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Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers)

Transformers News: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers)

Sunday, February 16th, 2014 11:28AM CST

Categories: Toy News, Event News, Company News
Posted by: Va'al   Views: 28,598

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Ready for some more official images from Hasbro? We've been hearing and seeing about these Hero Mashers for a while now, check out below the official photography from the company!

Transformers News: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers)

Transformers News: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers)

Transformers News: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers)

Transformers News: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers)

Transformers News: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers)

Transformers News: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers)

Transformers News: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers)

Transformers News: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers)

Transformers News: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers)

Transformers News: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers)

Transformers News: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers)

Transformers News: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers)

Transformers News: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers)
Credit(s): Hasbro

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Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551313)
Posted by mesh on February 16th, 2014 @ 11:46am CST
generations roadbuster looks cool until you come to his feet.......or as I like to call them Sideshow Bob feet. :HEADHURTS: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551316)
Posted by Bumblevivisector on February 16th, 2014 @ 11:54am CST
Slash looks like he's named for what those leg-spikes do to his stomach every time he takes a step. Ouch.

Yeah, no matter how bad the movie comes out, there's no way I'm not getting at least one of each Dinobot, though which Grimlock is the definitive version will be hard to say until I actually see them on the shelves.

And the Mashers aren't doing too much for me so far, but if they're all interchangeable between properties, that'll probably change as they add more licenses than TF and Marvel.
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551318)
Posted by ScoutBumblebee on February 16th, 2014 @ 11:59am CST
Here are even more official Hasbro images, this time from the ConstructBots line. If you checked out the gallery yesterday, then you saw the pictures posted up from our staffers at hand at the Toy Fair, El Duque and Seibertron. Take a look now at the Hasbro pictures to get even more in depth with what we can look forward to in the months to come.

























Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551319)
Posted by Mkall on February 16th, 2014 @ 12:06pm CST
Jetfire has the nicest looking robot mode I've seen in a while. It's kind of cheating that he wears the entire plane as a backpack, but that's a minor quibble of mine.

Skybyte Looks kind of kibbly, but it looks pretty nice nonetheless.

I was really excited to see Roadbuster, and initially he looked good. But repeated analysis of him has caused him to lose points with me. I may actually get FansProject's version.

Jhiaxus kind of looks like an orange bat. I would've liked to have seen a more G2 colourscheme, but since I don't have much of an interest in the character, it will suffice.

Windblade looks very cool. I'll probably place her next to Drift for weeaboo overload.

Nightbeat's pretty good, but I loathe the gun that the mold comes with. He'll suffice until someone does a Headmaster version. I can't wait to get The Club's version off my shelf.

The Legends Class are all pretty good, but with the exception of Cosmos and Tailpipe, 3rd Parties are doing a better job or they're irrelevant to my interests.

Hound has some of the coolest weapons I've seen in years. I want to get him, toss the figure and keep the accessories. Hell, it's probably cheaper than some 3rd party add-on kits.

I'm torn on the Dinobots. They look cool and not as messy or over-designed as I had feared. But at the same time they're just not what I want on my shelves. Maybe when the inevitable G1-style repaints cone to market I'll pick up a couple.
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551320)
Posted by Spleenzorio on February 16th, 2014 @ 12:17pm CST
The Starscream Hero Masher has the derpiest face
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551325)
Posted by Manterax Prime on February 16th, 2014 @ 12:36pm CST
Dead Metal wrote:Gotta say the Generations Movie Dinobots look awesome. Sadly Grimlock's dino-mode looks terrible on both the Leader (too long and flat body) and Voyager (too fat and short). But the bot-mode looks damn fine! It does kinda look like he has limited arm articulation and suffers from "monkey arms".

The Flat-nosed Optimus Prime looks cool, well except for the weird arm design, yea monkey arms.

Pretty damn cool though overall. :D

Actually, Leader Grimlock and Voyager flat-nose OP clearly have wrist swivels, so that's a not to the monkey arms on them.

Sadly I don't see any wrist swivels on voyager Grimlock. :-(
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551328)
Posted by dragons on February 16th, 2014 @ 1:02pm CST
Autobot Genocide wrote:I will end up buying all of these , Even though i think the Dinobots are looking a little to much like Beast hunters when it comes to the aesthetics and the colors are a bit wild for me, guess we will have to wait and see see if there movie accurate .

I gotta say i really like Bulk Hound just look at all those accessories :APPLAUSE: at last movie figures with actual guns & melee weapons :grin: .

no dinobots are not movie accuate in colors they are more silver, grey looking dino modes in trailer if dino bots have color to them in bot mode in movie may not see much of it, something Hasbro roadbuster is making me not like it as much to fansproject version which sucks armor card looks great bot mode uneasy with,.

flatnoe truck prime unless there is slot on his left to put an extra smoke stack in truck mode I will most likey pass on him one smokestack in truck mode looks un even
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551329)
Posted by Autobot032 on February 16th, 2014 @ 1:03pm CST
The news team has been working tirelessly to bring you the best of Toy Fair 2014 and we're not stopping yet! Hasbro's official images keep rolling in and this time? Kre-O! Yesterday, we presented our in depth and high quality gallery of the newest Kre-O sets, Kreons and combiners. Today, we present the official images from Hasbro to round out this portion of the Toy Fair reporting.

You can see our full Toy Fair 2014 Kre-O gallery here: ... ent_id=337

So, without further ado, we present the official Kre-O images:






















Keep your optics tuned to for the latest in news and updates, plus the best galleries around!
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551332)
Posted by Va'al on February 16th, 2014 @ 1:11pm CST
To finish off the thread with official Hasbro product images, here's a look at the line that had everyone worried from Age of Extinction: the simplified, aimed at younger children Robots in Disguise movie line, featuring Flip-Change, Power Battlers and One-Step figures and the massive Stomp and Chomp Grimlock. You may also spot an interloper at the end, but we'll let it slide, yes?






































Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551335)
Posted by welcometothedarksyde on February 16th, 2014 @ 1:25pm CST
Those tiny Construct-bots guys look awesome :lol: I might even buy some of the better ones at full price. Lockdown and Hound look particularly appealing. I think Hasbro is doing much better with Construct-bots this time around. Also that red dino from the simplified line looks happy to see me
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551337)
Posted by Va'al on February 16th, 2014 @ 1:33pm CST
welcometothedarksyde wrote:Also that red dino from the simplified line looks happy to see me

I could not stop chuckling as I uploaded that image. :lol:
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551338)
Posted by Sodan-1 on February 16th, 2014 @ 1:34pm CST
I've maybe changed my mind about getting all of the deluxe and voyager Dinobots. The raptor dude looks stupid with all his claws, feathers and his hard hat, and I've never been a fan of the spinosaurus. I always thought it looked like the dinosaur all the other predators took the piss out of, with its big flashy sail and a snout like a pterodactyl. I might pick up Bulkhead though. With the exception of the weird forearms he looks like he'd make a pretty awesome enforcer-type.

Sky-byte is really cool. I'm assuming the comics would explain why he's sporting a Predacon insignia. I'll probably pick up Jhiaxus though, if only to harvest that amazing head sculpt. Nightbeat's pretty boss as well. New head and flames are very cool.
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551344)
Posted by Noideaforaname on February 16th, 2014 @ 1:45pm CST
I'm kinda glad I couldn't find Starscream and Waspinator, Acid Storm and Venin (Bugly) look a lot better.

With how often his toys have a screen-face, I'm wondering if Lockdown's supposed to be a big reveal in AoE... which is odd since it's not like he'd be instantly recognized by the common moviegoer.
Totally going to give Kreon Lockdown a gunface.

Still no names for those Micro-Changers...

Customizer Drift has a helicopter rotor. Weird.

Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551345)
Posted by Va'al on February 16th, 2014 @ 1:47pm CST
PENISAUR!! :michaelbay:
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551347)
Posted by Tresob on February 16th, 2014 @ 1:52pm CST
Is it wrong that out of all of those images, the figure I'm most looking forward to is Death's Head?
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551351)
Posted by Genocide G2.0 on February 16th, 2014 @ 2:00pm CST
dragons wrote:
Autobot Genocide wrote:I will end up buying all of these , Even though i think the Dinobots are looking a little to much like Beast hunters when it comes to the aesthetics and the colors are a bit wild for me, guess we will have to wait and see see if there movie accurate .

I gotta say i really like Bulk Hound just look at all those accessories :APPLAUSE: at last movie figures with actual guns & melee weapons :grin: .

no dinobots are not movie accuate in colors they are more silver, grey looking dino modes in trailer [b]if dino bots have color to them in bot mode in movie may not see much of it
[/b], something Hasbro roadbuster is making me not like it as much to fansproject version which sucks armor card looks great bot mode uneasy with,.

flatnoe truck prime unless there is slot on his left to put an extra smoke stack in truck mode I will most likey pass on him one smokestack in truck mode looks un even

Yeah i should have made my self a little more clear . I was thinking in either mode they might show a faint glimpse of these colors as if it had been worn with age , i know they have a metallic deco and i wasn't expecting a gang of rainbow dinosaurs running wild in the movie .
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551356)
Posted by welcometothedarksyde on February 16th, 2014 @ 2:08pm CST
Come to think of it, Hasbro is being really smart about those tiny Construct-bot guys. Bionicle used to sell very small sets of main characters, but Bionicle's successor Hero Factory has had no such tradition. I've been thinking that Hero Factory's lack of such small sets is a bad idea. Small items are appealing to kids as impulse buys. So Hasbro is doing something with their Construct-bots line, that LEGO has stopped doing with their Hero Factory line. Really smart move on Hasbro's part
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551357)
Posted by OptimalOptimus2 on February 16th, 2014 @ 2:12pm CST
I love Bumblebee's new mask. It looks like he's ready to blast some Decepticons in half.
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551359)
Posted by Mindmaster on February 16th, 2014 @ 2:14pm CST
Aww, I slept through helping with the official images posts. :-(

Going to start off with Generations:

Totally dig Nightbeat from Bumblebee. So glad that I couldn't find Goldfire. I was going to get him for the sake of owning at least one version of the mold, but seeing Nightbeat, I'll make sure to pick him up.

Windblade looks nice when she's transformed properly. Probably will pick her up.

I wish they had done a G2-accurate deco for Jhiaxus. For those who say that the deco would look wonky, the deco on the retail versions of the Fall of Cybertron Combaticons were pretty wonky themselves.

I'm liking Roadbuster. Pretty much poops on Fansproject's (sorry Mkall).

There's only two things that bug me with Sky-Byte; his claw/fin arm and his legs. I feel like the arm should be larger, and I do not like the looks of his legs.

Jetfire is perfect. I like how his Macross Valkyrie head is actually a straight-up mask, and his cartoon-accurate head is the real deal. :grin:

I'll be anxiously awaiting more Generations reveals. So far, it and other Classics-affiliated figures are a big part of my collection.

On to the Age of Extinction figures:

I'm happy to see the Age of Extinction toys to be properly transformed. They look much more appealing than the galleries implied.

I'm torn on the Dinobots. I'll probably pick up at least some of them, mainly Slug and Strafe. Scorn looks cool, but Slash has got some issues with stabbing himself with his knees. I don't know which version of Grimlock I like least; Voyager looks the best, but it's too small. Leader is the best size, but the T-Rex mode looks disproportional. I'll wait for some in-hand images to make a final decision.

Even though we didn't get official images for him and Bumblebee for whatever reason, Crosshairs looks awesome, will probably be picking him up.

Drift's deco still befuddles me. If he's primarily black with teal accents in the film, then where did the blue come from? :???: I mean, he looks cool, but his deco bothers me as much as Generations Jhiaxus.

Hound looks great, but I don't like the accordions that are his arms. I doubt he'll have sprongy punchy arms in the film.

Galvatron looks... generic. That's all I can say. If he had more color on him, I'd bite some more. Really, it depends on how he's characterized in the film before I make a final decision.

Can't wait to see more reveals in the coming months! Hopefully we'll see more Decepticons, as all we've seen in the collector-oriented line is Galvatron.
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551369)
Posted by Dead Metal on February 16th, 2014 @ 3:23pm CST
Manterax Prime wrote:
Dead Metal wrote:Gotta say the Generations Movie Dinobots look awesome. Sadly Grimlock's dino-mode looks terrible on both the Leader (too long and flat body) and Voyager (too fat and short). But the bot-mode looks damn fine! It does kinda look like he has limited arm articulation and suffers from "monkey arms".

The Flat-nosed Optimus Prime looks cool, well except for the weird arm design, yea monkey arms.

Pretty damn cool though overall. :D

Actually, Leader Grimlock and Voyager flat-nose OP clearly have wrist swivels, so that's a not to the monkey arms on them.

Sadly I don't see any wrist swivels on voyager Grimlock. :-(

It's not the wrist swivel I worry about, I noticed those, it's the elbows. Look at them, it looks like they permanently face inward, I can't seem to see any bicep joint that would move the elbow into a more natural pose.
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551373)
Posted by LOST Cybertronian on February 16th, 2014 @ 3:30pm CST
Crackback FTW! Name of the year.
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551374)
Posted by Va'al on February 16th, 2014 @ 3:35pm CST
LOST Cybertronian wrote:Crackback FTW! Name of the year.

Along with Penisaur. Hasbro: Getting more women into Transformers, for Year of the Horse. :saint:
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551380)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 16th, 2014 @ 3:51pm CST
Said this before and I'll say it again.

Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551381)
Posted by Mkall on February 16th, 2014 @ 3:52pm CST
Mindmaster wrote:I'm liking Roadbuster. Pretty much poops on Fansproject's (sorry Mkall).

I'd take offence and challenge you to a duel, but I know enough about you to know you'd kick my ass :P
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551385)
Posted by partholon on February 16th, 2014 @ 4:10pm CST
really likeing the generations stuff.

will definetly get jetfire and roadbuster. closest ive seen em come to their source material incarnations in ages.

the dinos are the real winners for me though.

will definetly get the grimlock with the black legs with the golden mace (cant fecking tell which is leader/voyager/basic on the images seen) seems to be the one most porportional.

nice to see the head mold even evokes the big grim (well whats been in the comics recently anyway)

strafe and slug look much better than i epected and im probably gonna get the spinosaurous one too. the raptor one looks daft though. keep thinking of that beaswars one from way back that was based on an archeoptryx.

all in all though it bodes well for the coming film . ironically i'd probably be happier with a more flim accurate steel grey paint scheme on the dinos. but thats a small complaint. these guys coulda been ALOT worse.

cant wait to see the in hand images.

Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551387)
Posted by kirbenvost on February 16th, 2014 @ 4:14pm CST
Sabrblade wrote:Said this before and I'll say it again.



Seriously though, this is better than Botcon. What's up with that?

I like Nightbeat. I'm glad he's not just a Jazz repaint too. Too bad I already have Bumblebee from that mold, but this will do. I'll probably transform his bot mode with doors pointing downwards to differentiate.

It is a little unfortunate that Jetfire's chest is such a cheat, but I expected it as soon as I saw the different canopies in each mode. He looks super cool regardless and will be inhabiting my MP shelf.

Hound would be better without those noodly arms. His arsenal is awesome, and the truck is really cool too.

I wish Evasion Mode OP's upper arms were actually silver like that on the actual toy. Looks a lot better that way. Still a definite buy at this point.

The rest of the (non-AOE) Generations toys I have already expressed my excitement about!
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551389)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 16th, 2014 @ 4:22pm CST
kirbenvost wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Said this before and I'll say it again.



Seriously though, this is better than Botcon. What's up with that?
With all the awesome reveals we got here, just imagine how much more awesome BotCon is going to be with even MORE reveals!

And then SDCC with EVEN MORE! Oh sweet mercy!

Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551390)
Posted by Mindmaster on February 16th, 2014 @ 4:27pm CST
Mkall wrote:
Mindmaster wrote:I'm liking Roadbuster. Pretty much poops on Fansproject's (sorry Mkall).

I'd take offence and challenge you to a duel, but I know enough about you to know you'd kick my ass :P

C'mon... what's the worst I could do? :saint:

Sabrblade wrote:
kirbenvost wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Said this before and I'll say it again.



Seriously though, this is better than Botcon. What's up with that?
With all the awesome reveals we got here, just imagine how much more awesome BotCon is going to be with even MORE reveals!

And then SDCC with EVEN MORE! Oh sweet mercy!


Lord Almighty, the last thing I need is a nerdgasm-induced heart attack.
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551392)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 16th, 2014 @ 4:32pm CST
Mindmaster wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
kirbenvost wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Said this before and I'll say it again.



Seriously though, this is better than Botcon. What's up with that?
With all the awesome reveals we got here, just imagine how much more awesome BotCon is going to be with even MORE reveals!

And then SDCC with EVEN MORE! Oh sweet mercy!


Lord Almighty, the last thing I need is a nerdgasm-induced heart attack.
Then again, just about everything new that we've seen thus far since yesterday was already told to us from the giant toy list we saw from Hasbro's customer service system, so we can probably use that to gauge what more there is to come.

But actually seeing what they look like should still be enough to poop our pants. :P
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551393)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 16th, 2014 @ 4:38pm CST
Also, the Jhiaxus toy is a lot more faithful to the E.J. Su IDW design than he appears to be. So many of the same details, right down to the crotch:

Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551394)
Posted by Azmodeus on February 16th, 2014 @ 4:44pm CST
dragons wrote:
Autobot Genocide wrote:I will end up buying all of these , Even though i think the Dinobots are looking a little to much like Beast hunters when it comes to the aesthetics and the colors are a bit wild for me, guess we will have to wait and see see if there movie accurate .

I gotta say i really like Bulk Hound just look at all those accessories :APPLAUSE: at last movie figures with actual guns & melee weapons :grin: .

no dinobots are not movie accuate in colors they are more silver, grey looking dino modes in trailer if dino bots have color to them in bot mode in movie may not see much of it, something Hasbro roadbuster is making me not like it as much to fansproject version which sucks armor card looks great bot mode uneasy with,.

flatnoe truck prime unless there is slot on his left to put an extra smoke stack in truck mode I will most likey pass on him one smokestack in truck mode looks un even

Do you communicate with other humans much? If you aren't able to articulate your thoughts more effectively than this keep them inside your head.
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551396)
Posted by Manterax Prime on February 16th, 2014 @ 5:06pm CST
Dead Metal wrote:
Manterax Prime wrote:
Dead Metal wrote:Gotta say the Generations Movie Dinobots look awesome. Sadly Grimlock's dino-mode looks terrible on both the Leader (too long and flat body) and Voyager (too fat and short). But the bot-mode looks damn fine! It does kinda look like he has limited arm articulation and suffers from "monkey arms".

The Flat-nosed Optimus Prime looks cool, well except for the weird arm design, yea monkey arms.

Pretty damn cool though overall. :D

Actually, Leader Grimlock and Voyager flat-nose OP clearly have wrist swivels, so that's a not to the monkey arms on them.

Sadly I don't see any wrist swivels on voyager Grimlock. :-(

It's not the wrist swivel I worry about, I noticed those, it's the elbows. Look at them, it looks like they permanently face inward, I can't seem to see any bicep joint that would move the elbow into a more natural pose.

Fear not Dead Metal, for they also have bicep swivels!
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551397)
Posted by Azmodeus on February 16th, 2014 @ 5:07pm CST
Sorry to be the voice of dissent but I don't see much to get excited about here. As far as AoE goes; the "Dinobots" in garish colors are horrible, the green APC is probably the best figure shown, The Grimlock with the black mace and silver legs in bot mode looks like it might be ok. Generations is a little better. Robotech Jetfire is decent and looks genius in comparison to most of the rest. The shark thing is interesting, but I don't really care for the bot mode. Windblade (?) has a great alt mode. Other than that I must say I'm disappointed, although not surprised. The mashups, smash changers, giant bobble heads, Constructbots and whatever other nonsense they cook up is of no interest to me. Hasbro's arrogance to think that simpler Transformers are needed for todays kids is moronic. If anything, today's kids need more complexity added to their lives. Too much of their entertainment is fed to them through TV and video games so the point that curiosity, exploration and discovery are concepts they don't even understand. If the Hasbro execs find that their own children have such dim intellects partnered with millisecond attention spans I suggest they look at the parenting being provided.
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551402)
Posted by fenrir72 on February 16th, 2014 @ 5:32pm CST
I wish Roadbuster just has bad camera angles.
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551403)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 16th, 2014 @ 5:34pm CST
Right now, the thing has me most hyped is the the fact that the names "Fangwolf", "Jarugar", and "Bullhorn" are all now official English Hasbro names. :KREMZEEK:
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551404)
Posted by Mindmaster on February 16th, 2014 @ 5:36pm CST
Sabrblade wrote:Right now, the thing has me most hyped is the the fact that the names "Fangwolf", "Jarugar", and "Bullhorn" are all now official English Hasbro names. :KREMZEEK:

Which one is Bullhorn again? Is that English for Killbison?
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551406)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 16th, 2014 @ 5:41pm CST
Mindmaster wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Right now, the thing has me most hyped is the the fact that the names "Fangwolf", "Jarugar", and "Bullhorn" are all now official English Hasbro names. :KREMZEEK:

Which one is Bullhorn again? Is that English for Killbison?
Horri-Bull's Masterforce counterpart. Killbison had no Englih counterpart/name.

In hindsight, this kinda makes the Shout! Factory subs seem a bit hypocritical (or at least, moreso than they already were), retrospectively.
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551408)
Posted by fenrir72 on February 16th, 2014 @ 5:50pm CST
Gears, Skyfire,Jiaxhus,Windblade and flat nosed Prime are instant buys for me. Roadbuster's skinny/hollow legs kind of a fence sitter. Given that FP is also releasing one. :BANG_HEAD:
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551412)
Posted by Burn on February 16th, 2014 @ 6:23pm CST
Azmodeus wrote:
dragons wrote:
Autobot Genocide wrote:I will end up buying all of these , Even though i think the Dinobots are looking a little to much like Beast hunters when it comes to the aesthetics and the colors are a bit wild for me, guess we will have to wait and see see if there movie accurate .

I gotta say i really like Bulk Hound just look at all those accessories :APPLAUSE: at last movie figures with actual guns & melee weapons :grin: .

no dinobots are not movie accuate in colors they are more silver, grey looking dino modes in trailer if dino bots have color to them in bot mode in movie may not see much of it, something Hasbro roadbuster is making me not like it as much to fansproject version which sucks armor card looks great bot mode uneasy with,.

flatnoe truck prime unless there is slot on his left to put an extra smoke stack in truck mode I will most likey pass on him one smokestack in truck mode looks un even

Do you communicate with other humans much? If you aren't able to articulate your thoughts more effectively than this keep them inside your head.

And if you aren't able to communicate your thoughts in a more civil manner then please, keep them inside your head.
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551420)
Posted by autobot1979 on February 16th, 2014 @ 6:46pm CST
I am a movie collector and now I cant wait for those toys be on shops shelves. Dinobots, deluxe and voyagers AOE are amazing :BOT: !!!
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551423)
Posted by Manterax Prime on February 16th, 2014 @ 6:57pm CST
dragons wrote:no dinobots are not movie accuate in colors they are more silver, grey looking dino modes in trailer if dino bots have color to them in bot mode in movie may not see much of it, something Hasbro roadbuster is making me not like it as much to fansproject version which sucks armor card looks great bot mode uneasy with,.

flatnoe truck prime unless there is slot on his left to put an extra smoke stack in truck mode I will most likey pass on him one smokestack in truck mode looks un even

And you know these aren't the movie colors how?
For all we know, the dinobots may very be those exact colors and the dark coloration on Grimlock in the trailer is nothing but dirt and moss covering him.
Same goes for Strafe.

The other dinobots have yet to appear in video form so you can't say these aren't the colors they have.
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551424)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 16th, 2014 @ 7:02pm CST
People forget that trailers can have preliminary models with unfinished, nonfinalized color schemes.

Case in point:



Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551425)
Posted by Manterax Prime on February 16th, 2014 @ 7:07pm CST
The city wasn't even fully rendered when Crosshairs appeared too.
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551432)
Posted by Mindmaster on February 16th, 2014 @ 7:47pm CST
Not to mention when Galvatron was slicing that car in half. >:oP
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551433)
Posted by Trikeboy on February 16th, 2014 @ 7:48pm CST
Here's something I noticed about the AoE lines, there are only two Decepticons shown. We have only seen Galvatron and Lockdown. What about the other Decepticons in the movie?
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551434)
Posted by Mindmaster on February 16th, 2014 @ 7:51pm CST
Trikeboy wrote:Here's something I noticed about the AoE lines, there are only two Decepticons shown. We have only seen Galvatron and Lockdown. What about the other Decepticons in the movie?

We know Stinger (the red Pagani Huayra) will be here. Then there's the possibility of having Movie-verse Vehicons, as there are quite a few of them included in the Age of Extinction Kre-O sets. We also have Dispenser (who seems to be a retool of the first film's Payload), if that specific product listing is to be believed.
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551437)
Posted by Shadowstream on February 16th, 2014 @ 7:59pm CST
Acid Storm looks good, but I'd honestly prefer they just make a bigger version of that style of seeker.

I'll go for just for the sake of the Earth vehicle mode, otherwise I'm sold on the Maketoy version.

... well any reason NOT to buy anything from Fansproject!

SkyByte looks cool enough, but I kinda hope these pictures have him mistransformed.

Jhiaxus will look great next to all the other deluxe-ified Decepticon big bads... but with that in mind I'm getting sick of seeing so many cons being so f*cking small.

Wingblade... well she looked bad when she was conceived, the toy lives up to the terrible look, and her alt mode is a joke. Good hard PASS! =;

Nightbeat looks kinda bland really, but at least he makes good use of the BB mold. I'll grant I was only disappointed about him using the RTS Jazz mold moreso because the Bumblebee mold needed to be used for someone other than Bumblebee, and not all because of the Jazz mold being used again. I still think the RTS Jazz mold is THE BEST deluxe mold to date, and would gladly welcome more uses out of it. :grin:

Jetfire/Skyfire looks good enough, but the back kibble kind of bothers me. I really like the classic voyager mold because most of his mass can be trimmed down by taking the booster pack off, and I also like how you could have his wings swept downward to make it look like he's wearing a lab coat. Incidentally, I can't find a picture anywhere to demonstrate this, so I guess I've found another test subject for the new camera.
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551442)
Posted by Wh33l Jck on February 16th, 2014 @ 8:32pm CST
Okay we have seen all this stuff... when is it getting released?

I know Movie stuff is in early May, but what about Jetfire and all those Legends that were rumored to be canceled, but are in fact not canceled?????
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551443)
Posted by Mindmaster on February 16th, 2014 @ 8:34pm CST
warzon3 wrote:Okay we have seen all this stuff... when is it getting released?

I know Movie stuff is in early May, but what about Jetfire and all those Legends that were rumored to be canceled, but are in fact not canceled?????

Well, if last year was anything to go by, we should start seeing Roadbuster and Sky-Byte around April, and the Jhiaxus-Nightbeat-Windblade wave around late summer/early fall. As for Jetfire, who knows. :-?
Re: Toy Fair 2014 Coverage - Official Hasbro Product Images (Robot Mashers) (1551449)
Posted by durroth on February 16th, 2014 @ 9:02pm CST
Noideaforaname wrote:I'm kinda glad I couldn't find Starscream and Waspinator, Acid Storm and Venin (Bugly) look a lot better.

With how often his toys have a screen-face, I'm wondering if Lockdown's supposed to be a big reveal in AoE... which is odd since it's not like he'd be instantly recognized by the common moviegoer.
Totally going to give Kreon Lockdown a gunface.

Still no names for those Micro-Changers...

Customizer Drift has a helicopter rotor. Weird.


I *THINK* lockdown's "screenface" is some sort of battlemask. In the film the screen part is probably transparent. I imagine he probably gets readouts on it too. What I'm wondering is if there will be any mechanism for changing to his normal face on the basic figure, or possible future announce voyager.

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