One-of-a-Kind Revenge of the Fallen Chromia for Sale
Tuesday, June 28th, 2016 1:00PM CDT
Categories: Movie Related News, Collectables, Store NewsPosted by: D-Maximal_Primal Views: 37,862
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This is a 2009 Suzuki B-King with under 200 miles. This is the actual motorcycle used in the movie, with artist proof and artwork.
The entire paint job is PAINT, no stickers. I designed and built this bike and the others from the movie, and it has been in my collection since. It has never been ridden since the movie wrapped shooting and is on Ca Non Op. Unlike almost every movie car or bike, this is built to a very high standard, and is ready to ride. It does have a full custom LED light kit as well.
This is a unique chance to own a piece of movie and Transformers movie history.
This bike is as new in almost every way, save the parts that made it Chromia in the movie
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Posted by Sigma Magnus on June 28th, 2016 @ 1:12pm CDT
But I can't have it.
Posted by Deadput on June 28th, 2016 @ 1:44pm CDT
Sigma Magnus wrote:I want it!
But I can't have it.
I can have it.
But I don't want it!
Posted by Evil Eye on June 28th, 2016 @ 1:54pm CDT
I actually wish they'd done away with some of the more pointless characters in ROTF (The Twins, Jolt etc) and given the fembot triplets more screen time. I actually really liked the "motormaid" designs (even if the toys sucked), and hey, more fembots is always a good thing. Well, almost always anyway. They could have gone for a Powerpuff Girls/Sailor Senshi dynamic between them, with them being competent soldiers despite being total scatterbrains who were constantly bickering with each other. Heck, they could have replaced the Twins' argument that accidentally unveiled the tomb of the Primes with a 3-way robot catfight. Granted it would have set the "WOMEN CAN'T EVER BE PORTRAYED AS ANYTHING OTHER THAN PERFECT" brigade off on a self-righteous rampage, but it still would have been better than the "hi and die" treatment they got. Plus, it would mean no Twins.
But yes, anyway. It looks awesome but I can't ride a motorbike and I can't afford her. Sorry Chromia.
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on June 28th, 2016 @ 3:23pm CDT