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Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error

Transformers News: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error

Friday, November 17th, 2017 6:36PM CST

Category: Toy News
Posted by: Va'al   Views: 65,915

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We've received a number of notifications from the community pointing out how Jazz, one of the recent Transformers Power of the Primes deluxe figures - spotted early at US retail - has a surprising Cybertronian print underneath the Autobot logo. The users who first found it on Twitter - you can find a good report on this over at TFormers, as ExVee was the first to identify it - deciphered it to the slogan of the US presidential campaign: MAGA, or "Make America Great Again".

Transformers News: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error

While there has been speculation as to what happened, and what it might actually mean (Make Autobots Great Again? My Alternate Mode is Also (a car)?), io9 reached out to Hasbro for an explanation as to whether this was intentional, and received the following response:

It was brought to our attention that a graphic appears on one of our Transformers figures that, when translated from Cybertonian letters to English, spells out MAGA. We investigated the issue, and discovered that one of our vendors inserted this as part of the design without authorization. We are addressing this with the vendor.

We do not intend for our products to carry political messages, and apologize to anyone who was offended by this message.

It seems, if we go by Hasbro's statement, that this was not Hasbro's doing, but that something happened between the final designs being approved and the production of the figure starting. We do not know at this time whether there will be a revised run of the figure, or if the detail will remain on the figure for the rest of the line.

We encourage any civil political discussion to take place in this other thread, and keep the responses to this story specifically about the toy and the Power of the Primes toyline.

Transformers News: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error
Credit(s): io9, Twitter

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Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922254)
Posted by Deadput on November 17th, 2017 @ 6:40pm CST
Anyone else want some popcorn? It will be extra salty...

But anyways while it is unfortunate and probably intentional it's honestly up to interpretation since it doesn't have to stand for that slogan but something else like "Make Autobots Great Again" even if it was the intention we can change that intention to something else.
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922255)
Posted by MGrotusque on November 17th, 2017 @ 6:44pm CST
I strongly dislike the idea of combining Dinobots and also am totally bummed how derpy Grimlock looks in alt mode. Those legs and tiny ass toes just look RIDICULOUS! Along with that does his head in combined mode actually protrude straight out from his chest like that, it doesn't fold down??
I mean come on.....
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922256)
Posted by bodrock on November 17th, 2017 @ 7:06pm CST
To be fair though, the Prime Master armor looks pretty silly too. ;)
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922260)
Posted by Fires_Of_Inferno on November 17th, 2017 @ 7:25pm CST
Man, that Jazz thing would bother me if it wasn't easy to black out that bit. Or if I was interested in picking up the figure at all, but I already got Generations Jazz, so I don't need another, I'm good! :D
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922261)
Posted by DeathReviews on November 17th, 2017 @ 7:45pm CST
Whew - when they said Jazz had a 'design error' I thought they meant it was something important that caused breakage or damage, like Onslaught's inverted knee spurs.....
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922263)
Posted by Black Bumblebee on November 17th, 2017 @ 7:53pm CST
I hope that whoever did that to Jazz gets fired. To put that sort of slogan on a character that is traditionally voiced by an African American is all sorts of messed up.
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922267)
Posted by Notesandtabs on November 17th, 2017 @ 8:12pm CST
Common guys. If this REALLY offends anybody, we need to grow up. Everybody is too offended about silly things. Whatever your political standing, it is crazy to be upset abut this, honestly. >:oP :-?
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922268)
Posted by Lucky Logician on November 17th, 2017 @ 8:13pm CST
My question is 'Who thought they could do this and get away with?'

If there is a language created by nerds and you encode something in that language, why do you think that nerds aren't going to unencode it? At least try to be deflect a little and break it up by putting M on Jazz, A on Prime, G on Rodimus, and A on Grimlock. Then you can pass it off as "Oh I just looked up random letters to print on them."
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922269)
Posted by Lore Keeper on November 17th, 2017 @ 8:13pm CST
I hope that whoever did that to Jazz gets fired. To put that sort of slogan on a character that is traditionally voiced by an African American is all sorts of messed up.

There were many African Americans who voted for Trump and wear MAGA hats. For all we know, Scatman Crothers could have been one of those people if he were alive today. Nothing in politics is ever that black and white (no pun intended).
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922270)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on November 17th, 2017 @ 8:14pm CST
Deadput wrote:But anyways while it is unfortunate and probably intentional it's honestly up to interpretation since it doesn't have to stand for that slogan but something else like "Make Autobots Great Again" even if it was the intention we can change that intention to something else.

So this. While the original intended meaning (whatever it is) may have meant no harm, it's always the negative unrelated predecessor of that acronym that will be stuck to it forever. That's the sad reality of things, but kudos to Hasbro for responding in such a manner, plus offering a possible explanation of what has happened.
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922271)
Posted by Michael Alex Kawa on November 17th, 2017 @ 8:20pm CST
This Jazz issue is....
the stupidest thing ever.....but I expect nothing less from you rainbow kool-aid drinking pansies, that "look" for something to boycott against, just so you can get off you fat asses and out of your mother's basement for a while, till your next handout comes in from the same government you now hate, all because you believe that a orange skinned white man stole the election from some crooked female that would sooner hose you off her lawn then shake your greasy french-fries smelling hands, while you kiss you lovely "transgender", "Muslim", "Black-Asian", Illegal Dreamer", "Lesbian" boyfriend that identifies as a cat that you met on Facebook.
This is why we can't have nice things anymore.........
Oh and I am sorry I am a straight white man and not allowed to have an opinion on this matter.......better get your pitchforks ready cause I dared to speak up against the NEW WORLD ORDER!!!!!
Oh and to all the dumb asses out there, HASBRO is passing the buck, they knew and you would be fools to believe they didn't.
Remember you socialist morons, without capitalism Hasbro would NOT exist
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922273)
Posted by Agamemnon on November 17th, 2017 @ 8:30pm CST
*chuckle* This Jazz thing kinda reminds me of things like the frames on the TV in an apartment in one of those Disney Movies or the unfortunately shaped tower on the original Little Mermaid VHS cover or the "SFX" appearing in the dust from the Lion King....wait, was the vendor Hasbro was talking about Disney? O_o

I did see Darkwing at a Target on the West side of the Twin Cities in MN this week.

Wait...Darkwing? :-?

It's a friggin' Disney Conspiracy...THAT's what it IS!! :BOOM: Image
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922274)
Posted by Lore Keeper on November 17th, 2017 @ 8:32pm CST
I honestly can't tell if that was serious or you being ironic. Poe's Law strikes again.
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922277)
Posted by fenrir72 on November 17th, 2017 @ 8:33pm CST
Lmao! Putting too much politics into the franchise! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922279)
Posted by Hero Alpha on November 17th, 2017 @ 8:43pm CST
Thats awesome, lol. How does that happen? Doesnt bother me though, I am just glad Jazz doesnt actually have a design problem. Dont scare us like that, lol.
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922284)
Posted by Burn on November 17th, 2017 @ 9:11pm CST
Michael Alex Kawa wrote:An incredible amount of forum rule violations...

See this? This is the sort of thing where we throw the warning system out the window and go straight to banning.

Such an outburst like this will NOT be tolerated on the site. People are more than free to express their opinions, but do so in a way that does not attack people. It's not rocket science.
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922285)
Posted by Bumblevivisector on November 17th, 2017 @ 9:11pm CST
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:Man, that Jazz thing would bother me if it wasn't easy to black out that bit.

Exactly. I was just thinking that Reprolabels could capitalize on this with a whole sheet of optional funny stickers to place over it...but that might just cause another unnecessary slag-storm.

Can we all at least agree that this easter egg is just plain lame, in that it'll seem horribly dated in a few years? Sort of like when Animaniacs made political jokes?
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922286)
Posted by bodrock on November 17th, 2017 @ 9:12pm CST
I originally wasn't looking forward to Dreadwind and Darkwing, but now I'd be disappointed if I missed out on the latter.
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922289)
Posted by william-james88 on November 17th, 2017 @ 9:21pm CST
Black Bumblebee wrote:I hope that whoever did that to Jazz gets fired. To put that sort of slogan on a character that is traditionally voiced by an African American is all sorts of messed up.

In their apology, hasbro says its a vendor, meaning its a free lancing artist who they pay per design, not an actual employee. So there isnt any firing needed, they can simply just no longer solicit that person's service.
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922294)
Posted by william-james88 on November 17th, 2017 @ 9:45pm CST
From the first moment fans saw the upcoming Transformers Power of the Primes Voyager Starscream, there was already talk of it becoming a torso, even though Hasbro never showed it at any of the events they brought the toy too. We then learnt that sure enough, all voyagers in the Power of the Primes line would become torsos to interact with the deluxe limbs, as was the case with Combiner Wars. We finally got a hint at Starscream's torso mode on the side of his box and on small leaked images but we never had a good look at it, until now. Kevin Liu made a youtube video for Power of the Primes Dreadwind and since he has all the wave 1 toys (these may be given by Hasbro promotionally, as hinted with the watermark in his videos), he showed how it combines with Voyager Starscream. So with no fanfare whatsoever he just shows how the connections work between voyager and deluxe while showing Voyager Starscream in torso mode for the first time. He has his crowned look, making him basically a combiner version of himself. The extra flared kibble at the sides of his nosecone gives him the appearance of his wider movie look. We also see the presence of stickers all across those altmode pieces repurposed for the torso mode. Let us know what you think of this mode and if you are getting this toy once it reaches retail




Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922295)
Posted by Deathsanras on November 17th, 2017 @ 9:58pm CST
Black Bumblebee wrote:I hope that whoever did that to Jazz gets fired. To put that sort of slogan on a character that is traditionally voiced by an African American is all sorts of messed up. ... lack-vote/ ... epublicans ... ted_States ... ted_States


Please stop stereotyping.
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922296)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on November 17th, 2017 @ 9:59pm CST
william-james88 wrote:Image

I have to say... I... like it, the bot mode isn't the greatest, but I dig the combined mode, using the ever solid silverbolt method of turning bulky arms into perfect legs already sets him above a lot of other torso's in my eye's. I also find it kinda funny how fan modes of silverbolt eventually turned into hungurr and digibashes of galvatron turned into a starscream combiner... maybe hasbro pays more attention to our random ideas than we thought?
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922297)
Posted by RustedCross on November 17th, 2017 @ 10:07pm CST
Not bad....but I will have to wait on the Takara repaint. I just can’t stand those stickers.
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922298)
Posted by Deadput on November 17th, 2017 @ 10:08pm CST
That combined form is neato!

(I for one don't mind Starscream's arms I prefer my seekers with a little bulk)
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922299)
Posted by spiderbob007 on November 17th, 2017 @ 10:08pm CST

Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922300)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on November 17th, 2017 @ 10:17pm CST
I would totally take a Skywarp repaint of this with a movie-style starscream head for the combined mode :x
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922301)
Posted by Emerje on November 17th, 2017 @ 10:20pm CST
Wow, that's a lot of paint on Starscream's head!


I'm pretty sure the figure has no plastic in any of those colors so that means it's using black, silver, gold, pink, and maybe red for the eyes if they aren't also pink. Most transformers figures are limited to up to three paint colors total, and here Screamer has four or five just on his head. That's pretty impressive.

If they have to use stickers I really wish they'd stop using foil stickers, I think most figures would have looked better with regular matte stickers. Foil stickers only look good on already chromed or metallic painted parts or when they're used in place of chrome in specific spaces (like TR Voyager Prime's tanker).

Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922302)
Posted by Lore Keeper on November 17th, 2017 @ 10:21pm CST
I would totally take a Skywarp repaint of this with a movie-style starscream head for the combined mode :x

I have a feeling Hasbro may not be too eager to do another Skywarp right now, after the Combiner Wars one is still warming shelves two toy lines later. For some reason, Skywarps are rarely good sellers. On a side note, I appreciate some good old fashioned fan service as much as the next person, but after many nods to Starscream's crown in recent years, I feel it's becoming a bit too cliche.
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922303)
Posted by Ultra Markus on November 17th, 2017 @ 10:24pm CST
Black Bumblebee wrote:I hope that whoever did that to Jazz gets fired. To put that sort of slogan on a character that is traditionally voiced by an African American is all sorts of messed up.

also there doesnt need to have any political garbage infecting our favorite hobbies
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922304)
Posted by Emerje on November 17th, 2017 @ 10:25pm CST
Lore Keeper wrote:
I would totally take a Skywarp repaint of this with a movie-style starscream head for the combined mode :x

I have a feeling Hasbro may not be too eager to do another Skywarp right now, after the Combiner Wars one is still warming shelves two toy lines later. For some reason, Skywarps are rarely good sellers. On a side note, I appreciate some good old fashioned fan service as much as the next person, but after many nods to Starscream's crown, I feel it's becoming a bit too cliche.

A TRU exclusive Skywarp showed up in computers at the PotP Voyager price point and is believed to be a Starscream repaint. ;)

Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922305)
Posted by RustedCross on November 17th, 2017 @ 10:26pm CST
I would not be surprised to see Skywarp and Thundercracker as deluxe limbs for Starscream. As well as Thrust and Dirge. Then we could get a Starscream repaint as Ramjet.
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922306)
Posted by bodrock on November 17th, 2017 @ 10:28pm CST
PotP Starscream looks cool.

But still no smirk. :(
I think I may stick with his CW incarnation as my go-to.
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922308)
Posted by Deadput on November 17th, 2017 @ 10:36pm CST
Emerje wrote:A TRU exclusive Skywarp showed up in computers at the PotP Voyager price point and is believed to be a Starscream repaint. ;)


(Pst That was Thundercracker)
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922310)
Posted by Emerje on November 17th, 2017 @ 10:42pm CST
RustedCross wrote:I would not be surprised to see Skywarp and Thundercracker as deluxe limbs for Starscream. As well as Thrust and Dirge. Then we could get a Starscream repaint as Ramjet.

Anyone else notice that Dreadwind's wing transformation placing them on his legs is just like what we saw on Classics Ramjet and Dirge? This mold also already has the Conehead asigned to it if they kept it with the retool. Wouldn't surprise me if they had extra wings to go with this mold.


Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922311)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on November 17th, 2017 @ 10:47pm CST
Emerje wrote:
RustedCross wrote:I would not be surprised to see Skywarp and Thundercracker as deluxe limbs for Starscream. As well as Thrust and Dirge. Then we could get a Starscream repaint as Ramjet.

Anyone else notice that Dreadwind's wing transformation placing them on his legs is just like what we saw on Classics Ramjet and Dirge? This mold also already has the Conehead asigned to it if they kept it with the retool. Wouldn't surprise me if they had extra wings to go with this mold.



I can already sense TT licking their chops for a seeker combiner; btw, dreadwing doesn't share a mold with thrust, but the alternative aerialbot, due to sharing the pivoting shoulder struts - but, he does have an angled cut-out for a cone head :-?
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922312)
Posted by Skritz on November 17th, 2017 @ 10:57pm CST
I'm totally down for deluxe coneheads! Of course, being a recent returned to collecting compare to most people, meaning I don't even have a Starscream in my collection. Or most of the iconic early G1 characters, really.
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922314)
Posted by Ultra Markus on November 17th, 2017 @ 11:09pm CST
Hellscream9999 wrote:
Emerje wrote:
RustedCross wrote:I would not be surprised to see Skywarp and Thundercracker as deluxe limbs for Starscream. As well as Thrust and Dirge. Then we could get a Starscream repaint as Ramjet.

Anyone else notice that Dreadwind's wing transformation placing them on his legs is just like what we saw on Classics Ramjet and Dirge? This mold also already has the Conehead asigned to it if they kept it with the retool. Wouldn't surprise me if they had extra wings to go with this mold.



I can already sense TT licking their chops for a seeker combiner; btw, dreadwing doesn't share a mold with thrust, but the alternative aerialbot, due to sharing the pivoting shoulder struts - but, he does have an angled cut-out for a cone head :-?

So many possibilities! I'm going CombinerCrazy! 8-}
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922315)
Posted by Emerje on November 17th, 2017 @ 11:17pm CST
Hellscream9999 wrote:btw, dreadwing doesn't share a mold with thrust

They have most of the same leg parts and pelvis, and I think the same arms up to the shoulders. If they can mix parts, like Thrust's head and maybe his shoulders mixed with Dreadwind's other parts and new wings and maybe a cockpit in the combiner peg we could have some decent Coneheads. G1 Thrust could be a little tricky, would probably have to use the entirety of the Air Raid mold's legs like Armada Thrust, but a new back and wings for G1 accuracy. That would also give us an option for a more accurate Seeker mold to go with the existing head mold used on UW and SG Starscream.

Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922318)
Posted by Seibertron on November 17th, 2017 @ 11:54pm CST
Anyone else see a new Seeker mold out of Swoop? Not sure what you'd do with the legs in jet mode, but in robot mode you've got the cockpit and some Combiner Wars intakes on his upper shoulders. Plus Swoop's head looks very similar (not exact) to Starscream's if you take away his headfin. It even has the side intakes on his head!
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922319)
Posted by The_Cryptid_Person on November 18th, 2017 @ 12:02am CST
My reaction to Starscream's torso: :shock: :-? >:oP
My reaction to MAGA Jazz: :shock: :???: :lol: 8-}

Starscream is not only the chunkiest voyager in years, but his torso mode looks like some sort of shiny ape... hulk... Thing. Like if RotF Starscream chose sticker-bling instead of tattoos. I'm happy that some others here like it, but the cockpit, wings, and random kibble do not a torso make for me. That said, we all knew more-or-less how this torso would look from the Elita-One leak. His face looks a lot more statuesque than starscream's usual features, reminds me of the face on Legends Giga. Do like the crown, though! Overall, Starscream seems a lot like his Wave-mate Grimlock: every mode suffers for the rest and none are really great.

The MAGA Jazz thing... oh boy! 8-} I wasn't going to touch PotP Jazz before, but this and the potential of a running change make him a lot more interesting, if only as a crazy moment in TF history. That said, it may not be a good kind of crazy. The conflict and hatred that arises whenever politics touch this board gives me pause.

Unlike a lot of people here, I find this political stuff endlessly amusing (though I probably shouldn't)... and I'm already planning to display PotP Jazz with TR Sentinel and generations Jhiaxus. :HEADHURTS:

!Rant inbound! I understand this is sensitive ground, but could you argue that Jazz is one of the most multi-cultural autobots ever? He had an African-American VA with some memorable mannerisms, a Japanese-designed toy that turned into a German racecar, became a cyber-ninja in Animated with nods to eastern fighting styles and spirituality, and did it all while sporting white, blue, and red - the colors of many countries' flags. Add to that his white-ish-but-may-have-been-sculpted-to-be-Japanese pretender shell and you have one cross-country concoction of a character! :D

Why yes, I am very new here. What ever would make you think so?
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922320)
Posted by Terrsolpix on November 18th, 2017 @ 12:02am CST
Seibertron wrote:Anyone else see a new Seeker mold out of Swoop? Not sure what you'd do with the legs in jet mode, but in robot mode you've got the cockpit and some Combiner Wars intakes on his upper shoulders. Plus Swoop's head looks very similar (not exact) to Starscream's if you take away his headfin. It even has the side intakes on his head!

The legs are able to fold like Rook, so a seeker retool is in no way out of the question. cough Takara cough
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922321)
Posted by Seibertron on November 18th, 2017 @ 12:11am CST

Fellow Seibertronian Tranzilla e-mailed us some exciting insider information that will help you find the highly anticipated Transformers Power of the Primes Wave 1 products. Tranzilla was able to confirm the Target DPCI numbers for each class size as well as Target's initial pricing. As you have probably already heard, the Deluxe Class figures have already been showing up in Target stores around the US. Here's the information that he shared with us.

Tranzilla wrote:Located Slash, Skrapnel, Beachcomber, and Windcharger at the Target in Ellicott City, MD tonight. Also was able to confirm DPCIs for the upcoming releases. They are:

087-06-5845 Prime Masters $4.99
087-06-5849 Legends Class $9.99
087-06-5863 Deluxe Class $16.99
087-06-5868 Voyager Class $24.99
087-06-6020 Leader Class $44.99

Another user on Twitter, @Frerebear, posted an image of the two Legends Class Dinobot Slash figure that was found at a Target store in Ellicott City, Maryland.


You can use a website resource such as Brickseek to see if your local Target store(s) has these products in back. If you can't find them in the toy section, just ask a friendly Target employee to help you out. Be sure to be nice to them, because they are doing you a favor and it's possible that they might not be able to pull figures from the back even if they do have them in stock.

If you find them in stock somewhere, please make sure to let other Transformers fans know by sharing your sightings in our Sightings Section and our Sightings forum. Happy hunting!

087-06-6020 Leader Class $44.99

087-06-5868 Voyager Class $24.99

087-06-5863 Deluxe Class $16.99

087-06-5849 Legends Class $9.99

087-06-5845 Prime Masters $4.99
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922323)
Posted by Terrsolpix on November 18th, 2017 @ 12:13am CST
2 targets near me have them! The Time to strike is next morning.
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922324)
Posted by Fires_Of_Inferno on November 18th, 2017 @ 12:18am CST
With the Jazz toy, if Hasbro recalls it because of what the printing on it could be, they might have made an unintentional limited edition Jazz figure! XD
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922327)
Posted by Stormshot_Prime on November 18th, 2017 @ 12:26am CST
Are...Are people really freaking out about this? Does none see how minor and absolutely irrelevant to anything this is?
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922329)
Posted by Seibertron on November 18th, 2017 @ 12:29am CST
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:With the Jazz toy, if Hasbro recalls it because of what the printing on it could be, they might have made an unintentional limited edition Jazz figure! XD

I don't think Hasbro has ever recalled a Transformers toy before, which is pretty amazing after 33+ years. It's highly unlikely that they'd recall it because it says MAGA in Cybertronian. That'd just be silly.
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922330)
Posted by Skritz on November 18th, 2017 @ 12:33am CST
Seibertron wrote:
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:With the Jazz toy, if Hasbro recalls it because of what the printing on it could be, they might have made an unintentional limited edition Jazz figure! XD

I don't think Hasbro has ever recalled a Transformers toy before, which is pretty amazing after 33+ years. They're certainly not going to recall it because it says MAGA in Cybertronian. That'd just be silly.

Well, if there ever was a first, it would certainly be in the heated american political climate of 2017 over Hasbro wanting to distance themselves from any potential implication of association with the Trump administration. People have freaked out over far less, unfortunately. This could very much end one for the history books of the franchise, as silly as it may be.

But what do I know of 'murrican politics? I ride mooses up rivers of maple syrup. :HEADHURTS:
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922333)
Posted by ebonyleopard on November 18th, 2017 @ 12:42am CST
Notesandtabs wrote:Common guys. If this REALLY offends anybody, we need to grow up. Everybody is too offended about silly things. Whatever your political standing, it is crazy to be upset abut this, honestly. >:oP :-?

One really can't tell another person what they should or shouldn't be offended by seeing how people appear to have a wide variety of levels of what the are willing to tolerate in behavior in other people.

And the irony of the robot chosen for this particular prank can't be just ignored either. Whoever the designer was who did this, clearly knew exactly what they were doing in their attempt to be clever. This should cost that designer his job, because it's going to cost Hasbro one way or another either in bad publicity (which it's getting now), to production cost if they decide to recall their Jazzes, or in the cost of having to do a second run wave and have the decos changed, because there's no way, now that they've acknowledged it is what it is, they are going to be able to just produce more without taking action.
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922334)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on November 18th, 2017 @ 12:43am CST
Terrsolpix wrote::(
Seibertron wrote:Anyone else see a new Seeker mold out of Swoop? Not sure what you'd do with the legs in jet mode, but in robot mode you've got the cockpit and some Combiner Wars intakes on his upper shoulders. Plus Swoop's head looks very similar (not exact) to Starscream's if you take away his headfin. It even has the side intakes on his head!

The legs are able to fold like Rook, so a seeker retool is in no way out of the question. cough Takara cough

And here I thought Swoop is being retooled into Cutthroat and Wildfly. Silly me...
Re: Hasbro Responds to Transformers Power of the Primes Jazz Design Error (1922335)
Posted by ebonyleopard on November 18th, 2017 @ 12:45am CST
Lore Keeper wrote:
I hope that whoever did that to Jazz gets fired. To put that sort of slogan on a character that is traditionally voiced by an African American is all sorts of messed up.

There were many African Americans who voted for Trump and wear MAGA hats. For all we know, Scatman Crothers could have been one of those people if he were alive today. Nothing in politics is ever that black and white (no pun intended).

Nah, man. Nah. >:oP

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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #354 - Identity Crisis
Twincast / Podcast #354:
"Identity Crisis"
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Posted: Saturday, July 13th, 2024

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