Auto Assembly Update: Podcast Show #2

Monday, April 10th, 2006 1:40PM CDT
Categories: Event News, Digital Media NewsPosted by: Hotrod Views: 14,975
"Hi Everyone, Just to let you know that the second Auto Assembly podcast has just been uploaded to the server today. This time it's a massive show running in at just under 56 minutes and we've got a few surprises in store this time... Once again, the show has all the latest news and developments on Auto Assembly: Target 2006 including exclusive news on our latest guest confirmed for the convention yesterday, details on a convention exclusive being produced by Wildfur, a competition to win some Transformers DVD box sets, more great music plus a special guest appearance from RiD voice actor Wally Wingert! You can download the show, and the first one if you haven't already heard it, from where it is available in high and low quality versions for downloading. Feel free to send us your comments and suggestions about it to us at or alternatively you can leave them on the forum at Enjoy the show and we're looking forward to seeing many of you in June at Auto Assembly: Target 2006 and thanks to all of your for your support so far with the show and the convention! Simon and Sven Auto Assembly: Target 2006"
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