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The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line

Transformers News: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line

Friday, February 23rd, 2024 8:19PM CST

Categories: Toy News, Rumors
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 114,719

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JtPrime17 has posted listings for the upcoming Transformers Generations line to follow up Legacy. The short name for it is Prime, but its actual name is not confirmed. The theme is the Thirteen Primes and this first year would include Solus Prime, Alchemist Prime, Micronus, The Fallen, Prima, Onyx Prime and Alpha Trion. Check the full list below.

Also please remember that some of these may be cancelled or moved to another line.

Tra Gen Prime Deluxe Solus Prime
Product Number: G0122

Tra Gen Prime Deluxe Air Raid
Product Number: G0123

Tra Gen Prime Deluxe Fireflight
Product Number: G0124

Tra Gen Prime Deluxe Animated Wasp
Product Number: G0125

Tra Gen Prime Deluxe Alchemist Prime
Product Number: G0126

Tra Gen Prime Deluxe Crasher PR
Product Number: G0127

Tra Gen Prime Deluxe Swindle
Product Number: G0128

Tra Gen Prime Deluxe Micronus
Product Number: G0129

Tra Gen Prime Deluxe Venom
Product Number: G0130

Tra Gen Prime Deluxe Sky Dive
Product Number: G0131

Tra Gen Prime Deluxe Slingshot
Product Number: G0132

Tra Gen Prime Voy Prima
Product Number: G1007

Tra Gen Prime Voy Armada Red Alert
Product Number: G1008

Tra Gen Prime Voy Rescue Bots Heatwave
Product Number: G1018

Tra Gen Prime Voy RID Skybyte
Product Number: G1019

Tra Gen Prime Voy Alpha Trion
Product Number: G1020

Tra Gen Prime Voy Flatline
Product Number: G1021

Tra Gen Prime LDR The Fallen
Product Number: G0486

Tra Gen Prime LDR G2 Grimlock
Product Number: G0487

Tra Gen Prime LDR Onyx Prime
Product Number: G0488

Transformers News: The Thirteen Primes and More Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line

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Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177074)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on February 23rd, 2024 @ 9:06pm CST
-We were just talking about Armada Red Alert in the Legacy thread earlier, we manifested him. I'm proud of us
-Why is there a lone Swindle with no other Combaticons but also no Animated label like Wasp, that's fishy
-My excitement about figures of the 13 will vary drastically on a figure-by-figure basis
-Sky-Byte makes sense to go with/against Omega Prime
-Heatwave is good
-Venom at retail (and still named Venom, no less) is not fully expected, but I guess how else were they gonna make him?
-Don't care about G1 Superion, might grab just Air Raid if he looks good (and I guess we have a sneaking suspicion of who the Commander Class is, unless there's more Leader listings to be found), although I hope people are prepared this time for the potential of at least one of the limbs being a retool of another one like Breakdown
-Wasp at retail is surprising, thought he would be an exclusive this year somewhere
-G2 Grimlock is irrelevant for me
-Crasher repack will be good for the same reasons as the United Wave 5 repacks
-FLATLINE??? As a retail figure and not like an exclusive retool or something? Very curious to see him, was not expecting him to get a figure...ever, really
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177077)
Posted by DeathReviews on February 23rd, 2024 @ 9:19pm CST
Hmm. Some of these are of interest - I've always been a fan of the Bruticus combiner. Some won't be quite as interesting. But if Bruticus is any good? Well, that'll put a dent in that pile of coins I've collected from ferrying people across the Styx...
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177078)
Posted by Emerje on February 23rd, 2024 @ 9:21pm CST
I hope Venom is a pre-tool of Cicadacon. Sure they have different bot modes, but how many opportunities are there for them to make Transforming cicadas?

This really feels like a gap filler line, they're plugging a lot of collection holes here.

Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177080)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 23rd, 2024 @ 9:28pm CST
Something else of note is how there are no Core class figures on this list. Not even the Mini-Con Prime himself Micronus, who is instead a Deluxe.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177081)
Posted by Razorbeast88 on February 23rd, 2024 @ 9:38pm CST
I'm stoked for a new bruticus, I love the combaticons but don't own any as I didn't feel any past figures were good enough

Sky Byte is an instant buy of course

And 13 primes will be awesome. I hope fallen is good, and onyx Prime has a secret helmet revealing a Shockwave face lol jk I doubt they'll do that
Is liege maximo one of the 13? My memory isn't the best but I'd be excited for that as well

I'm also wondering if Alpha Trion will be a new figure or a rerelease of the pulsecon exclusive version
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177082)
Posted by Razorbeast88 on February 23rd, 2024 @ 9:42pm CST
Didn't know who flatline was til I looked him up
That should be pretty sweet too
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177083)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on February 23rd, 2024 @ 9:44pm CST
Another Alpha Trion and G2 Grimlock? Neither is of interest though.

I'm gonna be VERY picky about what I pick up. We'll see what these look like. Out of the 13 Primes I think the Fallen is still the one that sticks with me. From the Dreamwave days. Maybe I'll get Vector Prime if they do him. Even though I have GF Vector Prime. So maybe not. He has this duplicate shoulder piece, though.

TBH, I'm about the crossover line more and more these days.

A new Bruticus and Superion. Easier to pass on than Menasor was TBH (he was the worst one). I see the United / CW toys I have as one, big, set with a bunch of 3P add-ons. A new combiner breaks all that up. And it's a lot of $$$ taken all together. Honestly, there's just too many TFs there! TFs I already have. Many twice over.

Except Devestator. I'll pick up one last version of him and call it a day.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177084)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on February 23rd, 2024 @ 10:09pm CST
Sabrblade wrote:Something else of note is how there are no Core class figures on this list. Not even the Mini-Con Prime himself Micronus, who is instead a Deluxe.
To be fair, the Studio Series leaks were missing the Core lineup as well.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177085)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on February 23rd, 2024 @ 11:00pm CST
I'm glad to see the Aerialbots and Combaticons getting attention, but I really wish the Aerialbots were voyager sized to scale with the Seekers. With Silverbolt being a commander, like Motormaster was.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177087)
Posted by Sowndwave76 on February 23rd, 2024 @ 11:43pm CST
Gauntlet101010 wrote:A new Bruticus and Superion. Easier to pass on than Menasor was TBH (he was the worst one). I see the United / CW toys I have as one, big, set with a bunch of 3P add-ons. A new combiner breaks all that up. And it's a lot of $$$ taken all together. Honestly, there's just too many TFs there! TFs I already have. Many twice over.

Except Devestator. I'll pick up one last version of him and call it a day.

I'm calling it now, I'll pass on Superion. Imo the UW version was one of the best of that time, especially in regards to stability.
I'll only get Bruticus if I'm impressed with both the individual bots and the combined form. Only one or the other isn't going to be enough, especially like you said, considering the cost.
Combiners weren't cheap back in 2014-2017... But if these new versions include torso bots that are leader class, these will be pushing $170-$180 all said and done.

The exception will be Devastator. Make mine a double.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177088)
Posted by Sowndwave76 on February 23rd, 2024 @ 11:44pm CST
Nemesis Primal wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Something else of note is how there are no Core class figures on this list. Not even the Mini-Con Prime himself Micronus, who is instead a Deluxe.
To be fair, the Studio Series leaks were missing the Core lineup as well.

Yeah, seems very unlikely that Core class is gone.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177090)
Posted by Emerje on February 24th, 2024 @ 1:28am CST
You know, if they're doing the 13 Primes next year then we'll probably also be getting Primus. But would he be the Titan or a HasLab? :-?

G2 Grimlock (I'm guessing this one will be blue) is the first time a SS mold has bee used unaltered (most likely) at retail as part of the main line outside of exclusives right? I'm really surprised this is how they chose to release him.

I'm hoping Heatwave is a pretool For Hot Head. Also going to guess Armada Red Alert and Flatline will share molds since they have similar parts in similar places.

Probably a Longshot guess, but I wonder if Swindle is actually a Strongarm repaint. Since there's no sign of this being the Combaticon I think it may be in the colors of Greejeeber like the Adventures figure which was based on the Car Robots character released in 2001 as Rollbar from the Swindle mold. Like I said, Longshot, but maybe the just didn't settle on a name. Alternatively it could be the Animated or Earthspark characters, but I really doubt it's the G1 character.


Gauntlet101010 wrote:I'm gonna be VERY picky about what I pick up. We'll see what these look like. Out of the 13 Primes I think the Fallen is still the one that sticks with me. From the Dreamwave days. Maybe I'll get Vector Prime if they do him. Even though I have GF Vector Prime. So maybe not. He has this duplicate shoulder piece, though.

We're getting Vector Prime in Legacy United, Alpha Trion will probably be retooled from him like he was at Botcon.


Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177091)
Posted by o.supreme on February 24th, 2024 @ 1:33am CST
*sigh* redoing combiners from CW-PotP is so unnecessary. Although it appears to be only one, and not all of them , which is some consolation. If only they would toss in a Combiner not previously updated ( see my list) that would be nice. With 2025 not having a weaponizer line, it will probably be very few purchases if any.

Getting actual full on Roy's of the 13 primes is something I thought Abt since PotP. I probably won't be getting any of them, but still cool to have
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177093)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on February 24th, 2024 @ 1:55am CST
Interesting we're getting a Superion redo. If Silverbolt is a commander then I wonder if Superion will follow Menasor and be a frame with bots attached.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177094)
Posted by blackeyedprime on February 24th, 2024 @ 2:17am CST
Sounds promising...13 figures I dont want and more :)

I will avoid the 13 Primes. Aerial bots are really going to depend on how good the toys are, otherwise CW will do. Kind of hoping they are a bit lackluster because I'd be tempted for G2 versions.

Venom looks like my only want from the line up with maybe G2 Grimlock -though I didnt even get around to picking up the last one.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177095)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on February 24th, 2024 @ 6:47am CST
Emerje wrote:You know, if they're doing the 13 Primes next year then we'll probably also be getting Primus. But would he be the Titan or a HasLab? :-?

Oooo, that's something. I once said I'd pass on a Haslab Primus, but Unicron is looking really lonely.

That's an interesting thought!

I'd rather they do Primus as a Titan. Is the engineering really that complicated? I'd buy a titan easily. Haslab I'm not so sure.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177099)
Posted by Sowndwave76 on February 24th, 2024 @ 8:27am CST
Emerje wrote:G2 Grimlock (I'm guessing this one will be blue) is the first time a SS mold has bee used unaltered (most likely) at retail as part of the main line outside of exclusives right? I'm really surprised this is how they chose to release him.

I'm thinking it will be the blue version as well. The only reason I'm not surprised at this is because Grimlock is more likely to get reused compared to the others. While the other four could be made into SG figures, other than that, it seems G2 is the only option. And if there aren't any plans for doing that, there are four leader class molds that have one-off uses and at best can be re-packed. That Grimlock mold is going to get milked.

chuckdawg1999 wrote:Interesting we're getting a Superion redo. If Silverbolt is a commander then I wonder if Superion will follow Menasor and be a frame with bots attached.

While I don't think new combiners are completely necessary, won't 2025 make CW ten years old? That's a substantial amount of time imo, especially when you consider we've recently seen re-do's of characters within two to three years.
Because of the amount of time that has passed, I keep questioning if I think Hastak is all that concerned about "out-doing" or "one-upping" the previous versions of combiners.
They're clearly not going bigger, at least based on Legacy Menasor (which I'm assuming has set the new standards), as well as knowing these new limb bots are deluxe class.
If Silverbolt is CC, it most definitely could include a similar system as Motormaster. Made large enough, his long, slender-ish alt mode could probably provide at least a partial "frame" for the limbs. If nothing else, at least the legs. Which would also make sense since you can bet Hastak has prioritized stability (again, Legacy Menasor is evidence).
But who knows, my counter thought to all of this is that four Deluxes and one Commander make for one expensive combiner, with the torso bot being slightly more difficult to get.

Speaking of engineering, I do wonder if the separating limb gimmick used for SS86 Ultra Magnus is a preview of the system that will be used for these new combiners. I realize it's essentially the same as what was used for CW. But to use it 8 years after it was initially introduced means Hastak clearly likes it.

My gut is telling me that one difference, and for some of us this will be considered an improvement, will be that the combined form will appear even more G1 than the older versions. Once again, I believe Menasor is the evidence for this. Obviously Hastak won't replicate the appearances of the previous CW versions. And I doubt the new designs are going to take random liberties and further stylize these characters to be less G1 (let's be honest, most people wouldn't favor that).
For me, increased articulation, stability, and even better G1 appearance will create the pull that may tempt me to bite on these new combiners. I can totally admit I may have spoke too soon about passing on Superion...
If these new versions are relatively as good as Legacy Menasor... I'll need to adjust my TF budget before next year.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177101)
Posted by Emerje on February 24th, 2024 @ 9:31am CST
The thing about Motormaster is all of his combiner parts are in the trailer so you can separate the trailer and still have a complete figure in the truck cab alone. People usually complain about jet transformers having too much excess bot stuff hanging off the bottom so how do they make a Silverbolt turns into a jet on its own and still has the extra parts to form the Superion?

I do have one idea that might work:


Instead of putting a bunch of junk on the bottom or top why not just make one large jet roughly the size of Jetfire and have a smaller jet roughly the size of a Voyager Seeker just pop off the front of it? The back half can be all frame or base (and maybe a secret bonus jet mode if you plug the gun into the front). I think that's the best case scenario though I feel like a G1 Jetfire/Macross style super parts are probably the most likely thing they go for with parts snapped onto the top of the jet and under the wings. No matter what they do I don't think there's any way to do a Silverbolt that plays like Motormaster and still looks like a real jet.

Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177104)
Posted by #1 Signal Lancer fan on February 24th, 2024 @ 9:58am CST
Emerje wrote:We're getting Vector Prime in Legacy United

Is this something that’s been leaked? I was surprised to see that Vector Prime wasn’t on the list above. He’s one of my all-time favorite characters so I was hoping to see him make the list.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177106)
Posted by Emerje on February 24th, 2024 @ 11:19am CST
#1 Signal Lancer fan wrote:
Emerje wrote:We're getting Vector Prime in Legacy United

Is this something that’s been leaked? I was surprised to see that Vector Prime wasn’t on the list above. He’s one of my all-time favorite characters so I was hoping to see him make the list.

Yep, quite a while ago. ... ore/47749/
And then further confirmed as part of wave 3. ... ine/47867/

Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177107)
Posted by Grahf_ on February 24th, 2024 @ 11:34am CST
So uh...

No Armada Jetfire or Overload...
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177108)
Posted by Brokebot on February 24th, 2024 @ 11:37am CST
First, a new set of Constructicons. Now, Arielbots and Combaticons.

Damn it. Now I kinda wish I had liked the last batch of Stunticons enough to get them.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177109)
Posted by Emerje on February 24th, 2024 @ 12:05pm CST
What if "Swindle" is just a straight repaint of Beachcomber as Cybertron Swindle.


Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177110)
Posted by noctorro on February 24th, 2024 @ 12:27pm CST
Anybody else having a mental crisis over the new Generations Armada figures? I have Hot Shot and Starscream, but on the fence about Megatron and Optimus. I have Armada completed toyline wise and they don't mix so I'm not going to replace them. I love them actually, but doing the toyline 1/3 or even a quarter with modern tooling... I'm just very, very conflicted.

It might just be my autism but anybody else conflicted by this member-berries Legacy line?
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177111)
Posted by blackeyedprime on February 24th, 2024 @ 1:13pm CST
Emerje wrote:What if "Swindle" is just a straight repaint of Beachcomber as Cybertron Swindle.

Or what if swindle is actually one of the new rock guys with his mineral type being based on fools gold...
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177112)
Posted by Stormshot_Prime on February 24th, 2024 @ 1:19pm CST
THERE HE IS, my boy Red Alert. My fears are gone and are replaced with excitement for the Primes we should’ve gotten during PotP
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177116)
Posted by Overcracker on February 24th, 2024 @ 2:26pm CST
Emerje wrote:What if "Swindle" is just a straight repaint of Beachcomber as Cybertron Swindle.



It’s odd that it would not mention exactly what “universe” it’s from like Wasp. Also Cyb Swindle was the second use of that mold in Cybertron, so even more odd that they’d use that as a basis.

If it is actually missing a “universe” designation I’d expect it to be Animated.

Transformers Animated Swindle Gallery

A lone combaticon makes very little sense. Unless the rest are coming later.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177117)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on February 24th, 2024 @ 2:29pm CST
noctorro wrote:It might just be my autism but anybody else conflicted by this member-berries Legacy line?

Not for Armada, but I was when it started and I realized that all my CHUG toys could be replaced by new toys with a consistent size (bot mode wise) and a similar style.

But I liked my current collection that I spent years on.

In the end I decided to replace only the toys I was genuinely unhappy with or there was a real improvement on. Like the Seekers, Soundwave, the Insecticons ... there's still quite a few. But I wound up passing on other items like Omega Supreme, Jetfire, a few Autobots, many "minibots".

Then I had it again with Menasor. I had to question whether I really wanted to go the Combiner route again. Because Unite Warriors (the sets I have), to me, are one, big set with interchangeable limbs. And I have some of these guys twice over (I have some 3P combiners). So do I want yet another Menasor? Even if it's the best Menasor so far? Probably the best they'll make?

No. No, the UW guys are one big set to me. Even if Menasor is better it breaks my set and, besides, he has 3P upgrades that make him look better.

So maybe the "set" is more important than just the one guy. Sometimes it's like that.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177118)
Posted by Razorbeast88 on February 24th, 2024 @ 2:30pm CST
If they do a bruticus but give swindle a TF:A paintjob or some design cues I'd like that

I know most people aren't liking when they try to give design cues from different universes to a character all at once but with swindle I'd be happy
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177124)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on February 24th, 2024 @ 5:44pm CST
Giving it more thought, I do think it is actually G1 Swindle, for a few reasons. As has always been pointed out, the most obvious thing is that there's no universe specified in the listing, which normally just means it's a G1 bot. There have been a few exceptions to this like Animated Prowl, but if we look at Animated as an example then 4/5 of the currently confirmed Animated updates do say that they're Animated (Prime, Bee, Motormaster, and Wasp), so no universe designation = G1 has still been accurate the majority of the time. There's also the fact that doing Legacy Menasor in the span of a year seemingly forced one of the limb bots to have to be a retool, based on the way the Breakdown BTS post talked about it, but none of the Combaticons work as retools of each other, so breaking them up more potentially gets around that.

The biggest reason for this to be G1 Swindle in my mind, though, comes when you think about what we're looking at here in these listings:
-A year-long/potentially trilogy-long theme around the 13 Primes
-New Superion molds
-Now possibly the first of a new set of Combaticon molds long as the individual limb bots aren't locked into dedicated slots and maintain at least some amount of Scramble City functionality, that's the perfect recipe for a new Nexus Prime to release.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177125)
Posted by william-james88 on February 24th, 2024 @ 5:49pm CST
noctorro wrote:Anybody else having a mental crisis over the new Generations Armada figures? I have Hot Shot and Starscream, but on the fence about Megatron and Optimus. I have Armada completed toyline wise and they don't mix so I'm not going to replace them. I love them actually, but doing the toyline 1/3 or even a quarter with modern tooling... I'm just very, very conflicted.

It might just be my autism but anybody else conflicted by this member-berries Legacy line?

I hear you. I chose not to buy those, nor the animated figures.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177126)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 24th, 2024 @ 5:52pm CST
Nemesis Primal wrote:There have been a few exceptions to this like Animated Prowl, but if we look at Animated as an example then 4/5 of the currently confirmed Animated updates do say that they're Animated (Prime, Bee, Motormaster, and Wasp), so no universe designation = G1 has still been accurate the majority of the time.
Huh? Prowl's box does say "Animated Universe":

Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177131)
Posted by Sowndwave76 on February 24th, 2024 @ 6:55pm CST
I think Nemesis Primal meant that there was no specific label when word of Animated Prowl was first leaked. Which I seem to remember it was just “Prowl”.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177132)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on February 24th, 2024 @ 7:04pm CST
Sabrblade wrote:
Nemesis Primal wrote:There have been a few exceptions to this like Animated Prowl, but if we look at Animated as an example then 4/5 of the currently confirmed Animated updates do say that they're Animated (Prime, Bee, Motormaster, and Wasp), so no universe designation = G1 has still been accurate the majority of the time.
Huh? Prowl's box does say "Animated Universe":

His box does, yes. I'm referring to the leaked listings for that year, and how his just said "Prowl" with no specified universe. We had no indication which Prowl it would be until we saw the Animated Space Bridge on the Evolution poster.

Sowndwave76 wrote:I think Nemesis Primal meant that there was no specific label when word of Animated Prowl was first leaked. Which I seem to remember it was just “Prowl”.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177135)
Posted by Emerje on February 24th, 2024 @ 9:27pm CST
Nemesis Primal long as the individual limb bots aren't locked into dedicated slots and maintain at least some amount of Scramble City functionality, that's the perfect recipe for a new Nexus Prime to release.

Wouldn't it have made more sense to start with Brawl or Vortex since there's no Jeep in Nexus Prime? In fact the tank mold used in Nexus was also a Swindle in Japan, Blight in Energon.


This is giving me a headache... #-o

Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177136)
Posted by Sowndwave76 on February 24th, 2024 @ 10:11pm CST
With some of these leaked listings (assuming they're true), I have a thought/theory on the timing... If you're one that hates when people speculate, then you'll want to scroll on.

2026 will bring the 40th Anniversary of the '86 movie, which for me makes the releases of some of these SS86 figures in 2025 surprising.
I'm by no means complaining that Megatron, the Constructicons, and even Galvatron will be released next year.

But here's my thought/theory:
Is it possible that the huge influx of G1 characters to come in 2025 is a response to a slump in Legacy sales from the mainline branching-out into various series?
I'm finding it interesting that the balance of G1 and non-G1 figures is being almost completely flipped. No, I haven't done any tallying. And yes, I understand more figures will be released than what's been leaked. But as of right now, it seems like the ratio for '25 is the opposite, or very close to the opposite of what we're getting this year.
If figures of characters from other series were selling really well, then why wouldn't that continue?
There are more than enough characters from other series to fill the 4 waves of a year, especially if there's a small sprinkling of G1 minimally worked in.
With this, it's surprising that the Constructions, Megatron, and Galvatron weren't held back for 2026.
Of course I understand these are SS86 releases which isn't the mainline.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but at the end of the day, sales from SS, SS86, the mainline, Earthspark, Cyberverse, etc., are all figured together as TF action figure toyline sales.

It seems like Hastak took a justified chance on branching-out, and maybe went too far too fast. What I mean by this is that the branch forked too much. This isn't me saying there should have been more G1 in the mix.
I'm just wondering if there should have been a more strategic approach; maybe gradually adding in different series. I mean Hastak has to know which series are more popular than others, right?
So if Armada is one of the most popular, why not release a couple more from that series before introducing any updated Rescue Bots or Cyberverse figures?
At any rate, between a lot of G1 in the mainline, and a lot of G1 in SS86 next year, to me it seems like a damage-control type of response to lower sales. Again, if everything with Legacy was on the up and up, why not dive further into what's been started in the last couple years, continue into the various series, and then get back to more G1 characters/figures during the anniversary of the animated movie?
I'm trying not to spiral-out too much, but the Constructicons and Megatron are both really big releases... What '86 movie characters are even left for 2026 that haven't been recently updated? Maybe Bumblebee?? In the same vein of being released early, I've had this thought with SS86 Springer and CC Prime. We all know there are other SS figures that could be released that are overdue. Springer and Prime are two more that would've made for a solid anniversary year. I know all of these in one year would have been a financial stretch for a lot of people. And sure, Hastak probably has it all sorted. But seriously, what's left to release for the anniversary? I won't call re-packs of any SS86 figures much of a nod, let alone a celebration.

I've jumped around a little bit, but does anyone else think Hastak is going back to the G1 well in 2025 to get the profit ship back on course?
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177138)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on February 24th, 2024 @ 11:38pm CST
I don't think it's all 1986. This is a thread about them releasing the 13 Primes. There's also Red Alert, Heat Wave and more. They even said TF was one of their bright spots.

I think they just want to keep The G1 train going. I think the idea of just no G1 at all from Legacy onwards was unrealistic.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177139)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 24th, 2024 @ 11:44pm CST
Plus, 2026 will also be the 30th anniversary of Beast Wars. Every time TFTM gets an anniversary year, it's shared with Beast Wars's anniversary years.

We're pretty much at a point now where every 5 years is now another anniversary for one thing or another.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177140)
Posted by Gearslide on February 25th, 2024 @ 12:49am CST
I wonder if they're going to do some interesting tricks with Silverbolt.

Considering he turns into a massive Passenger Jet, but still needs to scale with the other Aerialbots, maybe only a small part of the jet will turn into Silverbolt, with some fake kibble in robot mode to sell it (like Motormaster's truck cab feet), while the remaining parts of the jet would become Superion's framework?

Who knows, maybe they can engineer it so Silverbolt CAN turn into a small scale Concorde Jet, but also combine with the rest of the parts to become the full-sized version. Like Legacy Tidal Wave's shenanigans with the smaller scale Dark Fleet.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177141)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on February 25th, 2024 @ 1:17am CST
Sowndwave76 wrote:With some of these leaked listings (assuming they're true), I have a thought/theory on the timing... If you're one that hates when people speculate, then you'll want to scroll on.

2026 will bring the 40th Anniversary of the '86 movie, which for me makes the releases of some of these SS86 figures in 2025 surprising.
I'm by no means complaining that Megatron, the Constructicons, and even Galvatron will be released next year.

But here's my thought/theory:
Is it possible that the huge influx of G1 characters to come in 2025 is a response to a slump in Legacy sales from the mainline branching-out into various series?
I'm finding it interesting that the balance of G1 and non-G1 figures is being almost completely flipped. No, I haven't done any tallying. And yes, I understand more figures will be released than what's been leaked. But as of right now, it seems like the ratio for '25 is the opposite, or very close to the opposite of what we're getting this year.
If figures of characters from other series were selling really well, then why wouldn't that continue?
There are more than enough characters from other series to fill the 4 waves of a year, especially if there's a small sprinkling of G1 minimally worked in.
With this, it's surprising that the Constructions, Megatron, and Galvatron weren't held back for 2026.
Of course I understand these are SS86 releases which isn't the mainline.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but at the end of the day, sales from SS, SS86, the mainline, Earthspark, Cyberverse, etc., are all figured together as TF action figure toyline sales.

It seems like Hastak took a justified chance on branching-out, and maybe went too far too fast. What I mean by this is that the branch forked too much. This isn't me saying there should have been more G1 in the mix.
I'm just wondering if there should have been a more strategic approach; maybe gradually adding in different series. I mean Hastak has to know which series are more popular than others, right?
So if Armada is one of the most popular, why not release a couple more from that series before introducing any updated Rescue Bots or Cyberverse figures?
At any rate, between a lot of G1 in the mainline, and a lot of G1 in SS86 next year, to me it seems like a damage-control type of response to lower sales. Again, if everything with Legacy was on the up and up, why not dive further into what's been started in the last couple years, continue into the various series, and then get back to more G1 characters/figures during the anniversary of the animated movie?
I'm trying not to spiral-out too much, but the Constructicons and Megatron are both really big releases... What '86 movie characters are even left for 2026 that haven't been recently updated? Maybe Bumblebee?? In the same vein of being released early, I've had this thought with SS86 Springer and CC Prime. We all know there are other SS figures that could be released that are overdue. Springer and Prime are two more that would've made for a solid anniversary year. I know all of these in one year would have been a financial stretch for a lot of people. And sure, Hastak probably has it all sorted. But seriously, what's left to release for the anniversary? I won't call re-packs of any SS86 figures much of a nod, let alone a celebration.

I've jumped around a little bit, but does anyone else think Hastak is going back to the G1 well in 2025 to get the profit ship back on course?

Oh, it's more than an anniversary for the movie

Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177142)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on February 25th, 2024 @ 1:31am CST
Emerje wrote:
Nemesis Primal long as the individual limb bots aren't locked into dedicated slots and maintain at least some amount of Scramble City functionality, that's the perfect recipe for a new Nexus Prime to release.

Wouldn't it have made more sense to start with Brawl or Vortex since there's no Jeep in Nexus Prime? In fact the tank mold used in Nexus was also a Swindle in Japan, Blight in Energon.


This is giving me a headache... #-o

If the plan is just to speedrun getting to Nexus as soon as possible, then yeah it would have, but I think with the amount of time it's gonna take to get this done it won't really matter anyway. Based on how Menasor went, how G2 Menasor is currently going, and these listings here, the only way they were gonna get Nexus done within one year would be if they prioritized specifically the combination of molds needed for Nexus over completing the G1 teams, which I highly doubt would be something a vocal majority of people would be okay with. As it stands we're looking at a potential schedule along the lines of:
2025: Either 4/5 Superion components or a whole Superion, plus 1/5 Bruticus components to help budget a new mold for every Combaticon
2026: Finish Bruticus, plus finish Superion if needed (this really depends on what class Onslaught and Silverbolt would each be releasing as)
Either 2026 or possibly 2027: now that all the molds are available, Pulsecon exclusive Nexus Prime (since that's pretty much the only way we see full combiner sets release) as one of the high points of this whole 13 Primes collection

That's the theory I'm sticking with for now, anyway. It makes the same amount of weird perfect sense to me as HasTak releasing both Mayhem and Star Seeker capsules in the same year as big-ass Tidal Wave.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177143)
Posted by Emerje on February 25th, 2024 @ 2:30am CST
Nemesis Primal wrote:
Emerje wrote:
Nemesis Primal long as the individual limb bots aren't locked into dedicated slots and maintain at least some amount of Scramble City functionality, that's the perfect recipe for a new Nexus Prime to release.

Wouldn't it have made more sense to start with Brawl or Vortex since there's no Jeep in Nexus Prime? In fact the tank mold used in Nexus was also a Swindle in Japan, Blight in Energon.


This is giving me a headache... #-o

If the plan is just to speedrun getting to Nexus as soon as possible, then yeah it would have, but I think with the amount of time it's gonna take to get this done it won't really matter anyway. Based on how Menasor went, how G2 Menasor is currently going, and these listings here, the only way they were gonna get Nexus done within one year would be if they prioritized specifically the combination of molds needed for Nexus over completing the G1 teams, which I highly doubt would be something a vocal majority of people would be okay with. As it stands we're looking at a potential schedule along the lines of:
2025: Either 4/5 Superion components or a whole Superion, plus 1/5 Bruticus components to help budget a new mold for every Combaticon
2026: Finish Bruticus, plus finish Superion if needed (this really depends on what class Onslaught and Silverbolt would each be releasing as)
Either 2026 or possibly 2027: now that all the molds are available, Pulsecon exclusive Nexus Prime (since that's pretty much the only way we see full combiner sets release) as one of the high points of this whole 13 Primes collection

That's the theory I'm sticking with for now, anyway. It makes the same amount of weird perfect sense to me as HasTak releasing both Mayhem and Star Seeker capsules in the same year as big-ass Tidal Wave.

In hindsight the list isn't necessarily in release order even if they're in product number order, maybe Swindle is part of the December 2025 as a sort of "preview" of the next series like they used to do in the past with figures like Kingdom Blaster. Heck, maybe Nexus Heatwave will be a fan shop exclusive since he is technically a Shattered Glass Heroic Decepticon, I'd like to see him in SG packaging rather than whatever the name of the series is at the time.

Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177149)
Posted by bluecatcinema on February 25th, 2024 @ 2:22pm CST
It'll be fun to see what they do with the Primes, design-wise.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177150)
Posted by Emerje on February 25th, 2024 @ 3:56pm CST
bluecatcinema wrote:It'll be fun to see what they do with the Primes, design-wise.

It sure will be. The familiar lines lean more towards the Prime aesthetic and we know how that's been going at retail. But I'm more curious about what they'll turn into. A lot of them don't have well known alt modes (if any) so they'll have to be creative there as well. Hopefully we get a Dreamwave/Titanium style The Fallen with lots of plug in flame effects.


And not this guy:


Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177151)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 25th, 2024 @ 4:10pm CST
Emerje wrote:
bluecatcinema wrote:It'll be fun to see what they do with the Primes, design-wise.

It sure will be. The familiar lines lean more towards the Prime aesthetic and we know how that's been going at retail. But I'm more curious about what they'll turn into. A lot of them don't have well known alt modes (if any) so they'll have to be creative there as well.
Especially since, if they do base any of them on their Aligned designs, the Covenant of Primus book revealed that all of them predated the onset of Transformation, so none of them ever actually transformed into any altmodes (except, arguably, for Amalgamous Prime, since his whole thing was that his body was a mass of constantly shifting parts that were always changing form).
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177152)
Posted by Overcracker on February 25th, 2024 @ 7:39pm CST
Emerje wrote:
Nemesis Primal long as the individual limb bots aren't locked into dedicated slots and maintain at least some amount of Scramble City functionality, that's the perfect recipe for a new Nexus Prime to release.

Wouldn't it have made more sense to start with Brawl or Vortex since there's no Jeep in Nexus Prime? In fact the tank mold used in Nexus was also a Swindle in Japan, Blight in Energon.


This is giving me a headache... #-o


If it is Energon Swindle it raises so many questions, it’s just weird.

Outside of Core Megs, they decide to star the Energon homages with a combiner limb?
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177153)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 25th, 2024 @ 7:59pm CST
Overcracker wrote:
Emerje wrote:
Nemesis Primal long as the individual limb bots aren't locked into dedicated slots and maintain at least some amount of Scramble City functionality, that's the perfect recipe for a new Nexus Prime to release.

Wouldn't it have made more sense to start with Brawl or Vortex since there's no Jeep in Nexus Prime? In fact the tank mold used in Nexus was also a Swindle in Japan, Blight in Energon.


This is giving me a headache... #-o


If it is Energon Swindle it raises so many questions, it’s just weird to.

Outside of Core Megs, they decide to star the Energon homages with a combiner limb?
The idea they're thinking of is to release molds that would later be redecoed into the components of Nexus Prime.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177156)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on February 26th, 2024 @ 6:22am CST
Doing the 13 at last together has me very excited. I hope they shoot for a mix of Covenant of Primus/IDW2005/TFCC.

Nexus is my favorite, so I really hope he comes out good!

A proper loki-esque Liege would be awesome.

I think I'd like an aligned style Megatronus, I'm not a big fan of the dreamwave one, movie already did theirs, and I wasn't a big fan of RiD2015 or Prime Wars either.

Solus had better have her big hammer.

As for the rest, I like the lineup, especially with a 2nd Rescuebot, halfway through the OG cast!

If I am being honest though, I hate that they are starting to go through the G1 combiners again. I'd really like to see RiD2015 or Energon combiners or even FOC Bruticus get the treatment first before we re-tread.
Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177157)
Posted by Brokebot on February 26th, 2024 @ 6:35am CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Doing the 13 at last together has me very excited. I hope they shoot for a mix of Covenant of Primus/IDW2005/TFCC.

Nexus is my favorite, so I really hope he comes out good!

A proper loki-esque Liege would be awesome.

I think I'd like an aligned style Megatronus, I'm not a big fan of the dreamwave one, movie already did theirs, and I wasn't a big fan of RiD2015 or Prime Wars either.

Solus had better have her big hammer.

As for the rest, I like the lineup, especially with a 2nd Rescuebot, halfway through the OG cast!

If I am being honest though, I hate that they are starting to go through the G1 combiners again. I'd really like to see RiD2015 or Energon combiners or even FOC Bruticus get the treatment first before we re-tread.

Re: The Thirteen Primes and Superion Rumored for 2025 Transformers Generations Line (2177176)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on February 26th, 2024 @ 4:51pm CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Doing the 13 at last together has me very excited. I hope they shoot for a mix of Covenant of Primus/IDW2005/TFCC.

Nexus is my favorite, so I really hope he comes out good!

A proper loki-esque Liege would be awesome.

I think I'd like an aligned style Megatronus, I'm not a big fan of the dreamwave one, movie already did theirs, and I wasn't a big fan of RiD2015 or Prime Wars either.

Solus had better have her big hammer.

As for the rest, I like the lineup, especially with a 2nd Rescuebot, halfway through the OG cast!

If I am being honest though, I hate that they are starting to go through the G1 combiners again. I'd really like to see RiD2015 or Energon combiners or even FOC Bruticus get the treatment first before we re-tread.

I don't see the point. Menasor had to be redone because the animation design took so many liberties with the toy look that anything else looked off, CW Motormaster was a hot mess too. Superion was the first but it also looked the best. Yes, the ratchet joints needed work, leading to the combiner lean over time, but it looked like the show.

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