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Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set

Transformers News: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017 10:27PM CDT

Categories: Toy News, Reviews, Site Articles
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 53,274

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Fellow Seibertronian Ebonyleopard has already provided us images of the alt modes for the Chaos on Velocitron set and now not only does he have the robot modes, but he also has a written review for us, which you can find below. Allow me to spoil something first though, Quickswitch does not have the retooled helmet shown in the Hasbro renders. Instead his body is a straight up redeco of Sixshot.

Ebonyleopard wrote:Ok. So, Fastclash Aka Fastlane is incredibly simple to transform (though so was his G1 counterpart). BUT, there is transformation elements in him that do not get used in his conversion but is obviously built in for his clone brother, Cloudraker. So it's a definite we'll be getting one of him.

Rodimus Prime head is nice, the colors are much more muted than Hot Rod's with a slight Magenta like color on the crest of his forehead. The diecast is only in the face of the TM, not the whole TM.

Nautica is pretty much what you'd expect from a Blurr repaint. Same transformation, though her head definitely goes in nice and snug (was almost worried I was pushing too hard to get it in place. The connection hole was pretty tight). There is no given name for her TM, so I guess he's wholely Nautica.

Laser Prime is EXACTLY like the already release nor traditionally colored Prime coming out now. His head is much more light blue than I was expecting. I'd say, if you gotta get one, you might as well wait for this boxset to come out and just own it once as a Prime. G2 color scheme does look nice on him and while the stickers are decently added on, some seem to be just slightly big for the area they are covering (particularly on the chest) and of course, who wouldn't rather put the stickers on themselves if something is going to have stickers?

Quickswitch is indeed his father's son. He's pretty much a straight recoloring of Sixshot with the only different thing being the TM face plate. He does indeed have the same helmet as Quickswitch. Easiest way to make them look dramatically different from one another is to not pull out the chest wings and just leave them inside their inner compartment. That being said though, his paint is well done. They've pretty much nailed the color scheme. Really the thing that would have made it stand out more would have been if they gave him different weapons (Render form folks, you got some work to do. New guns for Quickswitch, a gun for Fastclash, and a wrench for Nautica).

Overall, is the set worth $99? I think so. They're nice updates of their G1 (or in the case of Prime G2) counterparts, and while many are repaints, the paint jobs are decent enough to visually make them look different from their original mode brothers (or fathers).

Now to get another Hot Rod for the Rodimus Head (and maybe someone will make a trailer attachment for this Hotrod like they did in the past for the old Generations Rodimus). :KREMZEEK: :KREMZEEK: :KREMZEEK:

Transformers News: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set

Transformers News: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set

Transformers News: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set

Transformers News: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set

Transformers News: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set

Transformers News: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set

Transformers News: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set

Transformers News: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set
Credit(s): ebonyleopard

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Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868594)
Posted by Qwan on March 22nd, 2017 @ 10:36pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Blessing in Disguise


Ebonyleopard wrote:Image

Ah man, that's too bad that he still has Sixshot's helmet (you wrote that he has "the same helmet as Quickswitch" in your post BTW) but it looks like the colors are different enough that he can stand relatively well apart from Sixshot! Especially with the chest-wings in, and the wolf-toes tucked up in robot mode (as opposed to Sixshot, on whom I will be keeping those toes flipped out).

Also, someone get onto that symbol on his headband! Is it the same as Sixshot's? Does it mean something? I don't know!
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868596)
Posted by Cobotron on March 22nd, 2017 @ 10:44pm CDT
Quickswitch's symbol on his head is the same as Sixshot's, but flipped upside down. 8-}

Edit: Actually. No it's not. Just looked closser. It's its own symbol.
Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Baaaaaaaaaaaaad. :lol:
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868600)
Posted by DecepticonFinishline on March 22nd, 2017 @ 11:23pm CDT
Sooo.... What's the deal with Fastlane? It looks like he doesn't have a Titan Master, yet... Is he a Deluxe Class, or is he more like a Legends class?
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868601)
Posted by VanOscuro on March 22nd, 2017 @ 11:23pm CDT
Would it really have killed them to do a little more retooling? Puma head for Quickswitch and a rounder shield/front for Nautica. It can't have been that difficult.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868602)
Posted by RAR on March 22nd, 2017 @ 11:30pm CDT
Hasbro you were being a bit cheap with the render showing Quickswitch with a new helm then not actually giving him it.

And do I need to come round to Rhode Island and explain to you personally that a Doggy-&-a-Pussy are not the same thing.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868604)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 22nd, 2017 @ 11:41pm CDT
Noideaforaname wrote:I wonder what that kanji(?) symbol on Quickswitch's headband says.
Qwan wrote:Also, someone get onto that symbol on his headband! Is it the same as Sixshot's? Does it mean something? I don't know!
Cobotron wrote:Quickswitch's symbol on his head is the same as Sixshot's, but flipped upside down. 8-}

Edit: Actually. No it's not. Just looked closser. It's its own symbol.
Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Baaaaaaaaaaaaad. :lol:
The closest Kanji I can find to resembling that symbol is the Kanji 廿 (Nijū), which means 20.

Not sure why they'd pick that for a Sixchanger, if that even is what the symbol is supposed to be.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868611)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 23rd, 2017 @ 12:28am CDT
When I get the set, I might consider selling off Quickswitch. Don't really want or need him. the other 4 though look good enough and I'll keep them.

Dammit for the stickers. Gah, stupid things
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868612)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on March 23rd, 2017 @ 12:31am CDT
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed in TR that there have been more leader Decepticons? Soundwave, Six Shot, and Sky Shadow for the Decepticons with only Prime and Blaster for the Autobots.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868613)
Posted by Terrsolpix on March 23rd, 2017 @ 12:35am CDT
A little disappointing that Quickswitch got the short end of the quick-stick, but it doesn't really matter if he'll be a back liner on the shelf. Also a little worrying I'll be experiencing half the mold for the first time from this set :shock:
I'm never forgiving my local TRU. They seriously just restocked CW WAVE 6!!!!!! :BOOM:
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868614)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 23rd, 2017 @ 12:35am CDT
chuckdawg1999 wrote:Is it just me or has anyone else noticed in TR that there have been more leader Decepticons? Soundwave, Six Shot, and Sky Shadow for the Decepticons with only Prime and Blaster for the Autobots.
Similarly, CW had Megatron, Armada Megatron, and the three Seekers vs. just Ultra Magnus.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868615)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 23rd, 2017 @ 12:37am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:Is it just me or has anyone else noticed in TR that there have been more leader Decepticons? Soundwave, Six Shot, and Sky Shadow for the Decepticons with only Prime and Blaster for the Autobots.
Similarly, CW had Megatron, Armada Megatron, and the three Seekers vs. just Ultra Magnus.

It's just this time they are making good Decepticons
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868616)
Posted by Emerje on March 23rd, 2017 @ 12:46am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Noideaforaname wrote:I wonder what that kanji(?) symbol on Quickswitch's headband says.
Qwan wrote:Also, someone get onto that symbol on his headband! Is it the same as Sixshot's? Does it mean something? I don't know!
Cobotron wrote:Quickswitch's symbol on his head is the same as Sixshot's, but flipped upside down. 8-}

Edit: Actually. No it's not. Just looked closser. It's its own symbol.
Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Baaaaaaaaaaaaad. :lol:
The closest Kanji I can find to resembling that symbol is the Kanji 廿 (Nijū), which means 20.

Not sure why they'd pick that for a Sixchanger, if that even is what the symbol is supposed to be.

You guys are over thinking it, it's just the crest on the original figure's forehead slightly embellished.


Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868618)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on March 23rd, 2017 @ 12:52am CDT
The Clones are all tentatively designated as Legends Class figures, but a combination of factors renders them unfit for individual sale. Fastclash having no cockpit is directly inspired by G1 Fastlane:

Transformers G1 1987 Fastlane Gallery

Cloudraker does have one, so make of that what you will.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868620)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on March 23rd, 2017 @ 12:59am CDT
No guns for the clones, that stinks.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868621)
Posted by Emerje on March 23rd, 2017 @ 1:14am CDT
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:Cloudraker does have one, so make of that what you will.

Victim of sharing a torso design with a jet. Apparently it makes more sense to not sculpt a window on a car than to explain why a jet has a vestigial window on the back. Frankly, I would have gone with the window.

Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868622)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on March 23rd, 2017 @ 1:14am CDT
chuckdawg1999 wrote:No guns for the clones, that stinks.

Other Legends Class figures, except for Rewind and Rumble have no weapons either, so it's par on course. Fastclash should have the standard 5mm holes, so he could always borrow some guns.

And I hope that helmet is an overlooked error on Quickswitch, so it can be fixed with a running change. Not that I should care, right?
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868628)
Posted by Manterax Prime on March 23rd, 2017 @ 2:16am CDT
So Quickswitch has his crest on the Titan Master, but no remolded helmet?
That's a big mistake.
How does go about reporting a major error like this to Hasbro?
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868637)
Posted by Diem on March 23rd, 2017 @ 9:00am CDT
Emerje wrote:You guys are over thinking it, it's just the crest on the original figure's forehead slightly embellished.



Also as a bonus it looks like a "V" with a horizontal "I" (yeah, I'm reaching) for a grand total of VI

Also from these boxsets I believe we're evening out on Leaders by faction.

Powermaster Optimus Prime
Magnus Prime

Six Shot
Sky Shadow
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868639)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 23rd, 2017 @ 9:04am CDT
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:No guns for the clones, that stinks.

Other Legends Class figures, except for Rewind and Rumble have no weapons either, so it's par on course. Fastclash should have the standard 5mm holes, so he could always borrow some guns.

And I hope that helmet is an overlooked error on Quickswitch, so it can be fixed with a running change. Not that I should care, right?

At least for me, the clones will probably get Hot Rod's guns...

Or he'll keep them and Titan Master Roddy Prime will man them like a boss. I haven't decided yet
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868640)
Posted by william-james88 on March 23rd, 2017 @ 9:04am CDT
DecepticonFinishline wrote:Sooo.... What's the deal with Fastlane? It looks like he doesn't have a Titan Master, yet... Is he a Deluxe Class, or is he more like a Legends class?

Clones are their own class and not linked to Titans Return in aany way in terms of functionality. So no titan masters, no way to pilot them, really their own subline divided up in 4 boxsets. They are also the size of the old scouts.

VanOscuro wrote:Would it really have killed them to do a little more retooling? Puma head for Quickswitch and a rounder shield/front for Nautica. It can't have been that difficult.

I am also peeved by this. Its minimal effort.

D-Maximus_Prime wrote:When I get the set, I might consider selling off Quickswitch. Don't really want or need him. the other 4 though look good enough and I'll keep them.

Dammit for the stickers. Gah, stupid things

I am surprised, I thought you were really looking forward to having two of this mold :-P

chuckdawg1999 wrote:Is it just me or has anyone else noticed in TR that there have been more leader Decepticons? Soundwave, Six Shot, and Sky Shadow for the Decepticons with only Prime and Blaster for the Autobots.

hasbro said they were focusing on decepticons in this line and releasing all six phasers. So what you are noticing is something hasbro already confirmed is happening.

D-Maximus_Prime wrote:It's just this time they are making good Decepticons

Arent all Decepticons bad :-? ;)

Emerje wrote:You guys are over thinking it, it's just the crest on the original figure's forehead slightly embellished.



My dear Emerje, you are a bit out of the loop here. Look at the most recent news stories about this set and you will understand whats going on here.

JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:And I hope that helmet is an overlooked error on Quickswitch, so it can be fixed with a running change. Not that I should care, right?

I care quite a bit.

Manterax Prime wrote:So Quickswitch has his crest on the Titan Master, but no remolded helmet?
That's a big mistake.
How does go about reporting a major error like this to Hasbro?

Right here:
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868642)
Posted by Kurona on March 23rd, 2017 @ 9:07am CDT
The entire figure's a huge mistake, so...

That's kind of interesting about the clones - the only figures in TR without any sort of Titan Master compatibility whatsoever? Not even some token feet pegs like on Laserbeak? Weird.

Maaaan it frustrates me that Laser Prime looks so good though... I want nothing else in this set and he looks bloody amazing.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868644)
Posted by ScottyP on March 23rd, 2017 @ 9:35am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
VanOscuro wrote:Would it really have killed them to do a little more retooling? Puma head for Quickswitch and a rounder shield/front for Nautica. It can't have been that difficult.

I am also peeved by this. Its minimal effort.
This is shortsighted.

This set has a brand new mold in it, which is already more than can be said for the CW boxed sets. Nautica has two very large new pieces relative to the size of the figure.

Of course they could have "done more". This is almost always true. Will, you seem especially price conscious for these products throughout the various discussions on these boards. Would you be willing to pay $125-$150 for these sets if it meant more tooling? Hasbro likely has numbers to say that the aggregate of the fandom wouldn't.

Not seeing more retooling isn't laziness, it's cost control.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868646)
Posted by Diem on March 23rd, 2017 @ 9:46am CDT
ScottyP wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
VanOscuro wrote:Would it really have killed them to do a little more retooling? Puma head for Quickswitch and a rounder shield/front for Nautica. It can't have been that difficult.

I am also peeved by this. Its minimal effort.
This is shortsighted.

This set has a brand new mold in it, which is already more than can be said for the CW boxed sets. Nautica has two very large new pieces relative to the size of the figure.

Of course they could have "done more". This is almost always true. Will, you seem especially price conscious for these products throughout the various discussions on these boards. Would you be willing to pay $125-$150 for these sets if it meant more tooling? Hasbro likely has numbers to say that the aggregate of the fandom wouldn't.

Not seeing more retooling isn't laziness, it's cost control.

This. Aside from Optimus Prime (and even then it's a fairly obtuse version of him) and Hot Rod's head this set is total D-listers. I love Quickswitch but I'm honestly astounded there's an updated figure of him at all, and I'm sure that that's only attributable to the fact that Titans Returns allows for even cheaper than usual head retools.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868657)
Posted by joevill on March 23rd, 2017 @ 11:11am CDT
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868658)
Posted by Autobot N on March 23rd, 2017 @ 11:13am CDT
joevill wrote:OMG THIS IS COOL! IS IT A TRU EXCLUSIVE????????????????????
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868661)
Posted by william-james88 on March 23rd, 2017 @ 11:23am CDT
ScottyP wrote:
william-james88 wrote:I am also peeved by this. Its minimal effort.
This is shortsighted.

I was referring to the fact that they showed us the toy would have retooling in their renders but ended up not giving us that. If I would not have been told I would get something, I would have a similar opinion to you.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868667)
Posted by ScottyP on March 23rd, 2017 @ 11:52am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
ScottyP wrote:
william-james88 wrote:I am also peeved by this. Its minimal effort.
This is shortsighted.

I was referring to the fact that they showed us the toy would have retooling in their renders but ended up not giving us that. If I would not have been told I would get something, I would have a similar opinion to you.
The very finished looking product on the Toy Fair show floor had the Sixshot helmet in red though. It should have been expected at that point that this was what was coming. If it was a legit mistake, I'd cautiously hazard a guess that later runs will be different, if they even occur.

Additionally, I don't care about Quickswitch so maybe that colors how I'm thinking about this too.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868674)
Posted by william-james88 on March 23rd, 2017 @ 12:04pm CDT
ScottyP wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
ScottyP wrote:
william-james88 wrote:I am also peeved by this. Its minimal effort.
This is shortsighted.

I was referring to the fact that they showed us the toy would have retooling in their renders but ended up not giving us that. If I would not have been told I would get something, I would have a similar opinion to you.
The very finished looking product on the Toy Fair show floor had the Sixshot helmet in red though. It should have been expected at that point that this was what was coming.

But all reports from toyfair (which I heard on your podcast) were that those were not finished products but painted mock ups. So I dont see how they can be seen as "very finished looking products". Although i will give you that Hasbro's Afterburner did have the right head on the show floor when first revealed, while the official pic didnt, so this has happened before. I just think that it was normal for us fans to expect something shown to us and its all right to be dissapointed by the final result.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868681)
Posted by DecepticonFinishline on March 23rd, 2017 @ 1:08pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:Is it just me or has anyone else noticed in TR that there have been more leader Decepticons? Soundwave, Six Shot, and Sky Shadow for the Decepticons with only Prime and Blaster for the Autobots.

hasbro said they were focusing on decepticons in this line and releasing all six phasers. So what you are noticing is something hasbro already confirmed is happening.

Conversely, though, we have almost double the number Autobot Deluxes (and Titan Master) class figures when compared to the Decepticons. We'll have more big Decepticons, but as far as I've seen the numbers will still (as always) be in favor of the Autobots.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868684)
Posted by william-james88 on March 23rd, 2017 @ 1:20pm CDT
DecepticonFinishline wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:Is it just me or has anyone else noticed in TR that there have been more leader Decepticons? Soundwave, Six Shot, and Sky Shadow for the Decepticons with only Prime and Blaster for the Autobots.

hasbro said they were focusing on decepticons in this line and releasing all six phasers. So what you are noticing is something hasbro already confirmed is happening.

Conversely, though, we have almost double the number Autobot Deluxes (and Titan Master) class figures when compared to the Decepticons. We'll have more big Decepticons, but as far as I've seen the numbers will still (as always) be in favor of the Autobots.

You can call it tradition then. The cons are bigger and stronger with military advantage and the autobots have numbers!
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868691)
Posted by Kurona on March 23rd, 2017 @ 2:39pm CDT
So if anyone wants to see a clear image of how Rodimus looks on Hot Rod... pretty good!

Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868692)
Posted by Emerje on March 23rd, 2017 @ 2:39pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Emerje wrote:You guys are over thinking it, it's just the crest on the original figure's forehead slightly embellished.

My dear Emerje, you are a bit out of the loop here. Look at the most recent news stories about this set and you will understand whats going on here.

Will, my friend, I do believe it is you that is out of the loop. Instead of reading the portion of my post that Diem quoted go back and read the whole post to see what we're actually talking about. ;)

Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868693)
Posted by DecepticonFinishline on March 23rd, 2017 @ 2:42pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
DecepticonFinishline wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:Is it just me or has anyone else noticed in TR that there have been more leader Decepticons? Soundwave, Six Shot, and Sky Shadow for the Decepticons with only Prime and Blaster for the Autobots.

hasbro said they were focusing on decepticons in this line and releasing all six phasers. So what you are noticing is something hasbro already confirmed is happening.

Conversely, though, we have almost double the number Autobot Deluxes (and Titan Master) class figures when compared to the Decepticons. We'll have more big Decepticons, but as far as I've seen the numbers will still (as always) be in favor of the Autobots.

You can call it tradition then. The cons are bigger and stronger with military advantage and the autobots have numbers!

Ehhh! Bah humbug tradition. I need my Decepticon shelves more fleshed out! :CON: :CON: :CON:
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868694)
Posted by Kurona on March 23rd, 2017 @ 2:45pm CDT
Also, I believed them when they said it; but now I'm not entirely sure why Hasbro is telling us the Clones are their own class and the same size as the old Scouts - they're the same size as Bumblebee! Is it to do with parts count?

Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868696)
Posted by Diem on March 23rd, 2017 @ 2:56pm CDT
Emerje wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
Emerje wrote:You guys are over thinking it, it's just the crest on the original figure's forehead slightly embellished.

My dear Emerje, you are a bit out of the loop here. Look at the most recent news stories about this set and you will understand whats going on here.

Will, my friend, I do believe it is you that is out of the loop. Instead of reading the portion of my post that Diem quoted go back and read the whole post to see what we're actually talking about. ;)


I'll quote whatever extracts I want AND die trying!
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868703)
Posted by Randomhero on March 23rd, 2017 @ 3:20pm CDT
Toysrus on the south side of Des Moines Iowa is fully stocked if anyone on here is from there. I picked mine up and the guy said they came in today and just put them out!!!
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868704)
Posted by Bumblebee21 on March 23rd, 2017 @ 3:25pm CDT
Kurona wrote:Also, I believed them when they said it; but now I'm not entirely sure why Hasbro is telling us the Clones are their own class and the same size as the old Scouts - they're the same size as Bumblebee! Is it to do with parts count?


someone else that had them in hand said that he feels like a legends figure
so hasbro basically lied to us. means the takara versions wont cost too much.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868710)
Posted by o.supreme on March 23rd, 2017 @ 3:44pm CDT
Hasbro was misleading to be sure, but its nice to have something to compare them with in terms of "value"

With CW Box Sets You got a Voyager ($25 US) plus 4 Deluxes ($15 each X 4=$60) plus a Legends ($10)= $95 base price, but the fact that all 6 figures had a strong connective theme made paying roughly $100 plus tax worth it.

Now with these TR sets you get a Leader ($45) a Voyager ($25), a Deluxe ($15), a Legends ($10) and a metal TR head...lets just say $5.00 (yes its metal, but you don't get the vehicle...)

So total value is $100, same as they would be if sold individually basically....

So some might say TR sets are a better value for your dollar than the CW sets, but the randomness of characters will still no doubt lead to a ton of these getting piecemealed in the secondary market, which is fine. I think also Hasbro saves cost by packaging them in sets like this rather than individually. I guess you could say, we are kind of doing Hasbro's work for them by trying to sell them individually after purchase :-?

Also, I don't know if anyone can confirm...but is the size/dimension of the packaging the same as a Combiner wars Combiner (Victorion, Computorn G2's...) or something closer to CW Devastator, or a slightly different size altogether?
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868712)
Posted by Randomhero on March 23rd, 2017 @ 3:53pm CDT
o.supreme wrote:Hasbro was misleading to be sure, but its nice to have something to compare them with in terms of "value"

With CW Box Sets You got a Voyager ($25 US) plus 4 Deluxes ($15 each X 4=$60) plus a Legends ($10)= $95 base price, but the fact that all 6 figures had a strong connective theme made paying roughly $100 plus tax worth it.

Now with these TR sets you get a Leader ($45) a Voyager ($25), a Deluxe ($15), a Legends ($10) and a metal TR head...lets just say $5.00 (yes its metal, but you don't get the vehicle...)

So total value is $100, same as they would be if sold individually basically....

So some might say TR sets are a better value for your dollar than the CW sets, but the randomness of characters will still no doubt lead to a ton of these getting piecemealed in the secondary market, which is fine. I think also Hasbro saves cost by packaging them in sets like this rather than individually. I guess you could say, we are kind of doing Hasbro's work for them by trying to sell them individually after purchase :-?

Also, I don't know if anyone can confirm...but is the size/dimension of the packaging the same as a Combiner wars Combiner (Victorion, Computorn G2's...) or something closer to CW Devastator, or a slightly different size altogether?

I consider it a value on the basis that 1. Robotkingdome put their preorders for $165(original rumors were 125 for online when announced) 2. They're exclusives to certain stores and 3. Your getting 2 new molds and 2 "retools" and that are exclusive to the set. It's not a bad price for something that is exclusive to toysrus
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868715)
Posted by Kurona on March 23rd, 2017 @ 4:02pm CDT
The only new molds are the clones. Even the Titan Masters are re-used from previously released Titan Masters.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868720)
Posted by Randomhero on March 23rd, 2017 @ 4:15pm CDT
Kurona wrote:The only new molds are the clones. Even the Titan Masters are re-used from previously released Titan Masters.

No the rodimus Titan master is new I'm holding it in my hand right now

Edit: you're right, the rodimus is from Ptero but we're still getting atleast one new figure in the first sets that has been confirmed won't be sold in regular retail because according to hasbro he's between deluxe and legends scale. I disagree 100% he's total legends and honestly next to laser Prime the weakest in the set to me.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868721)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 23rd, 2017 @ 4:21pm CDT
Randomhero wrote:
Kurona wrote:The only new molds are the clones. Even the Titan Masters are re-used from previously released Titan Masters.

No the rodimus Titan master is new I'm holding it in my hand right now

Edit: you're right, the rodimus is from Ptero but we're still getting atleast one new figure in the first sets that has been confirmed won't be sold in regular retail because according to hasbro he's between deluxe and legends scale. I disagree 100% he's total legends and honestly next to laser Prime the weakest in the set to me.
In addition to the head mode face, the robot mode torso itself is new, so it's at least not the Ptero mold's robot mode wholecloth.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868722)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 23rd, 2017 @ 4:22pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Randomhero wrote:
Kurona wrote:The only new molds are the clones. Even the Titan Masters are re-used from previously released Titan Masters.

No the rodimus Titan master is new I'm holding it in my hand right now

Edit: you're right, the rodimus is from Ptero but we're still getting atleast one new figure in the first sets that has been confirmed won't be sold in regular retail because according to hasbro he's between deluxe and legends scale. I disagree 100% he's total legends and honestly next to laser Prime the weakest in the set to me.
In addition to the head mode face, the robot mode torso itself is new, so it's at least not the Ptero mold's robot mode wholecloth.

Almost should just call it partsharing. Most of that titan master is brand new
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868724)
Posted by Qwan on March 23rd, 2017 @ 4:24pm CDT
Randomhero wrote:
Kurona wrote:The only new molds are the clones. Even the Titan Masters are re-used from previously released Titan Masters.

No the rodimus Titan master is new I'm holding it in my hand right now

Edit: you're right, the rodimus is from Ptero but we're still getting atleast one new figure in the first sets that has been confirmed won't be sold in regular retail because according to hasbro he's between deluxe and legends scale. I disagree 100% he's total legends and honestly next to laser Prime the weakest in the set to me.

Actually, strangely enough, the Rodimus TM is a face-remold of Ptero from Wave 3 with a new torso (Jelze worked this out quite a lot of pages back, if I remember). Similarly, Thunderwing is Fangry with a new face. Strange, but true. :-?

Anyways, they're technically remolds but it's not really much of a big deal - when it comes down to it, the most important part of a TM is the face and that's the major new part, so. :D

EDIT: Ninja'd by a whole discussion! :lol:
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868726)
Posted by RAR on March 23rd, 2017 @ 4:29pm CDT
Yeah "Fastlane" sure looks like a Legends class to me. Is there any structural difference like screwed together pieces instead of ball joints ?

I'm actually a little disappointed in some ways as I liked the idea of them being about PCC commander / Scout size more - it would have given them some extra appeal.

I wonder if they might do an RID Starscream on us and repack them as Legions after all - especially in places like Europe where they are astronomically expensive it might makes sense to release them on their own cards - heck make a wave out of them with someone suitably altered as another Throttlebot to bump up the numbers instant bonus wave - for anytime between 2017/2018. since the Titanmaster gimic isn't essential for legions it might make sense to do that in places the boxed set isn't released - like South America & some places in Europe perhaps.

If they'd come with guns then I'd discounted that idea but as they lack them - I can't see any reason for them not to be legions Pounce as well perhaps - well this one at least I don't know about Wingspan and Cloudraker they might have wings big enough to bump them over the price point.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868727)
Posted by Randomhero on March 23rd, 2017 @ 4:33pm CDT
Been messing with my box set for about half an hour, 100% worth it.

quickswitch: helmet doesn't bother in the slightest it's fine and I messed around with his robot mode to make him look different from sixshot. Hid the chest wings, rotated the big wheels to face forward, flattened out the back wings and spread them like a seeker. Super tight, tighter than my six shot. He's top.

Rodimus: he looks good on hot rod toy. Blends well. Little hard to get the master on at first though.

Fastclash: eh, he's okay. You lay him down and put his arms forward. Looks like a robot laying down. Same as the old one but what are ya gonna do?

Laser Prime: I have no love for that look, he's never "wowed" me and I was huge into G2 but the Laser Rod never did anything for me when when I was 10. I owe my buddy for gifting me the Botcon Pounce and Wingspan and promised him a sixshot but I haven't found a second one and he loves Laser Rod Optimus and he every deco of it including Scourge so I might gift it to him.

Nautica: love her! She's Natica. Even standing her next to Blurr and Brainstorm, all I see is Nautica and that's what I want to see. Props to the gentleman who said he was going to give her one of Generations Wheeljack's wrenches because I did that the moment I transformed her.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868728)
Posted by Sigma Magnus on March 23rd, 2017 @ 4:35pm CDT
Any pics of Laser Prime's jet mode yet?
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868729)
Posted by Kurona on March 23rd, 2017 @ 4:36pm CDT
So how is everyone else justifying value for these sets in their heads?

The way I see it; the clones and Titan Masters are consistently good but they're not enough to justify the price at all - they're nice little bonuses but make up 15% of the price at best. Therefore for me, at the very least either the Leader has to be appealing or both the Deluxe and Voyager have to be appealing to justify the price at all. This is kind of why the Velocitron set falls short for me; Quickswitch is not appealing in the slightest and he makes up half of the boxset's price. And then Nautica is such a bad representation of a great character all that leaves is Laser Prime with a couple cute bonus figures, which isn't worth the asking price.

Meanwhile, the Cybertron set looks incredible - Magnus Prime is an immediate win and while Tidal Wave looks pretty lame, Metalhawk's an awesome representation of the character based on an equally awesome mold. With the Voyager the only kinda stinker in the set - and even then it's an alright mold I could have fun transforming occasionally - this is one I'd be very happy to pick up at RRP.

I still feel this is a frustrating situation - there's bound to be at least one figure in here one won't find themselves enjoying; at least with the CW boxsets the full combiner was what mattered the most so even if there were one or two or even all figures you didn't like in the set, it'd be fine because you'd have that combined mode. Not having that for these boxsets - and the fact they have no unifying theme - makes them extremely tricky to justify buying.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868730)
Posted by Randomhero on March 23rd, 2017 @ 4:36pm CDT
RAR wrote:Yeah "Fastlane" sure looks like a Legends class to me. Is there any structural difference like screwed together pieces instead of ball joints ?

I'm actually a little disappointed in some ways as I liked the idea of them being about PCC commander / Scout size more - it would have given them some extra appeal.

I wonder if they might do an RID Starscream on us and repack them as Legions after all - especially in places like Europe where they are astronomically expensive it might makes sense to release them on their own cards - heck make a wave out of them with someone suitably altered as another Throttlebot to bump up the numbers instant bonus wave - for anytime between 2017/2018. since the Titanmaster gimic isn't essential for legions it might make sense to do that in places the boxed set isn't released - like South America & some places in Europe perhaps.

If they'd come with guns then I'd discounted that idea but as they lack them - I can't see any reason for them not to be legions Pounce as well perhaps - well this one at least I don't know about Wingspan and Cloudraker they might have wings big enough to bump them over the price point.

All my Combiners are in combined mode when on display so I have a plastic drawer in my office filled with guns and when I transformer doesn't come with one I give him or her one of those guns and it's fine.
Re: Pictorial Review of Titans Return Chaos on Velocitron Set (1868732)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 23rd, 2017 @ 4:38pm CDT
There is at least $35-$45 worth of figures I do not want from each set, but the cool factor of the rest make up for it, and I can live with the 3 figures I don't really want at all. They are all cool, and if Randomhero is right about tighter joints, I may enjoy Quickswitch more than Sixshot

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