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Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th!

Transformers News: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th!

Wednesday, November 28th, 2007 4:21PM CST

Categories: Event News, Press Releases
Posted by: Seibertron   Views: 43,287

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Here is the start of the information you have all been waiting for:

BotCon 2008 will be held in Cincinnati, OH at the Duke Energy Center.

Convention dates are: April 24-27, 2008

The hotel is across the street and is the Hyatt Regency.
You can make your reservations online by using the link at or call:


Note: There will be tours and classes offered on Wednesday April 23 and
Thursday April 24. Currently Shawn will be teaching his class on Wednesday and again on Thursday so we will have 50 slots. We are also working on potential classes in sculpting and or molding as well. We can't answer any specific questions currently but we wanted to give you a heads up for your hotel reservations needs.

Convention registration and details to follow....

Don't delay as last year's rooms went in less than a day....

Thanks for your support!


PS. The con set is really going to shatter your world....


BotCon 2008
Credit(s): Brian @ Master Collector

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Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479902)
Posted by Agent 007 on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:23pm CST
not chicago, but maybe I'll go
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479905)
Posted by Prowl Pants on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:23pm CST
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479907)
Posted by Seibertron on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:23pm CST
It's closer than Los Angeles would be :) ... heck that's not that far of a drive. It's only 8 hours away, which isn't that bad at all.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479910)
Posted by Scaleface on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:24pm CST
Not bad. that's 4 and half hours due south of me.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479913)
Posted by Wheelimus Prime on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:25pm CST
Sherade wrote:It just couldn't be close to Maryland. Could it?

hay if only it were close to wilksbarre PA :grin:
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479915)
Posted by i_amtrunks on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:25pm CST
April hey, that makes it close to Easter...

Have fun to those who can actually make it!
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479920)
Posted by ghostscream127 on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:28pm CST
WHY ME im 10 years old and really wants to go to botcon but i cant because it to far DANM IT
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479921)
Posted by underwear ninja on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:28pm CST
HECK YEAH! That's only two hours from my house! (I'm an Ohioan) I'm SO going! Plus I've got friends in the city, so I can save cash on hotels and food >:]
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479924)
Posted by Blackstreak on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:29pm CST
YEAH BABY! Right in my back yard! I am so fired up, I have to go this time.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479926)
Posted by Sherade on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:29pm CST
Seibertron wrote:It's closer than Los Angeles would be :) ... heck that's not that far of a drive. It's only 8 hours away, which isn't that bad at all.
I'm not sure if that was meant for me, but I doubt my parents would be up for driving me. Plus, I got school, and if you miss a day of High Scool, let alone 3, you're doomed. Especially since my school would count it unexcused. :P
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479929)
Posted by Agent 007 on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:30pm CST
Damn I got school! :-x :MAD: :BANG_HEAD: :sad: :cry:
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479939)
Posted by Down_Shift on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:35pm CST
So who wants to bunk up with Down_Shift again? Seibs, Fender... I'm looking in your direction. Remember Fender, I still owe you one. ;)^

But seriously, I'm in like 1337-sauce.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479954)
Posted by Blackstreak on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:41pm CST
Down_Shift wrote:So who wants to bunk up with Down_Shift again? Seibs, Fender... I'm looking in your direction. Remember Fender, I still owe you one. ;)^

But seriously, I'm in like 1337-sauce.

I'd be willing to house a couple of guys. :grin: Don't take it as an invite for funny business though. :P
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479960)
Posted by Bed Bugs on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:43pm CST
Tax Return = Botcon

At least that's what I'm hoping. :D

Also, on a related note, Ryan thought I was crazy when I went to Lexington 2 years ago by way of Cincinnati. Now I at least know the way! :lol:
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479968)
Posted by GetterDragun on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:46pm CST
Is registration up?
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479979)
Posted by Bed Bugs on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:50pm CST
Quick! staff! We need to figure out a way to take over theMuffin's place! :D :lol:
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479991)
Posted by Geekee1 on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:54pm CST
Oh I am so there! That's only a couple hours drive for me, much closer that last year! Can't wait to see everybody again!
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479994)
Posted by OhioBot on November 28th, 2007 @ 4:55pm CST
OHIO!!! YES!!! Just a 4 hour drive across the state for me!!!
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479998)
Posted by Robinson on November 28th, 2007 @ 5:00pm CST
Damn, too bad I don't live in covington anymore.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (479999)
Posted by opjet on November 28th, 2007 @ 5:01pm CST
so let be the date known the
date where we'll see new tranformers toys
and a teaser poster for tf 2
i hope hasbro surprise me with something i don't
see comming because practly know
whats coming this year's
any one agree with me
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480000)
Posted by opjet on November 28th, 2007 @ 5:01pm CST
so let be the date known the
date where we'll see new tranformers toys
and a teaser poster for tf 2
i hope hasbro surprise me with something i don't
see comming because practly know
whats coming this year's
any one agree with me
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480007)
Posted by ScottyP on November 28th, 2007 @ 5:06pm CST
yay, i'll actually be at the real hotel this year! err... I guess its still next year XD
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480018)
Posted by Rijie on November 28th, 2007 @ 5:16pm CST
Sweet! I was hoping for Detroit, but it's still within driving distance.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480025)
Posted by Wheeljack35 on November 28th, 2007 @ 5:18pm CST
Sherade wrote:It just couldn't be close to Maryland. Could it?

I feel your pain I wished it would of been in Florida

I'm starting to get this feeling I will never attenda Botcon in my lifetime :sad:
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480027)
Posted by 1337W422102 on November 28th, 2007 @ 5:19pm CST
Down_Shift wrote:But seriously, I'm in like 1337-sauce.

You called, buddy? :P

I hope you guys and gals all have a great time at BotCon! Just remember to take some photos for those of us who can't make it, eh? And enjoy your Bizarro TFs!
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480028)
Posted by TheMuffin on November 28th, 2007 @ 5:20pm CST

Let me reiterate.


One more time.


TheMuffin and Botcon all in one place!

Fender. If I am moved out before then, you guys can stay at my place. Though I am about 3 hours out from Botcon. And a forewarning. I'm not bunking with you guys. I get the feeling I'd go deaf from all of the snoring.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480032)
Posted by Wheeljack35 on November 28th, 2007 @ 5:24pm CST
Well the TAPScon will be in Clearwater in July and its about 45 minutes from me

TAPS :???:

The Atlantic Paranormal Society from Ghosthunters maybe I can get to meet Jason and Grant

Ooh maybe hit Star Wars weekends at Disney MGM also

To hell with Botcon :MAD:
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480035)
Posted by Bed Bugs on November 28th, 2007 @ 5:26pm CST
TheMuffin wrote:Yes.

Let me reiterate.


One more time.


TheMuffin and Botcon all in one place!

Fender. If I am moved out before then, you guys can stay at my place. Though I am about 3 hours out from Botcon. And a forewarning. I'm not bunking with you guys. I get the feeling I'd go deaf from all of the snoring.

Aw, you're up by Cleveland instead of Cincy, aren't you. :-(
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480043)
Posted by TheMuffin on November 28th, 2007 @ 5:28pm CST
Yup. All I know though is I'm bringing Rock Band down with me. Crank the music and go apeshit out in the hallway of the hotel.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480058)
Posted by Saberspark model H. on November 28th, 2007 @ 5:33pm CST
Dang why can is it in the north, has Botcon ever been in the southern states I gots school to.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480068)
Posted by Bed Bugs on November 28th, 2007 @ 5:37pm CST
Saberspark model H. wrote:Dang why can is it in the north, has Botcon ever been in the southern states I gots school to.

It was in North Carolina once and twice in southern California.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480069)
Posted by Energon on November 28th, 2007 @ 5:37pm CST
So, as a noob, should one plan on attending all of the days or just the weekend? I'll be in Michigan the week prior to Botcon and Cinci is on the way home to Florida.
Did someone say rock band? Reminds me of my Gencon days.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480096)
Posted by Cascadia on November 28th, 2007 @ 5:53pm CST
Not a very good chance for me to come...for several reasons: 1) distance to travel (2,022 mi (3,254 km)); 2) expenses to get there and most important I have to work--my full-time student teaching.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480097)
Posted by Optimist_Prime on November 28th, 2007 @ 5:53pm CST
TheMuffin wrote:Yup. All I know though is I'm bringing Rock Band down with me. Crank the music and go apeshit out in the hallway of the hotel.

I call Drums.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480104)
Posted by TheMuffin on November 28th, 2007 @ 5:57pm CST
Fair enough. Now we need a vocalist...That isn't completely tone deaf like me.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480107)
Posted by Galaxy_Convoy on November 28th, 2007 @ 6:00pm CST


why does it have to be so far away!? :-(
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480109)
Posted by Optimist_Prime on November 28th, 2007 @ 6:01pm CST
That's why I like the drums. Hit stuff, make pretty music. No pitch required :grin: .
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480132)
Posted by TheMuffin on November 28th, 2007 @ 6:09pm CST
Galaxy_Convoy wrote:Image


why does it have to be so far away!? :-(

That's only like an 8 hour drive. Maybe 10 at most if you stop a lot. I can get from Toledo Ohio to West Virginia in 4 hours non stop. Hell dude just take a boat across the lake into Sandusky harbor. Then just hit 75 south.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480134)
Posted by Liege Evilmus on November 28th, 2007 @ 6:13pm CST
I'm still saying BotCon should be a touring convention!
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480135)
Posted by Galaxy_Convoy on November 28th, 2007 @ 6:13pm CST
TheMuffin wrote:
Galaxy_Convoy wrote:Image


why does it have to be so far away!? :-(

That's only like an 8 hour drive. Maybe 10 at most if you stop a lot. I can get from Toledo Ohio to West Virginia in 4 hours non stop. Hell dude just take a boat across the lake into Sandusky harbor. Then just hit 75 south.

Yea, but I haven't had my passport updated for quite a while. Along with me being a little short on cash, so it seems I'm going to have to wave as this one goes by. At least theres still Transformercon to look forward to about two months after Botcon.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480138)
Posted by Doctor Reggae on November 28th, 2007 @ 6:14pm CST
Oh. Oh hell. I live all of 140 miles from there. Haven't been to a BotCon since the last one in Fort Wayne. Don't know if I'll have the money. But I wants to be there...

Gotta try and talk my best friend into going'd be fun for old times' sake...

Ohio, can I get a "Hells yeah!" for Botcon coming back? :)
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480139)
Posted by Savage on November 28th, 2007 @ 6:14pm CST
Heck yeah, thats only half as far as I had to drive last year! 11 hours away is a LOT better than 23.

I am SO there.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480146)
Posted by Bed Bugs on November 28th, 2007 @ 6:19pm CST
Or Down_Shift and you could carpool from Toronto..... :-?
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480157)
Posted by fuzzd0rk on November 28th, 2007 @ 6:24pm CST
Nice. I was hoping it would be driving distance for me again. Less than seven hours from Buffalo.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480164)
Posted by Galaxy_Convoy on November 28th, 2007 @ 6:26pm CST
Fender Bender wrote:Or Down_Shift and you could carpool from Toronto..... :-?

That is true. Now I just need to scrape enough cash together... :-?
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480176)
Posted by Pyrostrata on November 28th, 2007 @ 6:32pm CST
not far from me and a bit of time to prepare for! YAY! Methinks I can make it! It'll be a new experience for me, since I have wanted to go as long as I knew there WAS a BotCon! *starts saving her nickels and dimes RIGHT NOW!* Will ask off work on Friday! Any Midwesterners: WANNA ROADTRIP IT? ;)

Pyro is excited now! :grin: :DANCE: :DANCE: :DANCE: :DANCE: :DANCE: :grin:
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480177)
Posted by Bed Bugs on November 28th, 2007 @ 6:32pm CST
Galaxy_Convoy wrote:
Fender Bender wrote:Or Down_Shift and you could carpool from Toronto..... :-?

That is true. Now I just need to scrape enough cash together... :-?

Shouldn't be too hard for you Canucks and that more valuable currency of yours! :P :lol:
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480185)
Posted by Galaxy_Convoy on November 28th, 2007 @ 6:36pm CST
Fender Bender wrote:
Galaxy_Convoy wrote:
Fender Bender wrote:Or Down_Shift and you could carpool from Toronto..... :-?

That is true. Now I just need to scrape enough cash together... :-?

Shouldn't be too hard for you Canucks and that more valuable currency of yours! :P :lol:

Actually, I believe it's just on par at the moment. 1.01 or something of that jazz. But you never know, it could spike up again. :P
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480334)
Posted by The Chaos Bringer on November 28th, 2007 @ 7:35pm CST
I wish it was in Florida (as an official apology from Hasbro for still not restocking stores) but from the looks of the logo it appears to be Animated based. So no thanks anyway.
Re: Botcon 2008 location revealed: Cincinnati, Ohio April 24 - 27th! (480340)
Posted by Sherade on November 28th, 2007 @ 7:37pm CST
The Chaos Bringer wrote: So no thanks anyway.

Yo, don't be H8tin'. :P

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