Top 5 Best Jetfire / Skyfire Transformers Toys
Saturday, February 29th, 2020 11:38PM CST
Categories: Site Articles, Editorials, Top ListsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 100,418
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Top 5 Best Jetfire Transformers Toys
Jetfire has had a rather consistent presence on the shelves throughout generations, even more so than Bumblebee since he was one of the main G1 bots still present in the Unicron Trilogy. And as for the now decade spanning CHUG lines, he kept getting toys released which always gave us a new interpretation of the duality of this character. You see, while the G1 Jetfire toy and the G1 Skyfire character are both supposed to represent the same thing, the fact that the original toy comes from Bandai's Macross/Robotech line means there are some rather distinctive visual qualities that are not shared by the character model in both robot mode and alt mode. The alt modes themselves are not even the same type of vehicle where one is a sleek jet while the other is a chunky space craft. All to say, whenever Hasbro gives us updates to the original toy they try to homage the widely different sources of the character's design, so what we get is always interesting. Now let's get to this list.
5. Transformers Generations Thrilling 30 Jetfire
I always found this toy to be rather underrated. What Hasbro gave us here is a budget Macross toy, which is pretty awesome when you think about it. Both modes look super sleek, I just LOVE the macross type mask we can put over the G1 cartoon headsculpt. It just looks incredible. Plus Hasbro took a note from the Takara United playbook and gave us some chromed weapons, and lots of them. This was the first leader class toy in the Generations line (and all CHUG lines) and this was the perfect character to bring out for such an occasion. While the previous effort in the Classics line was very nice and is also a good toy, it was lacking in size, which this one definitely makes up for. Little did we know there would be even more room to grow from here.
4. Transformers Studio Series SS35 Jetfire
As mentioned in the intro, Jetfire is covered in almost every generation of the Transformers line and that most definitely includes the films. While most characters are just reused G1 names that are ever so slightly linked to their G1 namesakes, Jetfire was one of the few movie characters which truly was a reinterpretation of the G1 character and storyline. He too had the backstory of being a dormant Decepticon turned good. So that always made him stand out a bit more. Plus that SR-71 Blackbird alt mode was amazing. The original toy while impressive in size (for the alt mode especially) was not that fun to transform. The new Studio Series fixes that problem and gives us the definitive movie Jetfire. It really impresses me how the design team found a totally new way to give us the same alt mode and robot mode, and also giving us the option to take him apart to equip the Studio Series Optimus Prime to recreate what happens in the film.
3. Transformers Cybertron Jetfire (Dreadrock)
Cybertron will always be one of the best Transformers toylines of all time. All great new designs and transformations but still invoking that G1 feel, especially the idea of the robot being made up of the alt mode parts, just reconfigured. And Jetfire, who was also present at every step of the Unicron trilogy, is one of the best toys from this line, making him a must own for anyone wanting to collect awesome Transformers figures. And that headsculpt is just so good!
2. Siege Jetfire
So yeah, we had our leader Jetfire, the biggest size class in the Generations line at the time and he looked fine on the shelf, but Hasbro was not done yet. They decided to go all out and give us a toy to scale with the other bots in the G1 cartoon. Being leader sized just didn't cut it, so we got a totally new class made just for him, the Commander class. This is the first Jetfire toy that also went all out to look as close as possible to the cartoon Skyfire model. So not only in proportions and scale but also with the alt mode which is closer to the space craft than the sleek macross jet. But, there was still something for the fans of the original toy with Hasbro giving us some armour parts that include a visor mask.
1. Transformers G1 1985 Jetfire (Skyfire)
I wanted to put Siege Jetfire at number 1, I really did, but the truth is it would not reflect what I truly feel. While it's a cool toy, I just still prefer the G1 version. I really like the craft of that toy. I think it was awesome of Hasbro to incorporate several different 80s Asian toy brands together into one new Transformers brand and this introduced kids in the west to different styles of Transforming robots. The armour components are fun, both modes are nice and sleek and he has this great weight to him. Usually a G1 toy will lose out to the updates since they are more complex, and sleeker, have no partsforming, or closer to the show model, but in this case the original toy was its own design that simply couldn't be portrayed on screen for legal reasons, and it's as complex and sleek as any update, as you can see below.
Honourable Mention: There are many good and fun Jetfire toys out there. Many do not share that name, but we all know are Jetfires and really nice ones at that. The one I wanted to most mention here was Armada Jetfire. While not as good as the toys on this list, he has a really nice design with the space shuttle and makes a great pair of pants for Armada Prime.
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Posted by Rodimus Prime on February 29th, 2020 @ 11:50pm CST
My list:
5. G1 - the fact that he doesn't really look accurate in either mode takes away from a great-looking toy
4. RoTF Jetfire - original, not SS; I don't own SS so I can't comment, but I will say that his robot mode didn't appeal
3. Cybertron Jetfire - I love the toy, because I like big jets, but the color keeps it from being higher. I prefer the white Decepticon repaint
2. Armada Jetfire - see above reasoning
1. T30 Jetfire - superior to every other Jetfire that has come before or since
Honorable mention: Siege Jetfire - only because he looks like the caryoon character in robot modeand he's big. Otherwise, he's overpriced and overrated. Inferior.
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 1st, 2020 @ 12:24am CST
Let alone this Jetfire's:
SIEGE Jetfire is a lot better than you credit him with. He has an intricate transformation that you continue to manage not to notice, a wealth of features, and a jet mode that A. Actually integrates the legs and the chest and tucks the arms away better, and B. looks like the cartoon while also having a sci-fi spaceship look to it along the fuselage. Not to mention, Autobots can hang from beneath it to rain fire down on Decepticons below. Or else grab on to make their escape.
If you call SIEGE Skyfire overpriced with the amount of mass and level of engineering he has, then you're calling all Generations figures overpriced.
Posted by Rodimus Prime on March 1st, 2020 @ 1:20am CST
As I said before, you see it your way, I see it mine. And that's okay.
Posted by transformers_va on March 1st, 2020 @ 1:50am CST
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 1st, 2020 @ 2:11am CST
1. You have one myopic view of design if you can brush off SIEGE Jetfire's engineering as "Deluxe level" - despite the complex migrations of some of the parts during transformation, and the amount of features present - yet blithely excuse T30 Jetfire's Silverbolt-simple transformation that makes little-to-no use of the robot mode bits in jet mode (all because the figure tries to have its cake and eat it too).Rodimus Prime wrote:No, not all of them. Just Siege Jetfire. With his deluxe level engineering.
As I said before, you see it your way, I see it mine. And that's okay.
If you seriously consider SIEGE Jetfire to be "deluxe level" engineering-wise, then so are Cybertron Optimus and Megatron. So is 2007 Leader-class Brawl. So is Legends Super Ginrai. Heck, as far as I see it that comes close to calling ROTF Leader Optimus "deluxe level".
2. Here's the kicker: The toys. Are mainly. Priced. By SIZE. That's why they're called size classes. And specifically, they're priced by mass of plastic used (This is such a rigid point that some toys have had accessories added because there was leftover plastic in the budget). Engineering is a secondary factor, and unless it's Cyberverse levels of simplified it doesn't impact the price nearly as much as the quantity of plastic used does. And the plastic-to-price ratio has gone down substantially since the days of the Unicron Trilogy and HFTD - to the point that Battle Blade Bumblebee had to be sold as a Voyager when reissued during Age of Extinction. And it doesn't exactly take a scale to tell that, say, PotP Rodimus Prime is significantly lighter than ROTF Leader Optimus (yet both were MSRP $45 at release).
A SIEGE Voyager is $30. Jetfire certainly feels like he's got at least 3 SIEGE Voyagers' worth of meat on his bones. And again, he has plenty of features and accessories and a great range of articulation.
3. What further complexity could you possibly squeeze into him that wouldn't be ridiculous? The only thing I can think of is working in alternate head storage to make the upper cabin detachable.
4. Complexity beyond good articulation and a reasonably integrated transformation where possible? Is not always warranted.
Posted by leokearon on March 1st, 2020 @ 2:18am CST
Posted by transformers_va on March 1st, 2020 @ 2:20am CST
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Jetfire certainly feels like he's got at least 3 SIEGE Voyagers' worth of meat on his bones.
Absolutely agree!!
Posted by ausbot on March 1st, 2020 @ 2:33am CST
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 1st, 2020 @ 2:56am CST
IMO, The Classics Voyager belongs on this list way the hell more than the T30 Leader. Thanks to its hybrid design, that one pulls off the "budget Macross" thing without sacrificing an integrated transformation. And it does it objectively better than the T30 Jetfire, since it has better-looking removable arm guards (that fire missiles, no less!), the helmet has articulated Battroid-style gun antennae, the boosters (which have built-in cannons for added fun) look more like the Valkyrie's, and those boosters point the right way in robot mode without having to be taken off and turned around.leokearon wrote:What no mention of the Classics Jetfire? A fantastic toy which does everything you want with a Jetfire but doesn't take up as much space. After buying him, I've never need another Jetfire, that's how good he is
In the interest of fairness, after watching a video T30 Jetfire's transformation to check on that part about the boosters calling it Silverbolt-simple was a bit of an exaggeration, for which I apologize. But the jet still makes little use of the robot... If you took off T30 Jetfire's robot parts, you'd still have basically a full jet. If you took off SIEGE Jetfire's robot parts, you'd just have the cabin and the wings. Which would make for an okay generic space pod, but...
I wonder if it helps that I see Skyfire's cartoon altmode as less a pure jet and more a combination of jet and space exploration transport. It has that same sort of "angularly knobbly" quality that a lot of vintage sci-fi ships do. I mean, just look:
Posted by blackeyedprime on March 1st, 2020 @ 3:05am CST
1.g1 the original toy design is still a thing of beauty even if it is a VF and looks nothing like the Toon. So many options, 3 modes, armor backed up with a solid transformation, some posability, die-cast metal and size (in comparison to other g1 jets and figures).
2.Siege, nice to have a cartoon version after many years, a few small flaws (red color, elbow joints, some parts could be hidden better in jet). Big figure and can seat a pilot with plenty of play features. like to place titanium here but I've never owned it or had it in hand, so it goes to battalion jetfire. A cheap small jetfire that doesn't take up a lot of space and displays well with deluxes or legion class figures. It also doesn't seem that cheap, if it had a few more joints this could almost be a g2 jetfire. Joe jetfire, if there is one thing I like about cockpits that can sit a figure... If they can sit a gi Joe figure then that has to be awesome. Sure, no transformation but hey sometimes it's just about doing one mode really well or looking good when there is plenty of figures that suffer in one mode over the other. If this guy can fit an action master Starscream it would probably be rated one higher on my list.
5. Armada jetfire, true the figures slightly flawed but it has an electronic weapon, an appropriate and fun mini con, combines and would probably be leader class/price under todays prices
Why I disagree with some of the list choices, the baynus character might as well be Angus mcfire and doesn't match any representation of jetfire for me.
Similar with cybertron jetfire, I think the decepticon repaint/character suited the use of the mold better.
T30's out of place chrome weapons make the Takara legend version the one to put on the list, chrome can be good but sometimes it's just plain ugly or out of place.
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 1st, 2020 @ 3:22am CST
ROTF Jetfire is the movieverse's Jetfire, whether you like it or not. But I don't know that I'd place either of his main toys on a Top 5 list. They're both so hobbled by having to approximate through combining what in the movie amounted to Jetfire's corpse being taken apart Lego set, bent and welded in interesting ways, and slapped back together - possibly not even in its entirety - as a flight harness and leg extensions.
Agreed about the chrome on the T30 use of the T30 Jetfire mold being an eyesore. That much unbroken mirror-shiny metallic red doesn't look too good, especially while clashing horribly with the stark white.
Posted by frogbat on March 1st, 2020 @ 4:10am CST
The original toy was of course, quite awesome. Never owned one but got a chance to play with a friend’s one as a kid and with a Macross more recently. Was way ahead of most tf toys back in the day.
Generations jetfire was one of my fave figures for a long time, still is. Lots of playability and just a heap of fun, with decent amount of likeness to the anime...
Commander class jetfire. He should be by virtue of being the latest, be also the greatest. And in many ways he is. The likeness to the cartoon is great, the scale is another plus. He still suffers from robot stowed under a plane syndrome but he has too many cool additions to make it anything other than my top pick. The hand peghole disappearing act... the handles for other bots to hang off from...
I don’t have experience of any others but I always loved the black bird and think they did a good job turning him Into a bay bot.
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 1st, 2020 @ 4:17am CST
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on March 1st, 2020 @ 4:30am CST
It is funny they redeco'd this guy into Cyclonus (which doesn't work). When his design always screamed Jetfire to me:
All he was missing was a Jetfire paint job.
Posted by ZeroWolf on March 1st, 2020 @ 4:57am CST
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 1st, 2020 @ 5:18am CST
It has the forward-swept arm-mounted wings, and a similar hat (although Jetstorm's headfins are bigger than Cyclonus' horns). The altmode especially looks more like Cyclonus than the shape usually associated with G1 Jetfire.
That being said, one of BM Jetstorm's other toys did get a G1 Jetfire-based redeco:
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on March 1st, 2020 @ 5:26am CST
Meanwhile, as someone who has all the variants for the BM Jetstorm, that is closer to Strafe than, Jetfire:
Plus I was only talking about the Ultra Class which is a completely different mold. Size-wise, more suited to Jetfire.
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 1st, 2020 @ 5:56am CST
The head-fins, arm wings, engine/undercarriage legs, and jet mode shape look Cyclonus-ish to me. Like a BM-ized version of Cyclonus. I don't see how the missiles reduce the resemblance in jet mode, either. What do you mean by popping them up? They're loaded and out in every pic of his jet mode I could find here. Oh, and another point of G1 Cyclonus resemblance: the cockpit canopy ends up on his back.AllNewSuperRobot wrote:The redeco itself doesn't work as Cyclonus. Squint and superficially, it fits. As soon as you pop the missiles up in Jet Mode though, it doesn't. The bot mode even less so.
And again, the mold still looks more like G1 Cyclonus than like G1 Jetfire. The Ultra-class Jetstorm doesn't have a chest cockpit or even have the smaller version's ability to angle the wings backward.
Buddy, how the heck is Storm Jet with his prominent black accents (which are not something Strafe has at all) and his Valkyrie-esque black cockpit canopy surrounded by red and located on his chest in robot mode, closer to looking like Strafe than like Jetfire?AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Meanwhile, as someone who has all the variants for the BM Jetstorm, that is closer to Strafe than, Jetfire:
Plus I was only talking about the Ultra Class which is a completely different mold. Size-wise, more suited to Jetfire.
Seriously, how?
And I know that that's a different mold. I even said it was.
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on March 1st, 2020 @ 6:13am CST
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Buddy, how the heck is Storm Jet with his prominent black accents (which are not something Strafe has at all) and his Valkyrie-esque black cockpit canopy surrounded by red and located on his chest in robot mode, closer to looking like Strafe than like Jetfire?
Because when it comes to G1, the colour palette of the toy is largely irrelevant in later homage.
^This is the default colour palette of Jetfire most commonly associated with the character. The "cartoon colours". Storm Jet looks nothing like that.
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:And I know that that's a different mold. I even said it was.
Then why even bring up the smaller Jetstorm? Let alone argue over it? It is a weird hill to die on.
Posted by Evil Eye on March 1st, 2020 @ 6:17am CST
Cybertron Jetfire is a great looking toy too, I personally prefer the Sky Shadow deco (but then I am an unrepentant Decepticon fanboy) but you can't go wrong with either. He's very different from standard Jetfire designs but I personally love it.
Good to see Armada getting a rep in the honourable mentions too! I loved mine, the shuttle mode was awesome and the robot mode was an imposing chunk of robo, even if he was a brick. Also the combination gimmick with Prime was a cool feature.
G1 Jetfire I'm glad to see get the top spot. Partly because I have a major love of classic Japanese mecha toys, partly because the OG Macross series was a really, really great show (if you haven't watched it in its unedited form I highly recommend you do) and partly because it's a fantastic toy in a really nice colour scheme.
Two that aren't actually all that great but I'd like to nominate as honourable mentions would be the Titanium figure (mainly for the awesome jet mode) and the Energon toy (which was a cool robot design with a nice vehicle mode, even if it wasn't a great toy at all).
Posted by Tigerhawk7109 on March 1st, 2020 @ 6:34am CST
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 1st, 2020 @ 6:52am CST
You didn't say you had multiple Cyclonus variants, you said you had multiple Jetstorm variants.AllNewSuperRobot wrote:As I said, superficially it can pass as a Cyclonus. From very far away. Details are what matters and in the details they don't match up. Again, as I have 9 Cyclonus' on my Desk beside me (including G1) these are things glaringly apparent to me. The multi-purple colour scheme certainly doesn't match, either.
Also, I hotly disagree with you about the details not matching up. They match up well enough to be a BM-ized version of Cyclonus. Also, the multi-color purple DOES work IMO. One version of the G1 toy had splotches of a bluer purple and he also has different hues and shades of purple in the cartoon.
Still waiting on your explanation for how he resembles G1 Jetfire more, by the way.
So your logic here is, "Storm Jet looks more like Strafe than like an homage to the G1 Jetfire toy that he matches color-wise, despite Storm Jet not having any orange and despite Strafe NOT HAVING ANY BLACK IN HIS COLOR SCHEME, because the cartoon version of Jetfire didn't have any black"?AllNewSuperRobot wrote:ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Buddy, how the heck is Storm Jet with his prominent black accents (which are not something Strafe has at all) and his Valkyrie-esque black cockpit canopy surrounded by red and located on his chest in robot mode, closer to looking like Strafe than like Jetfire?
Because when it comes to G1, the colour palette of the toy is largely irrelevant in later homage.
^This is the default colour palette of Jetfire most commonly associated with the character. The "cartoon colours". Storm Jet looks nothing like that.
I initially brought it up because it was a Jetfire-inspired redeco (albeit toy-based rather than cartoon-based) of a BM Jetstorm toy. I'm arguing over it because you claim that it somehow looks more like Strafe and I don't see how you can justify that claim.AllNewSuperRobot wrote:ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:And I know that that's a different mold. I even said it was.
Then why even bring up the smaller Jetstorm? Let alone argue over it? It is a weird hill to die on.
Posted by Ebonsaber on March 1st, 2020 @ 6:57am CST
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on March 1st, 2020 @ 7:05am CST
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:You didn't say you had multiple Cyclonus variants, you said you had multiple Jetstorm variants.
I have both. As noted in the 'toy haul' and 'on your desk threads'.
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Still waiting on your explanation for how he resembles G1 Jetfire more, by the way.
When his design always screamed Jetfire to me: All he was missing was a Jetfire paint job.
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:And I know that that's a different mold. I even said it was.AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Then why even bring up the smaller Jetstorm? Let alone argue over it? It is a weird hill to die on.
I initially brought it up because it was a Jetfire-inspired redeco (albeit toy-based rather than cartoon-based) of a BM Jetstorm toy.
I'm arguing over it because you claim that it somehow looks more like Strafe and I don't see how you can justify that claim.
1)So baiting then? Lucky me to fall for it, I guess
2)Because I own the figures and know what I'm talking about. The End.
Posted by Actar on March 1st, 2020 @ 7:19am CST
Posted by william-james88 on March 1st, 2020 @ 7:31am CST
Tigerhawk7109 wrote:Glad to see that I helped!
Yeah man, for sure!
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 1st, 2020 @ 7:59am CST
And are either of those this thread? No. I was responding to the information you provided in this thread, because that was immediately at hand. In this thread, you only mentioned having BM Jetstorm variants.AllNewSuperRobot wrote:ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:You didn't say you had multiple Cyclonus variants, you said you had multiple Jetstorm variants.
I have both. As noted in the 'toy haul' and 'on your desk threads'.
Fine, but what about it screamed "Jetfire"? I'm having a hard time seeing it.AllNewSuperRobot wrote:ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Still waiting on your explanation for how he resembles G1 Jetfire more, by the way.When his design always screamed Jetfire to me: All he was missing was a Jetfire paint job.
No, it wasn't baiting... I just thought Storm Jet worth mentioning because you brought up the subject of BM Jetstorm being repainted into Jetfire. Storm Jet is the closest we've had to that, so I thought it was relevant...AllNewSuperRobot wrote:ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:And I know that that's a different mold. I even said it was.AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Then why even bring up the smaller Jetstorm? Let alone argue over it? It is a weird hill to die on.
I initially brought it up because it was a Jetfire-inspired redeco (albeit toy-based rather than cartoon-based) of a BM Jetstorm toy.
I'm arguing over it because you claim that it somehow looks more like Strafe and I don't see how you can justify that claim.
1)So baiting then? Lucky me to fall for it, I guess
It turned into an argument because you responded with a claim that went right into DOES NOT COMPUTE territory for me. Your claim that Storm Jet somehow resembles Strafe more than he resembles the original Jetfire toy makes about as much sense to me as a claim that G2 Slingshot is the most durable Transformer of all time. Like, how even?
Well, then I guess from my perspective it ends on a confusing cliffhanger.AllNewSuperRobot wrote:2)Because I own the figures and know what I'm talking about. The End.
Here's why your claim makes no sense to me:
G1 Jetfire's toy colors: White, red, black
G1 Strafe's colors: White, red, orange
RiD Storm Jet's colors: White, red, black
And additionally, here's how their vehicle modes compare:
Storm Jet's altmode, colors, and color layout have a lot in common with Jetfire's toy. Strafe's, not so much.
So I just... Without some sort of in-depth explanation, I can't see how you can justifiably say that the resemblance to Strafe is greater. It completely baffles me.
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on March 1st, 2020 @ 8:10am CST
Just get someone to photshop Jetfire's colours on Ultra Class Jetstorm, in answer to my original post.
Posted by ZeroWolf on March 1st, 2020 @ 9:12am CST
Posted by M. Spector on March 1st, 2020 @ 10:15am CST
Posted by Wireless_Phantom on March 1st, 2020 @ 12:04pm CST
Posted by bluecatcinema on March 1st, 2020 @ 1:56pm CST
And I kind of wish they'd revive the "Skyfire" name somewhere down the line.
Posted by Tuned Agent on March 1st, 2020 @ 2:02pm CST
I'd like to give an honorable mention to my boy Animated Jetfire. Probably not top 5 worthy, but he's a fun figure and his ability to combine with Jetstorm was cool (when it held together).
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 1st, 2020 @ 2:05pm CST
Well, that depends on whether whoever had the trademark at the time of Energon has let it lapse.bluecatcinema wrote:Siege Jetfire is the best in my opinion. Excellent G1 cartoon accuracy.
And I kind of wish they'd revive the "Skyfire" name somewhere down the line.
Posted by no-one on March 1st, 2020 @ 2:32pm CST
My top five.
In all seriousness, I prefer T30 over Siege (I'm a toy accuracy guy, sue me). They both have different pros and cons. They both seem too simple for their size and neither does a good job of hiding all the robit parts. I feel the T30 is about as sleek as you can get at that price point and Siege has that big blocky G1 space jet thing going on.
Ultimately I feel like we're comparing apples and oranges. T30 looks more like Jetfire to me (which is to say he looks like a toy from the Macross line) and fits on my Neo G1 shelf. Siege has that toon thing going on and is hanging with the MPs. I think the part of the problem for me is that we still don't have a definitive Jetfire yet.
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on March 1st, 2020 @ 2:48pm CST
And now, to be a total hypocrite....
This guy will forever by my Decepticon Jetfire. Not because he scales well. I just think the colours are fantastic. I also like the mould even if it's really showing it's age these days.
Posted by ZeroWolf on March 1st, 2020 @ 3:35pm CST
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on March 1st, 2020 @ 3:54pm CST
Gauntlet101010 wrote:A lot of Siege toys seem too large for my collection and preferences. Jetfire is as large as a combiner! I know he was that large in the G1 cartoon, but I've never really liked how the cartoon sizes things. I like how 30th Jetfire (and YotS Omega Supreme for that matter) are sized relative to others TFs.
And now, to be a total hypocrite....
This guy will forever by my Decepticon Jetfire. Not because he scales well. I just think the colours are fantastic. I also like the mould even if it's really showing it's age these days.
Now that, Perhaps as a Redeco for the SIEGE figure, could be Skyfire.
Is Jetfire's overall lack of prominence exclusively due to the whole Macross likeness thing?
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on March 1st, 2020 @ 4:03pm CST
ZeroWolf wrote:Couldn't you just photoshop Jetfire's colours on any jet and say it's a resemblance? There's no design cues on jetstorm that invoke Jetfire. Though, jetstorm did always remind me of one of the other macross mecha in vehicle mode. I think the one the rival used in Macross Plus. Purely for the shape of the wings.
Weird how few pics there are of Jetstorm with his guns up, but this is what I'm referring to.
Anyway, this should give a clearer semblance to what I'm talking about. Simply reverse the angle of the wings and boom, Jetfire!
Posted by ZeroWolf on March 1st, 2020 @ 4:13pm CST
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on March 1st, 2020 @ 4:25pm CST
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 1st, 2020 @ 4:26pm CST
Carytheone, this list isn't limited to G1 Jetfire and one of your suggestions doesn't even transform. And IMO Classics/Henkei > T30/Legends. I think it does the Macross homage better in terms of transformation and play value (and aesthetically in terms of the accessories). Whereas the T30/Legends version ends up inferior to not only that but the original Valkyrie toy it's trying to imitate, because of the unintegrated transformation and static antennae on the mask; in trying to be both G1 toy and G1 cartoon, it ends up not being too good at either.
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on March 1st, 2020 @ 4:29pm CST
Posted by no-one on March 1st, 2020 @ 4:36pm CST
It's just like my opinion man and in my opinion the only Jetfire that matters is G1 toy Jetfire.ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Carytheone, this list isn't limited to G1 Jetfire and one of your suggestions doesn't even transform.
My list is also obviously trolly bullshit. I purposely picked bad representations with T30 being the top spot. I own T30 and Siege and I like T30 better, but I also like Siege just fine. To me they are both good toys in different ways.
Also, why are you trying to talk everyone out of liking T30 Jetfire so bad. You've been going on about it for days in several places. Sup with that? Can't we have different opinions?
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 1st, 2020 @ 4:39pm CST
You can, it's just... It's been really bugging me to see people glamorizing T30 Jetfire and minimizing its flaws, while simultaneously talking as if SIEGE Jetfire was no more complex than Cybertron Thundercracker and outright ignoring the Classics Voyager's existence. That feels like it crosses from disliking them, into smearing one and shunning the other. And that makes me want to push back by mercilessly pointing out everything wrong with the T30 toy while also pointing out how the Classics Voyager exists and shares a lot of its positive qualities.carytheone wrote:It's just like my opinion man and in my opinion the only Jetfire that matters is G1 toy Jetfire.ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Carytheone, this list isn't limited to G1 Jetfire and one of your suggestions doesn't even transform.
My list is also obviously trolly bullshit. I purposely picked bad representations with T30 being the top spot. I own T30 and Siege and I like T30 better, but I also like Siege just fine. To me they are both good toys in different ways.
Also, why are you trying to talk everyone out of liking T30 Jetfire so bad. You've been going on about it for days in several places. Sup with that? Can't we have different opinions?
Posted by ZeroWolf on March 1st, 2020 @ 4:40pm CST
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on March 1st, 2020 @ 4:56pm CST
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:So I take it no one liked the Animated Jetfire then? As I see no mention of it in two pages, so far.
He's pretty ok, but the clear plastic used in his and his twin's construction brings it down a bit.
I'm happy Energon Skyblast and RiD 2001 Skyfire got mentioned in the thread, I'm even embarrassed to have forgotten about RiD 2001 Storm Jet.
Posted by Flashwave on March 1st, 2020 @ 5:04pm CST
You mentioned the T30 Jetfire as having Chromed guns as a good thing, its funny to me, so many people actually preferred the Takara because it didn't have the chrome that flaked off so easily
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on March 1st, 2020 @ 5:06pm CST
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:AllNewSuperRobot wrote:So I take it no one liked the Animated Jetfire then? As I see no mention of it in two pages, so far.
He's pretty ok, but the clear plastic used in his and his twin's construction brings it down a bit.
Posted by no-one on March 1st, 2020 @ 5:06pm CST
I'm still seriously considering de-chroming mine then painting them red and black to match Tak's. In the meantime he stole all the weapons from CW leader Thundercracker.Flashwave wrote:You mentioned the T30 Jetfire as having Chromed guns as a good thing, its funny to me, so many people actually preferred the Takara because it didn't have the chrome that flaked off so easily