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Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Saturday, July 15th, 2017 2:03PM CDT

Categories: Site Articles, Editorials, Top Lists
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 60,805

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Every two weeks, brings you a Top 5 list related to all things Transformers written by me, your fellow editor. These are my opinions (just like movie or game reviews hosted by sites are still just the opinion of one person) so what matters most is what you guys think of the topic or list, and I hope to see your own lists or comments on omissions and ranking. Let's have fun! All previous lists can be found here.

Top 5 best Targetmasters since G1

While it was a bit hard to wrap one's head around the headmaster concept, and the differeing interpretation in the fiction, Target Maaters have always been more to the point. It's a simple and fun idea of a robot turning into a weapon that another robot can use. While there was a whole subgroup fo them in the 80s, they were rather similar one to the next so what I would like to focus on is what we have gotten since that era and how that concept kept being brought back to the brand, with a different take everytime. And with Titanmasters making a huge comeback this year, thanks to Takara, I thought it would be the perfect time to look back on what we have gotten in the post-G1 era. The criteria is simple, it has to be a small robot that turns into a weapon to be weilded by someone else and released after the G1 era. Let's get to it!

Editor's Note: This list was written earlier in 2017

5. Robots in Disguise Minicon Weaponizer Tricerashot

Even the most enthusiastic Robots in Disguise fan had a tough time warming up to the new Robots in Disguise Minicons. They didn't have the original Minicon Ports and the only ports they did have only fit with either simpler toys collectors were not getting, or Takara Exclusive toys (like their Supreme Class Optimus toys which never got released through Hasbro). To add insult to injury, the only way to really play with them was to spend money on simplified transforming toys called Deployers and you needed three different Deployers to be able to deploy all the differently shaped minicons.

But then, Hasbro had the brilliant idea of bringing back the Targetmasters concept with the next itiration of these RID Minicons. And it was fleshed out well in the cartoon with these little guys really adding firepower to their friends (just as Grimlock). It also solved the problem of having to buy additional toys we didnt need just to do the gimick since anyone in the line (from one-steps and up) could use these. The real standout of these new Targetmaster-like Minicons was Tricerashot. He is a good looking triceratops that becomes a cool three barrelled lazer cannon. It wasn't a perfect rendition of the show model, but a great effort none the less at replicating the three barrels. Plus you have the option to customize him with extra clear plastic accessories in either mode. It's too bad this toy still hasn't appeared in the US as of this article's publication.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

4. Cybertron Vector Prime's Safeguard (Roots)

This guy is a cross of a lot of concepts since while he is a little robot that turns into a gun but it's a gun that is also spliced with a spaceship altmode. He also has a minicon port and has a special slot just for him to complete Vector Prime's full spaceship mode. And he accomplishes everything perfectly. I love how detailed this little guy is in both modes with a very sleek bot mode. And his lower arms are on balljoints just to give that extra premium feel from a golden era we are now way past.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

3. Transformers Power Core Combiners Bomb-Burst/Chainclaw

My problem with a lot of Targetmasters is how one of the modes is usually sacrificed for the other. You might have a great gun but a brick for a robot or you will get a nice robot that doesn't look that much like a convincing weapon. Well enter the Chainclaw/Bomburst mold. Firstly, it's a nice identifiable robot, with lots of poseability for a bot that size (about as much as a Legion class figure). I also love the use of clear plastic, the deco on both of these is fun. And then you get to the best part: the weapon mode. Out of seemingly nowhere you get these two huge missile launchers that now seem completely unavoidable. Its a fun trick of the designers to have the most obvious weapon detail hidden under the robot's feet. And unlike other Targetmasters, this ends up being principally for the bigger bot's vehicle mode and becomes where it becomes a centerpiece of death and mayhem.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

2. Transformers Universe - Classics 2.0 Nightstick

This is just a great update to the G1 Targetmasters. It's just nice to see a classic Targetmaster brought back and improved in every way. That gun mode is so much more convincing than the G1 version and offers more transformation steps with parts dedicated just to that mode.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

1. Transformers Arms Micron Bulkhead Knuckle

I think you have to own him to know why this guy deserves this spot. He was never released by Hasbro, as is the case with most Arms Micron microns, so I don't expect you all to have him. He's also really hard to search for online because this isn't Arms Micron Bulkhead (meaning Bulkhead from that line), nor is it the micron that comes with Bulkhead but instead this is just Bulkhead as a micron. These were available as single releases in those gashapon machines in Japan where you put in a coin and get a small capsule. All this to say that I am sorry if you cannot bask in the awesomeness that is this Bulkhead micron and I hope my words and pics will help. So here's the deal: he is a small Prime Bulkhead that turns into a literal Hulk Hand. He becomes a big green fist. I got him in a pack of microns and didn't really understand what he was even looking at the picture because he was next to a bunch of swords and guns and a disembodied fist isn't as distinguishable (as you can see here).

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

But then I inserted him onto a deluxe figure and bam, I saw it. It's such a perfect fit too, I don't know how Takara did it. The 5 mm peg is positioned at the perfect spot so that making any figure hold him really gives him convincing Hulk hands. It even looks better than pegging combiner fists on toys because not only is it the fist but the forearm too, making it look kinds like Hellboy or a that moment when you use a super punch in a video game. It becomes part of the figure and makes every figure you put it on look so much more badass. Extra props for being smart and finding a simple way to make him both left handed and right handed if need be. This is a very unique weapon to turn into and it could not have been done better.

Here are a couple images I found on the internet (some done by me, FireofOrodruin, Code XCDM and others) to help sell my point:

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Honourable Mentions:

Transformers Generations Eclipse, Payload, Flanker

The Target Master concept came back in full force in the Generations line's Legends Class (which was basically the new name for the scout class). Each robot came with a smaller robot which could turn into a weapon. Interestingly, each of these smaller robots actually had 3 modes. An alt mode, a robot mode and a weapon mode. The two I thought were particularly well done were the Payload and Eclipse mold, the two space shuttles. I thought the robot mode on Eclipse was particularly detailed, especially the tiny face sculpt and both have fun weapon modes that actually look like weapons. You just have to love that double barrel Payload gun!

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1

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Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896792)
Posted by Kurona on July 15th, 2017 @ 2:28pm CDT
Tricerashot fortunately did come out here in a surprisingly good bit of UK distribution and I can confirm everything said about him here. I love him. He makes a great gun and the triceratops mode, while not articulated or perfect, is just so adorable. Gave him to Pyra Magna and she looks awesome with it.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896796)
Posted by Evil Eye on July 15th, 2017 @ 2:52pm CDT
Everything from Nightstick down is struck out for some reason...

Anyway, great list as always. There's a few I'd be tempted to choose as honourable mentions:

Armada Minicons with weapon modes: I wanted to pick a few but they're all pretty great, so I thought I'd lump them all together. You have Terradive, who turns into a three-bladed claw, Gunbarrel who turns into a gatling gun, and Thunderwing who turns into a shuriken. Then there's Firebot, forming a badass little missile pod, Prowl, who forms a nicely shaped blaster, and Makeshift, who forms a dual-barrelled minigun. Then of course you have the Star Sabre and it's many redecos/retools, Megatron's Minicon Leader-1, the Requiem Blaster, and the often forgotten Over-run who comes with "Bendy" Optimus Prime, who forms a really cool rifle. The best part about all of these IMO is they're triple changers- they can form (simplistic) robots, vehicles AND weapons!

PCC Throttler: He's possibly the most poseable Minicon ever, with balljoints in his shoulders, elbows and hips, thigh swivels and full knee bends. He's more poseable than CW Scrapper! But even if he were a brick he'd be up here, given he turns into a goddamn rotating drill! Sadly his handle is also his head, and the paint is prone to scraping off.

The DOTM HA Scouts: Whilst I can't vouch for the quality of these as I don't own any, they certainly look the part, all with nice vehicle modes, most with cool robot modes (and "armour" modes too, which is cool) and they can all form accessories for bigger figures! Some of these are a bit hokey, yes, but they all seem to have at least one good mode and most are good figures in their own right. Take Reverb- sure his handheld fan mode is ludicrous, but his robot mode and jetbike mode make up for it.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896798)
Posted by steals_your_goats on July 15th, 2017 @ 3:00pm CDT
No MP Nightstick?
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896818)
Posted by Optimum Supreme on July 15th, 2017 @ 4:54pm CDT
It's a simple and fun idea of a robotfleshling turning into a weapon that another robot can use.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896819)
Posted by Hydrargyrus on July 15th, 2017 @ 4:58pm CDT
It's hard to take text seriously when it's struck out :-P
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896824)
Posted by Sarahthecutevixen on July 15th, 2017 @ 5:01pm CDT
All text is struck out on the news page after the Bulkhead knuckle
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896828)
Posted by Deadput on July 15th, 2017 @ 5:06pm CDT
Lol even the comments are striked out on the news page. (it's fine in the forums though)

But this is a good I really want that Bulk-fist.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896830)
Posted by Kurona on July 15th, 2017 @ 6:08pm CDT
steals_your_goats wrote:No MP Nightstick?

We tend not to include recent toys in our lists to avoid recency bias, no matter how amazing the recent toy may or may not be.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896831)
Posted by Ultra Markus on July 15th, 2017 @ 6:19pm CDT
what about combiner wars powerglide or shockwave :???:
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896833)
Posted by steals_your_goats on July 15th, 2017 @ 6:30pm CDT
Kurona wrote:
steals_your_goats wrote:No MP Nightstick?

We tend not to include recent toys in our lists to avoid recency bias, no matter how amazing the recent toy may or may not be.

Ah okay, that makes sense
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896834)
Posted by Kurona on July 15th, 2017 @ 6:33pm CDT
Ultra Markus wrote:what about combiner wars powerglide or shockwave :???:

Owning both of those molds, I'll say they're great Legends-class figures - especially Shockwave, my god is he good - but terrible Targetmasters. They're far too weighty for their intended Combiners - or any Combiner - to hold them up, meaning they fail at the purpose of being weapons. And this is before we get to Powerglide/Viper's gun mode being, ah... well, it doesn't look very good. It looks less like a gun and more like a robot lying down very awkwardly with missile pods painted on its arms.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896838)
Posted by Burn on July 15th, 2017 @ 7:18pm CDT
Ultra Markus wrote:what about combiner wars powerglide or shockwave :???:

You can always put them in a list that you put together. :wink:
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896839)
Posted by fenrir72 on July 15th, 2017 @ 7:38pm CDT
Ultra Markus wrote:what about combiner wars powerglide or shockwave :???:

The list ain't the Covenant of Primus or anything. Just a compilation from a small group's personal preference and not a result of a scientific poll.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896852)
Posted by william-james88 on July 15th, 2017 @ 8:30pm CDT
MagicDeath wrote:It's hard to take text seriously when it's struck out :-P

Thanks for pointing it out ;)^ Its fixed now, so you can enjoy the list and let us know your thoughts on its content.

Ultra Markus wrote:what about combiner wars powerglide or shockwave :???:

You find them better than the ones mentioned? I found that the weapon mode was by far the weakest (and shockwave's handle limits how you can hold it) so I preferred including the ones who had nicer looking gun modes.

Anyways, where you place these two on this list and who would you remove to make place for them?

steals_your_goats wrote:
Kurona wrote:
steals_your_goats wrote:No MP Nightstick?

We tend not to include recent toys in our lists to avoid recency bias, no matter how amazing the recent toy may or may not be.

Ah okay, that makes sense

There's also the fact that this list was written a year ago and that I (or anyone else) didnt own that toy then. With Takara releasing a bunch fo new targetmasters, I would never be able to catch up (since I dont plan on buying them all) so if I didnt publish now (before owning Nightstick), I could never publish this list. If ever I get him or the upcoming targetmasters later and they turn out better than any of the ones on this list, I will make an update. Other lists will need to be updated first though, like the Ironhide one. I should get on that soon.

Optimum Supreme wrote:
It's a simple and fun idea of a robotfleshling turning into a weapon that another robot can use.

Is that true for both Takara and Hasbro toy fiction? I always knew of Targetmasters as robots for some reason. Is Safeguard an organic too?
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896853)
Posted by Ultra Markus on July 15th, 2017 @ 8:32pm CDT
fenrir72 wrote:
Ultra Markus wrote:what about combiner wars powerglide or shockwave :???:

The list ain't the Covenant of Primus or anything. Just a compilation from a small group's personal preference and not a result of a scientific poll.

Well for one at least I thought since this was a list of post G1 targetmaster transformers meaning robots that turn into weapons shockwave would be the ultimate targetmaster I don't need to make my own list, a list is already made, I was merely asking a question >:oP
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896854)
Posted by Ultra Markus on July 15th, 2017 @ 8:36pm CDT
Burn wrote:
Ultra Markus wrote:what about combiner wars powerglide or shockwave :???:

You can always put them in a list that you put together. :wink:

Mr moderater, I'm not but thanks for the suggestion though
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896855)
Posted by Ultra Markus on July 15th, 2017 @ 8:45pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
MagicDeath wrote:It's hard to take text seriously when it's struck out :-P

Thanks for pointing it out ;)^ Its fixed now, so you can enjoy the list and let us know your thoughts on its content.

Ultra Markus wrote:what about combiner wars powerglide or shockwave :???:

You find them better than the ones mentioned? I found that the weapon mode was by far the weakest (and shockwave's handle limits how you can hold it) so I preferred including the ones who had nicer looking gun modes.

Anyways, where you place these two on this list and who would you remove to make place for them?

steals_your_goats wrote:
Kurona wrote:
steals_your_goats wrote:No MP Nightstick?

We tend not to include recent toys in our lists to avoid recency bias, no matter how amazing the recent toy may or may not be.

Ah okay, that makes sense

There's also the fact that this list was written a year ago and that I (or anyone else) didnt own that toy then. With Takara releasing a bunch fo new targetmasters, I would never be able to catch up (since I dont plan on buying them all) so if I didnt publish now (before owning Nightstick), I could never publish this list. If ever I get him or the upcoming targetmasters later and they turn out better than any of the ones on this list, I will make an update. Other lists will need to be updated first though, like the Ironhide one. I should get on that soon.

Optimum Supreme wrote:
It's a simple and fun idea of a robotfleshling turning into a weapon that another robot can use.

Is that true for both Takara and Hasbro toy fiction? I always knew of Targetmasters as robots for some reason. Is Safeguard an organic too?

whats wrong with shockwaves gunmode it looks more like a gun than some on the list, im just wondering
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896859)
Posted by Kurona on July 15th, 2017 @ 8:58pm CDT
Safeguard was a robot in fiction -- as was Tricerashot. And the Armada mini-cons. And the Arms Micron, and the PCC guys... The only universes where Targetmasters are organic would be in the G1 cartoon, Marvel comics and any continuities deriving from that; so it's kinda the exception rather than the rule.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896863)
Posted by william-james88 on July 15th, 2017 @ 9:08pm CDT
Ultra Markus wrote:whats wrong with shockwaves gunmode it looks more like a gun than some on the list, im just wondering

I didnt write that correctly, I am sorry. I was looking at Kurona's comment and writing about Viper and Powerglide so lumping them together when talking about the gun mode. For Shockwave I was only talking about the handle, which doesnt make sense to me. Its an odd toy for me to think of it as a targetmaster. They make it turn into a spaceship type thing right? And then you turn it into a gun by flipping down the handle? To be frank I didnt think of him as a targetmaster. Theres also the fact that the scale is a bit off, no? Is he still a targetmaster if he only scales with combiners? Is G1 Megatron and Shockwave also a targetmaster they turn into guns? More of an open question than a comment. In any case, judging him as a target master, that handle, which is crucial to his targetmaster mode, it problematic. I dont know why they added that extra hand guard next to the handle, it means not all bots can handle him and he cant peg on any 5 mm port which usually the goal of weapons and targetmasters.

In any case, who would you remove from the list to add these two and where would you place them?
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896865)
Posted by Kurona on July 15th, 2017 @ 9:37pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Ultra Markus wrote:whats wrong with shockwaves gunmode it looks more like a gun than some on the list, im just wondering

I didnt write that correctly, I am sorry. I was looking at Kurona's comment and writing about Viper and Powerglide so lumping them together when talking about the gun mode. For Shockwave I was only talking about the handle, which doesnt make sense to me. Its an odd toy for me to think of it as a targetmaster. They make it turn into a spaceship type thing right? And then you turn it into a gun by flipping down the handle? To be frank I didnt think of him as a targetmaster. Theres also the fact that the scale is a bit off, no? Is he still a targetmaster if he only scales with combiners? Is G1 Megatron and Shockwave also a targetmaster they turn into guns? More of an open question than a comment. In any case, judging him as a target master, that handle, which is crucial to his targetmaster mode, it problematic. I dont know why they added that extra hand guard next to the handle, it means not all bots can handle him and he cant peg on any 5 mm port which usually the goal of weapons and targetmasters.

In any case, who would you remove from the list to add these two and where would you place them?

The rules of your list do state simply that a Targetmaster just has to "transform into a weapon that can be wielded by someone", no matter the size. I think that justifies the CW guys as Targetmasters just fine to me ;)
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896866)
Posted by Burn on July 15th, 2017 @ 9:38pm CDT
Ultra Markus wrote:
fenrir72 wrote:
Ultra Markus wrote:what about combiner wars powerglide or shockwave :???:

The list ain't the Covenant of Primus or anything. Just a compilation from a small group's personal preference and not a result of a scientific poll.

Well for one at least I thought since this was a list of post G1 targetmaster transformers meaning robots that turn into weapons shockwave would be the ultimate targetmaster I don't need to make my own list, a list is already made, I was merely asking a question >:oP

We encourage and more than welcome folks to put their own lists together. Willie's lists aren't definitive, they're a catalyst for the discussion, thus in turn, others share their lists and the discussion continues. Image
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896881)
Posted by william-james88 on July 15th, 2017 @ 10:31pm CDT
Kurona wrote:The rules of your list do state simply that a Targetmaster just has to "transform into a weapon that can be wielded by someone", no matter the size. I think that justifies the CW guys as Targetmasters just fine to me ;)

Glad I left it as open as possible then, and thanks for answering my own questions with my own words :lol:

Well on with the discussion, does anyone have any of their lists to share? Who are people's favourites? How does Nightstick match up to these or is he in a league of his own?
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896903)
Posted by Ultra Markus on July 16th, 2017 @ 12:02am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Ultra Markus wrote:whats wrong with shockwaves gunmode it looks more like a gun than some on the list, im just wondering

I didnt write that correctly, I am sorry. I was looking at Kurona's comment and writing about Viper and Powerglide so lumping them together when talking about the gun mode. For Shockwave I was only talking about the handle, which doesnt make sense to me. Its an odd toy for me to think of it as a targetmaster. They make it turn into a spaceship type thing right? And then you turn it into a gun by flipping down the handle? To be frank I didnt think of him as a targetmaster. Theres also the fact that the scale is a bit off, no? Is he still a targetmaster if he only scales with combiners? Is G1 Megatron and Shockwave also a targetmaster they turn into guns? More of an open question than a comment. In any case, judging him as a target master, that handle, which is crucial to his targetmaster mode, it problematic. I dont know why they added that extra hand guard next to the handle, it means not all bots can handle him and he cant peg on any 5 mm port which usually the goal of weapons and targetmasters.

In any case, who would you remove from the list to add these two and where would you place them?

i dont know who i would put in place if shock wave had a better handle maybe somewhere but only a top five when there are so many, like so many minicons that form weapons also perhaps a top 5 of minicons that turn into weapons like that requiem blaster for one, would be a cool list to compile, what do you think :-?
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896921)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on July 16th, 2017 @ 2:12am CDT
Having never owned him, I never realized what a beautiful figure Nightstick is. I might have to buy him for CW Cyclonus.

And Kurona, is "recency bias" really a thing? If it is, I disagree with it being a valid reason to exclude recently released figures. If a figure is a great piece, it doesn't matter if it was released 10 years ago or 10 days ago. And yes, I do realize sometimes the luster of a newer figure wears off after a while. :D

As for my list I am not familiar with characters that turn into weapons past Armada, so I will just nominate the entire Mini-con line from that continuity, with the Star Saber, the Requiem Blaster and the Skyboom Shield taking up the top 3 spots. That is, if combined characters-turning-into-weapons are allowed.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896930)
Posted by Kurona on July 16th, 2017 @ 4:59am CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:Having never owned him, I never realized what a beautiful figure Nightstick is. I might have to buy him for CW Cyclonus.

And Kurona, is "recency bias" really a thing? If it is, I disagree with it being a valid reason to exclude recently released figures. If a figure is a great piece, it doesn't matter if it was released 10 years ago or 10 days ago. And yes, I do realize sometimes the luster of a newer figure wears off after a while. :D

As for my list I am not familiar with characters that turn into weapons past Armada, so I will just nominate the entire Mini-con line from that continuity, with the Star Saber, the Requiem Blaster and the Skyboom Shield taking up the top 3 spots. That is, if combined characters-turning-into-weapons are allowed.

Recency bias is certainly a thing -- even if something comes out that truly is awesome, we will just naturally be inflating how AMAZING AWESOME it is because we've gotten caught up in the hype of actually having it. I'm no psychologist but it is something that's proven to happen with anything -- toys, comics, cartoons, yadda yadda. MP Nightstick might indeed be worthy of even the Number 1 spot, but we just don't want to risk inflating how great it is because it just came out and we're revelling in its release. We should probably include a disclaimer though.
That said, it is admittedly a tiny little bit of a problem when a list comes out that happens to coincide with recent releases -- like this list, or a Top 5 Triple Changers list. But like Will said, he's happy to make an update at some later point so this isn't set in stone :)
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896948)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on July 16th, 2017 @ 8:22am CDT
Kurona wrote:
Ultra Markus wrote:what about combiner wars powerglide or shockwave :???:

Owning both of those molds, I'll say they're great Legends-class figures - especially Shockwave, my god is he good - but terrible Targetmasters. They're far too weighty for their intended Combiners - or any Combiner - to hold them up, meaning they fail at the purpose of being weapons. And this is before we get to Powerglide/Viper's gun mode being, ah... well, it doesn't look very good. It looks less like a gun and more like a robot lying down very awkwardly with missile pods painted on its arms.

My Titans Megatron has no issue using Shockwave as a Targetmaster gun... on the same arm he was already using Galvatron's cannon. Cos Megs is badass and strong. :D

My problem with a lot of post-G1 Targetmasters is the ones I've owned have often been far too fiddly to get into gun mode cos of the extra articulation but without the posts and slots to keep the bits securely in place. Despite that I still like my custom Firebolt (made from Power Core Combiners Pinpoint)

Pinpoint figure I customed Firebolt from so you can see the difference
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896957)
Posted by Noideaforaname on July 16th, 2017 @ 8:53am CDT
Scorponok and Blackout are the ones that immediately jump to my mind:
Granted, I'm more impressed with the toy overall rather than the specific Targetmaster part...

Chainclaw is a pretty fun one that manages to be the right kind of generic, and I wish the mold was easier to get. I have him paired up with PCC Bombshock, which works so well I sometimes forget he originally came with Icepick! :lol:

Payload's another I wished I had more of. He goes nicely with Sky Lynx, who's got plenty more 5mm ports.

I'm amazed Hasbro never found a way to carry over Bulkhead Knuckle. Or the Arms Microns in general, really, but the "Bulk Hands" were the runaway favorite and surely they could've slipped them in with some appropriate Deluxe or Voyager.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896958)
Posted by william-james88 on July 16th, 2017 @ 8:56am CDT
Kurona wrote: We should probably include a disclaimer though.
That said, it is admittedly a tiny little bit of a problem when a list comes out that happens to coincide with recent releases -- like this list, or a Top 5 Triple Changers list. But like Will said, he's happy to make an update at some later point so this isn't set in stone :)

The only disclaimer needed is the time of finalized writing, which was at the begining of 2017, before Nightstick came out. Unlike the triple changers, I had a ton of good material to write this list. The triple changers are still in the ether because I dont feel anything has ever been definitive for them.

And while recency bias is a thing, I would totally put a recent toy if I thought it was good (as I did with tricerashot or calling 2016 one of the best years in TF history for toys). Only reason I didnt put nightstick is because I still dont own him so I wouldnt know.

For anyone who owns him, is he that good? Is he as good as any of the others on this list? Is he better?

Rodimus Prime wrote:As for my list I am not familiar with characters that turn into weapons past Armada, so I will just nominate the entire Mini-con line from that continuity, with the Star Saber, the Requiem Blaster and the Skyboom Shield taking up the top 3 spots. That is, if combined characters-turning-into-weapons are allowed.

Everything can be allowed on your own list :-D I just made sure that on mine I would include toys that were more straightforward so that the discussion wouldnt get bogged down on how it is technically wrong to include something.

As for those combined characters turning into a weapon, I dont feel those were that great, personally. My problem is with their heft. It becomes such a big heavy weapon that its hard to weild. And with the starsabre, parts always come off when trying to pose him. And I know i am not the only one with these problems since I keep finding Armada Star Sabers that are glued together (sometimes too late to return it :-( ).

If I were to include a combining weapon, it would be this one, which is lighter and sitcks together better, and looks more like a sword.




I just found the bulkfist to be more fun and I didnt want to have all these japan exclusive microns in the same list.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896960)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on July 16th, 2017 @ 9:01am CDT
william-james88 wrote:Image

Damn that looks vastly superior to Star Saber. I got several of those Mini-Con weapon teams in that lot I got a lil while ago before I sold them off and goddamn they were annoying... and the Starsaber didn't look like much more than 3 mangled jets human-centipeding. That sword looks great.

Which Nightstick are people referring to exactly?
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896962)
Posted by william-james88 on July 16th, 2017 @ 9:06am CDT
Carnivius_Prime wrote:Which Nightstick are people referring to exactly?

The one that got released with Masterpiece Artfire a little over a month ago.

Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896963)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on July 16th, 2017 @ 9:09am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Carnivius_Prime wrote:Which Nightstick are people referring to exactly?

The one that got released with Masterpiece Artfire a little over a month ago.


Oh I was thinking Cyclonus not Artfire. Yeah not keen on the gun mode of that one. Too much of the legs sticking out the rear and the arms are far too obvious.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896965)
Posted by Noideaforaname on July 16th, 2017 @ 9:13am CDT
On Shockwave...
That extra, square peg is REALLY annoying, though. Only bots with the right shaped hands can wield him, so no DotM Shockers can't plug him onto his arm. :(


Does this count? ;)
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896966)
Posted by Kurona on July 16th, 2017 @ 9:16am CDT
william-james88 wrote:The only disclaimer needed is the time of finalized writing, which was at the begining of 2017, before Nightstick came out. Unlike the triple changers, I had a ton of good material to write this list. The triple changers are still in the ether because I dont feel anything has ever been definitive for them.

... :shock: Um, hi? Thrilling 30 Springer? Pulls off Triple Changing far more perfectly than any other toy while still retaining solidity, loads of articulation, accurately replicating a comic design and is beloved across the fandom?
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896967)
Posted by william-james88 on July 16th, 2017 @ 9:19am CDT
Kurona wrote:
william-james88 wrote:The only disclaimer needed is the time of finalized writing, which was at the begining of 2017, before Nightstick came out. Unlike the triple changers, I had a ton of good material to write this list. The triple changers are still in the ether because I dont feel anything has ever been definitive for them.

... :shock: Um, hi? Thrilling 30 Springer? Pulls off Triple Changing far more perfectly than any other toy while still retaining solidity, loads of articulation, accurately replicating a comic design and is beloved across the fandom?

Yeah, an easy number 1, but a definitive top 5 list, forget it, we dont have that, not by a long shot. Not when Energon Shockblast still has as good a chance as any to be on it.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896969)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on July 16th, 2017 @ 9:25am CDT
Kurona wrote:... :shock: Um, hi? Thrilling 30 Springer? Pulls off Triple Changing far more perfectly than any other toy while still retaining solidity, loads of articulation, accurately replicating a comic design and is beloved across the fandom?

I dunno. I love the toy, but I've never been absolutely too sure about the alt-modes. They're good but... I dunno. Particularly the helicopter looks a bit too segmented and forced together. And I've always hated those damn big wheels in robot mode especially on the legs. It just makes his legs look rather fragile to me, like if he got shot in the tyres and they deflated he'd have really fragile looking lower legs. Would have liked a way to cover them up somehow.

Unpopular opinion but as a triple-changing toy I actually prefer Titans Megatron (or Blitzwing if you prefer that one) as I like all three modes and the tank and plane look far more different to each other than Springer's chopper and car forms (even with the jet wings seen there folded over on the back of the tank) and the turret and wings fold up fairly tidily on the rather fine robot mode's backpack and I've happily had that figure as my G1 Megs since I got him last December.

Also Springer's car mode still reminds me of Count Duckula's head...which is fine in that I love Duckula but it's not what I should be thinking of when seeing a badass Autobot warrior. :P
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896971)
Posted by william-james88 on July 16th, 2017 @ 9:42am CDT
Carnivius_Prime wrote:I dunno. I love the toy, but I've never been absolutely too sure about the alt-modes. They're good but... I dunno.

Your not the only one. His was the name that came up the most in the comments in the top 5 most Overrated toys list.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1896972)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on July 16th, 2017 @ 9:44am CDT
william-james88 wrote:Your not the only one. His wa the name that came up the most in the comments in the Yop 5 most Overrated toys list.

:O I wouldn't have gone that far. He's still a great toy and one of my all time faves but I still think there's plenty of room for improvement for a truly amazing Springer figure.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1897007)
Posted by Hero Alpha on July 16th, 2017 @ 1:31pm CDT
Some of the Arm Microns are really cool. I have, Geki I thinks name, the clear blue elephant/grenade launcher and the green tri-barreled guy. Then the TFCC 2.0 Stylor and Frenzy. Really love that Frenzy with his gray colour and saw blade. That Bomb-burst looks great too. Oh and T30 IDW Springer is one of the best figures ever, hehe.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1897062)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on July 16th, 2017 @ 7:54pm CDT
Throwing this in from a prompt from an email, but MP Nightstick is amazing. I love him. the gun mode is really awesome, and he is so secure. Forms a great gun, and the robot mode is better than many retail figures from titans return and the such. In my opinion, he would easily be #1, followed by Shockwave and powerglide
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1897103)
Posted by Zeedust on July 16th, 2017 @ 9:23pm CDT
Kurona wrote: And this is before we get to Powerglide/Viper's gun mode being, ah... well, it doesn't look very good. It looks less like a gun and more like a robot lying down very awkwardly with missile pods painted on its arms.

Am I the only one who doesn't hate it? I'll admit that it's not quite as strong as the other two modes, but I still feel like it's a perfectly decent gun mode, particularly for the size/price point. It may not be elegant, but it definitely looks powerful. A pair of missile pods, two large barrels from the engines plus one medium and two tiny ones from the molded details at the back of the plane, and the targeting grid thing, it looks like it could rain a firestorm of pain down on whoever's unlucky enough to be its target.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1897104)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on July 16th, 2017 @ 9:24pm CDT
Zeedust wrote:
Kurona wrote: And this is before we get to Powerglide/Viper's gun mode being, ah... well, it doesn't look very good. It looks less like a gun and more like a robot lying down very awkwardly with missile pods painted on its arms.

Am I the only one who doesn't hate it? I'll admit that it's not quite as strong as the other two modes, but I still feel like it's a perfectly decent gun mode, particularly for the size/price point. It may not be elegant, but it definitely looks powerful. A pair of missile pods, two large barrels from the engines plus one medium and two tiny ones from the molded details at the back of the plane, and the targeting grid thing, it looks like it could rain a firestorm of pain down on whoever's unlucky enough to be its target.

I like it! Powerglide is awesome with Superion, it is a great triple changing target master
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1897133)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on July 17th, 2017 @ 1:50am CDT
Zeedust wrote:
Kurona wrote: And this is before we get to Powerglide/Viper's gun mode being, ah... well, it doesn't look very good. It looks less like a gun and more like a robot lying down very awkwardly with missile pods painted on its arms.

Am I the only one who doesn't hate it? I'll admit that it's not quite as strong as the other two modes, but I still feel like it's a perfectly decent gun mode, particularly for the size/price point. It may not be elegant, but it definitely looks powerful. A pair of missile pods, two large barrels from the engines plus one medium and two tiny ones from the molded details at the back of the plane, and the targeting grid thing, it looks like it could rain a firestorm of pain down on whoever's unlucky enough to be its target.

I'm with Kurona on this one. Doesn't look like a gun to ma at all. Just poor mangled Powerglide. :P
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1897506)
Posted by Zeedust on July 18th, 2017 @ 8:24pm CDT
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:I like it! Powerglide is awesome with Superion, it is a great triple changing target master

Thank you. It's nice to know I'm not completely alone.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1898188)
Posted by RK_Striker_JK_5 on July 20th, 2017 @ 7:30pm CDT
Good list overall, William. I... honestly can't think of anything I'd add or change.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1898236)
Posted by william-james88 on July 20th, 2017 @ 10:09pm CDT
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Good list overall, William. I... honestly can't think of anything I'd add or change.

That is most kind of you good sir!
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1898749)
Posted by Zeedust on July 22nd, 2017 @ 10:20pm CDT
Noideaforaname wrote:Image

Let me try...

Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1898810)
Posted by Kurona on July 23rd, 2017 @ 4:56am CDT
Zeedust wrote:
Noideaforaname wrote:Image

Let me try...


... that's unfortunate.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1899791)
Posted by Zeedust on July 26th, 2017 @ 1:13am CDT
Kurona wrote:... that's unfortunate.

That's one word for it. "Infuriating" is another. Friggin' Photobucket.
Re: Top 5 Best Targetmasters Post-G1 (1900877)
Posted by Zeedust on July 30th, 2017 @ 8:43pm CDT
All right, here's the image Photobucket didn't want you to see. (Well, I suppose that could describe a lot of images, but still.)


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