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Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight

Transformers News: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight

Sunday, March 26th, 2017 9:34PM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Event News
Posted by: D-Maximal_Primal   Views: 27,810

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It looks like Isabela Moner isn't the only interesting thing from Transformers: The Last Knight to appear at Cinemacon.

We now have a new poster for The Last Knight that has been shown off on the floor where Cinemacon is set to be held. This poster is an extended version of the original 'Rethink your Heroes' poster, with a much more expansive background with ships and planet pieces included. Check out the poster below, and stay tuned for more information on The Last Knight!

Transformers News: Larger 'Rethink Your eroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight
Credit(s): CinemaCon

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Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869573)
Posted by Deadput on March 26th, 2017 @ 9:48pm CDT
Apparently Cogman is voiced by Jim Carter who plays a butler in another show.

Source: M Sipher on Twitter who was at the event a few fans were invited too including Ryan (Seibertron) there are some other details like how Hot Rod can't get rid of his French accent.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869578)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 26th, 2017 @ 9:53pm CDT
Deadput wrote:Before people get excited at a new Transformers game that's just from the trailer of the Forged to Fight mobile game.

We are not getting a Transformers 5 game this year if we were it would of been announced by now or it will be released at the end of the year.

D-Maximus_Prime, the news article, wrote:include a look at the backdrop display for the feature as well as what appears to be the Transformers: Forged to Fight trailer playing on the screen
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869612)
Posted by Seibertron on March 26th, 2017 @ 11:12pm CDT

As many of you know by now, a small group of us were treated to an amazing experience courtesy of Paramount, Michael Bay, Bay Films and IMAX. It was an amazing experience to literally sit right next to Michael Bay in his studio while he was going through his computer files to find clips from Transformers: The Last Knight that he wanted to show us. The experience seemed way too familiar, much like one of us going over to one of our friends houses to show each other Transformers from our collections or showing something other coveted prized possession.

(Side note: I did my best to keep my eye on the file names on his monitor for some massive spoiler, but unfortunately didn't see anything more revealing than the footage we were shown or that has been seen in trailers ... I tried though!)




Michael Bay casually revealed to us in his office that Steven Spielberg, the legend himself, was involved on some level with the story aspect of The Last Knight, which I don't think has happened since the first movie. We weren't told much about his involvement, which Bay brought up matter-of-factly, but I got the impression that Spielberg was involved at least during the process with the writers room on some level. For how long? I don't know, but it was nice to know that he was once again involved with the storyline aspect of the Transformers film franchise.

The footage we were shown opens in the middle of an epic battle during Medieval Times, waged by two opposing forces. Bayhem literally begins from the moment the movie starts. If it's going to be a film directed by Michael Bay, we might as well embrace the Bayhem and enjoy the ride. Earlier in the day, while we were at Bay Films, Michael Bay showed us some behind the scenes footage of this opening sequence that was really cool to see. There's a pivotal human character, none other than Merlin, who was rather entertaining and fun to watch. The dragon Transformer, Dragonstorm, that was seen in previous trailers is simply massive and the scene where he is flying near the cliff has been completed more (such as a moment where his wing splashes into the water). The dragon Transformer is the secret weapon, or one of the weapons, used to turn the tide for the "good" guys during the initial battle. After the battle, we are shown the Knights of the Roundtable accompanied by the Cybertronian Knights.


The entire Medieval Times battle sequence is some of what Michael Bay does best ... massive epic battles, beautiful scenery, all-out action, and humor. Wait until you see some of these shots on IMAX screens. It was a spectacular setup for what looks to be an extremely exciting movie. If anything, The Last Knight appears to be the ultimate culmination of Michael Bay working on the Transformers franchise for at least 12 years.


One of the things I'm most excited about that Bay stressed multiple times, is that this is a real 3D movie. The Last Knight was shot with specialized 3D cameras. He stressed adamantly that the best way to see The Last Knight will be in 3D on an IMAX screen. This is the real deal, unlike other Hollywood films where the 3D experience is done in post production. The film has been made with the IMAX 3D viewing experience in mind. He sold me on the idea while we were at Bay Films, especially after seeing this sneak peek at IMAX Headquarters. The scenes we were shown looked beautiful in a very dramatic and eye-catching way that fans should come to expect from Michael Bay.

A group of 4 boys who are at the destroyed Football Stadium, transitions to Canopy protecting Izabella (Isabela Moner) and her friends, Canopy is all that Izabella has left after her family was lost during the Chicago battle, Bumblebee and Cade saves the day. Canopy is a tertiary character who seemed to literally transform into a junk covered "canopy", or shelter, to provide protection to Izabella and the boys from the Movie Trailer exploring the destroyed football stadium. Transformers seem to be a regular thing on Earth now.


We also got to see a few extended scenes between Cade and Grimlock at the Junkyard, which I presume is owned by or worked at by Cade. If you were hoping to see Grimlock be the Autobot Leader type we all know him to rightfully be, it doesn't seem that we will be seeing him in that capacity here, at least not in the scenes that I saw. A new human friend or co-worker of Cade is introduced to us, who I think is played by Jerrod Carmichael, though I didn't get his character's name. I rather liked his character, he seemed to provide a way for the audience to connect more with what has been thrust upon these characters. A very tense and action packed chase scene unfolds with Cade, Izabella, and Jerrod Carmichael's character being chased by flying drones that look kind of like miniature Tie Fighters. I don't know or can't remember if these are TRF drones, but I'm assuming they are. At some point they encounter Cogman in an elevator, while trying to escape the drones. A drone attacks Cade, smashing him out of the glass window in the elevator, which leads to some pretty tense moments as our hero attempts to survive his fall. Eventually on the ground, Cogman introduces himself, Crosshairs and Bumblebee enter the scene, Cogman shows that he's pretty badass despite being shorter than an average human.

When Bumblebee and Cade Yeager approach the castle (house?) of Sir Edmond Burton (Anthony Hopkins), they are "accidentally" attacked by an old, senile tank Transformer from WWI era. After brief introductions and an apology from Sir Edmond Burton, Burton says something along the lines of "You want to know why the Transformers keep coming to Earth, don't you?" Implying that he seems to know why. Shortly thereafter, a much reluctant Vivian Wembley (Laura Haddock) is brought to Burton's castle via Hot Rod.


Here's a teaser for you guys that I'm sure longtime Transformers fans will appreciate, despite the different twist: so apparently Cogman is a Headmaster. Anthony Hopkins even called him so in the footage we saw. Michael Bay told us at Bay Studios that he was a Headmaster, and when asked to clarify, Bay said that Cogman rips off other Transformers heads and then becomes their head. I'm not sure if this was something I am supposed to talk about or not, but I think it's something that Transformers fans will really appreciate, especially with the current popularity of Titans Return. So, a slightly different twist on the concept, but a Headmaster nonetheless apparently. We didn't see footage of Cogman actually doing this, however. Voice actor for Cogman is the butler guy from Dowton Abbey.


Megatron and the Decepticons were missing from the footage we saw, minus their appearances in some carryover scenes from previous TLK trailers that were shown at the end of this footage montage. I suggested to Michael Bay that the footage be altered to include Megatron, so hopefully the final version of this CinemaCon footage will include some of Megatron and/or the Decepticons. However, if it doesn't, I'm assuming that is intentional because of the current marketing spin shown in this lithograph poster we received that includes the saying "Every Legend Hides A Secret", and shows the symbol from the sword melting into the Decepticon symbol. As with previous Transformers films, I'm assuming "The Last Knight" will have an alternate meaning than what most of us suspect or it will have a double meaning alluding to multiple plot scenarios.


We got to see more scenes of the Ospreys, underwater scenes, shots of the "horns" (which is what they were referred to in concept art we were shown by Bay), and more. I don't know what everything is leading toward. I can't get over that I saw 20 minutes of various clips and yet, thanks to some clever editing, the plot wasn't revealed. I don't know what the horns are, I don't know what's going on with the moon, I don't know what's dragging through Earth's atmosphere and, most importantly, I still don't know what the heck is going on with Optimus Prime or what the "Last Knight" refers to specifically.



As I said earlier, the movie seems very "big", very epic. The stakes seem much higher in this film. It's all building to something really big, which will serve as a launchpad for the Transformers Movie universe going forward. We've only got less than 3 months to go before Transformers The Last Knight opens in theaters on June 23rd so all shall be revealed very soon!
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869616)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 26th, 2017 @ 11:24pm CDT
Wow, talk about an info dump! So much cool stuff!
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869618)
Posted by Seibertron on March 26th, 2017 @ 11:27pm CDT
And there's so much more that I want to say but I'm not sure if I can or not. If you guys have questions, please let me know and I'll do my best to answer as best as I can. I'll update the news story accordingly tomorrow with any new tidbits I can reveal via Q&A with you guys.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869619)
Posted by Nexus Knight on March 26th, 2017 @ 11:31pm CDT
Merlin? Merlin? MERLIN???? Ah, slaggin', crap. Please don't mix magic in. Please don't have magic mixed in my favorite sci-fi franchise...

Also, Cogman works like Animated Headmaster did, from what I understand. Which I am completely okay with. ;)^
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869625)
Posted by DocBot89 on March 26th, 2017 @ 11:50pm CDT
When you say that Canopy is a tertiary character does that mean that he is pretty much a throw-away and dies immediately?
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869626)
Posted by fenrir72 on March 26th, 2017 @ 11:50pm CDT
The King Arthur aspect, is that like a nod to the time travel episode in Season 2 cartoon?
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869628)
Posted by Seibertron on March 26th, 2017 @ 11:56pm CDT
Last week, Paramount gave us a very nice lithograph poster for the Transformers: The Last Knight. The lithograph features the text "Every Legend Hides A Secret", further alluding that there's more than meets the eye in the Last Knight. Due to the shiny material of the lithograph, it was a little difficult to scan in, but I think I was able to lighten it up enough for all of you to see.


As you can see in the image above, the scene or engraving shown on a golden shield shows the "thing" surrounding the Earth, as well as the Earth alone above the 3 head dragon (Dragonstorm), which is above a Decepticon symbol flanked by Optimus Prime and presumably Megatron, though it is difficult to tell for sure, and some various Transformers of the same form.


What is this alluding to? What are your thoughts? Share your ideas on our forums here.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869631)
Posted by Seibertron on March 27th, 2017 @ 12:07am CDT
fenrir72 wrote:The King Arthur aspect, is that like a nod to the time travel episode in Season 2 cartoon?

I think it's more a coincidence than anything, though it'd be really interesting if that episode actually somehow inspired all of this. Trying to put my "I pretend to know about things other than Transformers" shoes on, I've been reading a novel from one of my favorite series, the "Orion" series by Ben Bova, his 6th book which came out before anything about the Last Knight came about, has to do with a time traveler of sorts, Merlin, and King Arthur as well, so ironically similar, but I think that's just the point of having those characters in any sort of story that impacts modern day. A handy coincidence I believe is all it is.

Considering that King Arthur and Merlin do not actually show up in the G1 episode "A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court", I think it's even more of a stretch to say that The Last Knight is in any way influenced by that not-so-great G1 episode.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869634)
Posted by Seibertron on March 27th, 2017 @ 12:21am CDT
DocBot89 wrote:When you say that Canopy is a tertiary character does that mean that he is pretty much a throw-away and dies immediately?

Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869636)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 27th, 2017 @ 12:28am CDT
Nexus Knight wrote:Merlin? Merlin? MERLIN???? Ah, slaggin', crap. Please don't mix magic in. Please don't have magic mixed in my favorite sci-fi franchise...
There's been magic displayed in Transformers fiction before.


"The science of GoBotron would appear as magic to you humans." -- Cy-Kill. :P
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869639)
Posted by Burn on March 27th, 2017 @ 12:40am CDT
The closest I'll get to Imax is Vmax and after watching AOE at Vmax I'm reluctant to do it again.

BUT ... I am tempted to try it again, even going for the 3D experience which can get annoying with glasses.

Thanks for making it difficult to decide Ryan. :-P
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869641)
Posted by Nexus Knight on March 27th, 2017 @ 12:58am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Nexus Knight wrote:Merlin? Merlin? MERLIN???? Ah, slaggin', crap. Please don't mix magic in. Please don't have magic mixed in my favorite sci-fi franchise...
There's been magic displayed in Transformers fiction before.


"The science of GoBotron would appear as magic to you humans." -- Cy-Kill. :P

Really? I can't recall when there was. Though, I could have just not seen it, so if you can point it out, I'll change my statement.

Of course, I'll take Thor's (or Cy-kill's :-P ) brand that magic is science. Hell, the tablet I'm using would have had me put to the stake 1000 years ago. I have always had the idea that if magic can be explained away with logical explanations, it's not actually magic. I'm extremely against the concept of magic (for reasons that aren't appropriate for a TF forum), so I am a little worried about it being in a TF franchise.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869656)
Posted by Ironhidensh on March 27th, 2017 @ 5:29am CDT
Deep inside me, buried under the cynical, grumpy old man, is the remains of the little boy who loves Transformers and desperately wants to get excited for this movie, but I just can't. :( I've been hurt too many times.

Though, not seeing it may not be an option, as my oldest son has expressed an interest in seeing it, and it has been placed before him as a reward option.

Also, I found this on Facebook this morning: ... 4635291325

I haven't seen this on the site anywhere. First look at movie Hotrod? Granted, I've been avoiding movie talk like a plauge, so this could very well be old news.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869662)
Posted by Burn on March 27th, 2017 @ 6:31am CDT
Ironhidensh wrote:I haven't seen this on the site anywhere. First look at movie Hotrod? Granted, I've been avoiding movie talk like a plauge, so this could very well be old news.

Yep, old news.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869663)
Posted by dragons on March 27th, 2017 @ 6:36am CDT
Poster is no poster it's giant floor mat
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869664)
Posted by RNSrobot on March 27th, 2017 @ 6:38am CDT
Mm mm mm, that bay sausage tastes good.

Y'all been played.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869679)
Posted by Dr. Caelus on March 27th, 2017 @ 8:18am CDT
Nexus Knight wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
Nexus Knight wrote:Merlin? Merlin? MERLIN???? Ah, slaggin', crap. Please don't mix magic in. Please don't have magic mixed in my favorite sci-fi franchise...
There's been magic displayed in Transformers fiction before.


"The science of GoBotron would appear as magic to you humans." -- Cy-Kill. :P

Really? I can't recall when there was. Though, I could have just not seen it, so if you can point it out, I'll change my statement.

In the original cartoon, iirc:
- There's a Quintesson sorceror who uses magic straight up.
- An Atlantean princess transforms Seaspray into a flesh and blood person.
- Unicron repairs and completely physically alters the bodies of several Decepticons without touching them.
- The Matrix heavily alters Hot Rod into Rodimus with no apparent physical mechanism.
- The Matrix blows up Unicron through sheer force of goodness.
- The Matrix cures the galaxy spanning hate plague basically the same way.
- Starscream becomes a ghost.

Beast Era
- Starscream is still a ghost.
- The Vok are incorporeal floating skulls. At some point you just have to call it what it is.
- Megatron's master plan in Beast Machines was to devour enough souls to become a god.

Car Robots
- IIRC villain fed on energy of Earth's children through demonic ghost bats or something.
- Same villain was defeated by the collective love of Earth's children.

Unicron Trilogy
- IIRC Unicron is destroyed by Minicons using the Care Bear Stare.
- Starscream tries to become a god.

Transformers: Animated
- Prowl's entire character arc.

Dreamwave's Transformers
- Bludgeon and his cult perform a demonic ritual to summon The Fallen (and succeed).

Transformers: Aligned Continuity
- The Blood of Unicron (Dark Energob) makes Zombies.
- The Forge of Solus Prime makes/fixes things by beating on them. Smokescreen LITERALLY heals Optimus by smacking him with the hammer of a god.
- Unicron can make rock golems.
- Megatron is bound to Unicron's service after death, because of using Dark Energon.

IDW Comics
- D-Void, The Darkness, the Dead Universe, and almost everything associated with them
- Alternate Rewind isn't erased from the universe when they destroy the alternate Lost Light, which they explicitly state has no scientific explanation.
- The Enigma of Combination, whose source code (which presumably is the same as all of the other Primal relics) basically gives a person godlike power.
- Anything Perceptor says (according to Hot Rod).

I'm not 100% on all of those but that's what immediately popped into my head.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869687)
Posted by william-james88 on March 27th, 2017 @ 8:40am CDT
Ironhidensh wrote: ... 4635291325

I haven't seen this on the site anywhere. First look at movie Hotrod? Granted, I've been avoiding movie talk like a plauge, so this could very well be old news.

Thanks for sending this in via e-mail just in case, but we posted it last week, there was a whole bunch of motion posters and hot rod was one of em
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869689)
Posted by Nexus Knight on March 27th, 2017 @ 9:00am CDT
Caelus wrote:
Nexus Knight wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
Nexus Knight wrote:Merlin? Merlin? MERLIN???? Ah, slaggin', crap. Please don't mix magic in. Please don't have magic mixed in my favorite sci-fi franchise...
There's been magic displayed in Transformers fiction before.


"The science of GoBotron would appear as magic to you humans." -- Cy-Kill. :P

Really? I can't recall when there was. Though, I could have just not seen it, so if you can point it out, I'll change my statement.

In the original cartoon, iirc:
- There's a Quintesson sorceror who uses magic straight up.
- An Atlantean princess transforms Seaspray into a flesh and blood person.
- Unicron repairs and completely physically alters the bodies of several Decepticons without touching them.
- The Matrix heavily alters Hot Rod into Rodimus with no apparent physical mechanism.
- The Matrix blows up Unicron through sheer force of goodness.
- The Matrix cures the galaxy spanning hate plague basically the same way.
- Starscream becomes a ghost.

Beast Era
- Starscream is still a ghost.
- The Vok are incorporeal floating skulls. At some point you just have to call it what it is.
- Megatron's master plan in Beast Machines was to devour enough souls to become a god.

Car Robots
- IIRC villain fed on energy of Earth's children through demonic ghost bats or something.
- Same villain was defeated by the collective love of Earth's children.

Unicron Trilogy
- IIRC Unicron is destroyed by Minicons using the Care Bear Stare.
- Starscream tries to become a god.

Transformers: Animated
- Prowl's entire character arc.

Dreamwave's Transformers
- Bludgeon and his cult perform a demonic ritual to summon The Fallen (and succeed).

Transformers: Aligned Continuity
- The Blood of Unicron (Dark Energob) makes Zombies.
- The Forge of Solus Prime makes/fixes things by beating on them. Smokescreen LITERALLY heals Optimus by smacking him with the hammer of a god.
- Unicron can make rock golems.
- Megatron is bound to Unicron's service after death, because of using Dark Energon.

IDW Comics
- D-Void, The Darkness, the Dead Universe, and almost everything associated with them
- Alternate Rewind isn't erased from the universe when they destroy the alternate Lost Light, which they explicitly state has no scientific explanation.
- The Enigma of Combination, whose source code (which presumably is the same as all of the other Primal relics) basically gives a person godlike power.
- Anything Perceptor says (according to Hot Rod).

I'm not 100% on all of those but that's what immediately popped into my head.

Maybe it's how I view "magic" as being, but many of these I don't consider to be so. I'm like my family, they have to outright state it as so for us to consider it magical. But several of these (like the Quintossen sorcerer, which I'd forgotten about) are on that fence, so I take back what I said. Though, would point out, Starscream was told to have a spark defect, which is why it's indestructible.

Maybe I'm overworrying, but hopefully the movie won't be ruined by it (at least, personally).
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869693)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 27th, 2017 @ 9:19am CDT
Nexus Knight wrote:Maybe it's how I view "magic" as being, but many of these I don't consider to be so. I'm like my family, they have to outright state it as so for us to consider it magical. But several of these (like the Quintossen sorcerer, which I'd forgotten about) are on that fence, so I take back what I said. Though, would point out, Starscream was told to have a spark defect, which is why it's indestructible.
Yeah, I wouldn't consider most of those examples in that list to be magic, but instead more of hard sci-fi or alien nature. The Quintesson sorcerer definitely counts, though, as does the Golden One outright using magic incantations to cast spell attacks against said sorcerer, all of which happened in the G1 cartoon episode "Madman's Paradise".

Another example of pure magic from the G1 cartoon would be from the episode "A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court", in which a wizard uses a magic spell to recharge the power-drained Autobots with lightning.

Heh, in fact, I just found out that the Wiki has a page for Magic.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869699)
Posted by Giant Purple Griffin on March 27th, 2017 @ 9:47am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Another example of pure magic from the G1 cartoon would be from the episode "A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court", in which a wizard uses a magic spell to recharge the power-drained Autobots with lightning.

Even though his name is Beorht, that wizard is basically Merlin anyway.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869702)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 27th, 2017 @ 9:52am CDT
Giant Purple Griffin wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Another example of pure magic from the G1 cartoon would be from the episode "A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court", in which a wizard uses a magic spell to recharge the power-drained Autobots with lightning.

Even though his name is Beorht, that wizard is basically Merlin anyway.
There are some who call him... Tim.

Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869704)
Posted by ScottyP on March 27th, 2017 @ 10:04am CDT
I know those are dragon heads on the poster, but all I can see is Kremzeek.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869716)
Posted by Ironhidensh on March 27th, 2017 @ 10:38am CDT
ScottyP wrote:I know those are dragon heads on the poster, but all I can see is Kremzeek.

I thought the same.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869719)
Posted by NovaSentinel on March 27th, 2017 @ 10:45am CDT
Looks alot like Megatron's Movie 1 body on that poster, maybe we'll see it again in a flashback sequence of the war on Cybertron?
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869720)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 27th, 2017 @ 10:45am CDT
NovaSentinel wrote:Looks alot like Megatron's Movie 1 body on that poster, maybe we'll see it again in a flashback sequence of the war on Cybertron?

I was thinking the same. that is totally a movie 1 Megs and a movie 4 Prime
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869727)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 27th, 2017 @ 11:01am CDT
The "Every Legend Hides a Secret" poster from Transformers: The Last Knight news article has the wrong news story on it.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869759)
Posted by Dagon on March 27th, 2017 @ 11:43am CDT
Seibertron wrote: thanks to some clever editing, the plot wasn't revealed.

I'd actually bet that this is due more to the general condition of the Transformers movies being tragically light on plot rather than any meisterwerk of editing.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869765)
Posted by Dr. Caelus on March 27th, 2017 @ 12:06pm CDT
I think I must have a much stricter definition of Science Fiction than most.

To me Science Fiction is things like Jurassic Park, Bladerunner, or The Moon is a Harsh Mistress - stories where some attempt is made to explain the fictional phenomenon (e.g., cloning dinosaurs), or at least indicate that within the context of that universe the phenomenon wouldn't defy such explanation (e.g., artificial intelligence). I'm even willing to grant the one-time-miracle discovery (e.g., time travel) provided it's the product of scientific research.

But if a story requires consistent suspension of disbelief in our current understanding of the universe, and characters who perform fantastical feats are not shown to be acting upon the fruits of scientific investigation, then the story, or at least those elements of the story, fall within the genre of Fantasy.

For example, a story in which two vastly powerful beings engaged in a cosmic scale eons long war eventually travel to the astral plane to fight there, then travel back to the physical plane as disembodied spirits and possess a pair of asteroids, which they then shape into planets according to their will - what aspect of science is there to that story? There is none, ergo - Primus and Unicron are as much fantasy characters as the Valar in Tolkien's books.

Honestly, the "magic is science we don't understand yet" bugs the heck out of me for three reasons:

(1) Given the formal definition of "science", the phrase, "science we don't understand" doesn't really make sense.

(2) If we adopt a broader definition of science, then in any universe where magic is studied and applied (e.g., Harry Potter) magic itself would be a science within the context of that world, making that story science fiction.

(3) You can literally say "it's science we don't understand" about everything that you encounter in reality or fiction. It would make everything science fiction, but clearly not everything is science fiction.

And this last point has practical relevance. I'm on my second submission of my first novel, and closing in on finishing the second. Submitting to a publisher necessitates defining the genre of the work. To my mind, both books are variations on fantasy, and I could never convince a publisher they're science fiction, even if I quoted Arthur C. Clarke in my query letter.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869766)
Posted by Deadput on March 27th, 2017 @ 12:21pm CDT
Dagon wrote:
Seibertron wrote: thanks to some clever editing, the plot wasn't revealed.

I'd actually bet that this is due more to the general condition of the Transformers movies being tragically light on plot rather than any meisterwerk of editing.

Every story generally has a plot it's just that sometimes not every plot is a good one.

I've seen many movies worse then the Transformers series and still continue to do so it kind of raises their standards a little.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869776)
Posted by Kurona on March 27th, 2017 @ 12:47pm CDT
Eh, it's an action movie. It's not heavy on plot and it really shouldn't be; movies of this sort work best with a relatively simple plot that's easy to follow with a few twists and turns inserted in there somewhere. It shares that much in common with the original cartoon:-

“...we feel action should be emphasised over plot—especially avoiding any complicated story lines—to ensure the success of this series with its intended viewers.”
—Bryce Malek and Dick Robbins
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869777)
Posted by william-james88 on March 27th, 2017 @ 12:48pm CDT
Kurona wrote:Eh, it's an action movie. It's not heavy on plot and it really shouldn't be; movies of this sort work best with a relatively simple plot that's easy to follow with a few twists and turns inserted in there somewhere.

Thats what Logan was and it was perfect.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869778)
Posted by Kurona on March 27th, 2017 @ 12:53pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Kurona wrote:Eh, it's an action movie. It's not heavy on plot and it really shouldn't be; movies of this sort work best with a relatively simple plot that's easy to follow with a few twists and turns inserted in there somewhere.

Thats what Logan was and it was perfect.

Exactly! The current Marvel movies all do this to some capacity and - with a few exceptions; goddammit Thor Dark World - they're pretty fun and decent at worst.
I don't quite get it when people criticise the movies for not being heavy on plot or character when that's not really the point of them. If that's what you're after you should watch one of the cartoons or read one of the comic series.
Could the plot and characters in the movies be better? Certainly. But that's not really their main problem nor the thing that should really be focused on.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869806)
Posted by Deadput on March 27th, 2017 @ 3:20pm CDT
I think when people want more "character" their talking about screen-time and lines which we definitely got in the last movie with Optimus (as always), Crosshairs, Hound, Lockdown.

Bumblebee was a bit less of a screen hog in Aoe with Hound pretty much taking his place in the movie and Drift was good too although he got the less screen time out of all the main Autobots in that movie doesn't help that it's difficult to make a stoic personality stick out compared to loud or snarky ones such as Hound and Crosshairs.

The only characters I felt needing more screen time were The Dinobots (Although I understand since they show up at the end of the movie not much time to develop character there although a line or two from Grimlock would help at least Grimlock is coming back) and some more screemtime or at least some action scenes to make Stinger stand out more then he actually did in the final film since it's obvious compared to what we saw during filming that several scenes with Stinger were cut out of the movie.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869808)
Posted by Deadput on March 27th, 2017 @ 3:21pm CDT
Guys Bwtf has a lot more story spoilers in his post if your like me and into that sort of thing.

Edit: holy crap General Morshower is back I liked his character in ROTF and DOTM! Also Dinobot Slug is back as well so so far it's not just Grimlock
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869809)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 27th, 2017 @ 3:22pm CDT
The British Board of Film Classification has rated a new trailer for Transformers: The Last Knight, this time as the home entertainment AKA video release trailer. The trailer will be coupled to a movie from Universal Studios, and will run for 2m 18s.

What is of a more interesting note is that the listing has the Cast including Gemma Chan, which as you may remember was the IBM rumored voice of Quintessa. This seemingly confirms that Chan is set to voice a character in the film, though it cannot be confirmed that Quintessa is the real name of the character she will voice.

You can find the technical information below, and discuss away in the energon forums!

TYPE OF MEDIA - VideoTrailer


DIRECTOR(S) - Michael Bay

CAST INCLUDES - Gemma Chan, Mark Wahlberg, Isabela Moner

CUT - This work was passed uncut.


Also known as - TRANSFORMERS 5

Year - 2017

Distributor(s) - Paramount Pictures c/o Universal Pictures (UK) Ltd.

Classified date(s) - 27/03/2017

Main language - English

Submitted run time - 2m 18s

BBFC reference - DTxxx346896

Remarks - 16:9

Rating information - The version of this work detailed above is rated by the BBFC under the Video Recordings Act 1984 for use on any Packaged Media format (including DVD, Blu-ray and VHS). This classification may also be used when the same work is made available on Digital Video Platforms (including Video On Demand) provided that the platform is licenced to use BBFC ratings.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869810)
Posted by Deadput on March 27th, 2017 @ 3:27pm CDT
I don't know why it would not be Quintessa I mean look at the right on the leaked Infernocus package.


I'm pretty damn sure she is a character in the movie.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869813)
Posted by Seibertron on March 27th, 2017 @ 3:47pm CDT
Deadput wrote:Guys Bwtf has a lot more story spoilers in his post if your like me and into that sort of thing.

Edit: holy crap General Morshower is back I liked his character in ROTF and DOTM! Also Dinobot Slug is back as well so so far it's not just Grimlock

I can confirm those as well. This article was one of the more difficult to write because they asked us to comment about what we saw but not divulge specifics which put us in between a rock and a hard spot. I picked a few specifics and kept quiet about the rest, unsure of how much to say. Once a few more things are out, I'll compile all of what we know so far.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869816)
Posted by Kurona on March 27th, 2017 @ 4:02pm CDT
Deadput wrote:I think when people want more "character" their talking about screen-time and lines which we definitely got in the last movie with Optimus (as always), Crosshairs, Hound, Lockdown.

Bumblebee was a bit less of a screen hog in Aoe with Hound pretty much taking his place in the movie and Drift was good too although he got the less screen time out of all the main Autobots in that movie doesn't help that it's difficult to make a stoic personality stick out compared to loud or snarky ones such as Hound and Crosshairs.

The only characters I felt needing more screen time were The Dinobots (Although I understand since they show up at the end of the movie not much time to develop character there although a line or two from Grimlock would help at least Grimlock is coming back) and some more screemtime or at least some action scenes to make Stinger stand out more then he actually did in the final film since it's obvious compared to what we saw during filming that several scenes with Stinger were cut out of the movie.

Oh true, characters are certainly important and AoE making its Autobot cast stand out a lot more compared to the previous movies was certainly an improvement - while action should be prioritised, one should also make an effort to have the characters stand out a little and be enjoyable and likeable. Nothing groundbreaking or full of depth; but just someone that you might be able to relate to on some small level and someone who you're rooting for when they're taking the fight to the bad guys. So you can certainly criticise these movies for not having likeable, enjoyable characters if that's how you feel (it's personally how I feel; I find Optimus in these movies to be an extremely unlikable character for instance - but that's not the point I'm making here and I won't bore you all by going into why).

What I was getting at is that a lot of people seem to criticise the movie for having plots and characters that lack depth. But, as I keep saying, that's generally how action movies work best. It's not where you look for your deeply impactful stories or something that will re-define cinema for generations or have characters the like of which you've never seen before. I mean hey, maybe these movies do do that for you; I dunno. If they do, all the power to you! But for those complaining that they don't... this is a summer action blockbuster. You go in, you have fun, you get out. That's generally the point, so I don't see much worth in complaining that the first movie's story was simple or that Hound doesn't have a deeply developed backstory. One of the few points I'll agree with Bay on is that ROTF having an overly-complex mythos was a detriment because it's distracting from what should be the focus; the action.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869819)
Posted by Deadput on March 27th, 2017 @ 4:29pm CDT
Kurona wrote:Oh true, characters are certainly important and AoE making its Autobot cast stand out a lot more compared to the previous movies was certainly an improvement - while action should be prioritised, one should also make an effort to have the characters stand out a little and be enjoyable and likeable. Nothing groundbreaking or full of depth; but just someone that you might be able to relate to on some small level and someone who you're rooting for when they're taking the fight to the bad guys. So you can certainly criticise these movies for not having likeable, enjoyable characters if that's how you feel (it's personally how I feel; I find Optimus in these movies to be an extremely unlikable character for instance - but that's not the point I'm making here and I won't bore you all by going into why).

What I was getting at is that a lot of people seem to criticise the movie for having plots and characters that lack depth. But, as I keep saying, that's generally how action movies work best. It's not where you look for your deeply impactful stories or something that will re-define cinema for generations or have characters the like of which you've never seen before. I mean hey, maybe these movies do do that for you; I dunno. If they do, all the power to you! But for those complaining that they don't... this is a summer action blockbuster. You go in, you have fun, you get out. That's generally the point, so I don't see much worth in complaining that the first movie's story was simple or that Hound doesn't have a deeply developed backstory. One of the few points I'll agree with Bay on is that ROTF having an overly-complex mythos was a detriment because it's distracting from what should be the focus; the action.

I like Optimus in the movies it's a different take on the character without being too far off although like many others the "Give me your face!" line was a bit jarring but I just chalk that up to bad writing due to the writers strike Optimus has not said anything as extreme since besides the "I'll kill you!" line he says to a random drone in Aoe which I can ignore a bit since saying you'll kill someone doesn't necessarily mean their blood thirsty.

A problem I think many people have is that they expect the same amount of story (or lack of), personality and lodes and lodes of characters of a 50 or more episode cartoon compressed into a two hour or longer movie.

Unless you keep with a small cast of characters like Aoe or Movie 1 there isn't going to be enough time or budget to concentrate on every specific character while moving the plot forward.

Also people keep thinking that human characters and Transformers are something to be judge separately and although it's easy to fall into that mindset human characters are still an important part of the Transformers franchise and there are main human characters with the Transformers.

For example main characters of movie 1: Sam, Mikaela, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Lennox and Megatron(ish) most movies only have about 2 to 5 main character and as much as we love all the other Transformers most of them have to be side characters in the context of a movie.

Same with the G1 cartoon most of the Autobots were not main characters with the exception of thier spotlight episodes which not even everyone got (Where were Sideswipe, Prowl or Skywarp's) with the human Spike being more important then most of them since he was one of the main characters.

Edit: Just wanted to say that at least when Bay or a script writer (They exist too not all the blame should be on Bay) make a mistake they almost never repeat them for example no Wheelie humping or Devastators wrecking balls in later sequels.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869820)
Posted by Deadput on March 27th, 2017 @ 4:30pm CDT
Seibertron wrote:
Deadput wrote:Guys Bwtf has a lot more story spoilers in his post if your like me and into that sort of thing.

Edit: holy crap General Morshower is back I liked his character in ROTF and DOTM! Also Dinobot Slug is back as well so so far it's not just Grimlock

I can confirm those as well. This article was one of the more difficult to write because they asked us to comment about what we saw but not divulge specifics which put us in between a rock and a hard spot. I picked a few specifics and kept quiet about the rest, unsure of how much to say. Once a few more things are out, I'll compile all of what we know so far.

If there is ever a point I post something I shouldn't here in my enthusiasm due to contracts that you guys have or something just let me know and I'll delete my post.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869821)
Posted by Seibertron on March 27th, 2017 @ 4:34pm CDT
Deadput wrote:
Seibertron wrote:
Deadput wrote:Guys Bwtf has a lot more story spoilers in his post if your like me and into that sort of thing.

Edit: holy crap General Morshower is back I liked his character in ROTF and DOTM! Also Dinobot Slug is back as well so so far it's not just Grimlock

I can confirm those as well. This article was one of the more difficult to write because they asked us to comment about what we saw but not divulge specifics which put us in between a rock and a hard spot. I picked a few specifics and kept quiet about the rest, unsure of how much to say. Once a few more things are out, I'll compile all of what we know so far.

If there is ever a point I post something I shouldn't here in my enthusiasm due to contracts that you guys have or something just let me know and I'll delete my post.

Don't worry, I'll let you know. You're all good. :D
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869823)
Posted by Deadput on March 27th, 2017 @ 4:41pm CDT
Seibertron wrote:
If there is ever a point I post something I shouldn't here in my enthusiasm due to contracts that you guys have or something just let me know and I'll delete my post.

Don't worry, I'll let you know. You're all good. :D[/quote]

Thanks anyways I was wondering if anyone else from Seibertron went to the event or if it was just you?
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869824)
Posted by Seibertron on March 27th, 2017 @ 4:48pm CDT
Deadput wrote:Thanks anyways I was wondering if anyone else from Seibertron went to the event or if it was just you?

It was just me from along with one representative each from,,,,,, and Marcelo Matere! The rest of the group was filled out with Michael Bay superfans and Transformers fans from around the world.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869825)
Posted by Deadput on March 27th, 2017 @ 4:54pm CDT
Seibertron wrote:
Deadput wrote:Thanks anyways I was wondering if anyone else from Seibertron went to the event or if it was just you?

It was just me from along with one representative each from,,,,,, and Marcelo Matere! The rest of the group was filled out with Michael Bay superfans and Transformers fans from around the world.

Bay superfans eh? Wonder if I missed my invite in the mail :lol:


Oh and perhaps Sly too if anyone in the world is a superfan it's that guy.
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869826)
Posted by Seibertron on March 27th, 2017 @ 5:00pm CDT
Deadput wrote:
Seibertron wrote:
Deadput wrote:Thanks anyways I was wondering if anyone else from Seibertron went to the event or if it was just you?

It was just me from along with one representative each from,,,,,, and Marcelo Matere! The rest of the group was filled out with Michael Bay superfans and Transformers fans from around the world.

Bay superfans eh? Wonder if I missed my invite in the mail :lol:


Oh and perhaps Sly too if anyone in the world is a superfan it's that guy.

Do you guys have websites dedicated to Michael Bay?
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869828)
Posted by SpikeyTigertron on March 27th, 2017 @ 5:02pm CDT
I'm surprised nobody has pointed out Prime Predaking's Predacon insignia on the shield yet. I have a feeling that's where this is going. "Dragons" as we know them were refuge Predacons prior to the Purge by Megatron(us). It would also explain the dinobots... which iirc weren't really explained in AoE. I still have a feeling OP and Megs might be teaming up against the "bigger bad" which may be Predaking aka Dragonstorm. We'll see. :-?
Re: Larger 'Rethink Your Heroes' Poster for Transformers: The Last Knight (1869831)
Posted by Deadput on March 27th, 2017 @ 5:08pm CDT
Seibertron wrote:Do you guys have websites dedicated to Michael Bay?

Well no...I guess but I could always make a mini site if I really wanted too but there is no point with the Tfwiki existing and making a website dedicated to him kinda sounds a bit creepy.

I'm not a stalker I just lurk the net for information I swear! :-D

I kinda got nothing new to offer except ideas and concepts (Always good at making those just don't ask me to write a script)

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