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Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail

Transformers News: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail

Saturday, March 2nd, 2019 8:58PM CST

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News, Sightings
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 42,681

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We have amazing news for all those who just could not wait to get their hands on Transformers Studio Series 38 Optimus Prime, the one from the Bumblebee film with the more G1 aesthetic. It has been spotted, along with his wavemate Rampage at a Walmart in Florida. The image was posted on Reddit as proof. The toys are priced at $28.96 USD each. They were due out in April, so this is one month early. We wish you US fans all the best in tracking this sought after Optimus Prime toy down.

If you have found them, share your sightings with our community in the sightings section and on our boards in your region related thread.

Transformers News: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail
Credit(s): Transformers Subreddit

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Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013059)
Posted by Sarahthecutevixen on March 2nd, 2019 @ 9:00pm CST
you know this should give an idea on how large devastator is gonna be, the old supreme class' leg is as tall as the new one's foot so I expect devastator to be around titan class If not bigger
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013060)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 2nd, 2019 @ 9:19pm CST
Have some Megatron:

Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013084)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on March 3rd, 2019 @ 3:50am CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Jetfire, wow, Jetfire is BAD. I have tried 3 times over the course of 4 hours, and I have not gotten him into jet mode yet. His legs refuse to work, they refuse to tab in straight. I cannot get his legs and arms to tab into jet mode in ANY location, and his front and back parts of his legs will not align either. I have yet to see a good jet mode out of him, and it's so depressing! He just won't cooperate!

I don't get this at all. I've had absolutely no issues with transforming Jetfire at all and have done so several times since I got him at start of year. It's actually a pretty simple transformation too and I didn't use the instructions (never even took them out of box).

I even posted two pics of him in jet mode on the previous page.

Can you post pics of the parts you're having trouble with? I'm not saying this stuff to appear superior or smug, I'm genuinely trying to help folk enjoy the figure they've purchased that I have no had any trouble with. Kinda like when William-James had issues with Jazz not transforming properly but was cos he had missed the peg inside the roof that plugs into his backside and when done the panels fit just fine.

Edit: took a couple pics of the underside of my Jetfire if it's of any help to you guys. I took it with the axe attached first before realising I should remove it so took another pic without it too. :P


If you need me to peel back any parts so you can see how the legs are transformed and such just let me know.

I swore off buying new toys for a lil while but that DotM Megatron is still tempting me. I still need Bonecrusher and to find a cheap Brawl someplace too.
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013095)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 3rd, 2019 @ 7:00am CST
Those giant square boots on Leader DOTM Megatron just ruin the entire figure for me. They could have managed the truck kibbles better.
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013099)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on March 3rd, 2019 @ 7:47am CST
Kapow currently have the wave 1 and 2 voyagers at only £16.97 each instead of £29.99. Dangit I just bid on a Brawl on eBay and gotta wait for that to end or get outbid. :P But here's links to the Kapow listings if you're a UK collector looking for these figures at a good price.

SS05 Optimus Prime ... es-05.html
SS06 Starscream ... -ss06.html
SS12 Brawl ... -6200.html
SS13 Megatron ... -6201.html
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013127)
Posted by Ironhidensh on March 3rd, 2019 @ 10:34am CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote: For some reason, SIEGE is making leaps and bounds with posability, but STUDIO SERIES seems to be getting worse. Why?????

In my opinion? Because Siege is primarily designed as a children's toys first, and Studio Series is primarily designed as a display piece first. I could be way off there, but that is how it feels to me.

I, too, am shocked that you are having trouble with Jetfire. I was able to transform him perfectly without instructions. I'm sorry you are having trouble.

I haven't transformed Megatron yet, to be honest, so I don't know about the issues there, but I would agree with you on the hips.
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013132)
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on March 3rd, 2019 @ 10:42am CST
Ironhidensh wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote: For some reason, SIEGE is making leaps and bounds with posability, but STUDIO SERIES seems to be getting worse. Why?????

In my opinion? Because Siege is primarily designed as a children's toys first, and Studio Series is primarily designed as a display piece first. I could be way off there, but that is how it feels to me.

I, too, am shocked that you are having trouble with Jetfire. I was able to transform him perfectly without instructions. I'm sorry you are having trouble.

I haven't transformed Megatron yet, to be honest, so I don't know about the issues there, but I would agree with you on the hips.

I wouldn't say Studio Series is being designed to be a line of display pieces. I'd actually say that it's a line that's trying to cope with transforming realistic vehicles to robot modes that have some parts of the vehicle, but also lots of parts that disappear or change size, and as a result of that, articulation is taking a step back to allow for transformation to take place. Though, I can't really explain the lack of wrist swivels on some of the figures...
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013135)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on March 3rd, 2019 @ 10:50am CST
Sentinel_Primal wrote: Though, I can't really explain the lack of wrist swivels on some of the figures...

Which ones should and could (where transformation allows wrist be thick enough)? Blackout was certainly one but the Shockwave Lab hands on mine really helped with that and added finger articulation so that's good. It's rare on the Deluxes (given the size probably), with the voyagers Optimus (SS05 and SS32), Ironhide and Starscream have it (dunno about Brawl cos I don't have him and Megatron has weird hands in general), I can't remember if Grimlock had it on his one hand cos I sold him in favour of Black Mamba's version but Jetfire has similar wrists to Starscream.

Ironhidensh wrote:I, too, am shocked that you are having trouble with Jetfire. I was able to transform him perfectly without instructions. I'm sorry you are having trouble.

Not directly aimed at me but I thank you for proving I'm not crazy. About this anyways. :P
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013137)
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on March 3rd, 2019 @ 10:56am CST
Carnivius_Prime wrote:
Sentinel_Primal wrote: Though, I can't really explain the lack of wrist swivels on some of the figures...

Which ones should and could (where transformation allows wrist be thick enough)? Blackout was certainly one but the Shockwave Lab hands on mine really helped with that and added finger articulation so that's good.

Specifically, Ratchet could have benefitted with having them. And I think the Lockdown and Stinger molds could have been engineered slightly differently to allow for wrist swivels, but I don't they're as important there :lol:
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013138)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on March 3rd, 2019 @ 11:00am CST
Sentinel_Primal wrote:Specifically, Ratchet could have benefitted with having them. And I think the Lockdown and Stinger molds could have been engineered slightly differently to allow for wrist swivels, but I don't they're as important there :lol:

Yeah I can agree on Ratchet, holding him in hand now. Not sure about Lockdown and Stinger molds since their hands are so integrated with the car doors (pretty much the whole back of the hand is door) I can't see that being possible. But yeah Ratchet's could have potentially been done.
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013142)
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on March 3rd, 2019 @ 11:10am CST
Carnivius_Prime wrote:
Sentinel_Primal wrote:Specifically, Ratchet could have benefitted with having them. And I think the Lockdown and Stinger molds could have been engineered slightly differently to allow for wrist swivels, but I don't they're as important there :lol:

Yeah I can agree on Ratchet, holding him in hand now. Not sure about Lockdown and Stinger molds since their hands are so integrated with the car doors (pretty much the whole back of the hand is door) I can't see that being possible. But yeah Ratchet's could have potentially been done.

Personally, I can't really talk about most of the molds as distribution and shelf warming has made it to where the stores in my area just have Dropkick and DotM Ratchet for the deluxes, and RotF Starscream for the voyagers and they haven't restocked the leaders so I haven't been able to grab any of the figures I've been looking at, but wanting to see in hand how they look before buying. On the plus side though, it looks like all the coming figures look great in the renders and at the physically reveals, so I don't have to hunt for them in store when they come out cause I can just find them online :twisted: :lol:
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013144)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on March 3rd, 2019 @ 11:16am CST
Sentinel_Primal wrote:and RotF Starscream for the voyagers and they haven't restocked the leaders

I had to get RotF Starscream shipped from the US cos I couldn't find it in the UK, certainly not in actual stores but it turned out to be about £7 cheaper including the shipping to do so anyways cos Amazon US were selling it for 20 dollars so yay for me :D But yeah I've not seen any of the Jetfire, SS32 Prime, DotM Megatron, Sideswipe, Barry and co wave to appear in stores here yet. I've bought the ones I have from that lot online. A ton of Thundercrackers seems to have recently appeared to clog up the shelves at The Entertainer for £19.99. Presumably left-over Toys R Us stock (though the nearest TRU closed over a year ago).
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013147)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 3rd, 2019 @ 11:22am CST
So here is this morning's attempt at transforming. It's the legs and shoulders that are issues, They will not tab in and I think my ending covers are not aligned properly construction wise. The foot tabs into the rest, but the engine cover itself is off by about half an hour in terms of attempting to tab

Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013156)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on March 3rd, 2019 @ 11:43am CST
Hm, I'm not sure what's causing the issue. Can you pull it out at 90 degrees and ensure every detail and part is aligned or rotated (particularly the actual engine bits themselves since they need to be rotated into place properly) like in my photos below if it helps at all? Or take similar photos to these so we can have a look to? I know the issue might not even be visible in these but just to be sure?

Inner side of wing

inner side of body

How it should be when wing is pushed back into position
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013163)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 3rd, 2019 @ 11:53am CST
I had all the parts aligned, they just don't want to stay tabbed in.

But as sad as the alt mode is, this robot mode is the bomb!

Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013165)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on March 3rd, 2019 @ 11:56am CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I had all the parts aligned, they just don't want to stay tabbed in.

But as sad as the alt mode is, this robot mode is the bomb!


Heh, that pic is so very much why I love his robot mode. So much character. :) But yeah I really his jet mode a lot too and I'm really sorry yours doesn't seem to transform correctly. Maybe a QC issue? :/
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013167)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 3rd, 2019 @ 11:58am CST
Oh for sure, if there is something Studio Series has killed at, it's the looks of the robot modes. Grimlock and Lockdown have stood out to me since the beginning for the awesome robot mode detailing, and Megatron and Jetfire continue that trend nicely!
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013168)
Posted by william-james88 on March 3rd, 2019 @ 12:02pm CST
Its a qc issue. You are best to return it to the store and get another one (once they restock)
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013185)
Posted by DeathReviews on March 3rd, 2019 @ 12:35pm CST
Another Optimus Prime figure? I've reviewed two in as many months now already. When will it end? ;)
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013188)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 3rd, 2019 @ 12:59pm CST
DeathReviews wrote:Another Optimus Prime figure? I've reviewed two in as many months now already. When will it end? ;)

:bigmichaelbay: NEVER! :bigmichaelbay:
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013224)
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on March 3rd, 2019 @ 4:22pm CST
Just my luck. I mention that I haven't found any of the latest Studio Series figures, then I go to the store and find WWII Bumblebee. In a child's hands #-o Though, I am happy to see new fans coming into the fandom. Just wish I'd been able to find Sideswipe cause he's one of the last few Autobots I've been looking for aside from Jetfire and the new leader class Prime
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013241)
Posted by DedicatedGhostArt on March 3rd, 2019 @ 8:13pm CST
So, I got Clunker Bumblebee today. Overall I think he's great in both modes. But.. He's REALLY FREAKING DIFFICULT to transform out of car mode. Into car mode isn't too bad, but I feel I'm doing something wrong in reverse. The hood section fitting into between the chest panels is not too bad into car mode after some practice, but out of it feels almost impossible without ripping a wheel or arm off. Also as much as people complained about the roof section on the older one not having a pin? Well, now that it does, I'm SUPER worried about the thin plastic sections that previously weren't stressed as much, but now are due to the pin now causing no give. I feel the figure is really good, but once again, due to fandom crankiness with LITERALLY 0 FORESIGHT, now the figure risks breakage when before it was just a part that could come off if not careful. I'm with Hasbro on this one. I feel HasTak knew why they did it the first way, but just gave in after a buncha people like Baltmatrix decided to shit on it for fun.

Anyhoo, overall, this guy looks amazing in either mode. He feels MUCH chunkier in mass than previous movie lines. I only have SS Jazz as another SS deluxe to compare him to, and I just remember how terrible the AoE line was for example, and am just so happy we finally have more complex and WEIGHTIER movie figures. I don't want large and hallow, I want smaller and weightier, and that's what these are. Really well done, despite the difficult areas.Plus the rust paint aps look really good. Both modes hold together very well also. Just.. very difficult to get him out of car mode.
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013243)
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on March 3rd, 2019 @ 8:17pm CST
UnderYourCloset wrote:So, I got Clunker Bumblebee today. Overall I think he's great in both modes. But.. He's REALLY FREAKING DIFFICULT to transform out of car mode. Into car mode isn't too bad, but I feel I'm doing something wrong in reverse. The hood section fitting into between the chest panels is not too bad into car mode after some practice, but out of it feels almost impossible without ripping a wheel or arm off. Also as much as people complained about the roof section on the older one not having a pin? Well, now that it does, I'm SUPER worried about the thin plastic sections that previously weren't stressed as much, but now are due to the pin now causing no give. I feel the figure is really good, but once again, due to fandom crankiness with LITERALLY 0 FORESIGHT, now the figure risks breakage when before it was just a part that could come off if not careful. I'm with Hasbro on this one. I feel HasTak knew why they did it the first way, but just gave in after a buncha people like Baltmatrix decided to **** on it for fun.

Anyhoo, overall, this guy looks amazing in either mode. He feels MUCH chunkier in mass than previous movie lines. I only have SS Jazz as another SS deluxe to compare him to, and I just remember how terrible the AoE line was for example, and am just so happy we finally have more complex and WEIGHTIER movie figures. I don't want large and hallow, I want smaller and weightier, and that's what these are. Really well done, despite the difficult areas.Plus the rust paint aps look really good. Both modes hold together very well also. Just.. very difficult to get him out of car mode.

I never got the complaints on the first Bee. My copy works fine and I had to try to pop the roof off. Maybe mine's one of the few that works properly, but I've had no issues with it except the arm post starting to get loose when the cannon is attached
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013246)
Posted by DedicatedGhostArt on March 3rd, 2019 @ 8:28pm CST
Sentinel_Primal wrote:I never got the complaints on the first Bee. My copy works fine and I had to try to pop the roof off. Maybe mine's one of the few that works properly, but I've had no issues with it except the arm post starting to get loose when the cannon is attached

He's actually really great, and after just watching Emgo's transformation I feel I have a.. bit easier of a time transforming him now? But yeah, I feel sometimes Transformers would be better without half the fanbase tbh. :P Also people like Baltmatrix jumping on YouTube immediately for views and calling it shit just because he didn't take enough time with it don't help at all. This is one well-designed figure. My only problem is the arm that the cannon goes on is very easy to knock off, so it's kind of inevitable for it to come off on the way back to robot mode. But do I go on YouTube and put a poo emoji on his head for clickbait? No! :BANG_HEAD: Lord, this fanbase is... well.. full of a lot of big children, which I guess sorta makes sense. Still though!
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013247)
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on March 3rd, 2019 @ 8:36pm CST
UnderYourCloset wrote:
Sentinel_Primal wrote:I never got the complaints on the first Bee. My copy works fine and I had to try to pop the roof off. Maybe mine's one of the few that works properly, but I've had no issues with it except the arm post starting to get loose when the cannon is attached

He's actually really great, and after just watching Emgo's transformation I feel I have a.. bit easier of a time transforming him now? But yeah, I feel sometimes Transformers would be better without half the fanbase tbh. :P Also people like Baltmatrix jumping on YouTube immediately for views and calling it **** just because he didn't take enough time with it don't help at all. This is one well-designed figure. My only problem is the arm that the cannon goes on is very easy to knock off, so it's kind of inevitable for it to come off on the way back to robot mode. But do I go on YouTube and put a poo emoji on his head for clickbait? No! :BANG_HEAD: Lord, this fanbase is... well.. full of a lot of big children, which I guess sorta makes sense. Still though!

Honestly, even though I'll watch Baltmatrix's reviews, I would have assumed that his fans know how he's not always the best at understanding a figure because of what he did to his Devastator's shovel foot. And he misses a lot with his videos because he tries to pump the videos out as quickly as he can without actually playing with a figure
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013257)
Posted by DedicatedGhostArt on March 3rd, 2019 @ 9:48pm CST
Sentinel_Primal wrote:Honestly, even though I'll watch Baltmatrix's reviews, I would have assumed that his fans know how he's not always the best at understanding a figure because of what he did to his Devastator's shovel foot. And he misses a lot with his videos because he tries to pump the videos out as quickly as he can without actually playing with a figure

Yeah that's the problem. That's why I always wait for Emgo's reviews. He may not be first, but it's dang impressive still how fast he pumps them out while also getting to know the figures very well. Plus he's just really reasonable and likable instead of being a hamfisted manbaby who complains constantly about wanting more paint and doesn't know how to transform a figure without smashing it. *breathes*

But I digress. Studio Series, though the figures have had some issues at times, has been really good to me so far. This Bee is good. I just need to be SUPER careful with the roof section to avoid breaking it at the very thin clear plastic connections. X_X I bet this Bee will look amazing with BBB movie Optimus though (who, as I've said, I have preodered.) I also just feel SS just has better proportions many times than Siege, so I would take the SS 38 Optimus over the Siege one any day just because he looks more dynamic to me.
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013274)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on March 4th, 2019 @ 3:07am CST
UnderYourCloset wrote: I just remember how terrible the AoE line was for example

I don't recall the AoE line being terrible. I liked the yellow 'ninja' Bumblebee (never got the black one as the robot mode didn't seem as cool), Drift, Crosshairs, Voyager Grimlock (not the leader), Slug, Strafe, I quite liked Galvatron despite the shellforming and of course the Evasion Mode Optimus Prime was a very well received figure. My only real issue with the AoE line was how hard it was to actually find in stores. Most places (at least in the UK) only stocked the simpler gimmicky kid's lines and not the proper figures. Toys R Us was only place i could find that stocked the Deluxes and Voyagers and Argos had the Leaders. I certainly bought and enjoyed more figures from that than any non-movie line of past decade or so.

Sentinel_Primal wrote:Maybe mine's one of the few that works properly, but I've had no issues with it except the arm post starting to get loose when the cannon is attached

Depending when you got yours it may be one of the later releases that fixed it, or you might have just got lucky. And in regards to the arm post, just apply a bit of nail polish for any loose attachments or floppy joints. Even on joints that aren't particularly floppy but may need a bit more stiffness (like SS32 Optimus Prime's arms are perfectly fine for lifting up his own weapons but lifting up the huge cannon made from Jetfire's top half required some extra strengthening of the elbow joint). I use the stuff on a lot of non-Transformers figures too, especially ones you find at car boot sales and charity shops all super floppy. :P
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013280)
Posted by matthewrex on March 4th, 2019 @ 4:11am CST
Count me as another one disappointed by the SS Deluxe Barricade. I was excited for it, but sadly it's a let down for me.

In other news I received my Leader Megs and Jetfire from Hasbro Pulse. They both look fantastic in robot mode - and I haven't transformed them yet. Excited to though!

Also - I can't believe Shatter/Cogman/etc are already hitting stores! I need them to hit some etailers!
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013336)
Posted by DedicatedGhostArt on March 4th, 2019 @ 12:16pm CST
Carnivius_Prime wrote:Depending when you got yours it may be one of the later releases that fixed it, or you might have just got lucky. And in regards to the arm post, just apply a bit of nail polish for any loose attachments or floppy joints. Even on joints that aren't particularly floppy but may need a bit more stiffness (like SS32 Optimus Prime's arms are perfectly fine for lifting up his own weapons but lifting up the huge cannon made from Jetfire's top half required some extra strengthening of the elbow joint). I use the stuff on a lot of non-Transformers figures too, especially ones you find at car boot sales and charity shops all super floppy. :P

I just use superglue. Pop the joint apart, dab a tiny bit on with a toothpick, let it dry, then permanent fix. I have floor polish but that stuff always rubs off so fast. Superglue never rubs off, and works just as well. ;) And doesn't feel rubbery during movement either. It's stiff but also doesn't damage plastic too much when you just put a tiny bit on. This only works perfectly though for joints you can pop apart. However I've found it's still the only way I can tighten unremovable joints because floor polish just immediately comes off. If possible, get the joint apart first because it's much cleaner and less scary, but otherwise just dab a tiny bit of liquid superglue in and then move the joint constantly while it dries. I did this to Skullcruncher's hip joints, and although it looks a bit sandy up close, it feels amazing. Very sturdy.
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013346)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on March 4th, 2019 @ 2:27pm CST
UnderYourCloset wrote:I just use superglue. Pop the joint apart, dab a tiny bit on with a toothpick, let it dry, then permanent fix. I have floor polish but that stuff always rubs off so fast. Superglue never rubs off, and works just as well. ;) And doesn't feel rubbery during movement either. It's stiff but also doesn't damage plastic too much when you just put a tiny bit on. This only works perfectly though for joints you can pop apart. However I've found it's still the only way I can tighten unremovable joints because floor polish just immediately comes off. If possible, get the joint apart first because it's much cleaner and less scary, but otherwise just dab a tiny bit of liquid superglue in and then move the joint constantly while it dries. I did this to Skullcruncher's hip joints, and although it looks a bit sandy up close, it feels amazing. Very sturdy.

Yeah I used to use superglue. Until an unfortunate accident with Takara Legends Blurr's stupid antenna that wouldn't stay extended. Put me right off. Also it can get a bit messy (somehow stuck one of RTS Tracks' guns to my arm when I was applying glue to his annoyingly loose feet). I may still use superglue for anything that really needs it but for general stuff the nail polish has been fine and lasted long time too. :)
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013348)
Posted by william-james88 on March 4th, 2019 @ 2:29pm CST
I stay the hell away from superglue as well. The chances of fucking it up are just too high for me.
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013349)
Posted by DedicatedGhostArt on March 4th, 2019 @ 2:59pm CST
william-james88 wrote:I stay the hell away from superglue as well. The chances of **** it up are just too high for me.

Well for me the trick is to just use a toothpick and try to only do it on stuff that's able to come apart. It's not bad when you actually know what you're doing. I've made some bad screwups with superglue in the past, but that was before I started using toothpicks. It also works extremely well for thickening areas that are too easy to come apart. My X-Transbots Crackup (Breakdown) has these car panels on his legs that are on a pin, and only hold there with friction. I used a tiny bit of superglue on a toothpick to tighten the lip a bit, and now it holds together even better than if the plastic was thick enough, because superglue is much stronger than most plastics which wear down over time. I just drip a little bit of superglue on a paper plate and then use the toothpick in that, I don't drip it on the toothpick directly.

Also X-acto knives are your friend. I have some that are retractable and have round blades instead of straight like a regular X-acto, and I had to use those with my SS Blackout when I first got him because some joints wouldn't budge. Sometimes with these new figures there are areas that just have a bit too much plastic, so you gotta shave them down. Especially on larger things in like Studio Series which have very complex mold designs.
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013353)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on March 4th, 2019 @ 4:08pm CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I had all the parts aligned, they just don't want to stay tabbed in.

But as sad as the alt mode is, this robot mode is the bomb!


I actually just put my jetfire in that pose, having seen this pic. It's pretty amazing that he can pull off this pose and feels like it's a really underrated aspect of him is just how poseable he is, it's disgusting
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013355)
Posted by DedicatedGhostArt on March 4th, 2019 @ 4:14pm CST
Hellscream9999 wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I had all the parts aligned, they just don't want to stay tabbed in.

But as sad as the alt mode is, this robot mode is the bomb!


I actually just put my jetfire in that pose, having seen this pic. It's pretty amazing that he can pull off this pose and feels like it's a really underrated aspect of him is just how poseable he is, it's disgusting

He does look amazing. I wasn't expecting a good alt mode anyway. I mean movie Jetfire is kind of traditionally bad in alt mode, but that is one really well-done robot mode!
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013357)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on March 4th, 2019 @ 4:15pm CST
UnderYourCloset wrote:
Hellscream9999 wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I had all the parts aligned, they just don't want to stay tabbed in.

But as sad as the alt mode is, this robot mode is the bomb!


I actually just put my jetfire in that pose, having seen this pic. It's pretty amazing that he can pull off this pose and feels like it's a really underrated aspect of him is just how poseable he is, it's disgusting

He does look amazing. I wasn't expecting a good alt mode anyway. I mean movie Jetfire is kind of traditionally bad in alt mode, but that is one really well-done robot mode!

I'm so attached to his combined mode, I just consider that his alt mode
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013360)
Posted by DedicatedGhostArt on March 4th, 2019 @ 4:25pm CST
Right so after some more play with Clunker Bumblebee, he's actually getting easier to transform. Just gotta position my hands right. Those legs are hard to remember how to do, but these kind of complex transformations are what I live for! :D I love this lil' guy! Super excited to see how 38 Optimus looks with him!
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013370)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 4th, 2019 @ 5:49pm CST
Hellscream9999 wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I had all the parts aligned, they just don't want to stay tabbed in.

But as sad as the alt mode is, this robot mode is the bomb!


I actually just put my jetfire in that pose, having seen this pic. It's pretty amazing that he can pull off this pose and feels like it's a really underrated aspect of him is just how poseable he is, it's disgusting

Until i get Prime, I'm not sure if I will combine them for the shelf. They will get combined, but I have the original leaders, so I don't feel like I need to combine them, and it would be really cool to have Jetfire in this pose on my movie shelf with a good voyager OG looking Prime.
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013378)
Posted by william-james88 on March 4th, 2019 @ 7:08pm CST
I wont be getting prime till the DOTM leader comes out, so it wont be for a while. Thats ok, because I havent found Jetfire either.
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013379)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 4th, 2019 @ 7:10pm CST
See, I'm glad that the leader Prime interacts with Jetfire, I am. It is so cool for everyone who wants a Prime and he is so multifunctional.

But to me, I want one by itself, a good voyager of the OG design to go with my AoE Evasion mode and TLK voyagers, and I want one with flight tech. And there are so many options for them to combine and weapon up, it's fantastic.

I am also so tickled pink with the trailer weapons ring, including the axe. that is awesome!!!!
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013381)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on March 4th, 2019 @ 7:24pm CST
Finally found me a SS Cogman at Walmart:
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013387)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on March 4th, 2019 @ 7:56pm CST
william-james88 wrote:I stay the hell away from superglue as well. The chances of **** it up are just too high for me.

Can confirm. Lost a Reveal the Shield Bumblebee to superglue trying to tighten the shoulder joint.
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013389)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on March 4th, 2019 @ 8:04pm CST
EvasionModeBumblebee wrote:
william-james88 wrote:I stay the hell away from superglue as well. The chances of **** it up are just too high for me.

Can confirm. Lost a Reveal the Shield Bumblebee to superglue trying to tighten the shoulder joint.

Nail glue is just as bad. Used it on a rare campaign Arms Micron (fragile little buggers). BIGGEST mistake ever.
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013390)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 4th, 2019 @ 8:05pm CST
Have a grumpy old bot grouching about those dang millennials on his dang yard

Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013402)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on March 4th, 2019 @ 9:22pm CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Have a grumpy old bot grouching about those dang millennials on his dang yard


So you brought ironhidensh with you to work today :???:

Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013406)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on March 4th, 2019 @ 9:42pm CST
Hellscream9999 wrote:So you brought ironhidensh with you to work today :???:

If so, D-Max must be a masochist... :lol:

I love this guy
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013407)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on March 4th, 2019 @ 9:53pm CST
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Hellscream9999 wrote:So you brought ironhidensh with you to work today :???:

If so, D-Max must be a masochist... :lol:

I love this guy

I'm glad you like him, there's a lot to like with him, I'm just forever bugged by his stupid knee detents
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013408)
Posted by DedicatedGhostArt on March 4th, 2019 @ 9:55pm CST
Like I said, I VERY rarely use superglue in any areas that I can't take apart first. It's very safe when you take the joint apart and then dab a tiny bit on with a toothpick and let it dry. Plus if you do too much, all you gotta do is sand it a tiny bit with a file. :) All you gotta do is make sure you're in a good state of mind and then make sure to put a dab of superglue on a paper plate to dip the toothpick in, don't pour it directly on. Only fail I've had so far was when I was tired and cranky and stupidly was tryna glue a headlight back in to something. It pissed me off, yeah, but it was my fault. Toothpick, paper plate, paper towel under the part, you're set. (No pun intended.)

Also I'm curious... does anyone think the head from VW Beetle Bumblebee would fit on the body of Clunker Bumblebee? :-? Even if not, it'd be cool if a company came out with a head like that to fit on him. Clunker Bee is awesome, but his head is very... weird..
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013412)
Posted by william-james88 on March 4th, 2019 @ 10:30pm CST
So I finally found Bonecrusher. While he is stout, he does feel like a voyager to me, especially in complexity. ALong the lines of Brawl. He does have that terrible plastic though. I am referring to the KO type plastic that easily leaves sprue marks all over the place. I hate that plastic so much, it looks ridiculously cheap.

I do love the transformation though but I wonder if anyone has been able to get a really nice clean and non gappy alt mode. Here is the best I can do:

Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013414)
Posted by DedicatedGhostArt on March 4th, 2019 @ 10:37pm CST
william-james88 wrote:So I finally found Bonecrusher. While he is stout, he does feel like a voyager to me, especially in complexity. ALong the lines of Brawl. He does have that terrible plastic though. I am referring to the KO type plastic that easily leaves sprue marks all over the place. I hate that plastic so much, it looks ridiculously cheap.

I do love the transformation though but I wonder if anyone has been able to get a really nice clean and non gappy alt mode. Here is the best I can do:


You're talking about the figure, but I'm interested in the easel in the background. :shock:
Re: Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Optimus Prime and Rampage Out at Wide US Retail (2013415)
Posted by william-james88 on March 4th, 2019 @ 10:47pm CST
UnderYourCloset wrote:You're talking about the figure, but I'm interested in the easel in the background. :shock:

Its a pretty awesome easel and very affordable too. Got it at IKEA.

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