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Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys

Saturday, November 10th, 2018 8:21AM CST

Categories: Site Articles, Editorials, Top Lists
Posted by: Tyrannacon   Views: 61,534

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Every two weeks, brings you a Top 5 list related to all things Transformers written by a Seibertron staff member, in this case me, Tyrannacon. These are my opinions (just like movie or game reviews hosted by sites are still just the opinion of one person) so what matters most is what you guys think of the topic or list, and I hope to see your own lists or comments on omissions and ranking. Let's have fun! All previous lists can be found here.

Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys

5. Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Leader Megatron

This figure is a hit for me simply for the voice clip alone, which I feel bad saying because the entire figure is not that accurate to his big screen incarnation in both modes. The Vehicle mode is where that likeness isn't even captured at all in the slightest though. Unfortunately that is the only plus I can think of for this figure would be that voice clip. Frankly it massively helped it and made it a definably Megatron figure for me as he proclaims loudly that he is Megatron and basically here to destroy stuff. The mold was later repainted into numerous TakaraTomy exclusives and even Hasbro did the hard-to-find Shadow Command version. That one exchanged the audio clip from "I am Megatron!" to "There is no command, but mine!" which is also awesome as well. Sure you can buy some add-ons to help the figure have better arms, but for the purposes of this list I am not comparing those add-ons for it and I am only comparing the figures as they are released to be. This Megatron is quite the Frankenstein monster and while I said the voice clip helps immensely, you may not find it all that satisfying in the end.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Shadow Command Megatron Gallery

4. Transformers Dark of the Moon Megatron

I have a very love/hate relationship with this figure. Let me explain why here and that reason is the scaling here. I know, I know. Scaling is one of the things we Transformer fans have to pretend doesn't exist and not talk about, but I am more annoyed with the tiny proportions for the figure altogether. Take the tiny head here, it's the tiniest Megatron head around unless you snag a Legends/Legion scale figure. The cape is also cumbersome at times and don't even get me started on the lack of his "Fusion Shotgun" that is instead subbed by a part of his tanker that extends with a mech-tech gimmick. Frankly I feel that tanker piece works better like a jet pack. I mean Megatron retained a flight mode when it came to his tank mode in the second film from his original jet mode in the first film. Why couldn't that tanker piece work as some sort of jet pack for our Decepticon lord and master? I mean he'd have to go into robot mode to fly around, but it would still be a more appropriate use of it instead of a gun that it looks nothing like whatsoever. So that's what I use mine for in this case even though it doesn't leave him with a gun to use.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys

3. Transformers Movie 1 (2007) Megatron

Okay I got to be honest here, in 2007 when this figure came out I was ecstatic and the nostalgia reason alone is because it was my first TF figure for the first time since Beast Machines. It was at the time I was starting my Megatron collection up and adding to it piece by piece very slowly. Now if you're going to go with this figure I have to recommend the Movie Premium figure not just because the colors are BETTER than the initial release, but the sound clip for transformation uses that lovable G1 transformation we are so familiar with in place of the metallic screeching of the initial release.
Sculpt and details are about what you would expect from a 2007 figure given how things in the post-Generations era when it comes to the Prime Wars lines look. I really would love to see a more streamlined version of this figure released eventually, but the problem is hiding the jet parts appropriately enough. To be honest it would probably be more of a partsformer in that sense if that approach was taken now. While I love how the initial jet mode looks and really, I love how the robot mode looks, It's just...well... too bulky for the figure. Megatron in the film is a bit more lithe and sleek, and while this figure holds onto those alien design elements it is weighed down by it not transferring well enough to the figure itself. I would say it paved the way for better figures though. It definitely is an under-appreciated figure.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys
Transformers (2007) Premium Megatron Gallery

2. Studio Series RotF Voyager Megatron

I held off writing this list until I got my hands on this figure and honestly, the reason I rate it so highly is because of the fact it is a direct 1:1 of the likeness of the robot mode for the figure. It kicks the original RotF Voyager Megatron out of this spot. The thing I dislike most though is the hollow torso and how easily some of the pieces come off. Thankfully to me that really doesn’t diminish my liking of this figure too much. I am happy with the sculpt of the figure and I think the transformation is not only intuitive but satisfying to do once you figure it all out and how to do it. Though this figure needs a lot of work and I know there are some 3rd party add-ons for it on the way to hopefully enhance it. I think in this case the 3rd party stuff is almost a mandatory at this point to help it.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys

1. Transformers: The Last Knight Leader Megatron

I rated this as number one because of the fact the scale is impressive and the features are nice. I know with mine I had to loosen the screw in the back of the head to make the mask easier to close and open. If I didn’t do that it wouldn’t stay open unfortunately. I think everything about this figure screams Megatron, much like the RotF Studio Series Megatron in a lot of ways. The sculpts of the figure in ‘bot and vehicle mode is great, transformation is satisfying and intuitive. The flame effects are kind of a little nice add-on for displaying the figure in a cool pose. I don’t mind these and often it’s like a little extra thing they (Hasbro and co) tossed in to compliment the figure. It really doesn’t need them one way or another though. I think this one is one of the best of capturing his likeness.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys

Honorable Mentions: Age of Extinction Galvatron is an insane shell-former and not really that good in my personal opinion, it is getting mentioned because Age of Extinction is the one movie with no representation on the list. It’s not a great figure, but it’s not a completely horrible figure. The biggest issue aside from being a shellformer is the fact the paint apps pretty much are minimal. Also the TLK Voyager Megatron is appropriately a nice, smaller scale as well to mess with too. I personally find the TLK Voyager Megatron to be easier to transform than his Leader version.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys
Transformers Age of Extinction: Generations Galvatron Gallery

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys

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Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993446)
Posted by william-james88 on November 10th, 2018 @ 8:29am CST
This would be my list:

5. ROTF Leader Megatron

4. TLK Leader Megatron

3. DOTM Voyager Megatron

2. Studio Series ROTF Megatron

1. TLK Voyager Megatron

Looking forward to the DOTM Leader from Studio Series!
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993451)
Posted by Bucky on November 10th, 2018 @ 9:31am CST
Nice list. I can’t weigh in too much, since I only have TLK leader and voyager Megatron, and SS Megatron. My top three would be...

3 TLK Voyager Megatron
2 TLK Leader Megatron
1 SS Megatron

Luckily for me, I consider all three to be amazing toys.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993457)
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on November 10th, 2018 @ 10:07am CST
Given that we know there's a new DotM Megatron on the way, I think you jumped the gun a bit in making this list. :P

And yeah, AoE Galvatron is an insane shellformer, but he was doomed to be one. Because his movie design is an untransformable abomination that should have gotten the brain-dead artist at Dreamworks who perpetrated it reprimanded and sent back to the drawing board at the absolute least.

Two major things and one lesser one that would have improved RotF Leader Megatron's robot mode enormously:
1. Not sacrificing elbow articulation in the right arm for the sake of having the missile launcher trigger hit a sound button in tank mode. Like, even if it didn't bend at the elbow it would be nice if it at least rotated so the sword's cutting edge could face down
2. The turret shield separating and folding over the arm in robot mode mode to clap together into the top prong of the Death-lock Pincer
3. The fingers on the right hand folding back in robot mode. Boom, you'd basically have the cannon right
The front treads splitting and a slightly taller neck would have been good too, but just improving the right arm would do wonders for him

As for the vehicle mode:
1. Making the front treads elevated as per the movie
2. The flight mode flaps, since the movie always had them deployed even when he was on the ground.
3. More distinctly separate targeting sensors for the turret
4. Some amount of horizontal travel for the turret

Regarding DOTM Voyager Megs, there's another problem with his fuel tank weapon: If it goes missing then he has a big hole in his altmode. He did eventually get his shotgun courtesy of AoE Evasion Mode Optimus (which came with the shotgun rather than Optimus' own BFG).
Regarding his size.. it does at least go with the Deluxe or Voyager Optimus toys from DotM, but it would have been nice to have a bigger Megatron instead of a Leader-class Bumblebee.

2007 Leader Megs would have likely been better if not for the mandate that A. he have electronics and B. That said electronics be powered by AA batteries. But at least he doesn't have the Voyager mold's stupid smegging ice parts.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993462)
Posted by Evil Eye on November 10th, 2018 @ 11:33am CST
Nice list! And yeah the TLK Voyager Megatron is awesome, I wish I'd picked him up when I had the chance. He'd make an awesome Liege Maximo IMO.

I feel the ROTF Voyager Megatron deserves at least a mention- it's not as good as the SS figure for certain but the vehicle mode is good, the robot mode is at least decent and the colour choices are nice too (the original with its sea-green and the MTB version with its nice shiny silver). Also whilst I know little about it, the Movie 1 Voyager had an interesting look with the ice crystal parts.

Safe to say the Movie 1 Legends will not be getting on this list any time soon. :lol:
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993464)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on November 10th, 2018 @ 11:41am CST
2007 Leader figure does make me oddly nostalgic though it's not one I wish to own again (great for the time but we've moved on and it's too big) RotF Leader again is nice but too big for my scale.

I actually really like the AoE figure but mainly the far better painted Takara one (or the metallic KO). The Hasbro paint apps really let the figure down when all those robot mode details should be painted all nice.

The DotM figure is quite nice and I like the cape and also one of the few Mechtech weapons I felt that was kinda cool but couldn't really be seperated from the figure without losing some alt-mode stuffs. I liked it at the time but sold it. It was kinda odd that his true gun eventually turned up with AoE Evasion Prime. I'm looking forward to the Studio Series figure but it being Leader class worries me as I don't want it to be too large.

TLK Leader class...apart from the head gimmick and the nice flamey accessories I don't really care for it. Too big for my collection the jet front as arm cannon just doesn't work for me. Far, FAR prefer the voyager (and apparently others felt similar feelings since the upscaled KO of it was pretty popular). Voyager class figure is a lot of fun and i love the wings folding around the legs rather than folding up behind the back or just sticking outwards (like on the Legion class figure)

Studio RotF Megatron is great. Love the details. Barely even notice the gaps in the side though am likely gonna get the upgrade kit anyways just cos. I gave my figure a nice thin silver coat to make him look more metally like the early toy show photos had. He's a really good size overall too.

Can't comment on voyagers in RotF or 2007 cos i've never actually seen or held them in person. During those times I thought Leader Class meant for the actual leaders (as it did seem that way at the time) but as time went on I felt happier with Voyager class for my leader characters with Leader class size being better suited for characters far larger than them.

I mentioned Legion Class TLK Megatron. The wings in robot mode do bug me but he's still a fun pocket-sized version of the character who has traveled with me on occasion.

Speaking of smaller versions, the DotM Cyberverse commander toy is fun too whether the single pack with guns or the larger pack with the trailer/base/jetpack thing. :)

I also briefly had the Toys R Us exclusive deluxe from last year which was just that thrilling 30 stealth bomber with a new head and I really didn't like the figure at all and absolutely hated the weapon. Got sold very quickly. Had a nice colour scheme though.

Certainly is the only version of Megatron I've owned so many toys of. G1 Megatron would be 2nd place and I've only owned a few toys of him. Titans Return (with head from a downscaled KO CW leader figure), a legends class figure of him as his original hand gun form, a legends figure of him as G2 tank form, super-fiddly WST figure, the original massive neon green/purple G2 tank figure, the much smaller but better aticulated Hero Megatron purple figure and non-transforming Revoltech figure) His generally more plain designs hasn't ever appealed to me much compared to movie Megs different forms and highly detailed forms and so I only have the TR figure for now but I may get the Siege one if I can decide whether or not I like it more than the TR figure. :P

Nice list by the way even if I don't quite agree with the order (I didn't even order mine though)
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993466)
Posted by ZeroWolf on November 10th, 2018 @ 11:46am CST
Nice list Tyranacon! I really got to get one of the last knight megs.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993468)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on November 10th, 2018 @ 11:49am CST
For as poorly as he was treated in Bayverse, Megatron got some good toys. I think most people are waiting for the Leader As DoTM figure, though, do maybe this list could have waited until that came out? By the looks we got so far, he might just be a top 2 figure.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993473)
Posted by RK_Striker_JK_5 on November 10th, 2018 @ 1:03pm CST
Not a bad list. I actually feel sorry for Megatron. Optimus is 'big red truck' and he's mostly all-set. Megatron is... all over the place, comparatively speaking.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993474)
Posted by Rogue-Primal on November 10th, 2018 @ 1:03pm CST
i remember owning the movie 1 ice coated Megatron. i got him for big discount because toys'r'us was having a opening celebration for their first store in Iceland and voyagers were on 70% percent discount. i wanted ironhide but he was sold out. only thing i dislike were his fingers that were visible in jet mode. i even modded mine to have his fusion cannon right handed instead of left handed.

later i experimented with modding him... using a screwdriver and a diagonal cutting pliers to remove the feet guards,ice pads on his shoulders, and sadly the wing blades (they got chewed up by my dog). sadly though he's been lost by now. ... on_toy.jpg
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993475)
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on November 10th, 2018 @ 1:05pm CST
Carnivius, Studio Series DotM Megs is a Leader-class for the sake of including his trailer without reducing his altmode to looking like a toy car next to the others :-P. I'm sure they'll be able to satisfactorily compact his robot mode.

Now me, I'm fine with the mainline movieverse Optimus and Megatron being Leader-class. Most mainline movie stuff, along with most Unicron Trilogy and CHUG stuff hovers in the neighborhood of 1/32 (and most of the stuff that doesn't is at least in passable robot mode scale) and so it puts them at the right size for that (RotF Leader Optimus is 1/31, 2007 Voyager Ratchet is 1/30, RotF Deluxe Sideswipe is 1/32, Cybertron Deluxe Hot Shot is 1/32, Classics Mirage is 1/33, Universe Deluxe Prowl is 1/34, etc).
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993477)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on November 10th, 2018 @ 1:10pm CST
Pretty rare that I disagree with most of the list. For me, NO leaders qualify. At all. I got rid of them all because I found the voyagers so much superior. Also, one would think an author of a "top best" would rave about the POSITIVES of a toy. Not focus so much on the negatives. Is it a "top best" or "top worst" list? :-?

Anyway, here's my TOP BEST movie Megatrons list (all voyagers):

5) Voyager 2007 Megatron, original "frosty" version. He's great looking in all modes and is not annoying to transform like the leader.

4) Studio Series ROTF voyager Megatron. Sure, he's better than the original ROTF version and is pretty screen accurate. What make him only #4 is because his transformation is a bit finnicky. Meaning everything must be lined up juuuuuust right for it to work.

3) AoE voyager Galvatron. Sure, he's not named "Megatron" but he's not fooling anyone. Galvatron is one of the BEST shellformers ever because his shell is not cumbersome in bot mode and he's fun to transform.

2) DOTM voyager Megatron. Simply bad-ass looking all over despite having a vehicle mode that have no choice but to be scout scaled.

1) TLK voyager Megatron. Simply stunning in all modes with a pretty clever transformation that barely leave any vehicle mode kibbles in bot mode. One of the most impressive transformers in recent years.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993483)
Posted by the_neptrix on November 10th, 2018 @ 1:20pm CST
I personally really like DOTM Megatron. Despite being somewhat cumbersome, the cloak is actually a pretty cool accessory. His mech tech gun looks kinda like a doofy, fusion cannnon, which I found kinda cute. Also, he’s the main character of my second favorite Transformers movie. No, not DOTM, emgo’s “Dude, Where’s My Couch?”.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993486)
Posted by william-james88 on November 10th, 2018 @ 1:29pm CST
Rodimus Prime wrote:For as poorly as he was treated in Bayverse, Megatron got some good toys. I think most people are waiting for the Leader As DoTM figure, though, do maybe this list could have waited until that came out? By the looks we got so far, he might just be a top 2 figure.

Yeah he might be, but we dont know, and we dont know if there will be an MPM Megatron coming out after that too. So there is no time like the present and Tyranoccon had already waited to get Studio Series Megs before he wrote this list so there was enough waiting on his end already. If we were to wait for all toys to come out before writing definitive lists then there would be no lists. But hey, we can always have updates later ;)

-Kanrabat- wrote:Pretty rare that I disagree with most of the list. For me, NO leaders qualify. At all. I got rid of them all because I found the voyagers so much superior. Also, one would think an author of a "top best" would rave about the POSITIVES of a toy. Not focus so much on the negatives. Is it a "top best" or "top worst" list? :-?

You and I always had similar tastes Kanrabat (except for you liking Thunderblast) so thats why the lists I write are usually alligned with your taste. This is a case of a list where I had no input, and I think its good that other people get a chance to write a list and present their own tastes.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993490)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on November 10th, 2018 @ 1:38pm CST
william-james88 wrote:You and I always had similar tastes Kanrabat (except for you liking Thunderblast)

I adore G1 Pretenders. So that may be why I love Cybertron Thunderblast and AoE Galvatron so much! :lol:
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993495)
Posted by homicide on November 10th, 2018 @ 2:13pm CST
Nice list, seeing as the only Movie Megatrons I own are TLK Leader Class & the SS RotF I definitely agree with your top picks. But I also think you jumped the gun with this list because I think when the SS DotM Leader Class comes out I think it might easily take the #1 spot, I'm so psyched for that figure! Finally a decent sized version of what, in my opinion, is one of Megs best movie looks!
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993570)
Posted by Tyrannacon on November 11th, 2018 @ 7:49am CST
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Given that we know there's a new DotM Megatron on the way, I think you jumped the gun a bit in making this list. :P

At the time I did this Top 5 it was about in June/July of 2018 just when the Studio Series RotF Megatron came out. I delayed finishing it until August so I could get my hands on the Studio Series Megatron to finish this.

ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:And yeah, AoE Galvatron is an insane shellformer, but he was doomed to be one. Because his movie design is an untransformable abomination that should have gotten the brain-dead artist at Dreamworks who perpetrated it reprimanded and sent back to the drawing board at the absolute least.

Exactly, and really it doesn't make him an entirely terrible figure. There's some bonus points there for me for him and why I felt he deserved the honorable mention at least.

ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Two major things and one lesser one that would have improved RotF Leader Megatron's robot mode enormously:
1. Not sacrificing elbow articulation in the right arm for the sake of having the missile launcher trigger hit a sound button in tank mode. Like, even if it didn't bend at the elbow it would be nice if it at least rotated so the sword's cutting edge could face down
2. The turret shield separating and folding over the arm in robot mode mode to clap together into the top prong of the Death-lock Pincer
3. The fingers on the right hand folding back in robot mode. Boom, you'd basically have the cannon right
The front treads splitting and a slightly taller neck would have been good too, but just improving the right arm would do wonders for him

As for the vehicle mode:
1. Making the front treads elevated as per the movie
2. The flight mode flaps, since the movie always had them deployed even when he was on the ground.
3. More distinctly separate targeting sensors for the turret
4. Some amount of horizontal travel for the turret

All this, and much more would have helped it massively. I think the tank design is the best one for him in the Bayformers series, even though his '07 movie appearance doesn't get nearly as much credit as it should in my opinion for what it is worth.

ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:2007 Leader Megs would have likely been better if not for the mandate that A. he have electronics and B. That said electronics be powered by AA batteries. But at least he doesn't have the Voyager mold's stupid smegging ice parts.

Exactly. That's where I stand with that. I serious hope Studio Series comes out with a better and more improved version of the '07 Leader Megs at least. I'd be open to voyager, but not if we get that frosty crap again. :P

ZeroWolf wrote:Nice list Tyranacon! I really got to get one of the last knight megs.

Thank you! I love Megatron in almost every incarnation so it was fun to write and share my thoughts for what it was worth.

Rodimus Prime wrote:For as poorly as he was treated in Bayverse, Megatron got some good toys. I think most people are waiting for the Leader As DoTM figure, though, do maybe this list could have waited until that came out? By the looks we got so far, he might just be a top 2 figure.

Yeah the Bayverse horribly handles Megatron in each additional film since the '07 one. If they kept the same tone all the way through and made it so Megatron wasn't really outsourcing so much it might've been better. Again, expecting story and depth from Michael Bay is a lot like expecting a four year old to get and understand Calculus though.

As mentioned earlier I wrote this/finished it way before the DotM Leader Studio Series was announced.

homicide wrote:Nice list, seeing as the only Movie Megatrons I own are TLK Leader Class & the SS RotF I definitely agree with your top picks. But I also think you jumped the gun with this list because I think when the SS DotM Leader Class comes out I think it might easily take the #1 spot, I'm so psyched for that figure! Finally a decent sized version of what, in my opinion, is one of Megs best movie looks!

Thanks! It's always a good time when I get to talk about my favorite character from the franchise. I also think the SS RotF Megatron has gone up a few points for me too actually since writing this.

Thanks for the feedback guys and yes, I am looking forward to the DotM Leader class Megs that is on the way!
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993688)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on November 11th, 2018 @ 8:49pm CST
My list would go as follows;

5. TLK Leader Megatron
4. Movie 1 voyager Megatron
3. DotM Megatron
2. Botcon 2016 Megatron
1. TLK Voyager Megatron
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993724)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on November 12th, 2018 @ 3:06am CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:My list would go as follows;

2. Botcon 2016 Megatron

There was a 2016 one? I remember a 2015 Timelines toy being a retool of a TF-Prime figure I didn't care for (far too blocky for me). Or was that the one you mean?

Anyways I think overall the SS RotF figure is my fave (love the design and details) with the TLK Voyager (one of the most actual enjoyable jet-formers to transform) close behind and am eagerly awaiting new photos and such of the SS DotM figure.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993785)
Posted by ZeroWolf on November 12th, 2018 @ 2:52pm CST
I thought botcon megs was the tm3 megs from car robots gigatron?
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993811)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on November 12th, 2018 @ 6:00pm CST
I meant the 2015 Cybertron's most wanted one
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1993889)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on November 13th, 2018 @ 1:05am CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I meant the 2015 Cybertron's most wanted one

Ah sorry. Looks like a fun figure if very boxy to be a movie Megatron. Nice photo on Twitter of your Megatron figures too. :)
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1994255)
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on November 16th, 2018 @ 7:14am CST
Carnivius_Prime wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I meant the 2015 Cybertron's most wanted one

Ah sorry. Looks like a fun figure if very boxy to be a movie Megatron. Nice photo on Twitter of your Megatron figures too. :)

To be fair, that one's supposed to be him in disguise to better blend in on a Cybertron largely inhabited by non-Bayformers.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1996015)
Posted by william-james88 on November 29th, 2018 @ 11:25am CST
homicide wrote: But I also think you jumped the gun with this list because I think when the SS DotM Leader Class comes out I think it might easily take the #1 spot

Isnt rating a toy that hasnt even come out yet the perfect definition of jumping the gun?
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (1996054)
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on November 29th, 2018 @ 2:51pm CST
Quite. Although going by the stock photos I don't think it would be ending up on a top list anyway.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2034172)
Posted by Nathaniel Prime on August 11th, 2019 @ 11:39pm CDT
Real talk, but where would MPM Megatron fit on the list? He would be first on mine, and I will try to order him either this month or next month.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2034190)
Posted by william-james88 on August 12th, 2019 @ 7:53am CDT
Nathaniel Prime wrote:Real talk, but where would MPM Megatron fit on the list? He would be first on mine, and I will try to order him either this month or next month.

It's the best toy for the first movie design, but that is the worst design Movie Megatron ever had, in my opinion. So I don't think he would be number 1.

Speaking of MPMs, I am making a Best Movie Optimus list and so far, the MPM is not on that list.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2034199)
Posted by Nathaniel Prime on August 12th, 2019 @ 10:10am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Nathaniel Prime wrote:Real talk, but where would MPM Megatron fit on the list? He would be first on mine, and I will try to order him either this month or next month.

It's the best toy for the first movie design, but that is the worst design Movie Megatron ever had, in my opinion. So I don't think he would be number 1.

Speaking of MPMs, I am making a Best Movie Optimus list and so far, the MPM is not on that list.

Now that I think about it, he may just be my least favorite movie design (not in a bad way, because I think it's a great design), but this figure is so good, it makes me appreciate the design alot more. Favorite is TLK Megs though, and that figure did all the justice for it I need (the new 3P figure is another story)

As for Movie Prime, it would be much obliged if you left out MPM Prime from the list. He just isn't nearly as impressive as the ROTF Leader, and the MPM has so many flaws to boot.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2034220)
Posted by william-james88 on August 12th, 2019 @ 2:28pm CDT
Nathaniel Prime wrote:As for Movie Prime, it would be much obliged if you left out MPM Prime from the list. He just isn't nearly as impressive as the ROTF Leader, and the MPM has so many flaws to boot.

That is my main argument. Doing a retrospective, there is just no reason for me to recomend MPM Prime when I could recomend one of the later versions of ROTF leader instead.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2034240)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on August 12th, 2019 @ 5:45pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Nathaniel Prime wrote:Real talk, but where would MPM Megatron fit on the list? He would be first on mine, and I will try to order him either this month or next month.

It's the best toy for the first movie design, but that is the worst design Movie Megatron ever had, in my opinion. So I don't think he would be number 1.

Speaking of MPMs, I am making a Best Movie Optimus list and so far, the MPM is not on that list.

Honestly, MPM Optimus is a nice robot STATUE. Compared to the hard to do but still fun ROTF leader, MPM Optimus is not fun at all to transform or fiddle with.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2034257)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on August 12th, 2019 @ 7:40pm CDT
I would need to disagree with MPM Megatron. The only real Megatron figure that could knock him off might be the TLK voyager figure. But those are 2 very different aesthetics, so that battle would almost be down to personal taste, and I have a vested interest in both designs
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2034262)
Posted by william-james88 on August 12th, 2019 @ 7:57pm CDT
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I would need to disagree with MPM Megatron. The only real Megatron figure that could knock him off might be the TLK voyager figure. But those are 2 very different aesthetics, so that battle would almost be down to personal taste, and I have a vested interest in both designs

But if you had to write this list and pick a number 1, who would it be?
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2034264)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on August 12th, 2019 @ 8:21pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I would need to disagree with MPM Megatron. The only real Megatron figure that could knock him off might be the TLK voyager figure. But those are 2 very different aesthetics, so that battle would almost be down to personal taste, and I have a vested interest in both designs

But if you had to write this list and pick a number 1, who would it be?

I could never tell about the MPM '07 Megatron because I don't thing I'll ever have it.... maybe...

But my #1 would definitely be the voyager TLK one. Design is perfect in all modes and he's a joy to transform.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2034268)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on August 12th, 2019 @ 8:45pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I would need to disagree with MPM Megatron. The only real Megatron figure that could knock him off might be the TLK voyager figure. But those are 2 very different aesthetics, so that battle would almost be down to personal taste, and I have a vested interest in both designs

But if you had to write this list and pick a number 1, who would it be?

MPM Megatron. He is too spot on perfect to give it to anyone else. He is incredible, and is the definitive Movie Megatron
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2034274)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on August 12th, 2019 @ 9:06pm CDT
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I would need to disagree with MPM Megatron. The only real Megatron figure that could knock him off might be the TLK voyager figure. But those are 2 very different aesthetics, so that battle would almost be down to personal taste, and I have a vested interest in both designs

But if you had to write this list and pick a number 1, who would it be?

MPM Megatron. He is too spot on perfect to give it to anyone else. He is incredible, and is the definitive Movie Megatron

No annoying bits to deal with when transforming, like those tiny and fragile panels for MPM Optimus and Bumblebee 1.0?
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2034449)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on August 13th, 2019 @ 5:44pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I would need to disagree with MPM Megatron. The only real Megatron figure that could knock him off might be the TLK voyager figure. But those are 2 very different aesthetics, so that battle would almost be down to personal taste, and I have a vested interest in both designs

But if you had to write this list and pick a number 1, who would it be?

MPM Megatron. He is too spot on perfect to give it to anyone else. He is incredible, and is the definitive Movie Megatron

No annoying bits to deal with when transforming, like those tiny and fragile panels for MPM Optimus and Bumblebee 1.0?

Nope, transformation is intuitive and fun, no painful parts, and he makes a solid alt mode. Absolutely the best MPM in terms of transformation
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2034467)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on August 13th, 2019 @ 6:50pm CDT
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Nope, transformation is intuitive and fun, no painful parts, and he makes a solid alt mode. Absolutely the best MPM in terms of transformation

Hmmmm….. Now you're quite tempting me. I'll keep my eye open if MPM Megs ever go on sale.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2034470)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on August 13th, 2019 @ 7:09pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Nope, transformation is intuitive and fun, no painful parts, and he makes a solid alt mode. Absolutely the best MPM in terms of transformation

Hmmmm….. Now you're quite tempting me. I'll keep my eye open if MPM Megs ever go on sale.

Speaking openly, don't frikkin wait. It does him a disservice.

This guys is heavier than MP-43 Megatron, and was half the price. And he is a much mores solid figure overall
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2034479)
Posted by william-james88 on August 13th, 2019 @ 7:51pm CDT
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Nope, transformation is intuitive and fun, no painful parts, and he makes a solid alt mode. Absolutely the best MPM in terms of transformation

Hmmmm….. Now you're quite tempting me. I'll keep my eye open if MPM Megs ever go on sale.

Speaking openly, don't frikkin wait. It does him a disservice.

This guys is heavier than MP-43 Megatron, and was half the price. And he is a much mores solid figure overall

And plus, Kan, you now have a bit of budget for him since you cancelled Unicron. Also, if you scan your Rcard when you buy Megs, you now have 90 days for a return/price match.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2034496)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on August 14th, 2019 @ 12:34am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Nope, transformation is intuitive and fun, no painful parts, and he makes a solid alt mode. Absolutely the best MPM in terms of transformation

Hmmmm….. Now you're quite tempting me. I'll keep my eye open if MPM Megs ever go on sale.

Speaking openly, don't frikkin wait. It does him a disservice.

This guys is heavier than MP-43 Megatron, and was half the price. And he is a much mores solid figure overall

And plus, Kan, you now have a bit of budget for him since you cancelled Unicron. Also, if you scan your Rcard when you buy Megs, you now have 90 days for a return/price match.

Speaking of R card, I lost mine. Guess I'll re-register... and get the 10% off coupon for my "first purchase" that go with it. ;)^
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2038734)
Posted by Optimum Supreme on September 17th, 2019 @ 8:59pm CDT
I don't have many movie megs, just the voyager from the first movie, with a lot of icey parts incorporated into it. Then the cyberverse commander version of DOTM megs, which is probably my fave of those two. I also have Galvatron, and I quite like it. The shellforming doesn't really bother me, espcially with the shell collapsing down like it does, but yeah, it could use some more deco.

I have had my eye on SS DOTM lately, but dunno if I wanna spend $50 on a movie fig.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2058882)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 2nd, 2020 @ 10:25am CDT
I feel like this list can be updated some now that we have the Movie 1 voyager in SS. that is the Megatron toy of the line right there, and should make it onto this list
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2058905)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on April 2nd, 2020 @ 11:36am CDT
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I feel like this list can be updated some now that we have the Movie 1 voyager in SS. that is the Megatron toy of the line right there, and should make it onto this list

It's stellar, no doubt.
But the fact that SS 07 Megs have the ROTF chest is one glaring flaw.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2059345)
Posted by william-james88 on April 5th, 2020 @ 4:33pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I feel like this list can be updated some now that we have the Movie 1 voyager in SS. that is the Megatron toy of the line right there, and should make it onto this list

It's stellar, no doubt.
But the fact that SS 07 Megs have the ROTF chest is one glaring flaw.

Also I never found it in stores, so I have no opinion on it yet.
There will be other lists to update or do in the meantime. Like now we can do nice lists for G1 style Megatron and Optimus toys.

Then again D-Max, I wont get the MP (doesnt ship to my province due to box language) and I don't care enough to pay a premium to overcome this obstacle. So if you want to make a top 5 movie megs list, you could.
Re: Top 5 Best Movie Megatron Transformers Toys (2059347)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on April 5th, 2020 @ 5:05pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I feel like this list can be updated some now that we have the Movie 1 voyager in SS. that is the Megatron toy of the line right there, and should make it onto this list

It's stellar, no doubt.
But the fact that SS 07 Megs have the ROTF chest is one glaring flaw.

Also I never found it in stores, so I have no opinion on it yet.

I found mine at E.B games at the time and I found it once again at my local TrU.
Appart this baffling design choice, it's a great toy.

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