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Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 11:51PM CST

Categories: Cartoon News, Toy News, Collectables
Posted by: Emerje   Views: 79,080

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Hasbro Pulse on YouTube has released a video showing off HasLab Omega Prime completely hand painted today. It should be mentioned that this is purely representative of the final figure which will be molded in colored plastic with painted details and not fully painted. The video also shows off some of the features that were skipped or glossed over in the initial reveal like the storage for Blue Bolts in Ultra Magnus, his compatibility with carrying Deluxe cars and Prime's extending ladder. The video also features several comparisons to the original figure.

The Omega Prime set campaign runs until March 14 at 11:59 EDT for $249.99. As for this writing it's only about 1,200 units away from reaching the second tier with 23 days remaining. As of yet a bonus 3rd tier has not been mentioned, but they did surprise us with one at the end of the Deathsaurus campaign so anything is possible, just not promised.

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features

Transformers News: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features
Credit(s): Hasbro Pulse on YouTube

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Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2176839)
Posted by blackeyedprime on February 21st, 2024 @ 1:11am CST
The wheels still look pretty bad, especially on ultra magnus truck mode and his fake windows on the cab are eeew.
Too many raised parts to have autobot symbols on magnus truck sides and primes symbols look dissapointingly small. But some bonus points for prime being titan master compatible in truck mode.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2176844)
Posted by Emerje on February 21st, 2024 @ 3:24am CST
blackeyedprime wrote:The wheels still look pretty bad, especially on ultra magnus truck mode and his fake windows on the cab are eeew.
Too many raised parts to have autobot symbols on magnus truck sides and primes symbols look dissapointingly small. But some bonus points for prime being titan master compatible in truck mode.

My issue with the tires is that the hubs are too big for the tires, they should be a little beefier.

The Autobot symbols are a compromise, the cartoon and original Japanese toy didn't have them on either character, Hasbro put huge ones on theirs so this figure is meeting us half way and giving us smaller ones for just Prime since UM has one on his bumper.

I'm not sure why they felt the need to over detail certain parts, they're not accurate to the show or the original toy. Makes me wonder if there's some extra detailed concept art out there from early in production.

Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2176851)
Posted by Cheetron on February 21st, 2024 @ 5:53am CST
Prime looked alright to me. Didn't like the sloped chest, especially when he was next to the original.

Magnus... just looks worse. The originals legs were bad, these look wrong sideways. And the neck, looks like he has tiny head. Just doesn't look right.

I wanted to hope they'd be better. Enough to justify the amount. Not for me.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2176853)
Posted by Stormshot_Prime on February 21st, 2024 @ 7:54am CST
These guys look great, all minor gripes aside. I don’t think it’s any accident though, that they’re using that Shadow Striker mold who resembles a certain Autobot Brother…
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2176864)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on February 21st, 2024 @ 9:22am CST
They are stunning looking with the paint!
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2176900)
Posted by TemporalSlam on February 21st, 2024 @ 3:02pm CST
I'm glad they made this video cause the details from the haslab page just didn't feel as informative as the Victory Saber or Deathsaurus projects. That being said, I still don't feel that it's quite worth the $250 price. I have the original (which I love) and I would like an updated version, but I don't know why this project is $70 more that the last two projects. Omega Prime feels like it has a lot in common with Victory (1 bot that combines with the trailer to form a leader class bot, then combines with a second bot to get even bigger). Granted Magnus is bigger than Victory Leo so I can understand a slight price hike, but i just can't get behind $250 for this guy. The cynic in me thinks that Hasbro's financial woes might be pushing them to get more out of the few successful brands they have and seeing how much they can milk they hardcore fans for these projects.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177013)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 22nd, 2024 @ 11:35pm CST
Less than 1000 to go before the second tier is unlocked.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177046)
Posted by o.supreme on February 23rd, 2024 @ 12:02pm CST
+350 in the last 12 hours.... not sure if that is a "baby bump", or if FOMO is starting to get to North American backers, and they just want the 2nd tier out of the way :lol:
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177259)
Posted by Omegatron. on February 28th, 2024 @ 2:35pm CST
The second tier has now been unlocked.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177262)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 28th, 2024 @ 3:19pm CST
This is the fastest a Transformers HasLab has ever reached its final bonus tier. Victory Saber and Deathsaurus both took all the way up to the end of their funding windows to unlock theirs, but Omega Prime reached his with 15 days (over two weeks) left to go.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177263)
Posted by First-Aid on February 28th, 2024 @ 3:30pm CST
Sabrblade wrote:This is the fastest a Transformers HasLab has ever reached its final bonus tier. Victory Saber and Deathsaurus both took all the way up to the end of their funding windows to unlock theirs, but Omega Prime reached his with 15 days (over two weeks) left to go.

Wait...does this mean there may actually be some interest in Non-G1 Transformers? I didn't think that was possible! What's wrong with these people? (dripping with sarcasm)
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177270)
Posted by o.supreme on February 28th, 2024 @ 4:38pm CST
First-Aid wrote:Wait...does this mean there may actually be some interest in Non-G1 Transformers? I didn't think that was possible! What's wrong with these people? (dripping with sarcasm)

As anyone here knows, I legit loved Car Robots when it first came out in 2000 (before I even knew it would be translated as RiD in 2001).

I'm all for new ideas; absolutely 100% keep the brand fresh, keep a new generation interested. At the same time, as an older fan, I appreciate the appreciation we do get in the Generations line etc.

With that said, every time I ask for an animated series that is an honest-to-goodness continuation of the original animated series (whether set after rebirth, or in the 20 years between S2 and TF:TM, or even something before)...

The usual response is "G1 has been done to dEaTHHHH: Sighting Car Robots/Rid, Cyberverse, & Earthspark (among others) as mere G1 Reduxs. Now while I don't agree , nor do I enjoy the latter series as much as CR/Rid, I ask the fandom which is it?... cant be both.

Are these series original, or are they just G1 clones?

In conclusion though, I am very happy this Haslab has been successful, whatever the reasons. The original JRX (Railracer) and Build King/Landfill are still pretty solid, but if new versions were to be made, Haslab or standard Generations release, Id be all over them.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177274)
Posted by Emerje on February 28th, 2024 @ 8:34pm CST
First-Aid wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:This is the fastest a Transformers HasLab has ever reached its final bonus tier. Victory Saber and Deathsaurus both took all the way up to the end of their funding windows to unlock theirs, but Omega Prime reached his with 15 days (over two weeks) left to go.

Wait...does this mean there may actually be some interest in Non-G1 Transformers? I didn't think that was possible! What's wrong with these people? (dripping with sarcasm)

Probably has a lot to do with being an Optimus Prime figure and a good one at that.

If you need a visual on how unprecedented Omega Prime's funding is, here's a chart that Geek.Dad.Life posts.


Pretty crazy.

Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177290)
Posted by #1 Signal Lancer fan on February 29th, 2024 @ 8:40am CST
First-Aid wrote:Wait...does this mean there may actually be some interest in Non-G1 Transformers? I didn't think that was possible! What's wrong with these people? (dripping with sarcasm)

It makes sense, there are a lot of fans who didn't grow up with G1, like myself, and are more attached to other series that don't get as much love. I like and respect G1, but I get way more excited when the Transformers series that I grew up with get some attention.

For fans who are attached to RiD/CR, or fans who just want something unique, getting a major release like this has to be very exciting.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177556)
Posted by Emerje on March 7th, 2024 @ 10:06am CST
Right away the live stream announced the white gun barrels/missiles will be included with Bluebolts. Apparently they didn't think there was anywhere in the mold to include them, but found space with the thigh molds.

Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177557)
Posted by First-Aid on March 7th, 2024 @ 10:10am CST
Emerje wrote:Right away the live stream announced the white gun barrels/missiles will be included with Bluebolts. Apparently they didn't think there was anywhere in the mold to include them, but found space with the thigh molds.


Having to wait for the summary. Too many patients to see today...can't watch it myself.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177558)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 7th, 2024 @ 10:11am CST
Emerje wrote:Right away the live stream announced the white gun barrels/missiles will be included with Bluebolts. Apparently they didn't think there was anywhere in the mold to include them, but found space with the thigh molds.


That makes me happy, nice to see those included.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177562)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 7th, 2024 @ 10:24am CST
First-Aid wrote:
Emerje wrote:Right away the live stream announced the white gun barrels/missiles will be included with Bluebolts. Apparently they didn't think there was anywhere in the mold to include them, but found space with the thigh molds.


Having to wait for the summary. Too many patients to see today...can't watch it myself.

You missed absolutely nothing today. May actually have been the lamest TF stream to date
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177563)
Posted by Emerje on March 7th, 2024 @ 10:26am CST
First-Aid wrote:
Emerje wrote:Right away the live stream announced the white gun barrels/missiles will be included with Bluebolts. Apparently they didn't think there was anywhere in the mold to include them, but found space with the thigh molds.


Having to wait for the summary. Too many patients to see today...can't watch it myself.

You missed nothing. Most of the stream was for partner products like Three Zero, FigPins, shirts, just random stuff. Only figure "reveals" were things already up for pre-order (Amazon and Target exclusives).

Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177638)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 8th, 2024 @ 6:01pm CST
Another bump has pushed the backer count beyond 19,000.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177779)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 12th, 2024 @ 2:29pm CDT
Today, not only has the backer count surpassed 20,000, but the page has finally been updated with actual toy pics instead of renders. Forty-one pics, to be precise!

Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177780)
Posted by First-Aid on March 12th, 2024 @ 2:48pm CDT
OK. I thought that Optimus would be essentially the same as the original...but are the arms transformed differently?

These things are gorgeous. So glad I backed.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177781)
Posted by Overcracker on March 12th, 2024 @ 3:04pm CDT
They look really good. So sad I can't get them here.

The back of the fire truck is missing some detailing, but overall looks really good.



First-Aid wrote:OK. I thought that Optimus would be essentially the same as the original...but are the arms transformed differently?

These things are gorgeous. So glad I backed.

The look essentially the same to me.

Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177782)
Posted by First-Aid on March 12th, 2024 @ 3:10pm CDT
Overcracker wrote:They look really good. So sad I can't get them here.

The back of the fire truck is missing some detailing, but overall looks really good.



First-Aid wrote:OK. I thought that Optimus would be essentially the same as the original...but are the arms transformed differently?

These things are gorgeous. So glad I backed.

The look essentially the same to me.


Okay, you're right. In my defense I am really old and can't remember the last time I had my RiD Prime out of storage. I also can't remember much else. I went into the bathroom today and forgot why I was there...
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177783)
Posted by o.supreme on March 12th, 2024 @ 3:53pm CDT
First-Aid wrote:Okay, you're right. In my defense I am really old and can't remember the last time I had my RiD Prime out of storage. I also can't remember much else. I went into the bathroom today and forgot why I was there...

:lol: I just turned 48. When you go to accomplish one task, and yet you have to back up and retrace your steps about 3 times to remember why yeah I feel ya.

As for the Haslab. 20K is impressive for sure. Admittedly I haven't followed as closely other Haslabs that fulfilled all their tiers so early (GI Joe Classified HISS & Both Ghostbusters Haslabs), so I'm not sure if this will have the same last day spike that others have when the tiers were on the line.

Needs to surpass 27,442 to be the highest backed TF Haslab (Deathsaurus)
Needs to surpass 30,811 to be the highest backed Haslab overall (Marvel Legends Galactus)
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177789)
Posted by Overcracker on March 12th, 2024 @ 9:04pm CDT
First-Aid wrote:Okay, you're right. In my defense I am really old and can't remember the last time I had my RiD Prime out of storage. I also can't remember much else. I went into the bathroom today and forgot why I was there...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Fair enough.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177801)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 13th, 2024 @ 2:24pm CDT
Another thousand in less than a day has pushed the count past 21,000.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177832)
Posted by Emerje on March 14th, 2024 @ 9:02am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Another thousand in less than a day has pushed the count past 21,000.

Surpassed 22,000 now.

Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177838)
Posted by o.supreme on March 14th, 2024 @ 9:50am CDT
The question is: will FOMO cause it to get 5K more in the last 13 hours ? :-?

I personally am staying strong and passing. Its a great toy, and Car Robots is one of my favorite series. I just don't have a place for this in my collection. But I am certainly more than happy for its success, and for all those getting it.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177841)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on March 14th, 2024 @ 10:14am CDT
I think I'll pass this time too. It's a bit too $$$ for a guy who I really have no attachment to. I mean, I've had the costco one for ages and I don't appreciate it like I should. The awsomeness makes it really tempting, but there are other figs that I also want that would mean more to me. I'm not even collecting all the modern-takes on leaders that they've been doing. Gotta draw a line for myself.

I am happy for the backers, tho. It does look amazing.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177848)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 14th, 2024 @ 10:58am CDT
He's magnificent, but my credit cards are crying mercy.

Beside, the shelf space is limited.

So, this year again, I'll skip the HASLAB.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177853)
Posted by william-james88 on March 14th, 2024 @ 11:38am CDT
Hi Transformers fans! We just wanted to give you a little heads up. The Omega Prime Haslab just has 10 hours left for orders. It is fully backed, with all tiers unlocked and currently has almost 22,500 backers.

You can order it here: ... mega-prime

Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177860)
Posted by Cheetron on March 14th, 2024 @ 1:23pm CDT
I wanted to back this. That Optimus is amazing. But the more I saw Magnus, the more it did seem worth the 250. I'm glad others are loving them though
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177865)
Posted by Bumblevivisector on March 14th, 2024 @ 3:35pm CDT
Just backed it, but a tad disappointed that no extra stretch goals popped up like with Deathsaurus.

Maybe they'll just announce some random s#!t after the fact? Snap-on plastic replacement tires for the original Fire Convoy and God Magnus's cracked rubber ones? That Artemis minifig that was supposed to come with MP Lioconvoy? Or slightly more possible, a slew of blast-effects, some of which represent squirting water or the Blizzard-Storm?

Maybe Blue Bolts getting a robot mode was deemed stretchy-enough? That's part of what sold me, since its name and complexity had been begging for an actual personality and bot mode for over 2 decades.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177870)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on March 14th, 2024 @ 4:45pm CDT
Bumblevivisector wrote:Just backed it, but a tad disappointed that no extra stretch goals popped up like with Deathsaurus.

If I remember correctly Deathsaurus extra bonus didn't show up until after the window for backing closed and they blew way past the target. Too early to know for this one yet.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177871)
Posted by william-james88 on March 14th, 2024 @ 6:36pm CDT
TF-fan kev777 wrote:
Bumblevivisector wrote:Just backed it, but a tad disappointed that no extra stretch goals popped up like with Deathsaurus.

If I remember correctly Deathsaurus extra bonus didn't show up until after the window for backing closed and they blew way past the target. Too early to know for this one yet.

The bonuses (like Boater) were announced during the campaign’s backing window
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177874)
Posted by Talon523 on March 14th, 2024 @ 8:05pm CDT
I broke down and ordered. I'm a G1 guy that has watched every series as they aired. I don't care about RID (except Scourge and Sky byte) but I really like how this turned out. I also like supporting these. If they keep doing well they'll continue.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177875)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 14th, 2024 @ 8:09pm CDT
Talon523 wrote:I broke down and ordered. I'm a G1 guy that has watched every series as they aired. I don't care about RID (except Scourge and Sky byte) but I really like how this turned out. I also like supporting these. If they keep doing well they'll continue.
In Japan, he is a G1 guy. ;)
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177876)
Posted by Emerje on March 14th, 2024 @ 8:37pm CDT
TF-fan kev777 wrote:
Bumblevivisector wrote:Just backed it, but a tad disappointed that no extra stretch goals popped up like with Deathsaurus.

If I remember correctly Deathsaurus extra bonus didn't show up until after the window for backing closed and they blew way past the target. Too early to know for this one yet.

If they're planning an extra bonus then we've probably already hit that threshold. The team seemed genuinely excited in today's livestream that it had surpassed their expectations at 20K. They're currently nearing 24K.

Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177878)
Posted by GreenLantern of Cybertron on March 14th, 2024 @ 10:17pm CDT
It's just smart to add a extra bonus after it ends.

It just makes sense from a marketing standpoint.

That way people in the future would speculate on the hidden stretch goal on all future haslabs.

A stretch goal you already know of and don't really care for adds little to motivate, but a mystery goal could be anything, even a thing that you didn't know you needed.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177879)
Posted by Emerje on March 14th, 2024 @ 10:54pm CDT
The bonus is just that, a bonus, a way of saying thanks for making the campaign such a success. It isn't meant to be an incentive. And that's assuming there even is one. They did announce the extra missiles last week so that may be all we see.

Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177880)
Posted by Emerje on March 14th, 2024 @ 11:01pm CDT
We've surpassed 28K in the final minutes! We'll have our final tally later. Currently sitting at 28,230.

Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177883)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 14th, 2024 @ 11:13pm CDT
Emerje wrote:We've surpassed 28K in the final minutes! We'll have our final tally later. Currently sitting at 28,230.

Can we say, "Most successful Transformers HasLab of them all"? ;)
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177885)
Posted by o.supreme on March 15th, 2024 @ 2:37am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Emerje wrote:We've surpassed 28K in the final minutes! We'll have our final tally later. Currently sitting at 28,230.

Can we say, "Most successful Transformers HasLab of them all"? ;)

By about 800....sure.

An impressive support this time around to be certain. But honestly. I think it backed faster, not so much because it was wildly more popular than the last 2 TF Haslabs, but because Hasbro's ability to count backers, And their own Pulse website has more availability in more countries than with the previous 2 campaigns. In the end, I'm guessing there is a large percentage of fans and retailers that have gone all in on the past 3 based on the numbers being relatively close.

Still I would not be surprised if sometime very soon a congratulatory note of some sort came out announcing a"Thank you" bonus if some type.

It did also just pass the Razorcrest by 100 to be the 2nd highest supported Haslab of all ( still not quite 30K plus Galactus levels but impressive nonetheless).
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177887)
Posted by Solrac333 on March 15th, 2024 @ 9:59am CDT
This is an easy pass. I only got Deathasurus because I had Star Saber. It was not worth the price.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177890)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on March 15th, 2024 @ 3:19pm CDT
Wow.. I cynically doubt Car Robots fanbase is large enough in 2024 to fund this on their own. Literally people throw money at anything with an Optimus face on it. >:oP
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177892)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on March 15th, 2024 @ 3:42pm CDT
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Wow.. I cynically doubt Car Robots fanbase is large enough in 2024 to fund this on their own. Literally people throw money at anything with an Optimus face on it. >:oP

Robots in Disguise did sow the seed for a Transformers revival, plus Optimus Prime hasn't combined (Brave-style) like that before. It also aired during a period in which anime slowly became big business.

As a toyline, Robots in Disguise did much better than Car Robots if the non-show redecos (that would lead into Universe 2003) is any indication.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177893)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on March 15th, 2024 @ 3:45pm CDT
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:Robots in Disguise did sow the seed for a Transformers revival

That's a little disingenuous. A stop gap series bridging the end of the (acclaimed) Beast Era and the beginning of UT.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177895)
Posted by First-Aid on March 15th, 2024 @ 4:04pm CDT
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:Robots in Disguise did sow the seed for a Transformers revival

That's a little disingenuous. A stop gap series bridging the end of the (acclaimed) Beast Era and the beginning of UT.

I wouldn't downplay it that much. I feel like it gave a Transformers-hungry populace something different before we were introduced to the Unicron Trilogy. It was fuel to keep the fire going, not neccessarily a spark to reignite it. By the time the Beast Ear ended, the interest was clearly starting to spike.
Re: Hasbro Pulse Video Shows Off Painted HasLab Omega Prime Figures and Highlights Features (2177897)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on March 15th, 2024 @ 4:29pm CDT
Don't get me wrong. I thought Car Robots (not the RiD dub) was great. I would have preferred season two over UT, in hindsight. But you can count it's original characters/figures with fingers and not run out. Even said cast thematically transitions from Beasts to Vehicles. Passing that baton backwards. It isn't a highly acclaimed masterpiece whose legacy and impact is fondly remembered. Outside of outlier weirdos like me.

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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #354 - Identity Crisis
Twincast / Podcast #354:
"Identity Crisis"
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Posted: Saturday, July 13th, 2024

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