Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of All Time
Saturday, April 21st, 2018 1:34PM CDT
Categories: Site Articles, Editorials, Top ListsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 58,256
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Top 5 Best Toys R Us Transformers Exclusives of all time
There are not many lists I have written which I won't have to edit in the coming years. It's only normal since more toys come out and new fiction is written (even for existing universes) that there are bound to be updates and new toys that come which make my list dated and in need of an update (like my Top 5 Best Grimlock toys for instance). But when I read the words "All stores CLOSING forever!" in a recent e-mail Toysrus sent out, I realized that with a list like this, it can be definite. So, in honour of this store we all once loved and which many will never be able to walk into again, I decided to look back on its amazing history if Transformers exclusive. Thanks to the multiple board members who suggested the topic, I hope you enjoy it!
5. Transformers Beast Machines Air Attack Optimus Primal (Beast Convoy)
If I was truly bias, I would probably put this at number 1. I just really like this toy and think it has so much to offer. Firstly, you finally get a show accurate Beast Machines Optimus Primal (I would even say you finally get a show accurate figure period). Of all the Transforming gorillas out there, I feel this is the one with the most changes from bot to beast. And that is quite a feat since of all animals, apes are the closest to having humanoid proportions (so many parts are reused in both modes). The chest, head, and every limbs undergoes some kinds of change. I find what they do with the arms brilliant, with the giant gorilla knuckles becoming the massive shoulder pads. Plus he has an awesome array of gimmicks. Just overall a fantastic toy.
4. Transformers Robots In Disguise Scourge (Black Convoy)
I did not know this was a Toysrus exclusive until doing research for this list. I was sure such an iconic character and toy (and mainly look) would have been more widespread to have garnered such an appeal. But no, Scourge was indeed only sold at Toysrus. This is easily the most iconic toy of the line, even if it is a redeco. Actually, the fact that he is encapsulates the line quite well since a big part of it was breathing new life and characters into toys we had already experienced. It was also about merging the gap between what came before the year 2000 in the Transformers brand and setting a stage for a return to vehicles along with starting a constant look at the past in terms of homages and inspirations (and also foreshadowing the fact that every single Optimus Prime mold would need a teal/red/black deco treatment from here on out).
3. Transformers Masterpiece Optimus Prime (MP-10) (Convoy)
Calm your horses, this isn't merely based on the toy, but its status as a Toysrus exclusive. The original toy was available for a while and fans had found a way to get it with this release merely making it more available (and affordable, depending on the release and where you are located). I take major issue with the packaging too, along with the unpainted trailer. The main advantage here was not having to pay the import fee, and for a toy as cool as MP 10, he is still most deserving of this number 3 spot.
2. Transformers Animated Rodimus Minor (Rodimus)
Those final Animated toys were all sublime. That refers to Arcee, Rodimus Minor, and the Cybertronian Ratchet/Ironhide mold, which I recommend all fans to experience. These all display what is great about the animated line, having these radical designs be brought to toys, with innovative transformations is hard to beat. And of those three molds, Rodimus is the one that succeeds best. I have already gushed about this toy enough and you can read more about him here and here.
1. Transformers Masterpiece Soundwave
I know I wasn't the nicest when it came to Masterpiece Prime's release (but give me a break, he made the top 3), but Soundwave was everything a fan could dream. Unlike Prime, the Hasbro release, exclusive to Toysrus, gave us some major value by having all his cassettes included with him (well the ones that were already out) rather than buying them individually. That was a saving of 80-100$ easily. Plus he came with the new collector oriented packaging, which helped you store everything perfectly with an awesome display window. It is better packaging than the Takara version which had been released the same year, meaning western fans wouldn't have to wait for a domestic release. Not only was the wait short, but they got more.
Honourable Mentions:
The Prime First Edition toys are an odd bunch since they are technically mainline toys that saw a release all over the world but were only picked up by Toysrus in the US, and then were eventually found in other places like 5 Below. So depending on one's definition for an exclusive, I kept them for the honourable mentions but I do want to highlight Prime and Bulkhead who I don't think saw a release in the US outside of Toysrus (could be wrong, this line's release is super confusing).
Transformers Prime: First Edition Bulkhead Gallery
I also really like the AOE Evolution Optimus Prime set, and the three 2016 Clash of Transformers toys we got in the RID line (though the only unique mold, Starscream, did get released later unchanged, so it doesn't really qualify as an exclusive anymore).
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Posted by Carnivius_Prime on April 21st, 2018 @ 1:44pm CDT
Posted by Mirimus on April 21st, 2018 @ 2:06pm CDT
Posted by notsoalex on April 21st, 2018 @ 2:45pm CDT
Posted by william-james88 on April 21st, 2018 @ 2:58pm CDT
Mirimus wrote:Please tell me that's not because you prefer Takara's...
It's not I really like the more recent TRU exclusive packaging of MPs, like Soundwave's
westjames/notirish. wrote:You forgot RID'15 Megatronus (the masked version) was also a TRU exclusive for Clash of the Transformers.
I didnt forget. I made sure to precise the 2016 assortment of the subline, which the toy you mention was not part of.
Posted by Rated X on April 21st, 2018 @ 3:36pm CDT
This site gives TRU way too much credit.
TRU closing is last month's news. Everytime they increase the liquidation sale % it gets front paged even though all transformers remain only 10% off. Not to mention most TRUs have been cleaned out of everything transformers except one step changers. TRU shuts down online sales, it gets front paged. Some billionaire wants to save TRU, it gets front paged. TRU rejects his offer, it gets front paged. Now TRU gets a homage "Top 5" article. TRU is becoming the Donald Trump of Transformers journalism.
Can you guys please just let TRU take its last breath and die peacefully already?
Posted by notsoalex on April 21st, 2018 @ 3:37pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:westjames/notirish. wrote:You forgot RID'15 Megatronus (the masked version) was also a TRU exclusive for Clash of the Transformers.
I didnt forget. I made sure to precise the 2016 assortment of the subline, which the toy you mention was not part of.
Whoops sorry, must've missed it when I was reading over it. Say, why did you only include the 2016 assortment in your honorable mentions?
Posted by -Kanrabat- on April 21st, 2018 @ 4:05pm CDT
............and will still be. Sorry, Ameribros.
As for the toys themselves, I was about to say YOTS Omega Supreme but he was either a BBTS exclusive or a shared one.
As for #1, even if I had to have it middlemanned by a fellow American Seibertronian, it was still way cheaper to get that Hasbro MP Soundwave rather than guying everything separately from Takara.
Posted by shajaki on April 21st, 2018 @ 5:00pm CDT
Posted by ZeroWolf on April 21st, 2018 @ 5:12pm CDT
Posted by Flashwave on April 21st, 2018 @ 7:32pm CDT
Posted by Emerje on April 21st, 2018 @ 9:25pm CDT
-G1 Commemorative
Ultra Magnus
Red Alert
Optimus Prime/Megatron 2 pack
-Beast Wars 10th Anniversary
Optimus Primal/Megatron 2 pack
G1 Soundwave
-Transformers movie 2007
Dessert Attack Blackout/Scorponok 2 pack
-Universe 2008
-Titans Return
Chaos on Velocitron
Arcee with Ultra Magnus
Grotusque with Scorponok (does this count since they never made it into stores, unlike Arcee?)
-The Last Knight
I think that's everything, not bad for a guy that had to travel some distance to get to TRU.
Of what I have I think these are my top 5:
5. Energon Optimus Prime/Megatron
4. BW Optimus Primal/Megatron
3. Universe Ramjet
2. TR Arcee
1. RID Sourge
Unless TR Grotusque counts, then make him number 2 and bump the Energon set off. I feel like there's a warehouse of Grotusques out there somewhere that didn't make it into stores like Arcee did.
Posted by william-james88 on April 21st, 2018 @ 9:56pm CDT
westjames/notirish. wrote:Whoops sorry, must've missed it when I was reading over it. Say, why did you only include the 2016 assortment in your honorable mentions?
No worries. I only included them because I think those are worthy of a mention. The others were mainly poor redecos on mostly underwhelming molds. Like these:
I much preffer the molds and decos used in the 2016 clash of transformers warriors.
Posted by Megatron Wolf on April 21st, 2018 @ 10:17pm CDT
Posted by Ironhidensh on April 22nd, 2018 @ 6:42am CDT
Posted by Matrix_Holder on April 22nd, 2018 @ 10:49am CDT
Rated X wrote:Ok im just going to put this out there...
This site gives TRU way too much credit.
TRU closing is last month's news. Everytime they increase the liquidation sale % it gets front paged even though all transformers remain only 10% off. Not to mention most TRUs have been cleaned out of everything transformers except one step changers. TRU shuts down online sales, it gets front paged. Some billionaire wants to save TRU, it gets front paged. TRU rejects his offer, it gets front paged. Now TRU gets a homage "Top 5" article. TRU is becoming the Donald Trump of Transformers journalism.
Can you guys please just let TRU take its last breath and die peacefully already?
Toys r us Canada is financially sound, profitable, and still very much alive and will continue to provide exclusive figures for collectors. Just because a liquidation company bought up all of the merch and isn't selling it for the Low, low price you want it to be doesn't mean that toys r us as a whole is done. I'm not sure you are aware of this but toys r us is very important to hasbro, tru is the biggest customer for hasbro and all if it's lines and with the loss of Toya r us Usa Hasbro will take a hit on sales. That is why this tru news keeps getting front paged, with lower sales Hasbro night cut back on the lines that make the least amount of profit for transformers. Transformers is pretty far down the list in terms of profitable lines, way behind their board games, my little pony, Disney princesses and nerf. If Hasbro decides to go the cut back rout it would be very bad for transformers collectors.
Posted by YoungPrime on April 22nd, 2018 @ 10:50am CDT
Posted by Apocdave on April 22nd, 2018 @ 5:52pm CDT
1. Car Robots 2000 (RID) Clear God Fire Convoy
2. Micron Legend (Armada) Clear Magna Convoy
3. Galaxy Force (Cybertron) Clear Sonic Convoy.
Posted by Rated X on April 22nd, 2018 @ 7:04pm CDT
Matrix_Holder wrote:Rated X wrote:Ok im just going to put this out there...
This site gives TRU way too much credit.
TRU closing is last month's news. Everytime they increase the liquidation sale % it gets front paged even though all transformers remain only 10% off. Not to mention most TRUs have been cleaned out of everything transformers except one step changers. TRU shuts down online sales, it gets front paged. Some billionaire wants to save TRU, it gets front paged. TRU rejects his offer, it gets front paged. Now TRU gets a homage "Top 5" article. TRU is becoming the Donald Trump of Transformers journalism.
Can you guys please just let TRU take its last breath and die peacefully already?
Toys r us Canada is financially sound, profitable, and still very much alive and will continue to provide exclusive figures for collectors. Just because a liquidation company bought up all of the merch and isn't selling it for the Low, low price you want it to be doesn't mean that toys r us as a whole is done. I'm not sure you are aware of this but toys r us is very important to hasbro, tru is the biggest customer for hasbro and all if it's lines and with the loss of Toya r us Usa Hasbro will take a hit on sales. That is why this tru news keeps getting front paged, with lower sales Hasbro night cut back on the lines that make the least amount of profit for transformers. Transformers is pretty far down the list in terms of profitable lines, way behind their board games, my little pony, Disney princesses and nerf. If Hasbro decides to go the cut back rout it would be very bad for transformers collectors.
I disagree with your logic. TRU is a toy store not a Transformers store. Sure Hasbro has a lot of money invested in TRU, but a lot of that money is invested in products that are not Transformers. What if Jeff Bezos decides to save TRU? Will we start seeing all kinds of Amazon news get front paged too? Will Amazons feud with Trump become front paged because it might raise toy prices? Do you see my point? Time to get back to the basics and just cover Transformers related news. Every time the CEO of TRU farts is not newsworthy.
Posted by -Kanrabat- on April 22nd, 2018 @ 7:52pm CDT
Rated X wrote:Matrix_Holder wrote:Rated X wrote:Ok im just going to put this out there...
This site gives TRU way too much credit.
TRU closing is last month's news. Everytime they increase the liquidation sale % it gets front paged even though all transformers remain only 10% off. Not to mention most TRUs have been cleaned out of everything transformers except one step changers. TRU shuts down online sales, it gets front paged. Some billionaire wants to save TRU, it gets front paged. TRU rejects his offer, it gets front paged. Now TRU gets a homage "Top 5" article. TRU is becoming the Donald Trump of Transformers journalism.
Can you guys please just let TRU take its last breath and die peacefully already?
Toys r us Canada is financially sound, profitable, and still very much alive and will continue to provide exclusive figures for collectors. Just because a liquidation company bought up all of the merch and isn't selling it for the Low, low price you want it to be doesn't mean that toys r us as a whole is done. I'm not sure you are aware of this but toys r us is very important to hasbro, tru is the biggest customer for hasbro and all if it's lines and with the loss of Toya r us Usa Hasbro will take a hit on sales. That is why this tru news keeps getting front paged, with lower sales Hasbro night cut back on the lines that make the least amount of profit for transformers. Transformers is pretty far down the list in terms of profitable lines, way behind their board games, my little pony, Disney princesses and nerf. If Hasbro decides to go the cut back rout it would be very bad for transformers collectors.
I disagree with your logic. TRU is a toy store not a Transformers store. Sure Hasbro has a lot of money invested in TRU, but a lot of that money is invested in products that are not Transformers. What if Jeff Bezos decides to save TRU? Will we start seeing all kinds of Amazon news get front paged too? Will Amazons feud with Trump become front paged because it might raise toy prices? Do you see my point? Time to get back to the basics and just cover Transformers related news. Every time the CEO of TRU farts is not newsworthy.
Amen, brother.
Posted by shajaki on April 22nd, 2018 @ 7:55pm CDT
People are greatly invested in the TRU goings on (myself included). If you're not interested, no ones forcing you to read the articles. Truth is, YOU have some sort of issue with TRU, and just want to vent that. But you know what? This isn't the place for it. Go to the TRU troubles thread. This is to talk about old TRU exclusives.
Posted by Matrix_Holder on April 22nd, 2018 @ 8:00pm CDT
Tru is the larger purchaser of transformer lines, with them going under that means less demand for retail demand for them as the other retailers are not going to order more to make up for it. Less money in sales means less money for developing new figures. Transformers are not close to the most profitable franchise they own. There are other collectors besides yourself, many collectors that don't have many options for hunting for their figures at retail and this has them worried. Losing tru is a big hit for many collectors and they want to be informed about the future of their collecting.
Posted by william-james88 on April 22nd, 2018 @ 8:00pm CDT
As for the relationship between Toysrus and Transformers toys, I think this list is all the evidence needed to show how much this store has been a major part of this hobby of ours all this time.
Apocdave wrote:I would like to include the best from Japan's Toys r us
1. Car Robots 2000 (RID) Clear God Fire Convoy
2. Micron Legend (Armada) Clear Magna Convoy
3. Galaxy Force (Cybertron) Clear Sonic Convoy.
Oh man thanks so much for this input. I tend to keep things as general as possible so a more regional perspective is really cool, and so are those toys. I bet Cobotron is drooling at the screen looking at all that clear plastic!
Posted by -Kanrabat- on April 22nd, 2018 @ 8:19pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Apocdave wrote:I would like to include the best from Japan's Toys r us
1. Car Robots 2000 (RID) Clear God Fire Convoy
2. Micron Legend (Armada) Clear Magna Convoy
3. Galaxy Force (Cybertron) Clear Sonic Convoy.
Oh man thanks so much for this input. I tend to keep things as general as possible so a more regional perspective is really cool, and so are those toys. I bet Cobotron is drooling at the screen looking at all that clear plastic!
Are they even SAFE to transform, though? Because clear plastics can be very troublesome. Especially in the joints.
Posted by Emerje on April 22nd, 2018 @ 10:24pm CDT
Matrix_Holder wrote:Transformers is pretty far down the list in terms of profitable lines, way behind their board games, my little pony, Disney princesses and nerf. If Hasbro decides to go the cut back rout it would be very bad for transformers collectors.
Uh, actually Transformers is usually the line they credit most often when talking about profits being on the rise. It's probably their biggest cash cow. When they do their investor meetings it's the only line that they present with a demographic strategy ranging from preschool to adult and both toys and media for each of those demographics. Hasbro relies heavily on Transformers success and so far its been paying off in big ways for them. It isn't just about toy sales. Disney Princess and Star Wars might sell well, but it's still just a license they pay for from Disney and toys are the only source of income they get from those licenses. Transformers, on the other hand, is a money printing machine for them between toy sales, billions in movie profits, comics, apparel, and anything else that has a Transformers logo on it.
Posted by Seibertron on April 24th, 2018 @ 1:03am CDT
Rated X wrote:I disagree with your logic. TRU is a toy store not a Transformers store. Sure Hasbro has a lot of money invested in TRU, but a lot of that money is invested in products that are not Transformers. What if Jeff Bezos decides to save TRU? Will we start seeing all kinds of Amazon news get front paged too? Will Amazons feud with Trump become front paged because it might raise toy prices? Do you see my point? Time to get back to the basics and just cover Transformers related news. Every time the CEO of TRU farts is not newsworthy.
Toys R Us news is huge for the toy industry. We do not cover every single bit of TRU news. We have selectively chosen what news to cover. I assure you, there is a ton of news pertaining to Toys R Us that we have glossed over from the past couple of months.
If you don't get the domino affect here and how this affects the hobby that we all love so much, I don't know what to tell you. It all goes hand-in-hand. We will continue to provide coverage about Toys R Us because it is really big frikkin' news. Probably the biggest retailer news ever to happen in the 18 year history of
Enough's enough with your posts against our coverage of TRU and counterfeit products on eBay. These are absolutely bad things for the toy industry and specifically the Transformers brand. If you don't get it at this point, don't care, or you just want to buy your KO products, have at it. But for goodness sake, please quit harping on us about our coverage of the largest toy retailer in the world going out of business and our take on illegal counterfeit products. We've all heard you loud and clear that you are content with TRU going out of business and that you think you should be able to buy whatever illegal counterfeit products you desire -- laws and morals be damned apparently!
Posted by ScottyP on April 24th, 2018 @ 8:13am CDT
Transformers (2007) Inferno Gallery
Another very significant and cool TRU exclusive forgotten in the list was the Commemorative Series Powermaster Optimus Prime with Apex Armor. Not only were G1 reissues a big deal at the time, but this was the first release of Godbomber in the US!
I remember seeing this and being confused. Why did PMOP have an extra trailer and more armor now? Was this in issue 78 or one of the handful of comics I missed on the road to 80 when certain issues just didn't show up near me? Off to the internet I went, soon learning of the Japanese post-Season 3 shows for the first time
Posted by o.supreme on April 24th, 2018 @ 4:06pm CDT
Is a 5 worst TRU exclusives list far behind? If so I know what would definitely be on there. That God Awful TLK Primus repaint selling for 3X its asking price from 13 years ago...No thank you.........
Posted by william-james88 on April 24th, 2018 @ 5:11pm CDT
o.supreme wrote:Pretty much all the commemorative series from 2002-2004 (or however long it ran).... would be on my list. Also the recent TR Chaos on Velocitron set.
Is a 5 worst TRU exclusives list far behind? If so I know what would definitely be on there. That God Awful TLK Primus repaint selling for 3X its asking price from 13 years ago...No thank you.........
No worst list coming.
And there were way more than 5 commemorative sets, so if you could only pick 5 toys for a list, what would be your top 5 TRU exclusives?
Posted by Sabrblade on April 27th, 2018 @ 11:19pm CDT
Posted by Galactic Prime on April 28th, 2018 @ 10:37am CDT
Posted by william-james88 on April 28th, 2018 @ 1:26pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:One minor nitpick quibble with this otherwise superb list: Air Attack Optimus Primal was a Robots in Disguise toy, even though he was still the Beast Era character (complete with a RiDverse bio that did confirm his Beast Era identity).
While I knew that and describe that in the list I link to in the artle, I realize that the Seibertron gallery title doesnt allude to it, and I simply use the gallery titles (when available) as the titles for my entries. And yeah as it turns out our dear site owner has chosen to have him as part of Beast Machines rather than Robots in Diguise (and I can understand why in terms of fan searches).
And Scotty, thanks for mentioning that Power Master Prime special release, that is an excellent addition! I do wonder though (since I have only ever dealt with the Japanese versions), which tooling does it use for Power Master Prime, the original Hasbro or the Ginrai tooling?
Posted by Sabrblade on April 28th, 2018 @ 1:41pm CDT
I have that set. It's basically a direct import of the God Ginrai reissue Takara did at the time in 2002, with the exception of the missiles being elongated to two inches in length for safety reasons.william-james88 wrote:And Scotty, thanks for mentioning that Power Master Prime special release, that is an excellent addition! I do wonder though (since I have only ever dealt with the Japanese versions), which tooling does it use for Power Master Prime, the original Hasbro or the Ginrai tooling?
And new Hasbro packaging, of course.
Posted by ZeroWolf on April 28th, 2018 @ 3:31pm CDT
Posted by Epsilon Delta on May 30th, 2018 @ 12:45pm CDT
I do agree that Soundwave is a masterpiece of an exclusive. One thing I always hate is having to find the minions and buying them separate.
Unfortunately I was waiting for the eventual re-release of the commemorative series from ToysRUs to get a G1 Ultra Magnus. But alas, it won't be.