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Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?!

Transformers News: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?!

Monday, October 6th, 2008 1:55PM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Rumors
Posted by: Tigertrack   Views: 36,584

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*********MASSIVE MOVIE SPOILER BELOW, if true!*********

*******************Movie Spoiler***********************

A movie insider at TFW has proposed that he/she knows the alternate modes of the rumored movie Constructicons. According to this source the alternate modes are:

    O&K/Terex RH400 - Hydrolic Mining Excavator - (red)
    Caterpillar 992G - Wheel Loader - (yellow)
    Caterpillar 773B - Dump Truck - (green)
    Mack Cement Mixer - (silver/white)
    Komatsu HD465-7 - Articulated Dump Truck - (red)
    Kobelco CK2500 - Truss Crane - (yellow)
    Caterpillar D9L - Bulldozer - (beige)

Whether or not these are true, or the rumor that Devastator and the Constructicons will be in the movie is true, well, we just don't know yet. There are no set images to back this up, but the source did take the time to locate a google image of each construction vehicle. They would make one very, very large combined bot.

So take this with a mountain sized pile of salt...

Be here when revenge happens-- movie news.

*Images of vehicle modes coming.
Credit(s): Dead Metal, TFW2005

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Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (804732)
Posted by Dead Metal on October 6th, 2008 @ 2:04pm CDT
Thanks tiger! :D
This thing will be MASSIF!
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (804733)
Posted by GuyIncognito on October 6th, 2008 @ 2:08pm CDT
Terex O&K RH 400 Hydraulic Mining Excavator (on the right):

Caterpillar 992G - Wheel Loader:

Caterpillar 773B - Dump Truck:

Mack Cement Mixer:

Komatsu HD465-7 - Articulated Dump Truck:

Kobelco CK2500 - Truss Crane:

Caterpillar D9L - Bulldozer
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (804735)
Posted by primeoptimus on October 6th, 2008 @ 2:09pm CDT
looks like they have been taking some robot steroids

and devestator should NOT,look like some random amalgomation of construction vehicle parts

and there only multicolored so hasbro could repaint them all green so we'd buy them again
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (804736)
Posted by Savage on October 6th, 2008 @ 2:10pm CDT
Interesting, and this would be totally awesome if it proves true. I'll wait for set pictures or some other official confirmation before I get too excited.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (804746)
Posted by Universal Prime on October 6th, 2008 @ 2:18pm CDT
So THAT is why Mixmaster didn't get his toy the first time. Nice.

Now to get the group.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (804761)
Posted by SDL on October 6th, 2008 @ 2:35pm CDT
Don't want to sound like a party pooper here.... but i'll wait for more info before i believe this.... Don't trust the TFW2005 'source' right now.....

If he's right.. then he's right.. but i dunno.....
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (804785)
Posted by Megatron Wolf on October 6th, 2008 @ 2:57pm CDT
If this is true its going to be bad ass. But why 2 dump trucks? Whats the point of adding a 7th to the group? Wait just figured it out. The 7th is going to be a big ass gun. Only thing that make sence.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (804789)
Posted by Scaleface on October 6th, 2008 @ 2:59pm CDT
And sadly, I will buy the "Allspark Power" redeco if it's in G1 Consttructicon colors.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (804828)
Posted by First-Aid on October 6th, 2008 @ 3:26pm CDT
That is a lot of tonnage...if this is true, it's going to be the biggest TF ever. I'm wagering the dumptrucks will be the feet...makes sense to me. And I agree that one of them will turn into a massive weapon...maybe somthing like Overdrive in the Armada series? :-? They've already said that some of the Transformers from the movie will be changing into weapons...
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (804831)
Posted by insanityzmaster on October 6th, 2008 @ 3:28pm CDT
Holy Crap that would be so awesome now if they could only figure out how to transform a city!
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (804849)
Posted by Dread_Wing on October 6th, 2008 @ 3:40pm CDT
IF this is true, it may be the first Movie transformer I buy... You reckon a supreme class set, or :shock: seven deluxes....
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (804851)
Posted by Auto Bot on October 6th, 2008 @ 3:41pm CDT
It will be really exciting if they use 7 bots Constructicons.

Can't wait to see how they combine.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (804870)
Posted by Dr. Caelus on October 6th, 2008 @ 4:01pm CDT
I lay odds that the cement Mixer will be a gun, though I'll allow the crane might be a melee weapon.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (804891)
Posted by [JRX] on October 6th, 2008 @ 4:36pm CDT
Caelus wrote:I lay odds that the cement Mixer will be a gun, though I'll allow the crane might be a melee weapon.

I'd buy that... and maybe put a few dollars on the Bulldozer being a codpiece :P

Both vehicles seem out of proportion.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (804908)
Posted by dragons on October 6th, 2008 @ 4:57pm CDT
loving it at least they made one of them green thats a plus ha hes going to be bigger & king kong, godzilla haha maybe not godzilla but kong yes.

7 for combiner is it even possible ok think i got it all 7 thats what unless one becomes a gun or soemthing else as baclpack for something
1 head
2 arm l
3 arm r
4 leg r
5 leg l
6 body
7 waist
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (804936)
Posted by ultra tron on October 6th, 2008 @ 5:35pm CDT
So basically they added another dump truck to the mix. Can't wait to see him--on the big screen
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (804959)
Posted by Agent 007 on October 6th, 2008 @ 5:50pm CDT
cool beans, I'll take this stuff with a grain of salt but cool if it's true.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (805035)
Posted by DMSL on October 6th, 2008 @ 6:24pm CDT
There should be only six and they should have the names of the original G1 characters.

So...Bonecrusher should be part of him as well. I mean come on Michael Bay this is based on G1 so get the facts right please.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (805066)
Posted by Scaleface on October 6th, 2008 @ 6:36pm CDT
First-Aid wrote:That is a lot of tonnage...if this is true, it's going to be the biggest TF ever.

Oh how quickly the young forget lord Unicron.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (805165)
Posted by automal on October 6th, 2008 @ 7:20pm CDT
Hope this is true!
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (805199)
Posted by Skowl on October 6th, 2008 @ 7:39pm CDT
tigertracks 24 wrote:Caterpillar D9L - Bulldozer - (beige)[/b]


I made a post awhile ago before the board crash where I mentioned that this exact model of bulldozer would make a cool transformer! Hope the rumour is true, just so I can be right!
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (805223)
Posted by Zeds on October 6th, 2008 @ 7:58pm CDT
Can't wait to see this. Flippin' sweet. I am sure that others have posted this but I am sure we can expect a Gestalt Autobot combiner to take Devastator on? Any rumours news on that yet?
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (805278)
Posted by Down_Shift on October 6th, 2008 @ 8:53pm CDT

Three dumptrucks seems a little much though.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (805313)
Posted by Solrac333 on October 6th, 2008 @ 9:09pm CDT
Every toy should be leader class that combines!!!
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (805488)
Posted by T-Macksimus on October 7th, 2008 @ 12:14am CDT
As much of a skeptic as I have been about all things movie related, I hope this one pans out just so I can see a vehicle with my name on it up on the silver screen. (Those of you with decent detective skills can figure this one out)
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (805512)
Posted by rwalsh17 on October 7th, 2008 @ 1:11am CDT
Somethin' is up here... :?

Why have two dumptrucks when there are plenty of other cool construction equipment they could've chosen? And it's seems REALLY convenient that so many of the alt modes match up real damn close with their G1 counterparts, while that was hardly the case with the robots from the first movie (Ironhide, Megatron, Bumblebee, etc.)

And if this combiner rumor is true, what about the other rumor floating 'round here that there'll be approximately 20 bots per faction this time? Provided that both of these rumors are accurate, that would mean that Devastator will take up a significant chunk of the new spaces for the Decepticon warriors (7 out of approx. 16 new 'con spots). That'll be cool if each Constructicon has his own screen time, but if they just transform into robots once, then combine into Devastator, and then promptly get destroyed during their first battle (a 'la Bonecrusher from the first movie), then why bother with giving us a gestalt? Just to squeeze us for cash through the inevitable repaints of the figures as so many clever forum users have pointed out previously?

No to mention the fact that Devastator was KILLED in the first movie, remember? Somebody on the TF 1 production team effed up and named him Devastator in the movie while the toys and video games refer to him as 'Brawl.' Thus, we've already seen 'Devastator' kick the bucket during the assault on Mission City in the first movie. How are they gonna explain that? Do 'cons just steal names from their fallen comrades now, or is Bay gonna go all George Lucas and put out a new 'fixed' edition of TF 1 with the subtitles fixed to read 'Brawl' instead of Devastator? Most likely, they'll probably just swipe another combiner name from the G1 series such as 'Menasor' or 'Bruticus' (or 'Runination' from RID.)

I guess it doesn't really matter in the end. I dug the first flick and was hoping that the second installment would take the franchise to a whole new level, but I've resigned myself to the fact that it might just be more of the cheap disposable bot treatment we got from the first movie. I mean c'mon, Starscream had TWO FRIGGIN' LINES IN THE WHOLE MOVIE!

Well, here's hoping we get a kick-ass sequel!
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (805540)
Posted by Ravage XK on October 7th, 2008 @ 3:59am CDT
I know it was an error on the first film that Brawl was named Devastator but I wonder how they will explain that away? Will this (possible) new Devastator be the same bot whose consciousness has been split up?

In a way I would rather the huge bot be Tidal Wave. His transformation cut scene in the Armada PS2 game was impressive and I wonder how cool it would be with the hollywood budget behind it.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (805632)
Posted by GuyIncognito on October 7th, 2008 @ 8:38am CDT
I'm hoping for 7 Supreme-class figures, each the size of an old sandbox Tonka truck, that combine to form a six-foot tall Devastator. Now wouldn't THAT be cool?
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (806539)
Posted by Auto Bot on October 8th, 2008 @ 12:00am CDT
GuyIncognito wrote:I'm hoping for 7 Supreme-class figures, each the size of an old sandbox Tonka truck, that combine to form a six-foot tall Devastator. Now wouldn't THAT be cool?

That would be heavy. Heavy on the display shelf. Heavy on the wallet. :P
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (806601)
Posted by Malikon on October 8th, 2008 @ 3:00am CDT
Personally if this turns out to be true, I have a feeling the reason there's a couple dumptrucks will be for symmetry.

Say matching feet or arms or something.

I'm sure most of us are so used to seeing the G1 Devastator that we forget what an odd mix-mash of parts he really is.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (806830)
Posted by Auto Bot on October 8th, 2008 @ 10:15am CDT
Malikon wrote:Personally if this turns out to be true, I have a feeling the reason there's a couple dumptrucks will be for symmetry.

Say matching feet or arms or something.

I'm sure most of us are so used to seeing the G1 Devastator that we forget what an odd mix-mash of parts he really is.

That's not a bad idea. It will give him better proportions and symmetry. And yet, not exactly a mirror copy. Because the twin trucks are of different brands and makes.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (810434)
Posted by samtastic on October 12th, 2008 @ 1:21am CDT
Hey guys,

New to this site. I was so excited by the thought of a live action devastator in these massive proportions I took a pass at a rough design. Using Josh Nizzi's amazing Long Haul as the the green (g1ish) center... ... MOCKUP.jpg ... STATOR.jpg

Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (810488)
Posted by Dead Metal on October 12th, 2008 @ 7:32am CDT
samtastic wrote:Hey guys,

New to this site. I was so excited by the thought of a live action devastator in these massive proportions I took a pass at a rough design. Using Josh Nizzi's amazing Long Haul as the the green (g1ish) center... ... MOCKUP.jpg ... STATOR.jpg


Lol the second one looks awesome!
Do you have a DA page? I really like that style.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (810593)
Posted by samtastic on October 12th, 2008 @ 11:38am CDT
Thanks! No DA page as of yet.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (810677)
Posted by GuyIncognito on October 12th, 2008 @ 1:00pm CDT
samtastic wrote:Hey guys,

New to this site. I was so excited by the thought of a live action devastator in these massive proportions I took a pass at a rough design. Using Josh Nizzi's amazing Long Haul as the the green (g1ish) center... ... MOCKUP.jpg ... STATOR.jpg


That second pic is really cool! Is that your own artwork?
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (810684)
Posted by samtastic on October 12th, 2008 @ 1:04pm CDT
Yes, it's my artwork. The first pic is a rough assembly for scale. Just to show how I got to pic 2.

I'm currently working up rough concepts for all the bot modes of the constructicons just for fun. I keep it loose and rough, focusing on shapes, color and basic design -- again just for fun to see how they measure up to what they come up with in the final movie.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (811113)
Posted by Galvatron628 on October 13th, 2008 @ 2:40am CDT
Thats pretty friggen sweat! I'd really love to see Devastator formed in the CGI million parts method that the graphic design guys used in the original movie!
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (811170)
Posted by Auto Bot on October 13th, 2008 @ 5:22am CDT
I just fear that the movie style of mish-mash scrap metal style, when applied to construction vehicles, could end up disastrously unrecognizable in robot form.
Re: Devastating Alternate Modes Revealed-- BIG Spoiler if true!?! (811466)
Posted by samtastic on October 13th, 2008 @ 11:11am CDT
Cormaster628 wrote:Thats pretty friggen sweat! I'd really love to see Devastator formed in the CGI million parts method that the graphic design guys used in the original movie!


Yeah I agree that anything can get carried away, design-wise. Hopefully Bay will listen to some of the criticisms of the past film. Nothing was wrong with the basic design principle of millions of parts ect... It's just that aside from Prime and Bumblebee, basic design principles like color and shape were not utilized for clarity.

With something the size of Devastator, it seems like they have to identify some big recognizable shapes and colors and put a "spotlight" on them to make the whole thing read. ie: use color and shape to lead the viewers eye to the head... That's what I tried to play with in my painting -- although I could improve it.

I have high expectations that we won't just have a giant junkpile in TF2, but who knows...? :sad:

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