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In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more

Transformers News: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more

Friday, November 10th, 2017 12:26PM CST

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News
Posted by: Bronzewolf   Views: 19,819

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Just yesterday we posted a rumor (and then confirmation) that the Wal-Mart exclusive Autobots Unite Legion Class Two Packs would start to appear at Ross stores in the US. Now we have some in hand images of all the figures in the packs, Bumblebee and Hot Rod, Megatron and Berserker, and Optimus Prime and Ravenspar. As mentioned above, these figures were supposed to be exclusive to Wal-Mart in the US, but reportedly never showed up. Wal-Mart has now apparently made the decision to pass these on to Ross, which is move of a discount store here in the US.

These images come to us again from Seibertron reader Richard on Twitter, the same person who first found the packs in Ross. Check the photos out below!

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Transformers News: Re: Transformers: The Last Knight Toys Discussion Thread

Transformers News: Re: Transformers: The Last Knight Toys Discussion Thread

Transformers News: Re: Transformers: The Last Knight Toys Discussion Thread

Transformers News: Re: Transformers: The Last Knight Toys Discussion Thread

Transformers News: Re: Transformers: The Last Knight Toys Discussion Thread

Transformers News: Re: Transformers: The Last Knight Toys Discussion Thread

Transformers News: Re: Transformers: The Last Knight Toys Discussion Thread

Transformers News: Re: Transformers: The Last Knight Toys Discussion Thread

Transformers News: Re: Transformers: The Last Knight Toys Discussion Thread
Credit(s): Twitter

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Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1920863)
Posted by ScottyP on November 10th, 2017 @ 1:04pm CST
No group shot of Ravenspar with Linkage Microns? 1/10, would not subscribe to this fake fan's feed.

(I kid, I kid ;))
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1920885)
Posted by Noideaforaname on November 10th, 2017 @ 6:37pm CST
Bronzewolf wrote:Image


Can't unsee little yellow hooded guy praising something or other.
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1920887)
Posted by Bronzewolf on November 10th, 2017 @ 7:15pm CST
Noideaforaname wrote:
Bronzewolf wrote:Image


Can't unsee little yellow hooded guy praising something or other.

Hot Rod is secretly Krang confirmed.
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1920901)
Posted by william-james88 on November 10th, 2017 @ 9:43pm CST
Many fans are still wondering if Cogman will appear at retail stores or not, due to him being part of the final wave of the Transformers: The Last Knight toyline and the trend of tail end toys to be harder to find. The fact that just today we have confirmation that late coming Walmart exclusives have been sold to market six stores and will not show up at their initially designated retail outlet are further cause to fear. But I bring good news, Cogman has been found at Canadian retail. He and his wavemates (who can all be seen in the image below) were found at EB Games, Canada's Gamestop. He was found at the retail price of $29.99 CAD in Quebec City by member Keoth. This is a good sign that this same wave will come to other retailers in both Canada and the US.


Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1920915)
Posted by Octobotimus on November 10th, 2017 @ 11:20pm CST
hey look, its that deluxe that is impossible to find online, guess i'll just keep looking at photos of him :/
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1920919)
Posted by hurricane567 on November 10th, 2017 @ 11:39pm CST
The last wave of RiD Minicons (Tricerashot et al) also showed up at Canadian retail but never in the states. :-(
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1920922)
Posted by william-james88 on November 10th, 2017 @ 11:47pm CST
hurricane567 wrote:The last wave of RiD Minicons (Tricerashot et al) also showed up at Canadian retail but never in the states. :-(

True, same for the last wave of Beast Hunters Commander Class figures.


But hey, you guys got Walmart Exlusive deluxe Hot Rod (online) and Walgreens exclusive Brainstorm.

So... give and take?

Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1920928)
Posted by Rysquad on November 11th, 2017 @ 12:37am CST
Picked both the Legion and One-Step Hot Rod sets at Ross today. Stock was healthy. Adding to the sightings.
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1921559)
Posted by william-james88 on November 14th, 2017 @ 12:56am CST
While Power of the Primes appearing at US retail may be on everyone's minds at the moment, the Transformers: The Last Knight toyline has still not been fully released in the US. The main toy missing from the shelves is Deluxe Cogman from the fourth wave, where he is the only new toy. While waiting for this toy to reach retail, here is a pictorial review of him with comparison shots and images of him at different angles.

I will begin this review by saying that this is my favourite deluxe from the entire line. This is not the recency effect because as many will attest, this line has not been amazing, especially not for the deluxe class. It was plagued with repaints and retools, and the fully original molds like Barricade, Berserker, and Steelbane were not home runs by any stretch due to either over simplicity, poor engineering or poor quality control. For some reason it seems Hasbro and Takara poured all they had into Cogman. As we all know by now, he is Titan master compatible and as you will see below, he can fit two Titan Masters in his cockpit.






Regarding the cockpit, it's really cool how they have the steering wheel on the right side, which is film accurate to the car driven by Cogman in London. As for the car mode in general, it is super sleek. I love how everything fits together perfectly. There is also nice silver paint throughout the side connecting between different panels, adding to the cohesiveness of the alt mode. Plus the rims are painted as are the lights in the back (something that was absent from Transformers toys for a while).




What you see sticking from his backside is not a bad case of hemorrhoids but the hilt from his sword. The vehicle mode accommodates the sword by actually having an extra transformation joint on the robot's pelvis, so that the sword can fit there even though there might not be enough room under the car at first glance.


The only slight complaint I could have is that the titan master ports in the cockpit are very loose and will not keep a Titan master attached. But they can still sit there no problem. Also, there is a big gap between the front of the windshield and where the cockpit actually begins. While I will admit I am not an expert on the Aston Martin DB11, it doesn't look right.

The transformation to robot mode is as good as I think we will ever see for a standard Bayverse deluxe. Since none of the car mode is integrated into the robot mode (due to the fact that Cogman DOES NOT TRANSFORM into that car in the film) it's always tricky to hide away the alt mode kibble. The wave 1 Barricade just let is all hang in his back lazily, with no compression of any kind and I was worried when it first seemed like Cogman would follow suit. But no, the back is very tight and compressed as much as it could be. Of course we still see car bits, but it is neat. And unlike Barricade, Cogman's chest cannot have any alt mode kibble so the front of the car turns partly into his shoulders (which have terrific pose-ability as you can see below) while the rest does a 180 degree turn to fold away into his back smoothly under all the clear plastic windows. It was one of those genius moments of engineering like when one transforms PRID Vehicon's legs for the first time or finalizes the chest on Prime FE Cliffjumper.





The legs also offer an evolved form of what Barricade showed us with several layers of folding. This figure definitely has a higher parts count for all that extra engineering. The way the hands flip out of the car doors also answers the prayer of all fans complaining of hollow bits and engineers not adding extra flaps to make better looking arms. The result is the sleekest robot mode of the entire line, which is crazy for a toy that has so much kibble to deal with.



He is quite poseable but while he does have knees they are weirdly designed as if they were only meant to be used for the transformation (which is odd since that joint is not used for the transformation). Its a tight joint that doesn't act like a regular joint would. Although it does reveal more robot mode detail that one only sees when unlocking the knee. Speaking of detail, his chest does open up to see more cogs and gears. This is necessary for transforming him into alt mode.



He comes with Excalibur (talk of an accessory) and wields it pretty well, as you can see below. I feel he makes an even better knight themed Transformer than the actual knight themed Transformer we got in this line, especially his shining armour. Speaking of which, the paint job is fine. Toys can always use more paint but I am not complaining here. The grey/silver plastic used her isn't dull but feels like an actual colour.






Overall, he is the best deluxe of this line, bar none (my runner up was Sqweeks, if anyone was curious). Definitely a worthy pickup for those who like the movie aesthetic and those who enjoy innovative yet streamlined transformations. And of course, for any fan of Titan Masters too. Speaking of which, here he is next to the other tail-ender, Slugslinger, showing the compatibility.





Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1921579)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on November 14th, 2017 @ 6:26am CST
Good review even if I disagree with some of it (I REALLY like Berserker and Barricade and overally find the TLK Deluxes far better than any of the Titans Return deluxes especially since they have to turn into realistic vehicles and not made up sci-fi stuff) In fact Cogman himself does the Titan Master gimmick far better than any of the 'true' Titan Masters I've owned in my opinion since they had to work it into a real car and ended up TWO seats in there and it collapses fairly well into his backpack.

Your Cogman got a better black wash than mine did but I added some myself anyways to fix up the lacking parts but also the plain areas such as the arms and thighs and a little bit on the Cogman Titan Master himself. I still really love the detail sculpt and blackwash on the area revealed by lifting the chestplate. It's typical cogs and gears but not something you often see on a Transformers figure.

Wave 3 Bumblebee is easily my fave of the line. I love both modes and he's fun to pose and he just looks awesome. I really like Sqweeks and he's a fun toy but he's so ridiculously oversized he simply does not fit in with the other figures at all (why there's now a third party KO that's even bigger, I do not know, can they not do a shrunken down one?). Cogman is great fun and as I said I really like Barricade and Berserker (in fact Berserker's become one of my fave Decepticon toys ever). I haven't got any of the others yet as waiting for price reductions due to already having owned some of them before (I want the new Crosshairs as liked the AoE one and this one is just nicer)

Anyways yeah good review and I agree about the good points of Cogman's toy. Lovely photo work as usual. :)

Is it ok that in my 'personal canon' that after the death of Burton that Cogman made himself the larger body out of their car so he could still do his butler duties but to a Transformer instead, perhaps Optimus Prime, whether Prime wants his services or not? :P
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1921640)
Posted by Rodimus Knight on November 14th, 2017 @ 12:29pm CST
Finally a Bayverse Transformer I want to buy. He's pretty slick looking.
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1921664)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on November 14th, 2017 @ 1:24pm CST
Really awesome looking figure that I cannot wait to get! Why oh why does Cogman need to be the hard to find end of the line figure
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1921689)
Posted by bodrock on November 14th, 2017 @ 1:51pm CST
Cogman looks cool -- and this explains why I haven't found him yet. He will make the perfect Autobot transtector, like Nitro Z is for the Cons!
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1921694)
Posted by Autobot N on November 14th, 2017 @ 2:34pm CST
Got Steelbane in today. Honestly, he isn't as bad as some people say. His arms and legs are pretty tight, and he looks pretty cool. Only two things I don't like about him:
1. The sword is made out of a rubbery plastic, which is pretty annoying since my Steelbane's sword was bent out of shape (I bought a secondhand copy). This problem was fixed by swiping the sword from Deluxe Silver Knight Prime and giving it to Steelbane.

2. The wings suck. Since they're made of rubbery plastic as well, both of them are warped, and they make Steelbane back-heavy and just look bad. This problem was fixed by popping off the wings and setting them off to the side (since the dragon mode isn't that great, it's not like I'm missing out on anything).

Overall, a pretty good figure and my favorite TLK deluxe (granted, the only other one I have is TRU Megatron) until I get Cogman.
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1921720)
Posted by TulioDude on November 14th, 2017 @ 5:54pm CST
Cogman is one of my must have in this line love the character and the toy looks pretty nice too.
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1921721)
Posted by jtanimator on November 14th, 2017 @ 6:08pm CST
I know this thread is on Cogman, but can anyone here tell me if deluxe class Skullitron is any better than Steelbane? I've heard some negative things about Steelbane, and he isn't in stock at my stores yet. However I do have Skullitron in stock here. So I'm curious if Skullitron has the same issues with "looseness" in the limbs or if he's a tighter figure.
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1921729)
Posted by skywarp-2 on November 14th, 2017 @ 6:37pm CST
Severe RID motor twins vibe here ;)^
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1921743)
Posted by Qwan on November 14th, 2017 @ 7:42pm CST
jtanimator wrote:I know this thread is on Cogman, but can anyone here tell me if deluxe class Skullitron is any better than Steelbane? I've heard some negative things about Steelbane, and he isn't in stock at my stores yet. However I do have Skullitron in stock here. So I'm curious if Skullitron has the same issues with "looseness" in the limbs or if he's a tighter figure.

This thread is for all The Last Knight toys; Cogman, Skullitron, Steelbane or otherwise :D

I don't have Skullitron myself, but IIRC he's about the same as Steelbane (maybe a little bit better) in the joints department. For what it's worth though, I picked up a Steelbane that actually had pretty good joints and still hated the mold, so take that for what you will. Pretty much a your-mileage-may-vary situation, on joint quality and whether you end up liking the mold or not - opinions are pretty split.
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1921783)
Posted by TFmonkeybiz on November 15th, 2017 @ 5:27am CST
I was recently able to track down some reasonably priced TLK figures, and I have to say they've all surpassed my expectations.

The first one I picked up was Slug as I'd missed out on the AOE Dinobots and wanted to give them a shot. At first, I wasn't impressed due to his kibble issues which can make the transformation a bit annoying at first but he's grown on me since then and I love his robot mode design. I much prefer the colours on this version over the ones on the original and the articulation is perfectly fine. My only real issues with the figure are that the swords came warped in the package (their soft plastic) and they don't hold into the sides of the beast mode very securely.

The second figure I purchased was Sqweeks. First off I think he's a great little figure, the transformation is interesting, the trailer makes him feel worth the price and I love how he looks when you arm him up. I would also like to state that my copy doesn't seem to have the problem with headlight piece falling off during transformation, though mine does have a QC issue with the arm connection not being able to support the guns weight. Aside from that my only other issue I have with the figure is the fact that the mud/dirt paint apps look like they were applied with kiddie paints.

The third figure I picked up was Drift. I'll admit my expectations for this one were low due to review's I'd read, however, he turned out to be a pleasant surprise. Firstly, I love how the vehicle mode looks, even if it could do with a bit more paint (on a side note I think it would look great as a :CON:), my only real issues with this mode are the fact that the panels won't sit flush and that their's nowhere to store his daggers. Sadly, his transformation is 99% shell forming, with most of the car mode ending up on his back which hurts an otherwise cool looking robot mode.

Finally, I picked up Legion Megatron which looks amazing in both modes. The transformation is interesting and I love how they were able to integrate his fusion cannon. He's also superbly articulated for a Legion.
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1921840)
Posted by william-james88 on November 15th, 2017 @ 3:28pm CST
It is no secret that the handling of the exclusives Hot Rod toys in the US (and the rest of the world) could have been better. However, we do wish to help fans get these toys as much as possible and we have been made aware of new developments regarding the availability of some of those exclusive Transformers: The Last Knight Hot Rod toys.

Firstly, the deluxe figure (which is by all accounts an online exclusive) is back in stock at for $19.13.

For those unable to get it at (especially international audiences), it is now available for a premium at for $34.99.

Lastly, it seems not all of Walmart's stock was dumped into the market six stores since the One Step two pack is now available on Walmart's website for $16.19.

Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1921846)
Posted by Mirage22 on November 15th, 2017 @ 3:58pm CST
Thank you so much for the heads up about him being relisted on 'Snagged one!
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1921872)
Posted by EunuchRon on November 15th, 2017 @ 8:15pm CST
Awesome dude! Got me one ordered! Now to just find that Cogman...
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1922755)
Posted by william-james88 on November 20th, 2017 @ 12:01am CST
While Transformers: The Last Knight deluxe Hot Rod has been found in the UK as well as available for ordering from in the US, there was no word of it ever reaching Canada. It was not part of their holiday catalog where they highlighted some of their exclusives and it never appeared on their website, not even as a placeholder listing. With the main Age of Extinction Walmart exclusives never making it to Canada a few years ago, several fans thought deluxe Hot Rod was simply not going to show up, and that pricey alternative channels were probably going to have to be used. However, we finally have news of it being found in a Walmart store in Canada. This specific sighting comes to us from timcrook of who found it in the Vancouver area.
There is still no word of the other Walmart exclusives that still have not reached the great white north such as the two packs that have recently surfaced at Ross in the US. This is not an indication that this toy will appear in stores in the US since Walmart Canada is run independently, and channels by which particular toys are sold wildly differ with this figure never being offered online in Canada, for instance.

Good luck on the hunt everyone!

Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1922757)
Posted by Quantum Surge on November 20th, 2017 @ 12:11am CST
He better not leave my shelves if I don't buy him, or else he will be in the trunk of my car and not be treated as a passenger like what he did to poor Viviane.

Real talk, I have felt less confident with buying figures that I want if they disappear too soon or they show up too late. Hopefully, I can get either Hot Rod, Cogman, or Nitro Zeus (and I'll see what I can do with the others I want down the line).
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1922766)
Posted by nemesisorion on November 20th, 2017 @ 2:16am CST
I have this hot rod figure found him at asda uk and i got him and hes a 7.9 good figure ;) but less than a week i broke the leg :-( i took it back got a replacement i broke it because the joints were to stiff but at least the replacement isnt having this issue
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1922769)
Posted by noctorro on November 20th, 2017 @ 3:26am CST
Only have Voyager Optimus and Megatron and they are great! Good size, posability, proportions and solidness in the torso. The detail is also nice.

Not very invested in the toyline because I hated the movie. Cogsman looks a bit dull but overall solid, might get him cheap on ebay or not. Would like a Nitro, his altmode looks hood and he's a KSI model so that's cool.

That's about it, maybe a Leader Megatron as a Knight brute and Skullitron/Steelbane for a good price.

This movie line deluxes cost 33 euro's!!!!! That's insane! That's an expensive voyager price. I don't know what Hasbro is doing in The Netherlands but that's unforgivably expensive. I refuse to buy a deluxe that's close to a third party price.

I hope HasTak dicides to make.... well no wishes actually for The Last Knight. I hipe they get back to Age of Extinction. Get us more KSI figures. Revisit Dark of the Moon maybe a bit. Do a deluxe sized dread dog dude,

Oh yes, Infernocus, that guy needs a Power of the Primus Beast combiner remold. That wouls be cool.
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1922812)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on November 20th, 2017 @ 10:46am CST
Hot Rod's great but his inaccuracies eventually bugged me too much and I ebayed him last week while there's still demand and plan to get that third party Hot Fire when that's out next year cos it looks super accurate. Yeah I never thought I'd get hooked on expensive TFs but dammit the third party movie stuff that's coming out is all looking pretty damn amazing. Got Peru Kill (Lockdown) and Firage (Dino/Mirage) coming. My hasbro figures are just for general play and messing about. :D
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1922828)
Posted by DeathReviews on November 20th, 2017 @ 12:03pm CST
The movie flushed in and out of theaters and is already on DVD. Most of the movie stuff didn't sell even when the film was still on screens, and they're still warming shelf at TRU and other retailers. Walmarts have tons of unsold Skweeks and Spark power stuff that won't go anywhere at full retail price because nobody really wanted them.

The movie's toys should be on clearance now to make room for the newer stuff coming out (cough cough Power of the Primes cough cough Misfire Slugslinger cough cough cough).
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1922849)
Posted by hurricane567 on November 20th, 2017 @ 2:07pm CST
Mine is on his way via WM site2store. Today, maybe, tomorrow, probably.
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1922886)
Posted by King Kuuga on November 20th, 2017 @ 7:42pm CST
DeathReviews wrote:The movie flushed in and out of theaters and is already on DVD. Most of the movie stuff didn't sell even when the film was still on screens, and they're still warming shelf at TRU and other retailers. Walmarts have tons of unsold Skweeks and Spark power stuff that won't go anywhere at full retail price because nobody really wanted them.

The movie's toys should be on clearance now to make room for the newer stuff coming out (cough cough Power of the Primes cough cough Misfire Slugslinger cough cough cough).

There's still the Christmas season to account for. The general interest in movie Transformers should pick up around now, at least by retailer logic. This should thin the numbers.
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1923022)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on November 21st, 2017 @ 1:27pm CST
Quick observation: the legion 2-packs were supposed to come with weapons for Berserker and Ravenspar according to original stock photos, yet my Berserker has none. Googling the matter seems to confirm that every pack has no weapons whatsoever. What gives?

No matter, a Berserker only uses his fists :twisted: I've repurposed both Legion Barricade and Berserker as Aligned/G1, by the way. I'll be treating Ravenspar the same way once I find him.
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1925408)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on December 6th, 2017 @ 10:08am CST
Oh my gosh, guys!!! I just realized something!!! Grimlock's enigma of combination would go perfectly with TLK Nitro to make him a Shockwave!!!!

I don't have Grimlock, but I got the idea watching emgo's review when he put it on Hot Rod
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1925475)
Posted by Skritz on December 6th, 2017 @ 6:25pm CST
I just got Nitro Zeus. Oh damn, do I not regret getting this guy. He's deceptively (heh) good: solid body, unique transformation, nice chunky side and little hollow parts. The Titan Master headport is just icing on an already good cake. I bought him for 'custom fodder' but he's quite nice on his own almost to the point that I think he would have made a better earth mode Megatron design than what we got from the actual movie.
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1925504)
Posted by Emerje on December 7th, 2017 @ 2:27am CST
Am I the only one that doesn't really care that much for Nitro? His robot mode is OK, his Transformation is different, and it's cool that he has a Titan Master slot. But his jet mode only looks good from the top, the bottom is a wreck, the wings don't like to straighten out, and to me sticking a Titan Master in there is just making a movie version of a G1 character rather than giving a G1 character a proper body.

Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1925505)
Posted by Madeus Prime on December 7th, 2017 @ 2:39am CST
Skritz wrote:I just got Nitro Zeus. Oh damn, do I not regret getting this guy. He's deceptively (heh) good: solid body, unique transformation, nice chunky side and little hollow parts. The Titan Master headport is just icing on an already good cake. I bought him for 'custom fodder' but he's quite nice on his own almost to the point that I think he would have made a better earth mode Megatron design than what we got from the actual movie.

Honestly, as someone who does not like Movie Starscream's design, I would've adored Nitro's design as his.
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1925514)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on December 7th, 2017 @ 4:31am CST
Emerje wrote:Am I the only one that doesn't really care that much for Nitro? His robot mode is OK, his Transformation is different, and it's cool that he has a Titan Master slot. But his jet mode only looks good from the top, the bottom is a wreck, the wings don't like to straighten out, and to me sticking a Titan Master in there is just making a movie version of a G1 character rather than giving a G1 character a proper body.


I see no problem with that.
It work surprisingly well in fact.

Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1925592)
Posted by Emerje on December 7th, 2017 @ 12:23pm CST
Yeah, I'm perfectly fine with as well, I have a lot of love for my movie style Seaspray. It's the other way around that bothers me. Especially when people say things like "this mold should have been in Titans Return". Why? Because it has a Titan Master slot? It's still a movie design.

Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1925633)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on December 7th, 2017 @ 4:37pm CST
Emerje wrote:Yeah, I'm perfectly fine with as well, I have a lot of love for my movie style Seaspray. It's the other way around that bothers me. Especially when people say things like "this mold should have been in Titans Return". Why? Because it has a Titan Master slot? It's still a movie design.


Still WAY less "alien" like than the first trilogy though.
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1925688)
Posted by Emerje on December 7th, 2017 @ 11:19pm CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Emerje wrote:Yeah, I'm perfectly fine with as well, I have a lot of love for my movie style Seaspray. It's the other way around that bothers me. Especially when people say things like "this mold should have been in Titans Return". Why? Because it has a Titan Master slot? It's still a movie design.


Still WAY less "alien" like than the first trilogy though.

I can't disagree with this. Although, there are some first trilogy figures that do fit the AOE/TLK look like Wreckage, Longarm, and Breacher. Of course, none of those were actually in the movies...

Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1925719)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on December 8th, 2017 @ 4:49am CST
Emerje wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Emerje wrote:Yeah, I'm perfectly fine with as well, I have a lot of love for my movie style Seaspray. It's the other way around that bothers me. Especially when people say things like "this mold should have been in Titans Return". Why? Because it has a Titan Master slot? It's still a movie design.


Still WAY less "alien" like than the first trilogy though.

I can't disagree with this. Although, there are some first trilogy figures that do fit the AOE/TLK look like Wreckage, Longarm, and Breacher. Of course, none of those were actually in the movies...


Yup. Those were "classics" bonus figures.
I'm pretty glad that the Movie designs went "classic" for the Knight Trilogy. Even though the insect/alien look of the first trilogy had it's appeal.
I wonder though... If Starscream get somehow resurrected,, how will he look? :-?
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1925725)
Posted by Emerje on December 8th, 2017 @ 5:32am CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:I wonder though... If Starscream get somehow resurrected,, how will he look? :-?


I mean, if Megatron can be a truck...

Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1925777)
Posted by Va'al on December 8th, 2017 @ 11:33am CST
Good news South American fans! Via Facebook group Transformers Chile, we have images of new sightings of some Transformers: The Last Knight figures which have had a troublesome history at States retail: Turbo Changer Knight Armor Hound and the Autobot Unite exclusive (but not really) Legion class Hot Rod, along with Legion Crosshairs and Drift.

The bulky (geddit) simplified toy rang up at 19990 Chilean pesos (approx 30.5 USD) while the smaller ones 5990 (9 USD), and Heht Rehd a slightly higher price of 6990 (10 USD). The former three were all found at Falabella de Paseo Puente, in Santiago Centro, whereas Hurht Rohrd was spotted in the Supermercado LĂ­der de General Velasquez (Santiago Central Station). Check out the images below, and make sure to use the Sightings Database for any sightings of your own, too!



Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1925849)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on December 8th, 2017 @ 3:56pm CST
Emerje wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:I wonder though... If Starscream get somehow resurrected,, how will he look? :-?


I mean, if Megatron can be a truck...


Eh, I used to own this guy. This mold suck mighty ass though.

As for altmode, Megatron can never settle on one form. He's like a prima-diva with a huge walk-in and change shoes to match his purse. Through the universes, Starscream was always a type of fighter jet. So I do hope the trend will remain.


If they release a Starscream Titan Master, I know what to do................
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1926058)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on December 10th, 2017 @ 9:23am CST
Finally got TLK Deluxe Cogman. I quite like it, except for the obvious unpainted parts. Those are pretty garish because they are surrounded with well painted parts. So I used a silver Testor paint pen and a Tamiya black water wash. That's it. This is the result:








What do you guys think?
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1926287)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on December 12th, 2017 @ 10:34am CST
So i landed myself a Cogman finally (funny enough, I didn't know I was getting the Takara packaged one. He even came with both paper and laminated directions!). Overall, he is a pretty good figure. The paint work on him is spectacular! And I love the Headmaster. The transformation feels like TLK Barricade mixed with AoE Ninja Bee, and it is quite satisfying.

The bummer though, and the reason I am not more excited for him:

Very first transformation, the crotch piece broke. Very first piece I went to transform. it sucks. But if it weren't for that piece, I would sing his praises. Probably the best deluxe of the line, though he competes some with Sqweeks there. I'll need to take some more pictures of him later with the Autobot crew from the knight trilogy (or at least what is supposed to be a knight trilogy)
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1926343)
Posted by ToaLeePrime on December 12th, 2017 @ 8:01pm CST
On the subject of Mr Cogman, has anybody in Australia or New Zealand spotted him yet?. I've been scouring every supplier I know of and have only found the wave 3 bots. :-(
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1926345)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on December 12th, 2017 @ 8:16pm CST
ToaLeePrime wrote:On the subject of Mr Cogman, has anybody in Australia or New Zealand spotted him yet?. I've been scouring every supplier I know of and have only found the wave 3 bots. :-(

Cogman is an exclusive to the most random store you will never expect to find him.
No, seriously.

Don't take any chances. Pay 10$ more than retail and import him. He's very, VERY worth it.


Well well well, seem like it's only 5ish bucks more instead. So don't wait:
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1926347)
Posted by ToaLeePrime on December 12th, 2017 @ 8:21pm CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:
ToaLeePrime wrote:On the subject of Mr Cogman, has anybody in Australia or New Zealand spotted him yet?. I've been scouring every supplier I know of and have only found the wave 3 bots. :-(

Cogman is an exclusive to the most random store you will never expect to find him.
No, seriously.

Don't take any chances. Pay 10$ more than retail and import him. He's very, VERY worth it.


Well well well, seem like it's only 5ish bucks more instead. So don't wait:

I might just have to take you up on that offer, Cogman is the one figure in this line I can't afford to miss!
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1926348)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on December 12th, 2017 @ 8:23pm CST
ToaLeePrime wrote:
I might just have to take you up on that offer, Cogman is the one figure in this line I can't afford to miss!

Not only you will have it 5$ cheaper than me, I'm pretty sure you Aussies are used to pay insane price for about everything. So that Cogman may be at (almost) exactly retail price for you, including taxes.

If you are not Australian, please move over there ASAP so I don't look like a fool. :HEADHURTS:
Re: In hand Images of Transformers: The Last Knight Autobot Unite Legion Class Two Packs; Hot Rod, Bumblebee, Megatron, more (1926349)
Posted by ToaLeePrime on December 12th, 2017 @ 8:41pm CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:
ToaLeePrime wrote:
I might just have to take you up on that offer, Cogman is the one figure in this line I can't afford to miss!

Not only you will have it 5$ cheaper than me, I'm pretty sure you Aussies are used to pay insane price for about everything. So that Cogman may be at (almost) exactly retail price for you, including taxes.

If you are not Australian, please move over there ASAP so I don't look like a fool. :HEADHURTS:

Haha! I come from the land down under NZ, not Aussie! :twisted: Moving on, I can confirm the pricing here is indeed insane, this Cogman ain't to far off what I usually pay though.

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