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Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In"

Transformers News: Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In"

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011 3:14PM CST

Categories: Site News, Digital Media News, Podcast
Posted by: Razorclaw0000   Views: 170,364

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We sounded the call, and you answered it! As always, you can obtain our podcasts by visiting the podcast download area or directly from iTunes.

In our first ever "live" call-in show of the Twincast/Podcast, over a dozen of our fans connected with Counterpunch, Razorclaw, Tigertracks, Jon 3.0, and Seibertron via Skype and discussed topics including:

We also discuss the new site layout, and as always, if you have an feedback, let us know!

Thanks again to everyone who called in for making this show such a success! is your ultimate Transformers resource!

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Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In" (1322876)
Posted by BeastProwl on December 13th, 2011 @ 3:32pm CST
It won't let me visit the download area! *DIES*
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In" (1322879)
Posted by jON3.0 on December 13th, 2011 @ 3:46pm CST
To clarify my answer to the question of who my favorite Canadian voice actor is, I have to retract my original answer. Completely slipped my mind that Peter Cullen is Canadian! Lol. So yeah, Peter is and always will be my favorite and my answer on the podcast would have to settle for my second favorite. Sorry, David! :)
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In" (1322880)
Posted by Razorclaw0000 on December 13th, 2011 @ 3:51pm CST
BeastProwl wrote:It won't let me visit the download area! *DIES*

Ryan is looking into it. Sorry for any problems.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In" (1322883)
Posted by LiKwid on December 13th, 2011 @ 4:00pm CST
Can't visit it either, At least it wasnt just me :P I wanna hear what the gang has to say about botcon 2012 in dallas :) cant wait to hear it !
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In" (1322896)
Posted by Seibertron on December 13th, 2011 @ 5:08pm CST
The file has been fixed. Sorry about that everyone! Enjoy listening. Please let us know if you encounter any other problems. Thanks.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In" (1323023)
Posted by SW's SilverHammer on December 13th, 2011 @ 10:47pm CST
Actually this may just be me but itunes kinda lags and I normally have too wait a week before i can listen too it.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In" (1323059)
Posted by JRFitzpatrick7 on December 14th, 2011 @ 1:23am CST

Dezasaurus! I has him in box!

I can't wait for the next call in show, I completely forgot about this one:(

you can ask me what its like to sleep in the same bed as Shining Unicron!

and I will ask WHEN THE EFF ARE THE HIDDEN TREASURES COMING BACK?! some of my favorite articles!

Off topic: Mike, add me on FB, I'm the chubby kid trying to fight the pain of the seven deadly wings challenge with an entirely too small ice cream sandwich...
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In" (1323066)
Posted by Blurrz on December 14th, 2011 @ 3:10am CST
Thanks for having me again, lol. At that point in time, I actually did just wake up at 8 PM...

Student loans... student loans... student loans...

Also I forgot to ask you guys. Lawson Darkside Optimus Prime. The dimension traveler who goes between different Universes to fight Optimus Primes. Who'd be his easiest kill, and who would kick his ass?
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In" (1323068)
Posted by JRFitzpatrick7 on December 14th, 2011 @ 3:36am CST
Blurrz wrote:Thanks for having me again, lol. At that point in time, I actually did just wake up at 8 PM...

Student loans... student loans... student loans...

Also I forgot to ask you guys. Lawson Darkside Optimus Prime. The dimension traveler who goes between different Universes to fight Optimus Primes. Who'd be his easiest kill, and who would kick his ass?

Easiest to kill: Classics Universe Deluxe Class Optimus Prime, that dude's a bitch.

Hardest if not impossible: Armada Optimus Prime, he puts his pants on both legs at a time, also Overload armament and Jetfire pants modes make him extra tough!
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In" (1323139)
Posted by Lord Onixprime on December 14th, 2011 @ 10:09am CST
On the subject of TF4, I really have grown tired of movie aesthetics for the last 6 years. If they do a TF4, they need to give it 2 to 3 years. I mean, Dark of the Moon has just sat on the shelves. The only thing moving is the Cyberverse line. Parents are tired of buying their kids Optimus's and Bumblebee,s, collectors are tired of Optimus and Bubmlebee.

If they do make a movie, they should for go a movie toy line. TF Prime is what they should focus on now. I'd hate to see TF Prime line get canceled or put on hold because Hasbro goes all in with another movie line that is just going to sit around(I can take a snapshot at my Walmart every time I go, and it won't change).


I don't like Takara Bulkhead, he is too dark (also don't like the swirly metallic sheen in the plastic).

I kind of saw the Unicron twist coming when they introduced him. It is an awesome twist. Adds a new element to the human/transformers relationship.


I think I agree with Counterpunch. Third party stuff is getting too numerous and it is hard to keep up with it. It's too expensive and you have to make you choice.

I think it would be interesting if Hasbro officially licensed a 3rd party maker as like the official collectors arm of the Transformers brand.


I think the best hing in 2011 has to be Transformers Prime. I was not thrilled when Animated ended as it was the greatest thing since Beast Wars. Then the five parter came on last December for TF Prime and I wasn't impressed at all. I thought it was going to be another Armada or Cybertron with 3 annoying kids I want no part of, but then the actual season kicked in in February(?) and the kids roels were so miniscule (and I actually came to enjoy Miko and Jack's part in the show) and I've not missed Animated so much. Animated will is still my second favorite series, but TF Prime is already shaping up to be my third (and has proven TF's need to be made in the states).

Worst part of 2011, TRU exclusives. Why? Because my TRU closed and moved 30 minutes away :sad:


Love the show as always guys. I definitely want to try and catch the next call in show.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In" (1323195)
Posted by Samsonator on December 14th, 2011 @ 1:13pm CST
Gave it a listen through last night, loved it. Totally not just because I was in it for a brief shining moment :lol: . Definitely on board if you guys ever do another one of these that was lots of fun.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In" (1323198)
Posted by Sabrblade on December 14th, 2011 @ 1:23pm CST
This is the only time that an honest-to-goodness official Transformers character guest stars in this podcast. Who is it, you ask? This character. :-B

Oh, man, I sound awful. :oops:

Something I failed to mention about my question was how the Transformers nowadays no longer just an American property but a global property. And the comics did outlive the cartoon by four years, so... yeah. But, the point I was trying to get at is that I don't think anyone should be deprived of viewing any Transformers media, be it the comics, the Japanese shows, the video games, the books, or anything. The fact that the English shows and movies are the most widely available kinda prevents anything else from being experienced as much. I think everyone should have a chance to view anything, not just the English movies/cartoons. There's a lot of good stuff out there that many haven't seen yet, since comics and Japanese shows can do/have done things that American cartoons can't do, and so they're missing out as a result, which is a shame. :-(

I leave my DOTM Skids and Mudflap in altmode. Only transformed each once, and they were awful. Only bought them so I could have something for Sentinel Prime to kill :twisted: (No way would I have him kill my Ironhide :evil: ).

Great episode guys. Hope to do this again.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In" (1323202)
Posted by Lord Onixprime on December 14th, 2011 @ 1:40pm CST
Sabrblade wrote:Something I failed to mention about my question was how the Transformers nowadays no longer just an American property but a global property. And the comics did outlive the cartoon by four years, so... yeah. But, the point I was trying to get at is that I don't think anyone should be deprived of viewing any Transformers media, be it the comics, the Japanese shows, the video games, the books, or anything. The fact that the English shows and movies are the most widely available kinda prevents anything else from being experienced as much. I think everyone should have a chance to view anything, not just the English movies/cartoons. There's a lot of good stuff out there that many haven't seen yet, since comics and Japanese shows can do/have done things that American cartoons can't do, and so they're missing out as a result, which is a shame.

Has Japan had anything that was purely Japanese since Beast Wars Neo?

I mean, RID-Cybertron WAS the west sharing what the east was making. It's just reverted back to the east getting what the west is making. From what I've understood they are pretty much just getting translations of our cartoons and movies.

To experience some of that back logged content, that is what the internet is for.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In" (1324783)
Posted by Counterpunch on December 18th, 2011 @ 5:34pm CST
Thanks again to everyone who made it out for this.
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In" (1325071)
Posted by rpetras on December 19th, 2011 @ 1:39pm CST
Thanks for the opportunity, I had a lot of fun doing this.

It took a while, but I finally got the chance on Friday to listen to it.

And yes, it's true, I didn't think I sounded anything like that.

I really hope we get a chance to do it again sometime!
Re: Twincast / Podcast Episode #34 "Listener Call-In" (1325768)
Posted by TulioDude on December 21st, 2011 @ 5:28pm CST
Too baid i couldnt join but then gain,i dont live in the US and dont waht eastern time is very right.

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