Transformers Forged to Fight 2.0 Update Released Today and Interview with Kabam Staff
Wednesday, June 14th, 2017 8:54AM CDT
Categories: Site Articles, Game News, InterviewsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 24,104
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The people interviewed are:
Cuz Parry : Head writer (has previously written the entire Skate series)
Mike McCartney: Game Director
Adam Cooper: Lead character artist
Pablo Greenham: Lead environment artist
Marcelo Matere: Promotional artist (Packaging artist for Hasbro since Armada)
Darren Evenson: Character designer
Nick Williams: Lead VFX artist
Derek Ng-Cummings: Animator
What do you find most exciting about the 2.0 update?
Cuz: Daily log ins. I just like the routine of it. You wake up, check your phone, get your free stuff for the day, you feel good.
Derek: How it will be a whole new experience to players.
Darren: The out of box experience. It has a better presentation, a better flow/pacing. It’s a whole new package I hope fans will like.
Nick: Drift as a playable character finally plus Hot Rod.
Pablo: The new environment with chunks of Cybertron floating around.
Mike: The new characters coming out. It’s also a massive update when looking at all the small changes everywhere, from presentation to daily freebies. Those who haven’t played yet, this is really the time. It’s how we wished the game would have been at launch and we hope that those who gave it a shot and left can come back to see how improved the experience is. We truly are making a Triple A game that you can play on your phone. At least our workload sure feels the same as when we were working at other Triple A companies (i.e. EA).
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Posted by Hydrargyrus on June 14th, 2017 @ 12:13pm CDT
Posted by william-james88 on June 14th, 2017 @ 10:28pm CDT
Here is a 360 view of the character
Here is the developer interview.
The Dirt On Drift
The Decepticon turned Autobot Drift has been hanging around in the shadows on New Quintessa for a while, but now he formally enters the fray. Let’s talk with some of the people that brought Drift to life in Forged To Fight – Francois Dinh Quang, Ryan Boulanger, and Nick Williams.
Francois Gets Frank About Drift
Cuz: I noticed that Drift has a penchant for tossing his blades around. You’re the animator, what’s the deal with this? Aren’t you worried that he will run out of swords? Or, do you have inside info that he’s sponsored by Schick or some other company that makes blades and has somehow attached themselves to the Transformers?
Francois: When we researched Drift and were watching him in Transformer AOE, the team noticed that Drift is not the type of bot that would cry over losing his blade. He’s always ready to beat bots and bleed some energon even if it means tossing his sword into someone’s face and keep on fighting with another blade. We try to give him that flair into his specials, he will beat his opponent with as many as he can get his hands on!
Cuz: He has that samurai thing going on and his name is Drift…were you ever tempted to skip the whole bot thing altogether, give him the nickname Tokyo and just have him do burnouts and donuts everywhere?
Francois: At some point I thought about keeping him in his car state and just pay homage to Tokyo Drift, unfortunately Tokyo Drift is my least favorite movie of the franchise. We still decided to keep Drift doing one drift before his samurai side takes over and drift thru the air slashing his way out.
Ryan Discusses The Design Behind Drift
Cuz: I’ve had the Decepticon Bludgeon on my team for a while now, and Drift seems like a pretty good Autobot foil to the Master of Metallkito. Gives us the lowdown on Drift. What makes him tick? (Don’t say energon and his spark.)
Ryan: Bludgeon is all about raw power, being a tank he is naturally the most armored of the warrior class. Drift on the other hand is a master of Diffusion, a martial art that rewards focus and precision.
Drift is all about keeping your Combo Count high and avoiding the attacks of your enemies. As his Combo Count grows he’ll gain Precision, Critical Damage and Bleed Duration buffs. Precision is going to stop opponents from Evading while the Critical Damage and Bleed Duration buffs are going to pump out the damage. Drift’s final trick is his ability to Evade Bleeding opponents, useful when trying to keep that Combo Count high and impress your sensei.
Cuz: Oh, precision. Not my strong suit, but I do like high combo counts. If Drift lands on my team, I may take him out for a spin; however, if I leave him on my base to defend, he’ll need the right mod. Which one would that be?
Ryan: Hmm, I hate giving out these secrets but there are a few obvious ones that jump to mind. Nightbird’s Mark perfectly complements Drift’s ability to Evade and hold his Combo while upgrading his Critical Hits. Harm Accelerator is already a great Module but it becomes unreal in the hands of Drift, allowing him to indefinitely Evade his opponent and further amplify his Bleed damage.
Nick Makes Drift Dazzle
Cuz: I’m digging Drift’s Special 3 attack. You snuck a bit of a whirlwind in there. Tell us about the hows and whys for his effects and also tell me will I ever get a cow put into one of your twisters?
Nick: I wanted to sell Drifts’ effortless agility. He spins a lot during his attacks. By using a combination of the whirlwind for his burnout and the trails for his swords, helps visually sell the speed of his movements. If the modelers make a cow, I’ll throw one in!
Cuz: So, no cows. Hmmmm. Oh well, next time. How did you go about making him feel different than the other two similarly swordy bots Windblade and Bludgeon?
Nick: As for the differences between Bludgeon and Drift – Bludgeon is very pronounced in his movements – There is a weight behind his strikes. I used fewer sword trails and more ground based FX to showcase the force of Bludgeons hits. For Drift it was the opposite – More sword trails and wind FX to show Drifts agility and lightness on his feet.
Posted by ToaLeePrime on June 28th, 2017 @ 7:55am CDT
Posted by Va'al on June 28th, 2017 @ 8:03am CDT
About Hot Rod:
Faction: Autobots
Class: Warrior
Long undercover on Earth with his brother in arms, Bumblebee, Hot Rod is a powerful and agile warrior with a unique Time Bubble Cannon that definitely packs a punch.
Stats and Abilities:
Health: 1697
Attack: 158
Max Rating: 552
Health: 4167
Attack: 337
Max Rating: 1313
Health: 10829
Attack: 876
Max Rating: 3476
Basic Abilities: Deceleration and Critical Buff
Ranged Attacks
Hot Rod’s Time Gun has a 60% chance to inflict Deceleration for 3.2 seconds.
Prevents the opponent from Evading attacks and reduces the opponent’s Power Flow by 22~37.5% per stack.
Melee Attacks
Gains a Critical Rate Buff for 2.8 seconds when the opponent is under the effect of a Deceleration Debuff, increasing Critical Hit Rate by 7.9~18%.
Critical Heavy Attacks
40% chance to Stun for 1.2 seconds.
Signature Ability – Acceleration
Special Attacks: Overclocks Hot Rod’s engines, increasing his Power Flow on attacks by 60~120% for 7 seconds. Additionally, while Acceleration is active, Hot Rod has a 30% chance to Evade Ranged Attacks.
Special Attacks:
Special 1 – Punishing Pirouette
A flurry of aerial kicks to knockdown the opponent.
Special 2 – Time Tampering
Series of acrobatic kicks that ends with a taste of the Time Bubble Gun.
A powerful blast from his Time Gun inflicts Deceleration for 9 seconds.
Special 3 – Time Bubble Blast
A temporal coup de grâce.
Hot Rod’s uses the most powerful setting on his Time Gun, inflicting Deceleration for 20 seconds.
Synergy Bonuses:
Code 12: Reckless Driving (Prowl)
Hot Rod gets an Attack Buff when Heavy Attacking.
Enemies (Barricade)
Hot Rod gets +8% Attack
Racing Rivals(Mirage)
Hot Rod gets +30% Critical Damage
Brother in Arms (Bumblebee)
Autobots get +8% Armor and +6% Melee Damage in Solo Missions.
Bumblebee gets +8% Armor
Barricade gets +8% Attack
Racing Rivals
Mirage gets +30% Critical Damage
Strong Match-ups:
Bumblebee and Sideswipe
Evasive Bots will have a very hard time against Hot Rod, his Decceleration Debuff will completely negate the opponent’s chance to activate their Evade abilities.
Hot Rod relies on his Critical Rate Buffs in order to inflict Critical Hits reliably. Being able to control his Critical Chance gives him a major advantage against Bots like Bonecrusher, who will often activate a Bleed if you Crit against him.
Weak Match-ups:
Hot Rod generates a lot more Power because of his signature ability. Grindor gets stronger the more Power the opponent gets, enabling him to deal a lot of damage.
Recommended Modules for Hot Rod:
Laser Guidance Module
Hot Rod has a chance to inflict Decceleration on his Ranged Attacks, Laser Guidance will further enhance damage and also make it easier for Hot Rod to hit with those attacks because of the ranged projectile speed increase.
Robot Resource
Robot Resource reduces the Power generated on attacks and in exchange provides passive Power over time, but Hot Rod’s signature ability will enhance his Power generated in attacks, neutralizing the negative effects of the module and making it extremely powerful.
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on June 28th, 2017 @ 10:08am CDT
Posted by Seibertron on June 29th, 2017 @ 2:06pm CDT
AUTOBOT HOT ROD has joined the fight! Long undercover on Earth with his brother in arms, Bumblebee, Hot Rod is a powerful and agile warrior with a unique Time Bubble Cannon that definitely packs a serious punch! Kabam has provided some exciting high-res assets for us to share with all of you, including a 360-rotating GIF of HOT ROD, and a developer Q&A.
Transformers Forged To Fight HOT ROD Developer Q&A
Hot Rod’s In The House
Hot Rod made quite the splash when he debuted in Transformers: The Last Knight and he’s looking to do the same when he enters the fray in Forged To Fight. Let’s get the scoop on the undercover protector. NOTE: If you haven’t seen the movie yet, there may be some spoilers below so continue at your own risk;)
Nick Warps Hot Rod’s Reality
Cuz: Early on in development, Hasbro shared that Hot Rod was rocking a new "Time Bubble" cannon. Tell us a) were you pumped on this b) how you created the effect and c) how would things be different if it was a "Time Bubble" chainsaw as some fans had predicted?
Nick: I was absolutely pumped about Hot Rod’s "Time Bubble". It’s an effect that really shines on the higher end devices (to witness all of the bells and whistles).
For this effect I needed to communicate that not only the character was in suspended animation, but that reality itself was suspended. I started with a sphere as my bubble shape to encompass the character and then added a warp ripple that distorts theentire game view as it flows along the bubble shape. I then added some lightning that flows along the sphere which also gets distorted by the warp. This helps to break up the sphere shape by giving the appearance of flowing energy waves. I then added some lightning bolts that shoot outside of the sphere to show that the energy can hardly be contained within the time bubble. Lastly there is a soft outer blue glow to enhance the sphere shape and some tiny dust specs on the outer edges. These last two additions help give the sphere a real "space/time" bubble look. I was really happy with the final look.
A time bubble chainsaw could also have been cool! I would have added lots of grinding sparks and Energon sprays for the chainsaw.
Piero Reveals The Secrets of The Rod
Cuz: Tangent time, bear with me. Piero, your name means "clown" in French. And, some have said Hot Rod’s French accent in Last Knight bordered on being clownish. You must have been psyched. Did you try to incorporate clown skills or attributes into Hot Rod’s design? Does he have any rad seltzer bottle or pie in the face skills?
Piero: Nothing clown-ish in Hot Rod’s ability design! He is definitely one of the strongest damage dealers in the game with the help of his Time Bubble Gun. Hot Rod is able to "Decelerate" opponents when hitting with his Ranged Attacks. This supports all the other abilities in his kit.
Ranged -> Dash -> Melee Hitting opponents is his specialty since he gains Critical Rate Buffs when punching opponents. Using a Heavy Attack at the end of a combo is going to have a high chance to inflict a Critical Hit and Stun opponents.
Cuz: In the movie, Hot Rod spends some time speaking with a suspect French accent, perhaps to amuse or confuse his fellow Autobots. Is there any chance we get a sweet confusion or amusement attribute? If not, then how about telling what mod works best with him.
Piero: Hot Rod’s Signature Ability "Acceleration" will allow him to get Power really, really fast. Because of this increased Power Rate, he will be extremely effective on modules that provide even extra Power like the "Robot Resources", and the Superconductors.
Moreover, Hot Rod’s Deceleration Debuff activates when he hits with his Ranged Attacks, a module that will help with that will be the Laser Guidance module. The laser Guidance module increases the defender’s Projectile Speed, making it harder for opponents to Sidestep it.
Louie lays Down The Laws of Animation For Hot Rod
Cuz: I’ve gotta start with the Hotness. In HR’s special 1 move he exhibits serious breakdancing skills. Hand on ground, spin, kick, twisting kicks inverted in the air...we’re talking Electric Boogaloo stuff. So, who inspired you more ... Ozone or Turbo?
Louie: I was aiming for a combination of smooth, smooth, smooth with a finish of power. So I think Turbo, haha.
Cuz: Cool, but maybe next time you could have him throw down some cardboard so he doesn’t scuff up his paint job. Onwards. Having seen the movie now, it seems he could have a new ranged attack. Were you tempted to have him transform into car mode, haul ass at opponent, then transform and eject a human projectile like he did the woman in the movie? If not, what was your focus for making Hot Rodstand out?
Haha, that's right. This is a completely new and different version of Hot Rod that no one on the team was familiar with. Coming up with the fighting style for this Hot Rod was very challenging, even after deploying our Kabam ninjas for something juicy. We were able to get a hint but still required a lot of back and forth within the character team. The team did agree on making Hot Rod a very gymnastic style ninja where he was doing a lot of handstand and aerial attacks. We really wanted to make him different from his brother in arms Bumblebee. Hope we were able to capture that for our game.
Transformers Forged To Fight HOT ROD
- Special Attacks: Overclocks Hot Rod’s engines, increasing his Power Flow on attacks by 60~120% for 7 seconds. Additionally, while Acceleration is active, Hot Rod has a 30% chance to Evade Ranged Attacks.
- Special 1 – Punishing Pirouette: A flurry of aerial kicks to knockdown the opponent.
- Special 2 – Time Tampering: Series of acrobatic kicks that ends with a taste of the Time Bubble Gun - A powerful blast from his Time Gun inflicts Deceleration for 9 seconds.
- Special 3 – Time Bubble Blast - A temporal coup de grâce. Hot Rod’s uses the most powerful setting on his Time Gun, inflicting Deceleration for 20 seconds.
In TRANSFORMERS: Forged to Fight, Transformers fans and gamers everywhere can build a team of Transformers characters and battle with the most iconic Autobots and Decepticons from nearly every era of the storied franchise’s 30-plus year history , including fan-favorite bots from previous and current animated Transformers TV series, Paramount’s blockbuster films, Transformers comic books and Hasbro's line of iconic action figures. Players explore an epic new universe where multiple realities collide to form a massive planetary battlefield while assembling a team of Autobots and Decepticons from across time and space to fight against a world of corrupted Transformers robots and their villainous overlords. The game features amazing visuals, intense one-on-one battles, meaningful robot to vehicle converting action and deep RPG elements.
Download Transformers: Forged to Fight Today:
Posted by shauyaun on July 6th, 2017 @ 2:15am CDT
Posted by shauyaun on July 12th, 2017 @ 2:22pm CDT
Grimlock has just recently joined
Heres what we got on megs
Posted by ToaLeePrime on July 13th, 2017 @ 8:43am CDT
Posted by Va'al on July 13th, 2017 @ 10:17am CDT
All Hail Megatron! That pretty much sums up the Decepticon leader's ambition, and his minions' fear-induced feelings. Pity those that stand in the way of his eternal struggle against his sworn enemy Optimus Prime. Megatron will be joining TRANSFORMERS: Forged to Fight on Thursday, 7/13 at 10AM PT.
I’ve included a link to high-res character assets below, which includes a super cool fight video showing off Megatron’s special moves and also a 360-degree profile GIF of Megatron!
Signature Ability - All Hail Megatron
Megatron always comes back.
· Megatron always comes back. When Health drops below 10%, Megatron Repairs 10~30% of his base Health over 3 seconds.
Special Attacks:
Special 1 - Over Power
Opponents are relegated to insignificant underlings.
· Inflicts 10 Impair Charges.
Special 2 - Peace and Tyranny
Unification through subjugation.
· Increases Ranged Attacks Damage by 26~40% for 6 seconds.
Special 3 - Dark Absolution
Bow to his might and live. Oppose him and meet your end.
· Inflicts 20 Impair Charges.
· Megatron gains +5% Critical Chance for each Impair Charge on the opponent. If Megatron scores a Critical Hit, he consumes those charges and inflicts 2% Critical Damage per stack consumed.
In TRANSFORMERS: Forged to Fight, Transformers fans and gamers everywhere can build a team of Transformers characters and battle with the most iconic Autobots and Decepticons from nearly every era of the storied franchise’s 30-plus year history , including fan-favorite bots from previous and current animated Transformers TV series, Paramount’s blockbuster films, Transformers comic books and Hasbro's line of iconic action figures. Players explore an epic new universe where multiple realities collide to form a massive planetary battlefield while assembling a team of Autobots and Decepticons from across time and space to fight against a world of corrupted Transformers robots and their villainous overlords. The game features amazing visuals, intense one-on-one battles, meaningful robot to vehicle converting action and deep RPG elements.
Posted by Ig89ninja on July 13th, 2017 @ 10:43am CDT
Posted by Seibertron on August 10th, 2017 @ 12:34pm CDT
Decepticon Shockwave has joined Transformers: Forged to Fight!
Faction: Decepticons
Class: Tech
Truly one of the most feared and powerful of all the Decepticons, Shockwave’s existence is driven solely by one thing – logic. Void of emotion, but teeming with strength and intelligence, he seeks only to advance circumstances to their logical conclusion…however grim that may be.
Undo: Shockwave activates his Undo ability when filling a bar of Power. When Undo expires, he instantly Repairs any damage he took in the last few seconds.
When Filling a Power Bar
Shockwave has 15~35% chance to activate his Undo ability for each full Power Bar. When Undo expires, he instantly Repairs any damage he took in the last 4 seconds.
Special 1: Shockblast: Inflicts Shock damage for 29~44% of Attack per Energy Charge over 4 seconds.
Special 2: Laser Sweep: Generates 3 Energy Charges, each lasting 8 seconds. 60~100% chance to inflict Repair Block, preventing the target from recovering Health for 4 seconds.
Special 3: Little Friend
- Generates 5 Energy Charges, each lasting 8 seconds.
- 100% chance to inflict Repair Block, preventing the target from recovering Health for 7~11 seconds.
- Inflicts Shock damage for 33~50% of Attack per Energy Charge over 4 seconds.
In TRANSFORMERS: Forged to Fight, Transformers fans and gamers everywhere can build a team of Transformers characters and battle with the most iconic Autobots and Decepticons from nearly every era of the storied franchise’s 30-plus year history , including fan-favorite bots from previous and current animated Transformers TV series, Paramount’s blockbuster films, Transformers comic books and Hasbro's line of iconic action figures. Players explore an epic new universe where multiple realities collide to form a massive planetary battlefield while assembling a team of Autobots and Decepticons from across time and space to fight against a world of corrupted Transformers robots and their villainous overlords. The game features amazing visuals, intense one-on-one battles, meaningful robot to vehicle converting action and deep RPG elements.
Download Transformers: Forged to Fight Today:
Shockwave Turnarounds
Shockwave Demonstration Video on's YouTube Channel
Transformers Forged To Fight Developer QA: Shockwave
Shockwave Revealed
This week we’re going to take a look at the one-eyed wonder himself -Shockwave.
Sam Makes Shockwave Sizzle
Cuz: You were in charge of visual effects for Shockwave. I couldn’t help but notice a recurring theme running through all his moves...purple. Was this some sort of tribute to the late, great Prince?
Sam: C’mon Cuz, you know that purple is the iconic Decepticon colour, particularly for Shockwave.
Cuz: Of course, was just testing you. What was your favorite effect to do for Shockwave?
Sam: Hmmm, probably his last laser blast on the level 3, where you see his gun shooting the opponent into the ground, and thecamera swings around to show the view from his perspective.
Francois Takes Aim With Shockwave
Cuz: I’m really digging Shockwave’s number three special. Take us behind the inspiration.
Francois: For Shockwave’s special three, we wanted to show a sense ofescalation. He starts with his mini-me gun, then his canon and finish you by transforming into his gun form and blasting you through the ground.
Cuz: I’m glad you took sort artistic liberties and actually had him hit the targets and move around with reasonable agility. Fans have been known to knock the big guy for those two qualities;) Of the moves you animated for him, which one is your favorite?
Francois: Definitely his special two. He knocks you back with his energy field and uses his laser beam to cut the screen in two. This move was without doubt inspired by Dragon Ball Z.
Ryan Designs The Decepticons’ Most Famous Bridgewatcher
Cuz: It must have been both an honor and a tremendous responsibility coming up with the stats and design for such a heavyweight fan favorite like Shockwave. What makes the master of logic tick?
Ryan: We knew he was going to be master of Shock (it’s in his name), so Shockwave can absorb energy from the opponent’s ranged attacks to amplify Shock Damage inflicted by his Special and Heavy Attacks. Equipped with Heal Block, Shockwave will ensure that even Healers have no escape from destruction at his hands. Finally his Signature Ability grants him the ability to Undo any damage dealt to him over a certain time period, making the opponent’s defeat all the more inevitable.
Cuz: What’s the best mod to pair him with? Have you made a special aim enhancement mod?
Ryan: The Strange Refractor turns Shockwave into the ultimate challenge for both Ranged and Melee play styles; do you shoot him with a Ranged Attack and have him absorb it or do you move in to hit him with a Melee Attack and risk being Stunned by the Refractor? Shockwave has also cooked up some unseen mods like the "Yet-To-Be-Named" Mod that commanders can eventually use toput him over the top...once he feels the time is right to reveal it of course.
Posted by Prime Target on August 10th, 2017 @ 8:50pm CDT
Posted by shauyaun on August 23rd, 2017 @ 2:30pm CDT
Add Starscream to your ultimate squad August 24th at 10AM PDT
Faction: Decepticons
Class: Tactician
Megatron’s notoriously treacherous Decepticon Air Commander. Starscream’s ambition and resilience is legendary but his lust for power often backfires, earning him scorn, ridicule,and the odd laser blast from Megatron. He dreams that one day he will be called Lord. Lord Starscream.
Health: 1575
Attack: 132
Max Rating: 550
Health: 3866
Attack: 280
Max Rating: 1312
Health: 10048
Attack: 727
Max Rating: 3524
Null Ray
Ranged attacks have 20~30% increase to Critical Chance.
Basic Ranged Attacks have a 100% Chance to Nullify an Armor, Melee, or Attack Buff. This does not affect Buffs from Modules, Masteries, or Boosts.
When an opponent’s buff is Nullified that bot takes 80~90% of attack as instant Shock Damage.
5% chance Starscream Evades Heavy Melee Attacks, because sometimes cowards do survive.
Heavy Attack
20% Chance to inflict Burn causing 40% of Attack as heat damage over 4 seconds.
Nullify All Hope
Starscream’s cunning is without limits, eventually he will find a way to nullify any advantage an opponent has.
Starscream’s Null Ray has a 30%~70% chance to Nullify any type of Buff. This does not affect Buffs from Modules, Masteries, or Boosts.
Special Attack 1 – Air Superiority Complex
A sycophant’s vengeance at last.
80% Chance to increases Ranged Damage by 45~65% and Projectile Speed for 8 seconds.
Special Attack 2 – Cunning Treachery
He’s got you now!
72~85% Chance to cause a 50~70% Armor Break for 7 seconds.
Special Attack 3 – Null-Ray to Oblivion
Conquest is made of the ashes of one’s enemies.
Nullifies all Buffs from the opponent.
Starscream’s Seekers – Ramjet
+5~15% Damage and 10~50% Armor Piercing for all Decepticon Ranged Attacks.
Sky Assault – Windblade, Waspinator
+7~25% Anti-Evade
Optimus Prime (MV1)
Starscream will be great against Brawlers like Optimus Prime, whose frequent combat buffs make them easy for this tactician to take down.
Once Starscream has his Signature ability awoken be careful to consider what bots frequently activate buffs.
Iron Hide
This bot rarely activates buffs, making him untouched by Starscream’s most powerful abilities.
This Warrior relies almost completely on Damaging Debuffs, something Starscream has no answer to.
Nightbird’s Mark
Increasing Critical Chance and granting the ability to Evade more types of attacks perfectly complement Starscream’s cowardly tactics.
EMI Module
Starscream relies on his Ranged Attacks to deal the most damage. Weaking the Ranged counter attacks from opponent’s will strengthen Starscream’s hand when facing raider
Posted by Va'al on August 24th, 2017 @ 3:01am CDT
Add Starscream to your ultimate squad August 24th at 10AM PDT
Faction: Decepticons
Class: Tactician
Megatron’s notoriously treacherous Decepticon Air Commander. Starscream’s ambition and resilience is legendary but his lust for power often backfires, earning him scorn, ridicule,and the odd laser blast from Megatron. He dreams that one day he will be called Lord. Lord Starscream.
Health: 1575
Attack: 132
Max Rating: 550
Health: 3866
Attack: 280
Max Rating: 1312
Health: 10048
Attack: 727
Max Rating: 3524
Null Ray
Ranged attacks have 20~30% increase to Critical Chance.
Basic Ranged Attacks have a 100% Chance to Nullify an Armor, Melee, or Attack Buff. This does not affect Buffs from Modules, Masteries, or Boosts.
When an opponent’s buff is Nullified that bot takes 80~90% of attack as instant Shock Damage.
5% chance Starscream Evades Heavy Melee Attacks, because sometimes cowards do survive.
Heavy Attack
20% Chance to inflict Burn causing 40% of Attack as heat damage over 4 seconds.
Nullify All Hope
Starscream’s cunning is without limits, eventually he will find a way to nullify any advantage an opponent has.
Starscream’s Null Ray has a 30%~70% chance to Nullify any type of Buff. This does not affect Buffs from Modules, Masteries, or Boosts.
Special Attack 1 – Air Superiority Complex
A sycophant’s vengeance at last.
80% Chance to increases Ranged Damage by 45~65% and Projectile Speed for 8 seconds.
Special Attack 2 – Cunning Treachery
He’s got you now!
72~85% Chance to cause a 50~70% Armor Break for 7 seconds.
Special Attack 3 – Null-Ray to Oblivion
Conquest is made of the ashes of one’s enemies.
Nullifies all Buffs from the opponent.
Starscream’s Seekers – Ramjet
+5~15% Damage and 10~50% Armor Piercing for all Decepticon Ranged Attacks.
Sky Assault – Windblade, Waspinator
+7~25% Anti-Evade
Optimus Prime (MV1)
Starscream will be great against Brawlers like Optimus Prime, whose frequent combat buffs make them easy for this tactician to take down.
Once Starscream has his Signature ability awoken be careful to consider what bots frequently activate buffs.
Iron Hide
This bot rarely activates buffs, making him untouched by Starscream’s most powerful abilities.
This Warrior relies almost completely on Damaging Debuffs, something Starscream has no answer to.
Nightbird’s Mark
Increasing Critical Chance and granting the ability to Evade more types of attacks perfectly complement Starscream’s cowardly tactics.
EMI Module
Starscream relies on his Ranged Attacks to deal the most damage. Weaking the Ranged counter attacks from opponent’s will strengthen Starscream’s hand when facing raider
Posted by Va'al on August 24th, 2017 @ 3:45pm CDT
Today, Megatron’s second in command Starscream has officially joined the fight in Kabam’s Transformers: Forged to Fight!
Faction: Decepticons | Class: Tactician
Don’t turn your back on Megatron’s notoriously less than loyal Decepticon Air Commander. His lust for power through betrayal earns him scorn, ridicule, and the odd laser blast from Megatron, yet his legendary resilience always prevails. He dreams that one day he will be called Lord. Lord Starscream.
Signature Ability
Nullify All Hope
Starscream's cunning is without limits, eventually he will find a way to nullify any advantage an opponent has.
· Starscream's Null Ray has a 30%~70% chance to Nullify any type of Buff. This does not affect Buffs from Modules, Masteries, or Boosts.
Special Attacks:
Special Attack 1 - Air Superiority Complex
A sycophant's vengeance at last.
· 80% Chance to increases Ranged Damage by 45~65% and Projectile Speed for 8 seconds.
Special Attack 2 - Cunning Treachery
He's got you now!
· 72~85% Chance to cause a 50~70% Armor Break for 7 seconds.
Special Attack 3 - Null-Ray to Oblivion
Conquest is made of the ashes of one's enemies.
· Nullifies all Buffs from the opponent.
Synergy Bonuses:
· Starscream's Seekers - Ramjet
o +5~15% Damage and 10~50% Armor Piercing for all Decepticon Ranged Attacks.
· Sky Assault - Windblade, Waspinator
o +7~25% Anti-Evade
In TRANSFORMERS: Forged to Fight, Transformers fans and gamers everywhere can build a team of Transformers characters and battle with the most iconic Autobots and Decepticons from nearly every era of the storied franchise’s 30-plus year history, including fan-favorite bots from previous and current animated Transformers TV series, Paramount’s blockbuster films, Transformers comic books and Hasbro's line of iconic action figures. Players explore an epic new universe where multiple realities collide to form a massive planetary battlefield while assembling a team of Autobots and Decepticons from across time and space to fight against a world of corrupted Transformers robots and their villainous overlords. The game features amazing visuals, intense one-on-one battles, meaningful robot to vehicle converting action and deep RPG elements.
Download Transformers: Forged to Fight Today:
TRANSFORMERS: Forged to Fight | Starscream Developer Q&A
He’s been around Forged to Fight for a while now, pestering, annoying, and definitely scheming, but now’s your first chance to own the one and only Starscream. Let’s take a look at what makes him tick.
Derek Makes Starscream Function
Cuz: I appreciate your commitment to keeping Starscream backstabby (or is that backblasty) with his special 3 attack. Tell us about your favorite Starscream move.
Derek: That's easy, his heavy attack, I love seeing him fly as a jet to bring down his opponent!
Nick Sheds Light on Starscream Effects
Cuz: Starscream’s famous Null Ray plays a part of several of Starscream’s moves and is especially prominent in his special 3. How do you make something with such a boring name look and feel cool?
Nick: Lots of powerful beams and strobe lights! Seriously though, Starscream’s Null Ray is what he is known for, so it has to provide an “electrifying” experience for his victim. The null ray itself has a flowing energy beam and more sustained blast rather than a super quick one shot.
Cuz: There are a lot of nefarious Decepticons, but Starscream has to rank near the top for sheer treachery, disloyalty, and cowardly dastardliness. Did you feel a little dirty working on his effects? How did you overcome the feeling that he may in fact, take one of your dazzling effects, and shoot it back at you, right out of your PC?
Nick: Haha, I made sure not turn my back on the screen whenever I worked on him .
Ryan Dishes Dirt on The Shiftiest Decepticon
Cuz: I’m pretty stoked at the chance to get Starscream on my team, but I’m also a little worried that he’ll turn around and shoot my team in the back or slip a little something in their Energon. Sell me on why I want the king of treachery on my team.
Ryan: Starscream’s Ranged attacks are second to only Megatron in terms of raw power, but they have the secondary effect of stripping buffs from his opponents. When Starscream removes a Buff he also deals a pulse of Shock damage to add injury to insult. As a Tactician bot, Starscream is most useful when you know your opponent relies on buffs, lucky for Starscream, most bots do.
Cuz: So he strips buffs? That’s like stealing, that’s in his wheelhouse for sure. Good work. He strips buff, but what mod best works with Starscream to buff the Decepticon’s aerial commander?
Ryan: Placing Starscream on the Nightbird’s Mark Module will boost the Critical Chance of his attacks and allow this cowardly schemer to Evade enemy attacks more frequently. The Laser Guidance Module will massively boost the speed and power of his Ranged Attacks, providing Starscream with probably best offensive boost of any potential Mod combination.
Posted by Ig89ninja on August 24th, 2017 @ 7:46pm CDT
Posted by william-james88 on August 24th, 2017 @ 9:42pm CDT
Faction: Decepticons | Class: Tactician
Don’t turn your back on Megatron’s notoriously less than loyal Decepticon Air Commander. His lust for power through betrayal earns him scorn, ridicule, and the odd laser blast from Megatron, yet his legendary resilience always prevails. He dreams that one day he will be called Lord. Lord Starscream.
Signature Ability
Nullify All Hope
Starscream's cunning is without limits, eventually he will find a way to nullify any advantage an opponent has.
· Starscream's Null Ray has a 30%~70% chance to Nullify any type of Buff. This does not affect Buffs from Modules, Masteries, or Boosts.
Special Attacks:
Special Attack 1 - Air Superiority Complex
A sycophant's vengeance at last.
· 80% Chance to increases Ranged Damage by 45~65% and Projectile Speed for 8 seconds.
Special Attack 2 - Cunning Treachery
He's got you now!
· 72~85% Chance to cause a 50~70% Armor Break for 7 seconds.
Special Attack 3 - Null-Ray to Oblivion
Conquest is made of the ashes of one's enemies.
· Nullifies all Buffs from the opponent.
Synergy Bonuses:
· Starscream's Seekers - Ramjet
o +5~15% Damage and 10~50% Armor Piercing for all Decepticon Ranged Attacks.
· Sky Assault - Windblade, Waspinator
o +7~25% Anti-Evade
Posted by Ig89ninja on August 25th, 2017 @ 11:41am CDT
Posted by william-james88 on August 25th, 2017 @ 11:58am CDT
Ig89ninja wrote:Aw, no news credit?
Posted by Ig89ninja on August 25th, 2017 @ 2:38pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Ig89ninja wrote:Aw, no news credit?
Posted by Ig89ninja on September 21st, 2017 @ 1:05pm CDT
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on September 21st, 2017 @ 6:34pm CDT
Faction: Decepticons | Class: Demolitions
One of Starscream’s most unpredictable Seekers, Ramjet takes hardheadedness to new extremes by smashing into any foes, and sometimes friends, that cross his flight path.
Info on Ramjet and his abilities / stats are below. More information on Ramjet’s abilities can be found here.
* Health: 1854
* Attack: 147
* Max Rating: 554
* Health: 4553
* Attack: 309
* Max Rating: 1300
* Health: 11834
* Attack: 802
* Max Rating: 3436
* Momentum - Ramjet builds momentum after ramming opponents.
- Ramjet has a 50% chance to gain a permanent Special Bonus Buff that increases Special Attack Damage by 2~10% each. The chance to gain the Buff increases by 3% for each Special Bonus Buff already on him. [Max 10 Buffs]
* Special 1 – Missile Volley
Ramjet unleashes a barrage of rockets from his chest.
- 40~60% Chance per hit to inflict up to four Burns that deal 20~35% attack as heat damage over 5 seconds.
* Special 2 – Rocket Blaster
A blast of heat followed by a sudden impact is guaranteed to leave an opponent dizzy.
- 80~100% Chance per hit to inflict Burn, dealing 40~60% attack as heat damage over 4 seconds.
- 72~80% Chance to cause Stun for 3 seconds.
* Special 3 – Dive Bomb
You can run but you cannot hide from Ramjet’s reckless abandon.
- 80~100% chance to stun the opponent for 2 seconds.
- 100% chance to inflict a 25% Resistance Down for 30 seconds.
Transformers Forged To Fight RAMJET Developer Q&A
Seeking Answers About Ramjet
Derek Uses His Head When Animating Ramjet
Cuz: As much as I want to use a Dad joke about Ramjet using his head, I actually am pretty stoked on how he uses his chest in his Special One. Those pectorals rockets are rad. Tell us about your favorite animations for Ramjet.
Derek: Yeah i’m still recovering from all the ramming! Special 2 is one my favorite moves spinning off a 2 kick attack to the chest to launch his arm rocket is very cool!
Sam Makes Starscream’s Buddy Shine
Cuz: I notice in Ramjet’s Special 3, he does a cool strafing run but then his rocket barrage misses. As the person responsible for his FX, is this your fault? Why the hate for Ramjet, Sam?
Sam: I blame the animators! Seriously though, there's no hate. Ramjet's awesome, just a little hot-headed and that doesn't help his aim, is all.
Cuz: I like that answer, it’s a Motormaster-sized bus you threw the animators under. Easier question, what’s your favorite effect you did for Ramjet?
Sam: Definitely the shockwave blast and then full body slam into the ground on his Special 3. It's fun adding the extra layer of drama to cool animations.
Ryan Gives the Lowdown on Designing Ramjet
Cuz: I have to imagine Ramjet must play pretty well with his fellow Seeker Starscream. Tell us about Ramjet’s skills and who to team him up with and who he might have trouble beating.
Ryan: Ramjet is designed to be an easy bot to use, almost all of his Special Attacks are guaranteed to leave his opponent’s Stunned, Burnt, or both. Ramjet doesn’t just like smashing into enemies, he loves it, and to that end Ramjet becomes Unstoppable while using Heavy Attacks, ensuring he wins any (and all) head-on collisions.
You’ll want to pair Ramjet with his boss Starscream to enable the powerful Seeker synergy. When paired with Motormaster, both bots will share their cool destructive abilities with each other. Ramjet is going to have trouble dealing with Tech bots like Mirage that stifle his Power Gain or those like Rhinox that Shield themselves against his potent Special Attacks.
Cuz: And, here’s the standard question for Commanders that like to focus on the base and defense...what is Ramjet’s best mod to pair with? What mods will give him a headache?
Ryan: Opponents better get used to being immobile while facing Ramjet on the Paralyzer Mod. The Paralyzer will Stun the opponent, Ramjet will Stun the opponent, and the enemy will be unable to save themselves. On the other hand, Ramjet will hate fighting opponents on the Exo Filter. The Filter will cleanse his Stun and Burn Debuffs leaving Ramjet toothless and cone headed.
Posted by Ig89ninja on September 21st, 2017 @ 7:18pm CDT
Posted by Seibertron on September 21st, 2017 @ 10:33pm CDT
Ig89ninja wrote:I guess I ask for news credit on these things
Kabam sent us a press kit earlier this morning. We were just a little slow getting it posted. Thanks for letting us know though.
Posted by Ig89ninja on September 22nd, 2017 @ 9:04am CDT
Seibertron wrote:Ig89ninja wrote:I guess I ask for news credit on these things
Kabam sent us a press kit earlier this morning. We were just a little slow getting it posted. Thanks for letting us know though.
No problem, also, I apologize if I sounded a bit rude in the last post.
Posted by william-james88 on October 17th, 2017 @ 9:25pm CDT
Version 4.0 will be available October 18th with brand new features, improvements and fixes!
Megatron’s rise to power culminates in this chapter as the Scientist struggles to prove his value to his crazed leader. The Scientist offers his latest creations, further enhancing Megatron’s Sharkticons and legion of Transformers to carry out his maniacal ambitions. Can the Commander and his allies remove this terrible foe? Maybe with the help of some new allies…
Offensive Masteries:
Glass Cannon: Increases the Attack Rating of all your Bots, but lowers their maximum Health
Double Edge: Increases the Attack Rating of all your Bots, but they suffer a Bleed Debuff every fight
Despair: Enemies Repair less Health for each Debuff they’re suffering from
Suppression: Enemies suffering Stun trigger fewer abilities and Repair less Health
Stupefy: When your Bots inflict Stun, it lasts longer
Deep Wounds: When your Bots inflict Bleed Debuffs, they last longer and deal extra damage
Defensive Masteries:
Bleed Resistance: Any Bleed Damage your Bots would take is reduced
Shock Resistance: Any Shock Damage your Bots would take, such as Shock Debuffs, is reduced
Silica Plating: Any Heat Damage your Bots would take, such as Burn Debuffs, is reduced
Inhibitor: Enemies suffering from Shock or Stun generate less Power
Awakening Programs have been added, providing a way to activate a Bot signature ability without duplicating it
Signature Upgrades have been added, allowing the upgrading of a signature ability of an already awakened Bot
Bot statistics that increase from Upgrading and Forging are showcased more clearly
Alliance Missions will initially provide a recommended Map and Difficulty based on your Alliance
Editing the Alliance objective or description now supports changing the existing text
Tapping on a Relic during a raid will display additional information about it
Added a setting to refresh ‘don’t show again’ popups
The Fight menu has been updated to better showcase relevant Missions
The spark inventory now default sorts by class, and has new filter options for Mod and Alpha sparks
The Daily mission banner will update to showcase the relevant class each day
Tapping a player’s name on the Raid leaderboard will display their Commander profile
Clarification for what fight round of an Arena series you are in
Crashing during loading into Raids or Mission fights will no longer apply a health penalty
Fixed an issue that caused extra Bots from appearing in combat
Fixed a delay when Ramjet fires his Special 1 attack, along with other related delays
Crash fixes and optimizations
Posted by Decepticon Stryker on October 17th, 2017 @ 10:23pm CDT
Posted by Prime Target on October 17th, 2017 @ 11:24pm CDT
Posted by Va'al on November 3rd, 2017 @ 4:44am CDT
About Dinobot:
Faction: Autobot
Class: Tactician
Honor and Glory are the only two things worth dying for, a belief truly befitting this fierce Predacon turned Maximal warrior. But don’t be fooled by the harsh exterior, the spark of a hero lies within the mighty Dinobot.
Stats and Abilities:
Health: 1,732
Attack: 158
Max Rating: 579
Health: 4,253
Attack: 334
Max Rating: 1,344
Health: 11,053
Attack: 868
Max Rating: 3,528
Basic Abilities: Armor Piercing, Armor Break, Crit Chance
Sword Attacks
20~40% Armor Piercing.
75~100% Armor Piercing with Critical Hits.
Struck While Blocking
60% chance to deal damage to the opponent equal to 10% of their Attack Rating, if the opponent Dashes into the Block the chance increases to 100% and Dinobot inflicts double the damage.
100% chance to inflict 20~40% Armor Break for 5~7 seconds when opponent’s Dash into Dinobot’s Block.
Well timed Blocks gain +20% Block Proficiency.
Critical Heavy Attacks
100% Chance to inflict Bleed for 50% of attack as damage over 5 seconds.
Signature Ability – Survival of the Fittest
Dinobot despises weakness and will pierce the blocks of enemies with broken armor.
Blocking Opponents
If a Blocking opponents is Armor Broken, Dinobot deals 20% more damage through their Block and has a 10~30% chance to deliver an Unblockable Attack.
Special Attacks:
Special 1 – Triassic Turbulence
Dinobot and his opponent are sent skyward.
50~70% to inflict a 10~30% Armor Break for 5~7 seconds.
Special 2 – Jurassic Justice
Dinobot gives his opponent no quarter.
20~40% Armor Piercing, that chance increases to 100% with Critical Hits.
80% Chance to gain Critical Rating Up, enhancing Critical Chance by 20-30% for 7 seconds.
Special 3 – Cretaceous Carnage
Dinobot finishes his opponent off in a fit of primal rage.
50% chance per hit to Repair 3% of Health over 4 seconds.
100% Chance to gain Critical Rating Up, enhancing Critical Chance by 20-30% for 14 seconds.
Synergy Bonuses:
Allies – Rhinox
+2~8% Armor
Enemies – Waspinator
+2~8% Attack Rating
Swordmasters – Windblade, Drift, Bludgeon
+2~10% Critical Damage for each Sword Attack that isn’t a Critical Hit until the next Critical Hit. +4~12% more Critical Hits in Solo Missions.
Shieldmasters – Mixmaster
Well timed Blocks against Melee Attacks gain +5~20% Block Proficiency.
Strong Match-ups:
Grindor – Dinobot’s particular skillset make him adept at cutting through the armor of this thick-skinned helicopter.
Motormaster – Opponent’s that Dash into Dinobot’s Block are afflicted with Armor Break, but Motormaster loves to Dash into his enemies.
Weak Match-ups:
Waspinator – Dinobot is perfectly suited to fighting opponent’s that rely on Melee Attacks while Waspinator is adept at fighting from range.
Mirage – Mirage’s Power Burn can drain Power through an opponent’s Block, bypassing Dinobot’s punishing Block abilities.
Recommended Modules for Dinobot:
Strange Refractor – Granting Dinobot greater Block Proficiency and the ability to Stun when Blocking is a potent way to add to his already formidable abilities.
Nightbird’s Mark – This mod will drastically increase Dinobot’s Critical Rating, improving his Armor Piercing and Bleeding attacks.
Posted by Kurona on November 3rd, 2017 @ 5:20am CDT
Posted by Quantum Surge on November 3rd, 2017 @ 7:59am CDT
Posted by Hydrargyrus on November 3rd, 2017 @ 9:34am CDT
Posted by Stuartmaximus on November 11th, 2017 @ 11:52am CST
Posted by Va'al on November 30th, 2017 @ 12:49pm CST
Sporting the Combiner Wars Leader class toy mould, with tank alt-mode, Megatron is apparently classified as a Tactician class and is still part of the Decepticon Faction (though the game doesn't follow them too strictly). Take a look below at the model, and the new information about the playable character!
Faction: Decepticon
Class: Tactician
Once a renowned gladiator in pre-Civil-War Cybertron, Megatron used his charisma and brutality to fuel the Decepticon uprising. Megatron’s ultimate goal is to rule over all living beings, only his sworn enemies, Optimus Prime and the Autobots stand between him and his goal of supreme authority.
o Health: 1732
o Attack: 158
o Max Rating: 537
· 3-Star:
o Health: 4253
o Attack: 334
o Max Rating: 1270
· 4-Star:
o Health: 11053
o Attack: 868
o Max Rating: 3485
Megatron shows no mercy and uses the enemy’s own strengths against them.
Melee Hits
As long as the opponent has a Fused Debuff, Megatron’s Melee Attacks have a 20~60% chance to Steal a buff from the opponent for 5 seconds.
Special 1 – Energon Crush
The Energon Flail is perfectly designed to shatter the defenses of even the toughest bots.
100% chance to inflict Armor Break, removing opponent’s Armor and applying 26~34% Armor reduction for 10 seconds.
Special 2 – Atomic Slug
Megatron initiates the brutality setting on his Fusion Cannon.
100% chance to decrease Attack by -32~-40% for 10 seconds.
Special 3 – All Too Easy
There is no limits to the carnage Megatron is willing to inflict on his foes.
100% chance to inflicts Shock, dealing Shock Damage for 200% of attack over 20 seconds.
Grants Fusion Overload, allowing unlimited Full Power shots of the Fusion Cannon for the rest of the fight.
Posted by Va'al on December 2nd, 2017 @ 2:44am CST
If you want to find out more about Kabam and their creative and development process, check out our interview with them here. Are you still playing the game? How do you find it? Share your opinions with the rest of the Seibetronian community in the Energon Pub discussion board!
Kabam, a world leader of massively multiplayer mobile games for a global audience, revealed today that their popular action-fighting mobile game Transformers: Forged to Fight is a winner selected by Google Play for their 2017 ‘Most Competitive Game’ category!
Posted by Sunburnninja on December 2nd, 2017 @ 7:34am CST
Posted by Quantum Surge on December 2nd, 2017 @ 7:49am CST
Posted by Jack Hallows on December 2nd, 2017 @ 8:58am CST
Posted by ToaLeePrime on December 2nd, 2017 @ 7:36pm CST
Here you go.Jack Hallows wrote:can we get a bigger picture of the shot you used for the heading of the article? it looks cool.
Posted by Quantum Surge on December 2nd, 2017 @ 7:41pm CST
Posted by Jack Hallows on December 2nd, 2017 @ 10:24pm CST
ToaLeePrime wrote:Here you go.Jack Hallows wrote:can we get a bigger picture of the shot you used for the heading of the article? it looks cool.
Posted by Va'al on December 20th, 2017 @ 4:04pm CST
Somewhere between Generations, Authentics, and something else entirely, the yellow scout will be available to play in-game as of 21 December at 10 am PST -but the bot intel report is already viewable on the site, and copied below, along with some new images. Check it out, and let us know what you think!
Add Bumblebee to your ultimate squad December 21st at 10AM PST!
About Bumblebee:
Faction: Autobot
Class: Scout
Small, eager, and brave, Bumblebee acts as messenger and spy. Due to his small size, he dares to go where others can’t. He idolizes the bigger Autobots, especially Optimus Prime and Prowl while having a special bond with all his human allies.
Stats and Abilities:
Health: 1417
Attack: 151
Max Rating: 566
Health: 3480
Attack: 318
Max Rating: 1299
Health: 9043
Attack: 827
Max Rating: 3499
Basic Abilities: Melee Evade, Critical Rate Buff, Shield Break
Dodging Back:
Grants a 24~32% Melee Evasion Buff that is removed the next time this bot Evades.
Grants up to 3 Critical Rate Buffs that each increase Critical Rating by 20~28%. These buffs are removed each time this bot lands a hit.
Critical Hits:
100% Chance to Break the opponent’s Shielding, completely Nullifying all Shields and inflicting Shock, dealing 50~90% Energy Damage over 5 seconds.
Signature Ability – Bee Brave
Bumblebee isn’t the strongest or toughest bot, but while staying close to his enemy, he channels his unparalleled courage.
Bumblebee generates 2~4.0 of Remaining Max Power every second and gains a 10% Melee Bonus while the enemy is within close range.
Special Attacks:
Special 1 – Gold Boot
Bumblebee delivers a spinning windmill kick.
100% chance to increase Critical Damage by 60% for the duration of this Special Attack.
Special 2 – Power Jam
Bumblebee overcharges his pistol to fry his enemy’s systems before knocking them off their feet.
100% chance to Power Lock the opponent for 10 seconds.
Special 3 – Ticket to Ride
Bumblebee’s wheeled combat comes together with his love of ranged attacks.
Grants 20 Critical Rate Buffs that each increase Critical Rating by 20~28%. These buffs are removed each time this bot lands a hit.
Synergy Bonuses:
Incoming – Role Models – Optimus, Prowl
Heavy Attacks gain +2~5% Attack Buff for each alive team member.
Outgoing – Role Models – Optimus, Prowl
+2~8% Armor
Incoming – Espionage Specialists – Mirage
14~70% less likely to activate opponent’s abilities when using Sp2 and Sp3.
Incoming – Allies – Arcee, Grimlock
+2~8% Armor
Strong Match-ups:
Rhinox – Bumblebee will tear through Rhinox’s shielding, leaving him prime for Bee’s critical hits.
Soundwave – Bee can Shield Break with both Ranged and Melee his, ensuring even the mighty Soundwave can’t Reflect Ranged attacks for long.
Weak Match-ups:
Bonecrusher – The master of Bleeds will punish Bumblebee with every crit.
Dinobot – Bumblebee is rewarded for dashing at opponent’s and staying near them, but dashing into and hitting Dinobot’s block would be a painful mistake.
Recommended Modules for Bumblebee:
Nightbird’s Mark – With both his two major abilities boosted, Bumblebee will become exponentially more powerful.
EMI Module – Bee will gain the ability to Evade Ranged Attacks, forcing you to stay within Melee Range and in turn allowing him to generate power with his Signature Ability.
Posted by Budder Prime on December 20th, 2017 @ 4:17pm CST
Posted by Quantum Surge on December 20th, 2017 @ 4:39pm CST
Posted by Hydrargyrus on December 20th, 2017 @ 5:39pm CST
Posted by Saminus9000 on December 21st, 2017 @ 11:17pm CST
MagicDeath wrote:Should I start playing this again? I never deleted the app.
Posted by Quantum Surge on December 21st, 2017 @ 11:23pm CST
MagicDeath wrote:Should I start playing this again? I never deleted the app.
Definitely go for it. I will warn you though that if you really need Energon and completing missions isn't enough, then you'd have to pay for it (it's optional though).
Posted by Va'al on January 3rd, 2018 @ 2:07pm CST
The full bot intel report can be found below, or here for the official news post on the game's site, along with an image of the character in both gorilla and robot mode. Take a look, and let us know what you think of this take on the classic design.
Add Optimus Primal to your ultimate squad January 4th at 10AM PST!
About Optimus Primal:
Faction: Maximal
Class: Brawler
The Maximal starship Axalon, commanded by Optimus Primal was pulled into a Transwarp Portal while in pursuit of a Predacon warship. Stranded on ancient Earth, Primal and his crew of Maximals fought the Beast Wars to preserve the timeline and protect all life in the galaxy.
Stats and Abilities:
Health: 1942
Attack: 177
Max Rating: 532
Health: 4768
Attack: 376
Max Rating: 1304
Health: 12392
Attack: 975
Max Rating: 3538
Basic Abilities: Crit Armor, Melee Bonus, Bleed
Armor Buffs provide 100% Critical Resistance.
Every 6 seconds if Optimus Primal has no Armor Buffs he will generate an Armor Buff, reducing damage from attacks by 2~4%. This ability stops if Optimus Primal is Armor Broken.
When Attacked:
20% chance to gain an Armor Buff, reducing damage from attacks by 2~4% with a maximum of 10 stacks of Armor. This ability requires at least one active Armor Buff and stops if Optimus Primal is Armor Broken.
Blocked Melee Attacks:
Blocked Melee Hits have a 30% chance to grant a Melee Buff, increasing Melee Damage by 10~18% for 6 seconds.
Heavy Attacks:
Converts all Armor Buffs to Melee Buffs, increasing Melee Damage by 10~18% for 6 seconds.
Signature Ability – Isn’t That Just Prime
Optimus Primal hopes for the best, but always prepares for the worst. Damaging Debuffs have shorter durations and recover health when they expire.
Damaging Debuffs expire 8% faster for each Armor Buff on Optimus Primal. Optimus Primal gains 1~5% of his max Health each time a Bleed on him expires.
Special Attacks:
Special 1 – Law of the Jungle
Optimus Primal launches into the air to bring justice to his foes.
If Optimus Primal has received any Bleeds this fight he will inflict Bleed on the opponent that deals 30~38% of Attack over 4 seconds. The strength of the Bleed increases by 20% for each Bleed inflicted on Optimus Prime this fight.
Special 2 – Beast Warrior
The quickest way to peace, is to end the battle quickly.
50% chance each sword hit to inflict Bleed, Dealing 40~60% of Attack as damage over 5 seconds.
Special 3 – Gorilla Warfare
When it comes to dealing with Predacons, sometimes brutal is best.
Optimus Primal’s rage grants him the maximum amount of Armor Buffs.
100% chance to inflict Attack Down, reducing the opponent’s Attack Rating by -20% for 32 seconds.
Synergy Bonuses:
Allies – Mutual – Dinobot, Rhinox
+2~8% Armor Rating
Enemies – Mutual – Waspinator
+2~8% Attack
Beast Purification – Mutual – All Beast Wars Characters
Heavy Attacks of Beast Wars characters grant 4~20% Attack Rating for 5 seconds and Purify Damaging Debuffs as long as there are 2 or more Beast Wars bots on Primal’s team.
Strong Match-ups:
Bonecrusher – Bonecrusher will lose the ability to land Critical Hits and the Bleeds he inflicts will soon become an advantage for Optimus Primal’s first Special Attack.
Ironhide – Ironhide’s greatest strength is his ability to deal out incredible Critical Hits. Optimus Primal will render the Demolition king unable to tear anything apart.
Weak Match-ups:
Starscream – Starscream will tear through Optimus Primal’s Armor and inflict Critical Hits while the Ape’s Armor is Broken.
Megatron – Megatron’s Fused Armor Break will block Optimus Primal’s Crit Armor from activating.
Recommended Modules for Optimus Primal:
Security Module – Increasing Optimus Primal’s Armor will make him more survivable and give him more opportunity to use his high attack rating against the opponent.
E.M.I. Module – Optimus Primal’s biggest disadvantage is his reliance on Melee Attacks. This module will help ensure he can thwart ranged opponents like that pesky Starscream.
Posted by Quantum Surge on January 3rd, 2018 @ 2:10pm CST