - what was the hardest part to tweak to make it all work, in your opinion?

JP - I'm a continuity junkie so finding the connections between various points on the timeline was something that came quite naturally. The hardest part was deciding what to leave out as the space I had was limited. I wanted to avoid multiple timelines and realities, and have what happens here to inform and have impact on the stories we're already familiar with. Just because we know the war ends doesn't mean we know HOW the war ends.

Transformers News: Interviews John-Paul Bove, Writer of FunPub/IDW's 'Dawn Of The Predacus'

Though the big challenge was that the Beast Wars show referenced points from various continuities that contradict each other. Making sure that that this story was in continuity with as much of those other stories as possible was tricky, but hopefully rewarding for most fans.

Va'al - I do not envy you that task, at all. Was there anything you were particularly pleased to have been able to work in, either as an in-joke, a reference, or just a personal itch scratched?

JP - There is a Transformers the Movie nod which was so satisfying... I think, beyond getting to give characters I adore new words to say and new characters some life, my main satisfaction comes from setting the foundation for things in Beast Wars that were perhaps not best explained and seeing how their origins stem from G1 events... It adds another layer to stories we already know.

Va'al - I'm sure we'll be seeing it for ourselves very shortly, at this stage! Before we round this off, how was collaborating with someone else on the visuals, this time round? How was the experience of working with Corin Howell?

Transformers News: Interviews John-Paul Bove, Writer of FunPub/IDW's 'Dawn Of The Predacus'
Not the BotCon comic

JP - I'd worked with Corin before on a couple of pages but I'd also had the good fortune to meet her at last year's San Diego Comic Con. Her style is very different from what I'd worked with in the past, a more expressive, more animated look which in a way captures two aspects of both G1 and Beast Wars. As a colourist it gives you a lot to play with as well. Of course she has the misfortune to deal with me as a writer and a colourist! Who can she complain to about the demanding writer or the unreliable colourist!?

Va'al - She'll be up to the challenge, I'm sure. JP, it's been great to have you have this chat with us to build up some extra hype for the comic and BotCon - thank you for joining us! Are there any last words you want to throw out to readers and fans?

JP - Only that I hope everyone has a great BotCon, the guests are amazing, the artists are amazing and the toys (some still very secret) are going to knock your socks off! I hope people enjoy the book too, naturally! And if you do please spread the word, there's so much more story to tell! Thanks to everyone that has supported me and the books I've coloured and really pushed to have me write something in the Transformers universe, it's a dream come true.

Oh, and don't forget to sign the petition for a G1 Cartoon universe comic!


BotCon 2016 will take place in Louisville, Kentucky, on April 7-10th. You can check out news and coverage of the event, as things happen, right here on, and join in the discussion in the Energon Pub boards!

John Barber Talks More IDW The Transformers #50

Date: Friday, February 26th 2016 1:45pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News, People News, Interviews
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): Newsarama

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With an issue as big as The Transformers #50, from IDW and review on here, we were bound to get more than one interview with John Barber, the writer of the ongoing and editor of everything else Transformers at the publisher - the following is found on Newsarama, and contains some spoilers from the issue, so keep going only once you've read the issue!

[...] One of the things with Optimus Prime is that he’s a good guy. Like, a really good, powerful, guy. So over the years, he'd sort of had doubt introduced to him in the IDW comic books, where he was a little more hesitating in his actions. As I was writing him, I started to realize he was maybe going down that direction again, and it seemed to me—as a character, from his point of view—he’d want to avoid that.

But at the same time, one of the looming questions has been “what does it mean to be Prime?” Starscream’s ruling Cybertron; Megatron’s an Autobot... Some people see him as a war leader, others see him as a messianic figure... Some ’bots are loyally on his side and will follow him anywhere, and others—old friends—start to doubt him.


Nrama: As the battle and the main story ended, the issue kicked into another gear with that dream sequence from Optimus. What can you say about that? Is it a premonition? Will some (or all) of it come true?

Barber: Some of Optimus's dream is literally true. Some is symbolic. Some is what he fears. Maybe some is leading him to what he needs to know. And a big part of it recalls an ancient prophesy from the days of the original Primes. Is it Optimus projecting himself onto this old tale? Or is it the prophecy asserting itself onto its object?


But what really comes next is all of the pieces of this series coming together. The politics of Cybertron, the ancient history of Earth and Cybertron, the relationship with Earth and its giant metal visitors. Optimus Prime, Starscream, Prowl, Arcee, Victorion—all those characters come together. Plus ghost-Bumblebee. Or hallucination-Bumblebee, whatever Starscream is seeing. Even poor dead Bumblebee has a role to play!

John Barber on IDW The Transformers #50

Date: Wednesday, February 24th 2016 6:25am CST
Categories: Comic Book News, People News, Interviews
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): Newsarama

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Gearing up to our own review of the massive issue #50 of The Transformers from IDW Publishing, take a look at the thoughts of its writer - John Barber - in this interview conducted with Newsarama on the eve of the book's release!

IDW looks to be setting up a major change to the status quo of its Transformers line, as longtime series writer John Barber and artist Andrew Griffith begins the "All Hail Optimus" arc.

But the battle lines are more than just Autobots vs. Decepticons, as different factions emerge against Optimus, Galvatron and Starscream... and that's not even including the humans of Earth, which as you can imagine might have issues with Optimus Prime annexing Earth.


Barber: At the start of the series, Galvatron is poised to wreak havoc on the Earth with an army of disaffected Decepticons. This isn’t the first time the Earth’s been in this dangerous position—among other things, Earth’s useful to the Transformers because it has this substance called Ore-13 which can be converted to energon, their lifeblood. Optimus has tried battling on Earth to defend it; he’s tried leaving Earth behind to keep it out of the Cybertronian’s war. Neither of those really worked. So now, he’s looking at Earth and seeing the Decepticons striking again, and he’s seeing there are people starving on Earth and people being disenfranchised in many ways.
"Transformers #50" preview
[Pin It] CREDIT: IDW Publishing
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And Optimus’ motto has always been, “Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.” It’s pointed out to him that he could act to make the people of Earth more free… and free from this eons-long Cybertronian war, that—while it’s technically over—is still endangering the planet.

So he decides to annex Earth into Cybertron’s council of worlds. Whether Earth wants to come or not; and whether the council wants Earth or not. He’s going to pull Earth into the cosmic community and try to improve life on the planet.

So, yeah—a lot of his friends see this as… not a good move. I think all of his enemies see this as bad. But Optimus has loyal allies, plus followers who view him as a messianic figure for being a Prime, and carrying (what’s left of) the Matrix of Leadership. Optimus has been unwilling to use that good will to his advantage… until now.


Nrama: Last question -- Transformers #50 looks to be extra-sized. Overall, what should fans expect?

Barber: There’s a 30-page story by me and Andrew, then Casey W. Coller drew a 10-pager that deals with the fallout. Plus some rambling reminisces by me. And some nice special guest covers, by Jonathan Hickman and Mike Choi and our regular gang of Transformers superstars like Andrew Griffith, Casey W. Coller, and Alex Milne.

Paramount CEO Brad Grey on Transformers: Bumblebee Spin-Off

Date: Tuesday, February 16th 2016 1:56pm CST
Categories: Movie Related News, People News, Interviews
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): The Hollywood Reporter

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After the confirmation during Toy Fair 2016, from Paramount and Hasbro directly, that the sixth instalment in the movie series for the big screen Transformers will focus on Bumblebee alone, today we receive an update via The Hollywood Reporter in which gives CEO Brad Grey a little more detail on the 2018 feature. Read more here and below!

Paramount will sandwich a Bumblebee movie between its next two Transformers pics. The three films will roll out in successive summers beginning with a Michael Bay-helmed Transformers 5 on June 23, 2017, followed by the Bumblebee spinoff June 8, 2018. Another stand-alone will arrive June 28, 2019.

The studio announced the dates for the three movies Feb. 12 but was vague about whether or not the trio would include a spinoff, simply calling the films Transformers 5, 6 and 7.

“There are characters in the Transformers universe that can be and should be made into their own movies,” Paramount Pictures chairman and CEO Brad Grey told The Hollywood Reporter. “We will make the first movie with Michael and go right into a Bumblebee movie, which will be at a lower cost.”

Considering the Transformers franchise has spawned $3.8 billion in worldwide box office since 2007, it should come as no surprise that Paramount is looking to pick up the pace on its robot juggernaut.

Titan Returns Deluxe Wave 1 Artwork, Plus Ken Christiansen Interview

Date: Saturday, February 13th 2016 1:14pm CST
Categories: Toy News, People News, Interviews
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): Hasbro Pulse

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Fellow Seibertronian ScottyP has forwarded us the latest issue of Hasbro's Pulse newsletter, featuring some of the new Transformers full reveals – just in time for Toy Fair 2016! The images are fairly small, though consistent with what we have seen so far in the leaks, and show packaging art for four of the deluxe class figures: Blurr, Scourge, Skullcruncher and Hardhead. Also included is an interview with the artist behind the images, our friend Ken Christiansen – read more below.

The Transformers Generations franchise offers us a sneak peek at the beginning of their “TITANS RETURN” product with these images of upcoming packaging artwork. There’s only so much room on a box or a blister card, so the scintillating character images developed by our artists sometimes gets maneuvered and cropped from the full glory of the original piece. The Hasbro Pulse has secured the full character artwork that will adorn the packaging for this July’s “TITANS RETURN” Deluxe Generations Wave 1.

The original artwork for their packaging was created by Ken Christiansen, a longtime contributor to the Transformers brand. Ken’s dynamic art style is well-known and appreciated by Transformers fans, and he took some time to talk to us about his work on the “TITANS RETURN” images:
HASBRO PULSE: You've been providing phenomenal artwork for Transformers toys over the years - is this the first time you've worked on a Power Master toy? How different is it to draw a Transformer with a removable head?
KEN CHRISTIANSEN: Thanks very much. I was really thinking about it, and up until working on Titans Retun, it's possible I hadn't drawn a Power Master since I was a little kid, and the original toys were on shelves, back in the 1980s! Drawing a removable head isn't much of a stretch when I'm working on Transformers - it's just another part that is in a different place during a transformation. Though the real magic of the removable head is that it's going to be yet another level of transformation, into a new character!
HASBRO PULSE: Your personal art style is a fantastic match for the aspirational nature of a franchise rooted in metal parts and straight edges - what artists have influenced your style and development?
KEN CHRISTIANSEN: My personal art influences as I was growing up were Drew Struzan, Frank Frazetta, and more to the point of the question, famed industrial and futurist designer Syd Mead. But the direct influence on my Transformers work to this day, is the original box back art on the first line of Transformers, the incredible battle scene that gave life and energy to the very idea of the Transformers. And now that I get to opportunity to contribute to the packaging art, I hope I can inspire the next generation of kids.
HASBRO PULSE: The first wave of Titans Return figures features four fan favorite characters in Blurr, Skullcruncher, Hardhead and Scourge. Do you have a favorite among these "first four?"
KEN CHISTIANSEN: I'm excited about all of them, but for me Skullcruncher is a real standout. I think the design team did an amazing job, and I can't wait to get my hands on him!
These four Transformers will have their toy versions unveiled at New York Toy Fair, and are expected to be available in stores this August.

Transformers News: Titan Returns Deluxe Wave 1 Artwork, Plus Ken Christiansen Interview

Transformers News: Titan Returns Deluxe Wave 1 Artwork, Plus Ken Christiansen Interview

Transformers News: Titan Returns Deluxe Wave 1 Artwork, Plus Ken Christiansen Interview

Transformers News: Titan Returns Deluxe Wave 1 Artwork, Plus Ken Christiansen Interview

Interview - Hasbro's CEO Brian Goldner, Talks Brand "Blueprints" With CNBC Squawk Box

Date: Thursday, February 11th 2016 11:20am CST
Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News, Event News, Game News, Interviews
Posted by: no-one | Credit(s): HasbroNews via Twitter

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Seibertronian AzT has alerted us to a CNBC Squawk Box interview with Hasbro's CEO Brain Goldner. During the interview Goldner speaks about Hasbro's brand "blueprints" which are being driven by media properties. To that; Goldner briefly mentions the new Transformers live action movie and speaks of Hasbro's partnership with Backflip Studios, one of the developers of the new mobile game, Transformers: Earth Wars.

Goldner also "squashes" the Hasbro/Mattel merger rumor as "just a rumor".

Remember to keep your browsers pointed to for the latest in Transformer news, the largest Transformers galleries found on the web and the liveliest Transformers discussion this side of a space bridge.

Transformers: Earth Wars - Space Ape Founders Interview: Windblade, Slipstream, Gameplay

Date: Wednesday, February 10th 2016 6:20pm CST
Categories: Game News, People News, Company News, Interviews
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): Games

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Even more coverage is rolling in about the newly and fully announced Transformers: Earth Wars mobile game from Hasbro, Space Ape and Backflip - with new reveals too in the form of Windblade and Slipstream as playable characters! The interview with Space Ape founders John Earner and Simon Hadesnippeted below from also offers insights into the game type, the build the companies have been using, and the companies' commitment to the project and aesthetic choices. Check it out, and head here for the full thing!

The studio [Space Ape Games] has, so far, made its name as something of a specialist in what its founders call 'build and battlers', the mid-core asynchronous multiplayer genre established to such great success by Supercell and Clash of Clans. It's already had two successes in the genre: Samurai Siege and Rival Kingdoms, but now Earner and Hade are looking to take the next step with the attachment of a globally recognised IP in the shifting shape of Hasbro's Transformers for its new game Earth Wars.

"I guess you could say it's the modern take on classic Transformers, where the characters are bigger, chunkier and more colourful, rather than the [Michael] Bay-style, which uses more organic characters," says product owner Chris White when I ask if they're tying Earth Wars to the Bay-directed films. "It works very well for us because they're very readable when they're small."


"Talking to a lot of the Transformer fans we have over the course of development, it's amazing how many of them haven't played any games in this genre before," says White. "Whereas you'd expect everyone to have played Clash of Clans, they actually haven't, so we're introducing them to the genre for the first time. One really interesting thing we saw during development, when we were getting Transformers fans in, is that, as a developer you've obviously seen a lot of games, a lot of tutorials. You start to think that everyone must know how this works, that you need to teach the player something different. Actually, there's tons of Transformers fans out there that don't know the mechanics of the genre, or indeed any game.

"It's easy to be cynical, having played tons of games in the genre and developed a few of them, but then you realise that maybe in some areas you've actually gone a little too far with the innovation and you need to dial it back a bit and give people something they're more familiar with."


"Transformers is huge in Asia," Earner corrects me. "We have the rights to launch the game globally, we secured the rights via Takara to introduce the game to Japan, which is the only territory where Hasbro doesn't have the rights, but there's a long and productive relationship between the two. So it's not so much that we don't have plans for Asia, it's that Asia requires an extra amount of detail. We won't go live in those countries on day one because we want to put real time into it.

"A pleasant surprise for me, having spent a week in China last year: we always knew that China had become excited about what we call 'Bay-led' Transformers. Bay-led is a country or person whose introduction to the brand comes from the recent films. France is Bay-led, believe it or not, as is China. We suspected that, as a result they might not recognise some of the characters, such as Grimlock. But the mid-core player on the coast of China is also male, 28-45. They know this stuff and they love it, so we're extremely optimistic about it, but like you say, they're a different market, you can't just come at it straight."

Transformers News: Transformers: Earth Wars - Space Ape Founders Interview: Windblade, Slipstream, Gameplay

Transformers News: Transformers: Earth Wars - Space Ape Founders Interview: Windblade, Slipstream, Gameplay

Paramount Transformers 5 and Michael Bay Returning to Chicago

Date: Wednesday, January 20th 2016 12:09pm CST
Categories: Movie Related News, People News, Digital Media News, Interviews
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): WGN Radio

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Via a number of sources across the internet, but converging to an interview that director Michael Bay (and John Krasinski) sat through with Dean Richards of WGN Radio, we have news that the new instalment in the Paramount Transformers live-action movie series will see a return to Chicago during the filming process. While they don't mention too much, Bay did say:

he plans to be back in Chicago sometime later this year. The film is scheduled for a 2017 release, with plans already in the works for two more "Transformers" movies after that. Billion-dollar revenues will do that.

"You going to blow up Michigan Avenue again?" Richards asks Bay in his interview (at the 5:40 mark). "No, we're gonna find a new street," Bay said. "But I love Chicago." And then, referring to some of the city's systemic problems, including gun violence, added dryly: "We'll come in with some Transformers to even it out."

Check out the full interview - which is about 13 Hours - here.

Rumors - Michael Bay Speaks Briefly on Transformers 5 and Beyond

Date: Tuesday, January 12th 2016 6:24pm CST
Categories: Movie Related News, Rumors, Interviews
Posted by: no-one | Credit(s): Collider

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In a recent Collider interview with Michael Bay on his new film 13 Hours, Steve Weintraub was able to sneak in a few questions about Bay's involvement with any future Transformers films. The full interview can be viewed here.

There are three talking points to add a little fuel to the rumor fires:

According to Bay his writers
...did a really good job of going back in time and connecting things in history and how it relates to different spinoffs...
Bay continued to say, presumably about Transformers 5
...I guess this will be my last one...
And when Weintraub probed Bay for additional info, he received the following statement
...I can't tease SHIZZLESNIT ...

When you're done with the interview check out the most recent additions to the AOE galleries here. And don't forget to join in the conversation and rumor mongering in the discussion below.

Remember to keep your browsers pointed to for the latest in Transformer news, the largest Transformers galleries found on the web and the liveliest Transformers discussion this side of a space bridge.

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