Transformers Mosaic 2 Pack: "Determined" & "Public Service Announcement"
Wednesday, March 19th, 2008 5:34PM CDT
Categories: Site News, Comic Book News, Site ArticlesPosted by: i_amtrunks Views: 28,272
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These are some of those stories. This is:
It should be noted that while this project has been recognized by IDW Publishing and Hasbro, none of the works presented have been commissioned or solicited by either company. The stories are not official canon, except where noted.
These stories are the result of Transformers enthusiasts taking the time out of their busy days to contribute to a universe they love.
No one has been paid for the production of these stories.
"Determined" | Story by Josh "Richter" van Reyk | Art & Letters by Andrew "Polystyleneman" Griffith.
This piece is the 100th Transformers Mosaic to be released online!
"Public Service Announcement" | Story by Curt "Duke of Luns" Lunsford | Art & Letters by Ger Hankey.
As always, please post your thoughts, comments, queries and questions in the original Mosaic thread, or the Mosaic staff may not respond. To post in the original Thread for the #100th Mosaic "Determined" please click here, and to post in the original thread for "Public Service Announcement" please click here.
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Posted by saberconvoy on March 19th, 2008 @ 5:38pm CDT
Posted by City Commander on March 19th, 2008 @ 5:40pm CDT
OS needs more love Hasbro!
Posted by DCybertron on March 19th, 2008 @ 5:42pm CDT
Posted by Darth Bombshell on March 19th, 2008 @ 5:56pm CDT
DCybertron wrote:i dont get the 2nd one
It's exactly what it says it is: a public service announcement, just like the ones that ran after GI. Joe episodes.
Posted by Defcon! on March 19th, 2008 @ 5:59pm CDT
Posted by Fananga on March 19th, 2008 @ 6:03pm CDT
thanks for explaining, now we know...
....and knowing is half the battle!
Posted by Autobot Jazz on March 19th, 2008 @ 7:03pm CDT
Transformers also had some PSA's, they said "& knowing is half the battle" also. You can find them on YouTube.Darth Bombshell wrote:DCybertron wrote:i dont get the 2nd one
It's exactly what it says it is: a public service announcement, just like the ones that ran after GI. Joe episodes.
Posted by proximus on March 19th, 2008 @ 8:31pm CDT
I was a little confused with the message:
a: don't do drugs
b: don't interfere with people doing drugs
C: You can't/shouldn't make a difference anyway.
D: all of the above?
Posted by Stormrider on March 19th, 2008 @ 8:35pm CDT
Darth Bombshell wrote:DCybertron wrote:i dont get the 2nd one
It's exactly what it says it is: a public service announcement, just like the ones that ran after GI. Joe episodes.
"And knowing is half the battle."
I really liked the first one.
Is Ricochete/Stepper a G1 character? He is not listed in my Transformers offical guidebook "More than meets the eye".
Posted by Duke of Luns on March 19th, 2008 @ 9:22pm CDT
proximus wrote:I always thought public service announcements ended on a little more positive notes than that.
I was a little confused with the message:
a: don't do drugs
b: don't interfere with people doing drugs
C: You can't/shouldn't make a difference anyway.
D: all of the above?
Mostly A, but I wrote the piece as an homage to the old PSA's, and an underlying message was unavoidable. The original PSA's did end on a positive note, but they were supposed to, and this is an IDW/more realistic version of one. Stepper's just trying to do the right thing, but unfortunately it doesn't work out. I guess it's like the old saying "You can lead a horse to water, but can't make it drink".
Darth Bombshell wrote:DCybertron wrote:i dont get the 2nd one
It's exactly what it says it is: a public service announcement, just like the ones that ran after GI. Joe episodes.
"And knowing is half the battle."
I really liked the first one.
Is Ricochete/Stepper a G1 character? He is not listed in my Transformers offical guidebook "More than meets the eye". [/quote]
Of course Stepper is a G1 character! He came out in Japan at the tail end of Headmasters I believe, and is of course a Targetmaster repaint/remold of Jazz. He was considered a very rare/expensive figure for awhile, along with his release buddy Artfire, which was a repaint of Inferno with a Targetmaster. He was reissued by Takrar with gold chromed versions of Jazz's weapons(the original release Stepper only had a new shoulder mount to hold his targetmaster), but I don't think he sold all that well.
Richochet(Stepper's after the fact American name) is the last Hasbro Commerative series Transformer released. He had black versions of Jazz's weapons, and the elongated missles that comply with U.S. safety standards.
Posted by i_amtrunks on March 19th, 2008 @ 9:37pm CDT
Stormrider wrote:Is Ricochete/Stepper a G1 character? He is not listed in my Transformers offical guidebook "More than meets the eye".
Stepper/Ricochet was a remould of Jazz, and came with a targetmaster gun called Nightstick back in '87 or '88. He was a very late Headmaster figure alongside Artfire.
He was then re-issued in 2003 in the Hasbro Commemorative series.
Thus ends my knowledge of him, but I would certainly think he deserves to be counted in alongside the G1 figures.
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on March 19th, 2008 @ 9:55pm CDT
Posted by Jazzz on March 20th, 2008 @ 12:00am CDT
What history has Stepper had with drugs and that kid?
Or is the kid made up, and they randomly chose Stepper?
Posted by Ultra Magnus on March 20th, 2008 @ 9:05am CDT
Posted by Iron Prime on March 20th, 2008 @ 3:57pm CDT
Posted by Skullgrin140 on March 20th, 2008 @ 5:16pm CDT
Good story also with Determined, nice artwork too
Posted by DCybertron on March 20th, 2008 @ 7:10pm CDT
i dont watch gi joeDarth Bombshell wrote:DCybertron wrote:i dont get the 2nd one
It's exactly what it says it is: a public service announcement, just like the ones that ran after GI. Joe episodes.
Posted by Stormrider on March 21st, 2008 @ 7:32pm CDT
Posted by Duke of Luns on March 21st, 2008 @ 8:19pm CDT
Stormrider wrote:I'm curious why you chose Stepper for this situation. Does he often struggle with issues like these? I don't know much about him.
No one knows anything about him, he had one appearance in the Headmasters Manga, and that was little more than him being introduced, so it's hard for him to be in or out of character. But I was basically looking for an everybot to tell the story, and I wanted someone recognizable that could be disgusied adequately, but also obscure, and Stepper just seemed to fit the bill. His tech specs say he has an uncommonly strong sense of justice, so that coincidently ties into the story.
Posted by DCybertron on March 21st, 2008 @ 9:58pm CDT