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Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack

Transformers News: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack

Wednesday, June 28th, 2017 9:29PM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News, Rumors
Posted by: Sigma Magnus   Views: 39,557

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Thanks to Weibo user NOTRAB, we have an image that suggests an odd pair of previously unknown upcoming releases. The first, and the main focus of the image, is a seemingly brand new deco of the '07 movie's leader class Optimus Prime mold. This could be a special release to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first film.

However, the Prime is perched on a box...a box that appears to be a three-pack of Bumblebees! While the image isn't clear, what we can see is the '07 movie's deluxe '76 Camaro Bumblebee, as well as the wave 3 Bumblebee from The Last Knight. The third could be Age of Extinction's High Octane Bumblebee, as the logo for Age of Extinction can be partly seen.

While the specifics for these releases are currently unknown, SDCC is coming up, so we may find out soon! In the meantime, check out the leaked image below and speculate to your heart's content in the Energon Pub!

Transformers News: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack
Credit(s): Weibo

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Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1892995)
Posted by zatara1701 on June 28th, 2017 @ 9:43pm CDT
Hate to be THAT guy...but Transformers '07 Bee was a 1977 Camaro if I remember correctly. He was a '67 in AOE.
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1892996)
Posted by Sigma Magnus on June 28th, 2017 @ 9:49pm CDT
zatara1701 wrote:Hate to be THAT guy...but Transformers '07 Bee was a 1977 Camaro if I remember correctly. He was a '67 in AOE.

'76 in the '07 movie, actually. Guess my fingers slipped while I was typing. Thanks, post has been edited!
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1892999)
Posted by SlyTF1 on June 28th, 2017 @ 10:03pm CDT
Why can't we have this kind of shit in America? Oh, that's right. Because everyone's busy bitching about things we're never going to get.
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893000)
Posted by Va'al on June 28th, 2017 @ 10:07pm CDT
SlyTF1 wrote:Why can't we have this kind of **** in America? Oh, that's right. Because everyone's busy bitching about things we're never going to get.

It's because nobody likes you.
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893001)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on June 28th, 2017 @ 10:11pm CDT
I feel pity on Hot Rod. I really really like his design, and he can't get a good toy to go with it for the mainline deluxe
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893005)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on June 28th, 2017 @ 10:54pm CDT
I'm actually missing that classic Camaro Bee from the first movie. . . and it includes the TLK deluxe! Sign me up!
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893037)
Posted by RAR on June 29th, 2017 @ 7:29am CDT
I hope the 1970's Bee is at least the clear windows version.
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893070)
Posted by Kotori_Sonoda on June 29th, 2017 @ 9:51am CDT
Got Voyager Hound. Love this figure, unfortunately the feet make standing him a bit of a challenge.

Customized him a bit too.

ALso damn, that TRU display is awesome!
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893189)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on June 29th, 2017 @ 6:35pm CDT
Kotori_Sonoda wrote:Got Voyager Hound. Love this figure, unfortunately the feet make standing him a bit of a challenge.

Customized him a bit too.

ALso damn, that TRU display is awesome!

That's gorgeous man, great job ;)^
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893190)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on June 29th, 2017 @ 6:38pm CDT
Got my voyager megs and sqweeks last night, and man, is megs just the best =P~

I love his compact cannon, his sword, his gorgeous face sculpt. His bot mode is so accurate, it's hard to believe he transforms, and yet, he does, into an amazing jet mode, with next to no kibble, it's so amazing :shock:

And sqweeks is just the absolute best value for money I've seen in a while, and he is just the most adorable bundle of fun I've bought in years :saint:

Both are must buys in my eye's ;)^
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893209)
Posted by Va'al on June 29th, 2017 @ 7:43pm CDT
Nitro (Zeus), one of the voyager figures from Transformers: The Last Knight recently on pre-order has appeared in the feed of Weibo user 藤原忍 and regular blacklai of TFND- after the couple of images we saw here and here - and we have two in-hand images for you below! Check it out in robot and totally like for real jet mode below!






Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893210)
Posted by Nexus Knight on June 29th, 2017 @ 7:48pm CDT
Hey, is Nitro's cockpit Titan Master compatible?
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893211)
Posted by Albatross250 on June 29th, 2017 @ 7:53pm CDT
Nexus Knight wrote:Hey, is Nitro's cockpit Titan Master compatible?

well Maybe. but his head isn't. :lol:
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893212)
Posted by Sigma Magnus on June 29th, 2017 @ 7:56pm CDT
Albatross250 wrote:
Nexus Knight wrote:Hey, is Nitro's cockpit Titan Master compatible?

well Maybe. but his head isn't. :lol:

They both are, actually. Nitro's head can be swapped with Cogman's (or any other Titan Master), and the jet cockpit can seat one.
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893214)
Posted by Kurona on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:06pm CDT
This toy just looks too bloody awesome to be real. I maintain that it looks great as a generic human mech, and an awesome one at that -- and it should be fun as heck to plonk a proper head on there :D What would work with that colour scheme? Nucleon, Doomshot, Overboard?
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893215)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:08pm CDT
Kurona wrote:This toy just looks too bloody awesome to be real. I maintain that it looks great as a generic human mech, and an awesome one at that -- and it should be fun as heck to plonk a proper head on there :D What would work with that colour scheme? Nucleon, Doomshot, Overboard?
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893216)
Posted by Terrsolpix on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:08pm CDT
Kurona wrote:This toy just looks too bloody awesome to be real. I maintain that it looks great as a generic human mech, and an awesome one at that -- and it should be fun as heck to plonk a proper head on there :D What would work with that colour scheme? Nucleon, Doomshot, Overboard?

Sign me up for Grax! I've got a spare head for him, probably going to do that once I get him. Thanks a lot :</(
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893217)
Posted by Kurona on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:10pm CDT
Courtesy once again of Planet Iacon's Facebook, we have an image of yet another upcoming toy from The Last Knight -- Turbo Changer Dragonstorm! The centerpiece of the Turbo Changer class, Dragonstorm's light-up gimmick allows you to activate the patterns on other Turbo Changer toys -- not that there aren't other simpler means to do so. Nevertheless, check out the image below and tell us what you think in the forums!

Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893218)
Posted by Terrsolpix on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:11pm CDT
Stomp n' chomp Grimlock sans popular character and multiple action features bonus. I give it till February of 2018.
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893220)
Posted by Terrsolpix on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:16pm CDT
You're....... umm...... really really late to the party :\
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893221)
Posted by Cobotron on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:17pm CDT
Kurona wrote: What would work with that colour scheme? Nucleon, Doomshot, Overboard?
ANYBODY! Like Breakaway, his pallet is so neutral, I bet any TM head will look good on him.

I'm becoming very much more interested in this Nitro Zeus transforming action figure. :-?
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893223)
Posted by Noideaforaname on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:21pm CDT
Gah, still no back shots of Nitro or any hint as to what the heck happens to his wings in bot mode. (I'm guessing maybe they curl into the turbines on his back, but that's far from clear)

I want to wait for a sale to get him just on the principle of things, but between the obvious high interest and him being the last(?) wave I don't know if I'll have that option...
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893224)
Posted by Prowl4 on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:22pm CDT
Lots of weirdness in this line from repaints to remoulding to characters doing things they didn't in the movie. Disappointed to see nitro is a headmaster. Only up side to it is it'll make an accurate nitro as he dies in the movie.

Dragonstorm is also weird as one has to speculate whether the combining of the 12 knights was intended as what was to happen from the get go. It sort of seems it intended to be one powerful individual then two combining then the 12 which just really seemed those who wrote it knew a big enough number would stop each character and reasoning for the ability to combine getting any exposition. Dragonstorm probably sums up the movie as little is known how or why but it just serves a purpose to look cool and get semi involved.
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893225)
Posted by Seibertron on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:22pm CDT
Terrsolpix wrote:You're....... umm...... really really late to the party :\

And so I am! Thanks for letting me know. I updated the news story accordingly. :D
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893226)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:23pm CDT
Megs and hound haven't been available since 5am saturday morning, they're still out of stock...
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893227)
Posted by Terrsolpix on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:25pm CDT
Hellscream9999 wrote:Megs and hound haven't been available since 5am saturday morning, they're still out of stock...

Wait another week and then continue to cry with the rest of us who didn't buy them the second they were available. :-<(

EDIT: emoticons look terrible if you don't use official ones.
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893229)
Posted by Va'al on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:34pm CDT
The Mission to Cybertron Toys'R'Us exclusive.. Cybertron figure has been sighted across a number of countries, US included, and we now also have in-hand images of this reimagining of the Primus toy of old, sporting a deco that resembles more the original 1986 movie shots of the planet from afar (don't believe me? Listen to the Twincast explain!), thanks to Twitter user Sing4!

They explain how the sounds and effects are the same as Primus - view our full gallery here for comparison - and that still uncertainty on the clear plastic used. But check it out for yourselves!




Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893230)
Posted by Terrsolpix on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:36pm CDT
Absolutely gorgeous. Also a eat touch that the cyberkey now looks like a G1 matrix. Not sure why they didn't go with the movieverse design though.
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893231)
Posted by Terrsolpix on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:38pm CDT
BTW the cyberglyphs spell CYBERTRON
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893232)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:45pm CDT
Terrsolpix wrote:Also a eat touch that the cyberkey now looks like a G1 matrix.
Where do you see that?
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893235)
Posted by Terrsolpix on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:47pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Terrsolpix wrote:Also a eat touch that the cyberkey now looks like a G1 matrix.
Where do you see that?

If primus isn't real, then explain this Easter egg. Checkmate, Matrixiests.
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893237)
Posted by Va'al on June 29th, 2017 @ 8:52pm CDT
Once more via Weibo user NOTRAB, we have another look at the suddenly teased re-release (not officially confirmed yet, mind you) of the 2007 movie Optimus Prime leader class figure - check out our gallery for the figure here - sporting the new chromed parts, the same head as the first toy, and paint tweaks on the chest.

The figure is in a group shot with the same character's toys from Age of Extinction, the new Movie Masterpiece toy, and the Premium version of the '07 toy. Check it out below!



Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893244)
Posted by Terrsolpix on June 29th, 2017 @ 9:08pm CDT
So we know it's the gun variant just from the ears, but I'm pretty sure the most frequent use of that mold was the bladed version. I wonder what this is going to be sold as. Probably platinum edition, but in a perfect world it would be in a box set with some other good Optimi.
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893245)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 29th, 2017 @ 9:14pm CDT
Terrsolpix wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
Terrsolpix wrote:Also a eat touch that the cyberkey now looks like a G1 matrix.
Where do you see that?

If primus isn't real, then explain this Easter egg. Checkmate, Matrixiests.
Where's that pic from? It isn't with the other in-hand pics.

Also, that looks more like Cybertron Optimus Prime's Cyber Key than not.
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893246)
Posted by Albatross250 on June 29th, 2017 @ 9:15pm CDT
I rather called it Primus's Chip Square rather than the Cyber Key/Omega Lock itself #-o
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893247)
Posted by Tigertrack on June 29th, 2017 @ 9:17pm CDT
I'm not entirely sure why, but I need that 'Cybertron' in my life. Coincidentally, it's the same colors as a new pair of kicks that I'm looking at! I feel like it belongs with my G2 toys, but not sure as what, other than what it is.
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893250)
Posted by Terrsolpix on June 29th, 2017 @ 9:20pm CDT
Tigertrack wrote:I'm not entirely sure why, but I need that 'Cybertron' in my life. Coincidentally, it's the same colors as a new pair of kicks that I'm looking at! I feel like it belongs with my G2 toys, but not sure as what, other than what it is.

Give it your new shoes. Give Primus an offering and appease him!
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893252)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 29th, 2017 @ 9:24pm CDT
Albatross250 wrote:I rather called it Primus's Chip Square rather than the Cyber Key/Omega Lock itself #-o
That's not the accessory we were talking about, though.
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893253)
Posted by Tigertrack on June 29th, 2017 @ 9:29pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:Damn, that TrU is PARADISE! :BOWDOWN:

I was just thinking about how the TRU I visited today struggled to fill a very tiny like 1/8th of an aisle with no exclusives yet, and not much to write home about, seeing those pallets and displays... Awesome. It is interesting how Hasbro figured out that maybe the TF movies aren't kid friendly enough to warrant wave after wave after wave of toys.

Or maybe they didn't figure that out and there are better reasons. Or?
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893255)
Posted by Tigertrack on June 29th, 2017 @ 9:31pm CDT
Terrsolpix wrote:
Tigertrack wrote:I'm not entirely sure why, but I need that 'Cybertron' in my life. Coincidentally, it's the same colors as a new pair of kicks that I'm looking at! I feel like it belongs with my G2 toys, but not sure as what, other than what it is.

Give it your new shoes. Give Primus an offering and appease him!

;)^ :KREMZEEK: ...if it will win me some sort of favor by the sacrifice, then Primus will be done...
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893272)
Posted by triKlops on June 29th, 2017 @ 10:26pm CDT
Wow! That Primus paint job is amazing!! =P~
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893277)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on June 29th, 2017 @ 10:57pm CDT
Loved the 07 Nightwatch Prime, so I will need to keep my eye out for this new re-release. May keep this guy in the packaging
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893278)
Posted by Terrsolpix on June 29th, 2017 @ 10:58pm CDT
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:Loved the 07 Nightwatch Prime, so I will need to keep my eye out for this new re-release. May keep this guy in the packaging

Inb4 packaging is just a glorified shoebox :-P
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893279)
Posted by Va'al on June 29th, 2017 @ 10:59pm CDT
Those two-packs part of the Transformers: The Last Knight Mission to Cybertron exclusive line (to Toys'R'Us in the US), which were sighted here, were also reviewed by Panda Prime, who sent us news of the video embedded below!

The two sets feature Optimus Prime vs Grimlock (both repaints of previous Legion figures), and Bumblebee vs Megatron (a repaint and a new mold!). Check it out.

Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893281)
Posted by PrymeStriker on June 29th, 2017 @ 11:11pm CDT
Terrsolpix wrote:
Tigertrack wrote:I'm not entirely sure why, but I need that 'Cybertron' in my life. Coincidentally, it's the same colors as a new pair of kicks that I'm looking at! I feel like it belongs with my G2 toys, but not sure as what, other than what it is.

Give it your new shoes. Give Primus an offering and appease him!

...You're insane, aren't you?
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893299)
Posted by Terrsolpix on June 29th, 2017 @ 11:51pm CDT
PrymeStriker wrote:
Terrsolpix wrote:
Tigertrack wrote:I'm not entirely sure why, but I need that 'Cybertron' in my life. Coincidentally, it's the same colors as a new pair of kicks that I'm looking at! I feel like it belongs with my G2 toys, but not sure as what, other than what it is.

Give it your new shoes. Give Primus an offering and appease him!

...You're insane, aren't you?

No, and if you'll excuse me Devastator won't bow down to himself!
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893331)
Posted by dragons on June 30th, 2017 @ 6:37am CDT
Terrsolpix wrote:So we know it's the gun variant just from the ears, but I'm pretty sure the most frequent use of that mold was the bladed version. I wonder what this is going to be sold as. Probably platinum edition, but in a perfect world it would be in a box set with some other good Optimi.

It is nice figure already got mine on preorder look forward see detail on figure up close
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893332)
Posted by Evil Eye on June 30th, 2017 @ 6:49am CDT
All these people wanting to replace poor Nitro Zeus' head with Thunderwing...He's beautiful just the way he is, OK? :lol: In all seriousness this guy looks totally amazing. If I see him I'll be buying him. Probably. I will say though, if it weren't for the fact I like him as is, I'd be tempted to buy 3 of him and 3 of the same TM, do some custom work, get some Shapeways faceplates and make them into a Seeker trio. That design would have made an amazing Seeker and I kinda wish we'd got that instead of Doritoscream.

But yeah, anyway. Macho Mech Nitro Zeus will be mine.
Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893333)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on June 30th, 2017 @ 7:16am CDT
That Primus is VERY tempting. I'll replace the Cybertron original and that TLK Primus would look amazing next to my 2010 Primus.

Also, I personally see no point of owning an eventual re-release of the '07 movie leader Optimus because I already have the super chromed Premium version and it's AMAZING. They'd better do something special for the re-release.
Still, if anyone who don't have the mold at all you should consider the eventual re-release. Even though it's NOTHING like the movie, '07 Leader Prime is a great toy by itself. Almost like those classic/movie hybrid toys they did after.


Re: Possible '07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime Redeco And Bumblebee 3-Pack (1893339)
Posted by Dr. Caelus on June 30th, 2017 @ 7:41am CDT
Would have been interesting to see Primus in silver, but maybe that wouldn't be different enough from the original grey and blue? Barring that, a "Golden Age" Cybertron would have been really interesting.

Black Hat wrote:All these people wanting to replace poor Nitro Zeus' head with Thunderwing...He's beautiful just the way he is, OK? :lol: In all seriousness this guy looks totally amazing. If I see him I'll be buying him. Probably. I will say though, if it weren't for the fact I like him as is, I'd be tempted to buy 3 of him and 3 of the same TM, do some custom work, get some Shapeways faceplates and make them into a Seeker trio. That design would have made an amazing Seeker and I kinda wish we'd got that instead of Doritoscream.

But yeah, anyway. Macho Mech Nitro Zeus will be mine.

I'm strongly considering a Guardian Leader-1 faceplate, myself. Being he's a grey jet, seems appropriate.

Cartoon style? or toy style?

Could look great with a Cyberjet or Machine Wars style head, too.

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