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Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Saturday, September 21st, 2019 1:28PM CDT

Categories: Site Articles, Editorials, Top Lists
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 57,957

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Every two weeks, brings you a Top 5 list related to all things Transformers written by me, your fellow editor. These are my opinions (just like movie or game reviews hosted by sites are still just the opinion of one person) so what matters most is what you guys think of the topic or list, and I hope to see your own lists or comments on omissions and ranking. Let's have fun! All previous lists can be found here.

Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Optimus Primal was the leader for a new generation, which also happens to be mine. He was as noble as his predecessor and as badass when the time came for it. He also had several toys available and his legacy continues to this day. We will now look back at his best toys.

5. Transformers Beast Wars Transmetals Optimal Optimus

I really love the presence of this toy. While I always found the Transformation from beast to bot to be a bit lack luster, this is toy is really reminiscent of an era where it was all about playability. It has four modes for you to have fun with plus missiles, exploding forearms and lights, with some lovely chrome making it all pop. Basically, everything a growing kid needs.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

4. Throne of the Primes

Because of how big and bold that original Optimal Optimus was, the Power of the primes version felt quite underwhelming. Sure, it did a lot that the original did and more (due to the evolution gimmick) but it did't have the heft nor presence. It just didn't do enough different to feel worthwhile. Enter throne of the primes which gave us a deco no one expected, but that everyone welcomed. A big disappointment from the first release of this mold was a lack of a gorilla mode for the smaller primal. No black and grey gorilla. Well Throne of the Primes gives us that gorilla but for the bigger bot. This ends up being a super version of Season 1 Primal instead, which is one of those fun things where we are given something we didn't even know we wanted. Plus we get a throne where Primal can be the king of the jungle, resting on the etched faces of contestants that just weren't good enough. Add to that an awesome scepter containing all the remaining primes you need for your Prime Master collection, all in one go. The only thing holding this toy back from the rest is that it's still based on a rather lackluster mold.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

3. Transformers Legends Optimus Primal (Beast Convoy)/ Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Optimus Primal

This is simply the best version (so far) of that original Optimus primal toy we all know and love. The bot mode is super cool and it's fun to have a synergy between the transformation you see on screen and the way the toy transforms. The best part is most probably the weapon storage with swords, missiles and a skull mace!

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

2. Transformers Beast Machines (RID) Air Attack Optimus Primal (Beast Convoy)

This was my number 1 primal for a long time. I just really loved the transformation and how smart it was in terms of recreating the character model from the show. The gauntlets becoming shoulder pads is quite smart and really changes the look of the arms from one mode to the next. Plus you have Gary Chalk voicing the toy and the best electronic gimmicks we have ever gotten with a belly disc blast (I really like just spamming that sound effect) and the backpack that changes sound depending on how you hold the toy.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

1. Masterpiece Optimus Primal

For about the same price as the Throne of the Primes mentioned above, you can get a much nicer toy in the form of this Masterpiece Optimus Primal. I remember seeing a non transforming version of his when he was first shown thinking there was no way they could pull this off (and also thinking, "oh right, his defacto stance was on two feet, totally forgot about that"), but they did. While the original toy used a lot of similar parts for both modes, we realize here that a full inversion was necessary to get from a gorilla that is more bottom heavy to a robot which is more top heavy with it's more heroic proportions. And they do exactly that with the transformation. My favourite part is actually the beast hip transformation where the same part acts as a completely different part in robot mode and yet feels like it belongs as much for each mode. It's a genius step. there is a lot of genius at play here inorder to minimize the extraneous kibble to keep both modes as lean as they should be, and aside from a problem with the back of the feet in beast mode, I would call it a success.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Honourable Mention: Transformers Beast Machines Deluxe Optimus Primal

This toy gets an F for screen accuracy and for a long time, that put me off on it. But after experiencing the toy I think it has a lot to offer. I always feared the toy would have an ultra lame transformation where there isn't much in terms of transformation aside from a head swap and making the figure stand differently (which was the case for lots of Cheetor toys of the era). But this is not the case here. The robot mode and techno-organic gorilla have two totally different proportions and even different parts. I really love the shape of the gorilla mode where it has a really elegant curve in the back, making this a cool take on a gorilla mode. A gorilla is already more humanoid than any other beast mode so it's cool to see the distinguishable beast proportions at play. In the end it's no different than the Bat Primal toys out there, meaning a cool take on a character in a form we will never see on screen.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys

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Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039098)
Posted by Stargrave on September 21st, 2019 @ 1:40pm CDT
YES!! Great idea for a list! So much win. I love this character so much this brings back so many fun memories.

Current personal favorite Primal: PotP Primal. The presentation in the box the familiar colors and all he does, ce magnifique.

I bet if I got the Throne version that’d be my favorite.

Thanks William-James!
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039102)
Posted by Grahf_ on September 21st, 2019 @ 4:41pm CDT
The BM Deluxe Primal was the only BM Primal mold I had until I found the Platinum figure at Ross. I always liked the figure for pretty much the same reasons you do. Now I just pretend it's a technorganic version of B'Boom. Mainly because I still don't have the original B'Boom figure and just wanted some kind of representation of him. However, I still don't own Blast Punch or the standard Air Attack Primal so I still actually need a BM Primal...unless you count the kids meal figure.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039113)
Posted by Burn on September 21st, 2019 @ 6:22pm CDT
The original Gorilla Optimus Primal toy will always be the best to me. It was a great figure for its time and holds up well compared to more modern toys. It had fun features and accessories and an easy transformation.

Some may say Masterpiece is better, hey, I'm okay with that, but to me, Masterpiece by default should always be better and thus in a league of their own. So as far as general affordable releases go, the original gets my vote.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039115)
Posted by Stargrave on September 21st, 2019 @ 7:19pm CDT
Burn wrote:The original Gorilla Optimus Primal toy will always be the best to me. It was a great figure for its time and holds up well compared to more modern toys. It had fun features and accessories and an easy transformation.

Some may say Masterpiece is better, hey, I'm okay with that, but to me, Masterpiece by default should always be better and thus in a league of their own. So as far as general affordable releases go, the original gets my vote.

I love watching Toy Galaxy and when they do lists they always say Hot Toys are excluded because they’d win every time. I love nerdy fan lists with caveats :lol: I feel the same with MP they’re hard to beat for sure. The original Primal has so many play features it was nuuuuuuts at the time. What a piece of toy art.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039117)
Posted by UltraPrimal on September 21st, 2019 @ 7:29pm CDT
Personally, I think TM1 Primal should be on this list. I'd replace PotP Primal with him, easily. Maybe even put him above the original Ultra class figure. It's such a good toy! How can you not love a gorilla on a hoverboard?!

And while Optimal Optimus might be bigger and cooler and have more modes, fictionally, he kind of suffered because he was so overpowered, the writers had to write around him in every episode onward. It's like they turned him into Superman. How do you write any sort of compelling conflict when you've got Superman to deal with? So the writers had to come up with a new Kryptonite every episode or just ignore the fact that he could steamroll the Predacons in any fight and solve all their problems at any moment.

TM1 Primal felt like he was exactly on par with Megatron at the time, both toy and and fictionally speaking. Which, honestly, I think is how it should be.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039119)
Posted by william-james88 on September 21st, 2019 @ 7:52pm CDT
Stargrave wrote:
Burn wrote:The original Gorilla Optimus Primal toy will always be the best to me. It was a great figure for its time and holds up well compared to more modern toys. It had fun features and accessories and an easy transformation.

Some may say Masterpiece is better, hey, I'm okay with that, but to me, Masterpiece by default should always be better and thus in a league of their own. So as far as general affordable releases go, the original gets my vote.

I love watching Toy Galaxy and when they do lists they always say Hot Toys are excluded because they’d win every time. I love nerdy fan lists with caveats :lol: I feel the same with MP they’re hard to beat for sure. The original Primal has so many play features it was nuuuuuuts at the time. What a piece of toy art.

The thing is with TFs, MPs would not win eveytime. I preffer being inclusive rather than exclusive. Makes the lists more truthful, honest and comprehensive.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039120)
Posted by Stargrave on September 21st, 2019 @ 8:13pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Stargrave wrote:
Burn wrote:The original Gorilla Optimus Primal toy will always be the best to me. It was a great figure for its time and holds up well compared to more modern toys. It had fun features and accessories and an easy transformation.

Some may say Masterpiece is better, hey, I'm okay with that, but to me, Masterpiece by default should always be better and thus in a league of their own. So as far as general affordable releases go, the original gets my vote.

I love watching Toy Galaxy and when they do lists they always say Hot Toys are excluded because they’d win every time. I love nerdy fan lists with caveats :lol: I feel the same with MP they’re hard to beat for sure. The original Primal has so many play features it was nuuuuuuts at the time. What a piece of toy art.

The thing is with TFs, MPs would not win eveytime. I preffer being inclusive rather than exclusive. Makes the lists more truthful, honest and comprehensive.

Oh hell yeah. We’re Transformers fans we do things differently here ;)^
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039122)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 21st, 2019 @ 9:10pm CDT
I hated the Transmetal/Universe supreme Optimal Optimus toy so much that I ended up selling him and I never bothered with the POTP version.

As for the original BW version, it's good without a doubt. But what does the Legend version have more?

Not having the NP, I cannot have an opinion but at least I have the Platinum "G1 Optimus" colored version of that supreme BM Optimus Primal. I love it in those colors. Make him more unique. Plus it's a solid mold.

I accept my favorite BM deluxe Primal as an honorable mention simply because all that clear plastics aged badly and now, it's very brittle all over. Like a GPS affected toy. Especially with so many key joints being made of that ultra fragile clear plastics. It's too bad that I cannot play with this toy anymore because the gorilla is monstrously SAVAGE and the transformation is interesting.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039124)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 21st, 2019 @ 9:15pm CDT
Stargrave wrote:
Burn wrote:The original Gorilla Optimus Primal toy will always be the best to me. It was a great figure for its time and holds up well compared to more modern toys. It had fun features and accessories and an easy transformation.

Some may say Masterpiece is better, hey, I'm okay with that, but to me, Masterpiece by default should always be better and thus in a league of their own. So as far as general affordable releases go, the original gets my vote.

I love watching Toy Galaxy and when they do lists they always say Hot Toys are excluded because they’d win every time. I love nerdy fan lists with caveats :lol: I feel the same with MP they’re hard to beat for sure. The original Primal has so many play features it was nuuuuuuts at the time. What a piece of toy art.

I think Masterpieces are still valid for such lists. Because being a MP dosent mean a sure win. Just look at MPM Optimus Prime VS Buster Optimus Prime, or MP-45 Bee VS... anything, really.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039126)
Posted by william-james88 on September 21st, 2019 @ 9:47pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
As for the original BW version, it's good without a doubt. But what does the Legend version have more?

A better head.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039127)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 21st, 2019 @ 9:56pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
As for the original BW version, it's good without a doubt. But what does the Legend version have more?

A better head.

Transformers Legends Optimus Primal (Beast Convoy) Gallery

Better colors on the beast head you mean?
Eh, I don't think it's a necessity. Honestly, I prefer the original because he's more his own thing. The "cartoon accurate" colors seem out of place on that mold.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039132)
Posted by Stargrave on September 21st, 2019 @ 11:01pm CDT
It's Batman day how can we forget this one? :lol:
Transformers Beast Wars Optimus Primal (Bat) (Convobat) Gallery
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039133)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on September 21st, 2019 @ 11:38pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
As for the original BW version, it's good without a doubt. But what does the Legend version have more?

A better head.

Transformers Legends Optimus Primal (Beast Convoy) Gallery

Better colors on the beast head you mean?
Eh, I don't think it's a necessity. Honestly, I prefer the original because he's more his own thing. The "cartoon accurate" colors seem out of place on that mold.

Wrong one for comparing. The Legends one is a redeco of the Beast Wars 10th Anniversary retool:


Transformers Beast Wars Reborn Optimus Primal (Convoy) (Reissue) Gallery

Better colors? Maybe. Better heads? Yup. ;)

Stargrave wrote:It's Batman day how can we forget this one? :lol:
Transformers Beast Wars Optimus Primal (Bat) (Convobat) Gallery

I actually saw the red one, loose and incomplete, either at a con or at an online store many years ago. Didn't have his purple gator buddy sadly, I did see him in fact, I think he was at the other spot. Either way, didn't snatch them up. Should I have? Maybe. :-?

My tally of Primal figures is meager. Furthermore, all but one are redecos:

1) Universe 2003 Optimus Primal
2) Cybertron Jungle Planet Optimus Prime
3) Beast Machines Deluxe Class Optimus Primal
4) Year of the Monkey Optimus Primal

Just one short for a proper list :lol:
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039135)
Posted by Flashwave on September 22nd, 2019 @ 1:12am CDT
You know, it really shouldbt count being a recycled retool, byt I gotta give a shout out to Botcon 2006 Optimus Primal from Cybertron Crumplezone. They really did a good job of picking a mold that captured a lot of the important Primal elements, monkey lime proportions, and the jetpack/shoulder cannons to be chief amongst those, but even how the cockpit joins the shoulders in vehicle mode is somewhat remininscent of how the chest closes up arounf the shoulders to form the ape beast mode.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039141)
Posted by Evil Eye on September 22nd, 2019 @ 5:12am CDT
Nice list as always! I do want that Throne of the Primes once I've moved (mainly due to the presence of the Prime Masters, I am a sucker for tiny robot men). And damn I'd forgotten how cool the OG OpOP looked, the chrome pops so nicely.

I'll agree on BM Deluxe Primal. He looks really freaky but I kinda like that, reminds me of some kind of monstrous Cybertronian ape more than the Boss Monkey. And the colour work is really neat.

Would the Transmetal Primal be worth a mention? I think he looks really neat, but having never handled him I don't know if he has any major structural issues.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039142)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 22nd, 2019 @ 5:18am CDT
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:Wrong one for comparing. The Legends one is a redeco of the Beast Wars 10th Anniversary retool

Aaaaaahhhhhhh. Yup, my own "better one" WAS the actual "better one".
Definitely an improvement compared to the "G1" Beast Wars original.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039145)
Posted by DarkRushBeat on September 22nd, 2019 @ 6:16am CDT
Aww, no Perfect Effect Beast Gorira on this list?
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039151)
Posted by Stargrave on September 22nd, 2019 @ 9:16am CDT
Flashwave wrote:You know, it really shouldbt count being a recycled retool, byt I gotta give a shout out to Botcon 2006 Optimus Primal from Cybertron Crumplezone. They really did a good job of picking a mold that captured a lot of the important Primal elements, monkey lime proportions, and the jetpack/shoulder cannons to be chief amongst those, but even how the cockpit joins the shoulders in vehicle mode is somewhat remininscent of how the chest closes up arounf the shoulders to form the ape beast mode.

Hella good call! I never got that set but maaaaan, did I ever LOVE the idea of the BW cast in their Cybertronian modes and I thought that Primal was so genius I totally dug what they did there.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039152)
Posted by Stargrave on September 22nd, 2019 @ 9:19am CDT
Black Hat wrote:Nice list as always! I do want that Throne of the Primes once I've moved (mainly due to the presence of the Prime Masters, I am a sucker for tiny robot men).

Totally Black Hat. How could they deprive us of a complete Cybertronian pantheon?!? :lol:

I didn't get Predaking either and man, I wanted all those Primes. They made it too far out of my price range and that's fine but gosh darn it did I ever want my Primes! I loved the minifig gimmick totally brought me back to Micronauts and Micronaut-type toys from the yesteryear.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039153)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 22nd, 2019 @ 9:25am CDT
So that we have an idea:

Transformers BotCon Exclusives Optimus Primal Gallery

Transformers BotCon Exclusives Optimus Primal Gallery

Transformers BotCon Exclusives Optimus Primal Gallery

Transformers BotCon Exclusives Optimus Primal Gallery

I must say, damn is this a SEXY beast! I love the Cybertron Crumplezone mold and here, Optimus Primal wear it like a champ!
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039154)
Posted by Evil Eye on September 22nd, 2019 @ 9:28am CDT
Trukk IS Munkky! And yeah, that was probably the best BotCon set ever.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039156)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 22nd, 2019 @ 9:33am CDT
Black Hat wrote:Trukk IS Munkky! And yeah, that was probably the best BotCon set ever.

It would have been nice to be aware it existed at the time of it's release. Kinda regret missing out here.

Also, OF COURSE, what did I expected?
No missiles, no key, and no card. For fox's sake, wut?
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039158)
Posted by Optimutt on September 22nd, 2019 @ 10:02am CDT
I'm really happy Transformers Beast Machines Deluxe Optimus Primal got the honorable mention.

I had that for a while, and I loved it. The translucent parts were sapphiric gold, and the transformation was really inventive. The legs becoming the more muscular ape arms was a brilliant idea.

One of the best parts about it was the expressiveness of BOTH faces. Sure the beast mode had only a slight adjustment from roaring face to REALLY LOUD roaring face. But as I looked at the friendly bot mode face, I was thinking "Where is his angry, let's get down to business, face?" Scrolling down to the next picture, I did a Falcon/Winter Soldier nod (Civil War), and all was right in the world. It's not often that a bot is so expressive for such a tiny part shift.

Great list, as always!

And everyone else, great call on that BotCon exclusive. Primal rocks that mold even better than Crumple did, and he was so Prime in it that he banged on those bongos like a chimpanzee. Thereby implying that Primal banged on them like a gorilla? :-? :-? Banana for thought...
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039159)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on September 22nd, 2019 @ 10:04am CDT
Excellent list. The Number one and honourable mention picks I definitely agree with.
Personally, I would switch out PoTP Primal for TM Primal, as I do regard the OPOP design as one of the worst designs in the entire line. Also, I would put BM Deluxe Primal over Air Attack. To put it simply, Screen accuracy is a great thing to have in a toy, except when it comes to Beast Machines! Especially a BM Maximal :SICK:
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039161)
Posted by Stargrave on September 22nd, 2019 @ 10:48am CDT
I’m curious would you all mind sounding off with +\- for PotP Primal?

I love the toy, but the new version and the original are like two very different toys that do very different things. The action features the gimmicks, articulation, all similar but different.

I think I’m asking just as a conversation starter do most of you prefer the original Optimal Optimus or the new PotP version?

Not like oh no it’s a fire and I can only grab one, think of this more passive like you can only play or display one which one would you pick.

I go back and forth a lot. The original is a monster of lights and gimmicks and chrome whereas the new one looks really great and tells a story; it’s is a stellar homage to the ‘evolution’ of the character.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039164)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 22nd, 2019 @ 11:06am CDT
Stargrave wrote:I think I’m asking just as a conversation starter do most of you prefer the original Optimal Optimus or the new PotP version?

I hate the original toy because it just transform into nothings. Plus all those detachable parts are annoying as hell.

However, I find the POTP version to be much more cohesive and all those hommages in a single toy is mind blowing.
I may not have enough interests to get it full price, but if I can come across one that is complete and unbroken for cheap, I'd bite.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039168)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on September 22nd, 2019 @ 11:18am CDT
A small word of warning for the Primal hunters: Optimal Optimus and Air Attack suffer from GPS. The wheels and turret on the former, and the feet on the latter are the common breakage points.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039169)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 22nd, 2019 @ 11:22am CDT
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:A small word of warning for the Primal hunters: Optimal Optimus and Air Attack suffer from GPS. The wheels and turret on the former, and the feet on the latter are the common breakage points.

I didn't knew about Optimal Optimus, but I knew about Air Attack. Got mine when he was already broken for cheap and I also sold it for cheap because of that. At least the Platinum Optimus colored version is rock solid and I think the recent Takara reissue don't have the GPS issue. Plus that recent reissue have the ultimate paint job for show accuracy.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039239)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on September 22nd, 2019 @ 9:28pm CDT
I only have 3 Primal figures so I can't argue the points on this list too much. but of the 3 I have, they would be ranked:

1) Throne Primal
2) PotP Primal
3) Bat Primal

I enjoy the PotP mold, and the Throne one is a pretty dang good repaint
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039272)
Posted by Emerje on September 23rd, 2019 @ 3:17am CDT
The PotP mold gets a no from me. I voted for Optimus Primal in the poll, not Optimal Optimus. If I knew we were getting a discount OpOp at the time I would have voted for Dezarus. It's an OK mold (my retail and SDCC versions are both really floppy, though), but it isn't a top 5 mold for me and it represents a lot of loss potential, especially the way Hasbro botched its distribution. Everything about it felt like a minimum effort from a Beast Wars hater like Warden.

So what does my top 5 look like? Forget that, here's my top 10 without any mold duplications! (I own all of these molds, but not necessarily all of these figures.)

10) Deluxe BM Optimus Primal

9) Blast Punch Optimus Primal

8 ) Basic Optimus Primal

7) Telemocha (Robotmasters) Optimus Primal

6) Dawn of Future's Past Optimus Primal

5) Encore Optimus Primal

4) Transmetal Optimal Optimus

3) Transmetal Optimus Prime

2) 10th Anniversary Optimus Primal

1) MP-32 Optimus Primal

There's actually a few molds I didn't use (mainly 10th ann. Deluxe, PotP, and Titanium). In my head canon Pretender Optimus Prime is also Primal, and if he were he'd probably be my number 7 and bump everything down.

If you're curious, the ones I don't own from the list are 5 (I have the YOT version), 6 (I have Dark Crumplezone), and 7 (I have the original RM version).

Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039287)
Posted by william-james88 on September 23rd, 2019 @ 8:46am CDT
Emerje wrote:The PotP mold gets a no from me. I voted for Optimus Primal in the poll, not Optimal Optimus.

I agree hence why the mold in it's original colours would never have made this list. Throne of the Primes was interesting though. Stargrave asked between the two which is better and it's hard to say since while they are both the same design, the toys are very different and they each have their pros and cons.

Original Optimal Optimus is a more solid feeling toy, and really attracts your eyes with the chrome, plus he is really imposing. However, the exploding arms don't add much for me, he has odd proportions and I am not a fan of there being no effort for any variation in the legs between both molds.

The POTP version fixes all those mentioned flaws. The exploding forearms are dealt with, he has better proportions in both robot and beast mode and the legs do undergo an extra transformation step to make the gorilla a bit more distinctive. But he feels cheap and thus becomes a lot more like a discount Op Op (plus he has one less mode, not that I car for that mode much). But he has that evolution gimmick and I feel it works better with the throne of the prime colours since we get our black and grey gorilla from our black and grey mini robot. So it becomes more of an homage than redoing Op Op and I appreciate that much more.

And Emerje, our top 5 lists are very very close with the only difference being POTP Op Op replaced by TM1 Primal. That is the one toy people have been saying that's truly missing from the list and I get it. However, this is all subjective and truth be told, I don't like that toy. Maybe it's because as with Optimus minor or TMII Cheetor my thoughts on it have not changed from when I first experience them as a kid. And as kid, I had major issues with TM1 Primal, on a design level. I just don't like the full on reversal of organic and robotic on that toy. It was a theme in the transmetal toys (like cheetor having the traditional cheetah spots on his robot mode instead) but Optimus took is to a whole other level. You switch these cool robot hands for monkey hands when he becomes the robot, what?! Plus that face has all that weird musculature with the brow, it's just off putting. I remember transforming him by simply keeping him with his beast mode chest (that blue looks great) and giving him the robot head turning it backwards to be alligned with the beast chest, and straightening out the legs. That looked better to me.

Anyways, all to say that while I was impressed by the look of many Optimus Primal toys, that TM1 never did it for me.

Oh and Emerje, you didn't use the TR deluxe either, is he not good enough to be on the list?
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039327)
Posted by Emerje on September 23rd, 2019 @ 4:00pm CDT
That's a sound argument, but I'm still not a fan of it.

william-james88 wrote:Oh and Emerje, you didn't use the TR deluxe either, is he not good enough to be on the list?

TR Deluxe? I'm actually not sure what figure you're talking about.

Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039333)
Posted by william-james88 on September 23rd, 2019 @ 5:00pm CDT
Emerje wrote:That's a sound argument, but I'm still not a fan of it.

william-james88 wrote:Oh and Emerje, you didn't use the TR deluxe either, is he not good enough to be on the list?

TR Deluxe? I'm actually not sure what figure you're talking about.


The mindwipe redeco.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039337)
Posted by Mindmaster on September 23rd, 2019 @ 6:08pm CDT
Would’ve been upset if the original Optimal Optimus wasn’t on this list. Great figure that’s lowkey one of my grails.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039409)
Posted by RK_Striker_JK_5 on September 24th, 2019 @ 6:40am CDT
Not a bad list. Out of them, the only one I don't own is Air Attack Optimus Primal. Gotta admit, I never liked his Beast Machines toy. It just doesn't do anything for me.
Re: Top 5 Best Optimus Primal Transformers Toys (2039411)
Posted by Emerje on September 24th, 2019 @ 7:18am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Emerje wrote:That's a sound argument, but I'm still not a fan of it.

william-james88 wrote:Oh and Emerje, you didn't use the TR deluxe either, is he not good enough to be on the list?

TR Deluxe? I'm actually not sure what figure you're talking about.


The mindwipe redeco.

Ah, him. I love that figure, but Convobat is technically a different character.


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